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September 19, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 8) • Page Image 18

… is a unique new plan that helps college students to purchase an Apple' Macintosh'' computer. It's a special low-inter- est loan designed exclusively for the parents of undergraduate and graduate…

Computer Kickoff Hands - On Display: Ground floor, Michigan Monday - Friday 10am Union - 6pm 4 Notice: If you want to take advantage of Apple's Loan program to purchase your Macintosh at Kickoff prices…

…4 Page 18- The Michigan Daily - Monday, September 19, 1988 4 Tee Appee Student Loan -to - wn Progra m 4 4 hA ki f V 5O W~~ I'. :4 I' Overview The Apple Student Loan-to-Own Program…

… students who do not qualify for traditional student assistance programs or who need to supplement federally sponsored aid. The Apple Student Loan-to- Own Program makes the borrow- ing process easy. Unlike…

… just as easy, because the Apple Student Loan-to-Own Program lets your parents spread their payments over as many as 10 years-which makes for ex- ceptionally affordable monthly payments. The loans are…

…, see an Apple representative at the Hands - On display as soon as possible! 111.1 14 …

September 16, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 7) • Page Image 14

…-to-Own Program is a unique new plan that helps college students to purchase an Apple' Macintosh' computer. It's a special low-inter- est loan designed exclusively for the parents of undergraduate and graduate…

…Page 14 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, September 16, 1988 4 Te ppe tudent Loan -to- wn 4 Program 4 14 ga, 4 44' 4 .SO WO L qyl-6 c a "I I Overview The Apple Student Loan…

… students who do not qualify for traditional student assistance programs or who need to supplement federally sponsored aid. The Apple Student Loan-to- Own Program makes the borrow- ing process easy. Unlike…

… just as easy, because the Apple Student Loan-to-Own Program lets your parents spread their payments over as many as 10 years-which makes for ex- ceptionally affordable monthly payments. The loans are…

… period. 11 4 ":'J.": get" I For an application and more information, stop by the Computer Kickoff Hands - On Display: Ground floor, Michigan Union Monday - Friday loam - 6pm 4 Notice: If you want…

… to take advantage of Apple's Loan program to purchase your Macintosh at Kickoff prices, see an Apple representative at the Hands - On display as soon as nossible! A …

September 08, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 1) • Page Image 38

… Univers in cooperation with Apple Computer, IB brings you Compute piI ity of Mi M and Zen ith chigan Data Systems )ff '88 a to the power of significant savings. season, r Kickc )that y imputin…

… (ou may h ave the most Co nvenient access ig,we are offering a variety of systems at , For more information: *Booklets (including systems and prices) available at- *All Campus Computing Sites…

… *Campus Information Center *Computing Resource Center *Photo & Campus Services *Hands-On Demonstration and Seminar Aug. 15-Sept. 30 10:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. Michigan Union Mall (ground floor) Don't miss the…


April 11, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 129) • Page Image 9

… COLORS - CHECK OUT OUR FRESH SPRING MERCHANDISE! 20-50% off all merchandise *offer good April 18-29th, excludes Balfour jewelry, customized paddles and mugs. K 01988, Apple Computer, Inc. Apple and the…

Apple logo are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. Macintosh and Macintosh Plus are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. For more information contact: Computer Resource Center 3113 School of…

… Competitive Edge. MacintoshTM Plus reduced in price... f R SOME LIE] 1 l c ...just in time for graduation MacintoshTM Plus $1268.00 Apple 20Mb Hard Drive $725.00 ImageWriterIITM $456.00 SHOW YOUR TRUE…

January 08, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 68) • Page Image 5

…987Apple Computer Inc . Apple and theApple logo are registered trademarks a0/and Mbacintotsh. linageW-ier and Thbe powcer to be yiour best are trademarks ofApple Computer Inc…

… ............................__________ .,,. r-Aw. S r. f& 'A~!. M ,m S OE:6.,VAW:;i%'CC .G>::1 A? 3. A% :?£ ~F .1 .~ Buy aprinterwithyourMacintosh and conserve paper A Macintosh" personal computer and an - ImageWriter" printer .--- will save…

December 02, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 60) • Page Image 7

… have a phone system tied into the existing computer registration sys- tem. "Phone registration and on-line terminals will be standard in 10 years" at U.S. universities, said Associ- ate Registrar Douglas…

… com- bined phone and on-line registration system, said Dan Stuart, assistant registrar for scheduling and registra- tion, primarily for "the convenience of the student." Some computer terminals will be…

… days of the term, she said. Students at Ferris St. are assigned a day, based on the number of credit hours they have, when they can begin calling, Sonnenberg said. The computers and phones open at 3 a…

… Michigan would probably need 48 phone lines. As early as next semester, Woolley said software should be in place to allow any student, via the MTS computer network, to check on the number of spaces available…

… Hillel. Chanukah I 1429 Hill St. 769-0500 um m ._...._ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ i i * I I I Educational Holiday Promotion Take an Apple4acintosh home frteholidays. 0 o O a.- 0 p0 0 0 0Qa 0 0 0 a…

… 04 t Bundle #1 Bundle #3 Macintosh Plus with Apple 800K floppy drive Imagewriter U printer Microsoft Word Quantity left: 30 $1,941 Bundle #2 Macintosh Plus with Apple 20M SCSI drive Imagewriter II…

… printer Microsoft Word Ouuantity left: 70 ".. . Take immediate delivery! Take advantage of Apple's great financing program! Offer good only while these bundles last! Stop by the Hands-On Display, Ground…

September 23, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 12) • Page Image 7

… Prices!" I1 ( I l 0 bO a- Avoid penalty charges and order your Macintosh today! Prices are Going UP! Apple Computer, Inc. announced product price increases which will affect certain CPUs…

…, peripherals and upgrade kits. U of M's Computer Kickoff '88 is your opportunity to purchase a Macintosh BEFORE prices are increased. Equipment ordered after October 15th will reflect the following increases…

October 05, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 20) • Page Image 19

…0 - W3- -is - - 16 U. THE NATIONAL COLLEGE NEWSPAPER Dollars And Sense SEPTEMBER 1988 SEPTEMBER 1988 Life And Art U. THE NATIONAL COLLEGE NEWSPA Weaver, Hardball clash in battle of computer

… games By Marc Weinberg Daily Bruin U. of California, Los Angeles Computer sports games are, by and large, a waste of time. Either they are strategy-oriented and feature poor graphics, or it's the exact…

… Shorthorno U. of Texas, Arlington When Apple Corp. stated in a_ brochure that "thousands of people= have gotten more than they bar- gained for from their Apple compu- ters," it wasn't referring to scrambled…

… data, inability to print and frequent system crashes. a But that's exactly what they got. Some Macintosh Computer users are being stumped by computer viruses. "They can cause the whole system to crash…

…, preventing you from acces-P sing any information on the hard disk," said Beth Riblet, an Arlingtond Computer virus: A. rog- a Make back-ups for hard and computer store manager.ram that resides, unknown to…

… floppy disks. The viruses initially breezed unde- the computer user, on his or her tected through a network connecting hard or floppy disks either Whenever obtaining anew teced hrogh newor conecing…

… damaging or destroying prog- program, write-protect the disk computers by telephone. Computer rams, files and data. Damaging immediately and make a copy. users who have downloaded software, and destroying…

…, invisible programs -m rybanks.hVyrufe pert vatcall to help protect a disk believed to have originated on the diciiae;thyaft pr vcie r p'etve o West Coast - spread from program sonal computers as well as com…

September 13, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 4) • Page Image 8

… von have the elements of the rra company of the nleXt century: Apple. If ou re ready to lead the wa beyond the ur" 2000, and vou re about to receive a degree in engi- neering or computer scielice, why…

… create the first 21st century company Apple has always been a little ahead of its time. From the introdulctionl of the first popLular lpersonlal compu-' ter, to the first system to use graphic user…

… marl ways, Apple is well on its way to becoming the first 21st century compaiy in the Fortune 200, W'here the typical company\ emphasizes hbier- archy at Apple we stress networks. Instead of man - dates…

… not join a company as eager to see what you ca 0do as you are-Apple. CoMe hear our engineers and MIS managers talk about our future and your future With us. We'll be on campus: September 15th from 6pm…

… The ower to be ur best. An equal opportulitV emplover 19 :Aple Compuj~ltr.,hic Apple ,tadil teAple lgs)It~ rtrtimltlw~Iiridtinark. t1 -Apple pt nilc FOOD BUYS SZE-CHUAN WEST Specializing in Sze…

April 13, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 131) • Page Image 7

…. Our summer sublet for $100/mo. Great housemates! Call 995-4599. SUPER OFFER- MusicMan guitar amp/cab 150W/ Ch, 4 12" sp. Call Tod:769-126/b COMPUTER MDSE WANTED. Used Apple ;'Macintosh Plus" computer

… graduation ! MacintoshTM Plus $1268.00 Apple 20Mb Hard Drive $725.00 Im age WriterITM $456.00 c1988, Apple Computer, Inc. Apple and the Apple logo are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. Macintosh…

…- addressed envelope to: Application 1988, P.O. Box 16499, Carkton, MI 406 Present or former English 225 students: stu- dents.needed to serve as subjects for a project examining the use of computers in wnting…

…. Experience using computers for writing re- q.uired. $5.00/hr. for 6-9 hours over 4 ses- sions. Availability Sprin term helpful. Call Deanna Migut, Sholof Ed. 936-2743. REPRODUCTIVE BI- OLIGIST/EMBRIOLOGY. Very…

November 22, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 54) • Page Image 8

…) 783-1033 Michigan Union - 663-7749 a There's a Sale on Macintosh Computers! ...and Just in Time for Finals--and the Holidays. Bundle #1 Macintosh Plus with Apple 800K floppy drive Imagewriter II…

… printer Microsoft Word Quantity left: 30 $1,941 Take advantage of these low prices! # . , . Take immediate delivery! Take advantage of Apple's great financing program! Offer good only while these bundles…

… last! ,@",, Stop by the Hands-On Display, Ground Floor, Michigan Union Bundle #2 Macintosh Plus with Apple 20M SCSI drive Imagewriter II printer Microsoft Word Quantity left: 70 $ 2,133 Bundle #3…

… Friday, January 20 or stop by the CRC, third floor School of Ed., anytime 9-5 Great1 I t I I ik-- - term papers.Great tems. ,_ 3 3 i i . l tt{-it4ltG . . I' To buy a Macintosh computer to help with…

… your writing, ask your parents to do some writing. On an Apple Student Loan-to-Own application, that is. If they qualify for the loan, they'll receive a check in a few weeks-and you'll have a Macintosh…

… on your desk soon after that. So stop by and pick up an application. Do it now; before the term's over. Apple's Student Loan-to-Own Program !2 t - 4 id …

November 21, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 53) • Page Image 5

… details about the case. - Micah Schmit - There's a Sale on Macintosh Computers! ...and Just in Time for Finals--and the Holidays. Bundle #1 Macintosh Plus with Apple 800K floppy drive Imagewriter II…

… by the CRC, third floor School of Ed., anytime 9-5 Great 1 erI 7 ~1 -- a . . " *. To buy a Macintosh" computer to help with your writing, ask your parents to do some writing. On an Apple Student…

… low prices! . r . . Take immediate delivery! Take advantage of Apple's great financing program! Offer good only while these bundles last! Stop by the Hands-On Display, Ground Floor, Michigan Union…

… Bundle #2 Macintosh Plus with Apple 20M SCSI drive Imagewriter II printer Microsoft Word Quantity left: 70 $ 2,133 _I Bundle #4 Macintosh SE with 20M internal SCSI dr Standard keyboard Imagewriter II…

… after that. So stop by and pick up an application. Do it now, before the term's over. ' r Apple's Student Loan-to-Own Program -vim; t …

December 09, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 65) • Page Image 8

… about: -computing centers -library hours coc -CRISP -graduation campus information center -and a lot more! For phone numbers on campus, call the CAMPUS OPERATOR ! 4 until 11:00 p.m. Come Early and…

… Party! Maynard 994-6500 310 1 A 4 Intent to Demonstrate I,-. {m Whether it's conquering bio-chem lab, tracking your progress on the team, or straightening an artistic bent, Apple knows you've been…

… using your Macintosh for more than just writing papers. Since we've always held that you are the true genius behind your computer, we've set aside a day in February for you to share your ideas with all…

… receive a free Apple sweatshirt and an opportunity to win an Apple scanner or a CD-ROM. Submission deadline is December 22. Exhibitor interviews will be held inJanuay. Name: Campus Address:. Is your…

…: Major: Phone: Drop off your "Intent to Demonstrate" at any of the ResComp Monitor Clusters: EastQuad, SouthQuad, WestQuad, Alice-Lloyd, Markley, Mosher-Jordan, Bursley or at the Computer Resource Center…

January 18, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 74) • Page Image 5

… the School of Education, won the InterUniversity Consortium for Ed- ucational Computing (ICEC)/ Apple Fellowship last month. His program, which assigns colors and sizes to each variable of a complex…

…, and an all-expense paid trip to Apple Computer in Cupertino, Calif. in August, to present his completed program to ICEC and Apple representatives. With the extra money, Barritt says he'll "live and eat…

… Program, explains the procedure for artificial heart im- plant. Deeb is co-leader of the 20-member team responsible for artificial heart surgery at the University. Student wins fellowship from Apple

Computer Designs program using colors for decision-making By STEVEN TUCH A University doctoral student may have found a way to make com- plicated decisions easier. Matthew Barritt, a doctoral student in…

… decision, is intended to help its users make sound choices. The program color codes each Barritt. "It utilizes their ability to interpret color." ICEC and Apple chose 28 universities to design and develop a…

… system or application software using Apple technology, ICEC/Apple research areas like user-interface and graphics, and adopting project results for teaching and research. The idea for the program was first…

… variables, it allows people to get a grasp in an intuitive way," added Barritt. "We can make a much more robust tool out of it with the Macintosh than the Apple HIe." For his work, Barritt will receive $2500…

September 15, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 6) • Page Image 2

… priority tod are left," fire operations are expected again in the U-M students, fculy and staf can take advantage of 41% -58 of retail prices on Apple, IBM and Zenith personal computers through U…

… theWhpoderi sring that havfer id A decsinl beginn tmadtrr inthw.ek 4 4 4 4 4 Save Big Bucks on a Persona Computer! weathe UNDATED - Cold National Park, and firefi hot spots. But experts…

…-M's Computer Kickoff Sale. To help you decide on a system, take a test-drive and talk to a representative at the *~~D HanOnisla in the Michigan Union Mal l0am - 6pm Call 763-6181 for more information, or pick…

… book/order form at: Alil Campus computing sites Campus Information Center, Michigan Union Computing Resource Center Photo and Campus Services Order your computer today! Editor in Chief…

September 14, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 5) • Page Image 9

… and staff can take advantage of 41% - 58% off retail prices on Apple, IBM and Zenith personal computers through U-M's Computer Kickoff Sale. To help you decide on a system, take a test-drive and talk to…

… BOARDWALK (Near Briarwood) 662-0243 No Jacket Required to work at Michigan Telefund Earn $5.00-$6.50/hr. plus bonuses Flexible evening hours Save Big Bucks on a Personal Computer! U-M students, faculty…

… a representative at the Hands-On Display in the Michigan Union Mall l~am - 6pmn Call 763-6181 for more information, or pick up an info book/order form at: All campus computing sites Campus Information…

… Center, Michigan Union Computing Resource Center Photo and Campus Services Order your computer today! 4 …

February 12, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 93) • Page Image 9

…): HYPERCARD APPLICATIONS. HyerCard software products (art, films, biological sciences) that run on an Apple Macintosh computer and control laser videodiscs. FABULOUS PERKS'!!A BONUS PRIZES!! Renf a Car from…


… system and an authoring system. 2:30-3:30 HYPERCARD: APPLE CORPORATION. Use of HyperCard as an authoring system. Mike Novak, University of Michigan. 3:30-4:30 VOYAGER COMPANY (Janus Films and Voyager Press…

February 11, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 92) • Page Image 8

… COMPANY (Janus Films and Voyager Press): HYPERCARD APPLICATIONS. HyperCard software products (art, films, biological sciences) that run on an Apple Macintosh computer and control laser videodiscs. i q…


…: Authorware. Both acourseware design system and an authoring system. 2:30-3:30 HYPERCARD: APPLE CORPORATION. Use of HyperCard as an authoring system. Mike Novak, University of Michigan. 3:30-4:30 VOYAGER…

… . U-M Computing Cen ti ti ": ::":. IX, ......................... .......... '?i Wednesday, Febru 7:30pm Hosted by Amazin' jary 17 Blue I1 4) LZ I 1-1 ) )7, E RECRUIT CO., LTD. has been…

… York offices,.... .' &Q.I 04 MON-THUR FRI 7AM -1AM 7AM - 9PM challenging work in such fields as telecommunications, super-computing and publishing awaits you. Place: 2311 EECS y,9ORO Date…

September 22, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 11) • Page Image 7

… easily adapts to your computing style. With a detachable battery for easier portability. An AC adapter/recharger that plugs into any outlet. MS-DOS* to run virtually all PC/XT compatible software. And 640K…

… back 180-degrees so it lies flat to accommodate a desktop monitor. Computer Kickoff '88 E&y d staem s Hands-On Display Area N REM s 1 t!L(7ALIYR E. f I{RE TENAME GOOE~i ON Michigan Union-Ground Floor PC…

…:00am-6:00pm "trsiyil e"Iu'*W e''"""iy"io ah" n M on-ri 1 :00 m -6:0pmstudents, faculty and staff for their own use. No other discounts apply. Limit one portable personal computer per individual in any 12…

… one scmanM CD cluding the ex- Pocket Discman, plays the new And even if you the CD player, you may still win one of 15 Apple T-shirts. No strings attached--just fill out a registration form at the…

April 11, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 129) • Page Image 7

…- 1370. COMPLETE TRAVEL:For Interviews Va- cations, Getting away! 1920 Pkrd. 761-5533. COMPUTER MDSE. WANTED: Used Apple "Macintosh Plus" computer in good condition. Call collect (616)755-6515. i.. We…

… Amiga 2000 Color system......... $1729 IBM-XT compatiables Herc-$799 EGA-$1099 Apple ][e/][c compatiable w/disk drive- Atari 1O4OST .. Mono-$850, Color Computer Consuftant's Surpfus 769-5 $489 -$999…

…, North Woodmere, NY, 11581. 800-421-4321. CO-ED Massachusetts summer camp seeks counselors. Call (914)762-2820. COMPUTER SALES POSITION with Au- tomation Link. Call 747-9400, Rafiq. CUSTOM PICTURE FRAMER…

… publication design skills, keyline ex enence, and good communication skills. Macintosh computer. experience is helpful. Send resume, salary expectations and availability date to Box 5, 2055-28th St., S…

… as subjects for a project examining the use of computers in writing. Experience usingcomputers for w ntmg re quired. $5.00/hr. for 6-9 hours over 4 ses- sions. Availability S ri term helpful. Call…

September 20, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 9) • Page Image 8

…,::JI::::."":J: G::. '*:k::""::':: :":t': : ::i:":.:::: :J 4 4 11 Personal U. -Mstucents, facufty, 41 % - 58% off retaifpri personaf computers tflrou To help you decide on a system, take a test- drive and talk to…

… a representative at the Hands-On Displa in the Michigan Union Mall loam - 6pm Call 763-6181 for more informa- Co mputer! and staff can take adivantage of ices on Apple, PBM, and Zenith ql U-9vs…

Computer Kickoff Safe. y 4 k r t'- k) # i Know every line in Annie Hall? Can you pronounce Truffaut? LI tion, or pick up an information book/order form at: ff campus computing sites Campus Infonnation…

… Center, Michi qan 'Union Computing fResource Center Photo and Campus Services Order your computer today! 4 / 4'. * $v .,Q Do you agree with our music editor who says, "Lynch is cool"? I. Do you use…

September 09, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 2) • Page Image 4

…OPINION Page 4 Friday, September 9, 1988 The Michigan Daily i1 te mbsrt a nerichigan Edited and managed by students at The Un iversity of Michigan Ignore the 'U' computer 'kickoff' \ / i Vol…

… advancement puts more and more information and computing power in the hands of everyone. For instance, the ability to learn arithmetic calculations is certainly less essential now due to the calculator. The…

…, the "Computer Kickoff '88 Information Booklet" argues the opposite of social re- sponsibility. Hornback is .a Prof. of English in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts. Your "Kickoff '88…

…" pamphlet urges you to buy a personal computer. I'm not sure why the University of Michigan is en- gaged in the business of selling comput- ers, but it is. We didn't try to sell your predecessors pencil…

… of a hard-sell confidence person to buy a personal computer. "Some professors on campus require that students use microcomputers to com- plete assignments," according to Mr. Van Houweling. If that is…

… true, and you run into such a requirement, you should call your family's lawyer, or the Michigan Consumers Council, or the local Legal Aid Society. Don't put up with such non- sense. The Computer Czar…

… also advises you that, "regardless of how many Campus Computer sites are built, they are still likely to be crowded with people waiting in queues during the final weeks of each term." President…

… Duderstadt has spent three years - and a great deal of taxpayer's and students' money - building computer ac- cess sites around campus for those who want to use computers. The Chief Tech* nocrat, using the…

… sleaziest of advertising techniques, says that even if the President gives you 20,000 computer terminals, you'll still have to stand in line. If you. want to get ahead he argues, invest in a personal computer

…. That's perverse, to start with. It contra- dicts University policy and practice as well. And either the Personal Computer Pusher is wrong or President Duderstadt is wrong - and I'll bet that the…

November 01, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 39) • Page Image 3

… the University, which began coming in late this summer, have been limited to Apple Macintosh software. The viruses have caused problems with computer start-up and laserwriter printing, said Phil…

… between the two the most of them. Computer virus infects campus THE LIST What's happening in Ann Arbor today Speakers SOLIDARITY: "Revolution in Nicaragua" - Gary Ruchwargerand Susan Lebell, Guild House…

… country. This fall, how- ever, dreaded viruses have attacked computers in Ann Arbor. University computer consultants are noting the arrival of "computer viruses" - programs which are de- signed to attack…

computer storage de- vices, installing themselves within other applications. The viruses wreak havoc at pre- scribed times upon all programs with which they can come in contact. Similar to organic viruses…

…, less than one percent of the floppy disks in the Computing Resource Center (CRC) are infected, said Jim Sullivan, a manager in the Public Facilities division of center. . Reports of computer viruses at…

… infected disk to a t°f f 5 f 4 fat '-j< Y J 2 '3Gr 1" r ~ 41', /e clean disk without trouble, although he warned that there is a risk in- volved when one inserts an infected disk into a computer at the…

September 16, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 7) • Page Image 2

… AFTER 6 P.M. U Ji Save Big Bucks on a Personal Computer! ,1 U-M students, faculty and staff can take advantage of 41% - 58% off retail prices on Apple, IBM and Zenith personal computers

… through U-M' s Computer Kickoff Sale. To help you decide on a system, take a test-drive and talk to a representative at the Hands-On Display in the Michigan Union Mall loam - 6pm Call 763-6181 for more…

… information, or pick un up an info book/order form at: All campus computing sites Campus Information Center, Michigan Union Computing Resource Center Photo and Campus Services Order your computer today…

September 14, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 5) • Page Image 3

… elements of the first company of the next century: Apple. If you re ready to lead the way beyond the year 2000, and you're about to receive a degree in engi- neering or computer science, why not join a…

… first 21st century company Apple has always been a little ahead of its time. From the introduction of the first popular personal CompuI- ter, to the first system uto Use graphic user interface, to the…

… first desktop publishing-.systeml, our goal has always been the same: to change the world with comlputers. That goal results in a conpany that is every hit as advanced as its products. In many ways. Apple

… is well on its way to becoming the first 21st century company in the Fortune 200. Where the typical company emphasizes hier- archv', at Apple we stress networks. Instead of man- dates coming down from…

… company as eager to see what you can do as youare-Apple. Come hear our engineers and MIS managers talk about our future and your future With us. We'll be on campus: September 15th from 6p.m. to 8p.m. MASS…

September 15, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 6) • Page Image 1

…' autumn in an apple orchard More than a thousand visitors are expected to come to Wiard's Orchards ins Ypsilanti each weekend until late October. Taylor resident Carol O'Neal makes a new friend at the…

… petting barn. Ypsilanti resident Ron Hoge climbs an apple tree for hard-to-reach McIntosh apples.. Photos by Karen HandelmanM hij ackers MASERU, Lesotho (AP) --South African police killed three hijackers…

… enrollments are increasing rapidly, the University must adjust the budget to make room for the added students, Kennedy said. Also, he said, next year's budget proposal reflects computer improvements these…

November 10, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 46) • Page Image 5

… the American electorate, Michael Dukakis had swiped our baseball, eaten our apple pie, and smacked our mother, all in one shot. And, Tuesday night, they made their choice. But though they'll see George…

…- If good math grades are important '. try the Kemeny! to you.. The Computer Software Series (Calculus, Pre-Calculus, Probability, Discrete Math, Statistics and Algebra) was developed by math…

… professors at Dartmouth College. Used at hundreds of major universities, the software is designed to help students gain a better understanding of math concepts by using the computer. These best-selling Kurtz…

March 04, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 103) • Page Image 8

…, please contact us. CONJUGATEIt Spanish is a trademark of Macadamia Software. Macadamia Software is a registered trademark of Macadamia Software. Macintosh is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc…

…. Ir 1 hk i I'm alwaysanswering computer questions... I wish I could aet paid for it!!! 'A ,k $ r rvar vVM N Vi /i+[tid V/ lbisi .r 1 h 1 y . 1 1L "1 tit 4 J.. h'rtir ':"i is {':"!: "":""L r…

… , . . -.:.- - YOU CAN! Be a Computing Center Consultant!!! …

November 16, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 50) • Page Image 6

… brakes, tires, muff. Reliable, $500/Best. 482-2156 eves. APPLE 2C PC for sale. $750 or best. 996- 9457 anytime and leave message. COMPAQ Portable Computer- 2 drives, mint cond. w/ software: $800. 769…

Apple and IBM computers. Must be available to work after- noons and Saturdays. Send resume & cover letter to Corputerland, 1898 W. Stadium,' Ann Arbor, MI 48103. *DISPLAY* Act Now! SAVE OUR ENVIRONMENT…

… ESH VERY MUCH. JUGS & NAN-lots of orchids to the scummi- est quad around-check the drawer for apples- don t forget your room duties! MASS MEETING for volunteers to help w/ auction to raise $ for A2…

… away with completely 42 Computer adjunct 45 Uninterested 46 Sound 47 Batter, in Bonn 4 Business abbr. 49 Impiety 52 Negative contraction 55 TLC dispensers 57 Part of a sentence 59 Wicked 3 Proficient 4…

….KAPLAN EDUCATONALENTER L THE WORLD'S LEADING TEST PREP ORGANIZATION Call 662-3149 today! 203 E. Hoover " Ann Arbor HELP WANTED *COMPUTER SALESPERSON* Part-time position for someone with sales ex- perience and knowledge of…

… time. Call 747-7044. COMPUTER/AV users facility on Medical Campus needs part-time help. Learnuse computers.eWill train. Relability a must. Morning hours available. $4.10/hr. Call Deb- bie 763…

April 08, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 128) • Page Image 7

… Location, A/C, Dishwasher. REAL CHEAP!! Call Gene @ 930-0447.- COMPUTER MDSE. WANTED: Used Apple "Macintosh Plus" cornputer in good condition. Call collect (616)755-651 5 ZENITH 158 COMPUTER w/ Zenith moni…

…)762-2820. COMPUTER SALES POSITION with Au- tomation Link. Call 747-9400, Rafiq. CONLIN BRIDE SHOWCASE is looking for a pt. time salesperson who is fashion con- scious, personable, & can work Sat. & some wkday…

computer experience is helpful. Send resume, salary epectations and availability date to Box 5, 2055-28th Sit., S.E., Grand Rapids, MI, S 49508. HELP WANTED: Administrative assistant needed evening hours and…

… serve as subjects for a project examining the use of computers in writing. Experience using computers for writing re- quired. $5.00/hr. for 6-9 hours over 4 ses- sions. Availability Spring term helpful…

April 15, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 133) • Page Image 7

…/ COMPUTERIZED TYPING. Fast, accurate, reasonable. NFS, Inc. Free Parking. 973-1113. Write on... g Editin 9an56 -r ing Take Home A Piece of WORK ON YOUR R ESUM1 IE THIS FALL. Do youlie awake at night wondering…

… TRAVEL:For Interviews Va- cations, Getting away! 1920 Pkrd. 761-9533. ONE WAY AIR TCKT from Metro to Al- bany, NY on 4/30. $80 or B.O. Call 764- 2034. COMPUTER MDSE. WANTED: Used Apple "Macintosh Plus…

… infr- mation about volunteer positions, phone Marie at Prospect Place/SOS Crisis Center. 485-8780. CO-ED Massachusetts summer camp seeks counselors. Call (914)762-2820. COMPUTER SALES POSITION with Au…

…- DENTS needed in internal medicine (hemotolor & ancology) for Spr./Sum. '88. Office wo , computer experience desirable. Great pay. Inquire at 936-590. FULL TIME- SUMMER. Maintain private grounds. Chelsea…

… area. Refs. required. 475- 1493. FULL-TIME or PART-TIME help needed to staff computer/A.V. user's facility on Medi- cal Cam pus. Flexible hours, weekdays. $3,.95-$4. 05per hour. Call Debbie or Sharron at…

…" computer in ood condition. Call collect (616755-6515. CONCERT TAPES over 40 titles including BRUCE '88, U2 '87. Call BRIAN 769-8559. SUPER OFFER- MusicMan guitar am /cab 150W/ Ch, 4 12" sp. Call Tod: 769…

… "SPRING THAW" the A vailable at all local record stores One Month's Free Rent. * Computer Science, Computer Engineering * Computer/Electrical Engineering " Computer Science, Electrical Engineering…

…, Math (grad or undergrad) " Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Math (grad or undergrad) " Engineering Physics " Electrical Engineering (graduate level) * Computer Science Software Development…

October 04, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 19) • Page Image 8

… Kickoff Prices!" Even though it's past deadline, you can still take advantage of the Computer Kickoff '88 prices on a Macintosh if you order before October 5. No 7IT77 Prices are Going UP! Apple Computer

…, Inc. announced product price increases which will affect certain CPUs, peripherals and upgrade kits. U of M's Computer Kickoff '88 is your opportunity to purchase a Macintosh BEFORE prices are increased…

September 22, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 11) • Page Image 3

… performs at Soundstage. 10 p.m. Save Big Bucks on a Personal Comap uter! U-!Mstudents,facufty, and staff can take advantage of 41% - 58% off retailprices on Apple, BM> and Zenith personaif computers throug…

… hi21-M's Computer K(ickff Safe.. , i ' . To help you decide on a system, take a test- drive and talk to a representative at the Hands-On Display in the Michigan Union Mall loam - 6pm "' ... s .,1…

…-6181 for more informa- tion, or pick up an information book/order form at: .1ff campus computing sites Campus Information Center, Micigan 'Union ComputingPResource Center Photo and Campus Services Order your…

computer today! '/ * a , 4 …

November 18, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 52) • Page Image 6

… WANTED $5/hr transcribe tape for psych3papers 663- 0861 or mess. for Charlie 996-2396 *COMPUTER SALESPERSON* Part-time position for someone with sales ex- perierice and knowledge of Apple and IBM computers

…. New brakes, tires, muff. Reliable, $500/Best. 482-2156 eves. APPLE 2C PC for sale. $750 or best. 996- 9457 anytime and leave message. CAN YOU BUY Jeeps Cars, 4x4's seized in d pg raids for under $s 00…

….0? Call for facts today. 602-837-3401. Ext. 762. COhMPAQ Portable Comnter- 2 drives, mint cond. w/ software: $800. 769-5705. COMPUTERS, IBM & clones printers, etc. Good prices & service. Call 741…

…-9341. COMPUTER/AV users facility on Medical Campus needs part-time help Leam/use computers. Will train. Reliability a must. Morning hours available. $4.10/hr. Call Deb- bie 763-6770. DELIVERY DRIVERS WANTED Hourly…

… I LOVE ESH VERY MUCH. JUGS & NAN-lots of orchids to the scummi- est quad around-check the drawer for apples- don t forget your room duties! MODELS/ACTORS WANTED for TV & rint work. M/F. No experience…

November 15, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 49) • Page Image 6

… knowledge of Apple and IBM computers. Must be available to work after- noons and Saturdays. Send resume & cover letter to Computerland, 1898 W. Stadium, Ann Arbor, MI 48103. *DISPLAY* Act Now! SAVE OUR…

… '79 OLDS OMEGA. New brakes, tires, muff. Reliable, $500/Best. 482-2156, eves. **DISPLAY COMPAQ Portable Computer- 2 drives, mint cond. w/ software: $800. 769-5705. Computers, IBM & clones, printers, etc…

… for more info about us. I LOVE ESH VERY MUCH. JUGS & NAN-lots of orchids to the scummi- est quadaround-check the drawer for apples- don t forget your room duties! MASS MEETING for volunteers to help w…

… rpom. Af- temoons- dishwasher, cleanup personnel for catering kitchen. Call 761-2525 for appoint- ment. **display** *COMPUTER SALESPERSON* Part-time position for someone with sales ex- perience and…

… DELIVERY SERVICE needs drivers with cars and people to answer the phone. Part time. Call 747-7044. COMPUTER/AV users facility on Medical Campus needs part-time help. Leam/use computers. Will train…

September 21, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 10) • Page Image 2

… ommmommi _ _ __ _ Save Big Bucks on a Personal Computer! 21-. fstudients, facufty, and staff can take advantage of 41 % - 58% off retailprices on Apple, FBM, andiZenith persona/computers through 'I…

…-Ms Computer 'KickoffSafe. To help you decide on a system, take a test- drive and talk to a representative at the Hands-On Display in the Michigan Union Mall loam - 6pm Call 763-6181 for more informa- tion, or…

… pick up an information book/order form at: .5Iff campus computing sites Campus Infonnation Center, Michigan 'Union Computing Resource Center P/hoto and Campus Services Order your computer today…

September 12, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 3) • Page Image 16

… merchants included a CD/ROM player from Apple computer and free coursepacks for the entire time you attend U-M from Kinko's. The winners, announced at the Party and listed below, can claim their prize by…

… the entire time you're at U-M from Kinko's: Edward Neuwirth A CD/ROM Player from Apple Computer: Theo Brown Free VCR Rental from Study Break: Hope Olds, Larry Kalmbach, Ozlen Conklu, Lisa Sayoc…

April 04, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 124) • Page Image 5

… ARE A GREAT WAY TO GET FAST RESULTS CALL 764-0557 ., monitor included! Amiga 500 Color system... $749 Amiga 2000 Color system... $1429 IBM-XT compatiables from - $799 Apple ][e/][c L itning 'I3oft…

… compatiable - $489 Computers 769-5670 1 Alive and well or deader than a dung- heap? Find out in VETERINARY MEDICINE: AN OPTION IN THE HEALTH PROFESSIONS SCIENCE e MEDICINE " ANIMALS ERtrygRr Ael 'S…

…, various locations; 2:30-4:30 p.m., Friday, and 8 a.m., Saturday (breakfast). Afternoon events will give guests an opportunity to have "hands on" experience with computers at the same time that they meet…

November 17, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 51) • Page Image 6

Apple and IBM computers. Must be available to work after- noons and Saturdays. Send resume & cover letter to Computerland, 1898 W. Stadium, Ann Arbor, MI 48103. Act Now! SAVE OUR ENVIRONMENT Join PIRGIM…

…-0557 or 996-9368. Please leave a massage. FOR SALE '19 OLDS OMEGA. New brakes, tires, muff. relatable, $500/Best. 482-2156 eves. APPLE 2C PC for sale. $750 or best. 996- 9457 anytime and leave message…

…- est quad around-check the drawer for apples- don t forget your room duties! LOVE TO DANCE? U of M Wolveretees kickline tryouts workshop Sat. Nov.19 9AM-12 Tryouts Sun. Nov. 20 9AM-12 Anderson Room…

… news- paper. If interested in challenging yet re- warding career, phone Bill Speer e~ditor of the Alpena News 1 (800) 448-0254. GOOD PAY to type in names and addresses on an IBM computer. Call 995…

… hone: 662-8622 pg HELP WANTED $5/hr transcribe tape for psych papers 663- 0861 or mess. for Charlie 99- 6. *COMPUTER SALESPERSON* Part-time position for someone with sales ex- perience and knowledge of…

…. Kreye. 769-0666. COMPUTER/AV users facility on Medical Campus needs part-time help. Leam/use computers. Will train. Reliability a must. Moming hours available. $4.10/hr. Call Deb- bie 763-6770. ROUTE…

April 12, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 130) • Page Image 7

Apple "Macintosh Plus" computer ingood condition. Call collect (616)755-6515. TICKETS GOING HOME? Apr. 27 Det. to NY plane ticket, $70 or best. Call at 764-0821. PLANE TICKET: Detroit to Newark. April…

… research into chemical warfare. C A W R also cited a project by Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Prof. Fawwaz Ulaby which deals with "enhancing the detection of targetsunder vegetation cover…

….25/hr. Call Chris Willis at 936-8090. CO-ED Massachusetts summer camp seeks counselors. Call (914)762-2820. COMPUTER SALES POSITION with Au- tomation Link. Call 747-9400, Rafiq. CUSTOM PICTURE FRAMER/ MAT…

… in a clean & grease- free atmosphere. Apply Mon & Tues 1PM- 5PM at 1701 Plymouth Rd. North Campus Plaza. Full or part time. Starting at $4.25 & up. FULL-TIME or PART-TIME help needed to staff computer

… envelope to: Application 1988, P.O. Box 16499, Carkston, MI 48016. Present or former English 225 students: stu- dents needed to serve as subjects for a project examining the use of computers in writing…

…. Experience using computers for writing re- qured. $5.00/hr. for 6-9 hours over 4 ses- sions. Availability Spring term helpful. Call Deanna Migut, School of Ed. 936-2743. REPRODUCTIVE BI- OLIGIST…

… springfsumme? sublets. Call 668-887 1. YOUR OWN ROOM in 7 bedroom coed Kerrytown area house. May-May for $225/mo. Our summer sublet for $1 00/mo. Great housematesi Call 995-4599. COMPUTER MDSE. WANTED: Used…

November 14, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 48) • Page Image 6

… with sales ex- perience and knowledge of Apple and IBM computers. Must be available to work after- noons and Saturdays. Send resume & cover letter to Com uterland, 1898 W. Stadium, Ann Arbor, M48103. A…

…-New Brakes, Tires, Muff. Reliable, $500/Rest 482-2156 Eves. COMPAQ Portable Computer- 2 Drives mint cond. w/ software: $800 call769-5705. Computers, IBM & clones, printers, etc. ,Goodprices & service. Call 747…

… work, cashier. Mid-day - cashier, dining room. Af- teroons- dishwasher, cleanup personnel for catering kitchen. Call 761 -2525 for appoint- ment. *COMPUTER SALESPERSON* Part-time position for someone…

…. JUGS & NAN-lots of orchids to the scummi- est quad around-check the drawer for apples- don t forget your room duties! KIMMY AND AMES, I'm sorry but, I love you guys! Talk about the two best SHNA buddies…

February 12, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 93) • Page Image 6

…. Complete and with software. MAC SE with 1 Drive, mouse, extended key pad. Call 763-1812. COMPUTER FOR SALE-Apple Machintosh withone drive & software. Excellent condi- tion. Must sell! $500. 761-5866. FUTON…



…. Large size two bedroom apt. $535. Call 662-4446. HENDERSON HOUSE UNDERGRADU- ATE WOMEN'S CO-OP. Fall applications available: five min. from Diag, piano, cable, arking, computer, meals. All for approx…

…. $250/mo. and75 hrs. work. Come by 1330 Hill St. for an appl. OPEN HOUSE Feb 15 & 16 7-9 pm. ONE BDRM. UNFURNISHED APT. Cam- pus area near Business and Law School. Parking available immeditely.Cal994…

… over there-Mark. COMPUTER WIZ WANTED Earn $ & re- sume reference. Benchmark and/or graphics knowledge helpful. More info, 663-6398. DIAL a Jewish Story 995-5959. Another project of the Chabad fouse…

…- able with information at 996-2559. CAN YOU SAY "TELEFUND"? If you can and want to participate in the Uni- versity 's personal outreach program, stop by 611 Church st., suite 304. COMPUTER SALES POSITION…

March 14, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 109) • Page Image 5

… London Internship Programmes," 3 pm, Rec Rm, 603 E Madison. Inter Fraternity Coundl--Compu-Fair, 9 am-5 pm, Mich Union. Apple computer demos: AUX--Apple's UNIX, 11 am; Ultrix--Digital's Industry Grad UNIX…

…)/Others--Mtg, Campaign Against Violent Toys, 7:30 pm, AA Main Library. 663-1870. Statistics--Sem, JA Fill, "Strong Stationary Times for Markov Processes via a New Form of Duality," 4 pm, 451 Mason Hall Computing Ctr…

… Haifa Univ, overseas prog, 11 am-4 pm, 339 E Liberty. For appt, 663-3336. Ofc of Pres--Henry Russel Lecturer, BW Agranoff, "Exploring Brain and Mind," 4 pm, Rackham Amphi. Computing Ctr--Courses: In Rm…

… Spearman, 9 pm, Mich Theater. THURSDAY March 17 Computing Ctr/Housing Div/Others-2-day symp begs, "The Impact of Information Technology on Undergraduates: Research Goals, Strategies and Progress," 3…

… Lib. Engi--Visiting Writers Series, SR Sanders, 5 pm, Rackham E Conf Rm. ,Std Woodshop--Safety class for new shop users, sess II, 3-5 pm, SAB, 763-4025. Computing Ctr--Courses: In Rm 3001 SEB: MS…

…, 11:30 am; Apple/DEC Alliance & Solution, noon; Digital's Network Architecture, 12:30 pm; AppleTalk Networking Solutions, 1 pm; DECwindows Based on Project Athena (MIT), 1:30 pm. Mich Union. Dept…

…:30 pm, Lane Hall Commons. Computer Vision Res Lab--Sem series, A Kayaalp, 4 pm, 1200 EECS Bldg. Comparative Study of Soc Transform--Brown-bag lec, M Lampland, 'The Hungarian Revolutions of 1848 and 1956…

December 09, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 65) • Page Image 13

… Concert Computer Synthesis - Visuals - Dance - Live Performance Rackham, 8:00 p.m. FREE -- The Personal Column MICHIGAN DAILY CLASSIFIED ADS * ROSE BOWL * * ROSE PARADE * buy/sell CONCERTS * SPORTS…

… butter or soy margarine. Fresh fruit salad, ber- ries and cream, or sau- teed apples. Breakfast-In-Bed blend prrnium coffee, Ghirardelli hot choco- late, tea, or milk. >y Fresh-squeezed or- ange juice…

September 08, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 1) • Page Image 71

… majors awake. Dom. Bakeries is your wee- hours source of apple fritters and party favors. Of course, there's al- ways White Castle for more tradi- tional gastrointestinal distress, and at this hour it…

…, affordable high performance computer. But Support is Close at Hand 76-GUIDE An anonymous, confidental. peer counseling phone-line. Sponsored by Counseling Services Wen you need to talk. we're here to listen…

April 18, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 134) • Page Image 11

…... $749 Amiga 2000 Color system... $1429 IBM-XT compatiables from - $799 ...just a Little Out of the Way from High Prices Apple ][e/][c compatiable - $489 SALES HOURS Mon. thru Fri. 9am -8pm Sat. 9am…

… BY!!!i (Sponsored by SSA Student Government) Lighitning BiIolt Computers 769-5670 Spring $1Days Lease any apartment between April 1 and April 30, 1988 for $100. (Applied to September rent) 12 1 ',12…

January 27, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 81) • Page Image 10

….D): Aerodynamics Aeroelasticity Combustion Computational Fluid Dynamics Computer-Aided Design Flight Mechanics & Controls Propulsion Rotary Wing Technology Structural Dynamics Structures - Composites RESEARCH…

… FELLOWSHIPS AND ONE-THIRD TO ONE-HALF RESEARCH ASSISTANTSHIPS ARE AVAILABLE Financial Aid per calendar year: $8,000 - $13,500 plus tuition and fees Giant. A victory for everyone who loves freedom, apple pie…

March 08, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 105) • Page Image 5

… registred trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. To Charge-By-Phone, DIAL (313) 423-6666. For 24-hour club and concert information, dial 99-MUSIC. To get on the Miller Genuine Draft Concertcard mailing list, dial…

… end. Times Square, a four minute, computer-generated animation piece shot in color by Jules Engel of Los Angeles, is similar to taking an extended look into a kaleidoscope. A square, anchored in the…

April 14, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 132) • Page Image 7

… " Maximum Space COMPUTER MDSE. WANTED: Used Apple "Macintosh Plus" computer in good condition. Call collect (616)755-6515. H ON ORS SUMME R READING PROGRAM (Sponsored by the L .$. & A. Honors PrQgram and…

…-CLINICAL RESEARCH CTR. to work weekends. Must be eligeable for col- e work/study spr./sum. 5.25/hr. Call Chris is at 936-8090. CO-ED Massachusetts summer camp seeks counselors. Call (914)762-2820. COMPUTER SALES…

… STUDY. Editing research, raint.,and recy- cling assistants 761-3186 FOR INFO. FULL-TIME or PART-TIME help needed to staff computer/A.V. user's facility on Medi- cal Campus. Flexible hours, weekdays. $3…

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