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September 15, 1988 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1988-09-15

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Ninety-nine years of editorialfreedom

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Vol. IC, No. 6

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, September 15, 1988

Copyright 1988, The Michigan Daily


S. African



Another' autumn in
an apple orchard
More than a thousand visitors are expected to come to Wiard's Orchards ins
Ypsilanti each weekend until late October. Taylor resident Carol O'Neal
makes a new friend at the petting barn. Ypsilanti resident Ron Hoge climbs
an apple tree for hard-to-reach McIntosh apples..
Photos by Karen HandelmanM

hij ackers
MASERU, Lesotho (AP) --South African police
killed three hijackers and arrested the fourth in a
shootout last night that ended a hostage drama in which
the gunners seized a bus carrying 71 pilgrims headed to
see the pope, South African officials said.
One of the hostages, a young woman, was killed,
and 11 passengers were injured, the officials said.
The report of the shootout came from South African
police headquarters. Lesotho's military government had
requested South Afreican help in handling the
hijacking. Police said the shootout occurred when the
hijackers tried to drive the bus through the closed gates
of the British High Commission in Maseru.
The hijackers began shooting, and South African
officers returned fire.
Police said the casualties among the hostages were
"apparently caused by the wild firing of the hijackers."
They said no police officeres were injured.
The shooting broke out about 20 minutes after Pope
John Paul II arrived in Maseru, eight hours behind
schedule. The hijackers earlier had demanded to meet
with the pope and Lesotho's king, Moshoeshoe II, a
government official said.
After nightfall, gunfire was heard at the site where
th bus was parked, and flares lit up the sky. Reporters
were blocked from getting close enough to the scene to
determine what was happening but saw ambulances
take bloodied victims to a hospital.
Police ordered journalists at the scene to disperse and
then chased them away with whips. The bus was
hijacked Tuesday night en route to Maseru.
Earlier yesterday, bad weather forced the pope's
plans to land in Johannesburg, South Africa, where he
met Foreign Minister Pik Botha at the airport and was
briefed about the hijacking.
The pope then journeyed overland to Lesotho.
Before the shootout, helicopters and armed cars
blanketed central Maseru as 100 armed soldiers and
police set up roadblocks and kept spectators at least
four blocks from the bus, parked outside the British
High Commission.
One person escaped earlier today from the bus, said
Tom Thabane, secretary for Lesotho's six-person
military council.

Budget shows 'U'


This year's marked tuition increases
will contribute to those areas the
University's budget is targeting for the
most significant growth - the
Engineering and Business schools, and the
The University's Board of Regents
will vote to give final approval today on
the recommended $446 million overall
budget for the"Ann Arbor, Flint, and
Dearborn campuses.
The increases reflect consistent trends
of growth from 1984 through this year.
The Business and Engineering schools
have been facing "significant growth" that
is faster than other University budgets,
said Richard Kennedy, vice president for
government relations and secretary.

With a projected $3.8 budget increase
for this fiscal year, the Business School's
budget is expected to go up 18 percent this
year. It has increased 17, 13, and 14
percent in the last three years.
Engineering has gone up 12, 14, and
17 percent before facing a 10 percent and
$2.3 million increase this year.
Since Business and Engineering
enrollments are increasing rapidly, the
University must adjust the budget to make
room for the added students, Kennedy said.
Also, he said, next year's budget
proposal reflects computer improvements
these schools are making.
Though the LSA budget will be upped
by $10 million, Interim Vice President for
Academic Affairs Robert Holbrook said
that figure is misleading.

In past years, he said, LSA's budget
has been enlarged after the official budget
was printed. This year, the figure for the
entire year is displayed in the budget, he
Yet while new University President
James Duderstadt acknowledged the
consistent growth of Business and
Engineering, he said LSA and the Medical
School are the University's "big winners."
Based on budget trends during the last
few years, many students and
administrators are analyzing the direction
the University will take under Duderstadt,
who formerly served as Provost and Vice
President for Academic Affairs, and
Engineering Dean.
The Michigan Student Assembly, for
example, has hired a budget researcher to

determine where student tuition is going.
"We are concerned that some
expenditures have not necessarily been in
the best interests of faculty and students,"
said LSA junior Zachary Kittrie, chair of
MSA's External Relations Committee.
"We think it's worth looking into."
Another steadily increasing figure
within the University budgets has been
"institutional support," money used for
management and administrationi.
During the last two years, the budget
for the Vice President of Academic Affairs
and Provost's Office - Duderstadt's
former post - has increased by $24
million. Last year, the request was for $8
million, half as much for the $16 million
the year before.
See Budget, Page 2

Suspects in shanty
attack to be named

Ann Arbor police officials noti-
fied the University's Free South
Africa Coordinating Committee
yesterday that several suspects have
been identified in conjunction with a
Sept. 4 attack on. the Diag's two
anti-apartheid shanties.
The official report will be sub-
mitted to the city prosecutor's office
as soon its dictation is completed,
said Ann Arbor Police Det. Douglas
Barbour. At that point, the prosecu-
tor may issue arrest warrants for
those named in the report.
According to Barbour, the sus-
pects may face trial for the malicious
destruction of property under $100
- a misdemeanor in Ann Arbor
cour t
FSACC member Pam Nadasen,
an LSA senior, said she has
information indicating that the in-
vestigation is narrowing in on two
University students.

More than 20 attacks have been
directed toward the shanties since
FSACC erected the first shanty in
1986, and the second in 1987, re-
ported Nadasen.
Out of the 20 attacks only two
individuals have previously been
formally charged with "malicious
destruction of property," Barbour
said. Both are currently awaiting
Although Barbour declined to
identify the two previously charged,
Nadasen said she has information
saying they are University students.
The latest attack is significant,
said Nadasen, because it reflects "the
sort of atmosphere on campus that is
representative of rising numbers of
racially motivated attacks across the
"There are connections that need
to be seen here. This recent attack
was not a random attack - as some
have suggested," Nadasen said.
"There is a Palestinian shanty and
an IRA one as well (on the Diag),
but it's always the anti-apartheid
shanties that get abused."
The University's Public Safety
Department regularly handles inci-
dents involving University property,
but if a witness sees a suspect de-
stroying private property like the
shanties, the case is sent to the Ann
Arbor Police to obtain authority for
"It is up to the committees

federal judge yesterday upheld the
partial merger of the Detroit Free
Press and The Detroit News under a
joint operating agreement approved
last month by then-Attorney General
Edwin Meese.
U.S. District Judge George
Revercomb rejected contentions by a
group of Detroit advertisers and
readers that the morning Free Press,
owned by Knight-Ridder Inc., was
not a failing newspaper entitled to
antitrust exemptions under the 1970
Newspaper Preservation Act.
The judge said he would allow a
month-old court order temporarily
blocking the deal to expire at 7:15
p.m. on Saturday - a delay that
could give opponents time to appeal
the ruling to a federal appeals court
"It seems to me that we are finally
on the home stretch," Free Press
Publisher David Lawrence said. "We
will (implement) the JOA at the
earliest moment we can reasonably
and legally do so."
The newspapers had planned to
hPoin nr..lehin -rnmn .,.u.Ps.A

Hispanic Heritage Week KAREN HANDELMAN/Daily
Minority Student Services Hispanic Representative Rosa Lopez (left), Cuaron & Gomez,
Inc. President Alicia Cuaron, and Student Services Assistant Robbie Dye chat before a
workshop yesterday during Hispanic Heritage Week. The workshop was called "Work Force
2000: Women's Roles in a Multicultural, Multilingual Society." See story, Page 3.
FBI director suspends three

WASHINGTON (AP) - FBI Director William
Sessions suspended three FBI employees and censured
three others yesterday for negligently operating what he
called an "unnecessarily broad" terrorism probe into a
group opposing the Reagan administration's Central
American policies.
All those disciplined were lower- and mid-level em-

Sessions became FBI head last November, after Web-
ster was named CIA director.
Sessions, testifying before the Senate Intelligence
Committee, vowed to institute changes that would
keep top bureau officials fully apprised of sensitive
terrorism investigations that might impinge on consti-
tutional rights.

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