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September 15, 1988 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1988-09-15

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- Page 2 - The Michigan Daily- Thursday, September 15, 1988

Compiled from Associated Press and staff reports

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~.J~I~ ~ ~I ~U4U.Nb~EU ~ V h~1~~# W ~ 5Gunner
GRAND RAPIDS (AP) - The state ordered a to torney General Frank Kelley said in announcing RICHMOND, Va. -
Ian on new sewer construction in Grand Rapids Sanctions tO COn e the ban at a news conference yesterday. recruting station yesterd
yesterday, while 70 other communities that also David Hales, director of the Michigan De- radio stations agreed to
regularly pollute waterways with raw sewage partment of Natural Resources, said he sent out Lebanon."
were told to prepare for tough new sanctions. Heavy rainfall caused up to millions of gal- letters informing 70 other communities, mostly He surrendered mom
lons of raw sewage to overflow into the Grand in the Detroit area, that they will be required to injured.
The sewer construction moratorium, effective adhere to the new sanctions. The unidentified gum
;mmedfately on all new applications, could River four times in the past two months, "The purpose of this is not to put on any kind of Lebanese descent," w
severely curtail new industrial and residential de- prompting health advisories warning against of building moratorium," Hales said. "The pur- is standard issue in
yejopment in Grand Rapids, city officials say. body contact with the water in Kent and Ottawa pose is to immediately reduce and eventually Schesventer.
T ugdshagsrmswrsyestatcounties. eliminate the discharge of sewage to surface water Police negotiated by
combine storm water with raw sewage have been "This discharge of untreated sewage is a major nMchgan re opmnbt
occurring statewide for decades, only recently health hazard, it's a threat to our multibillion- .The new sanctions will be included in a per- one gunner.
have health advisories been posted for rivers and dollar tourist industry, and results in the destruc- Resoresa Commeission alowing byGrsad Raids inlued a haigso s

takes hostages
- A gunner took 11 hostages at a military
aiy but freed them unharmed hours later after two
air a statement asserting his goal was "peace in
ients later, shortly before 2 p.m. No one was
ner, who had described himself as a "local person
as armed with an AK-47, an automatic rifle that
communist countries, said police Lt. C.M.
telephone with the man, who had claimed two
police learned from freed captives there was only
nine military personnel and two civilians -
canio nlisin inat the sevice ws Sche seasnter
)y verturn
dinra onhe Wasern ainldn
ihtirs ofesnrerdy hoolvntg opeaor charg ese
five-ar-ol boypi wasiove Prundi. arln
at Courtia of Apesalers. r eatetsi
tjdg ane sidn Brkmagn's right to confron hime
,ahrpisigiat estif h pboby aweoudn'te takn
an as to iku at the hoolgho sot thatdaanwsude
Mos f theWhpoderi sring that havfer id
A decsinl beginn tmadtrr inthw.ek


Save Big Bucks on a



National Park, and firefi
hot spots. But experts
decadels wasn't necessaril
Fires also continues
Washington, where firefi
to dig more lines around
In northern Californi
they were making plans
stations, although the f
place until later today.
"The top priority tod
are left," fire operations
are expected again in the

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L.A. officials try to lure
yuppies out of their cars
LOS ANGELES (AP) - City officials have come up with a way to
lure yuppies out of their Porsches and into buses: a luxury shuttle that
offers cushy seats, videos, wine, and bagels.
The 10-mile service from downtown to Century City is scheduled to
begin next month.
City Council member Zev Yaroslavsky, who dreamed up the deluxe
bus, hopes it will ease freeway jams by attracting lawyers and other
professionals who would rather use the time spent traveling downtown t4
catch up on business than to shift gears.
"What lawyers sell is their time," said Susan Schaefer, Century City
Bar Association president. "So if half an hour or an hour of time can be
spent working rather than dodging cars, then that's time well spent."
For $7.50 each way, the 18-passen'ger shuttles will provide cellular
phones, television, video cassette recorders and facsimile machines, said
Ralph Smith, president of APT Transportation, which won the contract
for the route.
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday
through Friday during the fall and winter terms by students at th4
University of Michigan. Subscription rates: January through April
-$15 in Ann Arbor, $22 outside the city. 1988 spring, summer;
and fall term rates not yet available.
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and thq
National Student News Service.

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Editor in Chief...........REBECCA BLUMENSTEIN
Managing Editor................MARTHA SEVETSON
News Editor...........................EVE BECKER
City Editor......,.............MELISSA RAMSDELL
Fe atures Editor............ELIZA BET H ATKINS
University Editor.....................ANDREW MILLS
NEWS STAFF: Vicoia Bauer, o Cohen, Dona
Michael Lustig, Alyssa Lustignian, Lisa Pollak, Micah
RSch it Ann iSen evtc RMarina Swain, Lawrence
Opinion Page Editors.JEFFRE......ERFORD
OPINION STAFF: Muzammnil Ahmned, Elizabeth Each,
Nah Finl Amy Haron, I. Matthew Miller, Henry
Sports Editor........................JEFF RUSH
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ARTS STAFF: Sheala Durant, Michael Fischer, Brisk
Jarvinen, Juliet James, Mike Rubin. Beth Serdin, Lauci
Shapiro, Chuck Skarsaune, Mario Wesaw.
Photo Editors.................KAREN HANDELMAI
PHOTO STAFF: Alexandra Brez, Jessica Greene, Elle p
Levy, Robin Loznak, David Lubliner, Danny Stiebel, Lisa
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Classified Manager............MEREDITH POLLACKC
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