Page 2 --The Michigan Doily - Friday, September 16, 1988
Continued from Page 1
Employees Organization president.
But it hasn't dropped yet. Yester-
day at their monthly meeting the
University's Board of Regents ex-
tended their practice of billing
graduate student assistants for the
taxes - rather than withholding
them from paychecks - through the
fall term. And for now, students who
do not pay the taxes won't receive
hold credits or other penalties.
versity's temporary solution as it
waits for Congress to decide whether
to re-enact the student tax exemp-
tions that expired last winter. But
the waiting is almost over.
If the exemptions are not rein-
stated before Congress adjourns in
October, said University Interim
Provost Robert Holbrook, the Uni-
versity will work with the GEO to
find an internal solution to the tax
problem. "We are looking with an
eye to modify the contractual rela-
tionship," Holbrook said. The 1750-
member union will begin bargaining
on a new contract this winter.
Indeed, members of both the GEOC
and University administration seem
doubtful Congress will take action
on the issue. "Realism suggests...
people are simply unwilling to open
up (the Tax Code) to amendments
now," Holbrook said, although Uni-
versity Vice President for Govern-
ment Relations Richard Kennedy
Continued from Page 1
"In the last two years the Univer-
sity has seen what organized student
movements can do," Levy said. "And
the administration is preparing its
army and training it well."
"To make major change, we must
become more militant and more
united in our struggle for an anti-
racist and anti-sexist institution,"
she said. "Workers have the strength
and the power to shut this university
James Duderstadt said security offi-
cers were not deputized to repress
campus protest but to help stop ris-
ing incidents of campus crime.
"The action taken has nothing to
do with protest," he said. "Rather,
the issue is crime on the Diag at 2
a.m. You can't use two deputized
officers to control hundreds of
"Bullshit!" said Michigan Student
Assembly President Michael
Phillips, an LSA senior. "Our
statistics don't show it. There is
nothing on our campus that calls for
deputization. The Ann Arbor Police
Department patrols the campus
enough to keep the campus crime on
an equal level of all campuses."
Duderstadt said that, to his
knowledge, "(We're) the only uni-
versity in the country where there is
not deputization or campus police."
(R-Ann Arbor) instigated the policy
changes at the May regents' meeting
when he asked former Interim Uni-
versity President Robben Fleming to
propose a plan "to assure the peace-
ful functioning of University schol-
arly, and other, activities."
stressed yesterday the strength of
University's lobbying efforts
Getting the GEO and administ
tion to agree to the terms of an
ternal solution, however, may
GEO, working with its own t
lawyer, has suggested two solutio
One would redefine the tuit
waiver as a fellowship or scholars
to avoid its taxation. The ot
would allow non-residents to p
taxes only on in-state tuiti
But the University, working w
a different tax-lawyer, says neither
these solutions would maket
waivers tax-exempt.
"Even if the waiver is conside
a scholarship, if it's guaranteed
the contract then it's considered t
able compensation," Holbrook sa
Similarly, granting residency to nc
residents isalsoconsidered comp
sation, he said.
Counsel for the GEO wasu
available for comment last night.
Demetriades said the GEO w
not accept the University's propo
solution: to remove the tuit
waiver from the union contract.I
doing so, Holbrook said, the waiv
would no longer be guaranteed co
pensation, and thus considered n
See T.A.s, Page
Compiled from Associated Press and staff reports
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be Walesa meets with officials
ax- ,
ns. WARSAW, Poland - Lech Walesa met for four hours with
ion government officials Thursday in an attempt to determine the future status
ship of the outlawed Solidarity union.
her Walesa, the chair of the banned independent union movement, Interior
pay Minister Gen. Czeslaw Kiszczak, alternate Politburo member Stanislaw
ion Ciosek, church representative the Rev. Alojzy Orszulik and mediator
Andrzej Stelmachowski met from noon until about 4:30 p.m. at a
ith government house in southern Warsaw. Both sides agreed to continue
r of working toward an early start of talks on Poland's future.
the "The talks were long," Walesa said. "We are keeping our position 4
which I have always put forward. There is no freedom without
red Solidarity."
in The government agreed to the talks after Walesa agreed to halt last
ax- month's wave of labor strikes.
en Hurricane hits Texas coast
BROWNSVILLE, Tx. - Hurricane Gilbert caused coastal residents
un- from Mexico to Louisiana to take action as the first of its storms reached'
southern Texas yesterday.
will Texas Gov. Bill Clements issued an emergency proclamation allowing
sed local authorities to suspend laws "to preserve the health, safety and
ion welfare of the public." Homeowners covered windows and doors with
By plywood and shatter-proofing hurricane tape, many leaving their homes
ers for higher ground. Offshore oil workers left their rigs.in the Gulf of
)m- Mexico.
on- At 6 p.m. Thursday, the storm center was about 340 miles southeast
of Brownsville, moving west-northwest at about 15 mph, with sustained
3 winds of 120 mph, according to the National Weather Service. Weather.
Service authorities were certain the winds would increase to 130 or 140
Abortion ads may mislead
LANSING - Commercials by the committe To End Tax-Funded
Abortions are deliberately misleading and conceal the real agenda of anti-
M. abortion crusaders, the League of Women Voters of Michigan complained
s. The 3,000-member organization, which never endorses candidates but
some-times takes sides in referendum compaigns, takes issuewith the
pro-Proposal A compaign primarily because of what the television
commercials say and what the campaign isn't saying.
The Committe To End Tax-Funded Abortions is trying to focus voter
atten-tion on the issue of money rather than the real issue of abortion.
An abortion typically costs the government little more than $300
compared to about $7,070 on a hospital delivery and the first two years of
care for each baby born to a welfare mother.
Strike jeopardizes MSU
football game broadcast
EAST LANSING - Striking clerical and technical workers at
Michigan State University got support yesterday from television network
employees covering the MSU-Notre Dame football game.
The National Association of Broadcast Engineers and Technicians"
(NABET) sent a telegram to the university expressing hope for a
settlement before Saturday's matchup, scheduled to be televised nationally-
by ABC.
"I want to make you aware that ABC's NABET members have the
right to honor the picket lines of the striking clerical-technical employees
of Michigan State," said NABET president James Nolan in a telegram'
received by the strikers yesterday.1,
"Hopefully, the existing dispute between the parties will be resolved
by this weekend and will make it unnecessary for the NABET members
to exercise their free choice of respecting the picket lines at Michigan
State," Nolan said.
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Wig parties - a new rage?
Product parties have changed from the days when homemakers wouk
gather to hear the burp emitted by sealing a Tupperware container -
picture five women howling with laughter as they try on synthetic wigs.
Joining Tupperware, cookware, and lingerie parties is Wigs n' Things
of Ann Arbor, whose owner, Donnna Kujat, brought suitcases full of fake
hair to Ann Howell's home one night after work last week.
"Oh this is me," cried one woman as she tried on a fake blond
"I'd wear this to Toledo bars, but I wouldn't wear it to work," said;
another as she tried on a Cleopatra look.
Kujat started her in-home wig services for patients who had lost hair
because of diseases or chemotherapy, then she decided to give parties for.
people who would have a good time with wigs, but who also might be'
embarrassed by trying them on in public.
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday
through Friday during the fall and winter terms by students at the
University of Michigan. Subscription rates: January through April
- $15 in Ann Arbor, $22 outside the city. 1988 spring, summer,
and fall term rates not yet available.
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and the
National Student News Service.
Editor in Chief..................REBECCA BLUMENSTEIN
Managing Editor.............MARITHA SEVETSON
News Editor.............................EVE BECKER
City Editor ..............MELISSA RAMSDELL
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NEWS STAFF: Victoria BauerF Dov Cohen, Donna
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OPINION STAFF: Muzammil Ahmed, Elizabeth Each,
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Jarvinen, Juliet James, MikeRubin. Beth Sorim. Larn
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Photo Editors.........................KAREN HANDELMAN
PHOTO STAFF: Alexandra Brez, Jessica Greene, Ellen
Levy, Robin Loznak, David Lubliner, Danny Stiebal, Lisa
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