The Michigan Daily - Friday, September 16, 1988 - Page 3
Every fall nearly h
tIent body puts on its run
$nd hits the road, said D
niann, director of testing
versity's Fitness Research
But many new student
epirning ones say they h2
'vihere to jog.
Both the Central Cam
aeon Building or the Nor
> creation Building h
which outline the mos
iutes on campus, rangin
to 8 miles.
According to students,
bus trails through the Arb
Park are popular choice
interested in mixed surfac
from pavement to dirt to N
hilly terrain, nature, and t
Another popular choi
ging, said LSA sophon
Mualem, is North Campu
the scenery is the best an
less cars."
For runners interest
muscle tone and jogging,
Par Course with 18 fitn
winds through North
Waymann recommends tl
gone can kill two birds
can find
EPA hears
paths at 'U'
OY stone," by combining both aerobic
alf the stu- activity and calisthenics.
nning shoes
)avid Way- For the runner who enjoys house-
at the Uni- watching, Catherine and Ann streets
Center. are safe, scenic, and picturesque.
s and even "It's the best area in town," said
ave no idea LSA sophomore Mickey Pathon.
"You don't get bored, and it's not
that far away from Central Campus."
pus Recre-
th Campus For those who enjoy people-
ave maps watching, Central Campus, Washte-
st popular naw and Packard Streets are the
g from 2.6 places to go. First-year student Ana
Wheatcroft loves running through the
city "because it keeps my attention
the numer- off the pain."
and Gallup For tracksters and runners who
s for those enjoy knowing the exact distance of
-es (ranging their run, the indoor track at the
woodchips), CCRB (1/8 of a mile), the NCRB
ranquility. (1/10 of a mile), and the outdoor
track by the Hill residence halls (1/4
ce for jog- of a mile) are available options.
more Leon
s, "because Although running in circles can
id there are be boring, Wheatcroft added that she
enjoys running at the tracks because
she "likes meeting people."
ed in both For students who don't enjoy
a 2.4 mile running alone, or cannot find a run-
ess stations ning partner, the CCRB keeps a
Campus. sign-up sheet for running partners,
his because ranging from one-milers to
s with one marathoners looking for company.
Last night, at a public hearing,
Washtenaw County residents voiced
their concern to the federal EPA
about a proposed permit
modification which would allow
Gelman Sciences, Inc. to pump
contaminated ground water into an
existing deep well.
Currently, Gelman can pump
contaminated water which is a by-
product of their production of
medical filters into the well, but
require express permission - in the
form of a permit modification - to
pump contaminated standing table
water, which is not a by-product,
into the well. The water is
contaminated with the chemical 1,4-
Arthur Moretta, team leader of the
Permit Unit of Underground
Injection Control, of the
Environmental Protection Agency,
said the current Gelman permit.
applies to non-hazardous, processed
waste water.
The federal EPA is the final
authority in Michigan for this type
of license, under the Safe Drinking
Water Act.
The EPA granted Gelman a
license for a Class 1 well in
September 1986, but because of
community resistance it was not
effective until November 1987,
Moretta said.
Gelman wishes to expand the
permit so it can clean up ground
water contaminated with dioxane by.
pumping it down the well
approximately one mile, Moretta
"It's been shown by analysis that
the ground water does have dioxane
in it," said Moretta.
Gelman no longer uses 1,4-
dioxane in the production process,
but there are other dangers, Moretta
Moretta said injecting the water
into the ground was safer than
storing it on the ground because
surface containers would be more
prone to leakage.
He said "alternative treatment (of
contaminated water) is being
explored by the company and the
If the injection is approved, the
EPA would follow up with
monitoring equipment and at least
four inspections per year, said
Moretta. -
Although they want the poison
water removed, residents said
injecting it into the well is jus(
"burying the problem deeper."
Brian Ewert, president of the
board of Toscin, a local
environmental group, questioned the
accuracy and the positioning of the
testing equipment. He also doubte4
the credibility and honesty Qf
Alfin Vas, a biochemistry lecturer
at the University, said that a neN
well was being dug one and one-half
blocks east of his house in WO'sl
Norman Gibson has lived acro s
from the Gelman plant for 31 years.
"I don't know whether my childrei
are full of dioxane or not," he said:"
Essence editor challenges Blacks
to 'hurl
' At last night's second annual
black Student Welcome, Black
Student Union President Chris Jones
(old a standing room only audience
t Rackham.Amphitheater that BSU
intended to "start off the year with a
loud, thunderous bang."
The bang came through the
inspiring message of Essence
nagazine Editor-in-Chief Susan
Pylor, who reminded students that
trength comes through unity, and
that "the only competition is
Taylor, referring to an expression
$f Black philosopher W.E.B.
puBois, reminded her student
audience throughout that they are the
tgented tenth," the small percentage
of privileged Black youth to have
opportunities in higher education.
She recounted the hardships of
$lavery, stressing "our successes
}vere gained on the backs of our
your thi
phrase "abra cadabra", she challenged
each student to "hurl your
thunderbolt" by goal-setting and
Taylor told students that the way
to succeed in America's
predominantly white, corporate
world is to work long hours, stay
away from alcohol and other drugs,
and take some time for themselves
each day to assess their goals and
"It's only quiet time," she said,
explaining the moments she spends
on her own self-encouragement,
"that helps us to get to our truths."
Taylor revealed that her "quiet
time," as well as being a single
parent, motivated her to seek a
position as beauty editor at Essence.
Eighteen years ago, she walked into
its office with only a high school
diploma and a limited resume, but a
self confidence in her abilities,
which she impressed upon the
magazine's staff, she said.
TAYLOR now urges students to
take advantage of their privileged
position and continue their
education, in addition to maintaining
a positive attitude.
"It's education and information
that separate the 'haves' from the
'have-nots'," she said. Citing high
Black school drop-out rates,
unemployment, and increasing
numbers of Blacks in prison, Taylor
said there currently is a war on
Blacks, and "the cannons are pointed
at (Black) men."
Taylor appealed to Blacks to work
in unison, while occasionally
extending an extra word of support
for Black women. BSU Vice-
President Denise Brooks in her
introduction recounted a conversation
yesterday between Taylor and herself.
The speaker's message to Blacks,
Brooks said, was that "by
empowering Black women, we
empower Black people."
Taylor described Essence as a
service publication which speaks to
a broad audience, but specifically
addresses concerns of Black women.
"ESSENCE has given Black
women a positive image," she said,
"and is one magazine that is going
to represent them spiritually as well
as visually."
Taylor also expressed a need for a
national daily Black newspaper that
would examine issues from a Black
perspective, and she advised aspiring
journalists to get a broad base of
knowledge in a variety of
-Daily reporters Sheala Durant
and Anna Senkevitch contributed to
this story.
Bush hopes for
North's innocence
George Bush said Thursday he
hopes Oliver North is found innocent
of charges in the Iran-Contra affair
and declined to rule out a pardon if
the former White House aide is
The topic of the Iran-Contra affair
arose when Bush fielded questions
from high school students in
California and was asked whether he
would pardon North.
"The question is for me - pardon
imputes guilt. And therefore I have
refused to speculate on this because I
want to see this man have a fair tri'al.
I hope he's found innocent. I'm Oot
one of the North critics. I'm not one
of these people that are jumping all
over this guy," he said.
"So I hope he's found innocent
and then I'd have to make'a
determination later on, as to the
equity in that natvre."
Continued from Page 2
"WE BELIEVE that that is far
too much of a sacrifice for the TAs,"
who almost went on strike over the
right to have guaranteed full tuition
waivers one-and-a-half years ago,
Demetriades said. "We believe an
internal solution is possible in the
form of some type of compensa-
tion," he added, but could not elabo-
Other GEO members, at a meet-
ing this week, agreed. "If we make
the tuition waivers discretionary...
the University will say 'we don't
have enough money for them,"' one
Holbrook said, "Our hope is that
the possibility of relieving them-
selves of a million dollars in taxes
will convince GEO to give it a try."
UM News in
The Daily
American Baptist Campus Center
First Baptist Church
Huron St. (between State and Division)
Across from Campus
9:55 Whorship Service
11:15 Church School Classes for all ages
5:30 (beginning September 14)
Supper (free) and fellowship
and Bible Study
A get acquainted supper will be held
Sunday, September 18, at 5:30.
Please join us.
Center open each day
For information call
Robert B. Wallace, pastor
(one block south of CCRB on Washtenaw)
This Sunday's sermon: God is How?
WORSHIP: Sunday at 10 am
Holy Communion at 6 pm
Student Social on the lawn at 7 pm
1300 S. Maple Road, Ann Arbor, MI, 48103
Independent, Fundamental, and Non-denominational
Please join us this Sunday. New students are welcome.
Sunday Schedule
Sunday Bus Schedule
9:15 a.m.
10:45 a.m.
College Sunday School
Morning service
5:30 p.m. Free student supper
6:00 p.m. Evening service
a. m.
a. m.
Baits I & II
U. Towers
S. Quad
m X
aIqiI -"mN
For more info, call Campus Pastor Ken Koetsier at 761-7070
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