Hillel re-opens
at old location
The Michigan Daily - Monday, November 21, 1988 - Page 5
Lecture unites
culture by art
Hillel has gone high-tech.
Stark floors, bare walls, and well-
worn couches have been replaced
with modern facilities in the Hillel
Foundation's new $3 million facil-
After more than a year in a tem-
porary location, the new Hillel
building, at 1429 Hill Street, is now
open, although the process of mov-
ing in is not complete.
- The new building stands on the
site of the original facility, which
Was razed in 1987.
< "This building was designed with
Hillel needs in mind," said Joseph
Kohane, associate director of Hillel.
He -said it has additional space, a
student lounge, and a main audito-
riIm that will be used by the more
than 25 student organizations Hillel
Kohane sees the new auditorium
as a major cultural arts location at
the University and in Ann Arbor.
The seating capacity will increase
from 144 at the old building to. 350-
400 in the new. Organizations such
as Hill Street Forum and Hill Street
Players will be able to use the audi-
tprium instead of competing with
other University groups for space at
campus facilities.
The former building was demol-
ished, Kohane said, because it was
old, in need of constant costly re-
pairs, and Hillel had outgrown it.
"The layout was not very conducive
for an integrated organization
operating smoothly," Kohane said.
He called the new building "a
high-quality home for a very active
Debra Reiter, a Business school
senior and chair of United Jewish
Appeal, said that the layout of the
new building will encourage interac-
tion among different Hillel
organizations. "Before, the offices
were scattered all over the place and
we couldn't have meetings," she
said. "Now, the building accommo-
dates more events and more people."
Gayle Kirshenbaum, an LSA se-
nior who works on Prospect maga-
zine, believes that the new building
encourages Hillel members to see
each others' projects and communi-
cate. "I think it gives Jewish stu-
dents a really good working atmo-
sphere," Kirshenbaum said.
Kohane said most of the build-
ing's cost was covered by fundrais-
ing, especially from the Detroit
Jewish community. Contributors
saw Hillel as a foundation that was
worthy of support, he added.
The building has been open since
Oct. 20. There will be a formal
open house for students either Jan. 9
or, 10.
Myung Raymond sat before a
group at Bursley residence hall last
night, painting ink strokes that were
alive as she spoke about some of the
many different "sparrows" of Asian
Raymond was one of three artists
who talked about - and in her case
demonstrated - their artwork at
"The Essence of the Spirit," a lecture
on multi-cultural art that is part of
the Asian American Art Exhibit fea-
tured this month in the Michigan
She urged people to dismiss
Western standards when judging the
art of her culture, saying that most
critics view Asian artworks as indis-
tinguishable. as "sparrows running
The purpose of Asian art is to
capture the vitality of the subject by
abstract, not realistic, representation
- in contrast to Western naturalist
art, she explained. The emphasis of
Asian art training, she added, is to
achieve both a paint stroke which is
"alive" and a high degree of concen-
tration; to paint the personality and
not merely the appearance of the
This artistic attitude is central to
Asian life, Raymond said. "The
painting mirrors what we think." By
understanding this, she added, the
viewer will "understand Oriental
people better."
University student artists
Franklin Willis and Jerry Longboat
also talked to the group about their
art. Willis, who will study art in
Europe in the next few months,
spoke about ways for other Black
artists to get into the field.
"In the arts, you're taught how to
draw, not how to survive," he said.
He urged art students to hunt for
scholarships and grants offered by
the University and other institutions,
to seek advice from professors who
are career artists, and begin to take
their work to galleries for showing.
Longboat, a Cayuga Indian whose
Iroquois tribe originates from the
upstate New York Finger Lakes re-
gion, presented prints he has made as
a tangent to his graphic design ma-
"A lot of it is dealing with a lost
feeling," he said, "a feeling of not
being in full contact with the
(Native American) culture." He said
he has used his art to express, as
well as explore, what he described as
his changing, increasingly opti-
mistic sense of his cultural identity.
LSA senior Natasha Raymond,
herself an artist, coordinated the talk.
The lecture will be given again
tonight at 7:30 in the South Quad
minority lounge.
The new $3 million Hillel building was recently opened to
the public, although its official grand opening will not be
until January 1989.
Continued from Page 1
which holds the Bursley snackbar
"The ledgers were a general
mess," said Dave Fausch, a Bursley
resident advisor who examined the
bqoks at the beginning of this year.
"As far as I could figure out, the
only thing the records showed was
that the snack bar/store is heavily in
Many inconsistencies add to the
mystery surrounding the snack bar's
Giamo said that Peot mentioned
purchasing $50 worth of T-shirts
with his own money. A cancelled
check, found in the store's ledger,
was made out to Peot for $296.83
and reads "reimbursement for T-
"I think that they didn't organize
their debts and pay them on time,"
said Caroline Gould, Bursley's
building director. "Their first priority
was payroll and their invoices from
the vendors came second."
Gould said that since the snack
bar was listed under Bursley Enter-
prises, an extension of Bursley
Council, the responsibility of the
debt now lies with the council.
"We heard this year that we
might be liable," said Alex Kim,
Bursley Council treasurer. "As far as
I know, we don't really have an
official position. We don't want to
make a position on rumors we have
heard. We are checking into it,
"I feel that Bursley Council
shouldn't be responsible in the least.
I don't believe they are connected to
us." said Giamo.
According to Gould, in order for
University Housing to buy out the
store and make it an Entree Plus op-
eration, the council would have to
come up with the $3,000 plus an
additional $1,000-1,500 to serve as
start-up money. That money would
later be returned to the council.
Nancy Ballard, Bursley Council
member and LSA sophomore, said,
"We will pay off the debt if it comes
to that, but before we go putting out
over $3,000 we're going to make
sure it's our responsibility"
U.S., allies pull
navies from Gulf
MANAMA, Bahrain (AP) -
Gambling that peace will prevail
despite a deadlock in Iraq-Iran peace
talks, the United States' European
allies are stepping up the postwar
dismantling of their military forces
in the Persian Gulf.
In recent days the mine sweeper
Crocus, the last of three Belgian
warships deployed to the gulf a year
ago, sailed for home. The last five
Italian warships and one from the
Netherlands are preparing to leave by
Dec. 31.
Officials said those moves, like
an earlier cutback in France's
regional fleet from 11 to seven ships,
came because the Iraq-Iran cease-fire,
three months old yesterday, had
brought stability to the gulf.
The United States has
withdrawn two ships and scaled back
convoys and other operations. B ut
its 25 warships represent about half
the foreign vessels in the region.
U.S. officials, however, say the
American commitment to
peacekeeping has led to the best-ever
relations with the Arab gulf states,
and the Arab leaders remain nervous
about a hasty pullout.
Sexual Assault
Ann Arbor Police arrested a male
for a sexual assault yesterday. He
will be arraigned today on third de-
gree sexual assault, said Ann Arbor
Police staff Sergeant John King.
The attack occured early yesterday
morning in the Maynard Street car-
port. A woman was leaving the
Nectarine Ballroom night club when
she was approached by a man also
leaving the bar. He introduced him-
self and she then voluntarily got into
his vehicle, King said, where he
assaulted her.
King refused to release further
details about the case.
- Micah Schmit
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