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November 01, 1988 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1988-11-01

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The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, November 1, 1988 - Page 3
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2nd district race

heats up

With just a week left in Cam-
paign '88, the eyes of the nation are
turning to Michigan, and focusing on
U.S. Rep. Carl Pursell, and his
challenger, Lana Pollack.
Democrats have high hopes for
Pollack, a state senator from Ann
Arbor since 1982, as one of two
candidates in Michigan who they be-
Dan Quayle deflected a barb initially
aimed at himself to reject Michael
Dukakis' comparisions to other lib-
eral politicians at a high school rally
"Michael Dukakis finally fessed
up this weekend... Now he says, 'I
am a liberal,"' Quayle said.
But the Republican vice presiden-
tial nominee went on to dispute
Dukakis' statements that Dukakis
was liberal in the tradition of
Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman
and John Kennedy.
"The governor of Massachusetts is
having a little bit of an identity cri-
sis," Quayle said. "If he dresses up
like a moderate, he'll scare all the
liberals... if he dresses up like a con-
servative, nobody will elect him. If
he comes as himself, he'll scare

lieve can unseat an incumbent Re-
publican representative.
"Lana Pollack has a very good
chance in this race. She's one of our
top challengers," said Howard
Schloss, a spokesperson for the
Democratic Congressional Campaign
Republicans also have high
expectations for Pursell, who has
represented Michigan's Second Con-
gressional District since 1976.
Pursell "has run an excellent
campaign," said Steven Lotterer, a
spokesperson for the National Re-
publican Congressional Committee.
"We expect that he'll be re-elected."
Michigan Democratic Party Chair
Rich Weiner said Pollack "has made
a forceful case to voters that she's the
better candidate." He said he expects
the race to go "right down to the
But Spencer Abraham, the Michi-
gan Republican Party chair, doesn't
think the race will be that close.
"The race is going pretty well for
Carl Pursell," he said, adding, "It
doesn't make much sense to sacrifice
the seniority" Pursell has gained after
12 years in Congress.
National groups have also jumped
into the fray, bringing endorsements
and money. So far, the two candi-
dates have spent over $1 million, the
most for a Michigan congressional
seat this year.

bor unions, women's groups, and
environmental organizations.
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce
endorsed Pursell, said Mike Mallie,
the group's senior political affairs
manager, in part because the it ap-
proved of his stance on "free enter-
Pursell was the only Michigan
congressional candidate to receive an
endorsement from the Chamber, he
While Pollack is "a credible chal-
lenger," Mallie said the endorsement
"alerts companies, political action
committees, and small businesspeo-
ple that here's a candidate that's been
good to us."
The Chamber of Commerce does
not give money to candidates, he
"Lana Pollack's going to win,"
declared Ellen Malcolm, president of
EMILY's List (Early Money Is Like
Yeast), which raises money for
Democratic women candidates. Pol-
lack is one of only nine candidates
EMILY's List has been helping dur-
ing this election, she added.
The local campaigns are not
slowing down this final week. The
two candidates will appear at a debate
sponsored by the League of Women
Voters at the Ann Arbor City Coun-
cil Chambers at 7:30 tonight. It will
be their second public appearance to-

Pollack has fought an uphill bat-
tle, campaign spokesperson Dale
Evans said, because "anytime yoo
take on an incumbent, you have a
Evans predicts a victory in a close
race, and said the campaign will in-
crease its TV advertising while con-
tinuing to attack Pursell's record.
Michael Dukakis carried his late
campaign declaration of liberalism to
California, testing his appeal to
women with vowed support for
comparable wages, affordable child
care, parental leave laws, and
women's rights to have abortions.
He shook his head as he said
Quayle had told a 12-year-old girl last
week that the law should require her
to bear a child if she were raped by
her father and became pregnant.
Quayle last week told an 11-year-old
girl in Illinois that in such a
circumstance, she should have the
child rather.than an abortion.
Dukakis summarized his case by
saying the Republicans had "been on
the wrong side of every issue of
special importance to American


I must be leaving
Ann Arbor resident Dee Dorsey rakes leaves out to the curb
in front of Barton Drive yesterday. The city, which period-
ically picks up leaves, wil be by today to clear away the
last vestiges of fall.

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"At tnis point, rursed campaign r
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Most of Pursells contributions press secretary Gary Cates said, "our Lloyd Bentsen campaigned in nis
"Today may be Halloween, but have come from business and profes- strategy will be to hold the line." He home state of Texas defending jobs
Gov. Dukakis won't be getting his sional groups, while Pollack has re- said Pursell will continue to "widen there and claimed his ticket promised
scare until Nov. 3," Quayle said. ceived most of her support from la- the gap" in support between the two the most of them.
Computer virus infects campus



What's happening in Ann Arbor today

SOLIDARITY: "Revolution in
Nicaragua" - Gary Ruchwargerand
Susan Lebell, Guild House, 7:30 pm.
Regents Forum - Held by MSA
External Relations Committee, in
Anderson Rms. A,B,C,D of Michigan
Union at 7 pm. U of M Regent can-
didates will attend to discuss their
platform, questions from audience will
be taken.
U of M College Democrats
Guest Speakers - U.S. Senator
Carl Levin and State Senator Lana
Pollack will appear at Michigan Ball-
room, 12 noon-1 pm.
"Instantons and Geometric In-
variant Theory" - Prof. Karen K.
Uhlenbeck, University of Texas,
Rackham Amphitheatre, 4 pm.
"Comission Feminil Mexicana:
Advocates for Justice" - Eliza-
beth Salas, U of M Law School, Rm.
116, Hutchins Hall, 4 pm.
"Goal-Directed Natural Lan-
guage Processing Against Am-
biguity" - P. Wu, 1500 EECS, 4-5
"Mural Painting in Italy Dur-
ing Fascism" - S. Weber, Tappan
Rm. 180, 5 pm.
"The Selectivity of Drugs" -
A. Albert, C.C. Little, Rm. 3554, 3-4
"Retin A: Current Status" - C.
Ellis, C.C. Little, Rm. 3554, 7:30-
9:30 pm.
"Trans-membrane Signaling in
Nerve Cells" - S. Fisher,
Chrysler Center Aud., 7:30 pm.
"The Superconducting Super-
collider--What & Why?" - G.
Kane, Chrysler Center Aud, 9 pm.
"Long-Term Consequences of
Withdrawal from Chronic Am-
phetamine Treatment" - P.
Paulson, MHRI Rm. 1057, 12:30
"Two Years in Old Canton:
Reflections of a Fulbright Ex-
perience in China" - A&M
Bailey, Lane Hall Commons, 12
"The Religious Significance of
Jewish Law" - Law Prof. Joseph
Weiler, will discuss "Why Mitzvot?
The religious dimension of Jewish
law.", Hillel, 7:30 pm.
U of M Women's Lacrosse
Club - Practice, Elbel field, 9-11.
U of M Fencing - Practice, Hill
Coliseum, 7 pm.
Tagar: Pro Israel Student Ac-
tivities - MLB B 110, 7 pm.
WAND - 2209 Union, 7-8:30 pm.
Rninforet Acetion Movement

(SEDS) - 219 Angell Hall, 7 pm.
Founding meeting, all welcome to
Lesbian and Gay Rights Orga-
nization Committee
(LAGROC) - 3100 Michigan
Union, 8 pm.
U of M Archery Club - Coli-
seum, 7-10 pm. For more info call
764-4084, or Archery @ UB.
Semester at Sea - International
Center, 4-5 pm.
TARDAA - 296 Dennison, 8 pm.
Shotokan Karate Club of
Michigan - CCRB Martial Arts
Rm., 7-8:30 pm.
German Club - 25 Angell Hall,
6:15 pm.
Teeter-Totter-A-Thon - Fight
Children's Cancer! 48 consecutive
hours on the diag! Sponsored by Tri-
Delta and Chi Psi. All proceeds go to
Mott's Children Hospital.
"Drop-In Storytimes" - Ann
Arbor Public Library, 4-4:30 pm in
Meeting Rm. and 7:30-8 p in the New
Conference Rm. of the Main Library.
Jonathan Richman - Rounder
Recording Artist, 7:30 & 10 pm.
Alvin's, 5756 Cass, Detroit (WSU
campus). Tickets $9.50 in advance.
Ableism and Differently Able
People - D.Topp, Disabled Student
Services, Alice Lloyd, Red Carpet
Lounge, 8-10 pm.
Visiting Writers Series -
Stephen Sandy, reading from his
work, Rackham E. Conference, 4 pm.
Public invited, free admission.
Revolutionary History Series
- Early Struggles of the American
Class, B118 MLB, 7-8 pm. Presented
by SPARK, a Revolutionary Com-
munist Organization.
Indian- and Pakistani- Ameri-
can Student Council: Indian
Movie NISHANT - Video View-
ing Rm., MLB, 7 pm. Free Admis-
sion, English subtitles.
Islamic Coffee Hour - 1003
EECS, 12:30-1:30 pm.
The Summer Job Search - Ca-
reer Planning and Placement Center,
4:10-5 pm.
Deciding Your Career Part I.
(Jrs/Srs.) - Career Planning and
Placement Center, 4:10-6 pm.
Employer Presentation: Mer-
cer-Meldinger-Hansen, Inc. -
Michigan Union Terrace, 5-7 pm.
Women's Crisis Center - Reg-
istration period from Nov. 1- 11, for
community organization work. For
more info call 761-9475.

As the weather gets colder, the flu
plagues unsuspecting human victims
across the country. This fall, how-
ever, dreaded viruses have attacked
computers in Ann Arbor.
University computer consultants
are noting the arrival of "computer
viruses" - programs which are de-
signed to attack computer storage de-
vices, installing themselves within
other applications.
The viruses wreak havoc at pre-
scribed times upon all programs with
which they can come in contact.
Similar to organic viruses, com-
puter viruses are contagious. Once a
virus has attached itself to a disk, any
disk with an application program
which comes into contact with the
infected disk can also become in-
Currently, less than one percent of
the floppy disks in the Computing
Resource Center (CRC) are infected,
said Jim Sullivan, a manager in the
Public Facilities division of center.
. Reports of computer viruses at the
University, which began coming in
late this summer, have been limited
to Apple Macintosh software. The
viruses have caused problems with

computer start-up and laserwriter
printing, said Phil Santini, a com-
puting consultant at the center.
The Michigan Terminal System
(MTS) is immune to the virus be-
cause it operates on a completely
different type of file handling system.
However, said Sullivan, MTS pro-
gram files which users can store on
their personal floppy disks may in-
deed have the virus.
Hard disk systems, which are the
typical high-capacity storage device
used by individuals, are susceptible
to viral infection, Sullivan said. The
virus can infect a multitude of appli-
cations on the hard disk.
Documents, such as word proces-
sor files, are typically unaffected by
viruses, Sullivan said.
To safeguard against the virus, the
CRC office in the School of Educa-
tion has a copy of the program
"Vaccine" available for public use.
The program can be added to most
applications' start-up disks.
For students whose floppy disks
may already be infected, Santini rec-
ommends not using the disks if at all
possible. If necessary, Santini said,
one may be able to safely copy doc-
uments from an infected disk to a


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clean disk without trouble, although
he warned that there is a risk in-
volved when one inserts an infected
disk into a computer at the same
time as a clean disk.

Santini said the only way to in-
sure removal of the virus from a har
disk system is to completely re-for-
mat the hard disk.

Walesa decries closed shipyard
WARSAW, Poland (AP) - An month-old government of Prime In an interview with The Assoc-
infuriated Lech Walesa vowed yester- Minister Mieczyslaw Rakowski, iated Press, Walesa denounced the
day to fight government plans to who has pledged to get rid of unpro- decision as Rakowski's "personal
close down the Lenin shipyard, the ductive and inefficient enterprises. provocation... against the birthplace
sight where the Solidarity trade un- The decision was announced while of Solidarity."

ion was born.
The state-owned shipyard in
Gdansk is being closed down Dec. 1.
It is the first big industrial plant to
be singled out for closure by the
A headline in a story in yester-
day's Daily incorrectly represented a
Friday rally. Speakers at the rally
opposed Proposal A, a measure
which would stop tax-funded Medi-
caid abortions.
Call 764-0557

the shipyard was closed on the eve of
All Saints' Day and caught many
workers and Solidarity activists by
surprise. The yard reopens Wed-

Rakowski, who took office Sept.
27, was a firm supporter of the Dec.
13, 1981 martial-law crackdown on

Crystal Mountain
Ski Weekend just
per person
group rate
Includes two nights lodging in
an area motel, day and night
skiing Friday through Sunday.
Great Times with
Good Friends
Get your friends together and en-
joy 22 downhill slopes or 26
kilometers of cross-country trails.
Plus nightly activities, entertain-
ment, heated outdoor pool and
more! All you need is a group of 20
for our special rates, with extra sav-
ings for the organizer. With a group
A An 6. .-

Meet Your



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