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February 20, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 97) • Page Image 6

… ____ _ _ ....._.. _ _ ___._ .. LN LEFT BY VETERANS 1IS FSHER'S TASK Captain Harvey Straub, Myron, and Truskowski, Only Lettermen Back. PITCHERS REPORT EARLY Montague Expected' to Act Mainstay of Wolverine Hurling Staff. as Facing…

… practice. The Wolverines' schedile for the coming season includes 28 games, 12 of them with Conference op- ponnts. Michiganl will Meet North- western, Ohio State, Illinois, Pur- due,. Wisconsin, and Chicago…

… in home and hoie series to complete its >ig Ten schedule. In addition to these Conference games the Wolverines will again make a Southern trip which will include two games apiece with Vanderbilt…

… Colgate o May 1 and 2. In addition to these new opponents, the Wolverines have scheduled a game with Oberlin,to be played in Ann Arbor on May 22. MICHIGAN HOCKEY TEAM PRACTICES, TO FACEGOPHERS' With the…

Wolverine rink with a strong team bf veteran players. The Gophers have been fortunate in having ten of the best men from last year, again on the ice and the formida- ble record that they have hung up so far…

January 07, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 71) • Page Image 7

… with 50 more playing Larger Squad of. Playe r, Gives n : li-ursciay. A total of 165 teams ElIi Chance to Outspeed I meet in the various leagues and Wolverine invaders., each team plays at least four…

…' (Continued, From Page 6) games. Entries are still being talc- Iiamlt~ sexett pu~ upa surd en for independent and class teams. defense but the Wolverines Christ- Cuc em r losnigl ing-fbr a 'win to offset their…

… Thirty Wolverine thrusts were p;.cid House or fromt the Health staved off by the Hainilton goalcI 'who showed phc-nominal abililt.y i t 1 Service. the first two stanzas while the New, One of the rule, s…

…~tates that if ai Yorkers were limited to six unsiau& team fails to show tip within 10 cessful scoring attempts. In the }miniutes of the time scheduled, a final period the Wolverine inserted forfeit is declared…

… inelgible to compete with each accounted for a single marker. tthe second quintet. In addition superior team play was the main Varsity and Freshman squad:: men gain of the Wolverines on their in- tiro…

May 08, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 155) • Page Image 6

… at nine o'clock con- sisted .of two foursomes both of which the Wolverines won by 3-0 scores. Royston, playing golf of a champ- ionship calibre, was the outstand- ing golfer of the day. The veteran…

Wolverine turned in scores of 72 for both the morning and after- noon play. This performance is considered exceptional for a col- legiate golfer, both cards being par golf for the Barton Hills course. Hicks…

… Hicks to win over the Michigan State duo1 of Mner and Duffield. The Maize and Bluehteam took both rounds to-. in, the match and give the Wolverines three points to their Topponents. one at the outset…

…. Again in the' seond foursome three points were added to tec Wolverine total when Austin and Royston went in partnership tc take both rounds and the match from Pace and Hewer of State. Th second foursome…

… indcividual match from Minier. This proved to be a close match in spite of the excellent score of the Wolverine player, with Hicks tak- ing one round and the match to giveMihigan two points and Mich- igan State…

… one, their lone point o the day. Lenfesty and Duffield met in the second individual match with the Wolverine coming out on top, 3-0. Hewer of the Spartans was the next to fall before the Wolverine

… onslaught, In the third match he was defeated- by Royston who shot. his second 72 of the day to swell the Michigan score to 14 points. Livingston, the other Wolverine. who did not participate in the four…

January 28, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 89) • Page Image 7

… Establish- es Wolverines as Fav orites I in Title Chase. With the long trail toward a seccI: cond Conference championship looming in the future ahd a record' of7 four straight wins in the past, Coach Cliff…

Wolverines when they invade Yost Field house for the first home meet of the seoson on Feb. 15. At present the three veterans on the Michigan squad are leading the race toward seasonal high .scoring honors With…

…, around whom the Wolverine mentor has' built a formidable team are all counted as among the best in the country in the 128, 158, and 168 pound di-j visions, and advance d((pe on their Conference opponents…

… keep in condition; and to polish up on holds. yCut Jeu Do n a for.mif S j TO COA~ C CLIFF . \SVARSITY1 MA T COMBINE I LA UING COPHIE SI Coach F arirell said today that the _ Wolverine track squad was in…

… ; FridayOihi on h aonsfor trial coach Farrell believes j anls ganwih m brin toligt sznevaryg~ocl c.. nesota Besides the Wolverine-. sults. IvIo st of the ruuiers aOi {: rgopher clash last night and the good…

…~~~ [~ i while Benz is the best 143 pounder on the Wolverine mat rs"r Seao themdw"etrtch"nMrpe h avii ttmp _______WesernConerecethe men _led 'WOLVERNE PUCKSTERS EASILY OTLS PRASt I obreakta 31 gam e…

February 25, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 101) • Page Image 7

… season. The Wolverines are scheduled to encounter the mighty Northwestern aggregation of nata- tors at Evanston on Priday, and are anticipating the hardest fought Conference nieet of the season…

…'s captainship of the blue polo team has fallen to Hardie Scott of Strafford, Pa., the riding star of last year. Cagers Rest Following Wolverine Sextet Off Vitory Over Hoosiers 'Form in Gopher Series (Continued…

… the defense posts Sammy HartI though the Wolverines have appar- is playing the best game of his ently found their stride too =late to career and adds much to the of- gain the title this season, the show…

… has so far this season failed to prospects next year. show the same ability which .has No particular Wolverine showed marked his play in past cam- to unusual advantage on the fe- paigns and has failed…

… accomplished by the Michigan swordsmen last Saturday ind yet refusing to acknowledge that the Wolverines have yet reach- ed the perfection necessary to win the Conference title, Coach John- stone sent his…

November 29, 1930 (vol. 41, iss. 53) • Page Image 6

…. fi DameaquadwasritiesbunhsUveri of DtasinAduniaka- Bdman....noisRT Wolverine Puck Chasrs to Pay Fler )ho Sate an a-that next Wednes- havivgrplayedfseentooithe stiffst RE'WesterntOnarioadnlmnitia er, N…

…^. in, <;nt, frmer Wolverine tank star, on th gridron his yar -fter cneday vcatin Coar ha-J(' ic~apicke asldardwim foruldsthefoinvadersder whenn toeneahmaesndepndbeet nthariconthsyermatrn nede isaio a…

… the evening of Decem- Farsthat willrarc the Iih ber 3, will be free to all those wish- Prc usadn iea. Wolverines were defeated mainly S's~ cnmg.Wihi spandt lyhJ halves; and Ientner, North- igt ted…

… become fitted into the Wolverine Iatre- expected to start coming out ready to clash with some of the operation and the backs have not the 3-yard mark. Hie then ; lunged in tis ieriod. 'The second team…

… Not rne a caks Pint To Win. cellent opportunity to score in t'1" cit center, and Bayerie and Miller at Lagen n Cutsreuntote ek and ten they will continue end should push the Wolverines ing On the other…

January 24, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 86) • Page Image 6

…T H E M-I CH T C, AN T) 'A T 1. Y 'T+'RTrI Y _ ".TANTJARV 24. '193(1 -IT= - I - .T.-11 . - 11 11 MlD lI Itib nlvunr& z -.*&b .sue, lua Wolverine Hockey Team Afflvw."qw Keturns From Northern…

… Marquette. FELT LACK OF RESERVES Tired and exhausted from their play in the northland, Coach Ed- die Lowrey's Wolverine hockey team returned from one of the most gruelling jaunts ever attempted by a Michigan…

… their week's perform- ance and predicts a turn about when the Wolverines take on the invading fladger and Gopher forces in the Coliseum. Play Over-time Game. Invading the outdoor rink of the Cardinal…

… skaters on Friday last, the' Wolverines outplayed the speedy, Wisconsin sextet over the regula-, tion route but were forced to go into 20 minutes of- overtime play before gaining the decision, 2-1. In the…

March 02, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 106) • Page Image 1

… Association natators. The score was tied at 33 points apiece when the Wolverine medley trio took the mark for the final event. Wilcox, youthful C. A. A. star, gave his team victory when he beat Smith, Michigan…

… inches at the finish. Walaitis was off to a fast start in the40 yard sprint and won by a yard over Highland and Hosmer. The 150 yard backstroke went to Valentine of the Wolverines, who defeated Brown by a…

… GAIN CHAMPIO0NSHIP Wolverines Outplay Invading Cardinal Team to Hold Offensive Throughout 80 Minutes of Hard Play. MOORE LECTURE Dr. Max Peet, Professor' of 'ur- gery in the Medical school,. correct…

… long one to make the score 14 to 8 i favor of Illinois. From this point the Wolverines never seriously threat- en'ed to tie the score. Michigan's showing in the first half was largely due to Kanitz who…

… Illinois scoring until the last ten minutes of play when "Babe" Kamp sent the ball through the net four times from the side of the floor after passes from Kawal when the Wolverines tried to break up the…

…-11, thereby crushing the Wolverines' hopes of annexing another Big Ten title. By virtue of their win last night the Maize and Blue grapplers are scheduled to meet Wisconsin second place winners in the other…

…. Aldin- ger, a sophomore, wrestling in the 118 pound class, gave the Michigan team five points by gaining a fall over Shriman- Captain hewitt of the Wolverines won a decision over LaFavour in a fast match…

… the 148 pound class in order to face the new Purple hope, and the Wolverine won with a time advan- 4age of 5:35. Ray Parker gained a decision over Yarnell with a time advantage of 5:10. The second and…

March 11, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 113) • Page Image 7

… MAKESHOIN Sentman, Capt. McDermont and Cave, Are .Considered Outstanding. FORMER ACE I Veteran Big Le WOLVERINE HURLI PROMISED BRIGHT aguers See Many Potentialities in Bill McAfee. Latest indications from…

… and scribes to sit up and prominent part in the special tknoi events of the Ilinois relay carnival Although it is doubtful whether when approxinately 800 athletes the ex-Wolverine ace will remain fromn…

…-season slump. 'wolverines meet Ohio State at Co- CLINNIN IS CHAIMAN The Wolverines finished at the long lumbus with the odds decidedlyf against them but again found that (s1ccial t The Daily) Sthey could rise to…

… victory 112 pounders to the heavyweights nual Michigan Night banquet over the Illini than that of the have been provided and diamond sponsored by the Detroit Alpinni j Wolverines were expected to end medals…

January 22, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 84) • Page Image 6

… auspices of Battle Crek college in TMi MP s r i w r rw yr s IMY 7r Y Wolverines Prepare fo With Michigan S Next Saturday. or Meet tate KOON PERFORMS WELL Testing their strength for the final time…

… by ie Varsity cagers 171 With a squad of 68 men to work tainly not in order if the 45-26 were turned into points to swell the1 score is recalled. Wolverine total. Hank Weiss missed with the veteran…

… failed to mea- walls of the Wolverine sport efree ure up to the polished floor per- bailiwick in many Conference The first meet of the 1930 season formance of the Hoosier forces but campaigns. is scheduled…

… times and distances with led the going all the way and had the palm must go to diminitive 'the Wolverines. This meet will be the white shirted men from Hank Weiss who consistently pay- somewhat of an…

… the outstanding-;sprinters in thed in the $25,000 Agua Caliente fense was very evidently based on: h worldutotle pWolverine indoor open meet. ' point scoring ability. Against a from the first step. It r…

… squad boosts Michigan's chances of - ; team so dependent on her attack- Ask for it by name-the finihinghighin he Cnfernceing ability to offset advances of an finishing high in the Conference Wolverine

January 29, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 90) • Page Image 6

… thai is e°.vpeted to solve the Detroiter'. effective defense which was too strong for the Wolverines in their first game during the ChristmasI holidays. The Detroit quintet has had only a mediocre season…

… and recently lost a game to the Kalamazoo cagers. who split a two game series withI the Wolverines. On the other hand, the game tonight will be the elev- enth for the Maize and Blue Jun-I for varsity…

… will start tonight although it is likely that only one Wolverine cagerl who competed in the first game be- tween Detroit and Michigan will=1 start the game. Lindsay, who1 played with the Varsity reserves…

… Midway school plays host to theinthBgcaesrhosla- ingtheBibNine basketball scorers only five occasions did these dashes Wolverines. Friday night, Coach' in 'rolling up points in Coi'4erence. materialize in…

… which the i o-a ih'sbsebl a Sappears that they have but this Wolverines ran u-p. against a weak between Michigan and Minnesota, - Gopher aggregation Monday night:W'hich terminated in a 26-13 winr Wreslin…

… Tea Drllswas far from impressive, thec Var - for the Wolverines, was put on the sity playseting working wellscrand' air over. Station WJBK at Ypsilanti, for Purdue Encounter the e eegtigit crn hog h…

… Town Stork for ihi n n en as the Wolverines' best showing of the present camxpaign. In- this ecr,~ nlre o hs meet, which Michigan won by ai An enoe, gnle e-fo h score of 24-6, the Wolverines ouarT e…

… Ithe Wolverine regulars beig class- Con3ference with a margin: of 10 ed among this select group. Trus- Rune La~ost~e Mgkcs Statement pons oerhisneaes oponetkotivski, with 37 points, leads thec That He…

May 21, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 166) • Page Image 6

… four aspirants for duty behind Wolverines copped a 75 1-2-64 1-2 ;This wvrkl t beatin flu time was the plate, and eight flingers on the decision from their rivals in a made by the diinutivihe Wolverine

… competition will come from Tolan; honors. Their record in Confer- and Campbell of the Wolverines, ence tilts this year has been fav- Root and East of Chic igo, and Use- orable enough to give them this ad- man…

… won from Russell in 21.7. Allen" of Michigan was first in the 440 with a 50.7, while his team-mate Turner showed best in the 880 by clickingI off a 1:59.7 for the distance. Wolverines Win the Mile. Two…

Wolverines, Howell and Hill collected eight points in the mile. Howell was first in this event with Hill second. Howell's time was 4:36 1-5. In the two mile Reasoner beat out Howell and Hill by turning in a…

Wolverines however l slipped into a tie with Barron of Illinois for third and saved a cleanE sweep in this event. Cox of Mich- igan took a first in the hammer I with a toss of 131 feet 1 inch. Gold- smith and…

May 18, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 164) • Page Image 7

…SUNDAY, MAY 18, 1930 THE MICHIGAN DAILY l Wolverines Will Play I LLINI OTO PRESENT S9TRUNG NE1T SQUADJ ew Yarsity Still Fails to Uncover DAVIDSON WINS FIELD MEET 4:15--Theta Xi vs. Lambda…

…, Davidson won the championship Sigma Delta game. the Wolverine netmen will attempt of this meet by winning the throw- Phi Kappa Tau vs. Sigma Nu. to repulse a determined Illinois at- for accuracy and the…

… Shoaff will lead into Ann in the accuracy throw and the Chemistry........4 0 1.000j Arbor one of the strongest teams base running was very keen. I. Chem. Stores .... .:.3 1 750 that the Wolverines are to…

WOLVERINE NINE !Big Ten Golf Tourney Soccer Team Plays to WILL MEET OHIO to Open This Tuesday ;aTie With Ann Arbor (Continued From Page 6) (Continued From Page 6) (Continued From Page 6) Straub, Tompkins, and…

… battery, while either Kermode or Wrigley EU will take care of the hurling. In Friday's game against North- ER western the Wolverines just came short of packing the punch to beat out the Wildcats in a close…

January 26, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 88) • Page Image 6

WOLVERINES HARD PRESSED TO Prepare for Gophers IN H MINSI SIn the absence of Coach George V conker, the varsity basketballI ° squad wient through a short work-! out yesterday of ternoon under the; direction of…

… Coaches Cappon and Oosterbuaan. The Wolverine bas-1 keteers concentrated on 'a series ofi long and short shots, with a few of the first string men trying their, skill at foul shooting ~~ The practice…

…. Hieaccount- 1Two new men, H. F. Schaible, of ed for his third victory of the aft- Wanatah, and J. E. Rupp, of La- ernoon against Koon in the epee. Porte, are :expected to have first The 'Wolverine weapon…

… place in the Big Moe, Oregon sapling, will represent Nline scoring race with 33 points. (Ale youth of golf 61n the 1930 In the first meeting between the 1 Walker' Cup team. Gopher and Wolverine quintets…

Wolverines pnlayed championSbin - ball, and with Minnesota, a team which the Vaity five bas~ defeated once this year, slated to invade Yost E Make Reservat;os Now Field h7ouse 1ominorow, the Wolves are…

March 13, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 115) • Page Image 6

… teams and four individual entries will make up the Wolverine contingent. Mueller pulled a fine sprint on the last turn to win by a yard over Dalton Seymour yesterday for the fourth place on the mile relay…

… anchor Both of the IVichigan relay teams are expected to give competition for any aspirants for relay honors In the individual events the Wolverine entries will be made up of Pottle in the pole vault…

Wolverines in the all-conferene meet Fiiday and Saturday in Chicago. All of . these men have been fencing as number one men throughout the entire season in the foils, epees. and sabre respectively. In view of…

… the records of the? Wolverine sw rdsmen picked to at- tend this meet, Gordon probably has the lest chance of winning a Big Ten title. This Maize and Blue fencer has not been defeated so far !this season…

…, Captain of the Wolverine Con- in the three Big Ten meets on the ference champion swimming team, Michigan schedule thus far. who will swim in the 220-yard free Gordon also has the advantage style event in…

… total of 71 1-2 points to 32 1-2 made by the Wolverine youngsters. This se-' cond meet of the year brought out the fact that as a team the Wol- verines are only mediocre, but there are several outstanding…

… time' of 5.4 sec. Egleston brought the fourth place to the Wolverines in 5.6 sec. being nosed out by John- son and Lausche. The 40 yard high hurdles which were run in the fastI time of 5.5 sec. went to…

… JohnsonI while Egleston the Michigan hurdle! artist won third place with 5.6 sec. Eknovich one of the most out-f standing men on the Wolverine squad for several years took the two long sprints in fast time…

May 06, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 153) • Page Image 6


… hopes, to Chi- cago for the second encounter this year between the Maroons and the Wolverines this afternoon. In the first game Michigan man- aged to squeeze out a '4 to 3 vic- tory and have hopes of…

…. Following only a mediocre indoor season, and only fair success in one outdoor season to date, the triumph of the Wolverines was all the more pleas-; ing because of its being so unex- pected. Eddie Tolan…

…, Michigan's sprint' star, again ran second to George Simpson of Ohio State in the "100 yard dash event, the Wolverine finishing approximately two yarns, behind Simpson and about six inches ahead of Claude…

… addition to taking 4 third place in theI four-mile relay. The Wolverines' victory in the mile dis- tance was accomplished without the men having to extend them- selves, but in the 440 yard relayl the team…

February 25, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 101) • Page Image 6

… RED SEIXTEIT OFIORM IN GOIPHER SEIE1Sl Wolverines' Teamwork Lacking' Against Weak Minnesota Hockey Outfit. COURTIS PLAYS WELL Despite the whitewash which Coach Eddie Lowrey's Varsity; hockey team…

… tossed into the camp ofj the Gopher skaters over the series, last Friday and Saturday nights on the doliseum ice the perform- ance of the Wolverines fails to es-j tablish them on a par with Wis- consin…

… to play shortstop. Wedding Is Nothing to Wolverine Swimmer Not even a wedding can interfere with the practice sessions of Coach Matt Mann's swimmers as they prepare for their all-important meet with…

… Northwestern's highly touted aggregation this Friday at Evanston. Yesterday afternoon Fel Hosmer, Wolverine sprint star, was married to Katherine Tyler, Grad, and immediately following PURDUE NEARS CAGE TITLE…

… the season against the Hoosier basketeers, Coach Veenker was content to send the Wolverine quintet through a light drill yesterday afternoon while the reserves engaged in a short workout against the…

… fresh- man five. According to reports from Indi- ana, the Hoosiers played a dead, listless type of ball, while, accord- ing to the Wolverine standpoint, the Maize and Blue quintet had possession of the…

… approach anything resem- bling a solutlion of the Wolverine defense.- McCracken,dwho accounted for 11 of his team's 18 points, with five field goals and one free throw, was 1 the only Indiana player to work…

March 01, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 105) • Page Image 6


… Keesey, ver ers, wi ing g year uh tm aeostn ces arfto usrK esth ea th rdeeaetb ca se of h is w oefu l - Michigan's representatives in the hould extend the Wolverines N a r ae prourt, a fr meet were Richard…

…. Another LAFAYETTE, Id., Mar. i, 1930- will compete at Minneapolis March squad of gridiron aspirants busy in high jump and broad jump, is good Wolverine, Valentine. should win Purdue's colorful basketball…

… their champion and record-holder; Ev- give the Wolverine mentor a field house. And his 440 time miss- 1 ime an intercollegiate champion decisive victory over Northwestern erett Ferguson and Reuben Dep…

… Columbus Is Unimpressive. FOILS AND SABRE SLOW In one of the poorest fencing meets ever held in the Wolverine camp, the Michigan team defeated Ohio Wesleyan, 14 to 3, yesterday afternoon in the Intramural…

January 25, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 87) • Page Image 6

… at 7:30 tonight in the Intramural building pool. The Wolverines are meeting the Canadians for the third time in as many years. An entrance fee of 50 cents will be charged for those wishing to attend…

… Scorers. i nadian champion, in the dual meet Coombe, Michigan center, was between the Wolverines and the the high .point scorer of the even- Toronto "Y" tonight at the Intra-' ing. He accounted for three…

… tuted for Duty in the last period. battled each other throughout the Wolverines Improve. practice with the Wolverine men- The Detroiters put up a hard tor constantly shifting his line-up fight to continue…

… their winning in order to get the substitutes streak, but the Wolverines had im- working smoothly with his Varsity. proved enough since the last en- Starting Weiss and Kanitz at counter between the two…

… all unlikely that con-T_______ Wolverines to Face Strongest ence basketball circles at the pres- siderable revmpinge'has- been con- £ast Wtimeetheethree eams intthegcet-ducted by the cofaches during the…

… EastLansing Hockey Team Plays Te m That State Has'Had liar and one quintet half way up intermission since heir last games Host to Wolverine Sextet in Several Years. the ladder will compete in two and the…

March 20, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 121) • Page Image 6

… Mankowski from the pitch- ing staff. from the squad last season. The group includes Magnabosco at the receiving end Balay at the initial sack, Jaros at second base. Bur- Wolverines will comprise the best…

… Warne, another Big Ten ttoc oldest athletic rivalries which the trackman from Northwestern Uni- and Wolverines boast, and in the nine- versity, staged a great pole vault- J teen times which the two teams…

… annals, Coach Matt Mann is drilling his Varsity mermen daily in order to insure against a medi- ocre closing drive jeopardizing the highly successful season in the tank for the Wolverine cause. The…

…Mei o1J ances can be taken as any criterion the Wolverines should finish well n league, while Lu Blue at first hind the bat is the ororner of Wes- icn gthe "iconced AgainsteYel d Oscar Mellilo at second…

… the runner-up. fer the Wolverines plenty of oppo- sition in their effort to complete the regular dual meet season with- out a reverse. The Badger paddlers have survived the season to date with only a…

…, Shaffter, Chizek, and! Lange which holds along with Chi- cago A. A. the national record for, the 160-yard free style relay. When the Wolverine 200 yard free style combine of Hosmer, Walaitis, Walker, and…

… Smith, holder of the mark at that distance, and the, Badgers meet the Wolverines will hold a slight edge. In the 100 yard free style num- ber Chizek and Lange will make things interesting for the Wolver…

September 23, 1930 (vol. 41, iss. 1) • Page Image 10

… second year, as the ever, the success which Ohio en- Aditiot to Michigan's Wolverine head coach, is not mak- "joys this year will depend on the Athletic Plant. ing any predictions as to how his way in…

WOLVERINES ANNEX THREE CONFERENCE TITIES IN 1929-30, DESPITE LOWER WIN PERCENi (Continuedfrom Page 9) on the team, Coach Cliff Keen's' ly faltered and lost two Veteran Connie Mack Pilots a fighting band of…

Wolverines to wrestling team was not able to an- with them the Conferee a elao their first chamionshi the tea nex the Conference mat crown pionship. As it is, the tE winning four games, losing two and Four…

… to stand for quite The cross country sea WASHINGTON IS SECOND Wolverines won at will, the only o time. The team, eve though distinct failure until the ______ team bettering them consistently it failed…

… indoor track the Wolverines i were good for a fourth place, scor-1 annual fall blue ribbon classic of ing a total of 12 1-2 points in the! the baseball world, when the junior; Conference meet to Wisconsin…

… western in the Conference meet at American League as Brooklyn is to Evanston. A brilliant group of the National, has been up near the swimmers gave the Wolverines a tp all seaso long, and now hasI team that…

April 04, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 134) • Page Image 6

…- tea'y htters. Six Wolverine Tankmen Receive letic club star, and Clarence "Bus- SCn AMA' fr Se ter" Crabbe, ace of the Honolulu Outrigger Canoe club swimmers, come used to having a new mana-! on 1930…

… 21 feet, 6 inches and Chuck Hoyt's freshman 440 relay very raw errors. However, it is TJackson, with 21 feet, are among team beat the regular Wolverine this occasional rustiness only that to contest…

… at Harvard, forcing. Coach Mann's men into second place. Finally in the last meet of1 the season, the Wolverines suffer- ed the worst defeat of the season' when thew bowed to Yale 41-21. Coach Mann is…

… Schmieler in theinfield at shortstop. free style sprints, the Wolverine Jimmy Wilson, Earl Smith, andtu freshmen have Chase, Sanborn, Gus Mancuso ought to do a good; seven Klintworth, Morgan, and Marcus, IJob…

… Fisher bell. used in the final two innings for Yesterday marked the second the regulars, is now one of the big day of the outdoor work-outs of question marks of the Wolverine the cinder path squad with…

April 03, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 133) • Page Image 7

… far Babe Rut, Meine and Brame are outstanding. the Wolverines, with the Purple out of his way to land any minor Again is proving the sensation of exhibitionsBh t sL yearned in ni one team scoring two…

… this season, but club's regular right field guar- day. HoWever, in thw crucial test, does produce some potential dian. Jeffries, an infielder, the Wolverines, although strong - ------- -- should: remain…

… premier was the only first place taken by All - America selections in both hurlers of the Cleveland In- the Wolverins when the quartet basketball and hockey as announc- dians min their initial appear- Most…

… Walker, veteran Wolverine, in the two sports. The selectionsf out allowing them a smigle hit. trailed Schwartz across the line in follow with Tompkins, Wolverine Now that Art Shires has signed the 100 yard…

… Intercollegiate champions is the only dual meet iosN that the Wolverines have suffered, this sea- son.! Capt. Ault won the 440 yard swim and Boldt took first honors in the 150 yard back stroke eventj to score the…

March 28, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 128) • Page Image 6

… strong teams entered and should press the Wolverines for first honors. Strong Breaststroke Entries. Ted Moles, Princeton ace and in- tercollegiate record holder, will have to outswim a fast field in order…

Wolverine Wrestlers BaseallCanidaes ontnueWaterman gymnasium available courts will also be demanded be-; Indoor Batting Sessions; for this sport. Today a large per- yond their capacity. Handball ap- to…

… combine while the last of the trio is a mat- are high among the Wolverine dia- time. pleasure, keen competition, and an who has been showing grea mond clan for play early next week The regulations which are…

Wolverine mentor. Deprived of !IC L high school basketball team at a and Blue gained last season in fin- the services of two promising soph- 1meeting of the lettermen held Wed- ishing the meet as runners up…

… ficient promise to bear considera- sibilities of developing a team time another captain will be elect- of the Wolverine entries, Hewitt, tion, but when play begins in ear- to wear the Maize and Blue against…

…- fending, Wolverines. +sions. of New York or Chicago. i nial champions. In the outfield Captain Harvey --- --- - (Continued on P'age 9) Associated Press Photo - Garnet Ault (left) of Michigan, George Kojac…

March 05, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 108) • Page Image 6

… BSEBALTA Coach 'Steve Farrell picked 17, lS I F hw N bbISUU L HD u v ILJ li Wolverine Varsity trackinen to rep- -rIr ~nirh~1ITIPfff EO f resent the Maize and Blue at the____ NTHSI______________ twentieth…

… year the iin the Intramural Sports Building....f. $.RThe Michigan quintet had to cope 27-24. Pennsylvania was consider- Wolverines are not conceded a The preliminary events will be held! with a difficult…

… team than the at Minneapolis, Minnesota proved tre . te ilhe 200 and placing second in the Wolverines upset the dope both at no mate for the Veenker-men and The entries50the gwirter mile{5o and 100 yard…

… sur- yer.Livingstone Oliver of Detroit their wins. prising the Wolverines and win- A orthwinte hos le ve h Ohio Wesleyan proved to be high- ning a 24-18 game. All members of the Varsity the srt r e ly…

… year, Minnesota 26-13, and tank suits. scholastic swimming circles for the Forward on the Wolverine quin- Iowa to Defend Title Chicago 29-16. These teams were Coach Matt Mann at g the past season, is one…

March 04, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 107) • Page Image 7

… Wesleyan, 4- 3, at the Intramural building last Friday, Michigan journeyed to Co- lumbus and won over the Buck- eyes, 10-7, in a close meet the fol- lowing day. Against Ohio State, several of the Wolverines

… turn defeated the Wolverine by the same occore. Friedman Stars.j Friedman proved to b the star of the Maize and -Blue in the final event, by taking all three of his bouts in the foils. He won two of…

… foils, lost to Fuchs and Jones.# * Coach Johnstone's Wolverines] have four victories and no defeats to their credit thus far this season, :ht' each match has been close. BROOKLYN - Reports f r o m…

… number to prove that the luck has all on one Iside. Good as the Indian's defense mayI have been, there is no question I that the Wolverines were suffering from a "cold" spell that would probably have…

… JOSEPH L. ARNET . vt{,u. ;+,::. .... 777 power of the Michigan deflense. "Without a doubt the man-t for-man defense put up by the Wolverines was the best oppo-l s tion that Illinois has faced on its own…

… on the Maize and Blue Joseph, who graduated in. February, squad. played their last for Michigan. This quartet of experienced stars Wisconsin Grapplers along with Tommy Courtis and Will Face Wolverines

February 27, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 103) • Page Image 7

… ates.. TheWolverine these two .races will M I be Kennedy, Lowmaster, and Fitz-- o gibbons in the two mile and Wolfe, c D'Anna and Fenstal in the mile. ti Crieger, O'Connor, and Arnold. Y…

… will also run for Ypsi in the half h mile run with the addition of Sur- ev holt. This quartet should prove .e tough going for the Wolverine run-f ners, Benson, McLaughlin and c1 Chase. The 'Spartan…

… who is assured plenty of work. Man for man the Wolverines ap- pear to be on a par with their speedy, deft opponents and it will only be superior combination play which will spell defeat for Michi- gan…

February 21, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 98) • Page Image 7

… holder of the team and it will take everything breast stroke record for the Intra- Indiana has to keep its scoring re- mural pool, and is a member of duced to a minimum. Leading the the Wolverine Varsity…

…- 'Michigan Varsity swimmers.f L ion; Weiss,; fast forward, who is Returning to Ann Arbor afterl hrd to coer during a game; and the meet the Wolverines will pre- anitz, at the other forward post, pare to face…

… Gopher start his old post at forward for team has swum in the Intramural Indiana. In the game with Chi- pool, and it is also the second Big sago last Saturday night he held Ten meet for the Wolverines this…

November 20, 1930 (vol. 41, iss. 46) • Page Image 7

…THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2 , 1'30T THE MICHIGAN D A I Y HOYT ILL C6HOOE 51XTH IU l I Choice Rests Between Feustal and Fitzgibbons to Fill Wolverine Entry. '- ~ Int rarr1 i ra A CLASESIF1 ADVERd…

… last week when he beat Crawford, and stocky little Fitzgibbons, who will have to prove to the coach that he has recovered from his in- jury before he will be allowed to make the trip with the Wolverines

… take the honors, Howell and Wolfe have look~ed good also and should be in the first ten men. The Wolverines will leave here by auto Friday morning and go to Milan where they will take the Wa- bash to…

…, and Harris, ( Good running weather aided trie; (Continued From Page 0) meet to be close, tough team for the Wolverine3 Co) ___beat. ALL-CAMPUS CRSS COUNTRY Not all of the thrills of the se .- The All…

May 24, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 169) • Page Image 6

…, est golf matches ever shot in Ann order to lay claim to the Confer- and Eapon. i Arbor. The Wolverines are hosts to once tennis championship, the The procaufr lineup will be as ! ' follows: Axin…

… the other Wolverines to engage il leaders is therefore a matter of round is one of the most closely up some more records for the boys the singles matches. conjecture, with Kiegler or Comp- ( matched…

… required for the New York artist self against his Wolverine op- day afternoon. play. to establish this record. ponent. ~V iconin rew Meets' Pe~'Veteran squad TA IG EEV *r MADISON, WisconsinMay 23 - With the…

February 18, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 95) • Page Image 7

… promise 4 the Wolverines in the final mat eir opponents in a very material on the freshman team three yer n defeated them for the seco ry. The Purple machine has dis- ago, so he may prove valuable in…

… virtually tions, Coach Mann took his nata-j and Watson, also ex-Wolverin Llled. l tors to Grand Rapids last Thursday ' aided the Yacht club to victory. Minnuesota, Ohio State, and Chi- for an exhibition meet…

… with the .lo- This week two - meets, are ont ;o may be counted out of the cal "Y" team. The Wolverines had tank team .card. TIhe Maize a .e, having failed to show any- little trouble in chalking up a 54…

… home c :prise the followers of the Big club. In the preliminaries the f erence meet; of the Big Ten se n~e court fortunes. Maize and Blue aggregation down-' son. Records Threatened -inWOLVERINE

… pound class fur- nished the feature entertainment of the evening with the' Wolverine taking the hard fought match with anl advantage of 1 :37. Robinson wrestled to a draw with °Kelly last unable to pin…

January 15, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 78) • Page Image 6

…rtF, Nt1CH10- iL EMI:: ,. 'I A . .'; " . 30 THE. MiCHICA'N DAiLY ~W~ThAY ~ tR~Thf~fl l I1 i..1. cf " 1.\11 ali4.l, ,1i/, -i OtPI WOLVERINES LOOK TO CONFERENCE AT SCHEDULE 10 "1 MIC…

… HICAN MATMN DOWN TWOil STRONG EASTERN SCHOBOLS Prnceton andF.& M. Defeated by Powerful Wolverine Grappling Team. WIN BY LARGE SCORES Hewitt Continues His Victory Streak by Accounting I for Two Triumphs…

… from more experienced op- l ponents. The stocky Wolverine 1481 pound defender won the State A.A. I U. title in this weight last year and is looked upon as a favorite to start I the first Big Nine meet…

… i o r circuit forX team ole ntheir own floor toni he 1929 baseball campaign, show- The Wolverine "B"' teaml was sent through a rather strenuous drili ing the way for all the other slab yestegay…

… Lefty) Grove. smoke-ball State Normal school A Ypsilanti artist of the world champion Phil- last Saturday night will take t .liel adelphia Athletics, was second to r floor for the Wolverine juniors. the…

… exhibition of shooting itven by the Wolverines in Monday night's game against Illinois, Coach Veenker started his practice sessidn yesterday afternoon right where hl, charges started slipping the worst in the…

November 16, 1930 (vol. 41, iss. 43) • Page Image 7

…'c knocked down a third returned the bal of harriers, running as atm, Mihior pass and the Wolverines. to the Gopher 30- once again finished the day with wereor onahsed another five yards. yard ma ker . ie- a…

… clean slate by defeting tne K r 11p~ cd over the goal li2.e beth =as tackled Wolverine cross country tb,2-(l c an h ali ly *S rmrall aftera 37, in a dual meet yesterday mr orn- ats arown2-yard marker. s i…

… . - y a r d gain ing over the Varsity course Manders roundcd Michi an's let 3rockmeyer mtadc One Wolverine, however, stood end for 2C -ards and 2, first downj two at center. out above all the other rnes…

… Minnesota 35-yard line. Riebeth hit concude th lit o Mihign'sbrilliant return to the Wolverine Michigan's left tackle for two yards. concude th lit o Mihign's38-yard line \vhere he was tackled B…

… stopped for an in- in dual meets; and Northwestern, Newmrran's pass stant and then continued for a first Illnosan Cicgohae aleninto Hudson was ~~?--- down on the Wolverine 40-yard line, a quadrangular run…

…. ., ano 7yrs h e ald W'olverines Improve. b ro0k en up b5J. a gain.o 7yrs Welrfie Michigan's showing yesterday Brownell. Simia:mral nedogain.beh' was better than that which it made:' punted over the h ead…

… Howell and Hill, and the bettering straight up in the air. It was of Fitzgibbons' and Wolfe's condi- downed by Cornwell on the Goph- tion the Wolverine harriers shouild er 30-yard line. Brownell rounded…

… StateEl en Vt ie - ed N ewrn Wolverines Play -ere *K .. Wmle :~back nearthi Michigan State's gridelers, now ' zone line pointing for the Detroit game next '" pumnted o u week, took advantage of an open…

June 01, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 175) • Page Image 6

… Spartans rode to victory on the supple left arm of Charley Griffin who held the Wolverines in check throughout the contest. The Wolves were able to solve his deliv- ery for only two hits, a single by Superko…

… a single, but drif- fin fanned Tompkins and Hudson, and made Straub fly to Sachs. The only other times the Wolverines succeeded in placing men on the sacks outside of the ninth was in the first and…

…. The next three bat- ters, however, were retired without any scoring being done. Wolverine Rally Halted In the ninth the Wolverines made 1 a desperate attempt to score. Su-: perko started off peacefully…

…, but Straub punched a double off the scoreboard in right scoring Tompkins. Griffin pitched masterful ball, fanning nine Wolverine batsmenI and allowing but one base on balls.{ Tompkins, Daniels and…

… Michigan mounds- man. Compton fanned six op- ponents, while Sommerfield sent four Wolverines back to the bench via the strikeout route. Myron played a, nice game at short for the Maize and Blue, kill- i…

Wolverines to a total Mittenmeyer had singled to open the inning, Myron took Griswold's' MALTESE DEFEAT! grounder and threw him out at first ! on a nice play, holding the runners' 5 0 C C E R ELEVEN on their…

May 02, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 150) • Page Image 7

… week is another Wolverine: T D YI SeGO O B TT EO.S RE had plenty of experience in this ponwo theis eadBl _____ _________________ ______- ds cram qua is e~ig fr afirst or sec- Y, gler. Likely to be Fishe…

… srvein the person of Sinmpsoni of Ohio the h alf. mile relay.tLawn of 'rolatl, Michigans Wolverines and Col- them up for Colgate is not kmown.asteldigcnnerfristCmbl, urya S th gate's Maroons will clash at…

December 12, 1930 (vol. 41, iss. 64) • Page Image 6

… Mat Star Gains Two Out of Three Falls in Los Angeles Bout. 'FELD OLYMPIC TITLE Another Michigan athelete has made good in the "big time." EdI Oeorge, erstwhile defender of the Wolverine heavyweight…

…- onds to even the match when George nailed him with a double wristlock and a scissors. The third and deciding fall came 12 minutes and 52 seconds later when the former Wolverine pinned his op- ponent with…

… seeking re- ning. venge for the 5-0 drubbing given Two v4 them last year by the Wolverines played a in the first game of the year. which th Defeat is Surprise. at the h, At that time the Western Ontario…

… styne's t team figured the Wolverines as the open push-overs, basing their opinions presence on previous records made by the any opp Michigan teams in other years, but players the Conference championship…

…. Fisher started yesterday's work- out with a session of basket shoot- (Continued on Page 7) Ed George, Former Wolverine Varsity wrestl- er and Olympic champion who gained the decision over Gus Son- nenberg…

November 16, 1930 (vol. 41, iss. 43) • Page Image 6

… which made thing< look bad for their opponents. Wieman's Line Junctions. The invaders line, coached b Tad Wieman, former Michiga mentor, tore great holes in th Wolverine forward wall, and Brock- meyer and…

… 115 for the Kipkemen. Also they lost but 6 yards from scrimmage as compared with the Wolverine's 47. Minnesota tried 12 passes, were suc- cessful on four of them and had two intercepted. Michigan ti…

…-A!, south goal. Minnesota elected to The pass gained 23-yards. ' kickoff to the Wolverines. Brook- u. Hudson hit Stadiurn at La ay fte. rMeyer booted the ball to Wheeler tHudson loste a yard. for on yar _ who…

… caught it on his 10-yard line t eAer e fto e ard. BOILERMAKERS FAVORED and in stiaight up the field to theA pew n aWolverine 22-yard marker whereot sf tc <d t } I ."he was tackled. a rs do t wasa g of…

…, Purdue 23-ard line and returned it 10- ured on the play and took time has won the annual classic by de- yards to the Wolverine 38-yard out. cisive margins, 24 to 14 in 1926, marker. Newman dropped back in…

June 03, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 176) • Page Image 6

… of the Wolverines. While the Michigan thinclads were tri- umphant in the all-Conference meet at Dyche Stadium, Evanston, the Varsity netmen were downing the Maroons in the final and de- cisive meet on…

… the tennis schedule. Outstanding among the achieve- ments of the Wolverines in the field of sport this year has been thc annexation of the Western Conference outdoor track and field title by the Farrell…

…. Score at Harvard.' In addition to winning the Con- ference title, the Wolverine track- sters were represented by six men. at the I. C. A. A. A. A. meet last' week-epd at Harvard. Against thei finest…

Wolverines' NE.W YORK, June 2.--The Phila_ Babe Ruth and Hack Wilson, were at their best, but the class of Only one game was scheduled delphia Athletics, climbing the up- home run sluggers extraordinary of…

… Boston Braves. Berger and Klein are staging a event. Brooks, the Wolverine discus j by a late rally on the part of the The Athletics won seven succes- close race for third place. hurler, tossed the platter…

June 03, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 176) • Page Image 7

… TILDE N WOLVERINES WIN COCHET TRIUMPHS OVER TILDEN IN TRACI, T'ENNIS TO CAPTURE HARD COURT T1TJ (Continued From Page 6) --- - -------- Erip thoghte oth drig (Continued From Pa;e G) man's dccis'on iainst…

Wolverine nin under the the women's title for the third suc- and Tilden was leading in t(e see- guidance of Coach Fisher , con- cessive year by defeating Helen ond at 5-3 before tc Fren^h ac e tinued to loso…

…. -5, but Tilden brought it all cvc n less consistency. As a result of te g sagain on his Own service. Here Mrs. Moody vion, 6-2, 6-1,. and- - ragged playing the Wolverine cli- nclusi.vely d onstrated…

… relaxed a bit That s te winning Badger nine at 'Madisonfafter .the gallery hooted a lines- to play," said Tilden. to the tune of 10-4. This unex- nected feato nf the Wolverines was i "I LASSIFIEU…

…. Dial 3916. Moe best iC the- highlight of the season. After winning 20 consecutive dual! meets in .three years of Big Ten competition the Wolverine Varsity golf team suffered a relapse to- ward the end…

May 30, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 174) • Page Image 6

… before the Kobsmen are No- tre Dame, Cincinnati, and Oberlin The Wolverine nine has won its last three games from teams of va- ried ability. A week ago the Maize and Blue journeyed to Madison to perform…

… Oberlin invaders. Defeat Cincinnati. On Wednesday, the third con- secutive victory was chalked up in the camp of the Wolverines when the struggling Cincinnati team ended a rather disastrous exhibi- tion…

… when the contest opens. Bulloch May Pitch. Having faced all manner of hurl- ers this season, the Wolverines are hoping to be able to get to the Spartan pitcher early in the game as they did in the Badger…

… con- Philadelphia at Boston, rain. eluded. Due to their fine play at , the close of the dual meet season, No other games scheduled. a Carison, Veteran the Wolverines reign as a strong rLica e PitcherD I…

… event the east will find it difficult to keep one of these two West Coast 'teams from carrying off the ma- jority of the spoils. Michigan's Wolverines, recently crowned kings of the Western Con- ' ference…

May 28, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 172) • Page Image 6


…'clock this aftern Should the Wolverines win game they will stretch their ° ning streak to three games, of which was against the lea in the -Big Ten race, Wisconsin Cincinnati has a team wh while well up to the…

… last Saturday and kno ed off the leaders by driving rtes across the plate as against 4 the Badgers could account aths win makes the Wolverine danigerous team which may be ""'ted to flash championship f…

… tournament,.ofsix o and I te this week. The Gophers gave iones vicory. As a result of six vtories and the Wolverines a scare in the dual a young Englishman who one defeat, and that an early sea- encounter, but…

… the Maize and Blue learned his golf playing between son setback, the Wolverines are pulled through on the long end of h ; shifts as a coal miner. Despite the looking towards the tourney with fact that…

March 18, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 119) • Page Image 7

… f T )AS SCHEDULE. Relay;. VJ Finals (F~~id WOODARD PLACES THIRD entry gave Kelly a good battle, but could not break the Wolverine's Although Cliff Keen's Wolverine string of wins. grapplers…

… Ault led the Wolverines in y veing at the Ltramliural apps scoring with eight points Bob- SprtK building.aaPp by Walker amassed six points IPhSim Kap by taking second in both the 40 Coach Sauer…

…:50, while Ward qf Purdue gave Wolverines overshadowed thei i: him even less competition in the the individual events. semi-finals, losing with an advan- Six or seven Wolverines will rep tage of 8:10. La…

March 06, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 109) • Page Image 6

Wolverine trackmen are expected to place in the upper bracket while several of the indi- viduals on the team may rank high in the various events. The Michi- gan squad will leave for the north- land at 9…

Wolverines did attempt will be made to evaluate Letts of Chicago and Goldsworthy Record of Both Cardinal not repeat in their defense of a the }merits of the entries in the va- of Wisconsin should place unless…

… and Wolverine. Conference championship, the ,rious events at the Big Ten idoor they elect to enter some of the string of wins they piled up over track meet to be held at Minnea- longer races instead…

… Farrell are slated Coach Cliff Keen's Wolverines. Both Michigan's title hopes in a meet defeated him in a 40 yard event tfor NortIwestern. the Badgers and ichigan were which was not deeided until the and Is…

…'s championship hockey team will not select next year's captain until shortly before the 1931 season, according to Coach Eddie Lowrey. This is the first time in years that a Wolverine team has not picked a leader…

March 05, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 108) • Page Image 7

… Purdue Relegates Wolverines to Fifth Position in the Conference. _ Intramnural News C LASSIFIET ADVEwrisING NOTICE Chapman, Truskowski Placed on Conference Team Selected by Michigan Coaches. CHAMPIONS…

… announced yes- terday. Joe Truskowski and Cap- tain Chapman were the Wolverines so honored after the termination of a long season of brilliant play. Truskowski was the scoring ace j of the Maize and Blue…

… (Purdue) I Pipgras, Zachary, Wells, Sherid andl guards. Heimadh returning, ,'the fight for INDIANA ENDS SCHEDULE By virtue of its decisive victory over the Wolverine quintet, the mighty Purdue cage team…

… point lead, the Wolverines continued their attack, but a dis- couragingly small number of their shots found the basket. fill. Captain Murphy, Harme- son, and Boots are regulars Oakland, Cal. who will…

… that the former This has been a big year, athlet- Wolverine star will be farmed out, ically speaking, down at Lafayette.-I possible to St. Paul in the American First the Four Riveters, colloborat…

February 22, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 99) • Page Image 1

… the banquet, de-a tails for which are being pushed to I[N S NT1 comnpletion by four committees. E The number of committees has Wolverine Pucksters Miss Tries been reduced this year and a cen-j tralized…

… University members. 1 goal from the side of the rink. The Committee Chairmen Named. Wolverines evened matters two Other committee appointments minutes later as Tommy Courtis were annouinced by Monroe as f 1…

… Rosenberg, '30, and Wil- Minnesota carried the play dur-' liam Gentry, '31. ing the first two frames, keeping Entertainment committee: Geo. the puck in Wolverine territory: C. Tilley, '30, general chairman…

… benefit of experience n two meets this season, they are not expected to prove espixally langerous for the Wolverines. Chi- ,ago defeated Purdue 57 2-3 to 23 1-3 early this season, but last week he Maroons…

… Ramsey tre the other Maroon entries, vhile Campbell, Smith, and Mur- ay will represent the Wolverines. The 65 yard high hurdle race ;hould resolve into a duil between Iayden, Conference indoor chan- >ion…

May 22, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 167) • Page Image 6

… honors in both the 120 yard. Discus Throw. Empanied high and 220 yard low hurdle races. i Michigan's duet of Brooks and Ec freshman team, the Wolverine Rockaway was a double winner last Sanderson should…

… glory that was not serious threat to his supremacy. both Wolverines havin other nine Big Ten schools in an a last minute sprint but an index t: Other likely place wnners among effort to bring back the…

Wolverine team out as future Varsity stars but a.° Hammer Throw, Schmidt of Ohio State. is rated as a favorite to annex the of the men to receive numera" Holley Campbell of Michigan will Ple Vault…

… foreshadow a successful de- fense of the title won last year, seemed to assure Coach Fisher's men of a place near the top of thej rankings. however the Wolverines hit a snag, and the past four games have been…

… 6-5 score, and Illinois again taking the measure of theirl ancient rivals by a 5-2 count in a gamhe which was played in the rain.' With these losses behind them the Wolverines are sure not to go on…

…-5, the former mark. Purdue have bettered 180 feet, and Campbell and myth will be- the should garner some points. Fel- other Wolverines in the sprints. binger of Ohio State, Brubaker of Relay Has Chance…

April 26, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 145) • Page Image 6

… ~ ------------ - RITYLEINEKSMEN ERANE6 ETI arind ChatterU WILL, MEEIT P uRD UEL' l0ULEINSTOA ,_, ; l RUTH MAKES FIRST HOME RUN AS YANKS FINALLY WIN GAME K i Wolverine Team Is Undefeated in Dual Meet Competition for Three…

… victories. The Boilermakers have been participating over their home NATIONAL LEAGUE. course longer than the Wolverines w L Pet. and have hung up two voctories New York ..........4 0 1.000 over non…

… chances and even the staunches supporter of the, home talent wil admit that the Wolverine cause did look very shaky at times. S Topol, husky Syracuse guar- dian of the far corner, came within an ace of…

Wolverines furnished the first double play of the season on Ferry Field. Sulkowski ground- ed to Norm Daniels who threw to Straub, doubling Stoneberg, who in turn relayed the ball to Hudson in time to catch…

… triple over, Langen's head in left field. With none out things looked fatal for the Wolverine cause but Holtzman finally pulled out of the rough. } able to crash into the win column on Ferry Field…

March 19, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 120) • Page Image 7

… Varsity grams; Eight Newcomers Re- two mile relay team that goes to 'M' While Two Others Are ceive Freshman Numerals. Cleveland Saturday and also ascer-c Given AMA's tained who the two Wolverine en- _Ge…

… __ s PROSPECTS ARE STRONG tries would be for the half mile { KEEN STARTS TRAINING event at Ithaca on the sames day against Coach t:ack Moakley's 4 Robert Gordon, '30E, was elected squad. Ten Wolverine

January 07, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 71) • Page Image 1


… summer on tour of the Orient vith Michigan. Asbeck was a three-year veteran: in the Wolverine baseball teams of1 927-28-29. The lanky pitcher cap-! gainecd the team his senior year vhich won the undisputed…

… Western, ',onfereic championship. Along 1 with Bill McAfee, '29, of Chicago, ,he Wolverine diamond contingent' )oasted one of the strongest moundj ~ores in college baseball. Abseck takes rank with Jablon…

…- vunity to break into thec major leagues, and the Wolverine hurler; should make good with his fast bal and accurate curves. COUNCIL WILL AID U N ION, MER IT PLANI Commnittee Will Meet Toni ,!) to Discuss…

… Uiniversity of Mlichig ar basket ball teamt last 1nfght rouated Alinnecsota here bay a 3 to 17 score. Thie Wolverine v'ictory ca"mw after they had fought anI uphill battle a' ainist a bitter (C;oijiir rally…

….; The box score follows: lepartinent, an(i\Valenmtine Windt, ebr.Rea, assistant to the dean of stu-p mebes Michigan, 3 llrector ofC Play Prodution. A de-> Wolverine Sextette I The details of the system…

…, Coach Eddie Union. T'he petitions must c~oma- location of storage. 4 ~c..~. i23 wvinninig plays for the purpose of Lowrey's Wolverine puck eoiiibiw- I t aiii at least 200 signatures before i "While there…

May 13, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 159) • Page Image 7

…~plish more th'an Holtzman, who had a :streak of1 wildness when he hit the plate onI batting and field practice. Today two successive pitches, was the the Wolverine mentor plans to put worst of the lot. Besides…

…) counted for the winning team. 2nd SEMESTER TUTORING Throughout the game the play of 1MACK TUTORING AGENCY the backs was such that indications 1310 S. STATE.13PONE 792'? for a fast Wolverine backfield next…

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