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November 29, 1930 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-11-29

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THE MTC_14TC;A fit n TT V

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AT ilt



iRockne' Backs to be Matched
Against Rugged West PointI
Line in Chicago Tilt.
Another strong gridi-,On age;cga-1
~tion that has been pi~Agtoward
NGtre Damnea al sea,,-- will ime t
the rlsh at Soldiers' Field, Chi-
ca o, this afternoon before a crowd
predicted to reach the tremendous
pr eJiusof12i90fQDbsilen-
thusiasts. The opponents of theI
Ramblers who have been preparing
for this tilt during the entire sea-
son as have all the rest of Notre
Darne's opponents are the Armyj
gri dders.
Even with their powerful line to
,stand up against the Irish' forward
wall, the Cadets are yonsidered
weaker than their opponents in the)
backfield, especially on running at-I
tack. However, it must be consid-
ered that where the Rockvo-coach2-l
ed eleven can point for no game1
in particular with a series of 1r~
mnajor encounters on its schedule.
the other teams can all concen-
trate on a 'single battle as is the
case with the Army.
Irish Cover Stiff Schedule.
Notre Dame's card of grid tilts;
thus far this season has included'!

Associated Press Photo!

Southern Methodist, Navy, Cane- ov( Asw rd tcd Pre)VI JM G
gie Tech, 'ittsbuargh, Indiana, v TF1P INGere ~ a pae fu TAR
wesensh the . TrA a LJ~LI I~T~ i H mn an d Michigan two of the I TO APPEAR HERE
blersfacig TI N "N OS Pal Mes. Purdue .........L
the Army today ands 2mthen Cal- nur alia s I arvii, Northwestern.. LT n nni nelaev e ssAenlpCdonerncese o b odmt oFc ast
ifornia a week f...yi osICog tasPru <n 9LGofrnc ~ Glsih oFc ast
AnCe.AtrteN~hetr L L(harles Millr, Purdue ..... in Grand Rapids Meet.
clash's last waa Saturday ithe Notre Clarence Munn, Minnesota. .RG 1 cln S p o oachwries. fi
DameaquadwasritiesbunhsUveri of DtasinAduniaka- Bdman....noisRT Wolverine Puck Chasrs to Pay Fler )ho Sate an a-that next Wednes-
havivgrplayedfseentooithe stiffst RE'WesterntOnarioadnlmnitia er, N o r h e .......r.ii, ercthe day's swimmng enrtnwithtth
teams in the country "inya row Defeat Those of MichiganohWitWurseGaen Dntar13ihoeoa thins VnitBib-reGadRap wmisgY.M.C.Atemwl
reaching the climax .*4th 'the Wild- Diu Charity Tilt, 12-0.' Jackd Wheeler, Michigan..LH aeo eebr1.cocsdteed'' a i- GadRpd i rA emwl
cat eleven.,___Oi erIlios.....R ber, Purdue, and Lbraoih, take on an added intereiu wr Mich-
Gi erIlni .....R1 i7, ,acteThe Army line is conceded to be Al though the University of De- Reb Russell, Northwestern ..FB c '' o n si n, wn lf tackle ian fans was learned yesterday
on a par witherthe P t i'pefradtotad nvriyeeesdi to _______________ PROSPECTS LOOK GOOD chOL:es; Woodworh, North- when it was found that Bob Gold-
wall if~~~~~~~~~~~~~ t'drmed at-----._ -. 1.,_.. ^, a , '~aat Visco^. in, <;nt, frmer Wolverine tank star,
on th gridron his yar -fter cneday vcatin Coar ha-J(' ic~apicke asldardwim foruldsthefoinvadersder whenn
toeneahmaesndepndbeet nthariconthsyermatrn nede isaio a dependahble- i~-met h Vrit attrsi
performer as was shown in the alumni from the two schools did O LVEIZI E7FVE 'Eddie Lowery agin snt his squadMihrnistecd- ilymetheV iy ato nf
Army-Illinois encounter. These Ca- meet in a Turkey Day battle in D- ! of Wolverine puck chasers throeughi L.rer ct- N Iewma M Nichi- I the Intramural Bilding pool. The
dlot linemen are fast under punts troit with the Titan graduates j a lengthy workout yesterday oil, : vnth uatrb; meet, which will be held at 730
and can block and tackle in a man-emrigtuphn 120 Te the Coliseum ice in anticipatin of °a t; Lianliey, ~Northwestern, o'clock on the evening of Decem-
Farsthat willrarc the Iih ber 3, will be free to all those wish-
Prc usadn iea. Wolverines were defeated mainly S's~ cnmg.Wihi spandt lyhJ halves; and Ientner, North- igt ted
beause they lacked the necessary g__ with Western Ontario UniversBy \Cltg,,a : n t ltk Goldsmith, who was a member of
Price, left tackle, is the outstand- --__f, --__,___tchmioso
oDeebr1.Art r are wilt. - Michigan's dual meet caposo
ing lineman, weighing 234 pounds punch, not because they did not1 With the openiing ;aame against 'nDcme 3 eung as esn n a loamme
admoving about remarkably well, possess a ground-gaining attack. Western State Teacher's College probaby be1 ,,,ed n ITr to, D,.c-- 7 ff e eaoan a as mme
The backfield men, however, are Cold and snow eaused a rather only a eek away, Michigan's Var- cembsr 8,tathou~'h this h as now: 5 u ,Crwsnd 1928(ofth , wmillnswii tes reast-
more or less new at West Point and ragged gamne with fumbles robbing city basketball tam was sent'I been defin iel scheduled a, y.. c 1928,lcwilthesch mpinhe st -
although the majority of them both teams of several scoring tin.ougha a scrimmageyetra Lowery will be al to pice2I stroke race, is favorite event,
y g yesterdayteam on the ice thi , wear uhil rehian askeball candidates 1whTen the Grand Rapids team ap-
have played on college teams be- chances. University of D e t roit: Wcith the substitutes, with the reg- have now ben out about two weeks parhe.
fore, they are considered inexperi- counted in the opening period on a ursoeasig the reserves in and the scua d of 70 that tune C oahMn, nhsdal ok
the difficulty the Cadets have been from Murphy with the receiver gal- The regulars, lining up with Weiss' devJelpNsardc.aldathaodw oamr okbesud tItvio u h ough spry-ha
experienced in accustoming them- loping 20 yards more for the touch- and Petri at forwrds, Ricketts at ont, fJosepthis seard'sand Hart ar easdow nn to aveorenurkablread Apnearto irn otthe frough sp osthat
selves to the methods of their new down. center, and Altenhoff and Root ecelef rm thisosespons r", l 1 ~eac,351m1nbhavebencutsalrady an weich inthe Varsitmeetofrthe
coach, Major Sasse. The 1 h ae 5o 0mnaealxresent Harrington Scares for Dc l -.e *- guar('cs, succeeded in rolling up a up this year, nd it is not expected Ij h etr1 r2 e r l the Alumni last week. Although the
mentor who succeeded Biff Jones Detroit again rang up six points big score against the reserves, hold- that the aorec of the for vet- I ll't rem:: .n present team showed much power
has introduced a double wing back in the third period on a tent-yard 1110 a 2 1-3 'lead at the end of the erans will inaterially weaken thej The fotball men from the fresh- in that meet, several mistakes mrust
fast clever ball handling for its Harrington, who took the bal to! second team's efforts at field goals become fitted into the Wolverine Iatre- expected to start coming out ready to clash with some of the
operation and the backs have not the 3-yard mark. Hie then ; lunged in tis ieriod. 'The second team frontI for the drill thi wek. The squad b e t t e r Conference aggregations.
a ytmbenabof t eretthse theouh n ex forMchianhad anre ond Ea'5; iwinat e pofArs Ganerfour vdeeans Retu:nwil'ot come own from their(Crand Rapids usually manages to
partmentof the gme. the ext play Micnigai had al. anCaptainn achorwaddrGrrneomCpkainSpresenter practices floort untili neltor ntit togethertoathfaialyir strongngteamm
Not rne a caks Pint To Win. cellent opportunity to score in t'1" cit center, and Bayerie and Miller at Lagen n Cutsreuntote ek and ten they will continue end should push the Wolverines ing
On the other hand with a strong second quarter when a sustained s h urd position. fold for this year's play, andtis te.wrot ona h il ensa' et h eodo
line dthat can rform equally well offensive brought them to the Tit- ; The Varsity squad, although it group augmented by the sopho- MoIse, the season.
ondfns n offense the team an one-yard stripe. Here, noweve , does nlot possess many men over more aggregation should make up; - --___ ___ - __ _ .____
coached by Rockne has a wealth of Detroit nmado a despevrate etan, i ,4 feet in h eight", is made upa of a a strong team. The Wolverines wor.
backfield material that -is expected "and successfully repulsed the Wuo - roup of light and fast players. Conference honrs last year after 1
to carry the margin of victory for verine attach. - ILr by Weiss, a regular on last a desperate struggle, anr, if a sns-- I
the Irish. It was thought that the The University of Detroit line-ip Year's olernetean, the present factory defense pai, can be deel- ,
country's outstanding eleven would was liberally spriked with stars '' icmay be counted upon to oped this year, should repeat rr, eltelsso hi msigfl-hffre aswrirs .ihla 1,etinsitrsigfrisop ucs.S Pea
back, Joe Savoldi, who resigned, was force^d to use a backfield coinm- 7''Ot5 ii spite of the hand:icap of! The graduation of yrai and I
from the University dut to the dis- posed of lien that ha~ never at- placing; short me on the floor. C hart, the sturdiy defense pair 'teri"-,
covery' of his secret marriage, but tended the university. fNiseh, Poe, ;Y- 1eday's cill, awhile its showed last season, presents the bggest lfS f R AA D M N A
fear seems to have been ill-found- and Grinnelli wre tihe only wea:r- the Varsity to have a scoring punch hole that Lowsey will be requ:ired .'
ed when we look at the result of ers of the Maize and Blue remem-, also displayed the need that the to fill. Williamis, Grichar, aml
last weeks tilt,' bred as figures in Michigan foot- team has for fur thr drills before Iildner are the outstnding cini-',«
Mullins and Hanley have both ball that were included in the line- 1 next Saturday's game, as the playI dates from the yearling teamn for (Cniudo ae7fp a ahrrggda ie.(otne nPg )ai

hr.4oor Schedule to be Made up
Next Week; Wolverines
to Mcet Cornell.
~on~y ater-oonwill see the
candiatesfee ersiy trckot for
out ~ ~ ~ v nwfrsvrl eks-, the
practices have e .;n atehrin-
formal, Hwvrtemnwohve
bcen takling advantag-' of the d-rlll
periods up un-til ov are in god
uhysical con iti-on1and have been'r
ironing 1,out va-ctio tf1es
a weekundr te ttelage° ofCoach
IHoyt until Chris'tmas vacation.
I Furthermore heeis panda
practice session fO the entirsquad
together Sa tu.rdavy atrnoDe-
"c7:,2 1-13.
The indoor track schedul' :e will be
drawn up in full netvie-nd the
first indoor meet is tentaively a
triangular at ai abo_-,epury 19.
Yiabnti has acr-cted ha.t date
but Mcia Statewhwa in on
it last year hzas not yet mdeany
acceptance for such a et It is
already agreed that the1 Wolverines
will meet the Chicago track men in
a dual meet February 23.
In connection with the indoor
schedule there will be the usual
conference meet but the place is
unsettled yet. Later there will be
the annual Illinois relays. The in-
door schedule will close when Cor-
nell comes here March 21. It pro-
.mises to be interesting for Michi-
gan track enthusiasts for at least
three indoor meets will' be sched-
uled for the home cinder path.
Team Weak on Juiv-is.
The squad so far, this year is
marked by a short <e of material
for the jumping events and unless
more men turn out in the fu~ture
this will be a weak spot in the
Wolverine lineup. Graduation hit
this division hardest and there is
plenty of room for anyone inter-
ested in the jumping events.
As a whole the team will lean
heavily on the sophomores, espe-
cially in the hurdles whe re al the,
bottom mhen are second yea r men:
Eggleston, Hafely, jackson, and De-
Baker. Both the half- -iilers out
now are also sophomores : 'Turner
and Eknovich.
Overcoat s
II tailored by. R. &r

W.are sold -


clusively by Tom
Blues and black
oxford are colors
college men pre-
fer. Made 50
inches long,


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