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April 03, 1930 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-04-03

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Swim SeasonCLASSFD
swtm Sla.,9' Z I cADVERtTISING


nrTrfl Vfit r AiI


S-orts .Briefs



"A-/ V 1 JLI VI Ltl '1

- - -- . .-. - .- i. v
(Continued From Page 6)
-e .Traynor. the captain of the club,
d C. Fullerton. ma'o leaguers in Gill aT *..gwillet the call at third base.
With less than two weeks re- SeedsI outfl elders, Bonura. fist Clarke and Engle will be the club's
maining before the opening of the baseman and Gliatto and two best infield substitutes, while
Coch Matt Mann's Men Finish big league baseball season, it is a iown, pitehers. Shoffer, an- one or two of the other rookie in-
Second in Nationals good time to pick out some of the ot hr ha s ehownwe, nor defense men probably will be I
adLstoEli. but had 1 a little, experience .*
and Lose to -rookie stars who would have shown with the team last season iretained.
to advantage in the spring training A wealth of catching material is
LOSE ONE DUAL CONTEST camps of the major league clubs. A!St. Louis is at a loss when it an hand for the Pirates, with Hem-
fair total of brilliant newcomers comes to producing promising a Wksley, Hargraves, and Spencer being
Ylets Loe Out Clse' i "minor leaguers. Caldwell, pth
Free Stylers Lose Out by Close have been signed, but it is doubt- ?or aeaerae, a pitch- the favorites to be retained. A
Margins as Opponents ful if it can equal the list of those an outfielder, has attracted con youngster
an .. . yongteBolasojoksgodanG
Take Sprints, who played their first season in the siderable attention. For the most m er,
maors last year part the team will remain the same :,Kremer, Swetonic, Fussell,Meine,I
as it was last year. Grimes, and Brame are the veteran
dulmesadte oigthe:' . r^: oxmen who are returning to the
f~elPirates' fold this year, hl eea
title to Northwestern in the all- adel several new men of note ^Eias Funk and Bill aoog-ll
Conference meet, the Michigan that may help the club in its are favored to land regular }may grookiesainclregularding Liberths.Ther s
Varsity swiines journeyed to the second quest of the American berths .with the Detroit Tigers,ma rg ing ets. rThe ltts-
second g ; burgh hurling staff is for the most r
League title. Ernie McNair and while Herring, Wyatt, and flog- part young and talehted, KienlerI
ast wvhere they took second in the Jim: Keesey are promising in- sett are the new pitchers like- padrt meoubgng thentrmen
national meet and bowed to Yale's fielders, while Don Cramer is a ly to stick with the team. Funk h and Grimes being the only two men
rte wh have had cnsiderabe exper-
powerful team in a dual contest. find in the outfield. Mahaffey will be in center field and Ro- .ence in big league competition
Eli and the Wildcats are the only and Liebhardt head the list of gell will play at shortstop. Amongthe
Amog th younger members
teams that .can boast victories over n urlers on the Philadel- Walter Johnson has not gone far Babe Rut, Meine and Brame are outstanding.
the Wolverines, with the Purple out of his way to land any minor Again is proving the sensation of exhibitionsBh t sL yearned in ni one
team scoring two victories by tak- Cooke and Chapman both have league aces to the roster of the the southern exhibition games with year of experience behind them
ing frst honors in the all-Confer- clinched regular positions in the Washington Senators. Boss, a first his famous "wagon tongue" and should be even better than last
n andNatona mets starting lineup of the New York baseman will understudy Judge, ability to knock them out of the year. Swetonic and Fussell, too
ence and Ntannsaations.Yankees, Cooke in left field and while Winentonle. a itcher, should lot. His noted hobby of fence bust- showed flashes of real form and
11 mmt that travelled toio Chapman at third. In addition to stick. ing shows no inclination to wain I should benefit the team greatly this
of H swimmersthatioraleet these men a new pitcher, Gomel, . this year. year.
Harvard tc enter the National meet has been the talk of the training Smead Jolley heads the list-
there held their own against the camp in the early season drills. of newcomers to the Chicago
Wildcats in the preliminaries ; White Sox, the former Coast
with each team qualifying nine Cleveland has no Ferrell or Leaguer being listed as the
men .for the finals the following Aveiil to offei this season, but club's regular right field guar-
day. HoWever, in thw crucial test, does produce some potential dian. Jeffries, an infielder,
the Wolverines, although strong - ------- -- should: remain with. the club,
as a team, were unable to cope while Caraway, a hurler, may
with the individual showing ofMstick. ke
Northwestern-s captain, Al Schwartz
who accounted for 15 of his team's Boston's lowly Red Sox have Al /d c s ro d
total of 30 points. j several newcomers to add to its
Finishes Are Close. roster, among the best being Tom
The Maize and Blue sprinters A LU LS Oliver, a slugging outfielder, and,
were fast, but in several events the Bill Sweeney, a first baseman. THE MARNE
winner touched out the Michigan Les Gage Names Six Big Ten Other new men who show promise A Young Ma's Shoe
man by a mere fraction of a Pmrilude Holman and Miller, infield-
strdke, and the Wolverines took Mythical ers, and Asbjornsen, a catcher. Combination Last
second place with 24 points, after Sports Selections.
winhing the 200 yard relay and What is believed to be a new Rubber Heel
heading imost of the meet. e TOMPKINS IS HONORED training camp record was es- -
The win in the 200 yard relay tablished by the two premier
was the only first place taken by All - America selections in both hurlers of the Cleveland In-
the Wolverins when the quartet basketball and hockey as announc- dians min their initial appear- Most
camposed of Walker, Waiitis, ed by Los Gage, sports editor of anec of the season. Hudlin and
Hosmer, and Smith, holders of the College Humor, show six Western Ferrell, the Indians' star right- $$.5dr$1C.00,
world's record for that event coy- Conference performers placed on handers, collaborated to beat $12.50
ered the distance in 137 1-5. the first, second and third teams the New Orleans Pelicans with-
Bob Walker, veteran Wolverine, in the two sports. The selectionsf out allowing them a smigle hit.
trailed Schwartz across the line in follow with Tompkins, Wolverine Now that Art Shires has signed
the 100 yard sprint to chalk up a goalie the only Michigan to draw hi contract and reported forprac
second for the Maize and Blue. In I mention placing onr the third hock- hi-,Pp
the 5(i yard free style event, Wala- ea.tecelhe finds that his job is not a
ey teamE LA secure as he seemed to think it
, hganprnerar, BASKETBALL-VIRST TEAM was. Bud Clancy, the club's otheryou Can
lrom tShe inisz hebulsut 1inythe !Forward-Wyard,Mntatter . balithgmetode.SEndF L
d therfii sh bu lobut i ah ForwardHyatt, Pttsburght. first sacker, has been playing good SEE and FEE
lastfew ard to cor anoher Center-MurphlyLoyola, Chicago.
second for the olverines. WalnertGr-Worden, Lur Cug . rygthe dirference
Ault Out tin Front. Guard-Johnson, N. Carolina abeen shunted hither and
Captain Ault led the quater tae thither around the National
milers until the last few lengths SECOND TEAM. League circuit, finally seems to
when Ruddy of Columbia and Clapp Forward-Schoonover,Arkansas.-ihave hit his stride for the Phil-
CetrMupy Pru.. ih i or ht emySaffellu-Bush
of Stanford relegated him to third Forward-Krieger, Providence. lies. Bert Shotton is so pleased
position where he finished. He also enthGuard-Chmieewski,Pn . hkat aey Opposite Michigan Theatre
took a fourth in the 220 yard swim G Wisconsij start Fribergat second base
The Michigan medley relay gained Guard-Magner, Pennsylvania. in place of Captain Fresco
another third in their event. THIRD TEAM. Thompson. -
Forward - Kinsbrunner, St. -,>______o__ i--__
natators went to New Haven, Conn John's,Brr
,:tan hav vnnfpri2te.Yae Forward -Hildebrand, Butler. I I X

FOR RENT-By day or by week
j for women. Two front rooms.
NOTICE 814 E. University. 3597. 234
FOR RENT-Modern four room
R U T H N O L L, formerly of the bungalow newly decorated. With
Michigan League Beauty Parlor, garage. Phone 4023.
is now with the DiMattia Beauty
Parlor. For appointments call FOR SALE
8878. 2341
B AND--Washed and screened sand
EXCHAN4GE FOR ANN ARBOR1 and gravel; all sizes. Immediate
PROPERTY-Fine 8 room, mod- delivery.
ern summer home, near Charle- KILLEN'S GRAVEL CO.
voix. An acre of land with 10 rds. Tel. 7075, 7112, or 21014. C
of water frontage, garage, wood-
shed, large garden, shrubbery WANfED
and fruits. Phone owner 4356.
135C WANTED-Garage space for one

Ann Arbor homes without bonus
or service charge. Phone 4356.
PIANO TUNING - Phone 6776.
Victor Allmendinger. The Stein-
way concert artist tuner. Office
at residence, 1608 Morton Ave.
310 S. STATE. PHONE 7927
TYPING-Theses a specialty. Fal
rates. M. V. Hartsuff. Dial 9087.

car. Near Williams and Campus.
Call daytime, 7515. C
Classifed Ads

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wnretny ecuu-e icxu,
team on Monday night. The result.
was that Michigan ended up on
the short end of a 41-21 score.
This defeat at the hands of the j
Eastern Intercollegiate champions
is the only dual meet iosN that the
Wolverines have suffered, this sea-
Capt. Ault won the 440 yard
swim and Boldt took first honors
in the 150 yard back stroke eventj
to score the only wins for the Mich-
igan swimmers. Again the sprint-
ers lost out by a small margin,
with Walker taking second in the'
50 yard free style, and Walaitis
third in the century sprint. Messi-
mer of the Eli took first in the 50
and second in the 100 with How-'
land his teammate copping second
honors in the century.
Raike of Michigan took second
in the fancy diving, and Goldsmith'
lost out to Miller of Yale in the
breast stroke. The Michigan 200i
yard relay lost its event when itj
trailed the Eli by only a yard.

Center-MacCracken, Indiana.
Guard-Grayson, Oregon State.
Guard-McGinnis, Kentucky.
Wing--Palmer-, Yale.
Wing-Jeremiah, Dartmouth.
Center-McFadyen, Marquette.
Defense-Cunningham, Harvard.t
Defense-Wilson, Yale.
Goalie-Easton, Clarkson Tech.
Spare-Giddens (wing) Harvard.
Wing-Lindquist, Army.
Wing-Mackenzie, Marquette.
Center-Luce, Yale.
Defense-Peterson, Minnesota.
Defense-Funai, So. California.
Goalie-Farrel, Yale.
Spare-McAlpin, Princeton.
Wing-Fingland, California.
Wing-Langmaid, Williams.
Center-Putnam, Harvard.
Defense-Metcalfe, Wisconsin.
Defense-Thayer, Bowdoin.
Goalie-Tompkins, Michigan.
Spare-Latva, Michigan Tech. ;

Spring Party Favors
Jewelry and Stationery
Distinctive for Quality
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Burr, Patterson and-
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