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September 23, 1930 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-09-23

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By Joe Russell a tower of strength in the Buck-
Beautiftil Layout is Latest Although. Coach Harry Kipke, eye plan of attack. All-in-all how-
starting his second year, as the ever, the success which Ohio en-
Aditiot to Michigan's Wolverine head coach, is not mak- "joys this year will depend on the
Athletic Plant. ing any predictions as to how his way in which the sophomore con-;
1930 team will finish in the Wes- tingent comes through. In pre-i
CLUJBHOUSE TQ BUJLT { tern Conference race, he is dis- season drills at' least the Buckeyes
Ctinctly hopeful that Michigan will Dave sown a different spirit than!
resume its old place as "Champ- has prevailed at Columbus for the
Fielding H. Yost's new Uiest
golf course will be informally ions of the West." A spirit of fight past few seasons, which may be an,
g and determination has pervaded indication that the Bucks are due.
opened Friday, September 26, 1930. the practice sessions so far this
The members of the Board of Re- year and every indication points , ';':-ss advance dope goes
gents Will tee off for the first round to a hard-hitting Maize and Blue v :ry fr astray, as it some-
at 10 o'clock in the norning, fol- machine. times does, Michigan's tradi-
lowing with the second round at 1 tio'al rival, the Illini, will have
o'clock in the afternoon. Other fac- However, reports from some rd sledding this season.;
ulty golfers are invited guests for of the other Big Ten schools, h e rZuppk himsel ad-
the course premier. especially Purdue and North- '<-ini L a his mat1 eiriat does not
There are no club house facilities western, bode evil for their op- measure up to his formerI
yet, but the guests may use the onents. Purdue looks to have ttenx a:ds, but the veteran
Sports Building at F'erry Field for an even better contender than cc>ch is not knewn for his
lockers and showers. A complete the famous squad of riveters cii y predictions.
and modernly equipped clubhouse that wrested the Conference
and locker room is hoped to be! title from the field last year. Indiana, Wisconsin, and Chicago'
ready for use early next spring, all are more or less of a mystery,
South of Ferry Field Coach Kizer will have practical- but it is generally conceded that
Thislatest addition to Yost'sI ly the same line, with the excep-tionally
"Athletics for All" campaign that tion of Sleight, which enabled the heavy or powerful.
he conceived in 1921, covers an area ! Boilermakers to turn back all op- - 11 -
of 140 acres within a mile of the positioii last season. Van Bibber Cardinals Top Leagii
University Camnpus and located however is again slated to fill upE
south of old Ferry Field. Tees 1 one of the holes on the line, and ! With Narrow Marginl
and 10 and holes 9 and 18 are several critics rated him above,
immediately south of the new high- Sleight last year. A brilliant crop (Continued from Page 9)
wvay cut-off. of backs will perform behind the! last year's pennant winners. Sail-
TR ii les than 18 mOnths for powerful Purdue line, withdsuchling along with a lead with rnlya
completion, the course architects, men as Miller, Pevis, Pope. White, month to goo the Cubs suddenly1
.ns ad M and Den Yunovich, Risk, and Kissell avail- cracked and played less than .5001
Woods antucio anaer able. With this array of stars the ball since that time, The Cubs at
W ds as construteionut anager, Boilermaker mentor should have the time were ahead by approxi-1
balanced course that measures 6;600 little trouble in finding a capable mately the same margin that the;
yards from rthe back tees and 300 combination. Athletics enjoyed in the American
regulr teeLeague.
yards lefrom the c sesad . eau.
Eards hlebut ther1e4th i open to. At Northwestern 21 letter- In the fourth place, and now def-
approach in accordance with ,ost's I men gladdened the heart of initely out of the pennant rage, are
dalofa in coredta i Yractcal their alma mater by making the New York Giants. At one time
ideal of a e oirse that is practical An impressive appearance in the l late in the season the Gotham
j.r .nrashl -first practice sessions of the team was as much in the fight as
ity; yet a first class championship: yeai'. The Wildcats hope for I any of the other three competitors,
mst ipety. a Big Ten championship, a but, like the Cubs, the team fal-
most in beautyeral .r thing which they have not en- tered and recovered itself too late
Has Several Features joyed for many a year. to do much good. John McGraw,
The long third,00 yards in "fish i manager of the Giants, has been
hook" effect, the difficult one-shot If a big crop of sophomore white absent from the team due to ill-
14th, 15 yards of traps, pievailing hopes come through, Ohio State ness during the latter part of the
cross winds, and treacherous cup inay be in the running for :Big Ten season, and the club has been man-
areas; and the two-shot 18th, consideration] Fesler, All-Ameri- aged by Coach Davey Bancroft.
whose 450 yards generally resemble can end for the past two years has Bill Terry, champion batsman of
the famed Oalmont hole, starting a trail at least and has been show- the National League, has had a
from a hilltop tee that faces Ann been shifted to the backfield for! great season for the New York team
Arbor, are the outstanding features ing well in his new position. Lar- 1 but in spite of his good work the
of this new golf course. F kin on the line also promises to be j team could not hold the fast pace

(Continuedfrom Page 9) on the team, Coach Cliff Keen's' ly faltered and lost two
Veteran Connie Mack Pilots a fighting band of Wolverines to wrestling team was not able to an- with them the Conferee
a elao their first chamionshi the tea nex the Conference mat crown pionship. As it is, the tE
winning four games, losing two and Four individual winners in one year, ed with a record of four
Victory. tieing two in Conference competi- however, set a new Big Ten mark and two lost, for a .667 p
tion. Outside the Conference the which is likely to stand for quite The cross country sea
WASHINGTON IS SECOND Wolverines won at will, the only o time. The team, eve though distinct failure until the
______ team bettering them consistently it failed to finish first, was in Coachmeet when the Michig,
n .Vi i ,n r f m a Keen's estimation the best that he ; eeY w h E t4h Mi ig

meets, and
once cham-
eam finish-
games won
ison was a
an harriers
third place
walking off


Once again the Philadelphia Ath-!oeiing Yale in a series of games a -
letics have earned the right to rep- Lake Placid.
resent the American League in the In indoor track the Wolverines i
were good for a fourth place, scor-1
annual fall blue ribbon classic of ing a total of 12 1-2 points in the!
the baseball world, when the junior; Conference meet to Wisconsin's 21.1
circuit winners will tackle the win- A great improvement in form was r
ner of the National League pen- experienced, however, and thet
iMichigan cinder team went on toz
nant, St. Louis, Brooklyn, or Chi- win the Conference outdoor title in
cago, whoever it may be. a great battle at Chicago, individual
Philadelphia was not extended to members of the team setting sev-
eral Big Ten records during thef
win as will be the champion of the course of the meet.c
senor loop. In a race strongly re- Diamond Team Falters
sembling that of last year, the A's, Coach Ray Fisher's baseball team,
led by the veteran manager Connie necessarily green because of the
Mack, marched on to a pennant graduation of all but four regulars
without being seriously threatened of the previous year's championship
at any time since mid-season, when nine, experienced difficulty in com-
the Washington Senators seemed abining good pitching with timely
serious threat. batting, and were forced to accept
serios theat.the short end of six of the nine
Behind masterful pitching exhib- conference contests played, finish-
ited by Lefty Grove and George ing the season with a mark of .333.
Earnshaw, With considerable help Prospects for next season's team
by some of, the older members of are better, however, with only four
the staff, the Athletics have been positions remaining to be filled.
a hard team to beat all season. Although it went through the en-;
And with such heavy sluggers as'tire season without losing a single
Simmons, Miller, Cochrane, and Big Ten dual swimming meet, the I
Foxx oi the team, the Athletics Michigan tank team was forced to
boast an offense that is surpassed second place in the stan'dings when
by only a few teams in the league. it dropped a close decision to North- 1
! Washington, as surprising to the western in the Conference meet at
American League as Brooklyn is to Evanston. A brilliant group of
the National, has been up near the swimmers gave the Wolverines a
tp all seaso long, and now hasI team that was a threat all season:
definitely clinched second place in long, and was only defeated by the;
the standin gs.Led by what is prob- Wildcats by the narrowest of mar-
ably the best all-round pitching gins, a disqualified relay team do- I
staff in the league, boasting such img the trick.
men as Jones, Marberry, Crowder, Four Wrestlers Win
Liska, and Brown, the Senators Despite the fact that four indi-
have played great ball. 1 vidual Conference titleholders were1

-';surprisea y annexing 1
has ever coached. by a lone point, Indiana
TZO~iia ic i-m i~h mio"n eiv nfi 4+1 e 1 E-u;+e.

Battling its way tnrougn six of 4
seven conference dual meets to vic-
tory, Coach Ray Courtright's tennis'
team annexed the Big Ten dual
meet crown. Northwestern, the only
;team to defeat the Maize and Blue
racquet wielders, scored more or
less of a surprise victory over the
Michigan team.
After compiling a record of more;
than 20 straight wins in dual meetl
competition over a space of two
years, the Michigan golf team final-

with the title.
Under the leadership of Coach
Johnstone, the fencing team went
through the dual meet season un-
defeated, only to falter in the Big
Ten meet and in so doing lose the
Conference championship.
PHILADELPHIA-The first two
games of the 1930 World Series will
be played here, with the next three
games being held in the National
League city.



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