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September 23, 1930 - Image 9

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-09-23

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k4&an Dairtilttk

Associated Press










Spectators at the Michigan foot-i
ball games will be greeted by a :aewf
set of score boards which were in
niistalled in the Stadium during the
past summer. The boards, each
electrically operated and measur-
Team Appears Above Average ing 18 feet six inches high by 271
With Only Center Trio feet eight inches long, were com-
pleted yesterday and will be plac-
Remaining in Doubt. led in operation for the two games
this Saturday.
BACKS SHOW PROMISE The boards are said to. be the
______most complete that any gridiron
of the country can boast. In let-!
Lateral Passing to F e a t u r e ters which are 30 inches high, they
Wolverine Attack Along will show the score and the team
With Running Game. having possession of the ball, the
number of the downs, the number
With the opening of the 1930 foot- of yards to go, the time elapsed,
the penalty, the number of thel
ball season set for Saturday Coach player carrying the ball, and the
Harry Kipke has been driving his number of the substitute going in-
men hard in preparation for thej to the game.
opening tilt with Denison and This new score board will be op-1
Michigan State Normal. It is ex- erated from the press box at the!
pected that the Wolverine mentor west side of the stadium, and the
will give all the potential varsity f fifteen figuregrams following eachl
material a trial in these encounters' designation on the board will be!
in order to determine the men's done in electric lights. The cost
worth under fire. The abilities of of these new boards is estimated'
the lettermen are fairly well known, at $30,000.
but it remains to be seen what last'
year's yearling gridders can do. !
With the opening contest out of the
way Kipke can then lay plans for
the Conference games with a better
knowledge of what he can expect;
from his men. YSLkG
Line's Center Weak
Tevarsity candidates assembledI
Monday, September 15 for the Senior Baseball Circuit Ends'
ing practice, and since then they in Three-cornered Duel l
have taken two workouts a dav. .. .,


I !TITLES IN 1929 10O
Michigan's Record Falls Off
in Winning Percentage
of Dual Contests.
Track Squad Presents Coachl
Farrell With Big Ten
Despite the fact that Michigan
made a winning percentage of .6381
in all of its dual meets in the 1929-
30 athletic season, the year was far
from a pronounced success from a
Wolverine viewpoint. It marked
the lowest percentage of wins the
Maize and Bluenhave chalked up;
for several years, but in spite of the I
lowered record Michigan was able
to walk off with three Western Con-'
ference titles.
For the first time in its history
the Wolverines were able to an-


Hack WilsonI
Burly center fielder of the Chi-I
cago Cubs. Despite the fact that
the Windy City team slumped to-
wards the end of the current sea-
son, Wilson has succeeded in set-
ting the pace for the manufacture
of home runs in the National
League. In so doing Wilson has set
a new record for circuit- clouts in

(Special to The Daily)
MADISON, Wis., Sept. 22.-The
best thing about the first week's
football practice of the University
of Wisconsin squad is not the
weight and power of the line candi-
dates nor the speed and versatil-
ity of the backs but rather-the
splendid spirit, the zest and enthus-
iasm of the players, according to
,Head Coach Glenn Thistlethwaite.
A year ago everyone was talking
about a possible championship, fig-
uring that Wisconsin could pick up
its game, right where it was drop-
ped at the closeofethe 1928 season
when the Badgers finished as run-
ners-up for the title. Over-confi-
deuce quickly developed in the,
squad, despite the best efforts of
the coaching staff to get the men
down to earth.
This fall a different, and far
healthier, feeling prevails. Wiscon-
sin ended last season at the bottom
of the Big Ten ladder, with only a
single conference victory-that over
Chicago-to its credit. This fall
every man on the squad seems im-
bued with a spirit of determination,
a willingness to work to the limit
and a modesty more in keeping with
the Badgers' chances.
Thistlethwaite and his aides
handed out the hardest first week's
work this fall that any Wisconsin
squad has had in many a year and
the players "ate it up" and shouted
for more.
Gehrig And Terry Win
193.0 Batting Crowns
With the pennant races in both
ma, or leagues rapidly nearing a
conclusion it appears almost a cer-
tainty that the 1930 batting cham-
pions will be "Columbia Lou" Geh-
rig, in the junior circuit, and Bill
Terry, in the senior group. In the
few remaining games it would be
.almost impossible for either of
these sluggers to be overhauled al-
though they have been having hard
fights all year.




Morrison, and
to Start Because
Minor Injuries.


Tessmer and Hudson Display
Nice Form as Regulars
Beat Scrub Team.

nex the Conference hockey chami- Iat league, and nas arrete
pionship, while, in a brilliant show- title for total numbers of homers
ing at Chicago in the spring the for 1930 from Babe Ruth.
Michigan track team copped the;
Big Ten title as a present to the Fisher to Start New
departing Steve Farrell, Wolverine Y
,track mentor for many years, who Yearling Gridiron Men
retired at the end of the season.
The other Conference title to fall to Freshmen candidates for football'

Flashing a brilliant passing at-
tack, along with a fair exhibition of
open field running, the Michigan
Varsity football team took the
measure of the third team in the
opening scrimmage of the year held
last Saturday afternoon on Ferry
field. At the same time the te/m
composed of second stringers
walked all over a group of fourth
stringers, largely due to the great
all-round work of Harry Newman.
After the first quarter, which
failed to provide anything to mar-
vel at in the way of attack, the
Varsity, behind the capable passing
of Tessmer and the nice running
of Hudson, was able to score almost
at will against the makeshift team
that opposed them, the final score
finally being 26-0. Even without
the services of Captain Ducky Sim-
rall, Morrison, or Auer, the Varsity
was at all times the superior team
of the two.
No score was made in the first
period, but in the second quarter
the Varsity sailed through the third
stringers for three touchdowns.
Hudson swung around end for 13
yards before being forced outside
on the scrubs' 28 yard line. On the
next play he went straight through
the center of the line for the re-
maining 28 yards for the first
touchdown of t arr Cox and
Hewitt made the nlext 'tW' 6tu'h
downs, while Hudson again went
over for the fourth.

With the opening of school next
week however they will have only
one session a day for the remainder
of the season. The fundamentals of
the game were stressed in early
practices with blocking, tackling,
passing and running all coming in
for their share of attention. The
main problem that faces the
coachesis bthat of uncovering a
center trio of sufficient caliber to
successfully meet Big Ten opposi-
tion. Last year's center andguardsI
'are gone, anid from the men left;
the coaches must find three to fill
these important posts. In an effortC
to do this several backfield men are
being tried in the line, but as yet
no definite decision has been reach-
Ends Look Good
Hewitt and Daniels appear to
have the inside tracks in the race
for the end positions as both are
experienced men with ability both
on offense and defense. Daniels,}
in addition to being an excellent l
pass receiver, is a capable tosser,
and will add further deception to
the attack if used in this capacity.
However Williamson, Shea and Sik-
kenga are still in the running, and
may have something to say as to
the occupants of the wing positions.
The Wolverines should have one
of the strongest tackle pairs in the1
middle west with Auer and Dravel- }
ing in action. These men are both
veterans, and should team up in
fine fashion. Both have shown
better form in practice this year
than they have ever known before,
and with the opening of the con-'
ference season should be ready to'
go. Gitman and Clohset are other
outstanding tackle candidates.
Guard Posts Open
At guard .Grinnell, Samuels, j
Hezer, Avery, LaJeunesse, Purdum i
and Cornwell are among the fa-
vorites for the berths with the race
still a wide open one. dozer and
LaJeunesse are former backs, and
Cornwell is a former wingman.'
Undoubtedly the coaches them-r
(Continued on Page 13)

for First Place. the lot of the Wolverines was the will be received and started in fall
gy a'. .. dual tennis championship, whichI
<.".|E ; du< A#was won with the loss of only one training by Coach Ray Fisher after
CUBS WEAKEN AT FINISH4 ,|||' ..:.: ;meet. hSeptember 29th. Since first year
Gridders Finish Strong men are barred from Varsity corn-
In one of the most exciting races' "Ducky" Simrall Michigan got away to a poor, petition under the Big Ten rules,
in the history of the national game, Captain of the Wolverine football start in its dual competition with the'
the St. Louis Cardinals have come team which will swing into action a football team that started poor- coach will set those who turn
from behind in the National Lea- 1 for the first time this season against ly but finished strong, a team out through the paces to toughen
gue pennant race to take first place Denison and Michigan State Normal strangely like that of the year be- them up and give them a general
counted out of the race b mos College next Saturday at the new fore. In the Conference Michigan idea of the class football expected
of the so-called experts connected stadium.nSimrali hashelddown a mshed well down the list with one from the players in intercollegiate
wihtegm"fbsbi.Rsn 1 regular -berth on the Varsity for the! victory, three defeats, and a tie,1
om an obsure pofsirga t r, a segrded but at the end of the Conference competition. The Freshman teams
proacn seasonpsitowas fprthpas tw. yersgoodis asareany ;will get a chance to clash with the
place in the senior circuit the one of the most dependable men on oe r tea gin h B g d Te w h y Vigty a n "B" te cli s her
Cards have come with colors fy the squad. He also has served asVarsityandBtea line-ups here
ing to oust the Brooklyn Dodgers Michigan's punter. dpwa, t e laPurdue.aMinnesota at the University.
from the position in the van of the the Wolverines, were defeated and -
pennant chase. Kipke Retains Bovard tied respectively, in a great come-
Before the recent series between ,as New Gridiron Coach back by the Maize and Blue.
the Cardinals and Dodgers in the a______ a Court Team Third TA I L O R E
Flatbush city, the team led by Although the 1929-30 basketball
portly Wilbert Robinson was in E Allan Bovard, last year's Varsity team was a far cry from the great
sole possession of first place. When center, has been added to this outfit that won the Big Ten title the!
the smoke of battle had cleared, year's football coaching staff. His year before, its showing was good
the Cards, under the direction of I graduation left quite a hole in the enough to clinch it a third placej
Gabby Street, had taken three Michigan front, but one for which in the Conference standings. Pur- !
straight games and gone into the there are several good prospects. due, with 10 wins in 10 starts, was
league leadership with consider- Al has been out on the field with far out ahead, but Michigan's rec- a
able margin to spare. Since that the boys in the practices each day ord of six victories and four de-
time the Cards have kept up the giving advice and coaching the 'feats was better than the average.
same good work, and while not newcomers in the art of taking care In hockey Coach Eddie Lowrey led
gaining much more on the Dodg- of the center position. ! (Continued on Page 10) WELCO
ers, have at least held their own.------ !
In spite of the brand of ball dis- "OF
played by the team from the
Mound City, the showing of the: High Grae Foot Wear
Dodgers still stands as the highfo
spot of the National League race. for
Conceded no chance at all before
the season started, the Brooklyn Men-Women-Children
team has been an important factor We cordially invite the members of the Class of 1934 to
throughout the entire season. visit this shop and inspect our stock of fall :merchandise.
Blessed with a group of heavy hit-
ters including such men as Babe
Herman, Del Bissonette, Glenn
Wright, Harvey Hendrick, and Ike
Boone, the team has also enjoyed 123 a Corner
excellent pitching by Luque, Vance,
Phelps, and Clark. This combina- East 4th
tion of good pitching and heavy
hitting more than makes up for Liberty St . Ave.
the club's deficiency in the field.
Down, but not entirely out yet,
are the Champion Chicago Cubs,
(Continued on Page 10) Fl 1111111IlIi ll Ill Ili
1r7%1l "\ '1,T TA T '1-% dA Tt w 1.T-°



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