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January 05, 1960 (vol. 70, iss. 73) • Page Image 2

… granted leave without salary for the first semester of 1960-61. He will serve as visiting research pro- fessor of applied mathematics at the Digital Computer Laboratory of the University of Illinois. Prof…

… for the first semester of 1960-61 studying in the area of electronic computers and beginning research. Slosson Given Leave Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the history department was given leave without…

… this when you run out of its and buts 29. I'll pay you later 80. This can't be right 83. This makes things easy 8T. She likes to be called _ing 89. He's not choosy 40. Apple country 41. Bullfight cheer…

…. 18. They approved $350,000 of a $900,000 Ford Foundation grant to be devoted over a period of up to three years to the multi-depart- mental use of computers for en- riching engineering education. Of…

January 05, 1960 (vol. 70, iss. 73) • Page Image 5

… skilled in digital computer theory, this theory must be backed up by several yrs. of practical exp. in a top level computer position. The Dow Chemical Co., Midland, Mich., is seeking Sales Trainees and…

…: Remember mom and dad, and take home U.S. No. one apples from Michigan beautifully, boxed. Get your order in early. Apple Hill Orchard on Willis Road off U.S. 23. J55; FOR RENT FURNISHED University operated…

January 08, 1960 (vol. 0, iss. 76) • Page Image 11

… of work. National Institute of Health, Bethes- da, Md., has openings for qualified Mathematicians who are interested in the application of high speed comput- ers to the field of medical research…

…-696# STUDENTS: Remember mom and da and take home U.S. No. one appl from Michigan beautifully boxe Get your order in early, Apple H F Orchard on Willis .Road off U.S. .. PERSONAL HEY-will you take me there somed…

January 09, 1960 (vol. 70, iss. 77) • Page Image 5

… opportunities for Trainees as Digital Computer Programmers and Systems Operators, grades GS-7 to GS- 12. Mt. Holyoke College, S. Hadley, Mass., Director of the News Bureau is seek- ing a young woman about. to…

… East Ann Street Open 'Til 8 P.M. - Also Sundays & Holidays (Opposite court house since 1927) NO 8-6966 J2 STUDENTS: Remember mom and dad, and take home U.S. No. one apples from Michigan beautifully boxed…

…. Get your order in early. Apple Hill Orchard on Willis Road off U.S. 23. J55 PERSONAL WANTED-2 tickets to commencement Jan. 16. Call NO 2-8114. R6 MISS MICHIE CLASSY for today: "Let the ords of my mouth…

February 10, 1960 (vol. 70, iss. 84) • Page Image 4

… valued among students and teachers alike, will be of no use to the apple-polishing high school senior who takes the SAT. At last, here is a weapon with which to actually fight the all too common situation…

… Technician (March 16.) Ford Instrument Co., Div. of Sgpe'ry Rand Corp., Long Island City, N. ;I& recruiting Sr. Engineers and Scientists who have at least five years. systems e. perience on Digital Computers

February 12, 1960 (vol. 70, iss. 86) • Page Image 3

…- ence and Technology, $3,815,000; mathematics and computing cen- ter, $4,750,000; medical science ff MIE. wbuilding, $400,000 for planning; medical center, $1,170,974. The governor proposed financ- ing of…

…. Sometimes she bites off a phrase clean and crisp as an apple. Sometimes she lets the notes burn low and flicker out. Sometimes she sends her voice spinning-and your heart with it. Listen-as Dinah brings up…

February 17, 1960 (vol. 70, iss. 90) • Page Image 2

…. Junior IFC . .. Candidates for office in the Junior Interfraternity Council have been announced. Running for the office of presi- ( 'S . dent willbe David Randall, '83, of Delta Upsilon, and James Apple

… radio equip, ment, complex recording systems, high- speed computers, analytcal machines and special purpose high-speed com- munications devices. You do ttot have to have taken the examination. Pacific…

March 18, 1960 (vol. 70, iss. 118) • Page Image 8

…'T_ THE MICHIGAN DAILY r THE MICHIGAN DAILY White Intruder City Board of Education Asks for Tax Increase HARVARD RESEARCHERS: Group Solves Russian Grammar Computer Problem (Continued from Page…

computer, project and learning of the fa- vorable results, Prof. Matejka is very interested in doing more of this type of research. The range of the computer is limited to Russian technical lan- guage and is…

… NO 2-9575 - - - - - - - - - -- - I-. ii . . Why not dine at- tI The GOLDEN APPLES Restaurant 0 SPAGHETTI CHICKEN * STEAK * RAVIOLI CHICKEN * STEAK "Only Italian Spaghetti House in Town…

September 29, 1960 (vol. 71, iss. 9) • Page Image 4

… providing methods of computation and sta- tistical techniques for the sci- ences, philosophy in treating of the methods of reasoning and of leading ideas and values that have played a part in our tradition…

… one government, and they will guard, as they would the apple of their eye, the author- Ity and the dignity and the uni- versality of the United Nations. They will find if they look into it while they…

February 21, 1961 (vol. 71, iss. 97) • Page Image 4

… traces and upsetting the capitalist apple cart. Henry Ford's $5.00 minimun wage has been proved too often to be both a farce and a benefit to the Ford Motor Company in its com- petitive race with other…

…-MSN E & BRDPro. ,Ap- plication of Electronic Computer in- stallations. IBM 'Corp. Labs, Plants & Branch Of- f ices .Al Degrees: AE, CE, CE, B, EM, IE, Instru., ME & Met. Prof. Applied Mech. BS.: E Math, E…

March 01, 1961 (vol. 71, iss. 104) • Page Image 5

… Reynolds, WEDNESDAY, MARC] Jerry Bilik, Donald Matthews, Kenneth The Rand Corp., Sa Roberts, Bernard Folta, and Gregory (Computer Sciences Kosteck, will be heard in a recital to women with degree be held on…

… Bell Telephone Co., Detroit. work exper. can appl Location: Mich. or anywhere in U.S. exams. WOMEN wit Women with degrees in Languages, shorthand for Secr Educ., Science, Math., Psych., Soc., Bus…

…. well Regulator Co., tic Div., Detroit). ucer of automatic l heating systems. degrees in Math. i computing and Sales and Support ate. .H a nta Monica, Calif. Dept.) Men and in Math. for Res. al Computing

May 11, 1961 (vol. 71, iss. 157) • Page Image 1

… independence of Laos. "The search for peace in Laos is worth the best efforts of all who might come to the table.' COMPUTER COMMUNICATION: IBM 704 Goes MAD When User Makes. Mistake Birehers Ask Investigation…

… Hunter Keen-Krushing Krafty King-nut Kellerman Kool-Kushened Kraft-Kramming Krab Apple Krynicki Lead-Lofting, Load Locust Lucky Locke Long-Lunging Rink Lapping Locust Lunghammer Mad Mashing, Might…

…' . . .. t. Zfe 2* j u A,-b ,dd?_.,. ,d-s "'V_*"- ~r y1i" a a <::i - iv i :i ir".i? 'r<:i ""' } . . . ,:<j~ *4*4v$ r4 4 By BUEL TRAPNELL] A user of the computing cen- ter's IBM-704 electronic computer could…

… informs the user of his mistakes, and even refers him to the section of the operating guide that could tell him how to cor- rectly program the instructions. Temporarily Abandoned But the computer has such a…

… FORTRAN programs into MAD programs, so that either may be used on the computer. Rosin emphasized that serious work is done with the two-year old 704. It is rented at a stan- dard IBM 60 per cent educational…

… discount to do only academic work. Cards punched on a keypunch machine are put into a reader, which records its information on magnetic tapes. From then on, tape is used for the computer processes. Monitor…

… approxi- mately 1,000 people who use it. Computer Cpmmunication Rosin said that at many instal- lations computers are used only to process information, but at the center, the 704 is used to learn about…

computers and how to com- municate with them, and to teach students, in addition to processing data gathered in all phases of scientific research. There are 440 students enrolled in the two computer

… programming courses taught here. The comput- ing staff does not program the 704 for any of the people who use it; they only assist when help is needed. Eventual Printout "The IBM 704 can process the typical…

… and proceeding to the next job," Rosin commented. The computing center is work- *-0- ::' :1 A _... …

November 14, 1961 (vol. 72, iss. 50) • Page Image 8

apple for example, the crown might twist slightly and break the cement seal. Then the porcelain would drop out. A more dependable seal could be produced by fusing the porce- lain and metal directly…

…; BS, MS, hD in Physics, Math; & MS, PhD in stronomy for Res. & Dev., Design, ec. Computing, Systems Dev,. & nalysis, Programming Trng. & Sales. Univ. of Chicago Graduate School of uisiness, Chicago, II1…

…)-Location of work: Roch- ter, N.Y. & Kingsport, Tenn. Feb. & une grads-men-with BS, MS or PhD Math for Elec. Computing, Statist- , Elect. Data Processing Methods Systems Div. Top ' of class. J. Walter Thompson…

May 09, 1962 (vol. 72, iss. 158) • Page Image 5

… 1957 to administer the S non-degree activities of both uni- versities in Detroit and the sur- e/ rounding area. The division n1ow services over 4,000 students. E ,xp'eriences Wayne's computing center con…

… students and faculty. Appl at University Family Housing Office 2364 Bishop St,, North Campus. 662 3169 or 663-1511, Ext. 3569. C2 LARGE Modern furnished apt. 2 bdrm. avail June 15. 721 Forest. 5-5942. C2…

October 14, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 26) • Page Image 1

… problems"-be co-ordinated. Romney also urged the re-exam- ination of the use of the total property tax base to compute a district's ability to support edu- cation. He said that other prob- lems may impinge…

… them as self- evident truths. Hallowed Sound "Local control," for instance, has come to have an almost hal- lowed sound. It's like mother !ove, apple pie and the flag: to oppose it, or even doubt it, is…

November 17, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 55) • Page Image 5

… Motor Co.-Feb. & June grads. Men in Liberal Arts & Bus. Ad. for Mgmt. Trng., Indust. Reis., Traffic, Sales, Prod., Mktg., Mfg. Operations, Product Supervision, Computer Serv- ices, Product Planning…

…, IE & Met. Also MBA w/engrg. de- gree for Sales Engrg. Feb. grads. R. & D., Des., Prod. & Sales. Institute of Paper Chemistry, Apple- ton, Wis.-All Degrees: ChE. Men & Women. R. & D., Grad. prog. to MS…

… Electrical Engr. who has had experience with an analog computer. 20 hours or more per week on a long term basis. 1-Who has had training or experience in TV repair work. Would need transportation. Evening work…

April 16, 1965 (vol. 75, iss. 168) • Page Image 9

computation of strength. a What could be termed random in- With the division into zones, spection is fit into the game by it becomes possible to increase the the experimenter, who will, at number of inspection…


September 30, 1965 (vol. 76, iss. 28) • Page Image 8

…) Kropf feels that the best idea would be to fill the keg with water. "Last year somebody spiked the 'apple juice," the puritanical Kropf pointed out. Robert (Giggles) Johnston, one of the few "Libel…

…, 1965 9:00 P.M. 3511 SAB If you have PROGRAMMING PROBLEMS, If you can save by buying programs as you need them, Please Cal COMPUTER APPLICATIONS at 761-3212 COMPUTING CONSULTANTS MAD-SNOBOL-SI MSCR I PT…

October 14, 1965 (vol. 76, iss. 40) • Page Image 4

… Minority Office of Academic Affairs: Misplaced Computerization' [F THE UNIVERSITY can be said to have a single underlying problem, it's that all its automation is in the wrong place. On the one hand…

…, mechanistic tech- niques abound in the teaching of several undergraduate liberal arts courses. Poli- tical Science 100, Psychology 100 and History 321, to name but a few, employ multiple-choice, "computerized

…" finals. Though this sort of mechanistic approach need not necessarily lead to similarly dehumanized teaching, in practice it oft- en has "computerized" the whole course. On the other hand, there are no com…

… begun work on using computers to help unify students' pre-classification requests and to interpret what facilities the tniversity will need to meet those requests. It is only a step from this stage to the…

… fountains. The House Un-American Ac- tivities Committee is actually in- vestigating that American as apple pie organization, the Ku Klux Klan. To top it off, Negroes are ac- tually registered to vote under…

November 20, 1965 (vol. 76, iss. 72) • Page Image 5

… with dressing and apple sauce Roast Prime Rib of Beef, au jus Beef Strogonoff over julienne potatoes Baked Smoked Ham with pineapple crescent Located on the U. of M.'s Beautiful North Campus Corner of…

… under simulated environments. With this laboratory, plus mathematical models, computer studies, and pilot-lot production of weapons, reliability of components and weapon systems are com- pletely evaluated…


December 07, 1965 (vol. 76, iss. 82) • Page Image 5

…-5555. F28 MICHIGAN SCIENTIFIC To the Duchess of E INTRODUCTION SERVICE HAPPY BIRTHDAY See your on the 14th. Operating successfully in Ann Arbor -The Duke of Windsor F9 for (.ver two years. An IBM computer

….m. Arrangements will be made for individual working time. We pre- fer 3 hrs. min. per night. Contact Mr. Alan Guest at APPL I ED DYNAMICS 2275 Platt Rd. AA or call 665-3601 VW 1965. BUY the wife a little some…

January 07, 1966 (vol. 76, iss. 85) • Page Image 8

…'t tradition wonderful? and world titlist Gary Erwin, the Like our age-old. inheritances of 'trio that captured an unprecedent motherhood, apple pie, democracy one-two-three in the NCAA trani- and the near…

… be that the Gophers know Mich- igan is coming as they were warn- ed by the Big Ten and WCHA computers. The Golden Gophers have proved they are no easy mark this season as they have Face Dual…

March 08, 1966 (vol. 76, iss. 132) • Page Image 10

… levels are invited to inter- view for positions in elec. computing, mgmt. trng. & personnel. THURS., MARCH 10- Upjohn Co., Kalamazoo, Mich.-Men. BA's & MA's in Biochem., Microbiol, Pharmacy, Pre-med. & Pre…

…: Constr., Sanitary. Elec. Computing, Mgmt. Tang., Personnel, Procnurement, Maint., Supply, Acctg., Budget. Mgmt. Analysis, Engrg. Trainee positions in IE, CE, ME, EE. THURS., MARCH 10- Anaconda Wire & Cable…

….Y.; Gen. Sales, Cleveland, Ohio-BS: ChE, CE, EE, ME, Met., Naval & Marine in- cluding Thermodynamics & Fluid MVech. Res., Des., Sales, Appl. Engrg. U.S. Govt., NASA, Ames Research Ctr., Moffett Field, Calif…

June 16, 1966 (vol. 76, iss. 31) • Page Image 4

… Monday through Friday, 12 Noon to 2 P.M. BIKES AND SCOOTERS 80cc. YAMAHA, late model, custom candy apple red, new parts, excellent condition. $200. HU 2-4502, Z5 '61 ZUNDAPP, 250 cc. 75 mph. 2- stroke…

…-5022 after 4 p.m. F44 DATING is more enjoyable with THE RIGHT PERSON IBM Computer AND personal interviews help us arrange DATES YOU'LL REALLY ENJOY MICHIGAN SCIENTIFIC INTRODUCTION SERVICE Call 662-4867, write…

… CAMPUS OPTICIANS IN THE NICKELS ARCADE 240 Nickels Arcade HELP WANTED SALESMAN to start June 1st. Profes- sional opportunity, married, 22-30, Bachelor's degree. Phone 453-4030 for interview. H41 COMPUTER

… PROGRAMMER Position avail. for computer program- mer to work on FORTRAN, UMAP, and IBM 360 coding and data man- agement. AB degree and 1 year exp.; math 473 or equiv. exp. Full or half time. Call 764-2115 to…

June 17, 1966 (vol. 76, iss. 32) • Page Image 4

… more enjoyable with THE RIGHT PERSON IBM Computer AND personal interviews help us arrange DATES YOU'LL REALLY ENJOY MICHIGAN SCIENTIFIC{ INTRODUCTION SERVICE Call 662-4867, write 216 S. State for free…

… brochure or interview BIKES AND SCOOTERS '65 YAMAHA, 250cc, 5 speed, luggage rack, w/helmet. $450, will bargain. Call 761-0736 bet. 5-7 p.m. Z9 80cc, YAMAHA, late model, custom candy apple red, new parts…

… opportunity, married, 22-30, Bachelor's degree. Phone 453-4030 for interview. H41 COMPUTER PROGRAMMER Position avail, for computer program - mer to work on FORTRAN, UMAP, and IBM 360 coding and data man…

June 18, 1966 (vol. 76, iss. 33) • Page Image 4

…. Phone 453-4030 for interview. H41 COMPUTER PROGRAMMER Position avail, for computer program- mer to work on FORTRAN, UMAP, and IBM 360 coding and- data man- agement. AB degree and 1 year exp.; math 473 or…

… Atlanta 29 36 .446 Cincinnati 26 34 .433 New York 24 33 .421 Chira~ R44'I GB 3?' 4 414 6 10 12 12 13 IBM Computer AND personal interviews help us arrange DATES YOU'LL REALLY ENJOY MICHIGAN SCIENTIFIC…

… Houston at Chicago 2 blks. from campus, very reasonable -----_____ price. Call 665-2669. U22 80cc. YAMAHA, late model, custom candy apple red, new parts, excellent LARGE MOD. 4-man apt. for 2nd half…

July 13, 1966 (vol. 76, iss. 46) • Page Image 3

computing the cost of its pro- posal. "We've given them our break- down of the cost of their pro- posal and reaffirm that it is over -Associated Press PRIME MINISTER INDIRA GHANDI of India arrived in Moscow…

…. Placement PLACEMENT INTERVIEWS: W\ED.-TIIURS., JULY 13-1-- International Business Machines, Dearborn, Mich.-Advisor positions to users of IBM computer systems, sales, stat., market. reps., systems prog. in…

… the heavily populated military and naval complex in Tidewater Virginia. Byrd, Jr., a newspaper publisher and apple orchardist, who describ- ed himself as a "forward-looking conservative," was challenged…

September 09, 1966 (vol. 76, iss. 7) • Page Image 5

…, THE TWADDLER COMETH. F29 BORED? Dating by computer is a national rage. 482-4898. Bok 441, Ypsilanti, Mich. P30 BOARD-Memberships for men, NAKA- MURA CO-OP, $12/wk and 3 hrs. work. Hill and State Sts…

… Scrambler, less than 1000 miles, still under war- ranty. Perfect cond., never scratched. Grunt, 800 Lincoln, 761-1628. ZE 8 OUT OF 10 again at Daytona this year. Yamaha '66, 2500c, kandy apple red, tuned…

September 10, 1966 (vol. 76, iss. 8) • Page Image 5

…. & Fri. Nights SAM'S STORE 2' E. Washington - _.j 11 Cj hr Mt r4i tn :43 Zti1 Dating by computer is a national rage. 482-4898. Box '441, Ypsilanti, Mich. P30 BOARD-Memberships for men, NAKA- MURA CO…

…, kandy apple red, tuned exhaust. Call 663-9695. Z31 '65 YAMAHA, 250cc, 1600 miles. Like new. $495. Also avail., cycle trailer, windshield and helmet. 761-0364, Z32 '65 SUZUKI 150, elec. starter, good cond…

October 15, 1966 (vol. 77, iss. 38) • Page Image 2

…, Biomedical, Design, Circuit, An- Afternoon only. BA in Econ. and Gen. BA & adv. degrees in Econ.. Psi ch. & alyst. Computer Applications and Elec- Lib. Arts for Mgmt. Trng, Territorial Soc. for Personnel…

….-Organic, Appl. Shipyard. AM( '4 I De Sica's camera narrates Um- The movie begins on what ap-' pears to a be a note of political protest; a crowd of pensioners, one of whom is Umberto feebly demon- strates…

May 06, 1967 (vol. 77, iss. 3) • Page Image 5

… and stove included. 1550 square feet of living area plus 100 square foot storage room. No base- ment, outdoor barbecue, :attractive, } apple treed lot 75 by 100 feet. Quiet area just inside city limits…

… [ A fine opportunity for an experienced secretary to grow with District Fields DOWNTO Engineering and Field Service Office 310 E. Washington of a computer corporation, The small office atmosphere pro…

May 06, 1967 (vol. 77, iss. 4) • Page Image 5

… experienced secretary to grow with District Fields Engineering and Field Service Office of a computer corporation. The small office atmosphere pro- vides pleasant surroundings. Skilled, experienced secretary…

… included. 1550 square-foot storm room. No basement, outdoor bert que, attractive apple-treed lot 75 150 feet. Quiet area just outside ci limits across from small park. Ide for family with up to 4 children…

May 10, 1967 (vol. 77, iss. 6) • Page Image 5

… CAMPUS MANAGEMENT, INC. State. $150 per month. Apt. No. 3. Casting, 232 Monroe, Saline, Mich. H17 337 East Huron Call 668-8593. U21-.- --- -- 662-7787 - - C£FROM JUNE 1-One bedroom furnish- COMPUTER

… heat, all util- ities in and paid dishwasher and stove 'included. 1550 sq. ft. of living area plus 100 sq. foot storage room. No basement, outdoor- barbeque, attrac- tive apple-treed lot 75 by 150 feet…

May 11, 1967 (vol. 77, iss. 7) • Page Image 5

… positions may develop into part-time or full time position after September. For appointment call: Mr. Douglas, 761-3681 (9-2) H20 HELP WANTED COMPUTER PROGRAMMER Preler EE with four tran, language background…

… storage room. No basement, outdoor barbeque, attrac- tive apple-treed lot 75 by 150 feet. Quiet area just inside city limits across from small park. Ideal for family with up to 4 children. Call 668- 7714. B…

May 12, 1967 (vol. 77, iss. 8) • Page Image 5

…-ins, carpeted, gas heat, all i ities in and paid dishwasher and 81 included. 1550 sq. ft. of living a plus 100 sq. foot storage room. basement, outdoor barbeque, att: Live apple-treed lot 75 by 150 1 Quiet area…

… 29) Write: R. C. Hoyt, Chrm., -- French Dept. Nauset Regional H. S., COMPUTER PROGRAMMER Orleans, Mass. 02653. Referneces. L9 Prefer EE with four tran. language WANTED--June 26th-August 18-Fur…

May 13, 1967 (vol. 77, iss. 9) • Page Image 5

… BSA Super Rocket. Godd cc dition with extras. Call Jim, 761-1 COMPUTER PROGRAMMER Prefer EE with four tran. language background. Immediate full time em- ployment in unique medical environ- ment…

… sq. foot storage room. No hlfl D8 al7443 o p Modern unfurnished 1-bedroom apart- basement, outdoor barbeque, attrac- helpful.PDP Call 764-4430 for ap- ment with wall-to-wall carpeting, dis- tive apple

May 16, 1967 (vol. 77, iss. 10) • Page Image 5

…- ing. June 10-August 25. Call 665-5405 after 4:30. Reduced from $140 to $100/month U32 i } COMPUTER PROGRAMMER 665-0234 evenings C24 WANTED TO RENT SWAP HOUSE in Eastham, Mass. CAPE COD (2 bedroom…

…-ins, carpeted, gas heat, all u sties in and paid dishwasher and ati included, 1550 sq. ft. of living a plus 100 sq. foot storage room. basement, .outdoor barbeque, attr tive apple-treed lot 75 by 150 fe Quiet…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 1) • Page Image 7

… areas we should such as computer tech- nology, space research, or ocean engineering. Right now we're handicapped by lack of equipment -it will be more of a problem now. Another year like this would be…

… 000 OCT. 24.9, OCT 31-NOV"*" I COMING SOON: 900 "A SHOT IN THE DARK" "SOME LIKE IT HOT" by Pulitm Prize-Playwrght George Kelly CQNiEe says "THE APPLE JOKE" . # Trmidlatedby Daflald Wat at…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 1) • Page Image 7

… Wylen of the Engineering College, said "With' out the resources of a larger bud- get, we can't move into new areas we should such as computer tech- nology, space research, or ocean engineering. Right now…

… SHOT IN THE DARK" "SOME LIKE IT HOT" by Pditw Prize-Playwright George Kelly 41 CtoNNiE' "THE APPLE JOKE" says . . . Tramlatedby DonlWatwon ii SEPTEMBER 19- NOVEMBER 51 We have the coed needs…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 0, iss. 1) • Page Image 61

… can't move into new areas we should such as computer tech- nology, space research, or ocean engineering. Right now we're handicapped by lack of equipment -it 1ill be more of a problem now. Another year…

… Kelly C oN1iE' "THE APPLE JOKE" says " r " ' rwAatedby DormM Watson I I SEPTEMBER 19- NOVEMBER 5I We have the coed needs SWEETEN I I- ' ORDER SEASON SUBSCRIPTIONS NOW! in foc :)t ear .i…

September 20, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 18) • Page Image 2

… portion of psychede- lia. Jordan Belson's "Allures," bill- ed as a "hallucinogenic voyage into the distances of outer space," was, in fact, a quite enjoyable color creation of a computer-pro- gramaler…

… reconstruction and re- Dunning's "The Apple," the frus- arrangement of wrecked and sun- trated noble goal turns out be a dered fragments. The cartoon fetish. "Concert of M. Kabal" has a fe- So we have a collection…

September 26, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 23) • Page Image 6

… emmission. Soon you'll start thinking like a giant. You'll grow bigger because you've got more going for you. A network of computers to put confusing facts and {gures into perspective. Complete testing…

…. Opening is available in our district office j located in Ann Arbor. Responsibilities include lectures, demonstra- tions, kitchen planning, and home appl i- once calls. The company offers modern facilities…

October 21, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 45) • Page Image 5

… ap- preciate apple pie? If you can ans- wer all of these questions with an affirmative answer, then you must be crazy or else Sam. be crazy or else Sam. F SUKKOT-HOMECOMING SERVICE - this Friday at 7…

…, for details. C HELP WANTED COMPUTER PROGRAMMERS, ANALYSTS. MANAGERS For Full or Part-Time Work Experience beyond course work re- quired. Excellent wages. Unlimited op- portunity with Michigan's largest…

… soft- ware house. Esp. need programmers with Numerical Control. COBOL, Real Time or DEC equipment experience. 761-1600 INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEMS H5 DYNAMIC SALESMAN for computer software house…

October 22, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 46) • Page Image 5

…? Try CHRISTMAS IN CALIFORNIA! FA DOES LISTENING to baseball games wear you out? Would you rather eat than talk on the phone? Do you ap- preciate apple pie? If you can ans- wer all of these questions with…

… to U. Towers. F WANTED-Mail-order bride for Yu- kon gold miner, age 25. Write Meid- inger, Dawson City P.O., Yukon Ter- 9032, for details. FC ritory, Canada or contact Dan, 761- HELP WANTED COMPUTER

… Numerical Control, COBOL, Real Time or DEC equipment experience. 761-1600 INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEMS H5 DYNAMIC SALESMAN for computer software house. Technical back- ground required, must work at least half…


October 24, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 47) • Page Image 5

… Community Schools, 941-1600. H9 COMPUTER PROGRAMMERS, ANALYSTS, MANAGERS For Full or Part-Time Work Experience beyond course work re- quired. Excellent wages. Unlimited op- portunity with Michigan's largest…

… soft- ware house. Esp. need programmers with Numerical Control, COBOL, Real Time or DEC equipment experience. 761-1600 INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEMS H5 DYNAMIC SALESMAN for computer software house…

… the phone? Do you ap- preciate apple pie? If you can ans- wer all of these questions with an affirmative answer, then you must be crazy or else Sam. be crazy or else Sam. F STROBE LIGHTS - 761-0195 F…

October 25, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 48) • Page Image 5

…, 941-1600. H9 COMPUTER PROGRAMMERS. ANALYSTS, MANAGERS For Full or Part-Time Work Experience beyond course work re- quired. Excellent wages. Unlimited op- portunity with Michigan's largest soft- ware…

… SATS,. ._- _ . ----- - ---_ j 11:30 a.m. Please call 663-9631. R. DYNAMIC SALESMAN for computer GI software house. Technical back- ground required, must work at least STROBE LIGHTS - 7610195 half time…

… ap- preciate apple pie? If you can ans- wer all of these questions with an affirmative answer, then you must be crazy or else Sam. F STROBE LIGHTS - 761-0195 F WANTED! Jobs for Explorer post no.' 150…

October 26, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 49) • Page Image 5

…:30. N23 Ae xwmw STROBE LIGHTS - 7610195 F DOES LISTENING to baseball games wear you out? Would you rather eat than talk on the phone? Do you ap- preciate apple pie? If you can ans- wer all of these…

… with minimum of 60 hrs. of college credit. Avail. any day of the week. Contact Personnel Office, Romulus Community Schools, 941-1600. H9 COMPUTER PROGRAMMERS, ANALYSTS, MANAGERS For Full or Part…

… equipment experience. 761-1600 INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEMS H45 DYNAMIC SALESMAN for computer software house. Technical back- ground required, must work at least half time. INFORMATION CON- TROL SYSTEMS, 761…

October 27, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 50) • Page Image 5

… 1209 S. University, 663-7151. 1 F PERSONAL ings a week. Can provide trans. 769- 1672. H19 TYPIST-PROOFREADER We are a growing computer firm who needs someone to do editing and proofreading of technical…

… out? Would you rather eat, than talk on the phone? Do you ap- preciate apple pie? If you can ans- wer all of these questions with an affirmative answer, then you must be crazy or else Sam. F STROBE…

…. Bates, 662-6517. Hi COMPUTER PROGRAMMERS, ANALYSTS, MANAGERS For Full or Part-Time Work Experience beyond course work re- quired. Excellent wages. Unlimited op- portunity with Michigan's largest soft…

…- ware house. Esp. need programmers with Numerical Control, COBOL, Real Time or DEC equipment experience. 761-1600 INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEMS H5 DYNAMIC SALESMAN for computer software house. Technical…

October 28, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 51) • Page Image 5

… nrovjrde t'rans '769- 6g2 a e. p . 1672. H19! t i L. i a s TYPIST-PROOFREADER We are a growing computer firm who j needs someone to do editing and proofreading of technical manu- scripts as well as…

…, right next to Univ. Tower. 769-0560. F30 DOES LISTENING to baseball games wear you out? Would you rather eat Cthan talk on the phone? Do you ap- preciate apple pie? If you can ans- wer all of these…

October 29, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 52) • Page Image 5

… hr. ser- vice. Call 665-4658. F4 ings a week. Can provide trans. 769- 1672. H19 TYPIST-PROOFREADER We are a growing computer firm who needs someone to do editing and proofreading of technical manu…

…. Discount Photocopy Service, right next to Univ. Tower. 769-0560. F30' DOES LISTENING to baseball games wear you out? Would you rather eat than talk on the phone? Do you ap- preciate apple pie? If you can ans…

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