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October 14, 1965 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-10-14

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0 4k Mir14Jgan Daily
.F Seventy-Sixth Year
Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN AP.BOR, MICH. NEWS PHONE: 764-0552
Editorials prited in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Nature of the

'Then and Now

Honors Council Report:
Beginning of Progress

THE FIRST HONORS newsletter of the
semester, which Honors students will
be receiving shortly, contains some hope-
ful signs of long-needed change in the
Honors program.
The program suffers from many faults,
but the most important are the stand-
ards used in selecting students for it:
primarily College Board scores and high
school grades. The Honors Council has
relied on these standards, evidently, be-
cause it believes the student with great
ability to absorb knowledge is the sort of
student who should be in the program.
But this is not enough.
The program should instead endeavor
to find the student who can not only
absorb knowledge, but use it, both in and
out of the classroom. Finding this sort of
student is difficult, but-with Fricke
scores, interviews, essay-applications, the
student's extracurricular activities, let-
ters of recommendation and other such
subjective criteria-it is not impossible.
For the present, the program's solely
numerical standards seem to suggest, by
analogy, that the best steaks come from
the heaviest cows. Indeed, since Honors
officials have found only the correlation
between Honors students' SAT scores and
their performance in the program is min-
imal, perhaps these standards do not even
adequately indicate the capacity to ab-
sorb knowledge.
IN VIEW OF ALL THIS, it is encourag-
ing to learn from the Honors steering
committee newsletter that the commit-
tee intends to set up a special board of
freshmen to try "to develop more varied
and sensitive criteria for admission." This
group should begin a thorough review of
the present selections criteria, and it
should urge a thorough reform.
Given its present selections standards,
perhaps there are only a few students
presently in the program who can both

acquire and use knowledge. Narrowing the
membership of the program to these stu-
dents would, of course, help solve that
much-feared problem of the rising teach-
er-student ratio.
On the other hand, however, the more
true "Honors" students the program has,
the better it will be, for learning is inter-
action as well as action. The October
Honors newsletter, encouragingly, indi-
cates the steering committee will encour-
age its freshman board to work hard on
recruiting high school seniors of Honors
But in addition to having an adequate
number of well-selected students, the
program must be a program. Depart-
ment heads have sometimes frustrated
the program by refusing to make badly-
needed changes in personnel teaching
Honors courses in their area. Too many
honors sections in regular courses are
different from non-honors sections sole-
ly because more reading is required. The
special College Honors courses are usual-
ly exciting and outstanding-but, due to
distribution requirements, many Honors
students are unable to take more than a
HERE, TOO, the newsletter indicates
that the full steering committee will
have as its long-range goal "to design
and get established interdepartmental
majors in broad fields like 'humanities'
and 'social sciences'." This is an encour-
aging first step towards what should fin-
ally be an entire Honors curriculum.
Selection, recruitment and curriculum
are the interrelated and crucial compon-
ents of a meaningful Honors program.
The Honors steering committee's efforts
in that direction are significant and
heartening, and they should be contin-
ued and expanded.

EDITOR'S NOTE: The following
is the text of a speech given Sept.
24 at the 7th anniversary ban-
quet of The Daily. The author is
an assistant professor of engineer-
ing English and assistant director
of the Phoenix Project.
Editorial Director, 1951-52
WE ALL BEGIN the same way
-"When I was asked to speak
at tonight's dinner-." I was told
to reminisce about the Fifties
and to take a full ten minutes. My
reaction was, why not? Maybe in
these days of microsecond fatal-
ism, ten minutes is an extrava-
I thought of shouting catch-
words at you. Korean War, Red
China, Klaus Fuchs, MacArthur,
McCarthy, H-bombs, Mau-Mau,
Nasser, Castro, Faubus, ICBM,
Sputnik, Stevenson, Eisenhower,
De Gaulle, Suez, Little Rock,
Mount Everest, Budapest, Truman,
the Rosenbergs, Caryl Chessman,
Ho Chi Minh, Camus. I could
keep this up for ten minutes and
it might make some sense, maybe
even a great deal of sense.
And then I read in The Ann
Arbor News and in The Michigan
Daily an announcement for this
dinner, and it said that I was
going to speak for the Post-War
Generation, and all I could think
of was Post-What-War? Who was
playing with what words? When
was there even an After? That's
one thought. As they say in com-
puter land-store it!
Another thought is that I did
graduate in 1952 for the first time.
I came here, downy cheeked, in
1948 when the last of the hoary
veterans from World War II still
lived in the dormitories. When I
arived on campus there were some
fairly pusy organizations active on
the Diag. Gradually as the vets
graduated, these organizations
merged with the Burns Park
P.T.O. or the Methodist Church
Young Family Circle, leaving be-
hind only some shadowy groups-
the best of which was the Com-
mittee to End Discrimination, CED
naturally, which took on the Med-
ical School for its hypocratic
practices vis-a-vis application
forms and admissions, and I think,
though I am not sure, won.
Otherwise, there were the Young
Progressives, left over from Henry
Wallace, and the Young Marxists,
left over from Russian War Relief.
There were a few people living in
the real co-ops (as distinguished
from today's institutional co-ops
like Oxford Housing) who were in-
terested in some wider circle of
events than was described by the
University's General Announce-
ment, and there was The Michigan
Daily and its staff, including me.
NOW, most of these people, like
most of you, left Ann Arbor. I
stayed, not continuously-that is,
I went out to Berkeley, but found
it socially dull and academically
tough, and I went to Boston to
work for a living and discovered
that it's no pleasure making lots
of money doing something you
don't like, that the real trick is to
make lots of money doing some-
thing you do like-but basically
I stayed here from 1948 till 1965,
and it's from this vantage point
that. I wish to speak tonight, to
do as I was asked, to reminisce
and to talk about change.
I want to categorize that time.
I believe that I belonged to a group
back in 1952 that had no organ-
ized causes to join. We couldn't
go South to Selma, and if we
could, we probably wouldn't have.
With few exceptions, we were
basically insensistive to the prob-
lems of being white inra multi-
colored world. The color scheme
in this room is not an accident,
nor is it a tribute.
We couldn't wage war on pov-
erty because Harrington had not
yet discovered poverty, nor had
affluence become so pervasive.
There was no Peace Corps to take

up to Guatemala, the Philippines
or Ghana. There was Henry Luce,
and some people joined him.
Otherwise, the choices were work,
go back to college and not under
the auspices of NSF or NIH or the
AEC, or be drafted, or enlist in
the service of your choice.
A number of Daily staffers en-
listed in, of all things, the CIA or
the ASA or CID or some such
agency that had as its operative
word "intelligence." Cloak and
dagger stories began drifting back
to Ann Arbor-of former Daily
staffer so-and-so who turned up
in West Berlin on a CIA mission,
exchanged briefcases with the
Of Gall
And Hall
style themselves Buddhas
To Donald Hall they are
naught but vultures.
He knows that the are crass
Who question the need for
arts and culture.
It matters not how much the

wrong man and brought back a
stale salami sandwich-or Daily
staffer whozeewhatsis who was
last heard of as an Army Lieu-
tenant in Washington, was then
seen as a Marine Captain in To-
kyo, and subsequently as a Navy
Ensign in London. Security stunk.
IN PART, these Daily people
ended up in Army language schools
or counterspy groups as a reason-
able alternative to weighing chick-
ens in Mississippi or patrolling
the waters off Formosa. But in
part, they were there because there
was little focus to our lives. And
what there was, was not directed
toward action but toward verbali-
zation. That our greatest hero
during the Fifties was Adlai Ste-
venson was not an accident.
There was a funny sociological
study done of the Daily staff in
1952. My wife, who at the time
was not yet my wife, and I did
the study for a sociology course,
the contents of which I could in
no way comprehend. We persuad-
ed all the staff members to sub-
mit to intelligence tests and per-
sonality tests, and then we spent
Christmas vacation doing chi
squares to see whether the edit
staff liked soft-boiled eggs sig-
nificantly more than the sports
staff liked soft-boiled eggs (they
did) or to discover which staff
showed a marked preference for
making deposits (it was, naturally,
the business staff) and things of
that sort.
When the professor published
the results in the Journal of Pub-
lic Opinion some four years later,
relegating my poor wife (by that
time she was my wife and she was
poor) and I to a footnote and
teaching me something about the
respectability of professional pub-
lication that even my own profes-
sional publications have not dis-
pelled, there were . quotes, of
course, from Erik Erikson's Child-
hood and Society and there were
also, of course, remarks about the
psychoanalytic theories of anal
expulsiveness, phallic character
and oral dependency - which
ought to tell you something about
why we're all really here this
weekend, from a psychoanalytic
point of view that is-but there
were also some telling points about
The Michigan Daily in 1952, which
I think were also true for the
several years prior to 1952 with
which I was familiar and for the
most of the years after 1952-
until in the Sixties there was
suddenly a significant change that
you didn't need chi squares to tell
you about.

I'LL PARAPHRASE some of the
conclusions from that professional
publication. The Daily staffer
(editorial, that is), instead of re-
treating from the world so it
cannot touch him attempts to
direct the world away from inter-
fering with his desires.
The Daily staffer wants a pub-
lic validation of his competence,
independence, and virility. And
yet, he avoids face to face con-
tact with his audience. He avoids
the approving roar, and he avoids
the catcalls of rejection. The Daily
staffers are sensitive people. Be-
hind the writing desk, they nurse
their rejections in private and
gather strength to try again. End
of paraphrase.
It's not as nice a picture as it
might seem. It reminds me most
of all of spectator sports-only
the game is real, and it's called
civil rights or poverty or Viet Nam.
It's a game we-learned to watch
in 1952. We commented about it,
quite proud of our anger, but we
really didn't play.
WHEN IN 1950 Haven Hall
burned down and a teaching fel-
low named Stacey went to Jack-
son where he taught the classics
for many years, I remember that
there were staff members who
thought he was innocent, and if
not innocent, certainly not prov-
en guilty. And so somebody wrote
about a miscarriage of justice and
that was that.
And when in 1952 the Univer-
sity Lecture Committee acquired
a nervous habit of banning speak-
ers, we published front page edi-
torials on freedom of speech and
the rights of students and even
sent a reporter, the son-of-a-
regent, to cover a dinner in the
Union where one of the banned
speakers, a man named McPhaul,
was going to test the ban, but we
ourselves never considered testing
it or even opposing the subsequent
I have been in the President's
Conference Room in the Admin-
istration Building many times but
the first time was when I was
summoned as a student to tell
what little I knew about Mc-
Phaul's supper. When I was inter-
viewed for my current academic
position, the Chairman of the De-
partment reminded me of some-
thing I had forgotten, that he had
been secretary and spokesman for
the Lecture Committee in 1952.
It was actually a common bond
between us-the editorials I had
written calling him some sort of
ratfink-and why not? The Daily

opposition had been merely verb-
WHEN President Hatcher, in,
1952, his first year of office, ve-
toed a motion passed by the Stu-
dent Legislature and the Student
Affairs Committee that would
have given fraternities and sorori-
ties six years to get rid of their
bias clauses, we were again angry
and full of trenchant wit, but we
weren't about to do more. That
was for others.
We were the social commenta-
tors, others could be the social
movers. I don't mean to imply
that there was something wrong
with us, because we were still
ahead of most of our contem-
poraries. You see, there weren't
"the others." You have to remem-
ber that that was the 1950's-
there was a flavor peculiar to
those years and to the University.
After all, ours was not the year
of the Teach-In, it was the year
of the first Collegiate Panty Raid.
Back then the University still
had the Union Opera with its
overtones of good clean transves-
tite-ism. The Michigan Union still
had its steam bath, which, ad-
mittedly, took a certain amount of
guts. We had the Arts Theatre
Club in a loft above Metzgers
which gave Ann Arbor the best
theatre we've ever had, and gave
it to us without subsidy-for love.
The Daily had a woman's page
and Deborah Bacon was the Dean
of Women. The Romance Lan-
guage Building housed the Mid-
west's largest collection of pigeons
and bats, and a group of students
made a film called Metamorphosis
about a man who turned into a
bug. In short, there was some-
thing sort of bovine and com-
fortable about Michigan. It had
enthusiasm and creativity. Yet it
was always genteel-it was sort of
like, as if, Edna Ferber and Henry
James had made out together.
AND THEN, all of a sudden, it-
was Norman Mailer Time! With
a new set of good and a new set
of bad. Suddenly no one knew the
third stanza of "The Yellow and
Blue," and no one else cared. You
didn't have to struggle to be wick-
ed, the realtors were building bor-
dellos as fast as they could get
building permits.uShoes went out
of style, razor cuts came in.
There were a few people who
still talked to freshmen about the
Big University Family, but they
were like an appendix-no one
needed them and when they got
to be a real pain, you could just
cut them out. The student body

changed, the faculty began to
change, some department chair-
men changed, some administrators
We became, on the one hand,
horribly commercial-the biggest
vocational training school in Mich-
igan, highly skilled, of course. And
on the other hand, we started to
be unsatisfied with mere verbali-
zation. There was a new desire
for direct talk and direct action,
of living where one's mouth was.
The two, commercialization and
activism go together because they
are both part of a natural change
of The University of Michigan
from what tradition has always
had it, to what it is essentially
becoming-a suburbanly situated
City College.
The change affected The Daily,
and the best example of this
change that I know of was the
next speaker, Tom Hayden, whose
Michigan Daily was the best Mich-
igan Daily I ever read. It was
tough, it was logical, and I think
its staff was interested in follow-
ing their own advice, certanly
Tom Hayden was.
THE CHANGES have affect I
others as well-the sheer numbe rs
of students are enormous, te
noise levels are high, the behavior
patterns are loose. When Albee's
play, "Who's Afraid of Virginia
Woolf," came here two years ago,
after shocking, after titillating
New York, the reaction of many
of us, realists all, was, "So what?
Know a dozen couples just like
them, and then some." Even the
the geography is changing to suit
the new style.
Some people are over-responsive
to all this. Out of fear or distaste,
they write immodest proposals
about who is or is not in residence.
They call the police to see if a
discount book store distributing
pamphlets is violating a city or-
dinance. They call the FBI to see
if students colliecting money for,
of all insanities, the National Lib-
eration Front, fall onto some sub-
versive list.
These people introduce into
what is already an unstable situa-
tion the potential that Newton
first stated in his third law of
higher education-to every action
there is - an equal and opposite
What I'm trying to say is that
the old University of Michigan
that most of you (and I) went to
doesn't really exist any more, ex-
cept maybe on Saturday after-
noons in the fall. In its place is
a vibrant and exciting school that
resembles most a sprawling city,
in that its problems are urban
problems-transportation, housing,
discrimination, mixed populations
with vastly different values, even?
birth control is a problem-and,
of course, it has an involvement
in the social and political issues
of the society at-large, and for
"at-large" read "the world." It is
due, I think, to all the catchwords
from the Fifties, and before, and
since, acting as so many cattle
prods on so many people so eager
to march.
I am not sure that whether you
and I march with them or not, or
whether you and I introduce some
of the old spectator habits into
their mfdsts, will make much dif-
ference. The only certainty I have
is that the forces acting upon the
University will neither allow it to
stay at rest nor move in a straight
line-and if you align yourself
with the University, then the
forces act upon you too.


Helping Our Southern Minority

Office of Academic Affairs:
Misplaced Computerization'

[F THE UNIVERSITY can be said to have
a single underlying problem, it's that
all its automation is in the wrong place.
On the one hand, mechanistic tech-
niques abound in the teaching of several
undergraduate liberal arts courses. Poli-
tical Science 100, Psychology 100 and
History 321, to name but a few, employ
multiple-choice, "computerized" finals.
Though this sort of mechanistic approach
need not necessarily lead to similarly
dehumanized teaching, in practice it oft-
en has "computerized" the whole course.
On the other hand, there are no com-
puters where one would like to find them,
in the administration. The Office of Reg-
istration and Records, the admissions of-
fice and the Office of Student Affairs are
still relying on traditional "hand labor"
techniques to keep their books and file
their records, techniques which should
have gone out with the baby boom.
[N BOTH CASES, of course, the decision-
makers are taking the path of least
resistance. It's difficult to make up and
Editorial Staff
Managing Editor Editorial Director
JUDITH FIELDS.................. Personnel Director
LAUREN BAHR.......... Associate Managing Editor
JUDITH WARREN. Assistant Managing Editor
ROBERT HIPPLER ......Associate Editorial Director
GAIL BLUMBERG............... Magazine Editor
LLOYD GRAFF............... Acting Sports Editor
NIGHT EDITORS: Susan Collins, John Meredith,
Leonard^Pratt, Peter Sarasohn, Bruce Wasserstein.
DAY EDITORS: Robert Carney, Clarence Fanto, Mark
Killingsworth, Harvey wasserman, Dick wingfield.
dith Eiker, Merle Jacob, Carole Kaplan, Robert
Klivans, Roger Rapoport, Neil Shister, Katherine
Teich, Joyce Winslow, Charlotte Wolter.
SPORTS NIGHT EDITORS: Rick Feferman. Jim La-
Sovage, Bob McFarland, Gil Samberg, Dale Sielaff,
Rick Stern, Jim Tindall, Chuck vetzner.
Business Staff
CY WELLMAN, Business Manager
ALAN GLUECKMAN.............Advertising Manager
JOYCE FEINBERG ................Finance Manager
* TCI W 4 ' fltX fA ...a 4.a fl,,ennce., . anager

to correct an examination on which stu-
dents can express their creative intelli-
gence and it's difficult to sit down and
think about where the University ought
to be going and what the best way to get
there is. And, after all, if either were
done, we might wind up firing some peo-
The real tragedy is that, though com-
puters are neither bad nor good in them-
selves, their absence in the administra-
tion and their presence in the classroom
hurts both. Through this maldistribu-
tion, administrative efforts are dupli-
cated and many student efforts render-
ed meaningless.
this case it is expressed with the crea-
tion of a new assistant's position for the
vice-president for academic affairs.
The creation of this position, and the
appointment of Ernest Zimmerman to
fill it, was one of the final innovations
which Roger Heyns, ex-vice-president
for academic affairs, left the University
before he went to Berkeley. His position
is designed to unify the Office of Aca-
demic Affairs' diverse information-gath-
ering agencies into some sort of coherent
whole, in order that someone who wants
some information can know exactly
where to get it.
But in addition to this vital work, Zim-
merman seems to be beginning the long-
term planning in which Heyns was so
He has begun work on using computers
to help unify students' pre-classification
requests and to interpret what facilities
the tniversity will need to meet those
requests. It is only a step from this stage
to the sort of "programmed budgeting,"
used by many large institutions to or-
ganize their use of resources more effi-
ciently-the type of budgeting the Uni-
versity needs as it increases in size and
ZIMMERMAN'S WORK means progress
nn nn rnn t nf the onmutpr nroh-

THIS NATION'S obsession with
Negro rights has resulted in
the gross neglect of an important
American minority group, for re-
cent civil rights gains for the
Negro have transformed the South i
into a place that no self-respecting
segregationist can call home.
Schools are being integrated,
as are restaurants, buses and
*ater fountains.
The House Un-American Ac-
tivities Committee is actually in-
vestigating that American as apple
pie organization, the Ku Klux
To top it off, Negroes are ac-
tually registered to vote under the
new federal voting rights bill.
This influx of new Negro voters
may result in the defeat of re-
spected segregationists like Loui-
siana's Senator Allen Ellender in
next year's elections. r
It won't be long until the segre-
gationist will be stripped of his
political power and forced to treat
Negroesas equal. No segregation-
ist worthy of his name should have
to put up with such an outrage.
FORTUNATELY there is a
simple solution to the predica-
ment. For years the segregation-
ists have suggested solving the
Negro problem in America by
sending the Negroes back to Af-
rica. Unfortunately most Negroes
can't afford the fare.
So instead, why not send the
segregationists back to Africa-
specifically, South Africa?
American segregationists would
fall in love with this beautiful
land, where everyone is separated
on the basis of race, color and
Through an imaginative system
called apartheid, the South Afri-
can government has achieved
complete segregation. Negroes
must live on designated reserva-
tions completely separated from
white areas. They have no vote
in the affairs of their national
government and naturally can't
use any public facilities used by
whites. All employment is done
on an unequal opportunity basis.
GOV. George Wallace would
find his hero is South Africa pre-
mier Henrik Verwoerd. Verwoerd
has long been a champion of hu-
Tn 1 h n 1u.hiefpi strenuousl

ville, the police responded by kill-
ing 69 of them.
AND IN South Africa there is
no problem with Negro leadership.
In America, segregationists had
to watch their country heap praise
upon Martin Luther King when
he won the Nobel Peace Prize.
Contrast this with the case of
South African Negro leader Al-
bert Luthuli who won the Nobel
Peace Prize several years ago.
When Luthuli returned home his
country rewarded him by placing
him under house arrest for five
South Africa has a court system
that would be .a delight to the
Lester Maddoxes of America.

Normally, Negroes may have no
defense attorney. A typical sen-
tence for Negroes who leave their
reservations without a pass after
dark is six months in jail.
And the American segregation-
ist will enjoy complete freedom
from criticism by the press.
When South African news-
paper recently published an ar-
ticle exposing inhumane Negro
prison conditions, the government
responded by arresting the author,
raiding the newspaper, and mak-
ing plans to prosecute.
THERE IS only one problem
with sending the American segre-
gationists back to South Africa.
They couldn't take their maids.

U, Bookstore--Gain or L oss?

To the Editor:
which appeared in Saturday's
Daily states, "'The other univer-
sities do it, therefore . .."' Maybe
it would be more logical to say:
The University of Michigan does
not do it, there fore . . . This
University is without doubt the
finest in the state if not in the
Midwest; maybe the lesser schools
should be following our lead in-
stead of vice versa.
' Broad seems to imply that the
academic atmosphere of the Uni-
versity has been produced by its
economic conditions. I would like
to see one logical demonstration
that exploitation by merchants
and realtors is conducive to scho-
lastic quality.
In addition to his strange theory
above, Mr. Broad seems to have
a guilty conscience about taking
things from the state of Michigan.
He states that the bookstore cam-
paign is another attempt to "get
something for nothing from the
state of Michigan."
WHAT WOULD the bookstore
be taking? The idea of a discount
bookstore is to make only enough
to cover costs of running it; there
is no implication that the book-
store would be donating anything
to the students. If he feels so
strongly about the taxpayers, he
should head down some toll roads
to a private institution.
-Nancy Shaw. '68

have defined "freedom" as "an-
archy." We have lost sight of the,
fact that this definition is often
as narrow and even unfair as the
supposed limitations to which we
so strongly object. Somewhere
along the line, we seem to have
forgotten that freedom also im-
plies responsibility.'
By responsibility. I do not mean
only the responsibility to criticize
those laws and codes which limit
freedom; but also the more subtle
responsibilities of freedom which
we too often overlook. One of
these is the duty to obey the laws
which were established in the
first place to insure freedom.
While not every law or every
institution of its making and en-.
forcement is not without flaws,
the whole system was founded
from thousands of years of ex-
perience that this was the most
nearly perfect to insure freedom.
ANOTHER such responsibility
is our duty to defend these free-
doms from internal as- well as ex-
ternal violation and subversion.

By this I mean that we,, as
Americans, should be on guard
that in our pursuit of "freedom"
we dohnot cross the fine lineinto
anarchy and chaos.
What is. I think, at the crux of
the whole matter is that we seem
to be unaware that freedom by its
very nature implies limitations.
We have begun to behave like the
selfish, spoiled children that we
are, when we pout and stamp our
feet because we are not able to
do exactly as we please. It has
been too easy for us to forget that
doing "what I want, when I want,
and how I want" may deprive
someone else of exactly that same
right. This is simply an evidence
of our immaturity and selfishness,
and before we can claim a right
to freedom as mature people we
must realize that some limits must
be imposed on the "me" so that
freedom may be enjoyed by "us."
I think it is high time that we
faced the fact that "Freedom for
Me" should be replaced by "Free-
dom is for Everybody!"
-Mary K. Simpson,'67


Schutze's Corner:
The Daily's Demise

last night that The Michigan
Daily, soon to be renamed The
ThiA aefm hn--+ vnbinmail

news events. They point out that
it would be clearly inappropriate
and tasteless to publish raw de-
serintions of the real world along-

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