Seventieth Year
"Well, The Enlisted Men Aren't The
Only Ones With Problems"
When Opinions Are Free
Truth Will Prevail"
Moscow Symphon
Sonds American
COMPARED TO orchestras with which most of us are familiar, the
Moscow State Symphony which performed in Detroit last weekend
sounds much more American than Huropean in accordance with t4e
alleged tendency of the Russians to imitate us. Let us take what eom-
fort we can from the fact that, at least in the field of music, they have
not yet surpassed us; for the Moscow State, though it must be ranked
with our good orchestras, does not outrank them.
The strong point of this orchestra is its huge string section, Lacking
the brilliance of the Boston's or the fullness of the Philadelphia', it
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
H. Chandler Davis:
The Case for Ideals
E TALKS OF COMMUNISM as an idea and
of himself as a "political dissident" singled
ut for punishment. But most often he talks
f current and passing dangers to American
.emocratic freedoms and the part he feels he
as played in pointing them out to people. And
'hat he says today is basically what he said to
he House Un-American Activities Committee
x years ago.
Perhaps H. Chandler Davis is a firmly en-
:enched Communist out to corrupt American
emocracy from within . . . perhaps. But the
acts of his case (superficially, at least) point
n another direction. Had he wanted to go his
ray without interruption or interference from
he government, back in 1954, he could have
voided the Un-American Activities Committee
ueries with the stock phrase: "I refuse to an-
wer on the grounds that it might incriminate
ie." The method is usually a pretty effective
uestion stopper and only sometimes leads to
charge of contempt of Congress.
NSTEAD, HE CHOSE to lodge a direct pro-
test against the Un-American Activities
ommittee's procedures, knowing that his ac-
ion could lead to a jail term. Davis insisted
tiat the first amendment guarantee of free-
om of speech protected him against official
robings into his political beliefs and activities.
he issue was not that his answers might in-
riminate him but that the Committee was
verreaching itself by implying through its
uestions that his beliefs were undesirable and
omehow wrong.
From the things Davis said then and now,
ne is tempted to decide that his personal con-
ictions concerning communism took a back
eat to his desire for intellectual freedom
broughout. Congress, however, proved to be
nreceptive to the idea and charged him with
ontempt. He failed in his efforts to get his
;uilty verdict reversed and in the process to
ave the couts support his contention that the
ommittee interfered with freedom of speech,
te failed and is now serving his six-month
AND IF THERE SEEMED to be no room for
intellectual freedom in 1954, neither was
there much evidence of academic freedom for
the then University mathematics instructor.
The University dismissed him-although the
mathematics department requested that he be
retained-and Davis found himself exiled from
the kind of community that is usually thought
of as the home of idealists, liberals, and free-
have not swayed Davis in the conviction
that he was justified and that they have pro-
duced some good results. And the record of
events since 1954 seems to add weight to his
The McCarthy scare has since died down
and Davis admits today that "most people
think independent thought is a good idea."
On the University scene, an American Associa-
tion of University Professors censure re-
sulted in adjustments in the University's dis-
missal policy last year. In both of these hap-
penings, however, Davis played a relatively
minor, though still important, part.
HIS ATTACK on the Committee's activities,
centered as it was in the first amendment,
was more significant and has led to a much-
needed focusing on a redefinition of consti-
tutional rights. A case similar to the Davis case
reached the Supreme Court last fall, and for
the first time his position on freedom of speech
got some judicial support. The final decision
was five-to-four against the defendant's claim;
but Davis points to Justice Eugene Black's dis-
senting opinon as the clearest official defini-
tion of right guaranteed in the first amend-
ment yet heard.
But Davis is now in jail, has no hopes of re-
entering academic life later, and sees few in-
dications that his attitude toward intellectual
freedom in the near future will be accepted by
the federal government.
Subversive or not, Davis is being punished for
his ideals. Ironically, Davis has succeeded in
forcing a few people, at least, to re-examine
American ideals in the light of his own. Could
be they are the same.
(9, i'6o t'tf~ ~4A~ 44 "4*-r~~ .'J V~'T- ~ -
excels in accuracy of intonation,
precision of attack, and meticu-
lousness of phrasing.
The dynamics were in fact e-
treme, to the extent of making
little accented G. P.'s out of phrase
endings. Konstantin Ivanov, con-
ducting with his baton and eye-
brows, dipplayed, sensitive musi-
cianship by using these accentu-
ations not just for display but to
enliven the mediocre Fifth; Tchai-
kowsky's dullest symphony.
weakest group. Their tone was un-
certain, frequently wobbling. The
brass had a curious thin twangy
quality, not unpleasant, but un-
familiar to these ears.
An attempt after the concert to
ascertain whether the instruments
themselves are perhaps slightly
different than those in common
Western use was frustrated by a
succession of over-zealous' and
surly guards-American, of course,
who seemed eager to prevent any
international contact. Those mem-
bers of the orchestra to whom we
did say hello were, needless to
say, quite friendly.'
The soloist in the Tchaikowsky
Violin Concerto, Valerii Klimov,
showed a fine disciplined technique
and considerable virtuosity, but
not a very mature sensitivity. He
seemed, quite young and worth
watching for a while to see what'
WITH THE encores the orches-
tra finally escaped from the all
Tchaikowsky mold, presumably
impressed by S. Hurok, and every-
body seemed to enjoy it. With
Khatchaturian's Sabre Dance from
Gayane, which concluded the eve-
ning, the ensemble finally relaxed,
blazed forth sonorously, and per-
formed well.
One cannot help wondering what
the players must think of our
audiences, if Detroit's was typical.
There is some excuse, maybe, for
applause at the conclusion of the
first movement of a concerto, im-
mediately after some bravura from
an exhausted soloist eager for a
break; but between movements of
a symphony-and even during a
movement! Ah well, perhaps there
are peasants in Russia, too.
Symphony No. 5 in E Minor, Opus.64
Symphony No. 5 in E minor,
Opus 64..............Tchaikowsky
Concerto in D major,
Opus 35................Tchaikowsky
Capriccio Italien for Orchestra,
Opus 45.............Tchaikowsy
-Philp Benkard
"TE BIG Fisherman," the tech-
nicolor comedy based: loosely
on the Bible, is one of the x ost
stunning disasters the screen' his
known in some time. Equipped
with an extraordinarily ugly hef..
ine and several of Hollywoods most
mediocre performers, this -biblical.
travesty is a two-hour forty v.
minute hodgepodge of assorted
trivia and nonsense.
Susan Kohner, dark-eyed and
remarkably gauche, gives the moat
outstanding unintentional satiric'
performance of the year.
Cast opposite Miss Kohner is the
darling of the bobby-sbxer set,
John Saxon. Rosy cheeked and
dimpled this dashing young ma"!
spirits all over the biblical Coin-
tryside in search of Mli-ohner..
Miss Kohner is, in' search 'of tl*
Tetrach-whoever he nay be. An4
the Tetrach is in search of ,Orn
interesting extra-marital activity.
Will Saxon rescue her In l Oie?
Will the Tetrach even wantVi.U
Kohner? Will the Tetrach discover
Miss Kohner is his daughter? Will
the film ever end?
Unfortunately in the middle. o
all this grand foolishness the writ..
ers have trapped'John the Baptik,
Peter Simon of Galilee and the
Nazarene. Needlesa to say all; of
this is in most offensive tastE tbut
such are the ingredients of the
modern adulterated biblical draim.
But besides the performances of
Miss Kohner and Saxon (if on.
may be so brazen as to call them
actors) there is lovely Martha
Hyer who looks most fetching in
her sleek gowns and red treusis
and Howard Keel whose career
will probably collapse completely
from this outing.
4' * *'
THE SETS are uniformly- dis-
appointing and the direction 'is
altogether static and stilted. 'Th
background music is obtrusiveand
the scenario is absurd.
In short one little producer
slipped on his fat little bankroll
during this outing and should
learn to be a bit more cautiousIl
the future.
-Mare Alan Zago re
The Senior Column
By. Charles KozoUl
College Boards an Improvement
THE UNIVERSITY'S newly inaugurated policy
requiring every applicant for admission to
take the College Board Scholastic Aptitude test
has been met with mixed emotions. Although
the new requirement is generally popular, there
still remain some opposed. However, the basis
for such disagreement seems to lie not in an
objective evaluation, but rather in a distorted
and foggy notion of what the Scholastic Apti-
tude test (SAT) really is.
Those who oppose the SAT charge that it
requires nothing more than a regurgitation of
facts and that it does not measure the ability
to think and reason. However, many who have
taken the test will verify that this is not
entirely true. On the contrary, the SAT empha-
sizes the sophistication and ingenuity of the
student's thinking.
The capacity for thoughtless regurgitation of
facts which is now becoming progressively less
valued among students and teachers alike, will
be of no use to the apple-polishing high school
senior who takes the SAT. At last, here is a
weapon with which to actually fight the all too
common situation of students going through
high school with a minimum of understanding
disguised by a neat handwriting, an agreeable
smile, and a bland unquestioning mind.
THERE IS of course a natural fear that the
College Board SAT might be given too much
importance over the many other factors weigh-
ing upon admission to the University. However,
this fear seems groundless since the SAT has
not occupied a dominant position even in the
admission policies of the Eastern schools, which
were the first to use it.
Numerous other factors contribute to admis-
sion decisions. The SAT is recognized by ad-
missions boards as not being unquestionably
accurate. Rather, it is merely employed as a
valuable check against the lack of standardi-
zation and equality of high school grading.
The founding of the College Board Scholastic
Aptitude test was a great event in the develop-
ment of American higher education. It repre-
sents an important emphasis on creative, in-
dividual thinking, as opposed to the mechanical
pedagogy which has been so predominant. The
University, in finally joining the College Board
program, is taking a definite step forward both
in its admission policy and in its general edu-
cational philosophy.
of development of sub-Sahara
Africa has centered around the
imminent rise of new nation-
states. Once the continent of mys-
tery, safaris and continuously
beating drums, Africa has been
vaulted into a position of impor-
Incidents as violent as the riot-
ing in Leopoldville, Belgian Congo
to ones as miniscule as the debate
over the title to the throne in
tiny Basutoland (an enclave sur-
rounded by the Union of South
Africa) have been discussed by
the most controlled and the most
explosive representatives of the
communications industry.
This year has been pointed to
as one of great decision for many,
of the nations-to-be. Nigeria is
due to gain its independence from
Great Britain in October. The
Belgian Cuiogowill be released
early this summer. the Kamerun
(formerly spelled Cameroon) has
just gained its right to self-de-
termination and the newly inde-
For Women
WOMEN by Mabel Newcomer;
Harper and Brothers, New York,
FROM THE Bible through the
Kinsey Report it has been pos-
sible to excerpt statements whose
startle-factor is enhanced by quo-
tation out of context. This book is
apt for such uses not only because
it contains much well-marshalled
information on the higher educa-
tion of American women since
1850; but because, currently, al-
most everybody wants to prove
something about American women
at college.
As teacher for forty, and chair-
man for eighteen years of the
Economics Department at Vassar,
Miss Newcomer writes authorita-
tively and well on her subject. One
of her most interestingly docu-
mented themes is the recurrent
similarity of arguments over slave
rights' in relation to 'women's
rights' and of 'female education'
in relation to 'segregated educa-
tion'. One notes the parallelisms
in American history in 1860 and
MY CRITICISMS are, almost
entirely, of 'tone'. The socio-eco-
nomic factors loom perhaps, too
large in the foreground while the
socio-psychological fade, conse-
quently, too far into the back-
ground. Although facts and state-
ments are conscientiously and
consciously nation-wide, her 'slant'
and, sometimes, unquestioned as-
sumptions appear to spring from
the small Eastern, woman's col-
pendent state of Guinea is just
now attempting to establish itself.
NORTHERN and Southern Rho-
desia and Nyasaland, federated in
1953. are rent with dissension over
the problem of white minority rule
versus control by the African ma-
jority, and the indigeneous peoples
are becoming quite impatient with
their subservient position.
The Union of South Africa,
maintaining a legally - enforced
apartheid-segregation policy, may
forestall violent Bantu explosions
for ten years, possibly longer. The
states of French West and Equa-
torial Africa have gained the
status of autonomous republics
within the French Community.
Only Guinea, run by Sekou Toure,
voted to absolve its connection
wiith de Gaulle's government, but
it is quite possible the other states
such as Senegal, Mauretania, the
Mali Federation, Tchad) would
like to seek their own way untied
to the Fifth Republic.
Only Portugal has remained
silent during the most recent
swing to indigeneous self-determi-
nation. Angola and Mozambique--
reportedly practicing slavery, have
not moved with current trends.
Even without the Portugese pos-
sessions, the number of inde-
pendent states in Africa should
reach 30 by January 1, 1961.
TIlE SOCIAL, economic and
political difficulties of these na-
tions form the crux of any worth-
while discussion of that vast con-
tinent. But the amorphous "aver-
age American," is still fascinated
by the illusion of wild animals and
frenizied warriors. News gleaned
from chopped down wire service
dispatches, the sparkling verbiage
of weekly news magazines and
very fast-moving television reports
contribute to this exteremely
superficial knowledge of the area.
What is most disastrous is that
the more educated Americans fail
to react to what are present and
continuing problems common to
many of these developing coun-
tries. The possibility of widespread
one-man government akin to the
type Tubman maintains in Liberia
and Kwame Nkrumah hopes to
maintain in Ghana is one of the
most obvious and important.
* * *
A SECOND problem is the role
tribal chiefs will play in the grow-
ing nations.
The urban-rural split which pre-
In Defense
" ALDO DRAKE of the Los
Angeles Times European
Bureau has come up with a piece
of cold-war strategy. In 1959 the
American people spent $46,318,-
000,000 'in defense of their free-
dom' and in all probability will
vails in much of the Middle East
could emerge in Africa and sep-.
arate the young and educated
people from the older tradition-
bound individuals. Secondary edu-
cation could increase a rift be-
tween the two groups by introduc-
ing concepts and methods that are
alien to the customary way of life.
The status of foreign industry
in the countries must be reex-
amined in light of what they will
add or detract from total economic
advancement of their states. Con-
nected with the problem of indus-
try is the difficult task of adapting
Western technical processes to
African ways of operating.
* * *
THOSE PROBLEMS are part of
the reality of now-emerging Africa
which is still a "mystery land" to
the majority of people in this
country. The lack of university
courses dealing with the area sus-
tains the prevailing ignorance,
only on a higher level.
A small number of institutions,
including the University of Michi-
gan, have begun work to introduce
courses dealing with contemporary
Africa. Less than ten schools in
this country have any sort of com-
prehensive area study program.
The great majority of schools have
not taken any action in this direc-
An uninformed general public,
is undesirable, but realistically will
have little effect upon foreign
policy or diplomatic work abroad.
But a dearth of knowledgeable in-
dividuals who are mentally equip-
ped to deal with the problems of
developing nations in Africa on a
continuing basis constitutes a
highly dangerous situation.
Unless a substantial number of
educated college graduates become
acquainted with Africa, the United
States will suffer from the same
lack of qualified personnel in Af-
rica that it has felt in Asia and
the Middle East. Without immedi-
ate efforts to correct this unde-
sirable situation, this country's
already shaky international posi-
tion will suffer another setback-
one which it can hardly afford.
to the
Women and Children First
AURUNGABAD, India - It is hard not to
think of death in Bombay, where millions
live their lives on the edge of survival, where
famine and pestilence- have been constant com-
panions over the generations.
While the Parsees expose their dead the
Hindus burn them in those burning ghats that
repel and fascinate every Western traveler, the
Moslems and Jews and Christians alone bury
them. Does this mean that only the latter three
have a sense of history? With their constant
sense of the temporariness of life the Hindus
have a sense of eternity without having a sense
of history.
Perhaps it is the sense of temporariness that
explains why the joint family of the Hindus
has lasted so long. Life deals hard with these
people, and where there is no work to be had
and little money to scrape together even for a
few chappatas to eat, a man can find refuge
in the extended family and be tided over until
some work can be had again.
heard about how the Asian religions despise
life on earth, Bombay is clamorous with people
ping off a mountain and digging their finger-
nails into the rock. I saw a woman lying on a
mat against a wall, with her three naked
children clinging to her, and other mothers
washing their children out of a pail on the
sidewalk. In every crevice of Bombay someone
has put up a dilapidated shack, claiming a
foothold without benefit of law but only of the
possessive need to survive.
The beggars are the feature of Bombay that
no traveler forgets, Here is a woman who
thrusts her baby at you with outstretched little
hand, and if you get into a taxi the child is
shoved through the window, and suddenly you
note that it cannot be more than a month old.
WE TALKED to a young girl in Bombay, who
came of a good family, with money and
education and position. She was about to be
married, and had some notion that she might
find a job for a while after marriage. The
image of the American woman has reached
India, and has made some of the younger
women restless. But her family was distressed
at her talk of work, and even her servants
implored her not to do it, lest it bring disgrace
not only on the family but on them as well.
(Continued from Page 2)
passed the objective screening examin-
Sports and Dance Instruetion-Wom-
en students who have completed the
physical education requirement may
register electively on Wed. and Thur.
Feb. 9 and 10 from 8:00 to 11:45 a.m.,
Registration is held on the main floor
of Barbour Gym.
Applications for Laverne Noyes Schol-
arships for the spring semester must
be on file by 5 p.m. Mon., Feb. 15, at
the Scholarship Office, 2011 Student
Activities Bldg. This scholarship is
open to undergraduate students who
are blood descendants of American
veterans of World War 1. Application
forms may be obtained at 2011 SAB.
The International Student and Fam-
ily Exchange, Rooms 103 and 528, Stu-
dent Activities Bldg., will not be open
this week,
Student Recital: Jerry Lawrence,
baritone, will present a recital in Aud.
A, Angell Hal on Wed., Feb. 10 at 8:30
p.m. in partial fulfillment of the re-
quirements for the degree Master of
Music. Mr. Lawrence, will be accom-
panied by William Osborne, pianist,
and assisted by Harry Dunscombe, cello
and Edgar LaMance, flute.
Student Recital: E. Lyle Hagert, will
present a recital in Hill Aud., on Thurs.,
Feb. 11 at 8:30 p.m., in partial fulfill-
ment of the requirements for the de-
gree Bachelor of Music. Mr. Hagert
will include on his program composi-
tions by Pachelbel, Bach, Vierne,
Schroeder and Franck.
Thomas Spencer Jerome Lecture on
"The Latern Basilica in Rome: A Study
in Method" by Prof. Richard Kraut-
heimer, Institute of Fine Arts, New
York University on Thurs., Feb. 11 at
4:15 p.m., Aud. B., Angell Hall.
Lecture: Dr. Donald L. Katz, Chair-
man, Department of Chemical and
Metallurgical Engrg, will speak on "Our
Natural Gas Supply" on Wed., Feb. 10
at 8 p.mi in Rackham Amphitheater.
Refreshments will be served.
ment Dept. and to direct developmEIa*
engra. in machinery design; and a Mat.i
aging Development Engineer to be l,
charge of their can handing and ware-
house equipment programe.
W. R. Grace do Co~ eerc l.
Clarksville, Md., has job positions epan
for: Polymer Chemists, Physical Chm-
ists, Physicists, Mathematicians, Or
ganic Chemists, Analytical Cheirt,
Chemical Engr., Plant PathologistsM-
tomologists, and a Female Cbem l..
The Wayne Pump Co., Sahiulryj -*
has need of a District Sales Repr-
eentative. Recent college dmgres pre-
ferred with major in Bus. Admin. sad
sales and some interest and courses lit
Mechanical Engrg. subjects
Burroughs Corp., Plymouth, Mieh.,. is
interested in finding a qualified per-
son for a Senior Programmer poslttem.
Experience required. Call the 'Ute U
for further information.
The Trane Co., LaCrosse, Wii., has
the following vacancies: Chief Tool
Engr., Chief Design Engr., Mgr. at
Dealer Training, Sound Control 3n rr.,
Chemical Engr., Packaging Engr., Vp'.
of Residential Heating and Cooling
Sales, Industrial Engr., Material Naudi-
ing Designer, Home Office Sele.")M*Agt.
Experienced Sales Engre., Compfter
Programmer, Editor-Publicity writer,
Staff Employment, and Personnel malt.
ager. Offices are in other. parts ofttse
country also.
Stromberg-Carlson . Co., . Rochester,
N.Y., lists the following rep "tatYw,
vacancies: Research. Dlvion -Oliclb-
Analysis, Molecular m*ectroiics- Mae-
tics, Acoustics & Underwater Aeousties,
and Digital Areas: Telecommunieantlfle
Division-Systems Planning; lecietoneS
Division-Operational Analysis and ENe-
liability; and Commercial Prodcts Dlv.'
Properties of Materials.
State of Connecticut anuson; ~M ex-"
aminations for: Med cal. Stnographer.
Calculating Machine Operator, Mieto.
biologist, Sr. Physician, Tabulating
Equipment Operator, Public Nealth
Laboratory Technician (closing date for
applications is Feb. 17th) University
Security Officer (Fire) and Sup. of
University Utilities (Feb. 10th) Wt
Highway Technician (March 16.)
Ford Instrument Co., Div. of Sgpe'ry
Rand Corp., Long Island City, N. ;I&
recruiting Sr. Engineers and Scientists
who have at least five years. systems e.
perience on Digital Computers and In.
ertial Guidance Systems. Also have
many openings for top level S8r. Mech.
and Elec. Engrg* for eontinua eof
their work on such guidance and oon-
trol systems as the Redstone, Jupitiw
C~ .,,+. Juniter ,uno I andftYiher Missile.
Sick Man
To the Editor:
"SICK MAN" McEldowney (Daily,
Feb. 9) follows in the footsteps
of another Michigan tradition of
late. If you don't like a thing, kick
it. This remedy is sure fire, and
serves to get your name in The
Daily for all to see.
He complains that the dance is
smaller, and that there are fewer
attending. Yet sheer numbers of
people at a dance has nothing to
do with its entertainment. Indeed,
the League Ballroom has a better
atmosphere for dancing than that
of the IM Building.