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March 13, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 92) • Page Image 14

…Page 14-The Michigan Daily- Friday March 131992 U U Byte into our A-pples®... withno bite out of your wallet. . You have the right ideas... but you don't have the Mac to make them hap- pen. At…

… Kinko's, we have the solution! You'll find the tools you need to get the job done right in our comfortable work area. PIn-store Macintosh® computer rental (Laser printers PA selection of leading soft…

March 05, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 120) • Page Image 5

… Group Reprinted with Permission GET IN TOUCH KNOW WHAT'S HAPPENING SUBSCRIBE NOW to Ann Arbor's I I Si Author7ed Dealer i Apple Computer Dealer is offering you special savings on all Macintosh software…

COMPUTERS "The Michigan Daily Computer comp English dept. aims to use word processing Tuesday, March 5, 1985 Page 5 By JERRY MARKON The word processing phenomenon will enhance the English…

… department's curriculum next fall as two sections of English 125 students will get special ac- pss to the Zenith micro-computers recently installed in the Undergraduate Library. The English Composition Board…

… marked in the time schedule. The committee is already training TAs in word processing, he added, at the Micro-Computer Center in the School of Education. Hormston said the project has two primary goals: to…

… the wrinkles in this process is- an organization called The Association of Computer Engineers and Scientists (ACES). FOUNDED ONLY a year-and-a-half ago, the group offers a number of ser- vices enabling…

… students to get better aquainted with the EECS department, said ACES chairman Allen Falcon, a junior computer science major. As part of the effort to increase com- munication between facully and students…

… foster more familiarity, especially for someone interested in in- dependent study," Falcon said. On Wednesday, ACES will sponsor a Pre-Computer Science and Engineering Night at the Michigan Unior. For…

… companies With computer science and computer engineering interviews on campus. "By working on the (recruiting) committee, I'll be able to learn more about inter- views," said group member Diane Feller, a…

… junior computer science major. Right now the only problem facing ACES is how to get more people in- volved in the organization, Falcon said. Meetings are held every other Wed- nesday night. Any computer

… science or engineering student may attend. Typesetting & out if computers can encourage better writing." IN ANALYZING the problems of freshman writers, Hormston outlined what he called the "think and write…

March 17, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 97) • Page Image 5

… muscle, enhance sexual performance and reduce stress. Police say it is increasingly being used in sexual assaults. Apple releases system secrets CUPERTINO, Calif. (AP) - Apple Computer Inc. delighted…

… high-tech mavens and hackers yesterday by releasing the programming secrets to one of its operating systems. Apple's move, the first by a major computer company, is limited to its software that runs…

… central computers. Apple, for now, will continue to keep secret its operating system for the Macintosh personal computer. "We're putting our source code and the intellectual property out there for everyone…

… to see," said Steve Jobs, Apple's interim CEO. Source codes are the typed instruc- tions directing computers to execute programs. Jobs unveiled the source codes for a $499 operating system, called the…

March 26, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 138) • Page Image 5

… full selection of computers,I modems, printers, terminals and hard * drives including IBM, COMPAQ, and APPLE products. E Shortand long term rates available. Full service and quick replacement of…

COMPUTER OWNERS CLASSES Beginning to Advanced come down and sign up! FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY CHELSEA, SOFTWARE 334 S. State St. ANN ARBOR Ann Arbor's Apple Dealer is offering you special savings on all…

COMPUTERS The Michigan Daily Tuesday, March 26, 1985 Page 5 Special computers aid the visually By SCOTT JOHSTON and LEO SHARKEY Many technical advances have been made to remove barriers for…

… handicapped people. In many areas changes such as low curbs or braille control panels on elevators are easily seen. Now progress is being made in bringing the computer to the handicapped students. Here at the…

… University, the Computing Center is involved in assembling various pieces of specialized equipment into a workstation for the visually-impaired. , GORDON BRESEDEN of the Computing Center Staff is coordinating…

… the efforts to build this workstation. Breseden, who himself is legally blind, began working on the idea as an independent project and was later hired by the Computing Center to further develop the…

…'x2 5 monitor. In the case of totally blind users, the Computer Center has available a Cybertalker attached to a terminal. The impaired Cybertalker is a Votrax-based synthesizer. The Cyber- talker…

…'s voice quality is remarkably good, though it soun- ds as if it had a thick Norwegian accent. The Cyber is currently installed in the Union computing station in the consultant's office. AT PRESENT, all of…

… the various equipment is not available in one location. The Computing Center plans to have the Cyber and the large monitor with PC-LENS sof- tware integrated with a Zenith Z-150. The workstation will be…

… available at NUBS computing station in a few weeks. After initial testing and evaluation the Computing center will move the workstation to the 4th floor of the Undergraduate Library. The Computing Center…

March 14, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 94) • Page Image 1

…itW ig n One hundred three years of editorial freedom Untti Vol. IV, Na 94 Arm Arhorr Michigan - Monday, March 14, C) 1994 The Michigan Daily NewApple computer *debuts this morning By SCOT WOODS…

… DAILY STAFF REPORTER The much-awaited Power PC mi- croprocessor will make its campus debut this morning. * Apple will present the long- awaited next generation of personal computers at a 10 a.m. unveiling…

… at the Campus Computer Showcase on the ground floor of the Union. The unveiling will be via satellite from Apple's California headquarters. Known as the Power Macintosh line of computers, the new…

Computing (CISC) chips, which include virtually all chips used in current personal computers. The Power PC microprocessor is the result of a three-year collabora- tion between Apple, IBM and Motorola. In a…

… machines can run Macintosh, Windows and *DOS applications at the same time. Apple claims the new processor can run Windows and DOS programs at a speed comparable to an Intel 486 chip. Jonathan Freeman, one…

… of three Apple student representatives on cam- pus, said, "It's going to be an amazing show." Food will be served while visitors examine three models featur- ing the Power PC processor. The new…

computers fall into the *medium-high price range, beginning at about $1,600 for the Power Macintosh 8100. One strong selling point of the Power Macintosh computers is that the basic operating system is System…

… 7.2, providing a familiar environment for old Macintosh users. The Power PC screen looks like any Macintosh. When Windows or DOS is in use, a new window opens on the System 7.2 desktop. Apple claims…

… its new computers outperform Macintosh computers emulating an IBM-compatible be- cause the Power PC chip is based on Reduced Instruction Set Computing (RISC) technology. "The technology is simple, and…

March 28, 1990 (vol. 100, iss. 118) • Page Image 8

… decade. It's easy. Just try our Real World Demo on a Macintosh' computer to enter Apple's Real World Sweepstakes. If you're one of 14 Grand Prize winners, you'll get to spend a week this summer at the…

… also be 20 First Prize winners who will receive Macintosh SE computers and 1,000 Second Prize winners who will get Apple T-shirts. You really can't lose if you come in and get your hands on a Macintosh…

… Campus Computer Reseller for Sweepstakes Rules and Regulations. a 1990 Apple Curnputer, Inc. Apple, the Apple logo, and Macintosh are reg std trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. t 4 . 1 i (0 ~AIA Exp…

… League yesterday. - EARTH Winthe computer you need to succeed in the real world and a chance to use it there. CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 said that the teach-in was "designed to divert attention from…

… organization of your choice listed below, where you'll see Macintosh computers hard at work. And when you get home, you can use your own new Macintosh SE/30 to write your resume and follow-up letters. There will…

… today Because once you do, you'll see how easy it is to use and how much one could do for you now You'll appreciate the value of a Macintosh computer after you leave campus and head out into the real…

… world, too. But don't take our word for it. Come in and try a Macintosh and see for yourself. And if you win the Grand Prize, you'll be seeing the real world sooner than you think. 0r EnterApple's Real…

… World Sweepstakes and you couldwin aweekat one olthese leading organizations and a Macintosh computer Enter April 5, 6, 12, 13, 19, and 20 Computer Showcase (Hands-on Room) in the Michigan Union See your…

March 19, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 132) • Page Image 5

…. Braille processing ^"*'-aress A computerized representation of Braille characters appears on the screen as Sally Hering enters data into a new com- puter system last month at the Hadley School for the Blind…

….......-r...- -m--- ----..... ... SAnn Arbor' s 1 1 l o rsAuthorized Iealer 1 1 Apple Computer Dealer is! I i offering you specialsavings on 1 1 all Macintosh software in stock. 10% off when you buy 2 or more! I…

… software specialists AppleComputerjnc. 1 381 N. Maple Rd., Maple Village Shopping Center * 996-1616 1 only a minimum amount of computer training if they've already used the firm's software. Other companies…

…, a business school junior, said the classes were a good idea, "because they make us more marketable." %/% Sibwdn& to Tkie W4iekigas DaI4 764-0558 COMPUTER SERVICE Commodore, Osborne, Apple, Atari…

COMPUTERS The Michigan Daily Tuesday, March 19, 1985 Page 5 Programs minunimze spelling errors v By ROB FRANK Feeling chained to your dictionary? Is your thesaurus your best friend when ever…

… in Winnetka, Illinois. The new system produces 400 Braille characters a second and can produce 100 pages in the time it takes a Braille typist to produce one page. C pany gives money for 'U' compute

… By JENNIFER MATUJA The need for computer literate University graduates has risen so much in the last few years that one company iswilling to pay for student's training. Though they don't really pay for…

…. ACCORDING to business Prof. James Wheeler, Coopers and Lybrand, like many other companes, is utilizing computers much more than in the past, amplifying the need for better training at the university level…

…. "Companies are interested in greater computer .expertise," Wheeler said. They want college graduates to have more exposure to computers." The program, which started last fall on a $20,000 grant from Coopers…

… students to real quality software packages that are the actual packages used in the real world." A student who has never taken a computer course will not be at a disad- vantage, Wheeler said, because the…

March 17, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 114) • Page Image 2

…-4 Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, March 17, 1989 Apples pose no health threat 4 WASHINGTON (AP) - Federal health officials sought yesterday to calm growing public fear over the consumption…

… of apples by children, telling Congress that pesticide levels on apples pose no "imminent haz- ard" to pre-schoolers. Some senators said the uproar dver the use of the chemical Alar on apples and its…

… health effects on small children has produced an apple scare that threatens the industry from New York to Washington state. "The apple market is dead as a doornail right now across America," said Senator…

… Steven Symms (R- Idaho), whose family is in the apple business. Many apple growers and proces- sors say their apples are free of Alar, which has been linked to cancer in animal tests. Large numbers of -par…

…- epts are reported to have stopped giving apples to their children since a private environmental group said youngsters were especially at risk from the chemical because they eat rore apples an dapple…

… products than adults. School districts in Los Angeles, hicago, New York, San Francisco, Miami, and elsewhere have stopped providing apples in school cafeterias since the report by the natural Re- sources…

March 20, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 115) • Page Image 10

… Support Analysts For immediate consideration, please send your resume to Apple Computer, Inc., College Relations, Dept. MP, 20525 Mariani Ave., MS 39-A, Cupertino, CA 95014. Apple Computer has a corporate…

… commitment to the principle of diversity. In that spirit, we welcome applications from all individuals including women, minorities and disabled individuals. ©1989 Apple Computer, Inc. Apple, the Apple logo and…

March 20, 1987 (vol. 97, iss. 116) • Page Image 3

… and editing music scores. Steve Risenhoover, a computer and key- board specialist, used the new Macintosh SE hooked up to a synthesizer to play Bach Fugues. Apple also exhibited pictures School of Art…

computer fair Andrew Young to visit 'U' By WENDY LEWIS Renowned politician and Atlanta Mayor Andrew Young will speak on "Global Ethics: Our res - ponsibility," today at 1 p.m. in Hale Auditorium. Young…

… black student leaders. BY MELISSA RAMSDELL A "bigger and better" Compufair began yesterday at the Michigan Union, featuring vendors such as Apple, IBM, Lotus, Unisys, and Zenith. Banners, colorful…

… balloons, vid- eos, prizes, and preparation for today's raffle of a $3,800 IBM computer and a Tandy PC marked the first day of the two-day University-endorsed trade fair. "We see it as an effort to let the…

… University community know what type of systems are out there," said Joel Hollander, Compufair co- chairperson.-" Compufair is the largest student- run computer trade fair in the nation, according to Rich Frie…

March 18, 1960 (vol. 70, iss. 118) • Page Image 8

…'T_ THE MICHIGAN DAILY r THE MICHIGAN DAILY White Intruder City Board of Education Asks for Tax Increase HARVARD RESEARCHERS: Group Solves Russian Grammar Computer Problem (Continued from Page…

computer, project and learning of the fa- vorable results, Prof. Matejka is very interested in doing more of this type of research. The range of the computer is limited to Russian technical lan- guage and is…

… NO 2-9575 - - - - - - - - - -- - I-. ii . . Why not dine at- tI The GOLDEN APPLES Restaurant 0 SPAGHETTI CHICKEN * STEAK * RAVIOLI CHICKEN * STEAK "Only Italian Spaghetti House in Town…

March 25, 1986 (vol. 96, iss. 118) • Page Image 5

… LMrio#;:::::%" : ': t: : : ;;:: >:2i:i>>i:>:.::>: l Introducing Macintoshrm Plus, the faster, more powerful personal computer from Apple. Macintosh Plus offers several new features to provide the kind…

…The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, March 25, 1986 Page 5 SCIENCE Computer service makes research accessible By ADAM CORT Pinpointing a researcher working on a particular project can be a monumental…

… task at the University, but a computer service can facilitate the task. The Stanford Computing Infor- mation Profile Technique (SCRIPT) stores extensive lists of information on researchers and their…

… minority enrollment has increased 4 percent over the five-year period. LONG TERM COMPUTER RENTAL SPECIAL RATES FOR LONG TERM RENTALS TO UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENTS * Macintosh line " IBM PC, XT, &AT models…


… .., Microsoft Excel ...... . .. .. .. . S... . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 $145.00 $285.00 $ 74.95 $295.00 I HOURS Mon.- Sat. 10-6 Sun. closed Discount Computer Software and Supplies…

… 322S. STATE ST. (inside the Jewelry Exchange) 663-4788 A Great Personal Computer is Now Even Better... I 1 .MEMO ......................IT ' S . T M E . F O. R N _THE ANNUAL ..COMPUTING C E .-N T E R…

… MSU R V E Y March ii3: April 4 'YOUR CHANC :TO MAKEI YOURSELF KHEARfO ABOUT I - COMPUtTING.ON CAMPIUS!:.W ihhsS R E M n enh 1,z More Affordable! The Macintosh-" 512 - the most affordable system in the…

… popular Macintosh family. Add Apple's New 800K External Disk Drive to your Macintosh 512K to double your data storage! I - -- - ~ * c.s. a :r R, st . . i More Powerful! ir .nr 'ro't nfs'il: t ::I…

… of performance advanced users demand. Features include a new keyboard with built-in numeric keypad, increased system speed, and standard one megabyte of memory. With the new Apple@ Hard Disk 20 you can…

March 30, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 102) • Page Image 13

…. When Apple Computer first came on the scene that's exactly what we did. And we're still doing it today. Our people make it possible. Their innovation and vision have made Apple the industry powerhouse…

… that it is. From personal computers to RISC processing, interactive TV, full-scale networking, and full motion video...there's no stopping the creativity and motivation at Apple. And, with your help, we…

…'d like to push it even further. Right now, Apple has terrific opportunities for team players with degrees in Marketing, Computer Science and Engineering, as well as openings for intems, in all of the areas…

… * Information Systems and Technology Send your resume to: Apple Computer, Inc., College Relations, Dept. AICA495, 1 Infinite Loop, MS 75-2CE, Cupertino, CA 95014. Or fax to: (408) 974-5691. Apple Computer has a…

… Academic Scholarship Fund and Peace Neighborhood Center * Hardware Engineering * Computer Science * Business Administration * System Software Engineering * Field Sales and Marketing * Finance…

March 16, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 113) • Page Image 3

… unnecessary lights and They also cond computers because of concern about on each other. W erratic pressure readings from one of flight deck, Dr..I three hydrogen tanks aboard the Coats' blood pre shuttle. The…

…- stricted-use pesticide," Wade said in an interview from Lansing. One processing company, Indian Summer Inc., said it would stop re- ceiving apples at its Belding, Mich., plant next week until it evaluates…

… the impact of the Alar scare. Alar is used to extend the storage life of apples and to give them a more appealing appearance and tex- ture. Concerns about its health ef- fects were first raised by the…

… present emotional climate "would send the wrong signal." Wade said that nationally, the chemical is used on about five per- cent of the apple crop. Part of the agency's consideration of what to do about…

… Alar involves estimating the extent of its use on the Michigan apple crop, which totals about 19 million bushels a year. Burton Cardwell, chief deputy di- rector of the agriculture department, said…

… department Director Paul Kindinger and other officials will meet with Gov. James Blanchard's staff today to discuss the Alar con- troversy. Laurie said use of the chemical on Michigan apples is negligible…

…, and a ban on the product would have little direct impact on the state's growers. However, public fears about the safety of apples will make it difficult for farmers to sell what's left of last year…

… concerned about whether it's safe to feed their babies Gerber apple juice and sauce. "Some of them are a little pan- icky," speaker Steve Poole said, adding that Gerber has not accepted Alar-treated apples

… since 1986. Indian Summer will stop receiv- ing Michigan apples at its Belding plant Tuesday for an indefinite period and will lay off nine of its 90 em- ployees there, saidFred Galyean, vice president of…

… operations. Indian Summer uses apples that are not treated with Alar in the apple juice it manufactures at Belding. Galyean said that of 140 samples of incoming apples over the last three years, only one…

March 12, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 126) • Page Image 5

COMPUTERS . . .~ . Page 5 The Michigan Daily TuesdayMarch 12, 1985 Page 5 Let your Mac talk back! By DONALD SCHMID For most persons, the Macintosh per- sonal computer from Apple com…

… service. You either found yourself a very knowledgable pal or found yourself all alone in the world of computing, with Apple and IBM owners snickering at yoL he way down to their machine specific computer

… and user advice in the operation and planning of The Michigan Union. r's' I Ann Arbor's 1 PAuthorized Dealer Apple Computer Dealer is offering you special savings on 1 I 1 all Macintoshsoftware in…

… user types in somewhere the correct spelling of the word as it and Eastern would appear in a document. Then, the Still, Smoot computer a voice ne of two things to change othTalker pronounces the i. n…

computer owner, Robin Warner, who like many others couldn't find these answers, decided to create a place where people could get this kind of information locally. Hence, Chelsea Software was born. Chelsea…

… Software is an exclusively Commodore computer center. Last Friday and Saturday saw its grand opening in the office where Armstrong software operates during the week. Warner, who operates the store with a…

computer, priced only eight dollars less than a popular discount house's price. Chelsea price also includes invaluable technical help after the purchase, though. OnT item, those hard-to-find Indus drives…

… prior to that opening. Therefore, many regular customers of Chelsea's were on hand to help celebrate. The customers of Chelsea seem to believe in making the store an integral part of their computing needs…

… people really get to know that we're out here, we will be able to offer more services, most importantly longer store hours. I am also looking forward to offering computer classes for people interested in…

…. Conventional &,Telecomnunicaions1ypesetti. 210 Nickels Arcade, Mon -Frl. &8. Sat 12 3 - 78 Daily Photo by DAN HABIB Robin Warner, one of the owners of Chelsea Software, shows off one of the Commodore computers

March 15, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 95) • Page Image 8

… Macintosh" computers-the first members of the Apple' Macintosh family to include PowerPC microprocessors. Power Macintosh computers deliver the raw processing speed once reserved for network servers and high…

…-end workstations-making them ideally suited for graphics, Apple AV technologies, and computation-intensive applications. They also work with System 7" software, so Macintosh users can get going right away with no…

… course, the PowerPC advantage won't be limited to just Power Macintosh computers. Apple is bringing out PowerPC upgrades for many of its most popular Macintosh computers. So stop in today and see the…

… musical. And it has more depth than "Chokelahoma" and "South Pathetic," the other old-fashioned American-as-apple-pie musicals for which the pair is famous. You know the songs - "My Favorite Things," the…

… trouble for reading in school," Horton recalls, drawing on his own personal What other computers will run tomorrow ry a P'P ' ,: .d: < ~ 4 S experience to critique the dogmatic approach of education…

…PG. I IFILFUUUI;lll! I-UVVCI IVIOtAIRU3II. tIlC 111 4 MOLr111LVZ3,11 4V111F.1ULCI..-1. Yv/lI1.I-VVV I il i q I PowerPC" technology is changing the face of personal computing. And so are Power…

… still more. And right now you can choose from three Power Macintosh computers-the affordably priced Power Macintosh 6100/60, the mainstream 7100/66, or the 8100/80, our most powerful Macintosh ever. Of…


… RETURNING ADULTS Chicago's Studio 1994 Study at a renowned arts institution in the heart of Chicago in: painting and drawing, computer imaging and animation, video, art history, photography. and filmmaking…

March 06, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 87) • Page Image 12

… laun or find you a date, but it can help you find more time for both. The new Apples Macintosh® Classics II computer makes it easier for you to juggle classes, activities, projects, and term papers- and…

… about the 2,200 person voting panel's selection process. "It's like picking between apples and oranges," Barrowman said of choosing a winner from the ten finalists. "But the Wheaties cover. Arsenio. You…

… powerful 68030 micro- processor, which means you can run even the most sophisticated applications with ease. And its internal Apple SuperDriveTM disk drive reads from and writes to Macintosh and MS…

…-DOS formatted disks-allowing you to exchange information easily with / almost any other kind of computer. In addition to its built-in capabilities, the Macintosh Classic II can be equipped with up to 10…

March 21, 2002 (vol. 112, iss. 99) • Page Image 11

…-M Students Apple iBooks starting at $1,149 AirPort Base Station $281. Extra Springtime Savings through March 31,2002 at www. U-M Computer Showcase 64-SAGES Michigan Union ground…

… Original Song or Song Adaptation score. We're back to one collective lumping of film music, which pits those cute little Dis- U: Apple AirPort and iBook. ney scores against our favorite war themes…

… level …

March 23, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 101) • Page Image 5

… powerful computers. Plus, the entire growing needs. And as if that weren't enough, you'll also receive a $150 mail-in rebate* when you buy a Macintosh Quadra 650 with any Apple LaserWriter:So, visit your…

… Macintosh Quadra 840Av Ma ntoshQuadra 950 Introducing the Apple Power Price Drop Prices have just been reduced on select Macintosh Quadra models. Which means terrific savings on some of Apple's most…

Apple Campus Reseller A ,_1 …

March 15, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 95) • Page Image 2

… anticipation of self-described "com- puter techies" nationwide over the new Power Macintosh computers. The long-awaited line of comput- ers was officially released today, touted by Apple Computer Inc. as the…

… Motorola Power PC microprocessor, the computers are able to run traditional Macintosh, DOS and Windows applications at the same time. Apple claims the Power Macintosh computers run DOS and Windows at a speed…

… world's largest student & youth travel organization STA TRAVEL Power PC draws rave reviews By SCOT WOODS DAILY STAFF REPORTER The crowd outside the Computer Showcase this morning mirrored the…

… next generation of personal comput- ers. The initial demonstration of the top-of-the-line Power Macintosh 8100 met with "oohs" and "aahs." There are two other models avail- able, the mid-priced 7100 and…

… the smaller 6100., Phillip Harding, manager of the computer sales program at the show- case, was visibly pleased by the turn- out. "We're surprisingly busy," he said. "We expected to be busy, but we…

… didn't expect to have 60 people at 10 o'clock." Apple student representative Jonathan Freeman agreed. "We're packed," he said. "We're really ex- cited that this many people showed up. Based on the new…

… upgrades will be available for many current Macintosh applications within days or weeks. Engineering sophomore Diganta Saha said he is in the market for a personal computer. "I'm keeping this as a major op…

…- tion," Saha said. "I need to run several different operating systems, and this can. It's fast, it's competitively priced and it also has an upgrade path." The Computer Showcase will keep ' the three…

… Power Macintosh comput- ers on permanent display. SARAH WHITING/ Daily The Holocaust statue was unveiled Sunday, facing Fletcher Street. It will be repositioned when weather allows. Holocaust statue to…

March 10, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 109) • Page Image 16

… is the NeXT computer, which was designed by Steve Jobs, founder of Apple Computer. The University is one of just a few to have this computer. . In a demonstration, Henry Flurry, associate director of…

… her BMA with computer science because "music is a very risky thing." She sees it as a way to sup- port herself through graduate school, although "LSA grades suffer before music grades." But not all…

… actors like to dabble because they can use a bit of everything," Wilcox said. "Any class you take, conceivably, you'll get something out of it." Computers have become commonplace in the lives of many…

… With this came a computer center unlike any other on campus. The computers, Macintosh SE's, are no different than any other computers, but they are attached to keyboards *and sound equipment. A student…

… can play a tune on the keyboard, and save it on a computer disk. A com- pleted score can then be printed out. The computer center has 11 stations which can be programed separately, but also mixed into a…

… dance concert at the Power Center last month, where, for the first time, dance performances were integrated with video production. Besides the live dancers on stage, live and computer-generated images…

… it from the front , as an audience would, and from the top and sides. By dragging a mouse, the user can create a series of steps for a dancer, which the computer will save. Music for dancers and spoken…

… lines for actors can be recorded using keyboards and microphones hooked into the computer, Flurry said, and all can be combined so that the "dancer" can move to music or the "actor" can move while…

… reciting lines. Past, present, future. Ancient in- struments, countless hours of prac- tice, computer choreography. Les- sons, auditions, performances. The story of the School of Music, like the lives of its…

March 09, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 91) • Page Image 1

… drives. "However, it should be noted that Apple Computers no longer makes a computer with a floppy disk drive in it," Anastasia said. Nathalie Welch, a products spokesperson for the California-based Apple

… friends as her younger sister Maddie watches. The two were working In the Angell Hall Computing Site yesterday. Some studelt unhappy Wticomp,-uter upgrades~ By Nick Bunkley Daily Staff Reporter Information…

… Technology Division staff members spent Spring Break installing all new computers in the Angell Hall Computing Site, but not all students said they are happy with the changes. The site's new Macintosh…

computers do not have floppy disk drives - meaning students must find alternate methods to save and transfer their files. "Disk drives are an issue, in that there isn't one," said Karin Mayer, an Engineering…

… senior who was using one of the new Macintosh computers yesterday. Dino Anastasia, manager of ITD Campus Computing Sites, said he is aware that some students have com- plained about the lack of disk…

Computers, said the company decided to nix floppy disk drives in its newest line of Macintosh computers for several reasons. "The three main things that the flop- py disk drive was invented for are no longer…

…-mail provides a reli- able way to send files between sever- al computers, eliminating the need for a floppy disk. Another option for University stu- dents is storage space on the Institutional File System network…

…, which allots each student a private file directory accessible from any computer. The problem with IFS, said LSA senior Tibor Tuske, is that it is unreli- able and many students are unfamiliar with its use…

…. While writing a paper in the Angell Hall Computing Site yes- terday afternoon, Tuske said the com- puter he was using would not let him save to IFS. Anastasia said ITD is "in the See COMPUTERS, Page 7…

March 15, 2012 (vol. 122, iss. 108) • Page Image 9

… students typing away on MacBooks, some taking careful notes, others idly surfing the Internet via MWire- less. But in the early '80s, as personal computing was just beginning to establish itself as an…

… industry, then-Dean of Engineering James Duderstadt found himself with a problem he desperately needed to solve. "It turned out very few members of our faculty had ever used computers," he remembered. His…

… solution? Give every faculty member easy access to a computer, but with one important caveat. "I'd only let them have (a computer) if they'd take two of them, and one of them they'd have to take home…

…," Duderstadt said. "They might not use it themselves, (but) their wife or their children would use it." Sure enough, the home computers of many engi- neering professors were taken overby their children. The…

… substantial investment in the latest available technology. "We worked hard to acquire the latest and greatest technology," said Daniel Atkins, professor of electrical and computer engineering. "We provide…

… said. "(But) we built systems with Apple TV in them, so as long as you're in the network, you can actually project whatever you have in your hand to the big screen. It allows collabora- tion to happen…

March 14, 2001 (vol. 111, iss. 97) • Page Image 9

… ARTS The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, March 14, 2001 -9- Apple dishes out goods with new titanium PowerBook G4 By Kiran Divvela Daily Arts Writer You know a computer is cool when your computer

… one of the first to have a built-in DVD player makes u it clear that Apple has their hand on the pulse of what people are really looking for out of a portable computer. Basically, with a screen that…

…-igno- rant philosophy major roommate thinks so. Even those with- out computer savvy know this is a - -. marvel of engineering. With its sports car styling, processing power and phat hard drive, this is…

… the fastest laptops available. So ____________ not only is it very elegant on the out- side, it's well-designed on the inside. Even better, its 10 GB hard drive Mmm, Computer. Swe (expandable to 30 GB…

… display. The 15.2-inch display makes it a perfect portable media unit. Anyone that uses their computer for anything more than word processing, won't be able to go back to a smaller display after gazing into…

…*S..LV %v Wf l cI tS * L a "1" Vaio, whose computers are all, ugh, gray and purple. Also, an included DVD player, there is without a doubt no bette M inute the silvery finish doesn't hurt its suave design…

March 16, 2016 (vol. 125, iss. 89) • Page Image 4

… becomes extremely hard to crack even with millions of dollars of computer hardware. In the realm of technology, it’s used on individual devices to privatize data, usually to prevent access by a thief…

… perpetrators. The debate between privacy advo- cates and law enforcement came to a head this past month when Apple published a customer let- ter announcing they would refuse to comply and fight a court…

Apple in its customer letter said such an action would cre- ate dangerous standards that would undermine the security that pro- tects all of its customers. While one should be sympathetic to the cause…

… of investigators in these cases, Apple is right. Since October 2015, government authorities have also requested access to 12 other iPhones under the jurisdiction of the ancient All Writs Act of…

… 1789. Despite their insistence on needing Apple’s help, 11 of these devices run older versions of Apple’s iOS software with existing public vulnerabilities that would allow investigators to extract…

… tech- nology every day. One of the few congressmen with a background in computer science, Rep. Ted Lieu (D–Cal.), introduced a federal bill that would stop states from instituting their own bans on…

… out almost unanimously in support of Apple in this case. The Department of Justice, in a brief, even suggested that they could com- pel Apple to turn over their source code to the FBI, presenting a…

… these tech com- panies could be forced to become puppets of the justice system to this extreme should be alarming, and the technical community sees that. For now, the courts have sided with Apple in…

… a similar case, such that Apple will not have to introduce exploits in their system available for use by law enforcement. While many lawmakers and citizens will try to see nuance in the issue and…

… what makes so much of using the Internet, computers and smartphones possible.” O n Saturday, 65 students, myself included, will grudgingly leave the warm confines of our beds, don…

March 30, 1987 (vol. 97, iss. 122) • Page Image 16

… 1986, Rockwell was awarded the Wozzie award (named for Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple Computer). Many are calling Rockwell's wand "the next mouse." In trying to get his scanner produced, Rockwell has…

… journalism, two of my greatest in- terests, are so closely and fundamentally intertwined." MTARS VAIL ROCKlEL UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT BERKELEY Marshall Rockwell is a computer wizard. Rockwell has invented…

… (patent pend- ing 1987) a new computer scanner called the "wand" which, when passed across a page, turns an ordinary personal com- puter into a combination photocopier, microfilm system, and facsimile. In…

March 30, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 102) • Page Image 5

… graphics that comprised Cyber Arts Fair '95. Several computers and posters dis- played the approximately 15 entries as part of the fair. Sponsored by Apple Computer Inc., the show was able to use high…

… smoothly By Stephanie Jo Klein Daily Staff Reporter Students walking through the atrium of the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Building yes- terday morning were the first to view the computer

…-tech equipment for viewing the graphic art, animation, multime- dia and music. Apple student representative Dan Abrams said the fair was an opportu- nity to show off students' work. "A lot of art students are…

… getting more into mixed artwork, with graph- ics. There are not a lot of outlets for it," the LSA senior said. As one of the largest users of Macintosh computers in the nation, "the University has been very…

computer chips imprinted be- hind her was on display. One student passing by said, "Work like that could make thousands of dollars at Art Fair!" Students viewed several animated programs, including an…

… interactive I you want to go The Cyber Arts Fair '95 will also be on display Friday, at the Campus Computer Showcase in the Michigan Union basement from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. S M Heavy metal art Brazilian…

… for students to do graphic arts, industrial design and advertising using the computer as a medium. "You can do literally anything you can conceptualize, without the con- straints of physical mediums…

…, and with the added benefit of being able to undo mistakes," Abrams said. Although there were technical dif- ficulties in the early morning, due to older computers, the rest of the day went smoothly…

March 02, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 119) • Page Image 2

… reports agreeme Two Apple Macintosh computers, sell the which were being used as demonstrator models t models for students wishing to buy bers at su discounted computers from the Univer- O fficia sity, were…

… a There a few weeks before spring vacation, the case, wh computers were being used as demon- police sai strator models under the University's stolen. nt withApple Computers to Macintosh and several…

… serious campaign are Employment Minister John Rober- ts and party president Iona Cam- pagnolo. CONTACT: HALLE PARK 3505 Mayfield Road CLEVELAND, OHIO 44118 (216) 382-4000, Ext. 267 computers From staff…

… stolen Wednesday morning ter, how along with a computer printer, campus compute security officials said yesterday. demonstr The computerware, which security remain of officials say was valued at $6…

… & Crafts Assistants, Archery, Riflery, Computers, Rocketry, Photography, Radio, Drama, Dance, Gymnastics, and Pioneering. We are also seeking RN's at this time. French Woods Festival of the, Performing Arts…

…, Sports, Go-Carts and Computer TFEERNENEeAM34 OWNERDRECTRS SNCE 1%,H " e l n n t a p eeF E R N D A L E , N Y 1 2 7 3 4 - 9 7 1 2 Friday, March 2, 1984 Vol. XCIV-No. 119 (ISSN 0745-967X) The Michigan Daily…

March 02, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 119) • Page Image 6

…/DOS has computer companies and others chomping at the bit. We design state-of-the-art system software. We need programmers to work on Operating Systems. Compil- ers (FORTRAN, COBOL, Pascal, BASIC, C) Word…

… Processing, Data Base Management Sys- tems, Graphics and more. Our OEM customer base is a Who's Who of the hardware business (IBM, Apple, Radio Shack, Intel, Tektronix)..As new systems, like the IBM Personal…

Computer and new processors like the 68000o are developed, Microsoft's programmers get their hands on the machines before they go into production. So your hardware suggestions and software innovations dur…

…- ing R & D become part of the computers of the future. Microsoft provides the best sys- tems programming work environment. all the high-level hardware (DEC 2060, two 1170s, and ,VAX 11750 development…

… fifteen minutes away. We are looking for outstanding programmers-those with intel- ligence, drive, and a commit- ment to excellence. We want programmers who will advance The Standard in micro- computer

March 19, 2002 (vol. 112, iss. 97) • Page Image 14

… Center @ Lexington Avenue and 24th Street. EDUCATIONAL HOUSING G Student Housing for Real Living NEW YORK'S # 1 RESOURCE FOR STUDENT HOUSING 4 I U-M Computer Showcase 64-SALES www. apple

… extremely important for Michigan as the Wolverines attempt to qualify for the Eastern Championships. 'M' hopes practice time pays off Launch a New Career. Buy an Apple iBook. By Courtney Lewis Daily Sports…

… March 31, 2002 at www. apple.conveducation/store LOOKING FOR GREAT INTERN HOUSING THIS SUMMER IN NEW YORK CITY. WITH US! We've got a great place for you to live this Summer. Spacious, safe, affordable…

March 16, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 113) • Page Image 5

… in Formal Gowns come to Conlin's! Now through March 31, when you buy selected Macintosh*SE or Macintosh II computers, you'll get a rebate for up to half the suggested retail price of the Apple

…' peripherals you add on -so you'll save up to $800. Ask for details today where computers are sold on campus. Apple Pays Half Computing Resource Center …

March 10, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 109) • Page Image 10

computers, you'll get a rebate for up to half the suggested retail price of the Apple peripherals you add on - so you'll save up to $800. Ask for (details today where computers are sold on campus. a 6 d…

Apple Pays Half ('nmniitinr Resource Center It a - -mv--I I- -- I ... . pi …

March 14, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 94) • Page Image 9

…PCTM technology is changing the face of personal computing. And so are Power MacintoshTM computers-the first members of the Apple* Macintosh* family to include PowerPC microprocessors. Power Macintosh computers

… deliver the raw processing speed once reserved for network servers and high-end workstations-making them ideally suited for graphics, Apple AV technologies, and computation-intensive applications. They also…

… most powerful Macintosh ever. Of course, the PowerPC advantage won't be limited to just Power Macintosh computers. Apple is bringing out PowerPC upgrades for many of its most popular Macintosh computers

…PC chip-and developers are writing still more. And right now you can choose from three Power Macintosh computers-the affordably priced Power Macintosh 6100/60, the mainstream 7100/66, or the 8100/80, our…

March 05, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 86) • Page Image 7

… 4 pm. COMPUTER/AV. USER'S FACILITY on med. cmps. needs individuals to work tues.,wed. morning,& thurs. afternoon. Must work well with people. MTS & MSWord skills desired. 4.50/Hr. Call John. 763…

… for its Health Analysis and Modeling Group. Computer ex- perience preferred, but not necessary. A col- lege degree is not required. Applicants selec- ted will be subject to a security investigation and…

COMPUTERS IBM 386-33MHz COMPATIBLE. 120 Meg. Fast Hard Drive. 1.2 & 1.44 Meg. Flop- py drives. 4 Megs RAM. 14" super VGA monitor w/ 1 Meg. SVGA card. Logitech mouse. New w/ 1 Yr. warranty. $1629. 486- 33MHz w…

…, $699. Toshiba laptop with modem, HD, $999. Compaq SLT 286 VGA laptop, HD, $1595. Warranty, 662-0148 or 570-1729, 24 hrs. LASER PRINTER '91 APPLE II NT. $2500 or best. Call Todd 995-5575. Michiganl Alumni…

… Sports Illustrated USA Today Because they worked here: rU4jigizu I1 atj 4 NQNCMENT APPLECATIONS III INNOVATIONS AT WORK Today - 10AM-5PM Tomorrow - IOAM- 3PM UM computer showcase union ground fl. An…

… exhibit of innovative uses of the Apple Macintosh created & developed by UM stu dents and faculty. a PREGNANT? Are you or someone you care about pregnant and not in a position in your life to be a parent…

March 14, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 94) • Page Image 4

Apple's Power Macintosh line of computers. These new models combine the lightning-fast PowerPC chip with Macintosh ease of use. Virtually all of your favorite Macintosh software will work on the new Power…

… technology, representatives from Apple Computer will be in the Computer Showcase in the basement of the Michigan Union to answer all your questions. There will also be hands- on demos of the new Power…

computer capacity of the libraries, and to connect them to the growing information highway, are excellent. Another proposal is to dedicate four resi- dence hall cable channels to University pro- gramming…

… as in extremely important ways, such as making sure that the elevators run and that computers are avail- able and functioning. By maintaining and improving existing residence hall conditions, the…

… Macintosh computers. There is no need for costly software upgrades. Many computer software developers will be releasing new software that is specially written to take full advantage of the speed and features…

… of the Power Macintosh. These companies will be offering upgrades for as little as five to 15 dollars. In the past, computer manufacturers have priced new technology beyond the budget of most people. A…

… as graphics, statistics, and spreadsheets will run up to eight to 10 times faster. This much power has never before been available on a personal computer at an affordable price. Although they are…

… widely touted as the most powerful machine on the market, the Pentium-based PCs are an expensive outdated solution. The PowerPC gives Macintosh computers a large price performance advantage over Pentium…

computers. In addition, studies have shown that Macintosh users are 43 percent more productive than Windows users. Therefore, Power Macintosh enhances productivity to a new level. To introduce this new…

March 30, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 123) • Page Image 3

…, Apple, Zenith, Mi- students what's available and how to crosoft, and Claris will all be repre- go about purchasing a computer. sented today and tomorrow at the The company representatives will Fifth…

… Tedlock, SUNY, Buffalo, Rackham Amphitheatre, 2-5 pm. Computer companies hit trade show at Union BY BARRIE BERSON ogy and the hottest companies on "Hey, I know nothing about the market are bringing…

computers computers. Impress me." and software to the University to copThers.Impbehress d js show off their products. The exhibi- They'll all be there to do just tion is geared to show University that. IBM…

… Annual Computer Trade Show, offer prices and information on their sponsored by the Interfraternity various products, and they are pre- Council. parios er u s s and ve It is the age of computer technol…

… Comfort Inn) . ANN ARBOR U __ _ ______ __ " f " r ill: e a long hard look into your future... 313-973-1188 DIRECT DEPOSIT - ELECTRONIC FILING ALL RETURNS COMPUTER PREPARED Refund checks received…

…: Public Interest Research Groups - B 115 MLB, 7-9 pm. Peer Writing Tutors - 611 Church St. Computing Center, 7-11 pm. ECB trained. Northwalk - Sun-Thur, 9 pm-1 am. Call 763-WALK or stop by 3224 Bursley…

… "r::;r". On March 30th and 31st in the Michigan Union, the interfraternity council will sponsor it's fifth annual COMPUFAIR. This computer trade show is designed to bring to the Ann Arbor community…

…, the opportunity to investigate the latest computer hardware and software. If you are contemplating a purchase in the near future, for components or an entire system, you owe it to yourself to get the…

… best possible products from the finest in computer manufacturing. COMPUFAIR 1989 In the Michigan Union on thursday and friday. ~i L - A I…

March 28, 1986 (vol. 96, iss. 121) • Page Image 3

…, the faster, more powerful personal computer from Apple. Macintosh Plus offers several new features to provide the kind of performance advanced users demand. Features include a new keyboard with built…

… (current ID required) For More Information, Call 764-1489 A Great Personal Computer is Now Even Better... More Affordable! The MacintoshTM 512 - the most affordable system in the popular Macintosh family…

…. Add Apple's New 800K External Disk Drive to your Macintosh 512K to double your data storage! . >macnadrna r = i ft iq NOW, ft, M, :; il t :;.: k.;.. More Powerful! Introducing MacintoshTM Plus…

…-in numeric keypad, increased system speed, and standard one megabyte of memory. With the new Apple@ Hard Disk 20 you can store up to 20 megabytes of information and retrieve it up to three times faster…

March 27, 1986 (vol. 96, iss. 120) • Page Image 10

computer from Apple. Macintosh Plus offers several new features to provide the kind of performance advanced users demand. Features include a new keyboard with built-in numeric keypad, increased system speed…

… customer Expires 4/30/86 A Great Personal Computer is Now Even Better... I I 1 I I U. I I. newspaper that Raveling informed Houston officials of his decision late Tuesday. But Jay Goldberg, UH sports in…

… popular Macintosh family. Add Apple's New 800K External Disk Drive to your Macintosh 512K to double your data storage! 'A1 More Powerful! Introducing Macintoshlm Plus, the faster, more powerful personal…

…, and standard one megabyte of memory. With the new AppleO Hard Disk 20 you can store up to 20 megabytes of information and retrieve it up to three times faster. Perfect for large documents and massive…

March 14, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 129) • Page Image 6

… Rio! iRio I Archery, Arts & Crafts, Ca- noeing, Ceramics, Computers, Dance, Drama, Fencing, Golf, Gymnastics. Overnight Camp- ing, Piano/Song Leader, Riding (English), Riflery, Sailing, Scu- ba, Swim…

… 180 East End Ave., NY, NY 10128 (212) 744-3421 Archery, Baseball, Basketball, Canoeing, Computers, Foot- ball, Golf, Karate, Lacrosse, Overnight Camping, Riding (English), Riflery, Sailing, Scuba, Shop…

… competition went, it was like the old apples and oranges platitude. Or, in the Michigras Battle of the Bands, more like comparing an apple, a pear, a peach, and a banana. The peach band won. They were called…

…. The guitarist does most of the singing. They were more rock and rollish from Next Window Please's pop, but still in the danceable vein. The apple band was the third place finisher. They were called The…

March 07, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 89) • Page Image 8

…. Prices have just been reduced on select Macintosh Quadra® models. Which means terrific savings on some of Apple's most powerful computers. Plus, the entire growing needs. And as if that weren't enough…

… mal oe ess y g some in auso ls g expensive. = . . , .:r: K~ ~ MadntWhQuadra 650 MacintoshQuadra 660iv Macintosh Quadra 800 Macintosh Quadra 840Av MacintoshQuadra 950 A Introducing the Apple

…, you'll also receive a,$150 mail-in rebate*when you buy a Macintosh Quadra 650 with any Apple LaserWriter0 So, visit your Apple Campus Reseller ~ . I I …

March 01, 1993 (vol. 103, iss. 85) • Page Image 16

…' computer gives today at your Apple Campus Reseller Where you'll get spe- you a sham. bright Sony Rinitron display, built-in audio, file cial student pricing, as well as service during college* And i …

… available. COUnal TraMM 1220 S. University Avenue STE 208 nn Arbor, Mi 48104 313-998-0200 Calfra RE. 0 310 S. Maynard * Ann Arbor * (313) 995-0100 * 21 & over after 8 pm Solutions from your Apple Campus…

… Reseller: the perfect Macintosh system to fit your budget. that oinexpensive will help you s mostgrein combinations urvive even the semester. 0l Pepperoni and Mushroom. The affordable, new Apple Style…

…Writer II and Apple Macintosh eolor Classic Introducing the most affordable color Macintosh sys- while still fitting within your budget. See this new system tern ever. The new Macintosh Color Classic…

March 11, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 108) • Page Image 16

… Placement. I b You can talk about how simple the Apple'*Macintosh' computer is to use. Or how it can think the way you think. Or how compatible it, is with other computers. But think again when the word…

… "expensive" comes to mind. Because it's just not true any more. Introducing the Macintosh Classic' computer. It's the most affordable analysis. The Classic is a completely integrated Macintosh system. Its…

… monitor, keyboard, mouse and system software are all included, as are extras you might not expect-such as built-in networking and the Apple SuperDrive& disk drive, which lets the Classic read from and write…

March 20, 2013 (vol. 123, iss. 55) • Page Image 7

… pessimistic about this. Maybe rival stream- ing services, like upcoming prod- ucts from Google and Apple, will prevent Spotify from attaining a pseudo-monopoly. Maybe record labels will flex their muscles and…

…, tablet, etc. is the future of music technology, and Spotify is lead- ing the charge - much like Apple did for phones and MP3 players. Joe Kennedy, the CEO of Spotify's chief rival and pre- decessor…

…] music that ha eating totally "Drini Osak Firs Cam'rc It sour the ac a scen( Suzuki sipping he's ma things mentio and-dr hey, a Cam's k he's referring to shady on his computer, but I know industry people…

…, but how it can't be 'puting. Even if he's as to do with apes and deer referring to "computing," which his haters near a lake is I doubt, there's no way Cam'ron over my head. is computing anything online…

…. kingsake on a Suzuki, we in In reality, he probably uses the a Bay" ("Down and Out") computer to play hours of "The t, I'd like to congratulate Oregon Trail." an on the alliteration here. "The biscuit turn…

… at all. uess in Cam'ron's mind, Oh, well. There's no use going ay computers work is by on. Iguess Cam'ronwill alwaysbe uting." Really, Cam? Just Cam'ron. And I hope it stays that for a second. When you…

… get way. Here's to another 15 years of ar computer, do you 'pute? greatness from our generation's nows what Cam'ron does Confucius. "Hov Judys lay at theyv This cringe. down: ing pu to get is he d…

March 04, 1986 (vol. 96, iss. 103) • Page Image 2

…- ted, he said. "Silicon is uniquely suited for use as a computerized brain probe because it already is used to make integrated circuits, has the necessary mechanical strength and is benign in the body…

…-4788 l 1 A Great Personal Computer is Now Even Better... 1: More Affordable! The Macintosh"' 512 - the most affordable system in the popular Macintosh family. Add Apple's New 800K External Disk…

…. Introducing MacintoshTM Plus, the faster, more powerful personal computer from Apple. Macintosh Plus offers several new features to provide the kind of performance advanced users demand. Features include a new…

computer science prof. and the leader of the probe's research team. The breakthrough is essential to understanding how the nervous sytem functions, said David Anderson, also an electrical engineering prof…

… RIBBONS package of 6: red, blue, yellow, green, brown and purple $29.95 1: HOURS Mon.- Sat. 10-6 Sun. closed Discount Computer Software and Supplies 322 S. STATE ST. (inside the Jewelry Exchange) 663…

… keyboard with built-in numeric keypad, increased system speed, and standard one megabyte of memory. With the new Apple@ Hard Disk 20 you can store up to 20 megabytes of information and retrieve it up to…

March 16, 1974 (vol. 84, iss. 131) • Page Image 8

…. cheesecaserole 17. sliced beef 18. fried chicken 19. barbecued ribs 20. fried coa fish 21. black olives 22. greek olives 23. green olives d4. dill pickles 25. celery 26. carrots 27. green onions 28. crab apples 29…

…. bread pudding 90. rIce pudding 91.'creme caramel 92. baked apples 93. house cake 94. peaches 95. mandarin oranges 96. orange sliced candles 97. bananas 98. grapes 99. apples 100. watermelon balls if…

… admission 75c M4rrf iiyyr Vi i i J4 i 'U, to study computers as aid to counseling i1 REEVES HOUSE Presents: BENEFIT DANCE FEA TURING: FROM DETROIT: CLEAR SPOT BLUES FROM ANN ARBOR: CLYSTER DONATION $1…

… problems will be handled by computer or other tech- nological m e a n s, if everything works out according to plan. Associate Dean of LSA Charles Morris is directing a three-year project to explore ways…

… pursuing a particular course of studies or helping him choose between aca- demic options. A computer could easily provide up-to-date information on course requirements, closed courses, new courses, short…

… discover in their last term that they cannot in fact grad- uate without additional work to satisfy s o m e forgotten require- ment." "But a computer," he continues, "could provide each student a semester…

… think an expanded system E would be all the more helpful." Crowd misses Nixon, during Chicago visit A COMPUTER could also keep' L-. l Booksale: 20% discount on all of the 2500 DOVER…

…; (2) you don't have to re-enter data; (3) you can see all intermediate data anytime. Our HP-45 is one of two pre-programmed scientific pocket-sized computer calculators with this key. That's one reason…

… it's the most pow- erful pre-programmed pocket-sized scientific computer calculator. Here are three of many others: 1. It's pre-programmed to handle 44 arithmetic, trigonometric and logarithmic…

… most powerful pre-programmed pocket-sized scientific computer calculator. Both of these exceptional instruments are on display now. If you're looking for unprecedented calculating capacity for your money…

March 12, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 109) • Page Image 1

… - Tuesday, March 12, 1991 TheMichigan Dail hiaLal ITD may enege on ResComp payment by Andrew Lev Iraq bombs rebels, destroys holy sites * Residence hall computing ser- vices could be jeopardized next…

computing centers could become even more crowded if proposed ITD cuts affect residence hall computer center clusters. Associated Press Saddam Hussein's troops shelled Shiite Muslim. rebels in mosques in the…

…. "If ResComp's budget was significantly reduced, RA's, ResComp coordinators, ResComp trainers, and RD's might lose ac- cess to the computer loan fund," said Havlicek. The computer loan fund pro- vides…

computers free of charge to residence hall staff and many ResComp employees during the school year. "Users might see a cutback in open hours for each ResComp cluster. ResComp services such as learning…

… workshops, computer usage workshops, and consulting hours might seriously drop. Basi- cally, everything that is ResComp would be a possible source of cuts," added Havlicek. LSA first-year student Scott Beal…

… myself but I've got a couple thou- sand dollars in it," he quipped. Westen received $2,000 dollars along with his Golden Apple trophy. ,'m going to miss Michigan a lot' - Drew Westen professor of…

…'s first Golden Apple Award. Executive Director for Univer- "That $2,000 about doubles I 1- ~ j …

March 25, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 103) • Page Image 7

….S. B-52 bombers and two B-2 stealth bombers. APPLE Continued from Page 1A subject infectious," said history Prof. Sidney Fine, the 1993 Golden Apple Award recipient. "As a teacher we should be a model…

… ended with her performance of a song, a solo guitar routine that included the message, "use what gifts and tal- ents you possess." As the 1999 Golden Apple Award recipient, Gunderson was honored for doing…

…. ATTENTION STUDENTS!! MI TBLEFUND is hiring!! Create your own schedule, gain valuable computer & communication skills. Paid training, fun atmosphere. Up to $8/hr. Bonuses galore! For application & info stop by…

… specialists in nature, ropes course, gymnastics, drama, tennis. and swimming. Bus driving positions available for over 21s. Call 800-659-4332 or email ilise COMPUTER CONSULTANT POSITION…

… Students needed for part or full-time computer consulting. PC troubleshooting skills preferred. Flexible work hours, good pay and friendly work environment! Please forward all resumes and inquiries to: sn…

…- COMPUTER NETWORK ENGINEER Challenging Career installing and supporting UNIX, Netware, and Windows NT networks in SE Michigan. Will train the right people. Controller, 4201 Varsity Dr…

…. #D, A2 MI 48108. EOE. COMPUTER NETWORK SALES Get an exciting career right here in A2 selling computers and computer networking equipment to area businesses. Computer and sales experience…

March 27, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 99) • Page Image 3

… best computer graphics on ampus will be on display this week in the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Building and the Campus Computer Showcase. Sponsored by Apple Computer Inc., Cyber…

… as a mentor. Afterward,. the Clements director will lead a tour of the li- brary and explain how research stu- dents can gain access to its hold- ~ngs-. Campus Computer Showcase to display graphics The…

…-Arts Show 95 will feature animation, graphics, multi-media and music on computers. Organizer Jay Holman, an LSA first-year student, said there are ap- proximately 15-20 entries. "We are *doing this show to…

… free of charge March 29, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. inthe EECS Building and March 31, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at *Campus Computer Showcase. Hollywood alums to visit campus The Program in Film and Video…

… by School of Social Work, West Engineering STUDENT SERVICES Q 76-GUIDE, 764-8433, peer coun- seling phone line, 7 p.m.-8 a.m. Q ECB Peer Tutorial, Angell Hall Computing Site, 747-4526, 7- 11 p.m. U…

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