.New budget system shows funding inequities
The Michigan Daily
T- Thursday, March 30, 1995 - 13
Continued from page 1
lated figures for last year on the distri-
bution of state funds, which also in-
cludes a 2 percent fee to the central
administration from each unit.
In VCM, individual schools and
colleges will receive funds from tu-
ition and indirect costs recovered from
federal grants. Each unit will pay the
assessment fee to the central adminis-
tration, which will distribute those
funds and state appropriations to each
school or college as the provost's
Under the present budgeting sys-
tem, the central administration col-
lects all funds - including tuition,
state appropriations and indirect costs
recovered from federal grants - and
allocates them to the various Univer-
sity units. An annual across-the-board
increase is provided to the individual
units, which last year amounted to 2.5
By its nature, incremental fund-
ing means no thinking," Whitaker
said. "This way, at least there's a
chance for thoughtful application."
Associate Provost Robert
Holbrook said the VCM figures were
calculated for last year to determine
how the new budget system would
operate. "We solved for it. It has no
judgment whatsoever," Holbrook
*Law, Kinesiology and L.SA Trail
Behind Other Units
While the provost's allocation
varied dramatically between units, the
Law School was the only unit to sup-
port other academic areas. The school
last year provided $993,889 of its
own funds to the rest of the University
and did not receive any state support.
Ellsworth said the Law School
has the ability to raise substantial funds
from its alums.
"The Law School has tradition-
ally been somewhat unhappy about
the direction of the money flow, al-
though they are not deeply hurting for
money," Ellsworth said. "They raise
a lot of money on their own."
The Division of Kinesiology,
which is only 10 years old, received a
total provost's allocation of $427,427
* last year or about $25 per credit hour
in state funds.
"Kinesiology is pretty new on this
campus, and we've grown pretty fast,
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"I think we have some very seri-
ous unmet needs that some additional
funding would help us solve," Ford
said. "We should really have much
smaller discussion sections. I also
think the salaries in LSA are not equi-
table with what you're getting in the
other schools. We have departments
where the salaries are embarrassingly
Whitaker said the University has
worked to increase funding to LSA.
"My guess is that they've gained fund-
ing over the past five years because
we've tried to improve funding for
undergraduate education, and I think
that will continue," Whitaker said.
Bruce Frier, a professor in the
Law School and the classical studies
department of LSA, said that with the
new budgeting system, the Univer-
sity will begin to look more closely at
the distribution of funds.
"I think the University is going to
make changes, and I think there will
be resistance to change," he said. "I
believe more money ought to be de-
voted by the University to the educa-
tion of undergraduates. I think more
money should be returned to the Law
The chair of the House Appropria-
tions Committee, state Rep. Donald
Gilmer (R-Augusta), said the Legis-
lature has long been concerned about
support for undergraduate education.
But, he said, the Legislature cannot
micromanage the state's universities.
"The buck stops at the conference
table of the Board of Regents," Gilmer
said. "It's certainly of some interest,
but it's not one that we have in our
purview. I think, frankly, they would
make themselves subject to protest
from an awful lot of undergraduate
Higher Costs for Dentistry
School of Dentistry Dean J. Ber-
nard Machen defended the large
amountof funding his school receives.
"All of my colleagues know how
much money I get from the Univer-
sity. Ican'tdoanything aboutit.That's
how much it costs to train a dentist,"
Machen said. "It costs more to edu-
cate a dentist than it does to educate a
Machen said his school must sup-
port its dental hospital, while the
Medical School does not support
University Hospitals.
"We have to cover all of those
(expenses) within the cost of the edu-
lI think the
university is going
to make changes,
and I think there
will be resistance
to change."
- Bruce Frier
Law and LSA professor
cation," Machen said. "The Univer-
sity of Michigan has the highest tu-
ition of any state-supported dental
school in the country."
Frier said the Dental School al-
ways will be a highly subsidized unit
at the University.
"There are some schools that are
just going to be like that," Frier said.
"It would be stupid to try to get rid of
the Dental School simply because we
have to subsidize it.
"We might look at ways to cut the
subsidy. You can't just talk about
cutting it; you have to talk about what
you're going to cut."
Whitaker said the various schools
serve an important role in the state.
"Part of (the state's) expectation
is that we remain a comprehensive
University," Whitaker said. "You
can't shut down a unit and have the
costs go down for a long time because
faculty have tenure."
Machen said his school has al-
ways been the most expensive unit
per student. "When you compare our
funding to other dental schools, we
are in the middle third in terms of
funding per student," he said.
Regent Rebecca McGowan (D-
Ann Arbor) said it is important for the
University to provide additional fund-
ing to the more expensive units.
"Any reasonable person would
understand that it costs more per stu-
dent in one school than another,"
McGowan said. "If we were to charge
students in the Dental School the real
cost, we wouldn't have a Dental
School ."
Besides Dentistry, the School of
Education also ranks high, with about
$620 in state funding per credit hour.
"Education is really on a path of
enrollment building, and I think that
will come down as they build enroll-
ment," Whitaker said.
Continued from page 1.
Visiting Social Work Prof. Marti
Bombyk, a member of the Michigan
Anti-Poverty Coalition, helped to or-
ganize the rally and march.
"There's no modern, industrial-
ized country that doesn't have a
safety net to support those in poor
circumstances. The Republicans
wish to remove that safety net, and
they're using the politics of hate,
racism and sexism to make citizens
despise those who need aid," Bombyk
As the protesters headed down
State Street at 2 p.m., bystanders
stopped to stare. Some witnesses did
not support the protest. First-year RC
student Ian Goldenberg backed Re-
publicans. "I think the new Congress
is showing the leadership that was
absent for 40 years. It's owning up to
the reponsibility of reducing the defi-
More than 200 protesters were
present when the march concluded at
the Fleming Building, where Ellisen
and others burned a poster represent-
ing the contract.
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