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March 11, 1991 - Image 16

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The Michigan Daily, 1991-03-11

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Page 8-The Michigan Daily- Sports Monday -March 11, 1991

'M' lacrosse hammered by State, 19-4



by Mitch Rubenstein
Daily Sports Writer
A fired-up Michigan lacrosse
team took the field Sunday inside
cold and rainy Spartan Stadium in
search of their fist-ever victory ver-
sus Michigan State. But when time
had expired, a tired and disappointed
Wolverine squad walked off the wet
MSU turf on the losing end of a 19-
4 score.
The Spartans quickly put the

game out of reach in the first quarter
by outscoring the Wolverines 8-0.
The next quarter was much the same
for the frustrated Michigan squad,
ending the first half down 14-1, leav-
ing the Wolverines to play the last
thirty minutes for personal pride.
"The team really came together in
the second half," senior captain Marc
Silbergeld, who had one goal and
two assists, said.
The rejuvenated Michigan squad

was outscored in the second stanza
by only a 5-3 mark. Although the
Wolverines played much of the last
thirty minutes against the Spartan
'The team was not
ready to- play a team
of the caliber of
Michigan State...our
defense could not
stay with them in
- Rich Belanger,
Michigan lacrosse coach
reserves, they showed great team
pride in rebounding from what cap-
tain Silbergeld called "the longest
half of lacrosse I have ever played."
The Wolverines came into the
game at East Lansing knowing that
they were expected to lose. Many of
the Wolverine players appeared to

play like underdogs in the first half.
"Some of our players were
psyched out by playing at MSU be-
cause of the rivalry and the fact that
they (Michigan State) are varsity,"
injured captain Rich Belanger said.
"The team was not ready to play a
team of the caliber of Michigan
State, our offense was just not pre-
pared and our defense could not stay
with them in transition."
On a positive side for the
Wolverine team, goalie Pete Mc-
Partlin played well in goal despite
allowing the nineteen tallies. Many
times he was forced to stop point
blank shots.
Fortunately for the Wolverines,
they do not play a team the caliber
of Michigan State again this year.
The squad will try to regroup from
Saturday's loss and begin to focus
on the remainder of its schedule.



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'M' water polo wins twice
before falling to the Rock

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by Tim Spolar
Daily Sports Writer
Lopsided scores have characterized
the Michigan women's water polo
games this season, and the mold was
not broken in three matches
Over the weekend, the team once
again journeyed to Columbus, the
site of its previous two games, to
face Ohio State. However, the
Wolverines (6-3 overall, 3-0 in the
Big Ten) also faced the new
challenges of Maryland and Slippery
Rock, currently ranked second in the
The squad is making a tradition

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of pounding the Buckeyes, and this
Saturday's match stayed well within
the pattern as the Wolverines coasted
to a 15-5 victory. Michigan has
trounced Ohio State in each of their
three contests this year, following a
flawless record against OSU last
season. The Wolverines also
manhandled Maryland, outscoring
the Terrapins 18-5 and pushing their
undefeated streak to four games.
However, the Wolverines' hot
streak, which extended back to early
February, came to an abrupt halt in
their third match on Saturday. The
Wolverines fell 14-6 to an
overpowering and highly-experienced
Slippery Rock squad.
"They were very dominant,"
Michigan coach Scott Russell said.
"They got a lot of three on two fast
break situations which they were
able to convert into scores."
Although the Wolverines were
outscored 8-0 in the first quarter,
Russell noted that there was not a
lapse in the Wolverines' defense or
"(Michigan netminder) Karen
Gorny played very well," Russell
said. "Slippery Rock is just so good,
they can easily make a good goalie
look bad."
Russell also noted that, after the
first quarter, the Wolverines scored a
victory for their moraleby playing
even with Slippery Rock.

Captain heads for*
basketball afterlife
by David Schechter
Daily Basketball Writer
Baseball Hall of Famer Jackie Robinson once said, "Athletes die
Today, Carol Szczechowski knows that Robinson was right.
Szczechowski was the senior captain of this year's women's basketba*
team who ran the court with a French braid in her hair and a basketball at
her fingertips. Unfortunately for her, the Wolverines completed their most
disappointing season in the Big Ten since 1987. It was not a fitting farewell
for Michigan's departing hero.
Szczechowski gave more to Michigan basketball in four years than she
probably ever thought she could. She gave herself. head-first dives, and
sometimes even bellyflops for loose balls, became her trademark on the
court. By her own count she ended up on the floor an average of five times
per game.
Her final game of the season against Michigan State was a testament
her desire to win. After the game, she admitted that she wasn't worried abotF'7
breaking an arm or a leg because it was her last game. "I was ready to sacri-
fice any part of my body," Szczechowski said.
She lent experience to her team.
This season, as the only returning
starter, Szczechowski was expected
to pick up a large chunk of scoring,
which she did. With grace and
strength, she boosted her average to'
almost 16 points a game from last
year's 9.6. And in one remarkable F
game at Eastern Michigan, Szcze-
chowski went into a zone of altered
consciousness and brought home a
career-high 34 points. x'
When she had to score, she did. '
Often times it seemed as though
Szczechowski could score at will.
When Michigan coach Bud Van-
DeWege needed two points, Carol Szczechowski
could give them.
She was a genuine leader. A leader by example. Other players on th,
team were attracted to Szczechowski for her ability to win. Everyone gained
by playing with the captain. The players became more aggressive, tenacious
and willing to sacrifice themselves for the team. Just like Szczechowski.
VanDeWege will miss his star player: "She's done everything. I couldn't
ask her to do anything more than she did in four years. Nothing. She just
gave me everything she had," he said.
The most painful aspect to think about is that Szczechowski's playing
days are over, and she's only getting better. Competitive basketball is a part
of her now. But she must let it go.
"It's a bittersweet day, because I hate the thought of not playing agairo
That's what really upsets me," Szczechowski said.
Szczechowski led a life that few college students do. The life of a star
athlete. She had the satisfaction of being able to prove herself a winner day
in and day out, and documenting her ability in front of a crowd of fans.
She's been lucky enough to live an athlete's life. That's something she can
take with her as this life ends, and another begins.

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