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March 15, 1994 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1994-03-15

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2 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, March 15, 1994

will host a
of the candidates for
the Michigan Student Assembly
6 - 7:30 p.m.
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Power PC
draws rave
The crowd outside the Computer
Showcase this morning mirrored the
anticipation of self-described "com-
puter techies" nationwide over the
new Power Macintosh computers.
The long-awaited line of comput-
ers was officially released today,
touted by Apple Computer Inc. as the
next generation of personal comput-
The initial demonstration of the
top-of-the-line Power Macintosh
8100 met with "oohs" and "aahs."
There are two other models avail-
able, the mid-priced 7100 and the
smaller 6100.,
Phillip Harding, manager of the
computer sales program at the show-
case, was visibly pleased by the turn-
"We're surprisingly busy," he said.
"We expected to be busy, but we
didn't expect to have 60 people at 10
Apple student representative
Jonathan Freeman agreed. "We're
packed," he said. "We're really ex-
cited that this many people showed
Based on the new Motorola Power
PC microprocessor, the computers are
able to run traditional Macintosh, DOS
and Windows applications at the same
time. Apple claims the Power
Macintosh computers run DOS and
Windows at a speed comparable to an
IBM platform running with an Intel
486 processor.
Ben Ogoe, an LSA first-year stu-
dent, was impressed with the
machine's flexibility and speed.
"It's a Macintosh, but it's got that
IBM in it," he said. "I was planning on
getting a ThinkPad IBM laptop. After
looking at the (Power Macintosh), I'll
hopefully get the 7100."
Some consumers voiced concerns
about the small number of programs
available that are specially designed
for the Power Macintosh, but Harding
said that was to be expected.
"The hardware always has to pre-
cede the software," he said.
Harding added he believes low-
cost upgrades will be available for
many current Macintosh applications
within days or weeks.
Engineering sophomore Diganta
Saha said he is in the market for a
personal computer.
"I'm keeping this as a major op-
tion," Saha said. "I need to run several
different operating systems, and this
can. It's fast, it's competitively priced
and it also has an upgrade path."
The Computer Showcase will keep
' the three Power Macintosh comput-
ers on permanent display.

The Holocaust statue was unveiled Sunday, facing Fletcher Street. It will be repositioned when weather allows.
Holocaust statue to be rep ostioned

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Despite questions that the Holo-
caust memorial, which was unveiled
Sunday, is facing the wrong direction,
officials said the tentative placement of
the sculpture will be changed as soon as
the weather is more agreeable.
However, as soon as the soil per-
mits, the Holocaust memorial statue
Continued from page 1
Counsell distributed the letter to
all the pharmacology faculty March
Landefeld and others expressed
concern that the provost's letter com-
promises the grievance process and
suggests a premature decision.
"I am bothered by the fact that in
the provost's letter he indicated that
he had no evidence. I'm not sure that
any attempts to investigate were
made," Landefeld said.
Landefeld said Whitaker did not
approach Dr. Gerald Abrams, the
Medical School ombudsman who is
handling the Landefeld complaint, or
him in an attempt to investigate the
In his letter to SACUA, Landefeld
asked the committee to look into
Whitaker's motivation for writing the
letter, and a possible bias on the part
of Whitaker if he is called on in the
future to decide a grievance appeal
involving Pratt.
In the event that a non-research
professor appeals a grievance, the
provost makes the final determina-
tion in the case.
Peggie Hollingsworth, a pharma-
cology professor, has a pending griev-
ance against the promotion commit-
tee. Pratt was a member of the griev-.
ance committee that denied her pro-
motion. She said she fears the
provost's letter will also affect her
"These things do not happen in
isolation. I really do not understand
the motivation behind taking a posi-,
tion on this issue," Hollingsworth said.
Whitaker said he does not think
his action has contaminated either the
Landefeld complaint or the
Hollingsworth grievance.
He also added he would not de-
cide the Hollingsworth case in the
event of an appeal. The decision would
then fall to Vice President for Re-
search Homer Neal.

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will be rotated one quarter of a turn to
face the Alumni Center, as originally
planned. It now faces the Power Cen-
ter, on Fletcher Street.
The reason for the current orienta-
tion and positioning of the sculpture
was to make viewing easier for the on-
lookers who attended Sunday's Holo-
caustMemorial Dedication Ceremony.
Because the statue is located closer
Continued from page 1
who voted in the 1990 gubernatorial
"There's been kind of a steady
drumbeat on this issue since June 2
with all the events that have occurred,"
he said.
"I think it's sinking in (that) they're
not given the alternative of the status
quo. It's going to have some real
impact on people and they're aware
of that."
In Ann Arbor, voters will pilot
new optical scanning voting booths,
which were designed to improve the
efficiency of the electoral process and
shorten waiting times. Voters simply
darken the oval of their choice.
Interest in Proposal A has been run-
ning high in Ann Arbor, where the City
Council voted to oppose the measure.
The Ann Arbor Board of Education has
not taken a stand on the issue.
On the University campus, the Col-
lege Republicans have posted a num-
ber of flyers in support of Proposal A.
The proposal would increase the
sales tax to 6 percent from 4 percent
as part of a plan to slash property
taxes for school operations.

to Washington Street, Fred Mayer,
the assistant director of capital plan-
ning and University planner, said,
"(When moved) it will be better for
viewing from Washington Street."
Pending the completion of the
paving and landscaping project, the
statue will be mounted in a firm
foundation. Benches will also be in-
stalled adjacent to the monument.
Just last June 2, voters rejected, 54
percent to 46 percent, a different plan
to fund schools and cut property taxes
by raising the sales tax to 6 percent.
But this time, voters don't have a
choice of going back to the current
system of property taxes. That's be-
cause a backup plan has been written
into the law that increases the incom*
tax to 6 percent from 4.6 percent if the
sales tax fails.
Engler campaigned nonstop for
Proposal A, contending the income
tax increase would hurt the state's
economic climate.
Pero expected a high turnout and
voter approval.
"I think it's a matter of taxes and
when you talk taxes, people get inter-
ested," he said.
"I think we've done a good job
selling our message, that there's no
return to the status quo - it's either
an income tax increase or a sales tax
Clingman said voters were becom-
ing more aware of ProposalA's flaws.
That's why support for it was at 56
percent in a Detroit Free Press poll
published last week compared to 6
percent in a poll done by a newspaper
a few weeks earlier, she said.

Beechwood, Osilonce, Findlay, Fostorte. Frernont, Adlm, An~n Arbor, East Points, Sloongton, Champaign
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on urnxt unhase ;; onyur next purchase:
of $5.0 ormore:"of $5.00oor more:
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Continued from page 1
The news magazine's process for
ranking these schools is determined
by questionnaires sent to deans and
administrators in those disciplines.
The experts in the fields are asked to
rank the reputations of the academics
of fhe schools.
Harrison said he believes the Uni-
versity ranks better in this type of poll
"because our reputation, particularly
the reputation of our faculty and stu-

dents, is very high."
The University didn'tdo too badly
in the commonly ranked fields, espe-
cially the College of'Engineering (sev-
enth overall), the Law school (eighth
overall) and the School of Business
Administration (eighth overall). *
These fields are rated on reputa-
tion as well as more quantitative fac-
tors, such as admissions cut-off lines
and resources.
Harrison pointed out, "The great
news for Michigan is that we are
exceptional in more fields than all but
a very few other universities."


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