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March 15, 1994 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1994-03-15

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The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, March 15, 1994 -3

.Presidential candidates propose structural changes in assembly

University architects are not the only
people with blueprints for campus construc-
Three candidates for Michigan Student
Assembly president have plans to reconstruct
the assembly.
The theme of structural change began when
the Michigan Party proposed a new draft of
the All-Campus Constitution, which currently
governs MSA. Students will vote on whether
to approve the new constitution during MSA
elections next week.
"The constitutional reform is going to make
MSA accountable, effective and organized,"
said LSA Rep. Julie Neenan, the Michigan
Party's candidate for president.

The changes in the Michigan Party's pro-
posed constitution would place committee
chairs in office for one year instead of one
semester and would allow the president to
dismiss the MSA treasurer and student gen-
eral counsel-- positions that are appointed by
the president.
The proposal would also allow the assem-
bly to create, modify or destroy its commis-
sions by a two-thirds vote.
Currently, the commissions are outlined
in the constitution and cannot be changed by
the assembly.
Other changes in the proposed constitution
include creating administrative boards to assist
the executive officers, lifting the ban on MSA
that prohibits the assembly from providing its
officers with salaries and altering MSA's judi-

cial branch, the Central Student Judiciary.
But the Michigan Party is not the only
party with ideas for change.
The Outsider Party has also created a plan
to change MSA, and it concentrates on alter-
ing the committee and commission structure.
The plan would eliminate the Campus
Governance Committee, along with the Health
Issues, International Student, and Peace and
Justice Commissions.
The Outsider Party restructure plan would
create committees that will work with the
Student Book Exchange, the City of Ann
Arbor, the University Board of Regents, the
Statement of Student Rights and Responsi-
bilities and the diag policy.
It would also add commissions to work
with the Michigan Collegiate Coalition

(MCC), the Ann Arbor Tenants' Union and
undergraduate education.
"We want to eliminate seven big, wasteful
committees and create eight smaller, focused
committees," said Trevor Moeller, Outsider
Party presidential candidate.
Independent presidential candidate and
LSA sophomore Christian Payne, along with
running mate Doug Kligman, an LSA sopho-
more, said he supports an idea suggested by
Vice President for Student Affairs Maureen
A. Hartford, which would apportion MSA
representatives by district.
"People would be more likely to know
who the candidates are," Kligman said.
"People should know what is going on in
MSA and people just don't."
Despite all the plans, the Students' Party

candidate for vice president, MCC Gov. Conan
Smith, said the structure is not the problem for
"There's always been a strong party that
says, 'restructure MSA,' but I don't think
anyone's made a concerted effort to run MSA
under the current structure," Smith said.
The Students' Party proposes using the
current committee structure to work with in-
dividual student groups registering with the
Tonight there will be a public debate be-
tween the presidential candidates from 6 to
7:30 in Room 429 of Mason Hall.
Reporters from the Black Student Monthly,
Michigan Daily, Michigan Independent and
Michigan Review will question the candi-
dates. All students are invited to attend.

open week,
focus on
Greek system seeks
to improve Its image
with philanthropic
* The spirit of philanthropy brought
representatives from the Greek sys-
tem and charities together last night
during the Greek Week 1994 opening
ceremonies, which focused on the
donations that will be made by its
"The purpose of the opening cer-
emonies is to get people excited about
the charities and to get in touch with
the people we're helping with our
money," said Greek Week Co-chair
Katie Richards, an LSA senior. "While
we have lots of fun jumping in Jell-O
and running around Palmer Field, the
real focus is charity."
The students heard from each of
the five charities that will receive the
funds from Greek Week this year
during brief presentations.
One national and four local chari-
O ties were chosen this year. The na-
tional philanthropy is the Crohn's and
Colitis Foundation of America and
the local charities are Youth Housing
Coalition, Focus:HOPE, the
Alzheimer's Association of South
Central Michigan and Court Ap-
pointed Special Advocates.
"This is a vital piece of the
University's mission -working with
the community and supporting chari-
ties," said Kathy MacKay, University
director of co-curricular activities.
"We think that should be part of your
This is the second year the open-
ing ceremonies have been held to
kick off the week's activities.
"We felt last year there was a lack
of focus to the real focus of Greek
Week," Richards said. "People didn't
realize the real good we do with help-
ing the charities and the good we do
within the community."
The representatives of the chari-
ties gave a brief history of their orga-
nizations and explained their activi-
ties. Each also expressed their grati-

Council doles out
funds for YMCA

In a debate one observer likened
to the choice between a $10 bill and
two $5 bills, the Ann Arbor City Coun-
cil last night approved another pay-
ment to sustain the financially troubled
YMCA's low-income housing
The $12,500 appropriation was
approved unanimously after an hour-
long discussion lacking the partisan
fireworks that have characterized pre-
vious council debates on payments to
the YMCA. The council voted for the
payment despite earlier warnings from
City Attorney Elizabeth R. Schwartz
that continuing payments to the fal-
tering YMCA may be illegal.
Debate last night centered on what
part of the city budget the funds should
be drawn from. Republicans objected
to a suggestion that the city's general
fund - a "rainy day" account of
accumulated revenue - pay for the
YMCA bailout. They asked the coun-
cil to take the money from a separate
account designated for housing.
Democrats said the general fund
was the most appropriate source for
the payment because more money is

available there. While the three coun-
cil Republicans first threatened to hold
up the vote on approving the pay-
ments for the YMCA over the issue,
they later dropped their objection.
Councilmember Thais A. Peterson
(D-1st Ward) explained her rationale
for taking the YMCA bailout money
from the general fund. "I think it's
appropriate that this come out of the
rainy day fund because this is a rainy
day," she said.
Councilmember Peter Fink (R-2nd
Ward) protested. "We have money in
our budget that we can take from ..
money that is not otherwise going to
be spent."
Forestalling a final decision on
whether to cut the city's fiscal link to
the YMCA, the council did not dis-
cuss Schwartz's legal opinion that the
original loan guarantee of November
1988 may be illegal. Instead, the coun-
cil established an ad hoc committee to
look into the issue and seek alternate
means of funding the housing project.
The council's decision last night
to forward $12,500 to the YMCA
under terms of the loan guarantee
prevents the non-profit association
from defaulting on the loan.


The blood drive starts out the many Greek activities that are planned for this week.

tude at being chosen by Greek Week
"Your help in helping us is vitally
needed," said Mary Frenza, the repre-
sentative from the Alzheimer's Asso-
Truman Hudson, from Focus:
HOPE, entertained the students with
jokes and a relaxed style.
"My challenge to you guys --
let's try and build those cultural rela-
tions, because they're going to come
in handy in the future. You never
know who you're going to work with
after you graduate," said Hudson.
Focus:HOPE is a Detroit-based
organization that works with civil and
human rights issues. In addition to
other activities, the organization dis-
tributes food to more than 86,000
people each month and has estab-
lished an institute to train engineers.
"(Hudson) explained the cause and
captured the audience with analogies
that people could relate to," said En-
gineering senior Tom Moe.
"I wanted to know about not just
one of the charities we're supporting,
but a plethora of them," said SNRE
junior Jeanne Taylor.
Taylor said the presentation by
the Youth Housing Coalition inter-
ested her. "I'm really impressed be-
cause I didn't know about it before.
Homeless teens actually have some-
place to go besides being on the
streets," she said.

0 Tomorrow:
t Thursday:
0 Monday:

Mr. Greek Week
Jell-O Jump
Pie Eating Contest
Greek Games
Community Service
Educational Awareness
Dance Contest

Power Center
Beta Theta Pi
Palmer Field
Beta Theta Pi
Pendleton Room

7 p.m.
1 p.m.
10 a.m.
8 a.m.
8 p.m.
8 p.m.
8 p.m.
6 p.m.

Assisted suicide debate
continues across campus

Wednesday: Educational Awareness

Speaker Pendleton Room
Sing and Variety Show Hill Auditorium

8 Thursday:.

Men to shine in pageant

Miss America. Miss Universe. The
Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue.
These are all examples of women
and their bodies on display. But how
often are men put on parade?
Tonight at 7:30, participants from
30 fraternities will compete in the Mr.
Greek Week pageant at the Power
Center .
Contestants will be judged in four
areas: formal wear, dress like your
hero, a three-minute talent session
and a toga-clad impromptu question-

and-answer session. Each house nomi-
nates one person for the event.
This is the 14th year the Zeta Tau
Alpha (ZTA) sorority has sponsored
the event, which will raise money for
its national philanthropy, the Susan
G. Komen Breast Cancer Founda-
Susan Carlson, the ZTA president
and pageant co-chair, said, "Last year
we raised $2,000 - this year we're
hoping to raise $3,000."
LSA junior Rich Wallach, a mem-
ber of Alpha Epsilon Pi (AEPi) frater-
nity, said his house bred the winners
of the last two contests. "Everyone
was pretty psyched last year," said
Wallach, referring to the spirited au-
Prizes have been donated by ma-
jor sponsors, including Dollar Bill
Copying, President Tuxedo, Spirit Etc.
and Cottage Inn Pizza.
As with most Greek Week events,
any student may attend, but only mem-
bers of the Greek community will.
participate. Tickets are available in
advance at the ZTA house for $4 or $6
at the door.

The heated debate over assisted
suicide is giving many University stu-
dents a lot to think about. Many are
asking: Is assisted suicide morally
right and should it be legal?
Some students feel assisted sui-
cide should be legalized and are will-
ing to defend the issue. As a result,
there has been a recent upswing in the
number of students joining the right-
to-die movement on campus.
A group called "Students For Dr.
Kevorkian" is active in the cause as
supporters for Jack Kevorkian, the
infamous "Dr. Death," who has as-
sisted in 20 suicides since 1990. Ac-
cording to group president Dennis
Denno, a second-year Rackham stu-
dent, the organization has received
overwhelming support on campus.
Along with rallying to bring
Kevorkian to campus as a commence-
ment speaker, members have been
collecting signatures to place an
amendment on the November ballot
to make assisted suicide legal. The
organization will also sponsor a dis-
cussion with Kevorkian's lawyer,
Geoffrey Fieger, on March21 atHillel.
"We are trying to educate students
as to morality of assisted suicide,"
Denno said. "I believe its a funda-
mental right of a human being over
their bodies.... The government has
no right to take that away from us."
LSA senior Nicole Rendziperis is

involved with publicity for Students
For Dr. Kevorkian. She said she sup-
ports assisted suicide if a person is
mortally ill. "Because it is an act
authorized by the patient, there's noth-
ing wrong with it," she added.
LSA first-year student LaTesia
Collies also supports assisted suicide.
"It should be legal because the First
Amendment gives a person certain
rights and I feel assisted suicide should
be included," she said.
Derek D'Angelo said it should be
an individual's decision what to do
with their own lives, but he fears
legalizing it may create problems. "A
person should have the right to decide
if it's best for them. ... Unfortunately,
if legalized, many people will begin
to abuse this right," D'Angelo said.
Other students on campus oppose
these views on the subject. John
Damoose, president of the College
Republicans, expressed his strong op-
position to the issue.
"Assisted suicide is absolutely dis-
gusting," Damoose said. "It shows a
complete disrespect for life."
Students on both sides of the fence
will address assisted suicide in a de-
bate sponsored by the Alice Lloyd
Pilot Program today in the Alice Lloyd
residence hall. LSA first-year student
Andrew Wright, who helped to orga-
nize the debate, said he does not have
extreme views on the issue. "I'm neu-
tral on the issues and willing to listen
to both sides," Wright said.

The Power Macintosh 6100 can be purchased for about $1,600. This was incorrectly reported in yesterday's Daily.

Group Meetings
" American Movement for Is-
rael, Hillel, 7 p.m.
" Arab-American Students' As-
sociation, Arabic conversation
hour, Amer's on State, 8:30p.m.
a Asian Pacific Lesbian-Gay-Bi-
sexual Support Group, Michi-
gan Union, Room 3116, 5:30
0 College Republicans, MLB
basement, 6:30 p.m.
" English Association, Haven
Hall, seventh floor lounge, 4
C3 Estonian, Latvian, and
Lithuanian Club, Michigan
Union, Crofoot Room, 7 p.m.
U Focus Group: Grad. Students
talk about different psychol-
ogy degrees, Michigan League,
Room D, third floor, 7:30 p.m.
L Folk Dance Club, North Cam-
nus Cnmmnns 7-30 nm.

Association, Trotter House, 7
" Southwest Detroit Student As-
sembly, Michigan Union, Baits
Room, 9 p.m.
" Undergraduate Law Club,
Michigan Union, Room 4121,
10:30 a.m.-1 p.m.
" Women's Rugby Practice,
Oosterbaan Building, 9:30-11
D Blood Drive, sponsored by the
Greek system, Michigan Union,
1-6:30 p.m.
" "CHINA: Sino-American Re-
lations Under Stress," Inter-
national Lunch Forum, Interna-
tional Center, noon.
" Conference on the Holocaust,
Memorial of Names, all day on
the Diag; Jewish Thought After
the Holocaust. 3050 Frieze

Quad, Ambatana Lounge, 7p.m.
" "The Jesus Summit," sponsored
by Canterbury House, 518 E.
Washington St., 5 p.m.
Q "To Value in Common," Ken-
neth Leech, sponsored by the
Institute for Public Theology at
Canterbury House, 518 E.
Washington, 4 p.m.
Student services
Q 76-GUIDE, peer counseling
phone line, call 76-GUIDE, 7
p.m.-8 a.m.
Q Campus Information Center,
Michigan Union, 763-INFO;
events info., 76-EVENT; film
info., 763-FILM.
Q International Center, practical
training, 10 a.m.; health insur-
ance, 2 p.m.
Q North Campus Information
Center. North Campus Com-


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