February 12, 1927 (vol. 36, iss. 93) • Page Image 1
… be- - And closed doors, and it is rumored -- hat Coach Shuter has been giving is men a number of new plays. Iumore emanating from the Wolverine amp indicate that there will be both I ong and dance…
… of the of gold cloth, 7,000 yards of red, Fifteen J-lop committee members eatest college stars since the days and 14,000 yards of blue, entered the Wolverine "Mike" Ames. Fol- into the decoration of…
… place when by the junior classes and most of them leading man. His loss will deal a they saw men roaming around are juniors. When accused, none de- avy blow to the Wolverines next nonchalantly touching…
… danced with him and who, therefore, D"I'm the girl you brought e this the cast, is a factor also in the fre- were robbed of the pleasure of being bed," " ency with which the Wolverines featured on the…
…- ion of the dance. Upon obtaining their weighed ten pounds to a man, the wraps, they are asked to go up the Wolverines ......" I got no further. main stairway of Barbour gymnasium What the city editor…