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February 12, 1988 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1988-02-12

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In WeekendMagazine:

Turn on, tune in, and log on: the University is
not going back to typewriters. See cover story.

Ninety-eight years of editorial freedom
Vol. XCVIII, No. 93 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, February 12, 1988 Copyright 1988, The Michigan Daily

Group reviews sexual harassment

The University's sexual harassment pol-
icy must be more clear, say some members
of a committee formed last term to review
the policy.
But committee members, for the most
part, are vague about the group's purpose
and progress. Committee chair and Associate
Vice President of Academic Affairs Mary
Ann Swain said, "I'm not sure where it is
we're going to be going. I pulled it together
to see what the issues were."
Some of the issues already discussed by
the ad hoc group of University staff mem-
bers include confidentiality, and a more con-

sistent way of handling complaints, said
committee member Julie Steiner, director of
the University's Sexual Assault Prevention
and Awareness Center.
CURRENTLY, the policy grants con-
fidentiality - to both the alleged victim and
the accused - as long as it does not affect
the University's investigation of the com-
plaint. But committee member Sharman
Spieser, said this policy can be contradictory
because the University has an obligation to
investigate reports of sexual harassment but
also to keep a complainant's identity confi-
.dential if asked.
An alleged victim's identity would have

to be revealed at least to those handling the
Steiner said confusion about where to re-
port incidents of sexual harassment is a
problem. The current policy specifies that
complaints be handled by the complainant's
supervisor, the Staff and Union Relations
Office, or the Affirmative Action Office.
BUT PEOPLE who say they have been
sexually harassed often report their com-
plaints to other offices, such as SAPAC,
because that office's staff is trained to deal
with rape victims.
Depending on the office, complaints "are
handled very different," Steiner said. The

University should set up a single office that
would take complaints, she said.
The policy review is "not a short-term
process. We want to get feedback from the
groups this will affect," Spieser said. She
added, though, that the committee is "on the
verge of having something to bounce off
Spieser said her goal was to release group
recommendations for community review
sometime this spring, and to change the
policy next fall.
THE GROUP, so far, has not involved
faculty or student representatives in its
meetings, although the policy will apply to

faculty and students, as well as staff. "It's
not as direct a representation as it could be,
but we're certainly taking all interests into
regard," committee member and Assistant to
the University's General Counsel John
Ketelhut said.
Harris McClamroch, chair of the faculty's
Senate Advisory Committee on University
Affairs, said, "I'm feeling a little left out" of
the committee.
But he added, "I agree that there is a defi-
nite need to take a new look at these proce-
dures... I've had a number of complaints that
things aren't running as smoothly as we
would like."

to face
This is the time. With all the
talk about the new and improved
Michigan hockey team, now is the
time to show it.
Sure, the Michigan State series
sweep by the Wolverines two
weekends ago showed the rest of the
Central Collegiate Hockey
Association that coach Red Beren-
son's team is capable of catapulting
to the top of the CCHA.
Yes, Michigan is 20-14, third in
the league (16-12), its best record in
Berenson's four years in Ann Arbor.
"Our team confidence is real high
right now," said Berenson. "We've
cut down on defensive lapses, we're
getting solid goaltending from
Sharples, and the return of Deasley.
has really helped out our power
play. We're playing the best hockey
since I've been at Michigan."
Of course, both the Wolverine
power play (.254) and penalty
killing (.235) units are fourth best
in the league, and the recent out-
standing play of goaltender Warren
Sharples, twice CCHA Player of
the Week, has solidified and
strengthened Michigan defense.
And Michigan is a dominant 11-
4 at Yost Ice Arena this season.
"We've developed a dominating
effect at home," said Michigan se-
nior assistant captain Joe Lock-
wood. "They may be leading the
league, but they're coming into our
barn now. We won't be satisfied
with anything but a sweep."
Here come the Lakers.
These are the same Lake Supe-
rior State Lakers that are the only
team this season to sweep the
Wolverines (Thanksgiving break at
the Soo).
This is the same team that owns
Michigan, accumulating a 12-1-1
record against the Wolverines during
Berenson's tenure.: The one tie
Michigan "earned" last year came
after blowing a 5-0 third period lead
at Sault Ste. Marie.
The first-place Lakers, ranked
See TIME, Page 11

Court finds
aide guilty

dent Reagan's onetime political di-
rector, Lyn Nofziger, was convicted
of illegally lobbying top White
House aides yesterday by jurors who
said they had no trouble finding evi-
dence of influence-peddling.
"The evidence just kept coming
all the time," said Towana Braxton,
the head of the federal court jury that
convicted Nofziger of three counts of
illegally representing private clients
at the White House.
The jury, which deliberated for
six hours, cleared Nofziger of a
fourth illegal lobbying charge and
acquitted his partner, Mark Bragg, of
a single aiding and abetting allega-

Nofziger, the first former high
government official convicted under
the revolving-door provisions of the
Ethics in Government Act of 1978,
attacked the statute as a "lousy law"
and compared his offense with
"running a stop sign."
"I feel I am innocent. I don't
think I did anything wrong," said
Nofziger, whose lawyers vowed to
appeal the convictions.
The former White House political
director, who, dates his association to
the president-back to Reagan's days
as the governor of California, could
receive a maximum two-year sen-
tence and a $10,000 fine for each of
three convictions.

Doily Photo by ELLEN LEVY

Snow storm
Spirited students face frigid flurries as they slip and slide through the slushy snow.

Court ends army's
gay discrimination

Grad. sues county prosecutor

University graduate Griffith Neal - who was ac-
quitted of rape charges last fall - is seeking more than
$10,000 in legal fees and damages from Assistant
County Prosecutor Robert Cooper. As an amendment
to a lawsuit filed last summer against his accusor, Neal
this month charged Cooper with defamation of charac-
Neal's suit against the woman also involves
defamation of character, as well as abuse of the legal
process, malicious prosecution, and intentional inflic-
tion of emotional damage.

He was accused last year of raping a sorority woman
at his fraternity house while she was participating in a
Greek Week dance practice.
According to the lawsuit, Cooper made "statements
at times when he was not acting as an advocate in the
courtroom" that "assess the plaintiff was guilty and had
raped or attacked other females." An attorney, having
"privilege," may not be prosecuted for statements made
in the courtroom, said Stephen Boak, Neal's attorney.
Boak said Cooper "alluded on the record to the fact
that there were other women out there who had con-
tacted him saying they had had similar experiences (to
See NEAL, Page 7

with wire reports
A landmark federal appeals court
ruling Wednesday, which declared
unconstitutional the U.S. Army's
ban on homosexual soldiers, has
brought mixed reactions from the
campus community.
If upheld by the United States
Supreme Court, the ruling could af-
fect the University's Board of Re-
gents' anti-discrimination policy.
In the ruling, the Ninth U. S.
Circuit Court of Appeals voted 2-1
in favor of Perry Watkins, who en-
listed in the army in 1967 and stated
on a pre-induction medical form that

he had homosexual tendencies. When
the Army's regulations were changed
in 1981 to restrict those with
homosexual orientations, he was
The ruling did not address the is-
sue of whether gays and lesbians
can be discharged for committing
homosexual acts, but said the army
could not discriminate on the basis
of homosexual orientation.
If the Supreme Court upholds the
decision, Carol Wayman, a member
of the Lesbian and Gay Rights Or-
ganizing Committee (LaGROC),
believes it will have a tremendous
See CAMPUS, Page 7

Pay of hearts leads

to costly,
. A rose by any other name is j
as expensive.
The coming of Valentine's D
this Sunday is sending hordes ofz
mantics to area shops to buy flow
and confectionary treats for th
Mrs. Peabody's carri
"sweetheart bouquets" of cooki
and cookies baked with nine scot
of dough with frosting messag
scrawled on top, employee J
Leach said.
A few doors down, Drak
V nnu Arh n I n n'NT T Tninrc

said. Single, short stems cost $5.40
just and long-stems cost $5.50.
After six years in business, Bald-
)ay win said, "People are so conditioned
ro- to buying roses on Valentine's Day
ers that they pay these prices... It seems
eir that no matter what the prices, we
sell out."
.e s An employee at Flowerhouse in
es, Briarwood said a dozen roses cost
ops $45.00.
ges LSA sophomore Andy deRoucher
eff said if he does anything, "it will be
at the last minute."
e' s Lily Chow, an LSA sophomore,
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