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February 12, 1969 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1969-02-12

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Cloudy and colder;
chance ofesnow flurries

Vol. LXXIX, No. 1 12 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, February 12, 1969 Ten Cents
!r}) 7 7ATPE 7 CriT 7T, WTl f'W i/7T 7 I__

Eight Pages

Tenants Union to weigh Senate opens U bu
By MARTIN HIRSCHMAN $3.4 million off the governor's tions and Planning A r th ur.
The fight over the Univer- request, which was $11.1 mil- Ross, Vice President for Aca-
litis stat appropriat fo ion below the University's oi- demic Affairs Allan Smith, and
fiscal year 1969-'70 moves into ginal request. Director of Business Operations
the second round today and to- Sen. Charles o. Zollar (R- James Brinkeroff- Suaficlyr19-0moeino gzarqes.Detr BsnssO rtos
. -By JUDY SARASOHN morrow as the Senate Appro- Benton Harbor), chairman of President Fleming will speak
and DANIEL ZWERDLING priations Committee opens the committee, says he cannot to the committee about the
hearings on the University's yet speculate on the fate of the "distinctive" role of the Uni-
Organizers of the Ann Ar- budget request. University's appropriation . for versity, arguing the need for
bor Tenants Union voted last Go. Milliken has already this year. In the past, however, more funds to maintain the
night to ask 1350 pledged pro- cut the University's $75.9 mil- he had predIctnd that the gov- present uality of the faculty
spective striking tenants if lion request by $8.7 million and ernor's total budget request and certain special programs.
I they will begin withholding it is unlikely that the commit-
rent before the original goal tee will restore any of this Furthermore, when the con- uniqueness of the University,
of 2000 pledges is achieved. money before they send the mittee held its hearing on says Ross, "but that recogni-
higher education appropria- Michigan State Univrsity last tion hasn't been implemented
If the majority of tenants tions bill to the Senate within week, the school's officials were in budgetary terms."
agree accordin)g to polling to- the next few weeks told they would receive no In lin with a request from
day and Thursday, the strike In fact, if past actions a r e more than the governor's re- the committee, University of-
will begin Saturday. any indication, the appropria- quest, and possibly less. ficials will discuss which terms
A poll taken at 'the meeting tions committee may even The University's delegation are needed to keep up with
showed most of the organizers feel make further cuts in the Uni- to the committee hearings will present salary increases and
that most pledged tenants will fa- versity's funds include President Fleming overall inflation.
vor beginning the strike. Last year the committee cut Vice President for State Rela- They will also discuss the
Organizers based their willing-
M<' ,nss to go ahead now with the
'f$"strike on the following reasons:
f, fi } ..y. 0The rate of incoming pledges
F fFin the last two weeks indicate that
Sfs1,850 tenants will have signed by
this weekend, and the full 2000
shortly after;
N>r*0Organizers feel the strike will
gainmore tenants and momentum
if it begins by Fb. 15, but may
":lost effectiveness if delayed
- #*hThe concentration of strikers
:..... ...: :.. ' _... ..... along realty firm lines is alreadyI
-Daily-Andy Sacks greater in some cases than strike
Cagers startle Illini -lawyer Ron Glotta has said is
necessary to wage a successful
Michigan's Dennis Stewart drives on Illini center Greg Jackson strike.
to draw a foul in first half action of last night's game. Stewart m ers ofgthesteeringcom-
gcored 17 points and was instrumental in the Wolverines upset or-iginal goal of 2000 pledges as ar«t
92-87 victory. (See Sports Page 7.) rough compromise of other sug-
gested goals.
, T The number of strikers to dateF
MAYER, FRIEDELL: already represents one of the lar-
gest rent strikes in United States
. history.
S o c oitr tu" One of the most important fac- I
& Y be ltS tors in the strikers' favor would - }1
be the number of tenants strik-
ing, said law student Dale Bar-
r iy. As few as 300 eviction cases 4'. "
to m eet on tenure would be sufficient to flood the'
courts for months and delay ac-
By CHRIS STEELE tion, hurting the landlords econ-
Sociology students will meet tonight to discuss the Although some members of the
r department's refusal of tenure t~o Professors Morris Friedell Tenants' Union said that they
and Thomas F. Mayer. want to vote for the strike im- --Associated Press
According to William Roy, Grad, undergraduates and mediately, others expressed con- STRIKING STUDENTS at the University of Wisconsin prevent a teaching assistant from enter-
cern that some pledges were noti ing a class building yesterday. After the arrival of 150 riot-equipped police the striking students
eg e t th met ing n to dpasme n - yet informed completely of the removed their human barricade from around the building.
olng suetindcso-ang intedprmnpar- situation.
ticularly tenure decisions." One rent strike organizer in-
The sociology student tenure organization, which has yet sisted that since constituents
Th ocoog tdett cueommnztowihhsyt itdta ic sittest dp afra ae ge.oto esofsbythe xecrtme in dte tie ldg ncSd-tu d e n ts h it!c o mp u te r
to adopt a formal name, grew out of decisions by the executive signed the strike pledge on condi-
committee of the department on that the strike begin when
000 pledges were signed, they be
to refuse to recommend tenure asked if the strike may begin
St u d e its for Mayer and Friedell. earlier.
- By refusing to grant tenure the However, most of the organizers
executive committee effectively said that their tenants were more
S dismissed them from the faculty. concerned with the strike be-
ginning soon than with the actual College cress service The arrests and final clearance; ble.gv po ahaigcm.
Judy Lempert, '69, a member of number of strikers as long as Militant student protests rocked of the center took over 10 hours, mittee investigating charges of
the tenure committee, said they there was a sufficient support. several U.S. and Canadian uni- and before the process ended racism against a biology professor
were "using the names of these Janet Handy, Grad, a member versities yesterday in an unpre- ' made by six blacks.r
people, with their approval, to! of the rent strike steering com- cedented rash of demonstrations students. had smashed over anil- They took over. the computer
focus student attention on prob- mittee said she mt with tenants and arrests. lion dollars worth of computers, center and five days later were
An ad hoc committee which lems of tenure decisions." from Albert Terrace and t h e y A two-week-old occupation at set fire to the ninth floor of the backed up by another 200 whites
seeks to win tenure for Professors "We will try to concentrate on want to begin. "They want to Sir George Williams University in school's hall building and destroy- who seized the school's faculty
Tom Mayer and Julien Gendell wider issues than the individual know if there will be a strike and Montreal ended violently yester- ed a complete set of the school's .club.
met last night and set up an in- cases," she said. if there is safety in numbers day after police arrested 79 stu- academic records. Over the weekend, it appeared
formal - committee structure to Told of the meeting Mayer said they feel safe enough with the dents--blacks and whites--in the The occupation began two weeks as if agreement might be reached
work on related projects last night, "I am not an initiator present total." school's computer center. ago after students, primarily in the dispute. The administration
The students there, attracted and I don't want to be mistaken agreed to repudiate, the hearing
by leaflets from the "Ad Hoc for an initiator." committe and set another one in
7 . Its place that would be agreeable
Committee to Rehire Tom Mayer1 He said it has been his policy ton. 1V to both parties. But .this plan was
and Julien Gendell," set up four "cooperate with anyone who want- 1 , rejected early yesterday morning
committees to organize leafletting. ed to take action on the case" but b h aut h aoe oe
dorm canvassing and guerrilla he would not attempt to start any militant stand against the occu-
theatre, and to conduct research such action. 'V iuvt1 v o l ntee m'1 lantagaist tIhe.
on the tenure issue. Miss Lempert said that the ac- At 4:30 a.m., the students seized
Mayer of the sociology depart- ion to be discussed at the meet- the hall and barricaded its en-
ment and Gendell of the chem- ing would include an attempt to By FRED S. HOFFMAN One Pentagon study has calcu- of unemployed in January totaled trances, exits and escalators. The
istry department were both denied parallel the evaluation of the two WASHINGTON () - Presi- lated it would cost as much as 2.9 million. police were called in immediately
* tenure earlier this year. men that was made by the faculty. dent Nixon may find he can't $17 billion more a year to support Pentagon officials forecast it and fought an hour's pitched

Gendell appeared at the meeting In carrying ottei ciutnhaeposeiy n nhl-ouneirrea tepe-itamwrwilctiayaotnoe pwthbtleaans ienoe adbr
and spoke to the 4eapeopletheretenure cases Miss Lempert said teer military force at the same level if unemployment fell as low a fresh set of findings to guide ricades. They finally drove the
"You should not look at this as the committee would work "as time. as 4 p r cent of the national work a special commission Nixon is ex- students back to the computer
"Yousoldc otn loo a my as gthe-mtt eols ws s This is the opinion of experts force. pected to appoint to develop what center and as Montreal's riot squad
darcotmfict betwen me"h s and"md 'through-te-chnnel astgosi- citing past government studies The Labor Department's latest the White House has. described as moved-in, the students set fire to
departet," he said, "hish i a be"ndry nt toatago which concluded it costs too much job report, issued Tuesday, show- "a detailed plan of action for the baricades and took axes to
fight of all of us who share a cer- the department. { to attract enough volunteers for ed unemployment at 3.3 per cent, ending the draft." the computers.
tamn perspective on how the Uni- "We have to work with them," the armed forces when there are seasonally adjusted, matching De- Authorities acknowledged-it will In mid-afternoon, the students
versity should be run." she said. plenty of civilian jobs available. cember's 15-year low. The number be difficult to plow new ground were driven out by the combina-
- -------not already examinsd thoroughly tion of police and smoke. 79 were
TO FAN Ain two major efforts in the. past arrested and charged with arson,
TO OFFER AN ALTERNATIVE three years to find an alternative willful damage to piopeity, re-
to the drafting of young men to sisting arrest, assault and a host
serve in the armed forces. of other arges.asutadahs
President Lyndon B. Johnson
-eore t Cnres nMac At the University of Chicago,
1967 that "we cannot realistically tion of the administration build-
expect to meet our present com- ing. A boycott of social science
y CHARLES SILKOWITZ chasing shares. With the capital gained simple rate of nine per cent. This is a mtments or our futur2 require- classes appeared not too effective,
An alternative to borrowing from Ann through these purchases, the union would considerable savings to our members."' cuielewitlaing on volunteeis- but students had to push their way
Arbor's commercial banks might become lend out money to share holders at the The Employe's Credit Union offers ad- Johnson spoke of surveys which through pickets to -attend classes.
a reality next year if the aims of a new discretion of a credit committee. ditional benefits to its members such as he said disclosed that two out of The strike has been called again
Student Government Council committee Students will sit on a board of directors, charging the same rate on the same type every five enlistees in the years for today. At issue are the hiring-
are realized, which will establish policies and goals, of loan to every member and cancelling befor the Vietnam buildup were firing policies of the admiistra-
A m nw S 'and on a supervisory committee. As the loans in case of death. On regular savings. motivated to sign up because tion.
a cmitteeto st t asbiit o institution gains sophistication with time, dividends are paid and a bonus payment they faced the threat of the draft. Moe than 500black students aeg
organizing a Student Credit Union a professional staff would have to be hired was declared last year. .He referred here to a special Benalley ae College in
orgaizig a tudnt redi Unon.nationwide survey by the Census Itta Bena, Miss, have taken over
Te union's majo proponent Gene order to insure a smooth operation. Smith hopes to offer checking services Bureau which questioned veterans the school gymn, vowing not to
The proposed credit union will be model- to members of the student union. But , v - leave until their demands are met.

Iget hearings

three items slated for addi-
tional funding _ which were not
. cut in the governor's b u d g e t
- increased enrollment in
the dental school;
- increased enrollment at
Flint College;
- operating costs of the
three newly completed build-
ings constructed with state
funds - Medical Science II,
the extension of the general
library and the new dental
school building.
University officials will also
describe what they consider are
"urgently nseded program
needs," Ross says. The Uni-
versity requested funds for over
30 new programs, but these
were omitted from the gover-
nor's request.
Ross complains about the

apparent unwillingness of th^
state to provide funds for new
programs. "A great university
just can't stand still without
going downhill," he says.
Discussion at today's budget
hearing will also center on Gov.
Milliken's claim that the Uni-
versity will have a $1.7 million
surplus at the end of the cur-
rent fiscal year.
University officials say this
money is needed to cover oper-
ations in the beginning of July.q
the period following expiration
of. the old state appropriations,
but preceding the new one.
Tomorrow. the hearing will
deal with the problems of the.,
Medical School. The governor
cut $1 million f r o m the
school's appropriation request,
money University officials had
hoped to use largely for in-
creased faculty salaries,

Appointment o
Regents asked
Governor to make selection
timidei proposed amncdment
State Senator Gilbert Bursley (R-Aun Arbor) proposed
a constitutional amendilent yesterday that would change
j the method of selection of the Regents from state-wide elec-
tions to gubernatorial appointments.
The plan provides that seats on the governing boards of
the state's three Mnajor universities be filled by appointment
by the governor with the advice and consent'of the Senate.
This change would affect the Regents here, the Board of
Governors of Wayne State University and the Board of
Trustees of Michigan.State University.
However, Bursley said the amendment would not affect
any elections until 1972. The motion requires approval of
two-thirds of the State Senate - - --
and House separately and
then must be approved by the! r V

voters in the state.t
The next state-wide election
isn't until fall, 1970, when all
three boards will be electing new
The next election after that is
in fall, 1972.j
Because of this delay, Bursley
said, "this motion is removed from
all immediate political implica-
However, the idea first came in!
reaction to the Democratic sweep
of state education board posts last
November, when all six open seats
were filled by Democrats in -the
wake of Hubert Humphrey's cap-!
ture of the state in the presiden-
'tial race.
Rep. William Weber (R-Kala-
mazoo) announced earlier this
month that he was seeking a
change, like the one Bursley has
Bursley cited reasons similar to
Weber's as justification for the
new method of selection.
"The ballot is much too lengthy
already," Bursley said, and since
there was not much public in-
terest in the Regents and other
edccation board positions, these
elections lacked "the voter selec-
tivity and appraisal that other po-
sitions receive.'
Bursley also said the current
system tends to discourage good
people who might otherwise serve
on the governing boards from
running at all.
"It is humiliating and expensive!
experience to run for these seats.
For an educator or businessman
to seek the nomination and then
campaign is inappropriate," he
"We may get good people as is,"
he pointed out, "but we also miss
some very qualified people this
way. -
Bursley emphasized that his mo-
tion was in no way a reflection on
the "present personalities in of-
fice, or an implication of dissat-
isfaction with them,"
"I've always felt it was in the

" .
police use
LANSING (P) -~ Gov. William
Milliken vowed yesterday to use
state troopers and "other means
indicated" if university authorities
in Michigan request assistance in
quelling campus disturbances.
"I'm concerned about the direc-
tion of some student movements,"
Milliken said at a press confer-
"I believe and believe very deep-
ly in the principle of dissent. But
when those who are involved in
activities seek as their objective
to stop orderly procedures, then
they have gone too far," he de-
Milliken called it regrettable
when Michigan State University
President John Hannah required a
police escort because of campus
unrest. However, he said, "I sup-
port entirely the approach which
President Hannah has taken and
is taking."
Milliken said State Police are
"very close to the problem," add-
ing that authorities have identi-
fied out-of-state persons as mem-
bers of protest groups recently ac-
tive on the MSU campus.,
Milliken also said at his press
conference that Dr. Leroy Augen-
stein's proposed method of financ-
ing education represents a "sub-
stantial change from anything we
have now" and requires careful
Dr. Augenstein's proposal sug-
gests that the state provide state
money for the education of stu-
dents in parochial schools.
The proposal, says Augenstein,
has been checked for constitution-
ality by five attorneys and h a s
aroused enthusiastic interest
among sectors of the private coin-
munity as well as legislators.
Under Augenstein's proposal,

each child receives a vouches, re-
.1I}i-deemrable at any school meetinig
S tudents lan specified criteria. This system is
aimed at facing up to "crucial
B ad problems in education."
iaf an aidVouchers would go to each
child of school age, and would be
Yesterday it was announced { redeemabledat schools following
Yestrdayit ws anouncd jthe specifiedcrtia
that there will be' a meeting Feb. h certificati of the teacher,
13 in room 3516 of the Student
Activities Building for all Univer- crf th ihool y an nronriate

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