eewis, Diminutive Star Of Forward
Wall To Attempt Repetition Of
Role That Made Him Famous
By Henry
Flat denial that the 21st annual
Michigan Union opera, "Front Page
Stuff," is a poor show was issued
ificially last night by the chairman
f the publicity committee for the
pera to a Daily reporter. No one
iad said that it was a poor show, it
night be added, but it was deemed
est to consult with an unbiased au-
hority. Judging by the fact that
early all of the tickets have been
old for the performance this after-
oon it sams that the public generally
grees'with the chairman. This will
ae the eighth performance of "Front
Page Stuff" in Ann Arbor.
Secret practice for the J-Hop pres-
otation has been held all week be- -
And closed doors, and it is rumored --
hat Coach Shuter has been giving
is men a number of new plays.
Iumore emanating from the Wolverine
amp indicate that there will be both I
ong and dance numbers, besides a
umber of dialogue formations, in the
ramatic attack this afternoon.
Lewis Is Star
Carrying the brunt of the terpsich-j
rean work will be William Lewis, Jr.,
9, diminutive star of the Michigan
f /
aS '
Lombardo ,Goldkette, And Roommate
Refuse To Divulge Any Facts
Of Importance To Him
Finishing touches were put on
the decorations for the Hop at
9:30 o'clock tonight after four
days work. The decorations,
done in a medieval motif, requir-
ed 18,000 yards of cloth, 50
statuettes of knights in armor
and hundreds of halberds, pikes,
shields, ancient weapons, and
Fifteen Men Complete Four Months
Of Work In Preparation For
Niight's Gaiety
rward wall.' Critics throughout the devices. Seven thousand yards IBy Kernel
ast acclaimed him as one of the of gold cloth, 7,000 yards of red, Fifteen J-lop committee members
eatest college stars since the days and 14,000 yards of blue, entered
the Wolverine "Mike" Ames. Fol- into the decoration of the walls confessed nder cross-examisaiioaaat
wers of the squad would not be at around the booths. 11:55 tonight that they had planned
1 surprised if he should attempt Among the features of the dec- the party weeks in advance. When
icalization also, seldom met on col- orations are the four pictures confronted by a Daily investigator,
ge stages. that hasg in different parts of who had known about it all along, they
Besides being the principal threat the two ball-rooms. These rep- admitted that even the most detailed
the deceptive Michigan plot, Lewis resent incidents in romantic life, arrangements were fixed ahead of
an accomplished pianist, having and make a romantic cycle, the time.
ored heavily with this ability in pre- first representing the courtship, The chain of evidence was made
ons contests. the second, the elopement, the complete tonight by accident while the
third, the marriage, and the 1-.
Russell Gohring, '27, will play op- th ,Hop was still in its adolescent stages.
site Lewis as the other half of the fourth, the wedding feat. ea. Seeing a gentleman with a blue rib-
o leading characters. Given good pictures, paited by artists of the bon around his neck, the writer said,
ipport Gohring can not help but Detroit Arts and Crafts studio, "Ah, Senator Sims of Seattle.' A
sunt heavily in the success of the whics is handling the detrs- cold look. "You insult me," he said,
alo and Blue. Many of Michigan's fons, are done on transparent "I am a committeeman."
,sizcloth Bsid.arenshofnMissigon'sc-
st points have been scored by his clothyand-eghosneinbdr It's a scandal either way,' I said.
fility as a vocalist, and this wsll be lifbIlo-igt eid
alty as calistpem an e ths bs Early arrivals may have been Continuing my investigation, I found
s last performance. He has been alarmed and may have feared that there were 15 men on the alleged
.o mainstay of the team for three the work of fire-bugs to prevent committee. All of them were elected
ars,' having twice headed the squad the Hop from taking place when by the junior classes and most of them
leading man. His loss will deal a they saw men roaming around are juniors. When accused, none de-
avy blow to the Wolverines next nonchalantly touching matches nsed the allegations. Revelations
ar. to the decorations, but these show that Thomas Winter was chair-
Besides the two satellites a number were simply fire inspectors test- mon of the group, the same man who
scarcely lesser figures deserve men- ing the fire-proof quality of the led the grand march.
on. Dick Lutes, '23, who bears the matefials in accordance with a Evidence points to Warren Wood as
unt of the comedy work, is a great University ruling. the man who had charge of the music.
ctor in the locals' successes, and The lack of luster in some of Bids were received from 25 orchestras
chard Woellhaf, '27Ed., Donald the materials used may have led in every part of the United States,
yons, Grad., Robert Graham, '29, and people to conclude that the ma- Canada, and Siam.
ank Strachan, '27, have all contrib- terial was not new. The luster All funds for the event have been in
ed their share to the work of the was taken from the material charge of Myrle St. Aubin, it is dis-
am. when it was treated with fire- closed. The budget this year is the
Shuter Is Coach proofing liquid. same as previously, the price of the
E. Mortimer Shuter, Michigan's tickets being raised to offset the loss
amatic coach, has again had charge - ---- --- --from booth charges . Marion Hodgson
the production and is known in had charge of the tickets, receiving
ofessional circles as one of the Celeb riis U nable 10,000 requests for passes.
aftiest tutors in the game. Opera ToA p ar A H p The only other sub-cominitteee was
equenters throughout the country .O A a HlOp that on invitations of which Henry
tve respect for Mr. Shuter's ability, Grinnell was leader. Eighty-two mem-
ad during the Christmas holidays he Several celebrities were unable to bers of the faculty were invited. Grin-
nually leads his men on a barn- nell denies that he is planning to take
orming tour of the leading cities of appear at the scene of the festivities courses from all of these and says
e East and Middle West. This year tonight, according to last minute r- the grades are all in.
'cities, Involving ,000 miles of ports. Greta Garbo, who was to havetaegdsaralin
aveling, wereoen the tour and the chaperoned the faculty booth, was Throughout the evening a mysteri-
iutermen emerged with laurels from detained, althugh the faculty was al- ous woman had been trailing me, and
ereno er lowed to attdnchaperoned. I felt that the guilty committeeman
,ery encounter. moe oatn ucaeoe. nay have planned some violence for
Milton Peterson, Grad., has played a The Prince of Wales also found it ny fearless disclosures. I turned o r
rge part in organizing the Michigan impossible to attend, much to them yer and demanded "Who are you?"
tack, having written the book, and chagrin of the few who had not yet "Don't you remember me?" she sob-
rain Norton, '27, as a double threat danced with him and who, therefore, D"I'm the girl you brought e this
the cast, is a factor also in the fre- were robbed of the pleasure of being bed," "
ency with which the Wolverines featured on the rotogravure sections party.
ye emerged on the long end of the of their home towns papers as "one "Oh yes, sure, I remember, " I said.
era score. of the girls." "Well, let's go home."
77 1ly Jo It. Chamberlin
The hard-boiled city editor having
l t sarcastically informed me that wheth-
er or not I wanted to write up the
Hop had utterly nothing to do with
the matter, I meekly borrowed a tux,
fixed it with pins until it was practi-
cally perfect, hired Dave's Heated
Sedan and crashed the gate, pencil in
The slate-faced gentleman at the
door was rude but effective in the way
lie handled representatives of the
press. I picked myself up and showed
him my badge. "Barbarian," I mat-
tered (to myself).
LD VIEW IT Inside, acres and acres of gleaming
--- -- shirt fronts met my eye but grasping
namy Phi Bete key firmly, I determined
WELCOME 10 J- HOP GUESTS to "get the story." I approached a
blue ribbon with a gentleman fastened
We who are members of the to it. "Pardon the familiarity," I
Junior classes take this oppor_ shouted above the din, "but there
tunity to bid a hearty welcome seems to be a hop going on here."
to you, our guests, at the annual "Don't shout, I can hear you with my
J-Hop of nineteen twenty-eight. - Morley phone," he beamed. I left
This occasion which marks him standing there.
what is considered Michigan's Lombardo Is Unongenial
premier social event, and to Guy Lombardo looked rather con-
which all of us have looked for- genial. I waited until he was through
ward with keen anticipation dur- with one piece but before I could say
ing the past months, brings to a aanything he started them up again.
close the scholastic efforts of the I saw that I would have to use journ-
first semester. In this brief per- alistic strategy if I was to satisfy the
iod of respite and play it is our city ed. so I hit him with a spear. "I
chief desire that everyone will say, there seems to be a hop going on
enter into the carefree spirit here," I said hopefully. He looked me
proper to a function of this over and growled to the instruments
nature. with the musicians between them,
We appreciate your presence pointed his finger at me and said,
and sincerely hope that your stay "The worst number of the evening."
in Ann Arbor will be a most en- The image of the city editor waiting
joyable one, and that you will:c
carry away with you the pleas- for me at the office gave me new
antestnienaories of a hap-ytinae. strength. I went up to one of Gold-
CHARLES B. GILBERTi. kette's men. "You seem to have a
President of the Junior flute there," I remarked. He arched
Literary class, his eyebrows and went on fluting. This
WAYNE G. COWELL was getting discouraging. I never
President of the Junior had any trouble getting blah for the
Engineering class. sport page. These social events were
the .... across the floor was the room-
mate. He would give me all the dope,
being on the committee. I got these
Daily W ill Publish answers-"No, you can't have a dance,
isn't this costing me about ten dollars
Second J-Hop Extra an hour? No, I don't know where the
manager is nor who he is, Who care
a whoop anyway?", he laughed over
The Daily will publish a second J- his shoulder and "hop-ped" across the
Hop extra tomorrow morning, if the floor.
editor gets around to it, -which will Crawls Out Window
contain a picture of the grand march, Just as I was crawling out the win-
two reviews of the Hop, one by "Silent dow I thought of the city ed. again.
.bOh, well, I thought, while I'm here
Cal" and tha other ly a staff writer I might as well "get the story." I
on special features of the occasion, started to interview John Goldkette
including comment on gowns worn himself. "What do you think of Ann
and all that. Arbor's new water system?", I
Copies of this edition will be de- queried. Gaining no attention I fur-
livered to house parties before break- ther asked him, "Are you favorable
fast. Those who have not yet ordered on the French debt settlement? Are
copies may do so by calling 21214 be- you one of the four out of every five
fore 7 o'clock this morning. who have it? Do you know our Mr.
O'Brien of this city?" He picked up
a wicked looking instrument. As
M ain Stairway to gracefully as possible under such em-
Us-r barrassing circumstances, I retired.
by G Well, at 11:15 I went back to the
office to face the music. The city edi-
Alt girls attending the Hop are re- for met me at the door and escorted
quested to use the stairway near the ne upstairs. I sat down at a machine
and being primarily a sports writer
passageway between Waterman and began "After trailing their Hop op-
Barbour gymnasiums at the conclu- ponents for three quarters, and out-
ion of the dance. Upon obtaining their weighed ten pounds to a man, the
wraps, they are asked to go up the Wolverines ......" I got no further.
main stairway of Barbour gymnasium What the city editor didn't do to me
to the corridor on North University isn't worth mentioning nor what was
avenuie,nhere they will be met by left of me worth picking up.
thaeir escorts. And that's my story