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February 12, 1927 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-02-12

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0144 Iffdrigan Uai ,,--m.-
J. H. CHAMBERLIN 1A ROL Music and Drama
- - - -- - - - - - .......... _..-G R E T A
Assistants GARBO
N. J. Smith, Morton Icove, Melford HERE
Vanik, Harvey Gunderson, Henry
Thurnau, Robert Gessner, Joseph This is the anniversary of the birth-
Brunswick, Paul Kern, Archie Robin- day of Abraham Lincoln, founder of THIS AFTERNOON: The Mimes of
son, Calvin Patterson, Smith H. Cady. the Solid South of the Democratic the Michigan Union present their
BUSINESS MANAGER party. twenty-first annual opera "Front Page
GEORGE H. ANNAtLE, JR. ** Stuff" in the Whitney theater at 2:15
GERGHANALE _J. If Lincoln had not made the lo o'clock.
Assistants cabin popular, how could you get any- * * *
Thomas E. Sunderland, Edward one to go to a big party like this in a FOR YOUR PLEASURE
Hulse, Ray Wachter, William Spencer, barn like Waterman-BarbourI The Mimes present "Front Page
Harold Utley, Richard Meyers, Doug- Stuff" at the Whitney theater this
las Fuller, Christopher Peters. Lincoln saved the Union, and now afternoon after a singularly success-
--_- ----- what we need is someone to save that
Union of ours from debt and the co- ful season on the road. Seven Pere
eds. formances of that production were
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 197 given to capacity audiences in Ann
SATURDAY,_EBRUARY_ 2 1927_*_*_*Arbor, and fifteen performances on
-- --- - -Just as this country has a govern- tour during Christmas vacation. A
ON WITH THE DANCE ment of the people, by the people, for
Once a year the opportunity comes the people, so is the Hop, as usual,
when The Daily, usually impersonal, of the juniors, by the professional
can step out of its shoes, bid the decorators, for the seniors, sopho-
merrymakers welcome and the gloom- mores, freshman and juniors, to say
ists goodbye. The J-Hop arrives quite nothing of alumni and faculty.
obviously but once a year, when
exams and the D's and E's have been I
forgotten and the new semester's ter- BULLETIN
rors are too far off to be thought Greta Garbo is attending the
sabout. Hop incognito. Miss Garbo is ~ ~ . .'
J-Hop time is unique. It is the one chaperone of the patrons booth..
University function attended by guests }
from all corners of the country. For * * $
the visitors we have no stiff and for- ye Hoppe of ye olden BAYES
mal welcome, for the members of the Ring ARTHUR'S court five da. from
University we have neither advice nor Whitsuntide -KRyghtes and faire
warning. We only hope the J-Hop ladyes thronged the Court of king
gusests will have an enjoyable time Arthur tonight in merrie Festifytes,
while they are here-as pleasant a celebrating the Return of the Knyghts
time as we will have in being host. On from Battle bolde, in Which th
'ith the dance! Slewe the Dragon Xaminatios Finalia.
Xam, as the Dragon was knowne to
BEHOLD THE ENTERTAINERS the Countryfolk, has caused great
The blare and ballyhoo of the cir- Trouble for Many Years, beyng the
cs, the bands with their red and gold CaouslethtosnMany erngthe
uniforms marching before the cages ofr that sent many Kghts hom
wild animals, the calliopes at the before Thethdfethedebleece
sideshows demanding attention to the boe They had reached their Goal.
bearded lady and the man with wire- Some nyghts spent almost four
ardteadyandteoreanveryitgryears on the Trail of the Fleece, be-
hair, the bands before every ring, fore they were killed or wounded by William 1. Lewis, Jr.
emphasizing with their tempo and*
their crescendoes important and thrill- thys Monster. Leading lady of "Front Page Stuff"
ing parts of the performance, all these FREE MOVIES complete production that is unique
are tributes to the power of music We can't figure why the committee in college operas is assured the
over us. And when the army goes thought they had to supply cartoons patrons.
on the field they are led by regimental on the movie screen for the patrons In addition to the opera, Mimes are
bands, with brasses and drums pre- when there was so much animated presenting two of the comedies of
dominating-another tribute to the comedy going on the floor in front of George Bernard Shaw, "The Mas of
power of rhythm.thm
'Tonightythere are three orchestras them. *Destiny" and "Annajjanska, the Bol-
for your pleasure-Gene Goldkettes', shevik Empress" in the Mimes theater
ith snappy tunes and rhythmic Perhaps the idea as t the begiing next Tuesday night and
wh sny Flether Hendersons, with patrons would find less to criticize in continuing through Friday night with
blues and jazz, and the Royal Cana-the actions of the screen characters. four performances. Both plays are
dians, with comic songs and specialty one good thing about it, the poor n rehearsal.
numbers. May you find in them all Ongodtigautthepra
thearetesofaynyertindentthemate guy who took his roommate's recom - "LAFF THAT OFF"
the varieties of entertanment to cater mendation for a blind date can enjoy A review, y Vincent Wall
to the happiness the J-Hop promises, a good movie for fifty bucks, anyway.
A Y WOn Monday and Tuesday evenings
AND BY THE WAY--- H * U* N of this week, Mr. Earl Carrol, gentle-
Far be it from us to cast gloom ADD J-HOP REGULATIONS man of the revues, presented "Lag
over the Hop. That would be the last No man who arranged to trade a That Off" in the Whitney theater
thing on earth we would even think dance with a fraterity rother with the original New York cast-for
of doing. Ghastly even to think about out seeing the girl will be permitted the first time in the history of the
it. But have you forgotten that it is to swipe one of the Knights' spears to hinterland. The result of Mr. Carrol's
is just two days before the new se- do battle if she happens to harmonize philanthropy was as entertaining pro-
mester begins? That midsemesters with the Medieval settings. duction, exceedingly well done. But
are only eight weeks away and thate* * as a comedy, "Laff That Off" is noth-
the finals are only a matter of four STYLE NOTE ing to brag about; the lines are not
months' time? Will they catch you The armored knights on exhibition racy, clever aphorisms might be ex-
unawares? are advanced showings of collegiate pected, and the situations arising from
The short respite now offered is a clothes for next Fall, when theater three young bachelors taking an un-
golden opportunity for advance study- "rushes" and cops' clubs will be pop- known actress into their apartmentt
ing for next semester. Now is the ular again, were unnatural and innocuous; they
chance to assure yourself of those * * even managed to keep the show clean!
A's. The girl you brought to the Hop THE B. AND G. HOP The whole question that evolves is
will probably be glad of a rest. If ANN ARBOR, Feb. 11.-The climax whether it is better to present a poor :
you haven't sold them all to go to the of the University social season arrived play done by an exceptional cast or a -
Hop, those books are probably waiting tonight, and so did President Coolidge. good one done by a mediocre company.
for you now. Or did you bring one Set in the massive palace-like Second- "Laff That Off" seems to indicate the
along with you to study between floor study hall of the Library, with former solution is the more practical.
dances? If you did-well, its ghastly bright colored hidden flood lights and Even granting that the show is un-
even to think about it. two massive paintings in the huge possible, thi characters were so uni-
archways at either end of the room, formly well dose that an entirely sat-
HOP HOP HOORAY the first annual B. and G. Hop went isfactory performance was given, al-
One of the finest features about the down in history this morning. though the audience could hardly help
Hop is the fact its guests come from President and Mrs. Coolidge were syoghthe aince si hd help
all parts of the country . While they present as patrons, having come di- sympathizing with the strais of put-
are here they often get a somewhat rectly from Washington for the oc- ing across a show with so little sub-
. __ _ ..cfa nn Ar d in th i alu v

false impression of University social casion. Their trip was kept a secret dcsir te.dsioncetnee i sgoid a
life . We merely take the opportunity even from the White House Spokes- desire to do violence when a goodl as
of maintaining stoutly that we do man.isabyha ador.,Cat is pap.
study sometimes, and that while the Music was supplied by the B. and advisable to adopt Mr. Carrols plan.
Hop comes but once a year, "eight G. department's own orchestra ,the As has been before remarked, the
o'clocks" show up every day. one that entertains the men while cast is without exceptios one of the
A WEG TOP SS thsey are at work. The orchestra wasbetheWiny asvrhoed
AS WE GO TO PRESS cleverly hidden behindothe circular and for this reason it is difficult to
The make-up man has tartly in- desk which ordinarily hides the li- distribute the well merited praise that
forsed us that we need two more brary attendants in the room. isd Remorse, y
inches to fill the column so here is the Refreshments were served at the eice Oliver was perhaps the best
effort that will fill the two inches. character work, with "Mopopus"
Most gentlemen are at the J-Hop this nSaie wassodskow thesandwhe (Pauline Drake) also excellently done.
evening; but far be it from us to be- tasted as if they had been toasted, and William Cargan and Marion Wells as
moan the fact that we have escaped. the ice cream was served as punch. the leads really drew the dumb parts,
Nearly everyone else is home in bed or Environment wiis, Professor Shusl. but they were as human as possible
at the event of events, but we who with the lines that were given them.
modestly admit that we are public Norval Keedwell, Hattie Foley and
spirited prepare this newspaper in or- "Taxi, sir!" is the signal that brings Jack Mathews completed the company.
der that the momentous events of the you back from 'tedieval England to
evening may be fittingly chronicled. Mercenary Ann Arbor. The two plays given by Mimes
The dime you pay for this paper in the Mimes theater next week will
scarcely covers the cost of packing Patrons will be shown "Reograms" be the first of a series which will con-
and mailing, not to mention our huge of the Hop on that movie screen, in tinue throughout the second semester.
salaries, but nevertheless, as we go to order that they may describe it to the Several productions with campus plots
press, the two inches have been filled their next door negihbors. and characters are planned for later
and the J-Hop extra is-Complete. Timothy Hay. in the season.

To Those of You Who Are
Not Having a House Party
There are perhaps a good many of
those attending the Junior Hop who
are not attending a house party on Sat-
urday night.
If you are one of them-we have
an announcement which will interest
you. There will be a big "gala time"
at Granger's Academy on Saturday
evening. Dancing from nine to twelve.



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