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February 12, 1978 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1978-02-12

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Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 111 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, February 12, 1978 Ten Cents -*10 Pages Plus Supplement

Carter orders aid
to ease coal crisis

WASHINGTON (UPI) - President
Carter, warning even greater hardship
may be ahead before the 69-day coal
miners' strike is settled, ordered
emergency measures yesterday to keep
energy flowing to Ohio and other hard-
pressed states.
Noting that some electric utilities
have reduced power to industrial
customers, the president said "more
such cutbacks will follow even if the
strike is settled soon, and employment
impacts will be felt shortly."..
CARTER instructed Energy Secre-
tary James Schlesinger to plan the
emergency movement of coal in event
it is needed and to continue efforts to
shift electrical power from non-affected
areas to those running short of coal.
The coal strike, the longest ever by
the United Mine Workers (UMW), went
into its 69th day today and could con-
tinue well into next month. UMW
representatives unofficially voted
Friday to reject a contract that in-
cludes an average $10.25 hourly wage.
"Those in areas most affected by the
An old campus tradition was re-
vived this weekend, as some 5500
people flocked to the usually quiet
Michigan Union to celebrate Ann
Arbor's owiversion of Mardi Gras -
Once, Michigras meant a whirl-
wind of parades. The campus came
to resemble a fairground, with ferris
wheels, roller coasters and side
See NEW, Page 7

strike have already made great
sacrifices," the president said in a
statement announcing instructions to
his Cabinet to meet the coal s'ipply
problem. "Before'the strike is over, and
for several weeks thereafter until the
normal flow of coal is restored, even
greater hardship will occur."
THE STATES with power companies
facing the most critical shortages of
stockpiled coal are Ohio, Tenessee, In-
diana and Pennsylvania, an Energy
Department spokesmarsaid.
Those states have utility companies
depending on coal stockpiles that had

dropped to as little as 21 days' supply as
of Feb. 4, said the spokesman, Frank
Kelly. The coal stockpiles will be re-
evaluated on Wednesday.
Kelly said the coal shortage is much
more serious than the stockpiles in-
dicate because coal at the bottom of the
stockpiles is wet and mixed with mud,
leaving some of it unsuitable for ef-
ficient burning.
Carter said federal air pollution stan-
dards are being relaxed in Ohio for 30
days so industries there can make more
efficient use of what little coal is left in
that state.

Anti-Nazi picketers
protest at bookstore

Special to The Daily
DETROIT - Picketers sporting
red arm bands, carrying mega-.
phones and waving signs demon-
strated in front of Detroit's contro-
versial Nazi bookstoreyesterday.
A small group of University of
Michigan students was on hand to
observe the confrontation between
leftist protesters and the white
supremacist bookstore operators.
Drawing some 200 people, the
demonstration was sponsored by the
International Socialist/W o r k e r s'
Power group, its youth affiliate, the
Red Tide, and the United Effort
against Fascism.
The store opened three months ago
and features mostly free literature
with a few priced items. "They claim
it's a bookstore but it appears to be
more of a political headquarters,"
said David Kelly,, one of the students
who went to the protest.
Since discovering the store's Nazi

orientation, the landlord has sought
to evict the group, but with no
About 15 policemen cleared awway
the demonstrators while 10 others
formed a barricade in front of the
swastika-draped storefront. Chant-
ing "We'll be back" and "Let's
march. Let's shout. Let's kick those
Nazis out," the protestors left in high
Larry Smith, who headed the
protest said, "We don't want fas-
cism. The only way they can be
beaten is to go up against like this.
We believe this is a successful
"BUT THEY were patting them-
selves on the. back while they
alienated the community," reacted
one student observer. "It had posi-
tive effects for the Nazis.'"
Some area residents and some
presumed Nazis shouted "Take your
See NAZI, Page 7

Doily Photo by ANDY FREEBERG
Michigan's Alan Hardy lays one in over Spartan Ron Charles as Michigan State forward Greg Kelser looks on. Kelser'sO
points and 12 rebounds were a decisive factor in yesterday's 73-62 State victory.
MSU ROLLS, 73-62:
State stamp1s out cager

As of yesterday afternoon, Michigan's on-again, off-
again run at the Big Ten championship is officially off-
But this time things could be permanent.
THE WOLVERINES' most intense conference rivals,
the Michigan State Spartans, came to Crisler Arena and did
the damage, handing the defending champs a 73-62
thrashing before a packed house that included up to a
thousand fans standing in the aisles.
Although it took the tenth-rated Spartans the better
part of forty minutes to do so, the MSU triumph did a whole
lot more than even the score between the two teams on the
For one, it'put State in the Big Ten driver's seat, alone
at the top with a 10-2 slate. For another, it left Michigan (7-

5) back in fourth place, a full three games back with only
six left.
AND FINALLY, it left Spartan Earvin Johnson with a
few more admirers, if not fans. MSU's 'Magic man did it all
for his team this time, and even the staunchest of the
Michigan rooters would have to agree.
A quick look at Johnson's stats tells the story. A game-
high 25 points (8-11 from the field and 9-10 from the line)
plus eight rebounds and six assists is a difficult force to
neutralize. Michigan's defensive specialist Tommy Staton
found that out, foulingout after covering Johnson for only
26 minutes..
"What can you do when the man you're guarding is the
hub of the offense," said Staton. "Once he gets going, he's a
helluva player to stop."
See SPARTANS, Page 9

Pressure on Griffin
to seek re-election

Novel program helps
smokers kick habit

LANSING (UPI)-There is growing
speculation that Sen. Robert Griffin, a
proven vote-getter with broad support
in state Republican ranks, may be
giving second thoughts to his

retirement plans.
A new round of talk was sparked
Friday when Gov. William Milliken,
who only weeks ago said he was
positive Griffin would step down, hinted
that he was no longer as sure as he was
earlier about Griffin's future.
MILLIKEN met privately with Grif-
fin in Washington Thursday, but the
governor would say only that he and
Griffin "discussed a whole range of
political matters."
Griffin, after losing the Senate GOP
leadership, announced last year he
would not seek re-election to the Senate.
Asked by reporters if he thinks Grif-
fin is reconsidering, Milliken would
only respond, "I don't know."
, WHEN ASKED if he supports efforts
to change Griffin's mind, the governor
said: "I'll have more to say on that
later" and refused further comment.
Sources close to Griffin and highly
placed in the state GOP concede he is
being pressured to run again. Some
party leaders fear the Republicans will
lose the seat to Democrats in the
November general election.
Three Republicans have announced
their intentions to run for the Senate
GOP nomination. They are Lt. Gov.
James Damman, Oakland County
Prosecutor L. Brooks Patterson and
Upper Peninsula Rep. Philip Ruppe, a
close friend of Griffin.

The small booth looks like a study
carrel in the Graduate Library with its
desk and chair, but that's where the
similarity stops.
~ Cigarette ads and pictures of cancer
victims plaster the walls, and the desk
top is littered with cigarette butts. This
room is where many smokers find their
long-desired escape from Tobacco
"In here, you're attacking all five
senses,"explained Don Powell, director
of Smoke Stoppers, Inc., a program of
the Institute of Behavior Change. "But
don't get the wrong idea-it's not meant
to be a scare tactic."
. NEVERTHELESS, the program's
use of aversion therapy to build
negative associations with cigarettes is
enough to get many smokers to kick the
hab it.
Powell trains his clients to become
more aware of his smoking habits by
Alaving them jot down a note each time
they light a cigarette.
"People say, 'I smoke all the time,'
but once they take note of their smoking
habits, you can really see patterns,"
Powell explained.
FROM THE note-taking, new
associations can be formed, Powell
said. For example, if a person smokes
after dinner while sitting in a favorite
chair, that chair becomes associated
with smoking.
Doily Photo by PETER SERLING "Smoking is a learned behavior,"
This cigarette butt-littered booth marks the' end of Tobacco Road for many Powell noted. "It's learned with certain
of those who enroll in the Institute of Behavior Chang's smoking withdrawal activities, like lighting a cigarette with
program. each cup of coffee."
At the beginning of the "interven-

tion" program, Powell classifies the
clients into six different "smoking per-
sonalities," with physical nicotine
cravers and those who smoke for
relaxation being the most common.
THE CLIENTS then begin five one-
hour sessions where new associations
with smoking are made.
"They learn about cigarette smoking
in a way they have never learned
before," Powell said.."Someone is over
the physical aspect within five days."
Participants are also taught to relax
and receive instruction in deep
breathing exercises to slow the heart
DURING intervention, Powell has
clients switch hands they normally
smoke with, change cigarette brands or
wait five minutes after an urge to light
a cigarette.
"You have to reconstruct the person
consciously and unconsciously to
change their emotional attitudes
toward cigarettes," Powell explained.
Maintenance programs are
established to help participants cope
with the possibility of slight weight
gains after breaking the habit, though
some actually shed a few pounds during
the course of the program. Clients are
also helped to curtail their taste for
POWELL BECAME interested in the
smoking syndrome five years ago when
he was a teaching assistant in the
University's psychology department's
behavior modification program. After
observing problems which students en-
countered in personal smoke-stopping
See SMOKERS, Page 10

-=== --...--
Sun day"=m
As a result of the federal
Freedom of Information Act,
much has been learned about
FBI activities on the University
campus. See story in the Sun-
day Magazine.
Cities face difficult choices in
dealing with the spread of
pornography and "adult" busi-
nesses. Ann Arbor City Council
now confronts the same dilem-
ma. See news analysis, page 2.
Egyptian President Anwar
Sadat met with an Israeli rep-
resentative during his current
travels. Peace hopes brighten.
See story, page 3.
Human rights in the USSR


Rivals probe Millen s record
By KEITH RICHBURG BIRCKLEY VOLUNTARILY stepped down from the THUS, THE MOST important element in t
A Daily News Analysis PaRCLE VLNTArI e fpaign that could make Milliken Michigan'sl

he cam-

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