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April 27, 1917 • Page Image 1

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE The only Jewish Publication in the State of Michigan Devoted to the Interests of the Jewish People DETROIT, MICH., APRIL 27, 1917 Vol. II. 46 11;0-14641 Ira 41 I ij mR1 Vatil IMPti "MI INA IN; LINA ** jval A.. No. 9 It I ‘q,1 "HELP US!" JEWS OF RUSSIA TO JEWS OF AMERICA LH Pt WE ARE FREE-But HUNGRY! —Courtesy. American Jewish Chronicle. ■ ;"• 11 644411FM "ArJ...!3A1 1 4 11,,v1.;"-,4111,1, ,i 01,0}11,Calkil...…

April 27, 1917 • Page Image 2

…2 THE JEWISH CHRONICLE BRKKHNNICHIMBRIM I HICXXXXIONIIINUM tri p•o• D 1 11 13 Cocktail Sets The Gorham Shop J Annual Sale Grape Fruit Sets of SILVERWARE SILVER PLATED WARE WATCHES AND CLOCKS Toast Racks Breakfast Warming Dishes Many Pieces for Additions to the Family Silver to make space for incoming lines of new merchandise ■ 110111110111111M111.1111111110 111111 The Saving Is About 40% Trays and Waiters THE A-1 MILD 10c CI...…

April 27, 1917 • Page Image 3

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE The only Jewish publication in the State of Michigan Devoted to the interests of the Jewish people Vol. II. No. I • 9 DETROIT, MICH., APRIL 27, 1917 $1.50 per Year Single Copies10 Cents Detroit Is United For Jewish War Relief Committees Join Hands To Raise Fund of $250,000. NATIONAL RELIEF CON- PROMINENT JEWS IN "BIG FERENCE PERFECTS PLANS DRIVE" FOR WAR RELIEF David A. Brown Elected General Director of "Whirlwi...…

April 27, 1917 • Page Image 4

…4i THE JEWISH CHRONICLE ten per cent. of all moneys • raised in certain states or cities. The following were the assessments levied: Alabama, $700,000;• Arizona, $4,000; Arkansas, $20,000, California, $700,000; Colorado, $70,000; Connecticut, $300,- 000; Delaware, $18,000; District of Co- lumbia, $80,000; Florida, $30,000; Geor- gia, $100,000; ;Idaho, $10.000. Illinois, $1,000,000; Indiana, $150,000; Iowa, $125,000; Kansas, $30,000; Ken- 'uc...…

April 27, 1917 • Page Image 5

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE Temple Beth El Elects Assistant Rabbi Samuel S. Mayerberg Will Assume Duties on September 1, 1917. At a special meeting of Congrega- tion Beth El, held last Monday eve- ning, it was unanimously voted to elect an assistant to Rabbi Franklin, the office being tendered to Rabbi Samuel S. Mayerberg for a term of two years beginning September 1st, 1917. The growth of the Congrega- tion has been such as to make an as- sistant...…

April 27, 1917 • Page Image 6

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE Lillamiminilminiiilinniminlimulimiminumuninummumimilimumilimmilinimaimim iimmimmiumuluminilimilimunimilimumiliiiiiiiimillmilimumilimiuminmimillmimmiumuninilinniummilim,. . 1 THE COMPLETE LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS AND AMOUNTS TO THE - - 4, WAR SUFFERERS' FUND FOR THE YEAR, 1916 f . - . . .„. - ..- ., . , _. _. _ . Submitted by Detroit Committee for the Relief of Jewish War Sufferers, David A. Brown, General Director I-. =:. .a. ...…

April 27, 1917 • Page Image 7

…■•• •+,...1.... ■ .••• •••••■•••••••••••....' SHE i1Wig1-1 CHRONICLE Address. Name. Amount. Name. Address. Frank, Louis J., 1413 Dime Bank Goldberg, Airs. ' J. I L , 167 Gratiot Alimulit. Bldg 200.00 Ave., 5.00 Frank, Meyer and Sidney, 26 Monroe 200.00 Goldberg, Julius, 1062 4th Ave 50.00 Frank & Steinberg, 16 Monroe Ave 1,000.00 Goldberg, Jude, 334 Adelaide 100.00 Frank Charles 100.00 Goldbum, W. IL, 310 Woodward Ave. 20.00 Frankel, S. R.,...…

April 27, 1917 • Page Image 8

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE ti Amount. `Name. Address. Kuttnauer, Mr. and Mrs. Louis, 114 25.00 Frederick . .. Kuttinauer, Mr. Milton, 94 Palmer 5.00 Ave. E. 5.00" Kuttnaier,. Milton, 452 Riopelle Lachman, Mrs. Simon, 153 Farns- 25.00 worth Ave. 200.00 Lachman, Simon, 36 Monroe 5.00 Lachman, Samuel, 36 Monroe 10.00 Ladies' Aid Society, Saginaw, Mich 10.00 Caffrey Bros., 247 Pacific Ave 25.00 Lambert, Mrs. B., 150 Hancock W Lambert, Ben and D. B., 4...…

April 27, 1917 • Page Image 9

…THE JEWISH CHRO .NICLE Address. Name. Amount. Address. Name. Amount. Name. Amount. Address. White, Chas. S., 612 Hammond Bldg. • 5.00 1.00 Sher''Israel It 1.00 Sugar, Victor H., 2155. Thayer Sherman, A., 1053...Hastings Wickes, W. J., Saginaw, Mien .. 25.00 10.00 Sugarman, M 9 322 Erskine 1.00 Wiekey, C. C., 91U Union Trust Bldg 2.UU 7 Cadillac Square Sherman, ,Wm. 2.00 Sulzberger, Mayer, 221 Delaware 50.0U %Vence, Bess 10.00 5.00 25.00 Sumet...…

April 27, 1917 • Page Image 10

…1,0 THE JEWISH CHRONICLE Jacob H. Schiff For Cultural Center in Palestine Makes Startling Announcement at Mass Meeting of Jewish Youth of America. NEW YORK.—At the first annual mass meeting of the League of the Jewish Youth of America, held last Sunday at the Century Theater, Mr. Jacob H. Schiff, who came to the meeting as a guest, but was prevailed upon to address the gathering, de- livered himself of some sentiments, running contrary to ...…

April 27, 1917 • Page Image 11

…11 THE JEWISH CHRONICLE Zangwill Returns to Zionist Movement Y. M. H. A. to Aid in Army Welfare Work Prospect of Fall of Palestine to Allies Decides Move— Was Territorialist Zionist. Israel Zangwill, the distinguished English author, has announced his re- turn to the Zionist movement, from which he has been alienated since 1905. At a meeting in London, held several days ago, Mr. Zangwill said that it was almost certain that, at the end of...…

April 27, 1917 • Page Image 12

…12 THE JEWISH CHRONICLE THE JEWISH CHRONICLE Issued Every Friday by the Jewish Chronicle Publishing Company. ANTON KAUFMAN - - - General Manager Michigan's Only Jewish Publication. Subscription in Advance $1.50 per year Offices 314 Peter Smith Bldg. Phones: Cherry 3381 and 1526 RABBI LEO M. FRANKLIN, - - Editorial Contributor The Jewish Chronicle invites correspondence on subjects of inter- est to the Jewish people, but disclaims r...…

April 27, 1917 • Page Image 13

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE 13 Congregational News TEMPLE BETH EL NOTES. SHAAREY ZEDEK. Sunday Services. The subject of Rabbi Franklin's sermon on Sunday morning at Tem- ple Beth El will be "Business as Usual." Confirmation Class. Beginning this week the Confirma- tion class will meet twice each week instead of once, as lireiofore. Rabbi Krass of BroOklyn to Occupy Pulpit of Temple Beth El on May 6. On Sunday morning, May 6th, the pulpit of the ...…

April 27, 1917 • Page Image 14

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE 14 PIWIIIIIIIIIIIIIMI13111111311111101111111111111111111111113111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111113111MMIUMMEMMINUMM1111111111111111111111111333111111[11 1111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111311111111111111111111111111 MIIIIIIIIIIIIMMUM111111111111111111111111113113111111 EMMIUMMIMMEEM2 _ r1' P • . . FA g INN MN ,- - .7 • . =-- Fe 0 C T y , . ... . . ...…

April 27, 1917 • Page Image 15

…15 THE JEWISH CHRONICLE Reading Cii"ilelti .ef at the iioilic Of 'Alt's. Fred gokng.eld this week. This is the first nie'eting of the club since early in latinary, the majority of the members 14ing spent the winter months at the v'arious southern resorts. .11Ir., and Airs. Max Polasky and 1,011IS and Norman, who have 1)(9'1 -spending the winter o n in southern California, ,are expected 14nite on May first, Or.. and, Mrs. A. Metzner and fam- ...…

April 27, 1917 • Page Image 16

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE 16 SOCIETY MARRIAGES The Young People's Society of the Shaarey Zedek Synagogue closed its social season last Sunday evening with a play and dance. The play, "BoX and Cox," was a charming trav- esty, in which but three .members of the society took part. Mr. Joshua Sarasohn was "Box," Mr. Louis \Vine, "Cox," and Jacob Fisher, "Mrs. Bouncer." A large and enthusiastic audience applauded the players and participated in the ...…

April 27, 1917 • Page Image 17

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE 17 The Jewish Woman DETROIT GIRL WINS LAURELS AS PIANISTE IN NEW ft YORK. Helen. Henschel Morris Is Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Morris of Pilgrim Avenue. 40- INCH JEWISH WOMEN OF NEW YORK OFFER SERVICES TO COUNTRY. NEW YORK.—The New York sec- tion of the Council of Jewish Women. through its secretary, Miss Sara X. Schottenfels, announced last Saturday the adoption of a resolution offering to co-operate with the N...…

April 27, 1917 • Page Image 18

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE 18 RE-ORGANIZED LOCAL COM- MITTEE OF CONGRESS MEETS MONDAY, MAY 7:• To Make Arrangements for Nomina- tion Convention May 15. In accordance with instructions re- ceived front the General Administra- tive Committee for an American Jew- ish Congress, the local Congress Com- mittee will be re-organized. The plan of re-organization provides that each society should be represented on the Congress Committee by two delegates e...…

April 27, 1917 • Page Image 19

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE 19 "We Are Free," Says Russian Jewish Bund Send Greetings to American Jewish Workmen—Will Fight for Jewish Identity The following is a substantial part of the text of a cablegram which, dur- ing the present week, was received in New York from the Central Commit- tee of the Bund, one of the most im- portant of the Russian revolutionary bodies whose membership consists ex- clusively of Jews: "Petrograd, April (1) 14. 'c...…

April 27, 1917 • Page Image 20

…▪ ▪ ▪ - , ▪ , mummuumummumilimmunummunnummummummuummumummiiilimmluimmuunummumniumummumumumninummunimummuunnunni YOURS IN HASTE CADILLAC CADILLAC 4s,004GER-s 3 0 1 Alrupt6, 3 0 1 TAXICABS TOURING CARS 41111 1 11111111111111111 11 111111111111M H HHHHIMM1111 1 1111 1 11111 11 111111111 11 11111 11 111 1 11111M O101. 111=11 gm. =IN Private Appearing Cars For All Occasions 262 RANDOLPH STREET ABE T. HERTZBERG General Manager Are Jew...…

April 20, 1917 • Page Image 1

…t ri r - .211001614:4.. -- 2 THE JEWISH CHRONICLE 4 14 Jr, The only Jewish Publication in the State of Michigan Devoted to the Interests of the Jewish People No. 8 DETROIT, MICH., APRIL 20, 1917 Vol. II. 4 14 errf ' . LNii Viallsiggill ;Dal .1R611 1Retil 1.1R1 1111'W ...e« "Ng « 4- 1 4 - L IMIPC.111 14- 1.11 « ISM! CA PPJ s• IIIJ „IA PI l! IJ 415; , j$Il .+ 0,o Establishing Jewish Communities in the Lar8er Cities of S...…

April 20, 1917 • Page Image 2

…2 THE JEWISH CHRONICLE Tax Free Investment to 1 0 % Yield Approximately The Newest Designs in Wedding Rings Hayes Manufacturing Co. OF DETROIT Manufacturers of Sheet Metal Goods T The Company have a large business, mostly with large Detroit manufacturers. They sell only on contract and receive cash in 10 days for their product. EARNINGS of the Company are large. They are at the rate of over 331 /3% on the total capital stock of the Com...…

April 20, 1917 • Page Image 3

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE The only Jewish publication in the State of Michigan Devoted to the interests of the Jewish people Vol. II. No. 8 DETROIT, MICH., APRIL li n lin ili l l111 111 I111111 11 111111 111 111111 111 111111 111 111111 111 1111111 11 1111111 11 1111111 11 1111111 111 111111 111 1111111 11 1111114 1 111111 11 111111 11 1111113 1 11133 1 1111 1;n ilim i 20, $1.50 per Year 1917 Single Copies10 Cents lIminumnn u m[ti n ut u n...…

April 20, 1917 • Page Image 4

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE 4 gradually was consuming all Europe. But the moment at last came when we were no longer left with any choice, when we were confronted with but the alternative of whether or not America, the great democracy of modern times, should submit the sovereignty of its people to the dictates of a government built upon class supremacy and abso- lutism. Had we done so, we should have contributed in a large measure to the extension ...…

April 20, 1917 • Page Image 5

…5 THE JEWISH CHRONICLE SHAME SHIRKERS INTO GIVING, SAYS JOINT DISTRIBU- TION COMMITTEE Demands That Wealthtj Jews Who Do Not Heed Call of Distress Be Ostracised From Comnnutittj Denouncing in the most vigorous lan- the war will make even more pressing guage those Jews who have not given than tormerly the need of succor for the aid to the suffering members of the race unfortunate Jews in every land. We in Europe, the leaders of Jewish war ...…

April 20, 1917 • Page Image 6

…6 THE JEWISH CHRONICLE PREPARE ii N I 1111 For the Spring and U II II Summer of 1917 111.11 111 11.11 II ■ YOU WILL FIND A COMPLETE LINE OF FASH- IONABLE CLOTHS FOR YOUR MEASURE AT U I 111.1111 III 11.111 a II II KRENZ, The Tailors II 11.11 III ■ 111 II II 24 JOHN R. AT BROADWAY : ALWAYS READY : MAIN 1136 moungsmounnunnumningnismennni: 111111111 1111111111111111 .111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111. Splendi...…

April 20, 1917 • Page Image 7

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE 7 Young Social Worker Interested Rosen- wald For Large Gift Jacob Billikopf Is Active Director of Campaign for Ten Million Dollar Relief Fund. (Special to Jewish Chronicle) Julius Rosenwald's magnanimous gift of 10 per cent. of the $10,000,000 Jewish War Relief Fund has made a tremen- dous impression in all Jewish quarters. The entire Jewish press responded with inspiring leaders. Orthodox and ' Re- formers, Zionists ...…

April 20, 1917 • Page Image 8

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE THE JEWISH CHRONICLE Issued Every Friday by the Jewish Chronicle Publishing Company. General Manager ANTON KAUFMAN Michigan's Only Jewish Publication. Subscription in Advance - - $1.50 per year Offices 314 Peter Smith Bldg. Phones: Cherry 3381 and 1526 RABBI LEO M. FRANKLIN, - Editorial Contributor The Jewish Chronicle invites correspondence on subjects of inter- est to the Jewish people, but disclaims responsi...…

April 20, 1917 • Page Image 9

…9 THE JEWISH CHRONICLE Congregational News TEMPLE BETH EL NOTES. SHAAREY ZEDEK. Student Day Services. Saturday morning services begin at 9 o'clock. Rabbi A. M. Hershman will deliver his weekly sermon, be- ginning at 10 o'clock. On Sunday morning of this week. April LW, the third _Annual Student Day Service will take place at Temple Beth El. On this occasion Jewish stu- dents of the University of Michigan, of the Ypsilanti State Normal S...…

April 20, 1917 • Page Image 10

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE 10 ,,,,,,,,,,,,, 111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIMI119111161111111111,1111111111111111111111111114 L.111111111311311111111111191111111111111 IlinnilintillIMIEMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMM1111119111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Mill111/11111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMMIIIIIMIMIIIIIIMEMIIIIIM1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111M3111111111111111111111111111...…

April 20, 1917 • Page Image 11

…▪ THE JEWISH CHRONICLE 17th, when Miss Fannie Sufinsky and Mr. Bernard Williams were united in marriage. The ceremony took place at the Hotel Cadillac, Rabbi Leo M. Franklin officiating, in the presence of forty guests. A charming arrange- ment of palms and pink roses formed a most effective setting for the bridal party. Miss Sufinsky's only attend- ant was her cousin, Miss Fannie Salk, who acted as maid of honor, Mr. Da- vid Williams, broth...…

April 20, 1917 • Page Image 12

…▪ THE JEWISH CHRONICLE 12 On Friday evening, April 20, Beta Chapter of Phi Sigma Epsilon held the first of a series of dancing par- ties at the Tuller Hotel. About fifty couples were present, and the guests wL:e at all times busy on the dance floor, whirling to the strains to such music as has been but rarely heard at events of that kind. The fra- ternity colors were everywhere in evi- dence and a huge electric emblem lighted, lent a specta...…

April 20, 1917 • Page Image 13

…13 THE JEWISH CHRONICLE CHARMING FAMILY GROUP HOCK Importer PRESENTING Visible expression of Idealized thought in MRS. NATHAN FRIEDMAN AND CHILDREN Mrs. J., Oppenheim and son, Aud- rey, who have been the guests of Miss Beatrice Oppenheim and Mrs. Her- bert Levey of Seward avenue, have returned to their home in Hartford, ich. Mrs. Max Cohn arrived home from New York on Sunday. An elaborate dinner was given by Miss Lillian Friedman in ho...…

April 20, 1917 • Page Image 14

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE 14 JEWISH WOMEN WILL PERFORM DUTY. (Continued from page 3) real patriots and noble women and that they will show by their work their ap- preciation for the liberties they enjoy in this free America. Let us all here as- sembled who may not be obliged to give tip her dearest possession, think of the women who will. Let us all think of our debt to our country, what we owe to our homes and the brave men defending them. I ...…

April 20, 1917 • Page Image 15

…15 THE JEWISH CHRONICLE Jewish Young Men Make Notable Suc- cess in Floral Business I Manufacture of Cigars Unhampered By U-Boat Campaign Probably no article in constant daily use has been more seriously affected by the submarine warfare of Germany than cigars. This country has for years been de- pendent upon Holland for its supply of Sumatra wrapper tobacco which is the type of leaf used on the outside of the better grade of smokes. About...…

April 20, 1917 • Page Image 16

…11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111 1 1 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Nita aa YOURS IN HASTE MMAN SMIIMMANMIMISMMEMEMInpres 11 "1"1"""11 a a a I aR N aR a ■■ a 21 Rr UR CADILLAC CADILLAC R - 41104, tiGE 1,0 Airr iv& 6, 3 0 1 3 0 1 TAXICABS TOURING CARS LIMOUSINES Private...…

April 13, 1917 • Page Image 1

…A TA drip, 'FP— BMWS rr T .. THE JEWISH HRONICILE % r Lr The only Jewish Publication in the State of Michigan Devoted to the Interests of the Jewish People V ol. II. No. 7 DETROIT, MICH., APRIL 13, 1917 r ILL 15 " tis tr rr • r t er& I lj ri - I IJ Z, Famous Jewish Sculptor Dead rr rrr ;no tit err 'tor 1 ,1 "rir 1 . - . P 1 r LI I.: e i rtt r sd rr- ri• 1}ri- ifff• ;e rr t "Jr 4-F- r rr SIR MOSES EZEKIE...…

April 13, 1917 • Page Image 2

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE The Liberty Shopp n Brougham Thp Liberty Brougham stands out above other cars of like design, in that every car is distinctively different in ex- - terior finish or coloring. Finished to your own, individual whim, you might say. The interior has been chosen with the rarest taste. Details such as ivory door handles with sterling silver mountings, an unique dome lamp, an electric phone to the driver, and initial pillar la...…

April 13, 1917 • Page Image 3

…HE JEWISH CHRONIC • The only Jewish publication in the State of Michigan Devoted to the interests of the Jewish people • $1.50 per Year DETROIT, MICH., APRIL 1311917 Vol. II. No. 7 Single Copies10 Cents ‘:. J ...:::- gli;i i IIIIIIIIIIIREE1111111111111111111111111111111111113111111113111111111333111131111111131111111141111111111111111E1111111111111111111111111311N1111111111413111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111M11111113...…

April 13, 1917 • Page Image 4

…4 THE JEWISH CHRONICLE had been the principal tools of the erties. To adopt; therefore, a policy Spanish conversionists. But the Jew of silence and indifference is to set remained unshaken in his beliefs, ourselves down as arrant cowards firm and loyal to the tenets of his and weak fools. Like the Maccabees faith. In/ the spirit of the Macca- of old, we must announce and hurl bees he answered, "Who is like our protest to the startled consci-...…

April 13, 1917 • Page Image 5

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE S Say Jews Will Do Full Duty in War Jewish Congressmen Sure Coreligionists Will Support Country (Special Correspondence) WASHINGTON, D. C.—Realizing the historical significance of the present moment, your representative endeavored to see the Jewish legislators who share the responsibility of having decided the country's movements in this fateful hour of the American nation. He saw them all the first day of the extraor...…

April 13, 1917 • Page Image 6

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE ... kit A;‘ , Sentiment For New Y. Grows :, i - 1', *e, 'is ' , - •,-11(7,.. F 41,:, i eth f Elias M. Rothman Subscribes $500, in Honor of ti Announcing the Publication of a NEW DE LUXE 64-PAGE BOOKLET THE AGE OF OIL Even before the official opening of the campaign of the Y. M. H. A. for a building of its own, offers of aid are being made by representative Jewish business men who have already realized the...…

April 13, 1917 • Page Image 7

…• THE JEWISH CHRONICLE DR. FELIX ADLER WARNS AMERICA AGAINST "CRU- SADING" Says We Cannot "Impose Liberty on German People"—Justifies U. S. in War. NEW YORK.—The meeting house of .he Society for Ethical Culture was packed Sunday morning with those who came to hear Dr. Felix Adler talk on The National Crisis." • Dr. Adler ex- •,ressed disagreement with the pacifists in the present situation, and unpheld the country's right to enter the war,...…

April 13, 1917 • Page Image 8

…THE JEWISH ,CHRONICLE to be corrected. Some there are who imagine that thrOugh the fact that equal rights have been accorded to the Jews of Russia, since the Issued Every Friday by the Jewish Chronicle Publishing Company. recent revolution there, their need of material help has also been met. ANTON KAUFMAN•- - - General Manager But this is far from the truth. Never in the history of the Jew have so many millions of our people faced death from...…

April 13, 1917 • Page Image 9

…9 THE JEWISH CHRONICLE Congregational News TEMPLE BETH -' ELF The subject of Rabbi Franklin's ser- mon on Sunday morning at Temple Beth El w ill be "The..Silver Lining to the War Cloud." • Pesach -Services. • • ". • Services for • tlie last *day - o Pesach (will be held on Friday morning, April 13,. at ten o'clock. Student - Day Services. • • • An elaborate program for Student Day, April 22, is being planned by the Young People's S...…

April 13, 1917 • Page Image 10

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLEH 10.. 3111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111MM1111111111111111111111111111111111111111113111111101111111111111311111111111111111111111111113111111111111111111 . 111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111MIIMIRMIMMIrMUMITIEM am • / ' 1/•• • • C • I E • • • To insure publication, all items of social interest should be sent to Miss Ru...…

April 13, 1917 • Page Image 11

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE childt6-i..of,- Chi- i is of Mrs. Stein's cOgus ca a ,iiancf: Mrs. M. Lipman, pattents 1 9 0, (S;a eclifitIverlite, for the holidays. Wineman *;:r. at*Sor0 from an extended • so tn herliktiC fefiee gga ss sp.. ,)t the past week, at French Lick rt 'el' IngS. :,iisg ' " 'Zifinnerlitan' of Toledo spent the 1,Veek::end' . .a.S the guest of Mrs. Aaron A. Silberblatt, 475 Com- m( iiwealth avenue. • :\IrAnd 3,1r. Hugo Parsh...…

April 13, 1917 • Page Image 12

…12 THE JEWISH CHRONICLE SAUL M. SIMONS OPENS IN- TERIOR FURNISHING STUDIO IN FISHER ARCADE. ENGAGEMENTS. Mr. and• Mrs. B.. Kaufman of Or- leans street wish to announce the en-. iagement of their daughtei Edith to Mr. A. A. Nuscholtz of Washing- ton, D. C. —Mrs. R. Swerling of Tarentum, Pa., announces the engagement of her daughter, Minnie, to 'Mr. Harry Stiglitz of this city. Mr. and Mrs. J. Wendell announce the engagement . of their daugh...…

April 13, 1917 • Page Image 13

…13 THE JEWISH CHRONICLE The Jewish Woman $6.50 up AAA to D Ancient Jews Prohibited "Birth Control" Writer Says Large Families Were Symbolic of Great Wealth. The well-known publication "Hygien- orous measures to guard a natural birth- ishe Rundschau ' of Copenhagen con- rate. tains in its last number a very interest- On the basis of his study and research ing contribution on "Hygiene Among in ancient Jewish literature, Dr. Ratner Ancient...…

April 13, 1917 • Page Image 14

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE 14 Local Jewish Women to Hold Patriotic Rally • ign for Meeting at P1 • • rI • '• • • ' The Gorham Shop Members of.rAmerican Red Cross • •Respotdine ; nobly, tc? the;qall for . stri- .;mg their country in the present crisis, Jewish wometi: . of Detroit will hold a Patriotic rally, on Saturday evening, 'April 14th, at 8 o'clock, in the ball room of the Phoenix Club, corner of John R. and Erskine streets. The ...…

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