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April 13, 1917 - Image 13

Resource type:
The Jewish Chronicle, 1917-04-13

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The Jewish Woman

$6.50 up

AAA to D

Ancient Jews Prohibited "Birth Control"

Writer Says Large Families Were Symbolic of Great Wealth.

The well-known publication "Hygien- orous measures to guard a natural birth-
ishe Rundschau ' of Copenhagen con- rate.
tains in its last number a very interest-
On the basis of his study and research
ing contribution on "Hygiene Among in ancient Jewish literature, Dr. Ratner
Ancient Jews." The article is one of a bas formulated the following principles
number which throws some light on the which were strictly observed by the Jew-
pro blem of "race suicide," or to its more ish people :
popular and modern equivalent, - "birth
(1) Marriage was a duty which .de-
volved on all young people, and was to
control." •
The author of the article, Dr. Ratner, be performed before the age Of 18 was
goes back thousands of years and brings reached. Celibacy was given no recog-
to light the methods adopted in ancient nition. (2) Prostitution and every other
form of abnormal sexual relationship
Jewry for the preservation of the nation
was strictly prohibited. (3) All forms
and the perpetuation of the race. In the
of "birth control" or limitation were pro-
first plac2, the doctor states, the Jews of
old were already keeping statistics of hibited. (4) Those who for any reasons
the entire population before anyone had were unfit to fulfill nature's call were
yet thought of a national census. It is denied certain communal rights. (5)
very plainly announced in the "Torah" The severest penalties were imposed on
that the greatest blessing,lies in the mul- all abnormal practices. (6) Rational
tiplication of the race. Pharoah, the protection of the wife was afforded.
These methods Doctor Ratner asserts
Egyptian ruler, made a systematic at-
tempt to check the fruitfulness of the were the means of keeping Israel in a
Jews by having all their new-born males state of constant growth, nearly all mein-
drowned, because he feared that they bers of the community being blessed
would outnumber his people at their rate with large families.
The article draws attention to the in-
of increase. All Jewish patriarchs had
numberless offspring, and large families teresting fact that the Frankfort founder
were symbolic of general material of the Rothschild family? Meyer Anshel
wealth. At all times the administrative Rothschild, had 14 children and was
bodies, and later the Kehillahs, took vig- very proud of the fact.


One of the season's most interesting
charitable events will be the presenta-

tion of "What Next" at the McCollister
Hall, Tuesday evening, April 17th. The
play, an original two-act comedy, will
he given by the Vom Literary Society.
The play will be followed by dancing,
music to be furnished by Shook's or-
The cast includes some capable ama-
teur entertainers, whose efforts in the:
past have met with unqualified success.
In addition to those members who take
the parts of the "Six" - Beauties," Miss
Freda Fishhaine will play the role of
th. e . girl reporter. Miss Rose Hubar as
the saucy stenographer, and Miss Lillian
Mitchell as Theda Bara. Mr. Jack
Fisher is taking the leading male role.
As the cub reporter he is at his best.
Other men playing are : Messrs. Philip
Rosenthal. Harry Rabinowitz, Irvine
Levy, Harold Smilansky. William
Schwartz, Harry Hirt and Dr. Welling.
The proceeds will be used for the
relief of Jewish war sufferers. • Tick-
ets_ may be secured from members or
at the door the night of the production.

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