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August 04, 1939 • Page Image 1

…rim lava Perialkal Cada All Jewish News All Jewish ----1 Views WITHOUT BIAS i The Only Anglo-Jewish f In Michigan LIEbETROIT EW1511 9:IRONIC-LE and VOL. XLI No. 11 Telephone CADILLAC 1.0-4-0 THE LEGAL CHRONICLE DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, AUGUST 4, 1939 TO LAUNCH APPEAL Says Democracies Greatest M'DONALD INSISTS FOR FUND TO SAYE Source of Nazi Materials ILLEGAL SETTLERS' JEWISH PAVILION NUMBER ENORMOUS Palestine Exhibit at the New Y...…

August 04, 1939 • Page Image 2

…• • /ifEl)emorr,kwtsnelizomag August 4, 1939 and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE CLASSIFIED FRIEDLAND DIES SHIRTS No matter what you pay, no laundry can launder a finer shirt ,..!. h WE HAVE THE BEST EQUIPMENT MADE 14 lbs Damp Wash 79 c Flat Pieces carefully ironed Additional Pounds 151‘c lb. A VERY INEXPENSIVE SERVICE . 14 16s. Flatwork All Finished 79c THE BARGAINS OF ALL TIME DeLuxe Family Service 1 Flat Pieces and Handkerchiefs Neat...…

August 04, 1939 • Page Image 3

…August 4, 1939 fifEyierRonleitisnifiRomais and TM • Spend 'four Vacation at Michigan's Beautiful BARON'S RESORT The Finest and Most Modern Resort in Michigan SOUTH HAVEN, MICH. Completely redecorated and a new lobby added—. complete in every detail of equipment and convenience. Large, airy rooms, elegantly furnished, with private bath and shower. Children's dining room and g playgrounds. OUR OWN DANCE BAND and GROUP OF ENTERTAINERS OFFER...…

August 04, 1939 • Page Image 4

…•America ThfinentorrjEwisn (Altman August 4, 1939 and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE TIIEDLTROITJEWISII &RON IGLI sentative with the telephone number of Gen- and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE doubted whether he took the hint, but in any case he acted ate though he had, and called the General to testify. Once ■ again one is shed Weekly sr The Jewish Chronicle Pahlle ► tag Co., les. • von o lterned•elo• matter March 1, 111111, et the ?net- t , lotrolt. end...…

August 04, 1939 • Page Image 5

…d ealt Smith Periodical Carter CLIPT01'( ATENUI • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO 11167ATROft/EWISR eiR(XVICIA August 4, 1939 wonemmmesmimmm ■ ,_ SUMMER SPECIAL PERSIAN LAMB COATS, Made to Order $ 295 00 MICHEL & KOZIN PENNI.% S I. 31111 aPLCIAIJSTS 13 E. Grand Mier OPPolle Hudson's Telephone Cherry 0170 / S tein S CLOVER LODGE Miss Ruth Brotman to Give Concert in Mt. Clemens Aug. 5 Miss Ruth Brotnian, popular Detroit soprano, has been in- v...…

August 04, 1939 • Page Image 6

…▪ PAGE SIX PEP LTRINVEMSfltfiRONIGA and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE WILDEMERE 9311 arriageo 11/2 BLOCKS FROM SHAAREY ZEDEK SHAPIRO - SAX Miss Terry Sax of New York City became the bride of Larry The engagement is announced of Miss Theresa Boxer, daugh Shapiro, son of Mrs. Rose Sha- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Boxer of 4426 Monterey Ave., to Joe piro of Indianapolis, Ind., on Fabrick, son of Mr. and Mrs, Morris Fabrick of 3027 Tuxedo Ave Sunday, ...…

November 04, 1938 • Page Image 1


November 04, 1938 • Page Image 2

…• PACE TWO ME9t,TRo rr, /aisnuIRONICLE and THE LEGAL CHR N CuE CLASSIFIED THE BARGAINS OF ALL TIME 1 DeLuxe Family Service 9 c Flat Pieces and H•ndlterchlefs Neatly Ironed Bath Towels and UZiderwlear Fluffed Dried Additional pounds 7c lb. THE BE:sT UNIVERSAL SERVICE SHIRTS No matter what you pay, no laundry can launder a finer shirt i seat WE HAVE THE BEST EQUIPMENT MADE 18 DAMP WASH WO Flat Pieces carefully Ironed Additional ...…

November 04, 1938 • Page Image 3

…A merica Apish Perio4cal Carter CLIPTON AVINUI • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO lhenerRonrjEwksnaRama4 November 4, 1938 PAGE THREE and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE FITZGERALD vs. MURPHY This subject will lee discussed by A. C. LAPPIN Former Commlsolloaer, Department of labor and Industry WXYZ — Sunday, i o p. m. .■■ ••• ■■ • Opens Fri., Nov. 4 f Arts" .1% e% " A. I. , • 1•01 itriltV ‘...1W."'409‘11 I CINEMA ';'.ji.",!4,L7.!.! r BAYLIS-165...…

November 04, 1938 • Page Image 4

…pEkerRorriErasn (ARomail November 4, 1938 , mad 1HE LEGAL CHRONICLE Prefer Ludington For State Senate * A competent and and qualified candi- date with an out- standing record of integrity and effi- ciency. * His handling of Aged and Crippled and Affiliated Chil- dren funds in- creased the benefits to those afflicted. * He stands for clean and decent govern. ment. Re-elect George T. UNDRY Auditor General VOTE DEMOCRATIC TRIED AND NO...…

November 04, 1938 • Page Image 5

…A merkor ffewisk Periaileal eater CILIPTON A•11401 • CINCINNATI 30, 01/10 November 4, 1938 Pin)erRonlEwisn ORM ICU and T An Open Letter to the Jewish Community . . . Two years ago, the undersigned Jewish members of the staff of Wayne County's Prose- cuting Attorney — DUNCAN C. McCREA- addreued you openly through The Jewish Chronicle in reply to politically motivated slan- der calculated to malign our superior. You gave us your confi...…

November 04, 1938 • Page Image 6

…MEPErRonlEwisn PIRO2VICIE November 4, 1938 and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE &PEWIT/EWEN' RON1CL I Fighting Minority Status STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL FROM PAGE OM Within a short time, it is expected tha t n the Woodhead Commission's report o lish the, local Nazi expose which Pohl;Mad Weekly h, The Jewish Chronicle Publishing Ca, las. Palestine will be made public and tha • a NevT York daily turned down tete.; ee Sneed-ells matter March at tha Pale too...…

November 04, 1938 • Page Image 7

…America ffewisk periodical eater CLIFTON ATLNUI • CINCINNATI 30, OHIO mEnEntortimsnoRONIal3 November 4, 1938 0- ,. .W- ‘ ,s. ;-• and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE • RELIEF MEASURES ARE FOUND INADEQUATE Bnai Moshe Bazaar FOR 13,000 POLISH JEWS SENT ACROSS BORDER To Start Saturday Assure Them of a • FROM GERMANY; RED CROSS, J. D. C. GIVE AID The annual B'nai Moshe Sister- Horse trainer Hirsch Jacobs ! The life story of George Gersh- used to wr...…

November 04, 1938 • Page Image 8

…TIE k critori •••1111•11111 ■ ImmilMIMINIS and COLD DAYS AHEAD! Now Is the Time To Have Your • Phone WINTER CLOTHES National President To Address Council November 4, 1938 Hadassah Members' Luncheon on Nov. 8 Mrs. Maurice Goldman. na- tional president, will address the Detroit section, Natonal Council of Jewish Women, at a luncheon meeting on Monday, Nov. 7, at the Detroit-Leland Hotel. The luncheon, which will start at Mr.. Alexand...…

November 04, 1938 • Page Image 9

…America% ftwisk Perio&cal Cotter CLIFTON AVINUA - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO Neugarten Club Plans Luncheon Enjoy Our World-Famous Mineral Baths CLEMENS, Second Zedakah Rally on Monday Engagements Mrs. Jacob E. Newman i3 gen- eral chairman for the fifth an- Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Bieberstein announce the engagement nual luncheon of the Neugarten of their daughter, Irma Jane, to Bert Colman. son of Mr. and Mrs. Sunshine Club. to be held Wed- Samu...…

November 04, 1938 • Page Image 10

…PIENTROftkiiiSfi (AROMA sad THE LEGAL CHRONICLE Freeman Awarded The Cairo Genizah Judge D. J. Healy Degree at Geneva The Cairo Genizah was a Speaks at Pisgah storehouse of ancient Hebrew Acclaimed by the French news- prayer books and manuscripts papers of Geneva, Switzerland, as that was discovered by Prof. on Monday Night having given a brilliant public de- Solomon Schechter in 1896. A fense of an important work on genizah is a storehouse ...…

November 04, 1938 • Page Image 11

…A merica Apish PerioSeal Carter CLIFTON MUNOZ - CINCINNATI 10, OHIO 7iIEVETROIT,A1% riltaNICLE November 4, 1938 PAGE ELEVEN and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE 111 ■ 11MNIIIIIMIIMM ■ mor MURPHY WOULD RATHER BE RIGHT COUNTY CLERK LINGEMAN WELCOMES LaGUARDIA Policies of the party, he is a! Patrick H. O'Brien I tower of strength to the Demo- crats of Alichigan. There has recently been an Given High Rating attempt made to blacken the , of Judge O'Bri...…

November 04, 1938 • Page Image 12

…PIE VEFROFKAWISs, and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE JEWRY SUMMONED BY AMERICAN JEWISH CONGRESS TO ORGANIZE FOR DEFENSE OF HUMAN RIGHTS :.-,:thbeospicaoatatii,iirthyysaiie r brought to the conference a spe- JEWS WILL REJECT cial report of the conditions un- MINORITY STATUS, ' der which 3,1500,000 Jews in WEIZMANN STATES Poland live. "Despite the ter- rible conditions under which (CONCLUDED FROM PAC' ► ONE) Polish Jews live, suffering econ- vaieol enme...…

March 04, 1938 • Page Image 1

…Arafat faith Periodical eater CLIFTON AVENUE • CINCINNATI 10, 01110 THE, ONLY ,ANGLO•JEWISH bETROIT LWISI-1 1.1110NICIL All Jewish News All Jewish View: WITHOUT BIAS and Vol. 3 of Great Britain's Dele- gation Named; Sir John Woodhead Chairman PORT DEDICATED WITH IMPRESSIVE CEREMONY Paul Muni Extends Stay in Palestine; Acts Part of Zola at Benefit THE LEGAL CHRONICLE DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 4, 1938 XXXIX No. 41 PICK COMMIS...…

March 04, 1938 • Page Image 2

…_ &I)ErRorr /Ernsn VIRON ICU sea PAGE TWO r MRS. DORA S. LAPPIN DIES THE BARGAINS OF ALL TIME March YISE ti t GAL CHRONICLE Leve President of Straus Executives DeLuxe Family Service NORTH END CLINIC SPONSORS COURSE Hos Will Address Group at Shaarey Zedek on' Sunday 4, 1938 REAL ESTATE VALUES Well-known Soprano Had Sung in Opera in Italy; Was S. J. Leve, well-known in Jew- C One of Founders of Music Study Club Flat Pieces and Han...…

March 04, 1938 • Page Image 3

…ffewish PerlaVeal Cotter CLIFTON AT1NUI • CINCINNATI 10, OHIO March 4, 1938 • A Detroit's Lowest Price! FUEL OIL Velvet Brand In AmerIro's 1118,1 Mei 011 eaperl aily adoptable 1a give beat and most econom- ical remain In 1 l■ e modern it bootee... t's unrifled to alte clean, Ite01, t I ti CLASSIFIED RELIABLE HOUSE IIELP. dresses, women for bowie clean- ing, house maids, women for part time work. By hour, day or week. Schlesinger's...…

March 04, 1938 • Page Image 4

…• PiEVErRorrionsn March 4, 1938 RON ICLI5 and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE ThEDEntorri kwisneutoNicix Nazism Not for U. S. Beth El's College Opens Spring Term Forgotten Letter Led to Vindication of Dreyfus Lauds Rabbi Fine Rabbi Fischer Pays Tribute to as an Author Coll PURELY COMMENTARY Evidence is repeatedly given that the and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE American people will not stand for Nazism New Courses to Begin on Monday Py PHILIP SLOMOVITZ ...…

March 04, 1938 • Page Image 5

…AmericaN fewith &l ax! age. %imp moos, •NCIHNAIT 20, OHM PiEDLutorr,klosnatitcracus March 4, 1938. wad THE LEGAL CHRONICLE almilm=m4341•1 Systems - Audits - Taxes 4•■•■■• PALESTINE SHOE MANUFACTURER CONFERS WITH DETROIT LEADERS DURING A SHORT VISIT IN CITY Rabbi Becker Next Friday's Speaker at Shaarey Zedek ANNUAL CENTER SMOKER WEDNESDAY HADASSAH TO HEAR MRS. ROBERT SZOLD (CONCLUDED FROM PAGE II Leading Athletes and Coaches to Des...…

March 04, 1938 • Page Image 6

…March 4, 1938 jimperaorr,/Evasigiimmicii; and THE CHRONICLE G Named an Officer by Knollwood Women Ma mmo th BINGO Next WEDNESDAY Night COMMUNITY-WIDE INTEREST SHOWN SIEGEL'S IN CENTER ART FROLIC TO BE HELD AT SCARAB CLUB SATURDAY, MAR. 12 AND EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT AT 8:15 The ball committee of the Jew- ish Community Center art frolic met last Friday at the home of Mrs. Alexander Freeman, the ticket committee chairman. Mr. and Mrs. .1....…

March 04, 1938 • Page Image 7

…A merica ffewish Periodical Carter CLIFTON AMUR - CINCINNATI 30, 0810 MEDEMOITjalSit March 4, 1938 PAGE SEVEN' IDLE and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE I MT. SINAI'S FASHION SHOW, BRIDGE MAR. 9 For 3 Days Only We offer selected groups from our regular stock of highest quality domestic and imported clothing and furnishings at- * Selected Group of OVERCOATS- 1/2 OFF Were $15 Were $61 Wert 1'1 Now Now Now SHIRTS 1/5. OFF 1/2 OFF HATS Now 2....…

March 04, 1938 • Page Image 8

…piEvaitorrIntistiOiRmaciA March 4, 1938 and THE LEGAL. CHRONICLE Save Your Eyes On Committee for Formal of Y. P. S. WITII HEALTH•LITE GLASSES Miss Dorothy Heideman is an active member of the Young Peo- ple's Society of Congregation REPORT ISSUED ON PROGRESS BEING MADE IN JEWISH HOSPITAL SURVEY Cong. Beth Shmuel Banquet on Sunday On Sunday evening, March 6, the 7th anniversary banquet of Congregation Beth Shmuel of 1736 Blaine Ave., o...…

February 04, 1938 • Page Image 1

…AINET1C1111 ffewisk Periodical Cater CLIFTON ATINUI - CINCINNATI 30, OHIO THE ONLYANGLO•JEWISH and Vol. NEWSPAPER PRINTED XXXIX No. 37 DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1938 DR. GAMORAN TO SPEAK AT DINNER OF ALUMNI THEM; TELL YOUNG TO LEAVE More Than 2,000 Communi- Religious Rights Committee ties to Unite in Annual Co-Operates With JewZ Observance iah Congress Is First Public Admission of Despair; Jewish Periodicals Banned; Stu...…

February 04, 1938 • Page Image 2

…fitEDerRonjEwisit (Flamm; PAGE TWO Beth El Formal Event Saturday THE BARGAINS OF ALL TIME DeLuxe Family Service Flat Pieces and Handkerchiefs Neatly Ironed Bath Towels and Underwear I Fluffed Dried Pounds Additional pounds 7c lb. THE BEST UNIVERSAL SERVICE Arrangements which have been carried on for several weeks by an industrious committee, repre- senting all organizations of Tem- ple Beth El, will culminate in the SHIRTS No matter wh...…

February 04, 1938 • Page Image 3

…A mtericalt lavish Perio4cal Carter CLIFTON ATINU1 • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO P_i6Venton' February 4, 1938 &Ai Serge Prokofieff and Alec! Attractive Program Features FUEL-OIL I ..11 unities-0111. .t quality Certified Metered Delis Cry ( Templeton to Be Featured lv at Symphony Concerts on Club Ten-Forty Show TH Ben Zion Applebaum Here Feb. 11 to 18 EWISII ( RON H ONILLs • PAGE THREE - — Record of New Business for Dominion Life Est...…

February 04, 1938 • Page Image 4

…■ MEVentorrlansnentoria6 . and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE jitEl)urRonjEwisn IRON and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE Publish. Weekly by The Jewish Chronicle PublIelelan Co, Dm Intern! ae Swoud•slase matter Mareh a, Olt .t the Poet- dtice at Detroit, MI.. cads Um AM of Marsh II, IBM General Offices and Publication Building 525 Woodward Avenue telenhonez Cadillac 1040 Cable Address:Chronicle Load. Ofbc., 14 Stratford Place, London, W. I, England Subscr...…

February 04, 1938 • Page Image 5

…A ltai= lavish Periodical Cotter CLIFTON AVINUI • CINCINNATI 20, MHO PinVenzorrjaasnaRONICLE February 4, 1938 end THE LEGAL CHRONICLE Named Officer for Sisterhood Project Ensure Their Chances of Success Mrs. Samuel Kavanau, special activities chairman of the sister- hood of Congregation Shaarey Zedek, announces that Mrs. Wolf Kaplan has been appointed finan- cial secretary of the special proj- UNITED FRONT OF JEWS, CHRISTIANS AGAINST R...…

February 04, 1938 • Page Image 6

…PAGE SIX PIEVerRorri /Livisn filitolucul Prepare for J. N. F. Luncheon, March 2 Education League Event on Feb. 13 The third in a series of pep ral- lies preceding the seventh annual donor luncheon of the Ladies Aux- iliary of the Jewish National Fund SO' Better Dress Shop Exclusive All indications point to a highly successful dinner-dance for the Youth Education League, on Sun- day, Feb, 13, at the Detroit Leland `11111111111111111033f...…

February 04, 1938 • Page Image 7

…A lmeria:If frwisk Prrio4cal Carter CIAP1ON AIINUI • CINCINNATI 20, MO PAGE SEVEN' E PETKOITIEWIMI Ol R011 ICA February 4, 1938 and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE Honeymooning at Sun Valley, Idaho' TRY MILLER'S FAMOUS DELICATESSEN ... APPETIZERS AND DAIRY PRODUCTS . . CORNED BEEF SANDWICH with Pickle .... 12c Final arrangements have been made by the Bnai Brith Juniors Rabbi and Mrs. L. Kaplan of Chicago, III., announce the en for their pre-Vale...…

February 04, 1938 • Page Image 8

…/ft ErRorr p+, • ri RorucLE nd THE LEGAL CHRONICLE Save Your Eyes WITH HEALTH•LITE GLASSES DR. GAMORAN TO SPEAK 23rd Anniversary Banquet WILL FORM COURT AT DINNER OF ALUMNI of Progressive Ladies' FOR ARBITRATION Verein on Sunday (CONCLUDED FROM PAGE ONE) (CONCLUDED FROM PAGE ONE) rye. Examined, Ght. Fitted by our 1/01.1.01P4of Optometry, registered under the State law. 31UltBAY'S 1119 GRISWOLD ST. Open Everting,. Until I orlock LA...…

June 04, 1937 • Page Image 1

…A merica fai rish Periodical alder CLIFTON /MINUS - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO )37 ME. TAR ONLY ,ANGLO4EWISH Jews, offic. aback sin in boy. 40 IN MICHIGAN ETROIT EMIL HRONICL All Jewish News All Jewish View: WITHOUT BIAS ess at - NEWSPAPER PRINTED and CADILLAC 1-0-4-0 THE LEGAL CHRONICLE Per Year, $3.00; Per Copy, 10 Cents DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 19937 Vol. XXXIX No. 2 TELEPHONE LABOR'S ( Anti-Semites Demand Relief Mone...…

June 04, 1937 • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO _ THE BARGAINS OF ALL TIME c DeLuxe Fondly S ervice Flat Pieces and Handkerchiefs Neatly Ironed Bath Towels and Underwear Fluffed Dried Additional pounds 7c lb. THE BEST UNIVERSAL SERVICE l Pounds PIEVerRonjEwisn efRolvicik ANTI-SEMITES DEMAND RELIEF MONEY GO TO FURTHER EMIGRATION OF JEWS; JEWISH CHILDREN STONED BY YOUTHS (CONCLUDED FR011 PAGE 0E71 Bnai David Drive for New Members 1 8 lbs. DAMP WASH 00 Lace Curtains Tr Pe...…

June 04, 1937 • Page Image 3

…A merica frwish PaloSeal Cada CLIFTON AVINERI • CINCINNATI 10, MO 7 CREEDLESS GIVING • Harry Bradlin . . . has joined our piano depart- ment where he will be pleased to meet his Detroit friends. Mr. Bradlin is an able pianist and well known among many conserva- tories, For many years he taught piano at the Jewish Center under the supervision of Bendetson Net- zorg. 1) Heim .ote lely for % JenPalestine ng Mutinis In 1'oml liertium-Jeol...…

June 04, 1937 • Page Image 4

…ThEREntotr,/Ewisadtaoxicut) June 4, 1937 and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE T_ I IBPerRonjEwisneiRDIOCL Mr. Peiser Leaves Detroit Lights front POLISH JEWRY'S SORROW- Strictly "DONE UP BROWN" Kurt Peiser's decision to leave Detroit and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE and to accept his new duties in Philadel- Shadowland Confidential Ira. Chaska PablIshiad Coo weakly by Ts !ara ► Publish. phia on Sept. 1 will be greeted with sin- By LOUIS PEKARSKY Heart-Rending...…

June 04, 1937 • Page Image 5

…American faith Pedalled eater CLIFTON AVENUE • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO T i mpentorrjEwisnffixornass ...a June 4, 1937 THE LEGAL CHRONTCLE THE GOLEM: IMMORTAL CLAY DONE UP BROWN THE INN (CONCLUDED from EDITORIAL PAGE) (CONCLUDED from EDITORIAL PAGS)' Altneu Synagogue was recon- structed as it appeared in the 17th cart-drive to give them a lift; fancy ends no one knows. All that century and ancient half-forgotten he agreed. manuscripts of ...…

June 04, 1937 • Page Image 6

…litEDLTROMIEWISIIOR074104 PAGE SIX Plans for Floating Affair on June 131 mow that summer's here you'll wear Purity Chapter No. 359, 0. E. S., will hold its annual floating din- ner dance on Sunday, June 13, aboard the luxurious Steamer Nor- WHITE .. 8 95 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Wineman, Dr. Hugo A. Freund and Mr. and Sirs. Eugene J. Arnfeld were guests of the Winemans' at their cabin in Gaylord over the holiday week-end. Open•to* treed-stra...…

June 04, 1937 • Page Image 7

…A merica Apish periodical Carter CLIFTON AVENUE • CINCINNATI 10, OHIO PAGE SEVEN isri !twins PLO9LTRoAE lya and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE June 4, 1937 COUNCIL CAMP 1 Hospital Ass'n Tea ' To Be Held Tuesday OPEN FROM JULY 4 Through LABOR DAY FOR The charter tea to be given by the Mt. Sinai Hospital Asso- ciation of Detroit, on Tuesday afternoon, June 8, in the Grand Ballroom of the Book Cadillac Hotel, will be addressed by John W. Smith, ...…

June 04, 1937 • Page Image 8

…Tr itEIATRonlimsnatRDNICIE PAGE EIGHT The Detroit Jewish Chronicle end VACATIONLAND'S "FI N EST' A summer resort hotel with the luxurious comforts and appointments found only in the ultra-modern hotels of the metropolitan cities of the world. NEW FEATURES Marine Dining Room Marine Cocktail Lounge Casino Cocktail Lounge Marine Promenade Commodore "Nite" Club Shoppers' Arcade Season Now in Full Sway IN MARINE OI N DIRECTION: Solomon ...…

June 04, 1937 • Page Image 9

…Americo lewish periodical Carter CLIFTON AMUR CINCINNATI 30, OHIO and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE June 4, 1937 1937 ( STAGE AND SCREEN WEIN STAFF 111Mwm, Week's Attractions at Center Theater how Tally I at Collector of Bialik Stories Relates the Intimate Side of the Great Poet Tor .11rDliny Prey., Spruce St., Fhli K. a- at Toone flow, Apartment+, 1535 o the a uth 113r s & Whits 1411. SN 15 1 110 SIole • Biter 4 ;C mbee 1.11.01k Mess...…

June 04, 1937 • Page Image 10


December 04, 1936 • Page Image 1

…America Putisk periodical &ter • ▪ CLIFTON AYINUE CINCINNATI 20, 01110 THE. ONLY ANGLO•JEWISH and Vol. XXXVIII No. 28 K Extremists Action Against Jews; But Intellectuals Start Protest Movement :k sot IIRONICLE WORLD AND AMERICAN JEWS HONOR LIPSKY 1 TELEPHONE CADILLAC • DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1936 II National Council for Pales- tine Voices Our Peo- ple's Attitude Embark Upon Militant Course of [. IN MICHIGAN ...…

December 04, 1936 • Page Image 2

…December 4, 1936 p A puntorr/Evasn ORM ICLE a"..Tut_ i-AGE TWO 1 THE BARGAINS OF ALL TIME Deluxe eLu px . eFandly Service d Handkerchief s Fl at Neatly Ironed Bath Towels and Underwear Fluffed Dried 'ROYAL COMMISSION HEARS ADMISSION I FsIll'AVO,IHD E1T2 IHEAD FOUR SERVICE GROUP COMMITTEES GOVERNMENT DID NOTHING TO CEMENT , FRIENDSHIP BETWEEN JEWS AND ARABS . Other Events Planned Is y the Local Chanter Mrs. Max Dushtin of 1626 Vir- gi...…

December 04, 1936 • Page Image 3

…A merica ffewisk Periodical Cotter annul - CLIFTON CINCINNATI 20, OHIO and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE STRESS NEED FOR JEWISH HOSPITAL Gifts . . . (CONCLUDED FROM PAGE 1) MEN ALWAYS NEED for Chanukah and Xmas 1.4 SHIRTS MONOGRAM FREEI JUI.X8 OLEN HATS $ 2" Beautiful new minim. shirts In au- thentic fashions. Melones. stripe, heck.. white on white. broadcloths. A complete selection of all glees and wide range of popular shades and styl...…

December 04, 1936 • Page Image 4

…December 4, 1936 7111EPEIROITANISII CI RON nil PAGE FOUR and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE Start Young Judaea Detroit Activities 700 SUBSCRIBE TO ROLL OF HONOR OF LOCAL HADASSAH Detroit chapter of Iladassah which was attempted last year for the first time, was so successful, that the chapter is using this means again this year as its sole fund- raising project. The proceeds of the campaign are used to support Hadassah's activities in Palestine whi...…

December 04, 1936 • Page Image 5

…Antrim Apish periodical eater CLIFTON MAMIE • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO PAGE FIVE litEVerRordonsit &ROA ICLC and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE. December 4, 1936 WO, MAX KOSINS Is Selling His Entire Clothing Stock (But I Becker to Address Hadassah Division The regular meeting of the Business and Professional Women's Division of Hadassah will be held on Monday, Dec. 7, at 8:15 p. m., Moshe Debate LITTMAN GATHERS Bnai On Anti-Semitism NEW ACTORS' CAS...…

December 04, 1936 • Page Image 6

…December 4, 1936 PIE PEIROMIEWISII &MIMI and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE THEVETROITAWIMI etRONICL The Tragedy of the Wanderer Lights from Shadowland Few incidents in recent Jewish history compare in their immense tragedy with By LOUIS PEKARSKY Published Weekly by The Jewish amebae Pu ► diskiag Co, lee. the movement that was started by a group Reproduction in part or whole forbid- Petered as Second-els. matter March I, MC at the P ee t. of Polish...…

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