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December 04, 1936 - Image 5

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The Detroit Jewish Chronicle and the Legal Chronicle, 1936-12-04

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Antrim Apish periodical eater



litEVerRordonsit &ROA ICLC


December 4, 1936



Is Selling His Entire
Clothing Stock


I Becker to Address
Hadassah Division

The regular meeting of the
Business and Professional Women's
Division of Hadassah will be held
on Monday, Dec. 7, at 8:15 p. m.,

Moshe Debate
On Anti-Semitism
NEW ACTORS' CAST Wednesday Night

Betty Frank to be 'Starred
Beginning With this


Is Not Going Out of

Chanukah Party of
L. A. S. Auxiliary
Forms Jr. Group Women's Auxiliary
of Children's Home
Being Made for


, Jan. 16.25
Annual B
Last Wednesday morning, the
Contrasting opinions on whether
board of directors of the Women's
anti-Semitism can be eliminated
The Detroit Auxiliary of the Auxiliary of the Jewish Children's
from our current life will be of-
Los Angeles Sanatorium announces Home met in the home to complete
fered at a public debate under the
plans for the children's Chanukah
auspices of Rani Moshe Men's that the first meeting of its newly party that the Auxiliary is ten-
organized junior group will be held
dering them next Wednesday aft-
at Jericho Temple, 2705 Joy Road, ernoon, Dec. 9, at 3:30 p. m. Mem-
on Friday, Dec. 11, at 7:30 p. m. bers and friends of the auxiliary
The purpose of this group is to are invited to attend this affair.
Many cash crtributions from
aid the auxiliary in all its func-
tions for the benefit of indigent various members,tesides numerous
gifts, are being offered
consumptives and to function as a
social club. All young men and for this party.
picture will be shown
young women, 18 years or older,
are invited to attend this meeting, to the kiddies through the cour-
become members and aid In the tesy of the Bnai Brith. Little
Charlotte Krueger, who spent sev-
cause of alleviating suffering.
The tenth annual bazaar and eral months in Hollywood last
will entertain with dramatic
carnival of the auxiliary will be
held at the 13nai Moshe, Dexter readings.
Gifts from various sources will
and Lawrence, from Saturday eve-
be distributed to the children who
ning, Jan. 16, to Monday evening,
were recently handed a question-
Jan. 25, inclusive. The auxiliary
requests that all organizations, sire to determine what each wished
for Chanukah presents. Every
clubs, synagogues and societies
wish is being fulfilled.
send delegates to its meetings at
Mrs. Morey Abrahams is chair-
Jericho Temple, 2705 Joy Road,
man of this party. Mrs. Henry H.
every Thursday evening.
Shapero is chairman of the social
In order to have enough mer-
chandise for the bazaar, it is urged committee and Mrs. Julian Webber
that all organizations arrange mer- is her co-chairman,
To complete the party, supper
chandise showers for this affair.
will be served to the children by
Club, Wednesday, Dec. 9, at 8:30 Call A. H. Jaffin, Madison 6766,
p. m., in the large auditorium of for the necessary publicity and
An ekcellent piece of work is
the congregation, Lawrende and other assistance necessary.
to the auxiliary of the
An invitation is extended to all
Children's Home.
Julius Deutelbaum, chief deputy groups, junior and senior, religious
Steered by Mrs. Herman Cohen,
clerk of the Recorder's Court, will and fraternal, to reserve an eve-
president, and her board of direc-
take the affirmative side of the ning at the bazaar for all mem-
tors, the children have been given
debate entitled "Resolved that
outing s, birthday celebrations,
anti - Semitism can be elimi- been made for a reception for all
nated," Samuel Sternberg, attor- organizations. Entertainment and holiday festivities, and gifts on
special occasions.
ney and former public administra- refreshments will be provided.

Abraham Littman, manager of
Littman's Yiddish People's The•
ater, announces that the new com-
pany composed of actors from the
Remember every garment is
Jewish Actors' Union, has been
being sold without regard to
selected to play alternatively in
cost. Take advantage of this
Toronto and Detroit.
rare opportunity
Mr. Littman announces that
Betty Frank,' who is one of the
most popular actresses with De-
troit audiences, will play the lead-
ing part with the new cast. In
addition to Miss Frank, the fol-
lowing stars will be presented be-
ginning with this Sunday: Louis
Kramer, well-known New York
actor; 51. Cooper, a young and
popular newcomer who is well-
Regularly old for $311 to SRI
known for his singing; Sam Kas-
ten, Rosalind Marcus, Felix Fogel-
nest, Abraham Tinianoff, Bertha
Gutentag and others.
Starring with Miss Frank in the
cast will be the young compositor,
Binjamin Blank, who will present
a number of musical comedies.
The first production of the sea-

at the home of Miss Jeanette Stein- son will be a melodrama, "A Wife
Every garment hand-tailored
berg, 1518 Edison Ave.
by America's finest clothing
for the World." This play will be
The guest speaker will be Levy presented on Sunday matinee and
manufacturers and guaran-
Becker of the Jewish Center, on evening.
teed to fit perfectly.
the topic, "Nationalism, Its Dan-
According to Mr. Littman, stir-
gers and Virtues."
ring attractions are being planned
Miss Ruth Freedman, chairman for the balance of the season. Also,
of the fund raising committee, re- he informs societies that have ar-
On an Overcoat by
ports that the response of the divi- ranged for benefit performances to
sion for the Honor Roll has been communicate with him for proper
arrangements regarding these
Personal attention given by
Rothchild-Hadassah University benefits.
tor, will uphold the negative side.
Hospital bricks were purchased
Kalvarier Aid Society
President Harry Rosman of the
this week by the following:
Bnai Moshe Men's Club also an-
Be early for choice selection
The last meeting of the Rodin
In memory of Phil Lipsitz, by
Kalvarier Aid Society thanks all
nounces a Chanukah celebration to Club was held on Tuesday eve-
Sonia, Dorothy and Sara Epstein.
be held the evening of the debate. ning, Nov. 24, at the home of Mrs. those who helped in the success
In memory of A. Weinberg, by
Cantor A. A. Rosenfeld will begin Nathan Grossman, 2227 Clair- of the dinner and dance. The so-
the book and circulating depart-
the festivities with the traditional mount Ave. A midnight lunch was ciety thanks W. Freedman for
ment of J. L. Hudson Co.
Detroit Lodge, No. 55, Knights blessing of the candles. The musi-
donating $25.00 for the vegetables
In honor of Kenneth Max Kurz- of Pythias, elected a complete new
cal and vocal program will consist
Due to the chairman moving to and fruits taken to the Old Folks
man, by Anne Kurzman.
set of officers for the year 1937. of renditions by Mrs. Jeannette
California, Mrs. Jack Harvith is Home. The society also thanks
Bricks may be purchased from Past Grand Chancellor Frank Ber-
Hoffman Paul, soprano, and Miss now presiding.
the chairman, Mrs. Fannie Strauss,
Mrs. Anne Prussin, Euclid 6234-W. man, who was elected as chancellor
The next meeting will be held and Radner Brothers for donating
Between Could River a Grt!mold
commander, is the only one who Fischer will preside. Refreshments
the meats; Cohen Brothers for the
Open netting. till 9
Old Gold Cigarettes are Double held a major office before. All will be served by the following
p. m., at the home of Mrs. chickens; T. Lebrowitz for chick-
Mellow, Double Fresh, Double others are new comers as leaders hostesses: Mesdames John Adler,
8888.79 IS neon to I p. m.
Nathan Fishman, 2985 Burlingame ens and all the rest for their dona-
Guaranteed. Made from the finest in the lodge. Those elected besides Joseph Brown, Sam Adler, Rose
crops tobacco, they hit the spot, Mr. Berman, are: Vice chancellor, Palkowitz, E. Abner, Max Matyas, Ave.
Jacob H. Werner; prelate, Hyman Al Feher, Bernard Grossberg and
Ash; master at arms, Louis Wech- Ethel Heiman,
sler; inner guard, Gabriel Alexan-
The public is invited to attend
For High Grade Photographs
der; outer guard, Eric Shumer; this debate and Chanukah festival.
Visit the Photo Studio
keeper of records and seals, Wil- Admission is free.
liam Rosenberg; master of finance,
at 11629 DEXTER at Burlingame
Louis •Steinberg; master of work,
Family's, Groups, Weddings, Copies
Bela D. Jacoby; additional mem-
and Enlargements and high grade
ber of the excutive board, Nathan
artistic frames.
We. One of Outstanding Rabbis
Plans for the New Year's Eve
in Lithuania
party are now completed. The an-
nouncements with reservation cards
Mishel Shur of 2050 Hazelwood
are in the mail and a warning is Ave. has received word of the re-
issued to all to send reservations cent death of his fathef, Rabbi
Bet. Burlingame and Webb
in at once and be assured of a Eliyahu Dov Shur, In Jerusalem.
ttiten daily from 9
good table, and to enclose checks Rabbi Shur was one of the oldest
Sunttn)s to
covering the number of plates de- rabbis in Lithuania, having served
sired. Reservations not paid for the community of Anikshty for a
by Dec. 22 will be cancelled. The
of more than 30 years,
Hadassah Event Dec. 15 main features will be: Music by period
Rabbi Shur is survived by six
Mel Lowe and his California Col- Detroit grandchildren, Herzel, Na-
The date of the Hadassah Roll
legians, with dancers, singers and than, Sol, Sadie, Ethel and Rose
of Honor concert Is Tuesday
entertainers; turkey dinner, free Shur.
evening, Dec. 15, at the Masonic
gifts for the ladies and noise-
Coach Sachs Finds New Sensa-
One of the most impressive, best-
makers for all.
tion in Moe Dubilier
known spiritual leaders of the older
ence, other dates have been
generation, Rabbi Shur has served
mentioned erroneously, in the
Hebrew Ladies Aid Society's numerous communities for a period
The Altes Lager Club, De-
past few days, and members
of 50 years. Ile possessed great
troit's representative in the Mid-
Card Party on Dec. 27
and friends of Iladassah are
qualities of leadership, was a
West Basketball Conference, will
urged to take note of the cor-
scholar of note and was known for
open its conference schedule
rect date.
against the strong Fort Wayne
ing of the Hebrew Ladies Aid So- his oratorical abilities. He was the
Club, one of the new entrants in
ciety, held at the home of Mrs. author of several important books
the organization this year. This
Dave Goodfriend, 17229 Fairfield, dealing with ethics and moralities.
Rabbi Shur was famous as a
game will be played Sunday eve-
plans were made for the card party
ning, Dec. 6, at the Naval Armory.
to be held at the Bnai Moshe communal leader who was at all
synagogue on Sunday evening, times ready to assist the needy,
In Moe Dubilier, 21-year-old
The Michigan Council of Demo- Dec. 27. Mrs. Jake Greenwald, the and one who especially encouraged
Jewish sensation from Jersey City,
Coach Sachs believes he has cratic Jewish Clubs is sponsoring president, announces, there will be the extension of credit in order to
found a man needed to balance a a victory banquet to be held Mon- entertainment, including card-play- help Jewish middlemen. Rabbi
Shur was always a supporter of
potentially great team. A grad- day night, Dec. 7, at Saks Cafe, ing, refreshments and prises.
In response to an invitation to the Zionist movement and was one
uate of John Marshall College In Woodward Ave. near Virginia.
Jersey City and having played in
This affair is to be In honor of attend the round table conference, of the first members of the Chove-
American Professional League for the newly-elected Democratic state Mrs. Ethel Goodman and Mrs. Ise. vel Zion. lie always prided him-
the past two seasons. Dubilier and county officials, headed by dor Heiman represented the Heb- self on the fact that he partici-
pated in the famous Minsk con-
gave a great account of himself Senator Prentiss M. Brown and rew Ladies Aid Society. It was
in his play against the New Governor-elect Frank Murphy, who announced that the Los Angeles clave of the Chovevei Zion. Rabbi
Sanatorium and Ex-Patients Home Shur W89 not merely a sympa-
Yorkers. With Ed Wisbar at will attend the banquet.
center, Ilarold McGammon and
The organization has taken over expects to conduct a bazaar in thizer of the Zionist movement,
Moe Dubilier forwards and Cap- Saks for the evening and a 10- January. Cooperating with this or- but continually took the initiative
tain Carl Cumin and Norm Ber- course dinner will be served. A ganization, the Hebrew Ladies Aid to organize efforts in behalf of
ton, guards, the brewers expect floor will be presented and there Society will hold a shower for the the cause.
He always aspired to settle in
to open up their first conference will be music for dancing by a benefit of this bazaar to be at-
tended by members and their Palestine, and his dream was real-
10•piece orchestra.
game with a victory.
during the last years of his
There will be a preliminary
A check for $25 for the Detroit life. He died at the age of 88.
game before the main attraction, office is chairman of the committee
Free Burial Association was voted
which is scheduled for 9 p. m.
Reservations may be made in on at this meeting as the annual Gombener Settlers in Detroit
Reserved seats may be obtained
donation to the bazaar.
at the Griswold Sporting Good s advance by calling any of the fol-
Form Relief Society
A committee comprising Mrs .
Co., 1134 Griswold St., or by lowing: Harry Letzer, Randolph
9260; Frank Schwartz, 1634 Na Irving Liebson, Mrs. William I .
calling Cherry 3111.
In response to the growing need
onal Bank Bldg., Cadillac 111 t)-
; Miller, Mrs. E. Goodman, Mrs .
Snider, Lobby of Griswold Louis Kahn and Mrs. P. R. Free- for relief from their home town in
Tau Epsilon Rho Fraternity Yoe
man spent an entire day visiting Poland, several Gombener settlers
Bldg., or any of the following:
of Detroit have succeeded in or-
to Hear Social Se.
Lillian 51. Russell, Harold Gar- inmates of the Eloise Hospital, and
ganizing their own relief society.
ber, Zinc Grand, Dave Gottlieb, distributing fruit and delicacies.
curity Talk
A meeting of the trustees was
The first meeting took place at
Betty Harley, Henry Gottlieb and
the home of S. Guyer of Taylor
Milton J. Miller will address Milton Atlas.
dent, Mrs. B. J. Copley, 3709 Rich- Ave. The following officers were
the members of the Detroit
ton Ave., Thursday afternoon, elected:
Graduate chapter of Tau Epsilon Hack Shoe Co. Basketball Dec. 3.
Louis Phillips, 2920 Clair-
Rho Fraternity on "Legal As-
The next monthly meeting of the mount, president; Mrs. Mary Sil-
Team Seeks Games
pects of the Social Security Act"
5548 Second Blvd., treas-
With Other Teams
at the next meeting to be held
Monday afternoon, Dec. 7, at the urer; Sidney Guyer, secretary.
Tuesday, Dec. 8, at the home of
home of Mrs. Abe Miller.
Mrs. M. Silberstein, who has re-
)tack-O-Peds, basketball team of
Merwin Grosberg, 358 Arden
The next regular meeting of the
turned from ■ visit abroad, ap-
the Hack Shoe Company, is inter-
society will be at the Dexter-
At the last meeting. Joseph ested in playing out-of-town games Lawrence Center, on Wednesday pealed for an immediate fund to
be sent to distressed organizations
Jackier led an open forum dis- with teams of AAA or Class A. afternoon, Dec. 9.
abroad, and in response, $50 was
cussion on "Evidence by Survi- caliber, Pontiac, Flint, Monroe and
vors in the State of . Michigan." Dearborn dates are particularly
The organization extends an
At this meeting Chancellor Al- desired.
Although a newly organized
Through Hadassah
invitation to all Gombener and
bert J. Silber announced the fol-
AAA team of the Detroit Basket-
sympathizers in Detroit and vici-
lowing committee appointments:
Membership, Benjamin Mar- ball Federation, Hack - 0 Peds
Mrs. S. L. Kavanau, chairman nity to attend the next meeting.
cus and Frank Rosenbaum; ath- boasts a roster which includes some of the Jewish National Fund com-
The next meeting will take place
letics, Milton James J. of the best of the younger play- mittee of Hadassah, reports that at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Cohen and Al Chalfin; publicity. era of the district. Jimmie Hagen, many members and friends of Ha- Frankel, 3354 Sturtevant Ave., on
Ben Safir and Al Saperstein; so- former Chrysler star, Al Brochay dassah are availing themselves of Sunday, Dec. 13, at 2 p. m.

cial Ben Jaffe, Aaron Beser and and Linton Hamilton of Dialer, the opportunity of honoring their
Merwin Grosberg; program, Jo- last year's Class A Champions, loved ones and perpetuating the
seph Jackier and Jerome Rothen- are among the team members. Bill memory of departed ones by Meyers Guessing Contest
Lang, diminutive forward who out- planting trees in Palestine in their
Closes Saturday, Dec. 12
jumps many players six and eight memory. Trees were planted this

inches taller than himself, Milton week as follows:
Considerable interest is being
M. S. "Pilsudski" Left for Belmore, former Central State
In memory of William Rosen-
Teacher's College star and Roy berg. Muskegon, Mich., by the manifested in the big guessing
contest which is being conducted
Burgin from Western State Teach- Rodin Club.
The motorliner "Pilsudski" of ers are others of the squad.
In memory of Morris Gordon by the S. C. Meyers Co., "Electrical
Home Servants", 12048 Dexter
Russ Walker, long a figure in by Jeanette and Judith Weiss.
the Gdynia-America Line left from
New York and Halifax to Gdynia topnotch local court circles, man-
In memory of her beloved son. Blvd.
According to Mr. Meyers, the
with a large number of passengers. atee and coaches the Hack.0-Peds. Leon Balaban, by his mother, Mrs.
genial proprietor, there is nothing
Among prominent passengers
Managers of teams interested in Balaban.
about this contest.
i Muffs•Jackets•Collars,ete.
were Rabbi Pinchos a • meeting the Ilack.O.Peds are in-
In memory of her mother,
vited to write Dr. Morton Hack, Mary Spevakow, by her daughter, "Said he, all one need do is to
Master Paul Muzikanski,
guess the number of handkerchiefs
going on a tour through Europe Hack Shoe Company. 5th floor, Leah Spevakow.
and Palestine accompanied by his Stroh Bldg., Detroit, suggesting
In memory of her mother, Mary in the ABC Spinner Washer which
at Reasonable Prices
mother, Mrs. Flora Muzikanski and dates and giving full particulars. Soevaknw, by her daughter, Mrs. is located in our salesroom. To
the one making the correct guess or
his teacher, Joseph Osborne; Fred-
Henry Taymor.
erick Salter, American vice consul Jewish Actors on Al.rnan's
In honor of Morris Zackheim, nearest the correct number will
from • serious win • new model 116 ABC Washer.
at Danzig; Leon Dawidowski, Her-
who is
Hour Sunday
shel Krogman and wife.
llness, by Mr. and Mrs. Jack The contest which closes on Saw-
day, Dec. 12 is open to the general
When the Pilsudski sailed, hun-
During the broadcast of the Alt- Tobin.
dreds of Jewish visitors with many
In memory of A. S. Weinberg, public. No one is required to make
laurence Mi- ■ purchase nor is there an en-
rabbis crowded the pier to wish
members of the new cast appear- by Mr. and Mrs.
trance fee."
■ pleasant voyage to Rabbi Joel ing at Littman's Yiddish People's chelson.
Mr. Meyer extends the entire
Helpern who was going to Pales-
Mrs. Kavanau, 1999 Calvert,
Theater, will be featured on the Townsend 8-3834, will be pleased community an Invitation to visit
his store and secure an entry
The next sailing of the Gdynia- program. Betty Frank, Louis Kra-
American Line will be the M. S. mer and other leading members
tree planting.
the troop. will be featured.
"Baton'," Dee. 13,


'21" 9695

Save $10 to $15

Detroit Lodge 55
Elects Officers



7ROM1 this family the dark-

ness of an uncertain future has been
swept away.
The husband and father has
been wise enough to foresee the
hazards that life holds, and, enjoy-
ing only a modest income, he has
made plans accordingly. Around
his home and his family, he has
thrown a sheltering wall of protec-
tion. That sheltering wall of pro.
tection is insurance.
If he lives, there will be an in-
come to assure hint comfort in his
own sunset years. If anything hap-
pens to him, the unpaid portion of



2600 Union Guardian Bldg.
Cadillac 8240

tin( THE TRAVELERS •s• Hartford, Comsectiout


Rabbi Shur Dies

Jacob SkOlnick's trdt

Altes Lager Team
Will Play Sunday'


Democratic Council
Victory Fete Dec. 7

his mortgage will be paid by his life
policies. From the same source will
come an income for his widow,
payable as long as she lives, and a
special income for the education of
his children.
Should he meet with an injury,
his accident insurance will pay the
bills and will provide an income
while he is disabled.
• Through the safe and economi-
cal medium of insurance, he has pro-
vided protection tot himself and hia
family to meet the hazards of life. He
has made certain that, for his family,
there will be no years of darkness.

For your Christmas gift - giving—
either to yourself or to one who
occupies a special place on your list
—don't overlook the one gift that
always takes high rating in feminine
hearts—FURS! You will find in our
comprehensive display furs at prices
to suit every budget. Coats in all
good furs and latest styles—Muffs-
Capes—Scarfs—Hats—all designed
to say "Merry Christmas" in the
most flattering and practical way!


_ _ _ , _ _ _ _
A Remarkable Showing





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