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July 12, 1946 • Page Image 1

…THE JEWISH NEWS The Jewish Community's Family Newspaper VOL. 9—NO. 17 A Weekly Review • 2114 Penobscot Bldg. f Jewish Events Detroit 26, Michigan, July 12, 1946 RA. 7956 ' 34 4;51/.22 America's Leading English- Jewish Newspaper $3.00 Per Year; Single Copy, 10c Want to Get Out o f Poland and Stay Out! Pro-Fascist Terr • rism Perils 100,000 Survivors in Poland —Page 3 Detroit Jews to Picket At British Consulate; Protests World-Wide...…

July 12, 1946 • Page Image 1

…Amterkor lavish Periodical Carter CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, 01110 AN INDEPENDENT UNAFFILIATED NEWSPAPER LARGEST ANGLO-JEWISH Thirty-One Years of Service to Detroit Jewry PAID SUBSCRIPTION IN STATE OF MICHIGAN Detroit Jewish Chronicle VOL. 48, NO. 28 and The Legal Chronicle DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JULY 12, 1946 10c a single copy; $3,00 per year' Urge Action for Jews Council Spearheads Demonstrations At Bnai Brith Banquet ...…

July 12, 1946 • Page Image 2

…• THE JEWISH NEWS Page Two Purely Commentary By PHILIP SLOMOVITZ • 'MILLIONS FOR DEFENSE' British circles apparently are less "vio- mt lent" in their attitude toward the Jewish Agency for Palestine and the leaderi of the Zionist movement. While it is not generally admitted that Britain's worst blunder in her entire diplomatic history was the invasion of Jewish Agency head- quarters and the arrest of thousands of Jews, including rabbis, on...…

July 12, 1946 • Page Image 2

…Page Two DETROIT SWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle Personal Problems Frida July 12, 1946 Strictly Confidential By DR. W. A. GOLDBERG By PHINEAS K. BIRON ,ss s. Your questions on personal problems will be an- swered by mail as fur as possible. fiend a self-ad- dressed, envelope to Dr, W. A. Goldberg, 1314 Eaton Tower, Detroit 26, 311ebigan, or to the Editor of this paper. An Antidote .for Boredom "My child drives me wild when ...…

July 12, 1946 • Page Image 3

…Friday, July 12, 1946 THE- JEWISH NEW'S Page Three IJews in Poland Want to Get Out NOW! Death of 40 Jews in Kielce Follows False Rumor by Child; Pogrom Blamed on Anders' Fol- lowers; 63 Already Arrested "We want to get out of Poland and stay out!" • This is the cry of spokesmen for the 100,000 surviving Jews in Poland whose lives are en- dangered by the underground anti-Semitic pro- fascist movement which is defying efforts of the existin...…

July 12, 1946 • Page Image 3

…fistericalt ewish Periodical Carter Friday, July 12, 1946 $2,758,000 Ready For UJA from Allied Campaign A minimum of $2,758,000 will be available for the United Jewish r „.-- Appeal and related needs, the I" ) Xtroit Jewish Welfare Fedora- ition announced upon forwarding r this city's initial cash payment of $1,000,000 to the UJA. Tentative allocations are as fol.. lows: 1. United Jewish Appeal-52,639,- 140. 2. Related agencies-5119,000....…

July 12, 1946 • Page Image 4

…Page Four As the Editor - - - Views the News The Solution: Liberation A Labor member of the British House of Commons, R. H. S. Crossman, who was one of the members of the Anglo-American In- quiry Committee on Palestine, provided what all reasonable men must regard as the proper' reply to Prime Minister Attlee's at- titude towards the Jews of Palestine. Mr. Crossman stated: - "There is only one way of smashing a resistance movement, and that ...…

July 12, 1946 • Page Image 4

…rb Page Four DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle Friday, July 12, 1946 Detroit Jewish Chronicle 119 FA r cirm and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE i' ► ox blished Weekly by Jewish Chronicle eublishing Co., Inc, 525 Woodward Ave., Detroit 26, Mich., Tel. CAdillee 1040 DISAGREES WITH SAUNDERS SUBSCRIPTION: 53.00 PER YEAR SINGLE COPIES, 10c: FOREIGN, $5.00 PER YEAR 4rtered es Second•class matter March 3. 1916, at the Postcffice at Det...…

July 12, 1946 • Page Image 5

…THE JEWISH NEWS Friday, July 12, 1946 Page Five Detroit's Check to UJA for First Million Sets Record for the Entire Country Jewish Welfare Federation Announces That United Jewish Appeal Will Receive Minimum of $2,758,000 from Funds Raised by Allied Jewish Campaign JEWISH 5, WELFARE .1111111, ■ ..P fp, Ai IIIMIIMILTO AVENUE 41111 ■ ft I \ k Weizmann Demands Britain End Wrongs Done to Jewry a Reiterates Opposition to 'Pol...…

July 12, 1946 • Page Image 5

…America ,7eivish Periodical Coder ti Friday, July 12, 1946 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle REPORT FROM GERMANY By IRVING F1AYETT Jewish Chronicle Foreign Correspondent (Copyright 1916, All Rights Reserved) This pmries of articles tells of the War Crimes Trials in Frankfurt, Germany. The Voice of the Man in the Street The Jewish Chronicle will pay $1.00 to the person whose question is used in this column. Mail your quest...…

July 12, 1946 • Page Image 6

…Page Six THE JEWISH NEWS Friday, July 12, 1946 Levin, Named for US Bench, ReformRabbisPicket Chicago British Consulate; Philipson, Is Champion of Fair Play Morgenstern Blame England Won Fight in Federal Court Against Unfair Michigan Alien Registration and Fingerprint- ing Act; Has Long Been Outstanding Com munity Leader; Is President of United Jewish Charities and Vice-President of Jewish Welfare Federation of Detroit By submitting the na...…

July 12, 1946 • Page Image 6

…rose Six DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle M arrtageJ e Charming Bride Friday, July 12, 1946 Engaged ar Mitzvah ROBBINS—HURVICH Eleanor Hurvich, daughter of Mrs. Sarah Hurvich, of 3321 Blaine Ave., was married July 7 to Saul Robbins, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mor- ris Robbins, of 3041 Gladstone Ave. The ceremony took place at the Workmen's Circle, with Cantor Jacob H. Sonenklar officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Remer, of 25...…

July 12, 1946 • Page Image 7

…Friday, July 12, 1946 THE JEWISH NEWS What Large Ear/ Herzog Sees Attlee, Reports Situation 'Not Hopeless' Detroit Jewry Sends Strongly-Worded Resolutions to Presi- dent and Michigan Congressmen Assailing Attacks in Palestine; to Picket British Consulate Here Monday Bowling Tournaments Planned By Bnai Brith Relatives Sought Here Anyone knowing the whereabouts of the following is requested to contact Henry Feinberg, Jewish Social Service...…

July 12, 1946 • Page Image 7

…America ,fewish Periodical Cotter CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, 01110 Friday, July 12, 1946 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle n Realm ol Zoc a j l Society Mr. and Mrs. Louis Phillips and son, of Calvert Ave., are visiting in New Baltimore, Md. • Charming Bride Mr. and Mrs. Leo Gold, of Fair. ' field Ave., have returned from a visit in Northern Michigan. and Mrs. Herbert Peritz left :"ral weeks ago for Los Ange- Calif...…

July 12, 1946 • Page Image 8

…ACTIVITIES IN SOCIETY Mrs. M. M. Wittlehofer and daughter, Norma, of Boston Blvd. have left to spend a month with Mrs. Wittleshofer's sister, Mrs. Arthur Katzenburg, in Swamscott, Mass. Mrs. H. C. Broder and sons, Harry, Brewster and Bill of Bur- lington Rd. left last Friday to spend a feW weeks in Charlevoix. Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Segar of Birchcrest Dr. and Henry Sills of Burlingame Ave. left by motor to spend a fortnight in Moonbeach, Wisc...…

July 12, 1946 • Page Image 8

…••• • . CLASSIFIED sitsCELLANEOTS • • CARPENTRY WORK OF ALL KINDS . Reasonable prices. Isadore Schwartz. Tyler 7-7768. PAINTING - Interior and exterior. Paperhanging and decorating. ' Call any time. Mr. Green, 110. 4020. PAINTING and DECORATING. Resi- dential and commercial. Immediate service. Neat work. Colors to suit your taste. TOwnsend 6-1270. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY on 1946 Chev- rolet at ceiling price for Immediate Possession of a mod...…

July 12, 1946 • Page Image 9

…Friday, July 12, 1946 THE JEWISH NEWS - Visiting the Fishmans of Webb Ave. are Mrs. Leo Srole and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Alpiner of Reading, Pa. Mrs. Srole is the wife of the welfare officer on the staff of UNRRA's Jewish dis- placed persons center in Landsberg, Germany. Miss Margot Abels, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel .E. Abels of 2947 Glendale, is spending her vacation at Windsor Mountain Camp, Lenox, Mass. Mr. and Mrs. Myer A...…

July 12, 1946 • Page Image 9

…America/I ( fewislt Periodical Cotter CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, 01110 , Friday, July 12, 1946 DETROIT JEWISH aIRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle Clubs and Synagogues HADASSAII B & P YOUTH EDUCATION LEAGUE At the annual meeting of the Warren Rovetch, Wayne Univer. Business and Professional Divi- sity student, who will attend the International Student Congress at Prague, Czechoslovakia, Aug. 17-31, will receive financial assistance fro...…

July 12, 1946 • Page Image 10

…Appointments Made by Mrs. Shevin; 4 Golden Book In- scriptions Announced Women's Clubs Local Brevities Betrothal Announced Committees Chosen By JNF Auxiliary At the final meeting of the year of the Ladies' Ouxiliary of the Jewish National Fund, Mrs. Irving Shevin. president, announced the appointment of the following com- mittee chairmen: Mrs. Norman Adilman, Golden Book; Mrs. William Hordes, Sefer Bar IVI.tzvah and Sefer HaYeletl; Mrs. P...…

July 12, 1946 • Page Image 10

…Page Ten DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle / GI NG AROUND IRRATIONAL TALK WAS rampant in the earlier years of military activities that Canadian Jews were not k • sharing In t h war effort. An- ti-Semites took delight in point-. ing o u t seem- ` ingly a II t died men not 1\n uniform. They assiduous- , ly searched for Beekman Jewish service. men whose left sleeve was minus the "GS" armpatch, a feature which denoted them as "Zo...…

July 12, 1946 • Page Image 11

…THE JEWISH NEWS Friday, July 12, 1946 Kin Visiting Detroiters Give Danes High Praise for Help Jewish Center Activities Saturday Night Dance —Photo by Robt. I. Clifton, Jewish News Staff Photographer From the left: Mrs. Epel, Josef sky and Jacob Epel. Josef Litischevsky, owner of a felt factory, who returned to Slagelse, Denmark, after escaping with his wife and three sons to SWeden on the night of Rosh Hashanah 1943, when the Cath- oli...…

July 12, 1946 • Page Image 11

…Axericait "elvish Periodical Cotter CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, 01110 Friday, ul 12, 1946 cellitta' ROITIEWISH CHRONICLE and The L the g • • • With Sally Fields The Highspot of interest this past week was the Bnai Brith 78th Annual Convention of the DGL6 . . The heat of enthusiasm displayed by both the Men's and the Wo- mens' groups ' very adequately matched the heat of the days dur- ing this 5-day gathering (July 6-11) . . . Much ...…

July 12, 1946 • Page Image 12

…Danny Raskin's Listening OMISSION of Hank Greenberg from this year's American League all-star team gives fans something to talk about in asking that an- nual picking be returned to them as it was when the idea was originally adopted . . Hank, as one of the greatest sluggers and attendance pullers ,Fin the game should have been chosen because the game owed him the honor . . . His present top-ranking home-run and runs - batted - in record. how...…

July 12, 1946 • Page Image 12

…DETROIT Page Twelve the Spas • • • With Sally Fields Wednesday—Ahhh that was the day! For the ladies (wives of the delegates) a radio broadcast— "Meet the Missus" with Pam Mull- holland, commentator WJR. The very gracious and lovely Mrs. Henry Monsky was very fittingly chosen "Lady of the Day." It was an extremely interesting program. Sylvia Bounin, well known lec- turer and ordained minister pre- ceded the broadcast with a spirit- ual ...…

July 12, 1946 • Page Image 13

…Friday, July 12, 1946 THE JEWISH NEWS Norman Zeldes Back From Navy Service Norman Zeldes, MoMM3c, 1JSNR, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Zeldes of 2022 Hazelwood Ave., was handed his discharge papers on. July 4, officially terminating his Navy career after 20 months service. During that time he spent eight months overseas aboard the APA "Sheridan" and for the past three months was attached to the ARD 33. His tour of duty entitled him to wear the ...…

July 12, 1946 • Page Image 14

…orld Jewry Called Upon To Support Zion Settlers British People Favor Homeland Plan—Blum PARIS, (JTA)—Former French Premier Leon Blum stated in a editorial in the official Release of Some Prisoners, Commutation of Sentences and signed Socialist newspaper, Le Popul- Freeing of Captured Officers Does Not Relieve Tension; . aire, that tens of thousands of Jews could be admitted to Pales- Chief Rabbi Herzog Appeals to Christian Conscience tine if...…

July 12, 1946 • Page Image 15

…Friday, July 12, 1946 Obituaries MORRIS GOLDBEl-tG, 36, who lived in Detroit for 23 years, died in the city of his birth, New York, July 3. Funeral services were held July 5 at Chesed shel Ernes. He is survived by his wife, Ada; two children, Marcia and Harold; his mother, Mrs. Bertha Goldberg; five brothers, Harry. Alex, Reuben, Abe and Jack; a sister, Mrs. Rose Surovitz of Lynn Brook; Long Island. * * * MRS. GOLDIE KUNIN, 46, of 1601 Phila...…

July 12, 1946 • Page Image 16


July 12, 1940 • Page Image 1

…America 9ewit Periodical &ter CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO 191 6 1 le de. other I that f the been along tiaskr ?ard a from Jabot. .botin. Zion. asked id op. insky, ig the equal Wedg. um. es, called se to young igthen Begun tly at rt Na. Ig out ;. The Were broad, hinery handy being ear to it is de on to 'ached essary road . The E1,500 .gency Keren t. horten Aviv 1926 nmo• , the the ay be- Detroit Jewish Chronicle SECT...…

July 12, 1940 • Page Image 2

…DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle 2 SHIRTS No matter what you pay, no laundry can launder a finer shirt eac h Non - Sectarian Anti - Nazi League Asks Rep. Dies to Investigate Nazi F i f t h Column Political Party July 12, 1940 NAMED TO NEW J. D. C. POSTS The Non-Sectarian Anti-Nazi League to Champion Human Rights wired Representative Mar- WE HAVE THE BEST EQUIPMENT MADE tin Dies asking that his commit- tee investigate th...…

July 12, 1940 • Page Image 3

…July 12, 1940 Important Notice To Organizations Contributors to the columns of The Detroit Jewish Chron- icle and publicity committees for all local organizations are asked to note that the deadline for copy to be submitted for publication is at 10 a. m. on Wednesdays, except on holiday weeks at which time the dead- lines are announced in advance. Copy received after the deadline will be retained for publication in the following week's sisue...…

July 12, 1940 • Page Image 4

…DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE 4 Detroit Jewish Chronicle and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE Published Weekly by The Jewish Chronicle Publishing Co., Inc. President JACOB H. SCHAKNE Entered as Second-class matter March 3, 1916, at the Post- office at Deticii, Mich., under the Act of March 3, 1879. General Offices and Publication Bldg., 525 Woodward Ave. Cable Address: Chronicle Telephone: Cadillac 1040 Subscription in Advance JACOB MARGOLIS PHILIP SLOM...…

July 12, 1940 • Page Image 5

…5 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle July 12, 040 P urely Commentary Distinct Honor for Otto A. Silvers The Veterans of Foreign Wars of the State o f Michigan have conferred a distinct honor upon Otto A. Silvers, Detroiter who has been active fo r years in numerous veterans' organizations and the Jewish War Veterans of the United States. By elevating him to the post of Commander of the State of Michigan, the Veterans of Fore...…

July 12, 1940 • Page Image 6

…DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle 6 July 12, 1140 PARTS NEEDED FOR CONSTRUCTION Christian Front A WOMAN'S SUCCESS STORY OF RED CROSS AMBULANCE ON SALE I Condemned BY WOMEN'S CONGRESS DIVISION How Mrs. Rose Wetsman Advanced from Sales- Entire Issue of Magazin e 15 girl to Only Woman General Manager of Women of Detroit Asked to Contribute Towards This Devoted to Discussio n Important Project to Make Mercy Gift Possible a Downto...…

July 12, 1940 • Page Image 7

…DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle July 12, 1940 SPOKE HER MARRIAGE VOWS AT KNOLLWOOD COUNTRY. CLUB Platter Patter By SEYMOUR KAPETANSKY (Varsity 3007: Luna de Jala- pa, bolero, and Bola Negra, jays; singers with Spanish orchestra.) Luna is mildly espagnole, hesi- tantly sung by Emilio Tuero. Bola is an ace recording, fiery music sensitively and keenly put over by Gabriela Daltas. (Decca 23152: Daphne and I Wonder Where My B...…

July 12, 1940 • Page Image 8

…DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle it July 12, 1940 1 ELEVATION OF OTTO A. SILVERS '\ TO STATE COMMANDER OF V.F.W. HONORED BY JEWISH VETERANS RUMANIA the rgturn of Transylvania, the mirer of Gen. Franco. Vice-Pre- Jews of that area became the tar- mice Pierre Laval was one of gets of increasing anti-Semitism. the original leaders of the "ap- Jewish leaders in Transylvania, peasement bloc" in France. (Continued from Page 1) a...…

July 12, 1940 • Page Image 9

…F--- r i July 12, 1940 ,,,, ., Rules for Control ,' 1 ' , Of Solicitations _..'' For Yeshivoth The committee for support of , Yeshivoth and :naritable insti- tutions of the. Michigan Syna- gogue Conference and the De- dpi troit Council of Orthodox Rabbis has announced the following rules in supervising collections: 1. Credentials will be issued to Meschulochim of Torah-centers in this country and abroad and other religious-charitable ins...…

July 12, 1940 • Page Image 10

…July 12, 1940 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle I 0 THE REALM OF LOCAL SOCIETY Mrs. Julius Gilbert returned to Mr. and Mrs. Julian Zemon will leave next week to spend a few Charlevoix having spent a couple of days with her daughter, Mrs. weeks at Racket Lake, N. Y. Philip R. Marcuse. Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Smith Mrs. Julius Cohen and son, will entertain a group of friends Harold, returned to their home this week-end at Bayfiel...…

July 12, 1940 • Page Image 11

…. July 12, 1940 BRIDAL PORTRAITS DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle II • ENGAGEMENTS The engagement is announced of Mrs. Bertha Haas of Detroit, formerly of Frankfort, A. M., Germany, to Benjamin Adler, nephew of Albert J. Adler of Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. David Green announce the engagement of their (laughter, Blanche, to Dr. Jack Yale Forman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Forman. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Sklare of Glendale Ave. annou...…

July 12, 1940 • Page Image 12

…DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle 12 House of Shelter MIXED SWIMS AND DANCES PART OF CENTER'S SUMMER PROGRAM Auxiliary Installs Its New Officers Weingarden, Former Fire Chief, Dies July 12, 1940 Ellmann Moderator At Forum July 17 With James I. Ellmann as mod- erator, the Jewish American At the last meeting of the Youth Council will hold an open Ladies' Auxiliary of the House of forum on Wednesday, July 17, at Shelter, held...…

July 12, 1940 • Page Image 13

…ju!y 12, 1940 ANTI-SEMITES (Continued from Page 1) an d questioned about the explo- sion at the World's Fair which took the lives of two detectives a nd injured five other police of- ficers. The two detectives were killed while examining a bomb which had just been removed from the c rowded British Pavilion and taken to an isolated section of the Fair. Shortly after the ex- P lo • , ion hundreds of detectives combed the city, questioning e...…

July 12, 1940 • Page Image 14

…July 12, 1940 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle 14 Judge Jonah J. Goldstein has suggested that at the close of the present season the Fair grounds should be converted into a vo- cational training center for Amer- icAn youth . . . Somebody else recommends that the exposition grounds be used to house refu- gees who find asylum in this country. Jewish Tales by Gentile Authors "Candles in the Night" Is Significant Collection; ...…

July 12, 1940 • Page Image 15

…July 12, 1940 CLASSIFIED QUILTS - Made or recovered from your own feathers or wools. Pillows recovered-spe- cial, $1.25. Full line of curtains, baby, s hower and wedding gifts, Dexter Quilt & Gift Shop, 11649 Dexter Blvd., at Webb. llogarth 9050. CITY CAMP CLUB will pick up your child (7 to 14) 1 p. m. daily and return 6 p. m. Play and educational visits. Nomi- nal charge. For further in- formation call Walter Farber, Davison 8080, FOR REN...…

July 12, 1940 • Page Image 16

…16 - DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle DEMOCRACY Continued from Page 1 dent of the Catholic Youth Or- ganization; John E. Manley, gen- eral secretary of the National Council of the Y. M. C. A.; Mrs. Henry A. Ingraham, president of the National Board of the Y. W. C. A.; Edward S. Greenbaum of the American Jewish Committee; and Dr. Everett R. Clinchy, di- rector of the National Conference of Christians and Jews. The Signers'...…

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