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July 12, 1946 - Image 12

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1946-07-12

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Danny Raskin's


OMISSION of Hank Greenberg
from this year's American League
all-star team gives fans something
to talk about in asking that an-
nual picking be returned to them
as it was when the idea was
originally adopted . . Hank, as
one of the greatest sluggers and
attendance pullers ,Fin the game
should have been chosen because
the game owed him the honor
. . . His present top-ranking
home-run and runs - batted - in
record. however, did not warrant
his being selected on past per-
formance, only . . After all, he
still is among the leaders in these
departments ... besides still being
one of the most feared batsmen
in the major leagues! . . . But the
all-star game is now history, so
all we can do while glancing
through the record books is mut-
ter about the dirty deal they gave
a swell guy and great ball player.
back there in 1946.

* # *

Friday, July 12, 1946


Page Twelve

bulwark . . . He was a captain in
the American Army, enroute
somewhere overseas . . . the des-
tination a mystery . . . But when
they finally landed, the darkness
of night and a dense fog which
completely covered the waterfront
could not dispel the faint air of
familiarity . . . An exciting glitter
came to Gerald's eyes and his
heart began to pound in relentless
fury . . . Who could mistake it
. .. This was London—home ! . .
His unexpected return after seven
years gave his mother and dad
the greatest surpise of their lives
. . . As they stood there, with
eyes misty from tears of joy, a
tall, handsome British Tommy
came in and Gerald, the Ameri-
can officer, returned his salute
. . . Then the father joined in
and said . . . "Boys, I want you
both to meet each other . .
You're in different armies but
fighting on the same side for the
same cause . . . What's more—
you're brothers!"
* * *
HERE ARE A few points you
can follow to help keep our com-
munity clean and make us all
proud of its appearance . .
Don't throw paper, trash or other
unwanted matter on the streets,
sidewalks and lawns . . . Don't
destroy the beauty of well-kept
lawns by trampling on them . . .
and. if you own a lawn, don't
neglect its care . . . Don't in any
way deface the fronts of business
establishments . . . Don't be like
someone living in an apartment
at 2630 Richton, who, according
to the tenants, litters the hallway
with more refuse than they put
in the incinerator. Let us all be-
come vigilantes of cleanliness
and make our community the
neatest in the city!
with more refuse than they do in
the incinerator. Let us all become
vigilantes of cleanliness and make
our community the neatest in the

First Refugee
roup Since V-Day
Leaves Shanghai

Plans for the first sizeable emi-
gration of Jewish survivors from
Shanghai, China, to the U. S.,
Canada and South America. have
been completed and 164 European
Jewish persons were scheduled to
leave the Chinese city this week
aboard the SS. General Meigs, the
Joint Distribution Committee has
been advised by its Shanghai rep-
resentative, Charles Jordan, for-
merly of New York.
The 164 Jews are refugees who
fled Hit;er Germany only to be im-
prisoned when Japan entered the
war. The group is scheduled to
arrive in San' Francisco this
month. Included are 26 rabbinical
students planning to study in New
York, 6C other Jewish persons en-
tering the U. S. under regular
immigration quotas, 58 rabbis who
will emigrate to Canada and 20
Jewish persons who will go on to
South America.

95 Refugee Hebrew Scholars
Sailing. Vaad Hatzala Reports
Ninety-five ref u g e e Hebrew
scholars sailed from Shanghai on
the SS. General Meigs, according
to Vaad Hatzala, New York, the
major Jewish organization con-
cerned with religious rehabilita-
tion. They are due to arrive in
San Francisco July 15. Fifty-eight
of the incoming scholars are
scheduled to gJ to Canada.
This 's the first large group to
emigrate of the 500 Hebrew schol-
ars maintained in Shanghai by
Vaad Hatzala all through the war.

Wise and Lipsky Barred
From Going to Palestine

Weizmann Meets with Agency Leaders, Visits Arrested
Comrades at Latrun Camp; Haganah Defies British
Claims; Deny Two Informers Were Executed

Dr. Stephen S. Wise and Louis Lipsky have been denied
visas to go to Palestine, the British Foreign Office_having in-
formed American authorities that they are not wanted in
Palestine at this time.
A report from Jerusalem reveals that the remaining
members of the Jewish Agency who were not arrested met

with Dr. Chaim Weizmann at his
Rehoboth home to map Zionist Palmach's leaders and instruct-
strategy in the crucial weeks ors at the village of Mizra.
The Haganah radio broadcast

Military are reported to have a denial of an official announce-
withdrawn from Yagur.
ment that Otto Freund and Ben-
The "Voice of Israel" radio de- jamin Papanek, alleged informers
clared that the British "provoca- who led troops to arms caches
at Yagur, had been executed,
tions" have not lured the Hagan- The broadcast said that the two
ah into an open battle, but "the were kidnapped on the orders of
day will come when the Haganah the Jewish resistance movement,
will choose the appropriate mo- but are being held awaiting trial.
ment to strike."
Documents found in the Agency
files and seized during the raids
on various colonies were sent by
air to London after having been
examined by officers of the Crim-
inal Investigation Division.
They will be scrutinized by ex-
perts and then will be incorpor-
ated in a government White Pa-
per which will attempt to show
a link between members of the
Agency and terrorist outbreaks.
The authorities also claim that
they have discovered a list of the

Theodore Levin on his nomina-
tion for the Federal Judgeship
. . . It was.a before-the-news item
in this column many months ago
that he was in line for the post.
born in the community . . . from
Relatives Sought Here
the brainchild of likeable Monte
Jewish Congress
Korn . . . for the furtherance of
social activity as a group among
Letters have been received_ at
select fellows and girls . . . Ted
the office of Detroit Section of
Liebowitz was voted president last
American Jewish Congress, 9124
week at a meeting at Dorinne
Linwood, for the following:
Sherman's home.
Mrs. Lena Falk, 603 N. Perry, Pon-
* * *
tiac. from Anni Bersug.
Mrs. Sainu Adler from brother. De-
zider Smilovic. A snapshot of the
(making election speech)—"I was
writer enclosed.
born an Englishman, I have lived
Isroel Ben Dov Lande, 60, from Lib-
like an Englishman."
ishe. Poland, from his brother, Sender
IRISH LEADER — "Well. an
Ignace Beller from Josef Lind from
Katowice, Poland.
shore. man, have ye' no ambi-
Gasitz, 2535 Glendale, from Wercs-
berger Isak, from Sibice, Romania.
* * *
Ralph Koelner, care of Cohn. 2069
Euclid, from Rose Friedman, Lucken-
THE HONOR of opening the
new Stage Door Canteen, ala New
Josef Semel. Poland, for David Se-
York style, at the Moose Temple,
mel, Highland Park.
Hershel Tuchlaper seeks to locate
July 11, was accorded Mickey
Malke Libey. born Tuchklaper, born
Woolf because of his outstanding
at Wengrovo near Warsaw.
Iancu M. Braunstein. of Galatz, Ru-
record in USO and other phases BROCHURE BY SAMS
mania, looks for members of his fam-
of entertainment for the boys in
who have emigrated to this coun-
try in 1901: Mooritz, Hana, Bertha.
service .. . He also opened Knoll- TELLS SECRET OF
Mali. and Simon Braunstein. The in-
wood Country Club . . . Metro- AMAZING SUCCESS
quirer is lame and needs help.
Goldwyn-Mayer, with an option
Blumberg, Bella. married to Leib
Zilberman, looking for Blumberg,
on his services, has ordered him
An interestingly presented bro- Moshe-Itzak
who left Warsaw in 1927.
to lose weight . . . which he is chure has been published by
Banach Pesla, nee Obornick, looks
doing. though wondering wheth- Sams, Inc., under the title, "A for Broner Sam, Nagorzany, Poland.
Galinska Chaja, looks for Bechkan
er to go through with it or not. Success Story in Mass- Merchan- Michla,
nee Pruzhan, from Wilno.
After all, besides being a very dising". The introduction sug-
Calub Leib, looks for his uncle Bliz-
happy family man, Mickey does gests that the story of the pheno- nuik Aron B. Wolin, Poland.
Esilevskay A. Fania seeks Galinska
have a successful furniture busi- menal success of Sams "should Sara.
ness . . . and Hollywood would strengthen the faith of every
Gerwer Arie (father's name Sender)
have to go a long way to lure American in his country. It is seeks Henry Gerwer.
Gerstenman Mordcha seeks Gesten-
him away.
man, Jakov, Josel, Pesach,, Sholem
cans, of a man and his boundless and
* *
Buttersnyt, Sofia seeks her uncle
VERSE DEPT. . . . I am sorry trust in his community and its
Sam Fine.
for kuys who criticize . • . the people—and of the success of that
Hiso, 155 Lange Leestraat, Antwerp.
seeks Goworzik Szmul, Zismand, Gitla.
other guys whose enterprise . . . man and of his community".
Sternbach. Menhert, seeks Hersh Na-
has placed them above the guys
formerly of 2605 Elmhurst, De-
started a small tobacco store 25 than
. . . who criticize and minimize
S. Choenfeld, Chenstochowa.
years ago on the edge of Detroit's
. - the other guys.
seeks her uncle. Jacob Kahan.
downtown shopping district, oper- Poland,
Kupfer Morris sought by
ALTHOUGH COMMUNITY co- ating on the policy of "giving the Shulim Kupfer,
born in Ropczyce.
operation was lacking at their re- customer more for his money".
Mrs. Bence Miklos seeks Mrs. Rob-
ert Denchick (Lillian Kerekes) and
cent Congressional Medal of Hon-
In 1930 the store was employ- Eugene Kerekes, 2025 W. Euclid.
Josef Friedman seeks Adolf Fried-
or Dance, the boys of Raymond ing 21 men and women and its
and Mrs. Kornield.
Zussman Post deserve a hand for business grossed $1.000.000 for the man
Tauby Maidenbaum seeks A. M. Kre-
disregarding the small crowd and year. During 1945 Sams employ- plak, 1942 Taylor.
David Faitelewicz seeks Vera Lich-
making the best of a disappoint- ment rolls exceeded 1,500 and its tenberg.
Jakob Moncarz, Zagainsk, Poland.
ing situation . . . The fellows had business went over $20.000.000.
a fther's name Szaja, mother's name
two strikes on them before open -- With its enlarged store at Ran- Gitla seeks Moncarz Moshe, 40, work-
ing at Ford's, and Masha Moslikowitz,
ing the doors, with very warm dolph and Monroe, and the new 60.
Chana Yongerma n. mother's name
weather on the night that had two five-floor addition to its Campus
seeks Petzkaski Leah and
other dances scheduled . . . There store, fronting on Farmer, which Temerl,
daughters, Rachel and Sara.
is no stopping the weather but the almost doubles the prewar space
Abram Schmulowsi seeks Schmol
works at Ford's.
clashing of dances could have of this unit, the firm now rates Aron,
Peritz Grigorievicz Sherman, a refu-
have been avoided . . . The other as the second • largest downtown gee in USSR, seeks his brother. Leib
groups, after calling the Jewish department concern.
Szlama Danziger seeks Silver Na-
As examples of the store's than,
his wife Reisel, and his son,
Community Council for clearance
of the date, were told that Ray- growth, the brochure. asserts,
Josef Kohs and Heinz seek Harry
Morris Springer.
mond Zussman Post had already Sams prescription department fills and
Smuszko Vargansk Jankel seeks
- a million prescriptions
cleared the night . . . but went nearly half
John Stein.
per year, while its food depart-
Miksia Wiener seeks Yosel Steiner.
ahead with their plans, anyway ment does the largest volume of
Rahmii Strulivici seeks Dais Strulo ,-
. . . It is a shame that in such any single food unit in the state. vici.
Yacob Portnow seeks Avrom-Majer.
cases cooperation with the other
Deszo Rosenbaum seeks Martin
Sams always has been active in
fellow cannot be adhered to with adding and participating in civic Weisz.
From Antwerp, Belgium, there is a
rightful dignity and intelligence, efforts—Detroit Symphony Orch- request to locate Samuel Weise.
* *
Anyone knowing the where-
estra, U. S. Bonds, Community
LOOKING BACK . . . Many Chest, Red Cross and March of abouts of these people is request-
years after Gerald Freedman had Dimes. Its employes who served ed to communicate with Mrs. S.
left his parents and 12-year-old in the war received a bonus be- Lichtenstein, TY. 6-1971, who will
brother in London, England, to fore thy left. Its salary schedule furnish further information. It is
live with his uncle, Barrish Freed- is claimed to be the highest of any important that all records be
man, the Hamtramck business department store in Detroit.


On these pages are inscribed the weekly social
events for which Rosenberg's Catering was proud
to serve. As "Creators of Perfect Catering."

Rosenberg's takes pride in its ability to offer
the absolute finest in preparation and service
for complete and thorough enjoyment of the

Shower for Helen Weinberg, given by Mrs. B.
Siegel and Mrs. IL Schreier.
Afternoon: Sisters of Zion Mizrachi meeting.
Evening: Shower for Lillian Rudack, given by
Mrs. Radine and Mrs. Yellin.
Shower for Lillian Dorfman, given by Mrs.
Leslie Rosenthal.
At Bnai David Synagogue. Marriage of Esther -
Allen to Jack Flashberg of New York.
Bar Mitzvah of Sanford Shapiro, son of Mr.
and Mrs. H. A. Shapiro.
Afternoon: Marriage of Yetta Nosanchuk to
Lou Moses.
Evening. At Congregation Bnai Zion, mar-
riage of Ann Sosnick to Marvin Levy.


Congratulations and best wishes to the honored above. It was our
privilege to serve you and may we continue to do so at all your future
social functions. Whether it be a wedding, bar mitzvah, shower or

banquet. we are always ready to provide the finest in catering beyond
the most desired satisfaction.
Sincerely yours,

Your Host,


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