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October 30, 1942 • Page Image 11

…, Anna Michlin, Mrs. Alexander Sanders, Sarah She- THE JEWISH NEWS Dr. Fuller is Adviser Of Avukah at U. of M. The University of Michigan chapter of Avukah is active with a program of varied activities…

… Foundation of the University of Michigan. ONLY 500 JEWS LEFT IN BESSARABIA ISTANBUL—A reliable survey of the position of the Jews in Rumania reaching here this week reveals that only 500 Jews re- main in…

… Acquisition of the new home for the Bnai Brith Hillel Founda- tion of the University of Mich- igan, at Ann Arbor, was made possible by the efforts of a group of leaders throughout the state. Irwin I. Cohn has…

…-Semitism." On Nov. 8, a morning hike will be followed by a communal breakfast. • Miss Elise Zeme of Detroit, an active Avukah leader, w a s awarded the Hillel Hostess Schol- arship by the Bnai Brith Hillel

… sacrificed in this war effort." —The proper use of the governor's appointive power. "My selections will be based on merit and , Active on Committee For Hillel at U. of M. Page Eleven . Sachar to Address…

… director of Hillel Founda- tions, as guest speaker. Many notables will be present as guests to hear Dr. Sachar de- liver his address on "Our Rendez- vous with Destiny". This will be Dr. Sachar's only…

… taken an active. part in the campaign to raise the necessary funds and has endowed a room in the new Hillel home, located at 730 Haven St., in memory of his parents, by giving a liberal contribution…

…. Dedication of the new Hillel home will take place this Sun- day. MUR Circuit Court Cony issioner NON-PARTISAN BALLOT ENDORSED BY LABOR Preferred Candidate Detroit Cfigizens League RE…

…Friday, October 30, 1942 MUSIC HubermanConcert Committee Named Bronislaw Huberman's forth- coming appearance in Detroit, in a concert at the Masonic Temple on Nov. 29, under the auspices of the…

… City Committee of the Jew- ish National Workers' Alliance, is arousing wide interest. Emma Shever, who has gained fame throughout the land and in Palestine as a concert soprano, will be Mr. Huberman…

October 30, 1942 • Page Image 1

of Jewish students at the Problems affecting the Jewish tra- University of Michigan for more d'tifoial congregations. It has than 15 years. Other Hillel Foun- brought in closer contact tradi- dations…

… sonic grocer- University of Michigan Hillel ies Jewish populated neighbor- Foundation, a portion of the His- hoods. tory of Bnai B'rith, Ilillel Foun- Th:e conference plans for the dations which will be…

… or for the establish- ment of additional foundations at such Universities and Colleges where presently Hillel is not rep- resented. Faculty leaders recog- nize the value and the tremen- dous influence…

… and universities have been brought within its orbit, and nearly • 0,000 Jewish students are being served in every part of the coun- try. Today the Hillel Foundation is nationally recognized as the best…

… Speaker Mr. and Mrs. Sidney J. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. A. Aronow, Mr. The semi-annual convention of and Mrs. Abe Bader, Mr. and the Michigan Synagogue Confer- Mrs. II. L. Barnett, Mr. and Mrs. ence scheduled…

… combined ef- Wind B'rith Hillel Foundation at forts for winning the war. Ann Arbor will be dedicated. This The Michigan Synagogue Con- foundation has been serving the ference in the past has dealt with needs…

… in the State are located tiomll synagogues of the city of at Michigan State College, East Detroit and the entire State of Lansing and Michigan Normal Michigan. The conference has School, Ypsilanti…

June 19, 1942 • Page Image 7

…., Ann Arbor, one block from the University of Michigan S. MAILS CLOSED campus, to serve as the new home of the Bnai Brith Hillel JEW-BAITING X-RAY ASHINGTON (JPS) — Jew- Foundation of the university, was…

…, Abe Kasle, who presided; David Crohn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schostak. who was in Lawrence W. Crohn, described charge of purchasing arrange- the need for the Hillel Founda- ments; David Crohn…

… Harry sities. He pointed to the natural A. Frankel of Peoria, Ill. gravitation of students to the Upon the conclusion of the Hillel Foundations and declared meeting, it was announced that that the…

… tal was boosted to $10,000, and that Hillel is a miniature Jewish sufficient enthusiasm had been community which needs to be generated to guarantee the rais- encouraged. He described the ing of the…

… build Jewish leadership. Rabbi Cohen gave facts and fund are: Mr. Kasle, Irwin I. Cohn, Max and Herman Osnos, figures of Hillel activities. He Nate Borin, Mr. Frankel, Osias said that there are 1…

… represent the privileged class. We must bring back the college prod- uct for the institutional fabric of Jewish life. This is the task of Hillel, which is the agency recognized as best fitted for this -job…

…." The 72 Hillel units, according to Dr. Sachar, reach 35,000 students. Dr. Sachar revealed that an announcement of great impor- students who form 11 per cent of tance nationally will be made by the total…

… student population. Of Hillel Foundations during the these, 900 are enrolled in Hillel corning week_ —the percentage being the largest on record, the new high having been attained at the end of 15 years of

… activities by Hillel at Ann Arbor. The new building, he pointed out, will provide ade- quate means for extended Hillel activities. SCHOSTAK'S REPORT An appeal in behalf of the building fund was made by Mr…

…J "-ridgy, June 19, 1942 E N EWS S used of =Heading Ring; Others Held; Pelley Is ,harged With Sedition LONDON (JPS) —Jewish he- -roes and servants of the British cause shared in recent British…

April 10, 1942 • Page Image 2

… was prevailed upon by Dr Stephen S. Wise and Dr. Abram L. Sachar to assume the post of director of the Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation of the University of Virginia at Charlottesville, Va. He is also…

… Schools and received his 13 A. degree from the University of Michigan in 1917. Before entering the University of Michigan, he was active in the Junior Congregation of Shaarey Zedek and was a grad- uate of

… the Sunday school. While at Ann Arbor, Rabbi Kasle was president of the Hillel Founda- tion in 1936-37 and was the Jewish representative on the University Student Council. He was interested in…

… left London last United Hebrew Schools, and ar- week. U. of M. Hillel Fete at Marshall M eeting Tues. The Detroit Louis Marshall Lodge No. 1203 will presept the Hillel 1Players of the University of

… God, our T. Gilbert and Herman Osnos. Junior Division is being planned for Rabbi Leonard S. Kasle Called' To Hillel Directorship in Va. To Leonard S Kasle, a product ; of our local public and Hebrew I…

… the Michigan Daily for two years, was one of the best all-around ath- letes on the campus and was a member of Sigma Alpha Mu frater- nity. As a student at the Jewish'Insti- tute of Religion, in New York…

September 11, 1942 • Page Image 35

… FIDELITY DEPOSIT CO. MURRAY D. VAN WAGONER MICHIGAN York University, has been ap- OF MARYLAND pointed Hillel counselor at Miami "The people of Michigan regardless of race or creed are united with you in the…

…„ has been named assistant fiir e,. for of the Hillel Found;! ,r, at We should all work together in building the world of to- the University of Califto. •;;, i n morrow; a world of increased opportunity…

… Brith Hillel counselor the sight of him who person and every group of our people. The forces arrayed against us are at Ohio University, Athens, 0., so powerful and so ruthless than anything 9111 JOS…

… people throughout the con- ate and a member of e Na- quered countries of Europe. For the sake of our own tional Hillel Commission, thg overn- millions, and to bring to an end this period of trial and sor…

…- Rosh Hashonah Grect, ing body of the Hillel Founda- L'Shono Tovo Tikoseval row through which these oppressed minorities have been tions. passing, I voice the hope of all Marylanders that, by united…

… College train themselves "On this holiday of Rosh Hashonah, we cannot forget for subsequent full time Hillel the ideal for which our forefathers have struggled and service, if they preferred it after REAL…


…4 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle September I 1942 GOVERNORS Dr. Israel's Son Named Hillel Councellor at Ohio University University, Oxford, O., suv . reed Rabbi Henry Rabir, •h…

…, young Israel the reign of the misguided militarists who have scourged will continue the bi-weekly as- Europe, and re-establish upon the earth the principles 555 Farnsworth. signment at Ohio University of

… Year.' " last Israel, oldest son of the late Dr. year, is a senior student HERBERT R. O'CONOR Wholesale He- MARYLAND Edward I. Israel, who is a junior brew Union College. "Now, as never in America…

September 04, 1942 • Page Image 5

… figures in Gewerkshaften drives in Detroit. Mrs. Schumer is one of the secretaries of the Ladies' Auxili- ary of the Jewish National Fund. Their son. Zev, a student at the University of Michigan, is a…

… questions of - autonomy, is that the American Zionist Youth Commission sides not with Avu- kah but with Hillel. The Bnai Brith Hillel Founda- tion desires to take Avukah tin- der its wing and to make it one…

… day, suppression of party opin- ions is uncalled for. Bnai Brith's Zionism The Avukah-Hillel conflict has an interesting background. Bnai Brith, once non-Zionist — some insist it was anti-Zionist — be…

…, removal of Avukah's activities would impoverish Hillel. For the sake of strength in both movements, Hillel would do well not to press its demands for restrictions upon Avukah's political actions. Perhaps…

… Honor One of the very high records in the sale of War Bonds and Stamps has been set by the Michigan Linen Supply Board of Trade, and among the top ranking salesmen is Harry Schumer, who has for a number…

… plane to Palestine, and by mu- tual agreement it was presented to the United States Government for pilot training. Mr. Schumer, a former presi- dent of the Michigan Linen Sup- ply Board of Trade, has been…

… leader in Hashomer Hatzair and is at present active in Avukah. Charles C. Jacoby is executive secretary of the Michigan Linen Supply Board of Trade. Delta Sigma Iota Dinner Dance Features Hary Barnett…

… Avukah-Hillel con- ; troversy. In some universities, Avukah's participation in Hillel i affairs gives status to the Bnai Brith Foundations and strength- ! ens their position. In certain in- stances…

… new controversy is raging in Jewish life. This time it af- fects the youth — Avukah, student Zionist organization, is clashing with Hillel. The interesting fact about this controversy, which involves…

of its subsidiary functions. Avu- kah is willing to accept such status, but it refuses to abandon the right to autonomous standing as a political organization. On this point, there is a clash. Like…

November 06, 1942 • Page Image 5

Hillel Foundations of Bnai Brith, ropolitan Opera Co., who will in an address delivered at the dedication of the University appear at the Jewish Community of Michigan Hillel home in Ann Arbor. • Center on…

… arrangements for the event, as , well as presidents of auxiliaries of Bnai Brith in De- troit. Louis H. Schostak of Detroit, chairman of the Hillel commit- tee of the Michigan Bnai Brith Council, presiding…

Michigan Bnai Brith Hillel 85th anniversary membership drive. The address of the after- Foundation, Inc. Samuel Rosen, president of the noon will be delivered by Rabbi U. of M. Hillel Student Council, Jerome…

…. Lloyd, dean of women at the University of Michigan, Opera Co., also greeted the gathering and read sang at the Zion- a message from Dr. Alexander i s t Conference G. Ruthven, president of the Uni- in…

October 30, 1942 • Page Image 16

… was assured. "The name of Hillel is now part of the American university tradition, and on more than 76 campuses, in association with the names of Wesley and Newman. it helps integrate the spiritual…

… values of the historic religious with the life of the university. "But perhaps the clearest proof of the compatibility of the Hillel technique with the American uni- versity tradition comes in tributes…

… middle west are expected to arrive for the dedication to be held at the new Foundation on Sunday afternoon, Nov. 1, in Ann Arbor, Michigan. The address of the new Foundation is 730 Haven Ave. at Hill St…

…. Members of Bnai Brith and the public in gen- eral are cordially invited. The principal speaker will be Dr. Abram L. Sachar, National Director of Hillel Foundations, historian, teacher and lecturer of

…16 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The BNAI BRITH (Continued from Page 1) Literature at the University of Illinois from 1908 until his death in 1940. Though a loyal member of the Pilgrim Foundation…

October 23, 1942 • Page Image 15

… ers will participate in the formal of the committee, is assisted by opening of the new Bnai Brith Mrs. LouiS Schostak. Hillel Foundation of the Univer- Those interested in attending sity of Michigan

… their children to one of our igan Hillel Student Council; Louis H. Schostak, chairman • of the indifferent to his people. schools. Michigan Bnai Brith Council Must Interest Mothers Will of a People The…

…, was educated Receive Jewish Education, in Kalamazoo College and the Writer Charges University of Michigan and served as Kalamazoo's health of- By ADELE MONDRY The opening of the new school ficer, 1907…

…Friday,- October 23, 1942 We Must Train Our Youth to Honor Heritage THE JEWISH NEWS Page Fifteen Dr. D. J. Levy Dies Dedicate U. of M. Dr. David J. Levy, nationally Hillel on Nov. 1 Foundation…

… education, and this num- War Chest drive, Oct. 26 to Nov. ent program. ber includes those attending our 12. Dr. Abram L. Sachar, national Sunday Schools. The tragedy is director of the Hillel Founda- that…

… school Mrs. Saul Rosenman, chairman 3. We must take the folk or- of the Women's Hillel Committee are . thoroughly contradictory. • What is the school's objective? ganizations and landsmanschaften of Bnai…

… schools in our community Hillel Committee. Our schools have become com- Harry A. Frankel of Peoria, Ill., mercialized. It is a matter of may differ radically in many "selling" a product and of com- ways…

…, but they are ideologically is president of the Michigan Bnai peting With other schools. This kindred. By attracting the in- Brith H i 11 e 1 Foundation, Inc. is not the way. Let those who terest of the…

… mothers to the Osias Zwerdling of Ann Arbor is prefer the Talmud Torah send schools, by setting up study sem- vice-president of the Michigan their children there; let the fol- inars, by creating contact be…

… UNITED STATES SENATOR HOMER FERGUSO REPUBLICAN "Get the facts. Act accordingly. End the confus- ion. WIN THE WAR". That is the plain, understandable platform of Homer Ferguson, Michigan' s nationally…

January 16, 1942 • Page Image 7

…, Miss Anna F. Pisgah Lodge No. 34 of Bnai Milstein, David Nemoff, Herman Brith will present a "Michigan Abraham Dickenstein, who re- M. Pekarsky, Charles Rubiner, Bnai Brith Hillel Night" on Mon- cently…

… . interesting chapter in early Michigan history was recalled on will be the guest speaker at the Mrs. Philip Slomovitz, Isidore ity Center. The Hillel Foundations from Sunday, when a plaque was erect- rally of

… delegates of organiza- Sobeloff, Rabbi M. J. Wohlgel- ernter, Mrs. Philip Broudo. the University of Michigan at ed at the Shaarey Zedek in mem- Senator Alben W. Barkley, ma- Ann Arbor, Michigan State Col- ory…

University and former di- Michigan State Normal from ally or- estine which was origin al daughter, Mrs. Jack Vogel. sent a varied ill ised ganized with monies ra , by rector of the Amer can School of Ypsalint…

September 11, 1942 • Page Image 48

…- native of New York City, who has been appointed director of ning of it we must not forget the Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation the cause for which it being at Queen's University, Kingston, fought. We are…


… this brief article to Bnai Brith Hillel Foundations list all of the things which are this fall, it was announced here absolutely necessary in order to by Henry Monsky, president of win this war. But two…

… Ye- ten. First the fighters; second, shiva in 1941 he served as rabbi those who make the implements of a Brooklyn congregation until of war; third, the healers; his appointment to Hillel. Rabbi fourth…

…, who arouse confidence in our vic- has been named director of the tory, confidence in democracy, Hillel Foundation at the Uni- confidence in the future. We versity of Florida. He succeeds Rabbi Louis…

… song and story; and five, the army of public opin- serve the Jewish students at Queen's University but will also ion." Women of America! We have be the rabbi of the Kingston risen nobly to our…


… a full line of chairs, sofas, solid mahogany tables, lamps. mirrors and gifts. 7651 McNichols Road, W. University 3-1616 Le Shono Tovo Tikosevu On the Threshold of the New Year, May the Hopes…

…DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle September I, 1942 WOMEN L'Shouo Toro Tikosevu! Frank Fishman Operator of HOTEL SAVARINE East Jefferson at Lenox Excellent Facilities for…

… Bank Bldg.. RAndolph 2927 4 -1 — BUY WAR BONDS! (Continued from Page 8) Two Orthodox Rabbis Named Hillel Directors In Florida and in Canada important—whether the state or the citizen is supreme…

November 20, 1942 • Page Image 14

… NEWS From the Campus Tuesday afternoon, at the new home of the Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation at 7:30 Haven in Ann Arbor, Michigan, the first Red Cross unit of the Hillel USO Service Committee began its…

… organizations. News. Eliezer Sherman, Yid- It is procurable also either from dishe Shriften; M. Boraisha, Con- the author or at the office of gress Weekly; Mordecia Soltes,t he Jewish Welfare Federation. HILLEL

… work. Tuesday, Nov. 16, from 2-6 was devoted to the preparation of surgical dressings which pro- cedure will be taught at Hillel. The war service committe plans to make this only one of its varied war…

…, and Professor Wohfgang Kraus of the political Science Department, will take the negative side of the question. A social hour and serving of re- freshments will follow. Hillel Foundation will summar- ize…

… to National Advisory Committee of Bnai Brith Hillel Foundations and Aleph Zadik Aleph Pisgah Lodge No. 34, Bnai Brith is pleased to have this opportunity to extend to the Jewish Community of Detroit…

… During the week of Nov. 22-29 the Shaarey Zedek Library will join hundreds of other organiza- tions throughout the country in celebrating Jewish Book Week. The special exhibits and programs to be featured…

… this year will he built around the theme: "On the Wings of Books to Jewish Knowledge". First featured in Boston in 1925 and inaugurated on a larger scale in 1927 by Rabbi S. Felix Mendelssohn of Chicago…

… occasion for the arous- ing and revitalizing the tradi- tional Jewish love for books,-- "a love and devotion which have been and still are the most po- tent props of Jewish survival.'' The Shaarey Zedek…

… Library will observe Jewish Book Week this year by having open house and staging several interesting and timely exhibits of books, pamphlets, periodicals, paintings and ceremonial objects. The dis- plays…

… and art objects of Palestine. In keeping with the times, a special section will be devoted to post-war reconstruc- tion. The literature and pictorial material to be exhibited for this purpose will of

November 27, 1942 • Page Image 10

… written as to lead the average student into the paths of Jewish history, literature and bio- graphy. At Illinois, Michigan, Alabama, Ohio State and Brook- lyn, the Hillel Foundations have memorial libraries…

…. 111 ....OLIN IIN 11 ■ 111 IN? ....... I Jewish book sections created in university libraries by Bnai Brith more than 30 years ago resulted ultimately in the establishment of the Bnai Brith Hillel

… Founda- tions. It was in 1911 that Bnai Brith's District 6 appropriated funds to provide Jewish reading material for the Jewish students at the University of Illinois and Michigan Agricultural College. A…

… to the Jewish students of America on the university campus, the Hillel units have from their in-, ception laid stress upon library facilities. Many of the units have separate library rooms, provided by…

… the In observance of Jewish Book other Hillel Foundations is indexed in Week, Temple Beth El is show- ada, European countries and in the University catalogues, with ing a special exhibition of books…

…- nually wrote to Bnai Brith to thank it for its support of the section. From this Jewish book section at Illinois came the germ that developed into the first Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation at Illinois in 1923…

…, for it was Baldwin who inspired the late Rabbi Benjamin Frankel to start Hillel. Since the primary objective of the Bnai Brith Hillel Foundations is to bring a more adequate knowledge of their heritage…

… bequest or by some Bnai Brith group. The library bedget is al- ways a substantial part of the maintenance allocation. In the se- lection of books for Hillel librar- ies emphasis is placed on Jewish works so…

…, with collections of real importance. At Brooklyn, Hillel last year acquired one of the most complete collections of LAST CHANCE! STILL TIME TO LET SY FEINBERG SOLVE YOUR XMAS GIFT PROBLEMS Buy Nowl…

… America. Her interpretation of the Hebrew Roosevelt's own library. igan-Indiana Religious School In the smaller Hillel units, Teachers' Convention held in Cin- song, of the new Halutz Music, where there are…

August 14, 1942 • Page Image 8

… AIR CONDITIONED Jewish War Veterans, Depart- hers at the University of Michigan. Miss Zeme will then visits ment of Michigan, will sponsor friends in Cleveland Heights, Ohio. • .s. an all-day outing to…

…. Cincinnati, has been named the Rejected in Finland Bnai Brith Hillel counselor at BUY A WAR BOND Ohio University, .Athens, 0., ac- GENEVA, (JPS).—The Mu- EACH PAYDAY cording to an announcement at nicipality of

… director of the Bnai Brith Hillel Founda- yard tion at Queen's University, Kings- Furniture ton, Ont., Canada. xoso (Wasigingtoss Boutsvaut Interior Decorators The Hebrew Theological Col- lege graduate is…

…- F plaids, and gabardines . . . perfect come directors of Bnai Brith zis voted for the measure. for early Fall wear. 100% virgin wool. Hillel Foundations this fall, it was announced here by Henry…

… Rabbi Amram Prero, native of Jerusalem, who 7521 McNICHOLS RD. W. has been named director of the Opposite Sanders ARE YOU KEEPING YOUR WAR BOND PLEDGE? Hillel Foundation at the TJniver- UN. 1.7100 sit…

…), of Florida. Women's Clubs Youth • Victory Corsage In Style, Detroit Women Told Shop DRESS SALE 40 $15 Bnai Brith Names Hillel Counselors COATS • SUITS IRELAND /0 ONLY 160 YDS. Van Riper…

…THE JEWISH NEWS Page Eight Friday, August 14, 19 SUMMER ACTIVITIES AMONG DETROIT WOME Miss Marion Apple Named Jr. Hadassah J.N.F. Region Head Detroit Unit of Jr. Hadassah and Miss Marion Apple…

…, second vice-president, were honored last week by the selection of Miss Apple by regional board of Jr • Hadassah as chairman of Jewish National Fund activities for the region, thereby becoming a member of

… the regional board. Miss Apple recently attended the regional board meeting in Cleveland, representing the De- troit unit, to accept her new post. The Jewish National Fund committee of Jr. Hadassah…

…, like other committees of the Detroit Unit, is functioning during the entire summer. Sale of tree certificates, ksubas, Sefer Hayel- ed inscriptions and general do- nations are being solicited. Miss Apple…

April 17, 1942 • Page Image 1

Hillel Silver, National chairman of the United Jewish Appeal for Refu- gees, Overseas Needs and Pal- estine, who returned last week from a flying, trip to England, called upon the Jewish commun- ity in the…

…) knowledge of the subjects (2) ability to co- operate, (3) clear analysis, (4) diction and felicity of phrase, (5) platform noise. Rabbi Leon Fram of Temple See HILLEL—Page 12 Julius Chajes to Feature…

…. Performing Beethoven's "Em- peror Concerto," Julius Chajes, brilliant pianist and composer, will be the featured soloist with the Michigan WPA Symphony countries throughout the world. The defense of the…

… Invitations were issued this week to officers of communal or- ganizations and men and women active in Michigan Jewish circles throughout the state, to attend the one o'clock luncheon session of the Spring…

… attend the executive sessions at 3:30 p. m., where reports of activities will be presented, and officers elected for the ensuing year. Michigan Synagogue Conference was founded a little over three years…

Michigan campus, initiation of the local Sabbath Observance Movement, establishment of the Michigan Committee for Support of Yeshivoth and Religious-Chari- table Institutions (Vaad Ha-Yoshi- See CONFERENCE…

…." Thirty-five Hillel Foun- dations and counselorships have participated. This includes all schools in the Big Ten as well as other Universities from Can- ada to Florida and from Yale to California. Semi…

…-finals were held and the winners to com- pete in the finals are: Arthur Goldberg, University of North Carolina, District 1 and 3; Burton Williams, Ohio State University, of District 2; Fred Katzburg, University

of California, of District 4; Hal Nappan, University of Alabama, of District 5; Theodore Herman, University of Minnesota, of Dis- trict 6; Irwin Blum, Texas A and M, District 7. The panelists will…

… to regional conferences and quarterly meetings of the Board of Directors. The Vaad Ha-Ke- hilloth has branched out into var- ious fields of activity, including religious work on the University of

May 08, 1942 • Page Image 15

…; president of the Fed- the Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation eration. at the University of North Car- olina, won first place in the na- tional Bnai Brith Hillel Panel Discussion. Tournament, the finals of which…

…. UNiversity 3-21'42. Goldberg is the son of Israel or business woman to Goldberg, prominent Zionist WANTED—Girl share lovely apartment- Call TO. leader, Jewish educator and au- 5-7470. 111G WOL LAKE NEAR…

…Pag e Fifteen Continued from Page 3) QUOTA COMPLETION IN SIGHT AS JUNIOR DIVISION REPORTS in their hope that the proportions will be reached divisions in the drive. Nearly Half of Total Objective…

… Is Pledged at First Meeting; SQUAD Quota of $12,700 Expected To Be Exceeded; e important task of distribu- the large volume of mail Chairmen Listed alf of the campaign again - Members of the Junior…

… Divi- and Goldie Levenstein, chairmen; sion of the Allied Jewish Cam- Leona Kutzen, secretary. paign at their first report meet- Division JE, Jewell Prentis and ing held in the Jewish Commun- Bernard…

… Weissman, chairmen; ity Center reported 43 per: cent Mrs. Sylvia Baker, secretary. coverage of the quota of $12,700 on 15 per cent of the slips, indi- cating that with complete cover- age of slips the…

…- Junior Division probably would exceed its quota: Under the chairmanship of Ja- cob L. Keidan, the Junior Divi- sion is headed by the following: David. A. Goldman and Samuel L. Travis, vice-chairmen. Albert…

… L. Lieberman, chairman of pre-campaign solicitations. Harold Noveck, chairman of organizations and treasury gifts. Division JA, Sol and Mrs. Har- riett Goldman, chairmen; Bertha Belkin, secretary…

… Broder an L. Lewis, Jr., Maurice Speakers' Bureau. and Max Fogelman, chairmen; , Sam Popkin, CoL Prenz- Solicitation of organizations for Rosalind Knee, secretary. , Samuel H. Rubiner, Hy their treasury…

… executive committee has been HELPS SAVE A LIFE. Elaine Kaufman, Selma soliciting men's organizations; and Ethel Winston. the women's committee, under ALITY COMMITTEE the chairmanship of Mrs. Mau- Robert J…

October 23, 1942 • Page Image 1

… Board of Trustee of the made to clear up the questions at also known as an interperter of Greeted By Rabbis Isidore Mellin, president, open- ensues were set aside to assist Michigan Bnai Brith Hillel foun…

…. V.—Page 16 ication Of the newly acquired See PROGRAM—Page 16 See TARTAKOWER—Pa ge 16 funds were earmarked for the Hillel foundation on the campus broader purpose of establishing of the University of

Michigan. what were to become some of the The dedication ceremony will first of American Jewry's best take place on Sunday afternoons, Nov. 1. known philanthropic agencies. Earliest of these was the Clev…

… world." dent for the third consecutive The joint session of the two Michigan. With an enrollment of year, was prevailed upon to ac- a pproximately 900 students, the Zionist bodies went on record also cept…

… will be on Tol- ular health program, child wel- Mrs. Saul Rosenman, chair- by successive Zionist Congresses, stoi's "War and Peace" applied fare, feeding, refugee and land man of the District Hillel cons…

…. Harry Friedenwald of Opened with an accumulated or- Baltimore and Judge Julian Mack phan's fund of $10,000 in a mod- of the colleges and universities of and the Hadassah, meeting in the United .States…

… president of Hadasseh, Mrs. Pool, an tin opic ;Activity of t he .Jewish into the structure of the new See B'NAI BRITH—Page 5 who will serve as Hadassah presi- student body at the University of democratic…

…, November 10 resolution repudiating the Ichud Zwerdlin–, University of Jerusalem, which i:, Hernial' S. Osnos, program. Mrs. Pool was one of ocates a bi-national state in Dr. B. Benedict Glazer of Aaron…

…America 'elvish Periodical Cotter CTORY 16, 1942 ‘ .f ` 1 le I) cit o ithropiss 1st, will [ Is topic ish Life 1." Mr. ;son NI. he Lim. [vent of s sera, to pal • ems he army ashes of he mid. e…

…. !tary. 27th Year of Service to State and Country BUY VNITSP ITATII 1117511111 Detroit Jewish Chronicle (INDS AND VOL 44, No. Is CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO 443 and The Legal Chronicle…

February 20, 1942 • Page Image 8

… talent by the Hillel Foundation students from the University of cation at Princeton University famous Moscow Habimah Thea- Michigan at Ann Arbor and the and the Western Theological ter. He is one of the…

… geniuses students of the Michigan State Seminary. He has held a num- in the art of dancing and is University at East Lansing, Pis- ber of important pulpits in the recognized as an outstanding gah Auxiliary…

…- ject, "A New Approach to the Ideal of Peace." In his absence, his pulpit will be occupied next Friday night, Feb. 27, by Rabbi Jehuda Cohen, the director of the Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation of the…

… Univers- ity of Michigan at Ann Arbor. The services will be conducted by Morris Garvett, president of the congregation, assisted by Cantor R. E. Tulman and Organ- ist Carl Haas. The services will take…

… Through the cooperation of States Army as an officer in their contributions towards this France. He has also accumu- Rabbi Jehudah M. Cohen, direct- donor event by calling Townsend or of the Hillel

…. Philip Cut- sneak on the subject of "What ler is chairman of the donor The traditional annual dinner event. Hillel is Doing for Defense." of the joint Men's Clubs of Tem- ple Beth El, Congregation Bnai…

December 11, 1942 • Page Image 6

… Fort Custer, Michigan, mem- bers of the Michigan State Hillel Extension, and friends of Hillel throughout the state. The Social committee headed by Grace Freudberg '45 and Harry Miller '45 working in co…

… dance. Michigan coeds will also be the recipients of the very popular "warsages" which are sold in con- junction with the general war theme of the affair. These war- sages are made by the Social Service…

… the vari- ous fraternities on campus. Hen- rietta Browersky, chairman of Hillel's USO committee has ar- ranged for the soldiers to he guests of various organized houses over the week-end, and a special…

… ciated with the Michigan State streets for the scrap-metal col- direct the operation of this war Unemployment Commission. lection suggests that one of but for the help of their ig- His new assignment will…

…. Phone REdford 1030 P. O. Box 163 Redford Station Residence-5623 W. Outer Drive—UNiversity 3-5221 Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation Holds Gala Week-End for Soldiers at Ann Arbor December II, 194. PROMOTED…

…DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronic!, Dr. B. Benedict Glazer To Address Zedakah Luncheon on Dec. 15 Mrs. Joseph Staub, chairman of Zedakah's donor luncheon again wishes to remind members…

… and friends that Mrs. Marvin Gold- berg, financial secretary, 3047 Tuxedo Ave., TO. 8-7732 will have open house until the date of the luncheon to accept pledges. Luncheon proceeds will be used to carry…

… on Zedakah's char:ty work, and to meet the club's war effort responsibilities. Mrs. Morris Davis, president of Zedakah Club is planning a victory party to be held at her home at 2676 Webb Ave., on the…

November 06, 1942 • Page Image 1

… Burdens, U. S. Jews Admonished Dr. A. L. Sachar tells enthusiastic audience at dedication of new home of Hillel Foundation at University of Michigan that Jews of this country now occupy major position in…

…For Victory Buy U. S. War Savings Stamps And Bonds VOL. 2—NO. 3 E JEWISH NEWS A Weekly Review RA. 7956 2114 Penobscot Bldg. of Jewish Events Detroit, Michigan, November 6, 1942 34 22 $3…

… and Organizations Make Liberal Gifts Luncheon meeting addressed by Dr. Abba Hillel Silver breaks all records for attendance at campaign meetings . . . Women reaffirm policies of earlier years by making…

… gift, contributors were to add all of their last year's contributions to the other causes now in the Chest, including the Allied Jewish Campaign, Detroit would still fall far short of its required funds…

…. The USO alone, to cite an example, raised $425,000 last year. For the coming year it must have from Detroit $950,000, of 'which $800,000 is our share of the national responsi- bility in areas where…

… morale and recreational work for our own armed forces has no heavy population concentration to support it. The balance of the $950,000 is for an ex- panded program for the service men here in Detroit. How…

… can this essential program be maintained, if not through increased giving from our contributing public? Mere renewal of the Community Fund gift would demoral- ize and even wipe out the entire USO…

… program — and mere renewal of last year's gifts would jeopardize the services required for a much larger Army and Navy than Canterbury and Churchill Condemn Nazi. Persecutions — Page 7 Dr. Franklin…

… Named Keynote Council Institute Speaker Page 2 'Russia Reveals Brutal Murder Of Kishineff Chief Rabbi Page 15 GUEST EDITORIAL "I Believe in the War Chest, But. * we had during the last USO campaign…

…, long before Pearl Harbor. And all this is without reference to the increased need of the civilian population of our Allies, wherever we can still extend help to them. Detroit certainly cannot ignore…

January 09, 1942 • Page Image 16

…-Guild Council, Protestant students group. On the same date the Women's Auxiliary of the Detroit Bnai Brith will make a pilgrimage to the campus of the University of Michigan where they will be guests of Hillel

… Foundation. They will tour the campus with Foundation members as guides, inspecting the buildings and facili- ties of the University. A short program has ,been arranged by Hillel's music committee under the…

…'s program has been planned for those having Hillel at U. of M. To Hear Dr. Vlastos CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Dr. Henry M. Kerzman wishes to thank their friends for the nu- merous expressions of

… direction of Hadassah Yanich of Detroit. After the program a dinner will be held at the Michigan Union, preceding Dr. Vlastos' ad- dress. Intense cooperation with Amer- ica's defense effort has been ar…

… play, Dan Seiden of Chicago will call for tryouts for "Awake and Sing" by Clifford Odets in the near future. The play is one of Hillel major campus events of the year. Mrs. Simon Wolf Dies WASHINGTON…

…," at 8:15 on Jan. 18, in the Rackham Audi- torium. Dr. Vlastos holds the chair of philosophy at Queen's University, Kingston, Ont. A Protestant, he has established himself as one of the leading thinkers…

… Cantor David Katzman for Divine aid to the democracies engaged in the struggle against aggressor na- tions. Rabbi Fischer and Rabbi Jacob J. Nathan delivered ad- dresses in the spirit of this sol- emn…

… occasion. Trees Planted in Palestine Forests January 9, 1942 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the legal Chronicle NEW YORK (Religious News Service)—There were few "overt acts" of religious or racial preju- p…

… dice in America during 1941, the American Civil Liberties Union declared here in releasing its an- nual review of civil liberties. The entire year, said the re- view, was marked by an "encour- aging…

…' bill, to intern aliens who could not be deported, was defeated. Even the outbreak of the war brought no outburst of spy hunting or vigilantism." Hadassah Division Arrange a Tea for J. N. F. Boxholders…

June 26, 1942 • Page Image 4

… revealed that the Mack House in Ann Arbor had been purchased as the new home of the Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation of the University of Michigan. Inasmuch as it is planned to have the counselors of the New…

… Completely Equipped Jewish Camp In The State Of Michigan Grade A Rating Mich. Dept. Of Health • Rustic Airy Log Cables With Running Water and Toilet Facilities All Sports and Hobbies Under Competent…

… Supervision Sam's Cut Hale, Inc. = vrarr ► 46.8.4 ► .trar FREE LOANER Largest Seleetion of Jewish Records in Michigan for our prices are lower . . . our assortments larger! 111.111r10411.0111111111a 111…

… would have wanted me to give its spOnsors every oppor- tunity." In a letter to Dr. A. L. Sachar, Hillel's national director, he wrote, "I am really thrilled at the thought of the use of the houses as a…

… Willkie and in a message sent to the dinner by President Roose- Old Home of Roosevelts ()Maine By Hillel For Interfaith Center gl111111111111111111111111111111111111 1H111111 1111111111M…

… disavow bigotry in all its forms, for "whenever we take away the liberties of those we hate, we are opening the way to loss of (-; liberty for those we love." Mr. Wilikie's views, entitled nority groups…

… for the war, The Case for the Minorities," asserted that "I will go out into appear in the June 27 issue of the hustings and fight at the bar the Saturday Evening Post as a of justice for the rights of

… mi- reply to the article on Jews by nority groups in America." Milton Mayer in the March 28 Other speakers, who honored issue of the weekly. The editors the senior New York senator and of the S…

….E.P. preface the article the former Supreme Court Jus- with a note to the effect that tice and Zionist leader, were Dr. Mayer's "article was the subject Israel Goldstein, president of the of wide protest by…

… people of Jewish National Fund, Under- various races and creeds, and in secretary of War Robert P. Pat- the May 16 issue we published terson, Max Zaritsky and James an editorial explaining the intent B…

December 11, 1942 • Page Image 18

… present from Fort Custer. Members of the Michigan State Hillel Extension will also be guests. Grace Freudberg, Harry Mill- er, Charlotte Kaufman, Herbert Levin have planned the event. Included in plans for…

… were sold at this meeting. Forty uniformed men will • be the guests of the Bnai Brith Hil- lel Foundation of the University of Michigan at the Week-end jamboree, starting Saturday. Sol- diers will be…

… Brith, succeeding Mrs. Lenore Underwood of San Francisco, who was elected councilor. Radio Repairs Friday, December II, 1942 Altar Presented To Pisgah Lodge U. of M. Hillel Jamboree Saturday Pisgah…

… this event are meals and lodgings for men in the service at fraternities on the campus. Henrietta Browarsky of the Hillel USO committee has made these arrangements. 20 Shaarey Zedek Jrs. Get Membership…

…- paired now -- parts may be unobtain- able later. Satisfac- tion guaranteed. FREE LOANER Largest Selection of Jewish Records in Michigan Dexter Radio Co. 11525 Dexter HOgarth 4717 Zionist Youth…

…THE JEWISH NEWS Page Eighteen Congregational Activities Frarn to Give Third Sermon on Folklore Rabbi Adler to Review Hadassah Book Dec. 18 "The Legend of Joseph" will be the subject of Rabbi…

… Leon Fram's sermon at the Sabbath Eve serv- ices of Temple Israel Friday, Dec. 18, at 8:30 p. m., in the Institute of Arts lecture hall. This is his third sermon on "Jewish Folk- lore as a Mirror of the…

… Jewish Soul." The first-two sermons were on Abraham and the folklore of the Patriarchs and Matriarchs. Fu- ture titles will be, "The Epic of Moses," and • "The . Legendary Wisdom of Solomon." Karl W. Haas…

… will be at the console of the new Louis Frank- enstein memorial organ. Cantor Robert S. Tulman will sing the traditional Sabbath melodies. The Religious School of Temple Israel will observe a winter va…

…- cation. Sessions will be resumed Saturday, Jan. 9, and Sunday, Jan. 10. Rabbi Fram, on Friday night, Dec. 11, will review the book, "Sabotage", written by Albert E. Kahn of Detroit and Michael Sayres. Dr…

September 11, 1942 • Page Image 78

Hillel Foundation in a variety of ways—but run- at Queen's University, Kingston, 123 MARKET PLACE ning like a thread through all is Ontario, in Canada. Rabbi Klap- the ever clamant demand for erman, who…

…-- " 10111111114 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle Sep t e 111 be t I , 1 942 New Year's Greetings to All From Michigan • Communitie s The position of the Jews today is perhaps…

… deliver from the with thy God," constitutes the Hillel Foundation at the u ni. threat of barbarism ever y spiritual valu essential lesson of Judaism to- versity of Florida. He suceeeas and more illuminated…

… the Jewish persuas- pression of our own aggressive ion." It denies to the Jew his and possessive instincts: Is it Benton Harbor and St. Joseph, Michigan mission, and by its very sterility surprising…

… the other a graduate of the of God. It matters nothing should Hebrew Theological Seminary in it be argued that man has him- Chicago, . become directors of self created the God which he Bnai Brith Hillel

… Klaperman will not only Norwalk Burial Vaults serve the Jewish students at Builders' Supplies— Queen's University but will also Garden Furniture be the rabbi of the Kingston 248 NINTH ST. 200 EMPIRE PHONE…

… the most poignant in "What does the Lord require of lege graduate is Rabbi Ammo all their long history, and yet thee, but to do justly and to Prero, native of Jerusalem, who perhaps because of the…

… intensity By DR. REDCLIFFE N. SALAMAN love mercy, and to walk humbly has been named director of the of the tragedy the path of the individual Jew is both clearer EDITOR'S NOTE: The war today is a fight to…

…. Today the e the world has pain• day. The pursuit of such trans- Rabbi Louis Youngerman, fully built up in the last Jews must realize that his sole years. In the following article, ce nds diffe rences r of

…. this fight and stresses that the answer that term in its widest sense. to Hitlerism is a spirit- tification of our past and an in- ual one. The defenses which were created spiration for our future. and…

August 14, 1942 • Page Image 10

Michigan Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation; treasurer of Ann Arbor Family and Children's Service and a member of the following: Bnai Brith, Chamber of Commerce, American Jewish Committee, Masons, Kiwanis Club…

… ardent participant. INTERESTED IN HILLEL He is a warm Zionist, and one of his major interests centers in the Hillel Foundation of the Bnai Brith. When the Univer- sity of Michigan Hillel Founda- tion…

… known, however, as a civic leader to whom every worthy cause is dear, and as one whom any student at the University of Michigan may consider as a devoted friend. He is 63, but his appearance belies his…

… aid the sufferers of World War I, Mr. Zwerdling Was already a leader among Michigan Jews. OSIAS ZWERDLING University of Michigan College of Law. THEIR' SONS Morris, the oldest son, left his law…

… Washtenaw County Council of Boy Scouts of America since 1920; director of the Ann Arbor Federal Savings and Loan As- sociation since 1921; director of Michigan Synagogue Confer- ence; vice-president of

…- ings, but he continues to do min- iatures and oil portraits. Honorable mention has been given Mr. Ressler's works by Michigan artists' exhibits, Detroit Institute of Arts, San Diego Art Museum and the…

…THE JEWISH NEWS Page Ten Michigan Personality HEARD in the LOBBIES Friday, Augusf 14, -1942 .44 by David Deutsch Copyright 1942 by Independent Jewish Press Service, Inc.) DISSENTING OPINION…

… Since he ascended from the Harvard Law School to the Su- preme Court bench, Felix Frank- furter has been subjected to many criticisms alleging falling off in liberalism, but none of these was as stinging…

… as the rebuke admin- istered by Benjamin V. Cohen". .. The lanky, shy legal draftsman of the Securities Exchange Act and other New Deal legislation was burned up over the majority decision in Betts vs…

…. Brady, which denied that the Bill of Rights had been violated in the case of a poor man who had not had legal counsel to defend him . . . Said B. V. Cohen, who hates like the devil ordinarily to get into…

June 19, 1942 • Page Image 6

… first four for themselves, if that is their wish. And what they shall have in political and social organization is for them, not for us, to decide." - University of Michigan's Hillel Foundation has This…

…., accepted the scrolils on behalf of the Navy.- The ceremony and present- ation was preceded by talks by the graduates on the theme of "Judaism and American- ism." men in the quired by Hillel will provide…

… differs from As has been indicated by the leaders who were re- all that preceded it in scope, in sponsible for this important move in the direction of intensity, and in the stakes in- giving our Hillel

… thee, thou shalt. not more than either pious resol u- movement among the Jewish students in Michigan, let him go empty: thou shalt furnish him liberally out of :bons and political activity. It thy flock…

…., Detroit. Mich. Telephone RAndolph 7956. Subscription rates, $3 a year; foreign, $4 a year. Member of Independent Jewish Press Service, Jewish Tele- graphic Agency, Seven Arts Feature Syndicate, Religious…

… News Service, Palcor News Agency, Bressler Cartoon Service, Wide World Photc Service. First Articles in Symposium Participated in by Reads of Jewish Theological Seminar- ies, sponsored by Jewish…

… Telegraphic Agency in Co- operation With Dr. Israel Goldstein, President of Syna- MAURICE H. SCHWARTZ and PHILIP SLOMOVITZ, Publishers gogue Council of America. BOARD OF DIRECTORS Philip Slomovitz Maurice…

… Aronsson Isidore Sobeloff Fred M. Butzel Abraham Srere Theo:lore Levin Henry Wineman Maurice IL Schwartz By DR. LOUIS FINKELSTEIN President, Jewish Theological Seminary of America The chief difference…

… between the rabbi's wartime duties and those of peacetime, derives from the fact that during a period of nntional crisis more can: be achieved, as many are more like+ ly " to listen to the basic truths of

… religion. Furthermore, the' assembling of large numbers of PHILIP SLOMOVITZ, On this Sabbath, the fifth day of Tammuz, the ' following selections from the Torah will be read in the Synagogues: Penta…

April 24, 1942 • Page Image 1

…E JEWISH NEWS • For Victory Buy U. S. Defense Savings Stamps And Bonds VOL. 1—NO. 5 A Weekly Review 2114 Penobscot Bldg. of Jewish Events Detroit, Michigan, April 24, 1942 RA. 7956 34 (4…

… Closes Membership Drive, Holds Hillel Panel Installation arranged for May 3 with William D. Saltiel as speaker. Tournament Sunday to bring competing contestants from six universities. Page 3 Machinery…

… to Gem Sikorski in behalf of Nazi-held communities. International Red Cross at Geneva expresses willingness to offer assistance in any rescue activities to be started in America or England. Pal- estine…

… representatives plead with British Board of Jewish deputies in behalf of Polish Jewry. Nazis seek -Page 2 reduction of Jewish births in Poland. Alt -Divisions Make Progress In Allied Jewish Campaign Sholem Asch…

… in motion for 1942 fund-raising effort for $985,000 quota, as women reach 65 per cent of goal. Junior and general teams mobilize forces for record-breaking campaign to help relieve the suffer- ing…

… inflicted upon world Jewry by Nazism. Page 2 Press of Entire Country Lauds Banning of "Social Justice" Government action against Anti-Semitic publication welcomed in all quarters, as assurance is given by…

… Attorney General Biddle of firm steps to stop its circulation. Page 2 ZIONIST LEADER ARRIVES IN U. S. German Jews Saved From Deportation by Priests Resort to baptism in Slovakia as expression of pro…

…-Jewish sympathies. Churchmen threatened with "disciplinary action" by Nazi authorities. Page 2 Jewish War Heroes Cited Highest Soviet award goes to Prof. Parnass. Jewish win- ners of Stalin Prizes listed. Brooklyn…

… boy killed in action in the Near East. Page 2 "Credo" of the Campaign What is your obligati-611in the present crisis? "A Message from Yourself to Yourself' discredits isolationism in Jewish life…

…. Page 14 IN THIS ISSUE: Page 4 4 4 5 5 5 Deutsch's Column Sholem Asch's Story Calendar of Events Women's Clubs Purely Commentary Youth's Listening Post .... Al Segal's Column Editorials Weekly…

July 31, 1942 • Page Image 13

of 'the Hillel Foundation at the thony's Roman Catholic Church University of Virginia, who is a vigil light is burning as the Iream. LONDON (By Cable) — (Re- : Rabbi Eisendrath is vice pros- visiting…

…. Henry Tavel. spiritual head of Canterbury, was indicated at the His speaking tour in the United from the University of Michigan Temple Beth Emeth, who left to annual meeting of the Jewish tates this…

… gion of Michigan Synagogue Con- ound Table is ference, was one of the first also sponsor- members of -Young Israel in this Rabbi brother man. Our Father of us city. He is prominently identi- Eisendrath g…

… Offers Con- w hen he became Rab' , i of Holy lossom Temple in Toronto, the tinuing Prayer for Jewish Is Director of Hillel Founda- ding reform Jewish congrega- Army Chaplain - - en of Canada. He is the con…

… Moore, Albert Schlussel and rn in Chicago July 10, 1902.1 they view the far flung lands of Max W. Ternchin. ivied his A.B. degree in 1925 1 a righteous God." - - om the University of Cincinnati. - e…

…- tion at University of WILMINGTON, Del. — An ex- actor of the "Forum of the Air," Virginia of Canterbury ample. of true inter-faith broth- Archbishop weekly broadcast on current erhood was revealed here…

…" Dairy Products style, it was revealed here by the duration, is young Sidney We Deliver UNiversity 2-9781 M. •C. Gaines, president of the Lumet, who early this season portrayed the boy Jesus behind All…

…Friday, July 31, 1942 Page Thirteen THE JEWISH NEWS ongregational and Other Religious News bbi tosendrath n Michigan Tour Inter-Faith Address ill Gatherings; Rabbi Adler Speaks Monday Rabbi…

… Maurice N. Eisendrath f Holy Blossom Temple, Toron- , Ontario, will begin a series f speaking engagements in Mich- an under the sponsorship of e Detroit Round Table of tholics, Jews Asks God Punish Axis…

… Eternally for Cruelty to Jews Hems* Chaplain -Commemo- rates Suffering in Europe On Tisha b'Ab WASHINGTON (JTA) — The sufferings of the Jewt of Europe were commemorated on the oc- casion of Tisha , b'Ab in…

November 20, 1942 • Page Image 8

… the ceremony. The out of town guests In- cluded Mr. Louis Kaplan, Miss Rose Ludmer and Miss Henriet to Kaplan, all of New York. U. of M. Hillel News The Red Cross Unit of the University of Michigan

…. - A social hour will be sponsored by Hillel from 2:30 to 5:30 p. m. on Saturday, during the broad- cast of the football game. PISGAH AUXILIARY HAS 12 BOWLING TEAMS The bowling league of Pisgah Bnai…

… Wayne University Chapter of Sigma Theta Delta Sorority hon- ored new pledgees — Shirley Shubiner, Shirley Mannheim, Libby Schwarzberg and Doris Lipchinsky—at a luncheon on Nov. 1 at the Fort Shelby Hotel…

…Women's Clubs * Friday, November 20, 1942 THE JEWISH NEWS Page Eight DR. FRANKLIN SPEAKS AT NEUGARTEN LUNCHEON Dr. Leo M. Franklin addressed the ninth annual donor lunch- eon of Neugarten…

… Sunshine Club on Wednesday. Ardis Ailing of New York gave a series. of im- personations. She was accom- panied on the piano by Mrs. Ed- mund Gilbert. Mrs. Martin Krauss gave the prayer. Mrs. Morton L. Snyder…

…, president, pre- sided. Proceeds of the luncheon will be used to carry on the or- ganization's philanthropic work. A regular meeting of Neugart- en Sunshine Club will be held at 2 p. m. Monday at the Jewish…

… Center. A dessert luncheon will be served at 1:30 p. m. and the board will meet at 11 a. m. • * * HOME RELIEF SOCIETY WILL MEET MONDAY The board of Home Relief So- ciety will meet Friday at the home of Mrs…

…. Joseph Galperin, 19301 Warrington Drive. Mrs. Irving H. Small will preside. Important committee reports will be submitted at the next meeting of the organization, at 12:30 p. m. on Monday, at the Dorothy…

…. Danto. Mrs. Maxwell Emmer is presi- dent of the society. • * * JR. HADASSAH HARVEST HOP NEXT SUNDAY Sunday afternoon, Nov. 22, from 2 to 6, the Detroit Unit of Junior Hadassah will entertain paid…

…-up members at a tea dance at the Park Avenue Hotel. This event culminates the membership drive under the chairmanship of Miss Ruth Drazin. Dues will be accepted at the door on the afternoon of the Harvest Hop…

October 16, 1942 • Page Image 8

…- operation in the drive. He an- ization of the University of nounced that Nathan Fishman led in the sale of Bonds with a Michigan, gave a luncheon Oct. U of M Avukah 1, at the Hillel Foundation. Avukah…

…. Isbey, chairman of the War Savings Committee for the state of Michigan, Fred M. Butzel and other leaders. Irving Dworman, president of Knollwood, opened the brilliant social event and introduced Mr…

… individual purchasers. Ray Gorrell's prize-winning Michigan orchestra provided mu- sic during the evening. Leaders in the non-Jewish as Kaplan Chairman of well as the Jewish community a luncheon in the Book…

…. Palestinian songs by Chana Arganoff of Detroit, Donor Event- Announced Mt. Sinai Hospital Association group singing led by David will sponsor an evening of games Crohn, student director of Hillel, at the Fort…

… a score of other members of the commit- oner will be the principal speak- er at the fourth annual Mt. Sinai donor luncheon, at the Masonic Temple, Oct. 28. Frank Isbey, Michigan state chairman for…

…THE JEWISH NEWS Page Eigirf Knollwood Bond Drive Goes Our All Out for War at Victory CHILDREN'S CORNER Fete to Tune of $1,500,000 Million Dollar Banquet Tops All Hopes As Members Rally to Country…

…'s Aid; Achievement Praised by Com- munity Leaders; Fishman Leads in Sales Under the chairmanship of • Irving W. Blumberg, Knollwood Country Club broke all known records for the entire country with the…

… announcement at the War Bond Victory Banquet Wednesday _evening, at the Book-Cadillac Hotel, that members of the club had bought or sold $1,- 500,000 worth of Bonds. Having set a quota of $1,000,- 000 for this…

… novel drive, the over- subscription of the goal by 50 per cent set a precedent for clubs everywhere to emulate. As a result of its achievement, Knollwood Club stands out as a shining example of what can…

…. Blumberg as toastmaster. Bob Hall was master of ceremonies. A feature of the evening was the appearance of the glamorous screen star, Veronica Lake, as well as outstanding entertainers from local theaters an…

July 03, 1942 • Page Image 6

…- that rested on her head when We congratulate Hillel of Michigan he things of a crowded she sat at her window in the come citizens of that country. If th ey anyway, upon this achievement. bus. should…

… there nothing else in J ' i Hillel Buys a Home presage the emergence of a Palestine in troubled and whoever seeks a life fm Mr. Zilch but this Jewish riot, quiet moment to think is in- this .s debating…

… hundreds of thousands f act o at Michigan and scores of other Amer- Arabs in Palestine who have lived th f place in Jewish life. Jewish life speaker in Israel, never joined ere is too much a debating society…

… matter must reach this office by Tuesday evening of each week. When mailing notices, kindly use one side of paper only. The Detroit Jewish Chronicle invites correspondenc e on sub- jects of interest to…

… the Jewish people, but disclaims respon- sibility for an endorsement of views expressed by its writers. — — Entered as Second-class matter March 3, 1916, at the Post- office at Detroit, Mich., under the…

… Act of March 3, 1879, July moving. The conglomerate, heavy mass that is an industrial union will move for- ward more rapidly when the yeast of education begins to work. This Klan demonstration proves…

… again, if proof is needed, that frustrated, resent- ful, botched and bungled men can be organized along bigoted, discriminatory lines and there are always the racketeers to take advantage of these human…

… weak- nesses and short-comings. 19 4 2 PLAIN TALK by AL SEGAL • "Quiet Spot" N OUR TOWN Rabbi Victor Jewish life as a big fu n ,.. ,! f„, I Reichert has opened his temple of a tumult of lamenta ti…

…, ' :- Nir, for the wayfarer who comes by Zilch doesn't mind an oe, ,,,,,,, "' The advance of Rommel's army into and wants to rest and pray or funeral but what sort of i life a ' Egypt has brought about a…

… truce between wants just to rest in a moment is it that's a funeral da ■ the Jews and Arabs in Palestine. The of peace. It's a horrible bedlam day out, morning, noon and in and Sabbath Readings of the Law…

July 03, 1942 • Page Image 4

… thc his temhe fate part- of designation Palestinian on their uniforms. 6 at The Israel. p. m., every day, whoever feels This designation is correct and it may tired of it all and whoever • is Hillel

… this debating society, this crowd- The The purchase of a home for the Michi- litical rights, duties and obligations, just t into front i summons ed bus, this county fair, thi gam Hillel group at Ann…

of She place in Jewish life. Jewish life W88 no loud at Michigan and scores of other Amer- in Israel, never joined Arabs in Palestine who have lived there is too much a debating society, her voice to…

of Michigan All these men and women are or can be- anyway, he things of a crowded come citizens of that country. If they bus. upon this achievement. she sat at her window in the morning. should…

… Tuesday evening of each week. When mailing notices, kindly use one side of paper only. The Detroit Jewish Chronicle invites correspondence on sub- jects of interest to the Jewish people, but disclaims…

… respon. sibility for en endorsement of views expressed by its writers. -- — Entered as Second-class matter March 3, 1916, at the Post- office at Detroit, Mich., under the Act of March 3, 1879. and The…

… Legal Chronicle t942 moving. The conglomerate, heavy mass that is an industrial union will move for- ward more rapidly when the yeast of education begins to work. This Klan demonstration proves again…

…, if proof is needed, that frustrated, resent- ful, botched and bungled men can be organized along bigoted, discriminatory lines and there are always the racketeers to take advantage of these human weak…

… the nts t arer who co m es by Zilch a d wayf M r. oesn't wh• mind an , The advance of Rommel's army into and vva o rest and p ray or fun ..casio'n al E p as brought about a truce between (%)vfant…

… sujeust l but t e Itts o resit lori r n ibi l t e moment is it that's a funeral r a life the da . . in and the Jews and Arabs in Palestine. The Sabbath Readings of the Law day out, morning, noon :.11…

October 23, 1942 • Page Image 18

… this the United States; chairman for her repertoire in Palestinian tw songs. numerous o t h occasions c cgrsons oi ) Michigan, outside of Wayne Schostak, chairman of the Hillel h c iatve y and jo neod n…

… other Michigan Louis Bipsky, former president of men, have chosen as their secre- w ho was accompanied at the pi- Pe arl cities will do likewise. Through. also will attend the induction of tary, Mrs. Sam…

…, National their dramatic talent to the pro- Plans Formulated Bow; publicity, C. W. Hunger- Director of the Hillel Founds. gram. On Sunday Dr. Tartakower ford; welcoming committee, city dons will be the…

… demanding the creation of men and women have the right to a Jewish army in Palestine. (Continued from Page 1) (Continued from Page 1) PROGRAM HILLEL LONDON'S - - IN NICOTINE' Iltzlfgri s e s IN…

…- Cadets, Wayne University foot- Detroit, recently announced that hall game in the U. of the war, the Jews of Holland, our D. stud- Plans for the coming annual t ho United States Navy win Jews, will have…

… groups, to map RABBI JAMES G. HELLER Chairman O'Brien, for the ing the university, and the public out a program of activity for state, announced that celebrations in general are cordially invited. Jewish…

…I6 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle ZIONIST Pioneer Women Install New Group October 23, 1942 TARTAKOWER J. W. V. will be held widely throughout ghout Michigan, the America…

… Legion, (Continued from Page 1) The installation of the Brandies the Jewish War Veterans, th e $5,000 as a gift to Miss Henrietta group, a new unit in the Pioneer of the committee was held Thurs - V…

….F.W., and former Nary Szold, 82 year old founder of omen's organization, marked the secretary of the local Federation, day, Oct. 22. men collaborating in that respect. acted as chairman of the banquet…

…. Hadassah, now in Jerusalem, "to close of Governor Murray D. Van Wa Yehudith Simchonit's Rabbis Morris Adler, Joshua Captain McGuire to Speak be used for any project which g, i Detroit. The group P Sperka and…

October 30, 1942 • Page Image 4

… Shaarey Zedek Religious School and the Uni- versity of Michigan. He was a leader in Hillel at Ann Arbor during his stu- dent days. BOARD OF DIRECTORS MAURICE ARONSSON PHILIP SLOMOVITZ FRED M. BUTZEL…

… matter pending at Detroit, Mich. WAR ClitEXT By RABBI LEONARD KASLE Mt RELIEF' Director, Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation, University. of Virginia, Charlottsville, Va. ZUFFER.ING- eA1,1* REACHED EDITOR…

… choice of speakers for these rallies and . especially on the selection made for the Jewish Day in the drive. Dr. Abba Hillel Silver, who will deliver the address on Monday, is one of the outstanding…

… pettiness and selfishness, communal prayer was developed. Here is the im- portance of Hillel's injunction, "Separate not thyself from the congregation," for when we bow • our heads and lift our hearts to…

…minuomplow. ' Page Four THE JEWISH NEWS THE JEWISH NEWS Member of Independent Jewish Press Service, Jewish Tele- graphic Agency, Seven Arts Feature Syndicate, Religious News Service, Palcor News…

… Agency Bressler Cartoon Service. i Photo Service. Friday, October 30, Tired of Giving? You Don't Know What It Is To Be Tired Yov.G10 rev , , Published every Friday by Jewish News Publishing Co., 2114…

… Penobscot Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Telephone, RAndolph 7956. Sub- scription rate, $3 a year; foreign, $4 a year. Club subscription of one issue a month, published every fourth Friday in the month, to all…

… subscribers to Allied Jewish Campaign of Jewish Welfare Federa- tion of Detroit, in accordance with 1942 Allied Jewish Campaign pledges, at 50 cents a club subscription per year. Application for Second Class…

…'S NOTE: Rabbi Leonard Kasle, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Abe Kasle of Detroit, was ordained Rabbi at the Jewish Institute of Religion last spring. He was graduated from the United Hebrew Schools and the…

… SLOMOVITZ, Editor VOL. 2—NO. 2 OCTOBER 30, 1942 This Week's Scriptural Portions: On the Sabbath of this week, the twentieth day of Heshvan, 5703, the following Scriptural portions will be read in our…

April 10, 1942 • Page Image 12

… ., e Zolma 1 and Rachel Gorelick of sumes no responsibility for the Family will bk. held paper's publication. An edam dd Osce-,• and Ill Goreli•k's ho nr at this week in the Michigan Catho- at 3305 We' h…

…. Cohen. The Hillel Players are com- posed of members of the Ann Arbor Hillel Foundation, one of Bnai Brith's organizations. Harold Cooper, newly elected president, a leading actor on the campus, will…

Michigan under the leadership of J. Edgar Hoover, Director of the Federal Bureau of Investi- gation at Washington, D. C. These matters include such of- fenses as kidnaping, extortion, espionage, crimes on…

… will meet with prominent Zionists in the city. The public, in addition to stu- dents of the university, are in- vited to attend this Thursday evening meeting to hear the talks by Rabbi Fram on "Arab…

… Committee : armies of the Middle East. And in the countries of Latin Amer- Rabbi Morris Adler, Harold C. ica, 115,000 Jewish men and Allen, Nathan Bolin, Hyman C. women and children are speedily Broder…

… demonstrations of piles, Lawrence J. Michelson, what can be done by the three Nate S. Shapero, Abe Shiffman, agencies which make up the Uni- David Wilkus, Monte D. Wit- ted Jewish Appeal. If that work telslefer…

…. Publicity: Israel Himelhoch. is to continue and the goal of Hyman Altman. Jewish survival is to be attained, Speakers: Rabbi Leon Fram. it will involve heavier personal Finance and audit: Harry A. sacrifice…

… for all of us. We are only beginning to realize what Hyman, Herman Radner, Leo Siegel. the word sacrifice means nowa- Siegel. days. As the war goes forward LOWENTHAL GUEST and the march toward victory…

… SPEAKER AT DINNER begins it will become an accepted Members of the Junior Divi- part of the American vocabulary. sion of the Allied Jewish Cam- As American Jews, however, the paign will hold their opening…

… obligations which you and I ac- dinner on Sunday, April 12, at cept will have to be, in many 6:30 p. in. in the Jewish Com- cases, graver even than those of munity Center. Marvin Lowenthal, noted lec- our…

July 17, 1942 • Page Image 7

…,900 apiece. be in addition the remodeling and JWV Auxiliary Head, furnishing of the new Bnai Brith Miriam Hoffman, MICHIGAN — Bette Davis, Hillel Foundation at Ann Arbor. Mrs. Solovich also announces Olivia De…

… June 5—To Mr. and Mrs. Kopel I. Kahn (Sylvia Estelle Key- of the Women's Michigan Bnai 'Scout and Observation and Recon•I Brith Council, has earned for naisance planes is essential to both) well), a…

… eral committee of the district and at Local Conference screen of the Michigan Theater has been appointed by the presi- starting Friday. "In This Our dent, Mrs. Albert Schneider of Miriam G. Hoffman of

… New Life," affords Bette her most Chicago, as district chairman of York City, national president of vixenish role since that she Hillel. the Ladies Auxiliaries of Jew- played in "Of Human Bondage," ish…

… Auxiliaries of JWV and she the year. In the same program presided over the 5th regional the Michigan will present "Al- The Ladies of Yeshivath Beth aide territories In bold relief so assembly held here at the…

… discom- Leon Frans gave the invocation fiture of the family for which and Rabbi Morris Adler the she works. Of Northern Michigan closing prayer. Fred Butzel made reminiscing remarks. • The Only Kosher…

… Resort Genial Hospitality usiness and deliberations Stein's Guests Attend • In the Pint Forests of Northern Michigan were well covered at the region- Interlochen Concert • Half-Mile Private Bathing Beach…

… COMFORTERS OR PILLOWS of the Michigan State Depart- were arranged by the social di- PLAY SAFE—LET US RENOVATE YOURS LIKE NEW NOW ment of Ladies Auxiliaries of rector, Miss Shirley Subar. Sev- JWV which was…

… Music Camp, ON GRAND TRAVERSE BAY—OMENA, MICHIGAN national trustee, acted as in- at Interlochen, Mich. The con- CALL MRS. KOMAROFF — UNIVERSITY 1.6172 stalling officer. cert heard was presented by the The…

…. lart11. 3394 , of laron ranee son, rday, haar• July No Rio tint Mrs. I to was Mrs. visit artin Vet, one piro ruse orris dle- by and The Detroit Musician's Assn. celebrates its 22nd anniversary…

November 27, 1942 • Page Image 9

… and speakers' program. Rabbi Jehudah M. Cohen, direc- tor of University of Michigan Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation, de- livered the benediction. Dancing rounded out the evening's pro- gram. * * * Bnai…

…111•""-- 7 . 1942 kful No,, , rber 27, 1942 PISGAH (Continued from Page 1) ally, Scm , stak, secretary - treasurer, Michigan Bnai Brith Hillel Found- ation, Inc. Greetings to Pisgah Lodge from…

… Bnai Brith leaders SUu acy ?rvice iends, [N. ) t and agre- e at iday, ocial I by ;unal aster liter ;re- with final will :ings i. R. Beth berg Vo- ered ad- the vice r0I11- man of of mss, has…

… ship be ; to eral here the on dis- em- heir eon- an- Aph ' win ing- ;or- cob to nu- of son lee. rth oy- zed ere per urn rn. has es5 be for AARON DROOCK DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The…

… Legal Chronicle -:-CENTER ACTIVITIES-:- Jewish Book Week Symposium Dec. I A community celebration in ob- servance of Jewish Book Week will be held at the Jewish Com- munity Center On Tuesday eve- ning…

…, Dec. 1. Special occasion will be taken at the program to hon- or Samuel D. Weinberg: who is the author of "Jewish Social Services in Detroit." This is the first book to he published in De- troit in…

… Yiddish and is the first Yiddish book to be published by a Jewish Welfare Federation. Dr. B. Benedict Glazer of Tem- ple Beth El is chairman of the evening. Philip Slomovitz of the Detroit Jewish News…

…, Bernard Isaacs of the United Hebrew Schools, and Abraham Meyerow- itz of the Farband School will participate in a symposium on the importance of the Jewish book in American Jewish life. Isidore Sobelofl of

… the Jewish Welfare Federation will give an evalua- tion of "Jewish Social Services in Detroit." Mr. Weinberg, the author will also be on the pro- gram. In addition to the program, a book exhibit of

… the coun- try as well as messages from those prominent in public life and communal affairs were read. The most inspiring portion of the day, which brought the suc- cession of events to a climax, was the…

March 06, 1942 • Page Image 8

… Con- the first time in Yiddish at Litt- economics, University of gregation Shaarey Zedek has Council for the second annual man's People's Theater, on Tues- of Michigan, former executive di- completed…

… Rabbi Jehudah Cohen, di- be held on Monday, March 9, from 4 p. in. until ?, at the rector of the IIillel Foundation at 1 o'clock in the social hall Bnai David Synagogue, Elm- of the University of Michigan

…. Michigan Distributors Shaarey Zedek Drama Group Will Stage "Days of Our Years" Young Judaean Carnival March 15 "Ninotchka," Jolly Musical Comedy, at Littman's on Tuesday, March 10 Haber to Speak at…

… arrangements for a Purim Carnival and Bazaar to rector of the Hillel Foundation program of varied interests for take place on Sunday, March 15, of the National Refugee Service, their March meeting which will and…

… by Emil Lawton; Ilene Weis- Tuesday, March 10 at the Bnai dances was done with great vital- the Hillel Foundation at Ann ner rom the Kadimah (Beth) Moshe Synagogue, Dexter and ity, and a spirit of

…- resentation of the people of Michigan. lan. GREENBERG'S Costume Jewelry 88 M. GREENBERG, Jeweler …

…8 March 6, 1942 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle Deatherage, Thrown Out of Naval Job, Sees "Smear" PETERSBURG, Va. (JPS) — Called an "undesirable person" by Secretary of the Navy…

… Midwest Meeting Of Youth Groups "Ninotchka," the musical com- Young Judaean members heard edy show, will be presented for Dr. William Haber, professor plans outlined by the Leaders The Sisterhood of the…

…, of the Shaarey Zedek. A dessert hurst and 14th Ayes. Miss Es- will be the principal speakers at luncheon will precede the meet- telle Stern is chairman of the the Mid-West Conference of Carnival and…

… president of the ing. Jewish Youth Groups, sponsored "Days of Our Years" is the Leaders Council. by the Jewish Welfare Board in Among the many booths will title of the playlet which will Detroit on Saturday…

November 06, 1942 • Page Image 12

… meeting of the national adminis- trative committee of the League for Labor Palestine held at their national office, 1140 Broadway, York. Michigan Symphony Soloist at Center D. G. Cullen is New Center…

… Secretary The Michigan Symphony Or- C. E. Feinberg, L. LaMed and chestra, under the direction of Max Osnos Elected as Valter Poole, will begin its fall Directors series of three successive Tues- day night…

… be employees, all of whom pledged held in New York City at Hotel a minimum of 10 per cent of their Biltmore on Dec. 6, it was an- income towards the purchase of nounced by Dr. Abba Hillel War Bonds. Mr…

…. Schumer is chairman of ponted here by Dr. Abba Hillel Silver, national chairman of the the Linen Suppliers' U. S. War Bonds Committee whose sales United Palestine Appeal. are already in excess of $400…

… League Hits Ichucl The establishment of Ichud, a nevv political party in Palestine, by Dr. Judah Magnes, president of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, was denounced in a resolution adopted at a special…

…., as a reunion for those who attended Camp Habonim during the summer. Other juniors are invited to attend. •Holiday programs and parties are being planned under the di- rection of Florence Lipshitz. Jun…

…- iors, 7 to 13, are invited to the "Sunday Fun" programs. Friday afternoons, 4:30 to 6, boys and girls between the ages of 10 and 13 will have special club activities. There will be games, dramatics, arts…

… and crafts. Miss Ethel Shur is in charge. * * • BOWLING ALLEYS ARE AVAILABLE AT CENTER The bowling alleys of the Jew- ish Community Center are now available for clubs and organiza tions who wish their…

… own leagues and teams. Members may bring their friends for an evening of bowling. Gtiest- cards are avail- able from the membership secre- tary. There are nominal fees. * * * CENTER INTERMEDIATE DANCES…

… START NOV. 14 Intermediate Council of the Jewish Community Center will hold novelty dances on alternat- ing Saturday nights, beginning on Saturday, Nov. 14, at the Center. The second in the series will be…

August 14, 1942 • Page Image 11

… FACE REMOVED FOR RENT - Nice, airy, front permanently by electric nee- furnished mom for gentleman dle. No scars. Results guar- in single home of three adults. anteed. Michigan licensed op- Good…

…, graduate the expressions of sympathy and of the Hebrew Theological Sem- kindness shown them during inary in Chicago, who has been their recent bereavement. appointed director of the Bnai Brith Hillel

…, throughout. the nation. The National Convention will be held in Asbury Park on October 1 and 11. Many names have been pro- posed for service membership for the department of Michigan Jewish War Veterans…

… available without the necessity of paying dues or assessments. In the very near future the department of Michigan will in- stall the newly elected officers of its respective posts. As a cooperative war effort…

… policy these installations will be massed. The Department of Michigan recently cooperated with the Army Show Organization in the sale of tickets and publicizing its present successful tour. The department…

… At Florida University outings, and theatre parties, and other forms of recreation will be available for the members of the Drum and Bugle Corps without charge. C. H. Gershenson in Army C. H…

… for Sept. included. 1386 Riverside Dr. senior partner of the Freud, entrance. For information call Cass Lake. Call University Markus and Stutz law firm in To. 7-0531. the Penobscot Bldg. He was try- 2…

… Foundation at the Rev. Cantor University of Florida. National Convention Of J.W.V. to Be Held at Asbury Park Oct. 10-I I The Jewish War Veterans of the United States are in the process of altering their na…

… comniander, Benjamin Kaufman of Trenton, N. J., there is a universal desire to re- elect him to office for another year. He has performed admir- ably in the field of national public relations. His record in…

…A men- cam 9ewish Periodical Carter August 14, 1942 1942 1) Y. He Pro- es to was to be f the 01 at erred such of a Beth ' the his 1r his f re. Youth f Dr. the Beth idles, also tuber I as. . 17…

May 29, 1942 • Page Image 11

…_ * • • EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Rabbi Judah Cahn, director of the Bnai Brith Hillel Counselor.. ships at Smith College and Mas- sachusetts State College, has dis- covered that Thomas Jefferson was a pioneer belieVer in…

… insti- tutions such as the Hillel Found- ations . . . In a letter dated Oct 7, 1814, Jefferson wrote that "in our annual report to the legis- lature ... we suggest the expedi- ency of encouraging the…

… solarium. and breathe the fresh, warm, invigorating Michigan air: snooze on a vel- vety lawn In the deep shade of tall. stately maple trees in our beautiful three-acre park. Phone now for reservation and…

… different religious sects to establish, each of itself, a professorship of their own tenets on the confines of the university, so near as that their students may attend the lectures there, and have the free…

University. Arnold Kadish, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kadish, 10026 Broad- street, was granted a Student Aid Foundation scholarship val- ued at $400, in recognition of merit and scholastic standing. Kadish, who…

… organization of the Inter-Club Council. She is a member of That which is striking and Wayne. University Gold Key Honor Society and the Wayne beautiful is not always good; but Volunteer Aids at Harper Hos- that…

… 1929 to 1931. National Council of Social Ser- Dr. Haym Greenberg, eminent vice. She received an honorary Jewish author and lecturer. LL.D. from the University of Yehudith Simhronit, Palestine Bristol in…

… 1930, receiving it from woman labor leader. Winston Churchill, chancellor of LOCAL COMMITTEE BUSY the university. Local branches are actively WOMEN AFTER THE WAR Miss Bondfield will- speak on planning…

…Friday, May 29, 1942 THE JEWISH NEWS 2 Jewish Students Women's Clubs Win Scholarships NEUGARTEN CLUB'S DAY Strictly Confidential . OF GAMES ON JUNE 5 Mrs. Charles Rothstein, chair- zni:tn of

… the Neugarten Sunshine Club's spring fund-raising pro- ject, announces that plans have been completed for a day of games to be held at Kern's Audi- torium on Friday, June 5, at 1 p. rn. There will be a…

November 20, 1942 • Page Image 6

… banquet. Rabbi Folkman and other Bnai Brith dignitaries will also speak. Rabbi Jehudah M. Cohen, director of the University of Michigan Bnai 13rith Hillel Foundation, will deliver the ben- ediction. The…

…. Schostak, secretary- treasurer of Michigan Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation„Inc. The Pious of Other Faiths Judaism affirms that the pious of other creeds are worthy to take rank among the righteous Jews and to…

…- sion of the banquet there will be dancing. Among those who will extend greetings to the gathering at the anniversary banquet will be Samuel W. Leib, president of the Michigan Bnai Brith Council; Louis H…

… NOW. The cause of the redemption of the Jewish National Home in Palestine has gained an important adherent in Michigan by the acceptance of Judge Homer Ferguson, U. S. Senator-elect of Michigan, of

… membership in the American Palestine Committee and its Michigan branch. Composed of Christian friends of a Jewish Palestine, this committee has, rendered yeo- 0 man service to the Zionist cause. ported me in…

… nastiest ru- mors—and are the most difficult to fight. Look at the record and take a glance at the Jewish social scene. There are lists, miles in length, of names • of Jews on all fronts in the present war…

…. We hear from them from "somewhere in the southwest Pacific," from Palest- Me, from England and Ireland, from Iceland, ad infinitum. Our Jewish centers have been depleted of men. Does that mean anything…

… Board hands a new inductee a kit containing a Bible and prayer- book that his religion is estab- lished. That's the genius of America— no matter who was chosen for office on Nov. 3, or from what party. In…

… Europe anti-Semitic nonsense emanates, from public officials; in this country, bigotry comes from the crack-pots. * * * A Story In Proof There are so many stories of Jewish heroism that it is difficult to…

… list them all. For instance, here is the latest story about a Detroiter. Franklin "Bob" Linx was not of age when he enlisted in the Navy. He had to get his parents' permission, and he received it in…

January 16, 1942 • Page Image 1

… having franked out 500,000 Hillel Silver, national chairman pieces of Nazi propaganda in thereof. I am convinced that there the critical war year of 1942, of the United Palestine Appeal, less than a year…

… Difficult Because of "Enemy Alien" Regulations The Michigan State Employ- ment Service reports that about 200,000 workers will be unem- ployed in Michigan by the end of 1941 largely because of the change…

… publication, Refugees, Overseas Needs and School of Social Administration or being the accredited author Palestine will be continued for of Ohio State University where the conference, at which Dr. Abba of

…Detioit Jewish Chronicle and The Legal Chronicle, DETROIT. MICHIGAN. FRIDAY, JANUARY 16, 1942 VOL. 44. NO. 3 10c Single Copy; $3.00 Per Year Jews' Inclusion Ford Denounces Julian H. Krolik Named…

… Chairman of Group; Srere and Blumberg Among "United Anti-Semitism Announce His Associates; State That Jews Must React With the Spiritual Qualities of People Fighting For Their Lives Nations" Urged As Un…

…-American Place for Our People Steps Toward Adjusting Community to War-Time Status Taken by Selection of Budget Committee First steps toward adjusting the by Abraham Srere, president of Julian H. Krolik as…

… chairman of organized social services of the the Jewish Welfare Federation, the 1942 Allied Jewish Campaign community of Detroit to and frying W. Blumberg, presi- budget committee. Pens Sensational State…

…- Jewish In launching the 1942 pro- and Palestine Asked a war-time economy were taken dent of the Detroit Service this week with the announcement Group, of the appointment of gram, Mr. Srere declared that…

…, ment to Sigmund in London, N. Y. in addition to our responsi- bilities as Americans, the Jews Livingston of Detroit must react today To the Community: A Call for Service LONDON (.1PS) — Pointing with the…

… spiritual qualities of a to the fact that all anti-Nazi CHICAGO. (JPS)—In the most and for the Retention of Courage people fighting for our lives, categorical denunciation of anti- with all the bravery and…

November 20, 1942 • Page Image 15

…. The Grover Cleveland Hall Award, established' by the Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation at the University of Alabama, in mem- ory of the late Grover Cleveland Hall; crusading Alabama editor, who smashed the…

…: James H. Newman, dean of men; 'Professor Montgomery, chairman of the award committee; Rabbi George Ende, director of the Hillel Foundation; James . Davis, , award winner; and Dr. Raymond IL Patty…

… furnished room to rent with family of 3 adults. Private home. 109 Colorado. TO. 8-8134. . TO RENT-7 'room furnished, heated flat on. Michigan Avenue. LA. 8076. COMFORTABLY furnished room to rent. Good…

of the im- portant committees of the Office of. Civilian Defense". ..Born in Omaha; Neb., he was educated there in a Jesuit Inatitution- Creighton University — from which he received his LL.B., cum…

…, president of the University of Alabama. WALL' WASHING — Moderate prices. E. -J. Murphy, TO.. 7-0310. . Decorating' and Painting High Class Reliable — References Furnished S. J. MARTINI yt, NON. Noll 11…

… Jewish Children's Detroit League, Temple Israel Sisterhood, Independent Protect- ive Assn., Cong. Beth Itzchock Ladies' Aux., United. Friendship Club, Michigan Protective Assn. $75 each-:-Cong. •Adass…

…. $10—Wednesday Book Club. Additional Wometi's Gifts An additoinal list • of women's gifts, made supplementary to the contributions of the men, was announced this week as follows: $850—Mrs. Harry, Newman…

…. :Louis 'S. Musliner, Betty Price, •Mrs. Fara L. Rosenfield, Mrs. F: W. Schwartz, Mrs. Nathan Sil- verman, Mrs. Henry W. Stark. - - C Massine- Added to Cast of Ballet Theater Here Leonide Ma s s i n e…

…, generally considered to be the greatest of all Russian dancers, has been en- gaged as dancer and choreog- rapher of the Ballet Theater which comes - to the - Masonic Auditorium Nov. 28 and 29 for two matinee…

… and two evening performances. The announce- ment was made by S. Hurok, general director of the Ballet Theater, with whom Massine has been associated in Russian ballet for a decade. - Between You .and…

April 03, 1942 • Page Image 15

…. Samuel Raskin, of Filigree Ave_,..; attended Cooley High where he played on the varsity hockey squad and won the welterweight boxing title. After graduating from the University of Michigan, Raskin gained…

of the Hillel Foundation in Ann Arbor, was active in athlet:cs, and served as intern at Harper and Cincinnati General hospitals. Herbert A. Raskin, pharmacist mate 2nd class, son of Mr. and Mrs…

…. He throw is our strength. Through is a graduate of Central High and suffering we have endured the 1 Wayne University. . ' Irving Schalist, sou of Mr ; and Mrs. Joseph Schulist, Of the Wil- shire Hotel…

… divi- sion, and expects hive the op- porttmi'y of taking an inst•uctor's job. He is a graduate of Central High and Wayne University. limn. Will Need MONEY • The publishing house of Harpers is bringing…

…Page Fifteen THE JEWISH NEWS . 'April 5, 1942 OUR SONS IN THE WAR An Honor Roll Lt. Martin M. Alexander of Jewish Men in the Service Herbert Raskin Mate 2nd Class Mitchell Mandeberg Henry…

… Shewach Cupid Invades 'Fort' as Son Follows in Dad's Footsteps Lieut. Martin M. Alexander, son of Mr. -nd Mrs. Sidney L. Alexan- der of Byron Ave., recently was graduated from a school of avia- tion…

… his master degree of Science in Public Health. He recently was married • to Ann Frankel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Frankel. has been in the Navy six months and now is stationed at the Re…

…- cruiting Office in the Federal build- ing here . Pvt. Henry Shewach, son of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Shewach of Pingree Ave., was one of the U.S. soldiers sent to Australia recently. He is a graduate a…

… Northwestern High and Detroit College of Law. Pvt, Mitchell R. Mandeberg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Mande- berg of San Juan Drive, now is stationed at Camp Lee, Va. A grad- uate of Central High, he also at…

…- tended U. of M. Harold Karpel Arthur D. Simon ffeila ati Sgt. Bernard Barack There are two reasons for this story—romantic and inspirational. It concerns two brothers in the armed ser- vices of their…

August 14, 1942 • Page Image 11

…; Rabbi Levi Named Execu- tive Director of Vaad Hayeshivoth; Dr. Auerback to Make Outstate Survey The quarterly meeting of the Michigan Synagogue Conference, held Sunday at Congregation Beth Abraham, was…

…. He is co-author of a book on programming of youth activities, to be published this fall. He was the first sem- inary student to be assigned the directorship of the Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation at Ohio…

… educational needs of the smaller communi- ties throughout the state. Rabbi Wohlgelernter reported on the recent convention of the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congrega- tions of America with which the 'Michigan

of the Michigan Synagogue Con- ference, 8917 12th St., TY. 7-7585. ESCORTED 200 CHILDREN Dr. Auerbach, a graduate rab- bi with a Ph.D. degree, came to this country from England, where he had held…

…- ous Education. . Rabbi Lymon holds a Bache- . for of Arts , de- gree from the University of - Cincinnati, and was ordained as rabbi at the He- Rabbi Lymon brew Union Collegelast June, re- ceiving at the…

…Friday, August 14, 1942 THE JEWISH NEWS Page Eleven Congregational and Other Religious News i mill Extend Synagogue 'Activities in Michigan Rabbi Lymon Gets Smaller Communities to Get Aid…

… attended by members of the Detroit Congregation, and by representative of out-state communities represent- ed on the board of directors. After the morning service and a breakfast served by the host…

… congregation, the busi-• ness session opened with re- marks of Morris Mohr, president of the Conference, and greetings by Rabbi Joseph Thumin of Con- ' gregation Beth Abraham. David Berris, vice-president of the…

… De- troit region and chairman of the board, presided. OUTLINES O.C.D. PLANS Dr. A. M. Hershman of Congre- gation Shaarey Zedek, member of the Church and Synagogue Pro- tective Council of the O…

… the children in Germany. Poor dears, my lodger told me of the terrible poverty prevail- ing in your country." Needless to say, the lodger failed to return home. SS* CHURCHILL'S FAULT This story comes…

November 06, 1942 • Page Image 9

… Hatzair, Junior Hadassah, Little Women of Hadassah, Young Israel and Young Judaea. Other officers were elected as follows: Joe Weizenbaum, vice- president; Evelyn Robbin, treas- urer; Hillel Grossman…

…- paigne, Ill., where he spent a few days with his sister, Miriam, who is attending the University of Illinois. Miss Feinberg spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Silas C. Feinberg, and attended…

…. Fiekowsky of Lakewood Blvd. Miss Firestone was graduated from Wayne Uni- versity, where she is now taking a post-graduate course. Mr. Fie- kowsky also was graduated from Wayne University. He has en- listed in…

…'Friday, NevemIier 6, 1942 THE JEWISH NEWS SOCIAL EVENTS NEWS OF INTO 1 EST TO WOMEN ) 'Plantation Party' Will Be Held Nov. 15 ACTIVITIES IN*SOCIETY Mr. and Mrs. Harry Farbsten of Burlington…

… Dr. are on a 10-day visit in New York City. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Meyers of Lincolnshire Dr. entertained a group of friends at a dinner given in their home on Tuesday, Oct. 27. Mr. and Mrs. Louis K…

…. Lambert of Whittier Rd. have returned from a short trip to New York City. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Burak of Longfellow Ave. have as their guest Tts. Burak's mother, Mrs. Benjamin Wolfe, of Grand Rapids. Mr. and…

… Mrs. DeRoy Kuttnauer of Fairfield Ave. will entertain a group of their friends at a dinner in their home on Saturday, Nov. 7. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Barnett of Pontiac left on Oct. 26 to spend a few weeks…

… in Miami Beach, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Miles Finsterwald of Chicago Blvd. are spending 10 days in New York City. "Mrs. Louis Krause of Webb Ave. is visiting with her children, Dr. and Mrs. David Feld, in…

… Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cohn of the Belcrest Hotel have as their guest Mrs. Cohn's mother, Mrs. Rose Meyer of Los Angeles, Calif., Mrs. John J. Hagedorn returned on Wednesday to St. Louis, Mo…

…., following a stay of several weeks in Detroit. Miss Edith Schetzer of Longfellow Ave. and Miss Ethel Rubiner of Chicago Blvd. have returned from a 10-day visit in New York City. `Mrs. Samuel Gingold has come…

April 03, 1942 • Page Image 3

… Avukah last Sunday afternoon, in the Hillel Foundation building at Ann Arbor. Principal speakers at the seminar were Prof. Preston M. Slosson of the history department of the University of Michigan and…

… presented re- cently in Carnegie Hall. New York. which won wide acclaim. A FIFTH FREEDOM f rom . . . A seminar on the Jews, Palestine and the war was sponsored by the University of Michigan Chapter of

…- mocracy in the present war. COMPLACENCY bers were guests of the University of Michigan Chapter of Avukah on • By Sot Kaufman Copyright, 1942, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc. It happened to Pharoah. It…

… purchases. Wayne Students 'Guests Wayne University Avukah mem- Mrs. Lowdermilk - described her visit in Palestine and spoke in laud- atory terms of the accomplishments of the Jewish pioneers. Dr. Mere…

… Kaltenborn, who were scheduled to appear on the pro- gram. are unable to keep their ap- pointment. Instead, Prof. Earl Pritchard of Wayne University will speak on the "Far East". Mrs. Joseph B. Gaylord…

…, at 8:30 p. m., in University were: Morris Lipnik, the Bagley Room of Hotel Statler. president; Belle Margolis, treasurer; His subject will deal with the needs Shirley Sleeper, recording secretary; of


… Israel Mereminski Stir Large Audience Prof. Slosson and Philip Slom- Fred M. Bufzel Tells of Plans for Launching Allied Jewish ovitz Principal Speakers; Campaign; Marvin Lowenthal to Address In Wilson…

… Theater At Closing Event Wayne Students Guests Rallies April 12 and 13 Of Detroit Drive A large audience that nearly filled the Wilson Theater to capacity last Sunday evening heard stirring ad- dresses in…

… behalf of Palestine's re- Construction, and applauded the re- port that a total of $35,000 had been raised for the Geverkshaf ten—the Palestine Labor Committee's drive for the Histadrut, the Jewish la- bor…

November 13, 1942 • Page Image 8

…'Rreilly General Hospital, Springfield, Mo. Marguerite Kozenn, dramatic soprano, and Julius Chajes, corn- poser-pianist, will appear for the Bnai Brith Hillel Extension at the Michigan State College in Lansing on…

… Shaarey Ze- of Detroit dek. A reception will be held on Michigan Ladies' Auxiliaries of Saturday evening, at Congrega- the Jewish War Veterans are act- tional Shaarey Zedek, from 8 to ing as an authorized…

of their son, William rence, and will be open daily Shetzer Frank. No cards. until the drive is ended. Esther Tenzer. and Evelyn Ros- Michigan, Ladies' Auxiliary, Jew- enblatt are co-chairmen in ish…

…'s donor luncheon is planned by a committee which includes Mrs. Louis Lindenbaum, chairman of darlings, memorials and honor roll, with Mrs. Morris Solomon as co-chairman. Mrs. Alper, in charge of the book…

…, may be contacted by calling UN. 1-3806. The next board meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Saul Saxon, 2628 W. Buena Vista, at 1 P. M. next Tuesday. The next organizational meeting will be held at…

… the home of Mrs. Fannie Strauss, 3777 Sturtevant, at 1:30 P. M. Tuesday, Dec. 1. * * * LUNCHEON RALLY OF MIZRACHI WOMEN WED. Mrs. Abraham Caplan, chair- man of the donor luncheon to be held Dec. 8 at…

… Congregation Shaarey Zedek, presided at a breakfast meeting of Sisters of Zion Mizrachi at the home of Mrs. A. Subar, Oct. 27. For reservations to the lunch- eon, call Mrs. Isaac Shetzer, TO. 8-8477. For rummage…

… sales, call meeting a set of checkers and board, to be sent to the men in Mrs. A. Subar, TY. 4-4829. The organization is sponsoring the armed forces as the lodge's a benefit performance at Litt- November…

… gift. * * * man's Theater on Sunday, Nov. 22, featuring Jacob Ben Ami. For WOMEN'S AUXILIARY tickets call Mrs. T. Segal, TO. OF HOME FOR AGED 7-0046, or Mrs. A. Kelman, TO. . Women's Auxiliary of Jewish…

… Abrams will report on the convention of Miz- on "How to Protect Ourselves, rachi Women's convention held in our Families, and our Homes Nel.v York. During this War Period." Mrs. • * * * David Kliger is…

August 07, 1942 • Page Image 6

Michigan, where he had been professor of economics. Rabbi Jehuda Cohen is the director of the Hillel Foundation of Bnai Brith at the University of Michi- gan. Osias Zwerdling is one of the outstanding…

… EDITOR'S NOTE: This history of the Jews in Michigan is one of the feature articles in the seventh volume of the Universal Jewish Encyclo- pedia, which came off the press last week. It was written by Philip…

… Eastern Europe. Not all of these turned to trade or manufacture on the eastern border. Several attempts were made to organize agricultural colonies in Michigan. The first, called the Palestine Colony, was…

… 1939, the Michigan Synagogue Con- ference of Orthodox Congregations was formed at Detroit. • The Bad Axe Palestine Colony project, although it did not survive a decade, was a most interesting experi…

of Michigan, at Ann Arbor, has a number of Jewish members on the faculty, among others: Moses Gomberg, professor emeritus of chemis- try; Isaiah L. Sharfman, chairman of the department of economics…

… Flint and 1,700 in Grand Rapids (the three cities are the subjects of special articles in the Universal Jewish Encyclopedio); the rest, about 6,500 live in the other cities and elsewhere in the state…

… Slomovitz, editor of The Jewish News. This history does not include the historical articles on Detroit, Flint and Grand Rapids, which appear in other volumes of Universal Jewish Encyclopedia. ' Bohemia in…

…. In 1939 he became executive director of the National Refugee Service and served until 1941. He was special assistant to the United States Director of the Budget in 1942, on leave from the University of

…Friday, August 7, 194 THE JEWISH NEWS Page Six The History of the Jews in Michiga Growth of Coinmunities in Our State, Dating Back to the Trading Posts in Eighteenth Century M ICHIGAN, one of

… the east north central states of the United States, with a population of 5,256,106 (census of 1940), includes about 95,000 Jews (1942). Most of these, about 85,000, live in Detroit and about 1,800 in…

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