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April 03, 1942 - Image 3

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The Detroit Jewish News, 1942-04-03

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Page Three


April 5, 1942


Mrs. Lowdermilk and Israel Mereminski Stir Large Audience Prof. Slosson and Philip Slom- Fred M. Bufzel Tells of Plans for Launching Allied Jewish
ovitz Principal Speakers;
Campaign; Marvin Lowenthal to Address
In Wilson Theater At Closing Event
Wayne Students Guests
Rallies April 12 and 13
Of Detroit Drive

A large audience that nearly filled
the Wilson Theater to capacity last
Sunday evening heard stirring ad-
dresses in behalf of Palestine's re-
Construction, and applauded the re-
port that a total of $35,000 had been
raised for the Geverkshaf ten—the
Palestine Labor Committee's drive
for the Histadrut, the Jewish la-
bor Federation of Palestine.
Marking the end of the Geverk-
shafet drive here, the event on
Sunday., evening celebrated the out-
standing success of the labor
group's efforts in the last six years.
Last year's total was exceeded by
$6,000 and a new record thus was
set for fund-raising by the labor
elements in this city.


Morris L. Schaver, chairman of
the drive for the 12th consecutive
year, presided at Sunday's celebra-
tion which was addressed by Mrs.
Walter C. Lowdermilk, the wife of
the U. S. Conservation Expert, and
Dr. Israel 'Mereminsky, secretary of
the Histadrut in Palestine.


Adding color to the interesting
evening was the appearance of Em-
ma Shever and Sidor Belarsky, in
duets and solos, and Jascha
Schwarzma.n, 'cellist.
A. H. Kushinsky, who directed
the drive in Detroit, spoke briefly.
Morris Lieberman introduced Mrs.
Mrs. Shever was at her best in
Nidre". Her program with
Mr. Belarsky was a repetition of
the musical program presented re-
cently in Carnegie Hall. New York.
which won wide acclaim.


f rom . . .

A seminar on the Jews, Palestine
and the war was sponsored by the
University of Michigan Chapter of
Avukah last Sunday afternoon, in
the Hillel Foundation building at
Ann Arbor.
Principal speakers at the seminar
were Prof. Preston M. Slosson of the
history department of the University
of Michigan and Philip Slomovitz,
editor of The Jewish News.
Discussion Is Spirited
A spirited discussion took place
after their addresses, in which em-
phasis was placed on the need for
the removal of immigration barriers
for millions who seek havens of ref-
uge all over the world and for the
creation of colonization centers for
A number of discussion periods
followed the addresses, and action
was taken by the participants, in
the form of resolutions. condemn-
ing the Strume tragedy. calling for
the formation of a Jewish army in
Palestine and demanding removal
of obstacles which prevent Jewish
immigration and land purchases.
Wayne Students 'Guests
Wayne University Avukah mem-

Mrs. Lowdermilk - described her
visit in Palestine and spoke in laud-
atory terms of the accomplishments
of the Jewish pioneers. Dr. Mere-
minsky reviewed the present situa-
tion in Palestine, urged unstinted
effort for land-redemption through
the Jewish National Fund, arid
pointed to the work of the pioneers
in Zion as a great aid to the de-
mocracy in the present war.


bers were guests of the University
of Michigan Chapter of Avukah on

By Sot Kaufman

Copyright, 1942, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.

It happened to Pharoah. It can
happen to Hitler. But are we doing
Anything to make it happen to
Hitler? Along comes Passover and
an of us get that grand feeling
that history will take care of ev-
erything. We talk glibly of the
victory that will come today be-
cause God handed it to us on a

Passover Albums
for Men in Service

Mrs. Samuel Spiegel, national
president and Chairman of Civilian
Defense for the National Women's
League of the Unite • Synagogue Of
America, states that for those
Jewish boys in the service of the
II. S. who will not be able to get to
their own Passover services this
year. the Women's League has re- I
corded and is sending Albums of
Seder Melodies to Army and Navy
The album contains three rec-
ords. including the Kiddush, Ho
La:hmo. Mah Nishtanah, V'hi
She'ona5ah. Shir Hamalos, Ki Lo
Noeh and Hatikvah.


to Hear

Wayne Educator

Detroit Section -of the National
Council of Jewish Women will meet
Monday, April 6. at 2 p. m., at
Temple Beth El.
Because of war duties, Mr. and
Mrs. Rolf Kaltenborn, who were
scheduled to appear on the pro-
gram. are unable to keep their ap-
pointment. Instead, Prof. Earl
Pritchard of Wayne University will
speak on the "Far East".
Mrs. Joseph B. Gaylord, president
of the Council, reminds members
that- this is a bundle meeting and
that it is a patriotic duty to clean
out attics and storage places. Mem-
bers are urged to search their closets
and bring bundles for the Resale

Bnai Moshe Men's
Club Picks Officers

platter many centuries ago. We talk
of the modern tyrants being swal-
lowed up in the sea because a
miracle destroyed the cohorts of
Pharaoh in the Red Sea. Some
of us are taking the parallel of
the Passover story a bit too liter-
The trouble with most of ...us is
that we're sitting around twiddling
our thumbs and daring God to
stage another miracle. We seem
to forget that miracles are not
the accidents of the supernatural
but actually represent the product
of physical and spiritual sacrifice.
Most of us miss the real signifi-
cance of the holiday of Passover.
Some of us are rather childish and
romantic in our approach to it.
We are struck by the color and
trimmings—by the MATZOTH and
the four cups and the four ques-
tions and the hidden MATZOH
that is much fun on the Passover.
It is a simple matter to point
to the parallel between our fate
under Pharaoh and the fate of
the conquered people under Hit-
ler. It gives one a lift to contem-
plate the miracle of the Red Sea
and to pray for a similar miracle
that will free the whole world from
the lash of the tyrant. But what
are we doing about it as men and
as Jews to make ourselves worthy
of the repetition of that mircale
in our own day? When are we
going to wake up and recognize
that complacency and faith are not
the same thing? One is built on
vanity. The other on the solid •
ground of will and strength.
But may I break a rule of the
ritual and urge a fifth cup. Yes,
a fifth cup to be drunk to a fifth
freedom—freedom from our com-
placency. Let's make up our minds
when danger threatens that it's not
only the other fellow who is going
to suffer. Indifference. apathy, ov-
erconfidence and complacency can
be more deadly than all of the ten
plagues rolled into one.

Slips of large Junior donors will
With the women's and youth di-
vision solicitations under way. the be distributed at this meeting for
solicitation by the division chair-
Allied Jewish Campaign is assum-
men, secretaries and captains.
ing form and organization of the
The opening dinner of the Junior
drive's machinery is nearing com- Division will take place on Sunday,
April 12, at 6:30 p. nt.. in the audi-
Prospects' slips have been distri- torium of the Jewish Community
Center. Marvin Lowenthal, distin-
buted among all women workers, guished lecturer, historian and au-
and the large number of solicitors, thor of "The Jews of Germany, a
reaching a record for any Jewish Story of Sixteen Centuries" and
campaign in Detroit, is proceeding other works, will speak on behalf
of the United Jewish Appeal, the
to contact contributors with the
central fund-raising organization of
aim in view of completing
the Joint Distribution Committee,
en's job before the men's drive opens the United Palestine Appeal and
the National Refugee Service.
in May

The first general report meet-
ing of the IVomen's Division,
under the chairmanship of Mrs.
H. C. Broder, will be held on
Monday, April 13, at the Jewish
Community Center. Women will
meet at luncheon and will be
addressed by the eminent author,
Marvin Lowenthal.

The special gift committee. under
the chairmanship of Mrs. Henry
Wineman, assisted by Mrs. Joseph
H. Ehrlich and Mrs. Abraham Srere,
as vi:e-chairmen. and Mrs. Robert
J. Newman, one of the members of
the executive committee, planned its

Sunday at the seminar.
activities at a meeting on Tuesday.
A social period was held during JUNIOR DIVISION
which the Wayne Avukahites were
Julian H. Krolik will address a
obliged to "sing for their , supper."
Palestinian dances and folk danc- pre-campaign meeting of all Junior
ing also were part of the evening's Service Group division chairmen.
secretaries, captains and workers of
the Allied Jewish Campaign. on
Those represented from Wayne
Monday, April 6, at 8:30 p. m., in
University were: Morris Lipnik,
the Bagley Room of Hotel Statler.
president; Belle Margolis, treasurer;
His subject will deal with the needs
Shirley Sleeper, recording secretary;
of the 1942 Allied Jewish Campaign.
Jack Silverman. Blanche Kurnetz,
Lillian Leash, Rubin Kurnetz, Na-
than Kowal, Hannah Brown, Irving
Lefton and Selma Jacobson.


every section of America. over
600 rabbis have wired or written
the American Emergency Com-
mittee for Zionist Affairs that
they endorse the formation of a
Jewish Army, the Committee an-
nounced. The messages are be-
ing received from Orthodox.
Conservative and Reform rabbis
alike. to overwhelm the 72 men,
many of them not active in the
ministry. who publicly repudiat-
ed a -resolution formally adopted
by the Central Conference of
American Rabbis supporting the
Jewish Agency's demand for a
Jewish Army in Palestine. •

Honor Parents in
JNF Golden Book

For the second time in six
months, a Detroit family accords
a distinct honor to its parents,
and at the same time aids an im-
portant cause.
Isidore Levin, Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Levin and Dr. and Mrs. H.
Braitman honored the memory of
their mother, Mary Rebecca, by in-

scribing her name in the Golden
Book of the Jewish National Fund.
Six months earlier they similarly
honored the name of their father.

Aaron David. with a Golden Book


William Hordes. chairman of the
Jewish National Fund Council of
Detroit. received theSe inscriptions.


Fred M. Butzel, chairman of the
1942 Allied Jewish Camapaign. an-
nounced that plans have been
drawn up for the launching of the

drive to give the fullest support to
the United Jewish Appeal for Ref-
ugees, Overseas Needs and Palestine
as a means of aiding Jewish victims

(Continued on Page 16

Yeshivah Opens
The Spring Term

The Detroit Yeshivah, in its rreZ
quarters at Dexter and Cortland,

will open the spring semester on
Sunday, April 12, at 9 a. m.

With five instructors, the Yeshi-
vah offers classes in Bible, Mishnah,
Talmud, Hebrew, Jewish History,
Jewish Laws and Customs and re-
lated subjects.
Preparatory courses for beginners
have been arranged, and Bar Mitz-
vah instruction is being given to

the pupils in special courses which
do not conflict with the normal

The winter term will conclude with
a public examination, to be held
Sunday, Monday and Tuesday,
April 5-7, from 9:30 to 12:45 a. in.
The public is invited.
The office of the Yeshivah is
open daily from 9-1 and from 3-8.
For information call Hogarth 7990.
David I. Berris, chairman of the
building committee of the Yeshivah,
announces that the dedication week
resulted in a moral and financial

Total new pledges for the build-
ing fund amount to $10,278. The list

includes donors of S500 and more.

as follows:
Isaac Agree Memorial Society. $1.-

500: Mr. Max Jacob, $1,000; Mrs.
Ida Bloom, S750; Mrs. Meyer New-
— BUY DEFENSE BONDS — man and daughter Miriam, $600:
Morris Karbal. $600; Mrs. Sara
Goldman. $5011.
Previous gifts were niade by the
Goldstein family, the Karbal fam-


ily. Morris Levin. Schumer Bros..
two anonymous donors. as well as

donations for the furnishings of a
room by Salomon and Bessie Cohen.

the Hechtrnan family and Mr. and
Mrs. Morris Kaner. Special mention
was given to the late philanthropist
David W. Simon, to whose memory
the memorial tablet of the Yeshivah
will be dedicated and in whose hon-
or the highest class of the institu-
tion is named the David W. Simon
Talmud Class. The key to the build-
ing was bought by Mr. and Mrs.

Jacob Baker.
In accordance with an old "Taka-
Detroit Council of Or-
Inah" of
thodox Rabbis, Synagogue worship-
pers will be called upon to con-
tribute for the maintenance of the

Yeshivah during the memorial serv-
ices on the 8th day of Passover.




Concert April 19

The Detroit Workmen's Circle
chorus will have its 9th annual con-
cert on April 19. in the main audi-
torium of the Detroit Art Institute.
The soloist will be Masha Benya.
soprano, who has gained fame in
the East. The chorus is under the
direction of Dan Frohman. The ac-
compani3ts will be Evelyn Gure-
vitch and Mrs. Dan Frohman.

On account of the concluding
days of Passover, our deadline for
next week's is3ue will be at 5 p. m.
The Men's Club of Congregation cn Monday.
Bnai Moske has elected Edmund
The regular deadlines for copy for
Labe president, Harry Samler, vice- the Jewish News is at 5 p. r. on
"ipe...11,•• ■ ••••1411.....
president; Eugene Weiss, treasurer;
Louis Kepes, secretary; board mem- Tuesdays.
The office of the Jewish News is Cartoon Released by Council jor Democracy Through the Courtesy of
bers, Sam Freedman, Joseph Ritt-
the Eminent Cartoonist Shoemaker.
closed on Saturdays.
man and Alex Friedman.


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