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July 22, 1932 • Page Image 5

… object of wor- tatic. e ten 1100 that MICHIGAN BELL TELEPHONE CO. here ars- for t!. 11( - x" A ; only fewish n this weak red to strong n this who being and Jew- nt at- post iat we of the en in…

… weakness of the present government "with the strong hand" is such that even the worst anti-Jewish governments in Poland were never quite so bad. JEWS LOSE JOBS It will be enough to take up the budgets of the…

… of all official institutions. Even those few Jews who have suc- ceeded in finding such positions in the temporary summer seasonal work. And no other Jews are put on. I am not speaking of those Jew- ish…

… Demo- cratic anti-Semitic Press and this "strong" government immediately lost its courage and retreated. And because of the weakness of this government, "with the strong hand," we Jews continue to be…

… crushed and ground down. ABOUT JEWS AND JEWISH PROBLEMS It seems to be the modern failing. (Continued from Page One.) And the worst excesses of mis- Valera's father had; but that de- guided faith…

…-of Mohammedanism that carved its way to domination Valera is, therefore, a Jew! by the sword, of the Inquisition Fuse About Conversion. Unless St. John Ervine agrees that burned the heretic, the Jew, with the race…

Jews who be- in biological slaughter. Jews, too, are becoming inclined long, of course, not to the Jewish religious community, but., never- to lay stress nowadays on racial theless, remain Jews, not by…

…, the other day, urging the fuss about converting Jews, and the Jews to go to Palestine and why do Jews so stiff-neckedly re- build up a Jewish nation there, sist? If faith doesn't matter and thus…

… removing the Jewish influ- race is all there is to it, what dif- ence from Germany, might well ference does it make whether the rouse an echo in some Zionist Jew is a Judaist, or a Christian; breasts, while…

… the Socialist Dep- uty who took up the cudgels for or a Moslem, for that matter? "The only way to face the Jew- the Jews, at that same sitting, and ish problem," says the Rev. Dr. argued that the German…

September 30, 1932 • Page Image 30

… PAGE NINE Greetings from Mt. Clemens triots to avenge this treason Every year more and more Jews decide to visit Palestine—the Land of Israel (Continued from preceeding page) against Greece by…

… boycotting the day! The writer of this article nutmeats that the resolution be carried out harrassing and badgering ths. Jew- Jews. In spite of the fact that some "From Vilna to Hollywood" hie domestic life…

… against the Jews as false, resolutions we make and break and has, for centuries, been spreading ten by the well-known journalist, recent book of fiction. (Bloch Pub- ! dents most e oef which were a retie…

… school the root of travel, we find more Jorge ministry in June, last, and maintained by a French Lay Mis- and more Jews paying a visit to as time, any longer give a cold cc- popular. Beginning with the…

… vexa- ment instituted an inquiry into Jews in distant lands thought twice' a fine breed of children is receiv- gles there, his gradual advancement tions and irritations, the normal the matter, and ten…

… Greeks who before making the long journey to ing its education in a modern Ile- in his chosen work of photography, life of the Jews of Rumania went were accused of being the insti• the Holy Land. What was…

Jews taken to see the tombs on the During his career in America, the duced not only by reason of their of 600,000 drachmas ($5,600) for they met in Jerusalem were mainly Mount of Olives. The Jewish visi…

Jew- satisfied away from Palestine. versity. that house of learning of poignancy, and the tragedy of against Jews was charged in Par- ish quarter near the old. brushes away the cobwebs of the To-day the…

April 08, 1932 • Page Image 7

… in this interesting play in Detroit and his numerous admirers may look forward to a great dramatic treat. To those accustomed to the typical stage Jew, this play will come in the nature of a grand…

… play in-that medium. The play was the interesting folk I play by llirshbein, "The Idle Inn." Ci.tartati & Tit 1;222,658 Jews in United States Speak Yiddish WASHINGTON.—(J. T. A.) —A total of 1…

…- On the evening in question, the Plymouth Theater in New York act plays on Tuesday evening, counted ninny prominent New April 12, and of four other one- York Jews. Many of them com- act plays on…

… Thursday evening, mented at the strangeness of the April 14, will bring the season for Jews who paraded the stage that the dramatic classes at the Y. W. A. to a close. evening. ' They had been accus- The…

… group of plays that will be tomed to greasy, beard-stroking, presented on Tuesday evening will whining Jews of the type por- trayed by a group of what were be'offered by the advanced class OUR FILM FOLK…

… remembered by an older genera- The Thursday night performance card certain white pages and In- Will Accept Serious Pupils in Voice Culture and Coaching tion of Jews, marvelled at the will be the first to be…

… presented sert the yellow ones. The third spectacle. Here were no pack-1 by the beginners' clam this season. day a pink version arrives ... and lugging, back-bent, sniveling Jews.' Their program includes…

… in ope- In "Yiskor," playgoers will see and Thumbs," a fantasy in one zled ration, stopped the messenger one just such a Jew, as the straight- act; George Kelly's "One of Those morning and asked, "Say…

… Africa; and 27,000 call the Jewish strip, the Jews con- at the "Y" that evening. silt me Men (ellN called "Hollywood," in which (.17 per cent) in Australia. sssss Winn gy 0I151 stitute 6.08 per cent of the…

… parte of the world the Jews limited number, will hold its first will give their services gratis. in Africa constitute .79 per cent of ted in Central Europe, on an area All work guaranteed meeting Monday…

December 30, 1932 • Page Image 1

… continued, Jews According to Dr. Feinbloom, who Geller were appointed Assistants come in contact with a searching is chief of the optometric staff of Attorney General of Michigan by for order and for…



…, 1932 LENGYEL DECLARES Morris D. Waldman Views Hitlerism and LEADERS COME TO JEW'S POSITION IN Political Status of the Jews in Germany MIZRACHI YOUTH POLAND HOPELESS CONVENTION HERE of American Jewish…

… Which Jews Are Persecuted Economically. SAYS GALICIANS HAVE LITTLE TO HOPE FOR By MORRIS D. WALDMAN (ColUMtht. ISA Jewish Tokfr•ohle Agency, locorporst,0 , John Bach McMaster, late pro- the subject…

… Reichstag i n on Macaulay, said: Jews' Cry. The tragic position of the 3,500,- 000 Jews in Poland is described in Emil Lengyel's "The Cauldron Boils," a volume dealing with Po- land and its minorities…

… to him mere pegs on which to hang a splendid historical picture of the times in which these people lived." Hitlerism has a significance too serious for us Jews to engage in a literary pastime about it…

…. Apart from the precedent set by the illustrious Macaulay, the pau- city of the American literature on Hitlerism also appears to justify this course. While the Jews of America have been and are deeply…

… Leaders. Orthodox Detroit Jewry, partic- ularly the youth, is anticipating with eagerness the opening of the mid-western conference of the Mizrachi Youth of America Friday / Michigan's Home Jewish…

…, President's message, Isidore Epstein, Election of presidium. Appointment of committees. PROTEST PLANNED AGAINST ATTACKS ON POLISH JEWS Meeting of Local Organiza- tions To Be Held on Monday Afternoon…

June 03, 1932 • Page Image 1

…, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JUNE 3, 1932 ADEN JEWS CABLE Hitlerism a Hundred Years Ago TORTURE ZIONIST Anti-Semitism Was German JEWISH CONGRESS Writer Proves That Russian LEADER TO DEATH In Origin. ASKING FOR HELP IN…

… receipt of the cable from Aden, the American Jewish Con- gress immediately dispatched a cable to the board of deputies of British Jews asking for further in- formation and expressing its readi- ness to…

… cooperate with British Jews in the alleviation of Jewish misery in Aden. A meeting of the administrative committee of the American Jew- ish Congress was summoned forth- with to consider ways and means of…

…! ENT CAUSE OF JEWIS H ANXIETY [ (Copyright, 1032, Jewiah Telegraphic Agency. Inc.) Fear Speedy ise to Power of Adolph Hitler and Nazi Party. THREATEN ALIEN JEWS ARE TO E E DEPORTED Nazi Organ Raises…

… Ritual Murder Cry in Connection With Lindbergh Baby. Bronstein, a Zionist leader Incensed anxiety rules in Jew- equal lights which they had granted the Jews. This was so particu- Samson resident in…

… Yedinez, near Chotin, ish circles in Germany as a result larly in Germany, where the liberties granted to the Jews were im- was tortured to death by local offi- of the resignation of the Bruening mediately…

… withdrawn. In some of the largest of the 36 states of cials who took him into custody cabinet and the appointment of • on Germany, containing big Jewish settlements, the Jews were, in fact, Franz von Pape! as…

… describes the details Napoleon, including Emil Ludwig's, have practically nothing to say influence of the military group about Napoleon's immense achievements on behalf of the Jews. And of the inquisition…

… help to increase exist- historians who see already in Jew- Yedinez until death released him. ing fears over the political l future. Commenting editorially on this ish emancipation the shadow of as- The…

….—(J. • Depression. of the coalition against Napoleon, editorial offices of the paper, hair- throughout the United States this Sunday, June 5, to obtain funds for continuing its soil redemption Jews who enters T. A…

September 30, 1932 • Page Image 26

… opened in Havana. SOURCE TO SCHOLARS In Guateamala, also, Jews were threatened with expulsion. In NEW YORK.— (J. T. A.)—A Britain was cast by the adoption February, 1932, the government register of the…

… Jewry w a s the Jews to extort bribes from scinded, but that peddlers will be Rabinowitz, Dr. Michael nigger, aroused In November, 1931, by g ected, who were thereupon re- obliged to establish themselves…

… entirely economic, ons were all members of the Jew- aimed not at Jews, as such, but at Because of the widespread demand which introduced the act, but I warn those who fan it h Culture League. The Amen…

…- aliens in general. It is charged for its use, it has been kept open wish to that it will be very easy to awaken an Jewish committee made rep- that Jews are replacing native during the summer months. The…

… Seminary celebrated this feelings of hatred against Jews in HENRY M. SIMON esentations to the Cuban author- Mexicans in certain fields, and are the thirtieth anniversary of the country." This declaration t…

…- the anti-alien demonstration of chefstroom University College have last year, Jews in Mexico City approximately 10,000 families at to it the words "For High Chris- RUFF FLORAL CO. feared a repetition of…

… that demon- an expenditure of not more than tian Education." This move was ' stration, but the day passed un- $12,600,000 for works of a pro- regarded by Jews as the thin edge Flowers for All Occasions…

December 02, 1932 • Page Image 7


… the ages of 7-12, the 'Brotherhood' club is organized at which matters of corn- An audit of your books won interest are discussed and should be a means of recur- readings of short stories from Jew- ing…

… common in terest, 5 5 the to enrich his loyalty and love for Cadillac 3338 6 the home and to realize the all em- 6 bracing idea of happiness to all." Charles K. Harris Company MICHIGAN BELL TELEPHONE CO…

… occurred to anyone to suggest anything else than a Jewish town president. No one dispute or question it. Such big towns in Eastern Galicia as Strij, Samdar, Borislav, and many others, always had a Jew at the…

… head of their affairs, the official ruler of the town. (Continued from Page One.) about them by arousing this latent but highly charged Jew-phobia. We know that these men, in or- der to justify…

… provided for equal duties and rights of citizens, the majority of the town population had the right to tion of the Jew in the present- appoint one of their own as president of the town, and the rest had day…

… world is correct, then a pos- sible system of defense against to accept it. It happened very often, too, that Poles and other non-Jews helped it follows logically. This same small world which offers such…

… votes alone would to put a Jew in office in places where the Jewish not have sufficed, because they considered him the best man for the rapid circulation to myths and prejudices is also capable of ex…

… solemnly pro- for myths. With facts we can claims on paper that the Jews, like all other citizens belonging to the rouse the conscience of the world national minorities, enjoy equal rights with all other…

… where Europe, the disabilities imposed it has already existed for years and was the most natural thing in upon the Jews constitute viola- tions of international treaties. the world. In Galicia Jews used…

September 30, 1932 • Page Image 29

…—Always ' credit. PHONE 9533 27.29 E. MICHIGAN AVE. The less said about golf the bet - Battle Creek, Mich. ter. The only Jew to do anything worth mentioning was Walter Rothenberg of Philadelphia who Season…

… of school age has become For the first time in the ancient passed away last winter. As own- B. Eastern Countries so marked that the educational and venerable history of the Jews, er of the Pittsburgh…

… Aviv, Pales- to make baseball a popular pas- 1931, the Vienna tine. The occasion was the Jew- ty in Germany, continued to make October, binical Seminary was not able to ish olympics. From Germany, time…

…. His club is now owned by his life miserable for the Jews of Aus- open. France, England, Austria, Czecho- wife. Two Jews yet remain in the tria during the period under re- HUNGARY Slovakia, Poland, the…

… converted tries teams of young men and wo- ney Weil of Cincinnati. Jew, to resign from his office as any brighter when we turn to men gathered in the new stadium Of the Jewish ball players in the STATE…

…, 1931, and doubting world that the Jew stein and Rosenfeld are the trio A Member of the Federal Reserve System copies of a boycott leaflet had been by the rabbinate of Budapest, the was an athlete. It was…

Jews left the Jewish faith, s meet with a total of 12 first places son. Ike Goldstein, a pitcher, ards were posted in many parts and the excess of Jewish death and scored 178 points. harry broke in with…

…, Arthur Feiden, position but his hitting was too tion in which it. had stated that The assimilation of Jews was made Dave White and Leslie Flaskman, valuable to overlook and he was easier during the year by…

… "Hitler" in order to obtain an to Hungarian citizens desirous of A number of American Jews per- ceived tryouts with the big league their surnames. formed for the U. S. team. Al clubs but failed to stick. Al…

… the son. The opinion among baseball agitate for the restriction of the the Jewish of Buda- hop, skip and jump. The only men seems to be that the little out- rights of Jews. Early in May, rep- pest…

February 26, 1932 • Page Image 7

…, Collaborate in "The Jews Israel and having lost it, I felt it to wipe off front the earth, he who this general basic discussion of tified by State of Michigan... A WM All EXPERTS ON which has opposed Mr. Hymns…

… next meeting of the Young People's Sus! SILVER FLOSS KRAUT JUICE Children's Corner R Column for Our Boys and Girls PLANS EVENT FOR OLD FOLKS HOME MICHIGAN BELL TELEPHONE CO. Mrs. Lester Gam…

… occasion of Purim. door or from board members. YOUR UNCLE JUDAH. MICHIGAN as a Winter Resort Michigan, widely known no a summer socationland, Is In• recognized as an unexcelled winter ciety of…

… Congregation Shaarey plus ground Zedek, at 3 p. in. this Sunday, in the social hall of the synagogue. It offers abundant opportunitien for the enjoyment Mr. Bingay is editorial director of "WHY I AM A JEW

… Expectations of the Semi- the society previously, and both called "Why I Am A Jew." In this only far front the missionary spirit nor," It is in the interest of all who reside in Ilichlgan to Mr. Moss and Mr…

… at 1: 30 phant future. As for me, my child, our present day can boast. p. m. March 7, by a general Vls who have so long sought for the • "The Jew is the emblem of eter- cession of "Situations in Ame ri…

… Max Baker d , "I Rill a Jew because born of nor sword nor inquisition was able Nuns Research, Toronto. After . Wes sr 20, •t 10:40... Optometry, Registered and eer tits. fen The Joint Foreign Committ cc…

… unfitted hint 1' on on the a',;,!,:;!'n,',:r,',7,,„7-iV,17,:2-,Pjahle subject, "The Broken aatileteP.--.5 Two young Detroiters Paul "I am a Jew because born of long the guardian of prophecy, and tinned…

… consider the Stasserman and Max Baker, have nomination. His name w ill The Men s 'Temple Club presents "A the world—such a nation cannot be work to be done in both public written a new history of the Jews be…

… submitted to the meeting 0. Night with the News , aper••fuesdaY I would have it live after me even more alive than it is within me, destroyed. The Jew is everlasting and church schools, preparatory in America…

June 10, 1932 • Page Image 8

… Europe, young ficient funds to pay teachers' At Collingwood Michigan points and Cape town Lucylle went through, a rigorous will cost $48, with $16 for each Injuries and many Jews were salaries. now compete…

… PRESENT GERMAN WINNER OF NATIONAL ORATORICAL CONTEST GAS CABINET, GOVERNMENT CIRCLES ASSURE More than 500 prominent Jews LOS ANGELES.-Lucylle Gold- from every part of the country smith, 16-year-old high…

… widowed Jewish mother, completion of 30 years of service last February when they were at- situation in Breslau, where Jews traveled 3,000 miles across the by him to the Jewish Theological tacked by a mob…

…. Marshall, Sol M, Stroock and A reign of terror in which the Felix M. Warburg to a number of Bar Cologne Jewish Teachers. associates to join wills them in this Jews will be the victims is feared COLOGNE…

… the Supreme Court of the United fate of the Jews in Germany will i teachers in state schools in Prus- affect the fate of millions of Jews t; States, Adolph S. Ochs Louis Kir- sin. . stein of Boston, A…

…. Before Last Discount Day Mexico, Lieutenant•Governor Her- Jews Afraid to Appear on Streets. Jews are afraid to appear on the Nmionalists Burn Jewish Tene- bert H. Lehman of New York, and 50,000 cu. ft. per…

… 50,000 cu. ft. per Mo. at 72c per 1000 cu. ft. Next anti-Semitic agitation conducted Window Shad.- community. Schleswig-Holstein states. Draperies Ornemen• The boycott against the Jews, by the…

… signed by the sponsors of tacks upon Jews and their homes. The house was occupied by four C• rpetto for your Next 1,000,000 cu. ft. per Mo. at 42c per 1000 cu. ft. Lots or ofIlte. the testimonial and…

… radio-telephone service trade and welfare. capitol audience with one of the An inquiry into the incendiar- most brilliant essays on the Con- between North American tele- "Jews in the large cities have All…

…- meht by B. R. Marsh, Detroit com- says, A slight, slim figure of a girl HOUSE HEATING RATE mercial superintendent of the Campaign Against East Europeans forced. swayed and dazzled the distin- Michigan

July 29, 1932 • Page Image 1

… LEGAL CHRONICLE DETROIT,' MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JULY 29, 1932 Jew Named First Judge of Turin Appeals Court ROME. — (J. T. A.) — Leo- poldo Maggie, president of the High Court of Appeals at Bari, was named…


… SOVIET AID, TO HELP JEWS BUILD OWN HOMES 40 Per Cent in Building Cost To Be in U. S. Valuta, Ort Agrees. ASK AMERICAN JEWS TO SAVE AGENCIES Work of Ort, Which Cost Millions, on Verge of Col lapse. THE…

… PERIOD Michigan's Home Jewish Newspaper Capt. Miller To Speak Over Radio on Sunday Capt. William J. Miller, as- sistant governor of Jerusalem, who to on a visit in Detroit, will be the guest speaker of…

… Zohavie, dra- matic soprano, and Lucienne Monfort, pianist. Aaron Kur land, attorney and chairman of the Jewish Forum, will preside. DESPAIR UNKNOWN TO PALESTINE JEWS, JERUSALEMITE SAYS Per Year, $3…

….00; Per Copy, 10 Cents A Great Father and a Greater Son The Tragedy of Dr. Nathan Birnbaum and Uriel Birnbaum, By M. A. TENENBLATT JEWS OF GERMANY INQUIRE IF EDICT WILL STOP RIOTS (Copyright, 1932…

… petrel sults of Election on Memorial Meeting. in the Jewish national movement, one of the pioneers of July 31, Zionism, the father of Yiddishism, the most advanced in NON-JEW DESCRIBES PALESTINE EVENTS the…

…- ization Will Result Also on Program. tents who have come to it from European modernism. It prefers Jews BERLIN.—(J. T. A.)—Jews in from New Law. who are born orthodox and remain orthodox to those who have…

December 02, 1932 • Page Image 1

… tenth , 22 of mort- the id in• nine IN MICHIGAN ID THE LEGAL CHRONICLE His Committee To Work for Dutch Jewry, which 100 years! what is going on among the Jews Want Joint Government- ago held a leading…

… Writer By J. FUSS of the Jews would be complete without a very big chapter devoted to the Jews of Holland. It was in the Amsterdam ghetto that one of the greatest thinkers the world has ever known…

…, Baruch Spinoza, pur- sued his lonely life. It was a Dutch Jew, Menassah ben Israel, who is the "father of the Anglo-Jewish Community" and indirectly of all the English-speak- ing Jewish communities of the…

… world. Perhaps the best known artist the Jews have given the world was a Dutch Jew, Josef Israels, "the Rem- brandt of the Nineteenth Century." And the Amsterdam ghetto gave in- spiration to Rembrandt…

… himself for some of his noblest works and of living artists to the doyen of our own day, Max Liebermann, who years ago learnt at the aide of Josef Israels to love his Dutch fel- low-Jews. Why the decline of…

… Congress. -3 In his sermon last Sunday, Rabbi Leon Fram endorsed the World Jewish Congress idea and stated: "The idea of a World Jewish Congress flows directly from what we know of the position of the Jew

… conception of the Jew which may be dormant for long periods but which is always capable of be- ing aroused and translated into violence and cruelty. We know that in many countries today, there are unscrupulous…

… Joseph 14. Ehrlich is president. Rabbi Leon Fram will uphold the affirmative of the ques- tion "Resolved that a World Jew- ish Congress be organized to deal with world Jewish problems," Fred M. Butzel will…

… emissar- ies lauding our greatness and gen- erosity. There is, too, no immigration movement worth speaking of pos- sible at this moment into Holland. The number of East European Jews living in Holland is…

… negligible, so that there is no bridge to link Dutch Jewry with world Jewry. And for another thing, Dutch Jews speak and write a language that is not intelligible to the Jews of other countries. So that it is…

June 10, 1932 • Page Image 6

… Campaign Against Eaet Europeans forced. Michigan Bell Telephone Corn- The authorities are Inclined to A vigorous campaign against pany. Conversations are handled East European Jews residing in grant the…

…-50 Dexter Blvd. (three-minute conversation between A Jewish girl sustained serious ficient funds to pay teachers' At Collingwood , Michigan points and Cape town injuries and many Jews were salaries. will cost…

… PRESENT GERMAN ORATORICAL CONTEST CABINET, GOVERNMENT CIRCLES ASSURE More than 500 prominent Jews Schuman's Book Shop. Paintings and drawings by Mary 0. Johnson will be shown through. out June at &human…

December 30, 1932 • Page Image 7

Jews of this community give their Chanukah gifts to the home. lie pointed out that most giving is loaning, because gifts are merely exchanged, and suggested that the proper way of presenting gifts would…

… and Best Equipped Car Washing Plant LUBRICATION — BODY POLISHING MICHIGAN BELL TELEPHONE CO. TELEPHONE CALL and DOCTOR'S SKILL SAVE BOY'S LIFE An Active Democrat. Born in Russian-Poland 34 years ago…

… POLISH JEWS (Continued from Page One.) a determined fight to bring about Cohn's ouster. Disturbances have been recur- rent at the University of Breslau since Professor Cohn opened his lecture series…

…. Several times the university was closed because the situation reached such a stage where it could no longer be con- trolled by the authorities. Asks Compulsory Birth Control for Jews, RIGA.—(J. T. A…

…, which was later adopted by a vote of 50 to 33. Beldau proposed that Jews be forbidden by law to have more than two children. Under the le- galization of abortions, native Lat- visite run the rink in…

… course of time of being outnumbered by Jews and other minorities, Bel- dau holds. For this reason he in- troduced his bill for compulsory birth control among the Jews, he explained. Deputy Dubin, speaking…

… in be- half of the Jewish deputines, strongly criticized Beldau's mo- tion. He also stated that the Jew- ish deputies are opposed to the legalization law. He scored the priest for intro- ducing the…

… Jewish question in a matter which from the religious viewpoint should have been op- posed. After the legalization bill had been adopted Belden explained that he had not meant to insult the Jews, but merely…

… to point out that the Jews follow the Scrip- tural injunction and that the Lat- vians have much to learn from them. It's good to see the old-timers get a break ... Max Davidson, vet- eran comic and…

… this company) While playing in his horns one evening, the small son of a Michigan family was cut severely on the head. There was no time to lose, as the boy was bleeding profusely. Rushing to the…

August 19, 1932 • Page Image 1

… Palestine be a malignant calumny is proved up state of Michigan, preachers from about a fourth of all the Jews in claimed that there has not been an during the first century, flung wide open, or only…

… CHANCELLORSHIP Says He Aspires for Same Power Held by Mussolini in Italy. Michigan's Home Jewish Newspaper , and VOLitXXIV. •NO. 13 HINDENBURG HITS INFRACTIONS UPON RIGHTS OF JEWRY IN MICHIGAN . THE LEGAL…

… CHRONICLE DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, AUGUST 19, 1932 Philadelphia Jewish Hospital Gets $400,000 PHILADELPHIA. — (J.T.A) —A check in the amount of $400,000 was presented by Mrs. Anna Esther Fridenberg to…

…, a white book, describing the extent of the Nazi terrorization of the Jews. Replying through Secretary of State Weisner, President von Hin- Exhibition D a y of Play denburg made known his condem…

… minister of interior the close of the fourth annual Jew- for verification of its charges, by ish Center Play School, according to Mrs. Henry Meyers, Play School A bomb was thrown at the home chairman. of a…

… Olympics Captured by 3 Jews Department of Commerce Reveals Figures on the 15,000,000 Foreign-Born. IMMIGRATION CASES HANDLED BY COUNCIL 1,200 Applied to Women's Group in Two Months for Aid. WASHINGTON…

… Proposal, CONDITION OF WORLD JEWRY IS DISCUSSED Common Platform Only Re-., course to German Jews, Spokesman States. BROWN TO RECEIVE HONOR FROM CHINA GENEVA.—The summoning of a world-wide Jewish congress…

…. Politically, con- Visit a Number of Euro• ditions are deplorable for Jews, in Germany and Poland !Arum- peen Countries. larly, while the economic depres- sion has brought suffering China will pay homage to Amer…

… at the International club luncheon. Jews Urged To Liebe. A manifesto to Jewish people throughout the world, embodying a formal protest against penmen-. Hon and anti-Semitism and call. ing upon them to…

June 24, 1932 • Page Image 1

…- Congregations. Michigan's Home Jewish Newspaper Per Year, $3,00; Per Copy, 10 Cents B'nai B'rith Lodges In French Colonies. CINCINNATI, Ohio,—Twenty Jews of Mulhouse, Upper Rhine, have petitioned B'nai B…

…-Semites Retaliated for Police Protection Offered to Jews. JEW'S MURDERER GETS 15 MONTHS IN PRISON Situation in Germany Contin- ues Serious; Jews At- tacked by Nazis. glile MOSCOW.—(J. T. A.) — The Comzet has…

… willing to care for the new arrivals pro- vided the Comzet will permit them to migrate. WISE APPEALS FOR UNITY; WON'T JOIN RANCOROUS ISSUES i . THE LEGAL CHRONICLE DETROIT, MICHIGAN, Comzet Finds Quota…

… to Crimea Full for 1932 IN MICHIGAN . JUNE 24, 1932 After the French Elections By I, SCHECHTMAN (Copyright. ISM, Jeo i-h Telegraphic Agency. Inc.) France has a new parliament. The elections have…

… Leon Blum, and the Repub li- can Socialists led by Painleve that now diminates parliment. AIM TO HELP YESHIVA The Jews in France have no speeihcally Jewish angle in French politi- "NO PLACE FOR SUCH MEN…

…. JEWISH DRUGGISTS CONDEMN ANTI-JEW CRUSADE BY COTY Aesculapians Draw Resolu tion Demanding He Put End to His Campaign. TORONTO DRUGGISTS BOYCOTT PRODUCTS French Newspaper Reveals Coty Had Criminal Rec…

…'s defense of the night adopted a resolution strong. Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, speaking at that the leading position achieved of America who have invited Jews against Nazi attacks. ly condemning the anti…

… Rabbi Wise assails Borough the broad humanitarian traditions was dictated by the following an- men and Jews to further the ideal was adopted, indicated that they President Levy for Inviting Mayor From…

… ends his Last Monday night, Pisgah sick bed, Dr. Wise was the princi- children of tuberculous parents, leaders have always been active brating the graduation exercises University of Michigan, was the…

… toler- this time at public or semi-public owners and Jewish registered "Can't Afford to Quarrel." not for the Jews but the Germans Nathan D. Rosin, first vice-preai- ated. functions pharmacists of the…

August 19, 1932 • Page Image 8

… repre- him the idol of thousands of film sentation of about 40 to which the fans. Jews were entitled on a basis of population and membership at NOTICE TO ATTORNEYS large in the lower house of her…

… mersages was seriously curtailed. Ingen- ious restrictions, not specifically naming the Jews have curtailed their right to enter ' various pro- fessions and public life. MINORITIES (Continued from Page One…

… liffibert Journ•l. Doe, he (or is it •he?) not know that early Christiana were oleo accused of ritual murder? Don he not know that the Bible prohibit, blood as food, and th•t down to this day Jew. have an…

… Tertullian, one of the Church Fathers. raid to those who accused the early Christians of what Ray Knight acct.. the Jews: 'If you really believe it prone it: if you can- not, cease to believe in' "It Is quite…

… conclude, lion which, ridiculous as it Is, has continued through the ages and has been transferred from Jews to Christians and then employed by Christians against the Jews . . . In each instance there was…

… the Jews in Eastern Europe." The author of the article in the 'Ilibbert Journal, Ray Knight, is sharply criticized, while surprise is expressed that L. P. Jack, ed- itor of the quarterly, should have…

… permitted this statement to ap- pear, by Benammi, prominent Jewish columnist, writing in the July 29 issue of the London Jew- ish Chronicle. Quoting the Ray Knight state- ment on Jews and ritual murder…

September 16, 1932 • Page Image 7

… but Jp vsky riled mlus vski, sree, .oyal luat- , the enu- ap- incy. t the • pt :day- 'ran- s RU- corn- of the New titan Jew- cited I ad i- kvit- stit c in Own and ✓ of :e of that mica] Pace…

…. Jew- o the zy is done. does s tal- , life, have st of hild's ilt P rCri; Stops, Thus [Mist, sler's. The,- other OUR LETTER BOX (Continued from Preceding Page.) TOP 511050 PRICES mo- wish I…

… Here Are sing He (Continued from Preceding Page) !Jews have always laid greater stress on cultural development, as was an accomplished pianist. Ga. contrasted with physical. As a I brilowitsch took…

… his first lessons people, the Jews are highly emo- from one of his brothers, and 1 tional and temperamental, and Schkolnick's father was a clarinet- music offers an ideal medium as 1st and violinist. In…

… clusion that it as one of the inherited the Jew has been subjected to for characteristics of the Jewish race. centuries, had either to result in When we ask ourselves, however, a mental breakdown…

… Dearborn —22l13 Michigan Ave. tary; Mrs. Rose Goldberg, tress- important of all," they write, "it poor guard had to allow the visi- Hamtramck-11601 Joseph Compau urer. has taken from thousands of tors to…

… board without the usual Jews in Eastern Europe the last scrutiny. The crowd marched for- ward over the gangplank to vir- hope of freedom." tually take possession of the huge .1-1 -P This history covers…

August 12, 1932 • Page Image 1

… loch &Me Mere aald 0011 Raid maid of e of nine of 23, l e P d redo r . 1Vnl 32. THE ONLY ANGLO-JEWISH NEWSPAPER PRINTEDC-40 IN MICHIGAN . AN OFFICIAL • LEGAL NOTICE NEWSPAPER FOR Michigan

…'s Home Jewish Newspaper WAYNE COUNTY and / VOL XXXIV. NO. 12 THE LEGAL C HRONICLE DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 1932 Per Year, $3.00; Per Copy, 10 Cents END IMMIGRATION The Author of the…


… EFFECT SEPT. 20 An Interview with Sir John Hope Simpson PREMIER STATES SkiZYI'letil aca nroflo1=ig on PATERSON JEW FOUND NEAR BERLIN ROAD Ac 'dent. Those Seeking Settlement Will Be, Refused Entry, Hicem…

… States. By P. W. WILSON (Copyright, 1932. Jewish Telegraphic Agency, POLISH ENVOY SAVES JEWS IN LUXEMBURG Inc.) A Ind i an official on his retirement usually brings his active career to an end. Sir nd…

… Greeks expelled from Turkey, and became the Com- missioner under the Chinese Government for reconstructing the areas devastated in 1931 PARIS.—(J. T. A.)—The Jew- by the appalling inundation of the Yangtse…

… through his neck, was re- BRANDS AS UNTRUTH cently recorded and successfull y at the North End Cli nic, TERRORIZATION AGAINST JEWS ASSUMES COLONIZATION STORY Il36 Holbrook avenue , accordin g to AN…

… Koenigsberg as Religion. The accident happened to a 14- Situation Remains Tense; Nazi Incitement Continues; year-old schoolboy, who must be Jews Afraid To Appear on the Streets. MADRID.—(J. T. A…

… - Ica - Emigdirekt) has can be no question of a repatria- count of ethical practice in social BERLIN,—(J. T. A,)--The terrorization of Jews resi- learned front its ' committee In tine, What interests…

… Zionists is Sir John Simpson's now famous report upon land development in Pales- tion of the Sephardic Jews to work and medicine, which prevents and it is idle to ignore the fact that the report came as a…

August 05, 1932 • Page Image 1

… lot 7 and tract. 1• of peeeds • CD/ rhisrsn. THE ONLY ANGLO-JEWISH NEWSPAPER PRINTED 4 1 ) IN MICHIGAN NEWSPAPER FOR WAYNE COUNTY , and XXXIV. - NO. 11 - „ Yiddish Instruction in Flemish Schools…

… the teaching of the Yiddish language in the Flemish Municipal schools of the sixth and seventh districts, where there are a considerable number of Jews, has been grant- ed by the authorities. Yiddish…

… language instruction has been Introduced, it is learn. d, with a view to induce Jew- ish children to continue their studies in the Flemish schools instead of transferring to the French schools. It is…

… to J. T. A. at Actions Committee Meeting. REJECTION OF FRENCH REPORT RECOMMENDED Arlosoroff's Praise of Wan- chope Ridiculed by Grossman. i THE LEGAL CHRONICLE DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, AUGUST 5…

… Miller stated: "Palestine is a very small coun- try. It is roughly a quarter the size of the State of Michigan. De- troit holds just about a half-mil- lion more inhabitants than the whole of Palestine…

… hours while the entire trip took 12 hours. If the present attempts to prove that a service is economi- cal can be justified, a regular car line will be started between both cities, it is stated. Michigan

…'s Home Jewish Newspaper ! Per Year P $3 • 00. Per Copy 10 Cents , LOS "ANGELES JEWS Canadian Speaker JEWS BREATHE MORE FREELY AS NAZI WHO WENT TO BIRA Upholds Blood Lie PARTY FAILS TO SECURE A MAJORITY…

… CENTRAL UNION OF GERMAN JEWRY Lavergne even approved of their Sc. Food Refused Jewish Colo- cusation that Jews commit ritual murders. nista; Investigation Stronger Campaign Against Jewish Detractors Needed…

…, This approval of the Goglu meth- Is Ordered. Is View of Jewish Leaders; Hitler Gratified ods against Jews is voiced in an With the Results of the Election. MOSCOW.—J, T. A.)—A group article which the…

… deputy speaker LONDON. — (J. T. A.) — Dr. Chaim Weizmann, in a statement of the Canadian parliament pub. of Los Angeles Jews who migrated linked in the chief organ of the to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency…

October 28, 1932 • Page Image 6

… are expected at the Michigan Zionist Con- ple now so critically afflicted by the evils ference which takes place here this week- of the depression. For the Jew, and for those who know end. and…

… Avenue Telephone: Cadillac 1040 Coble Address Chrooicle the community's leaders, all of whom ex- London Office; pressed the view that the question of Jew- 14 Stratford Me., London, W. 1, England Year ish…

… 28, 1932 at all costs, at all times. For if we permit the soul to become starved it will be so The Zionist Conference. much the worse for the land and the peo- •Delegates from many cities in Michigan

… understand the soul of the Jew and This conference is important in many re- spects. First and foremost, it is an expres- the history of the Jewish people, this cer- sion of a successful effort to create a…

…, Harte, was of Dutch ancestry, party has been received by Jews Aside from their both being affi- Sometimes when a members is in while on his paternal side he was English. That is, to the best of all over…

… have been an Englishman, as the verse goes, not politicians. The lieutenant- cratic party's successor to Frank- . . . Maryland, Canada, but he was actually a Jew. And Bret Harte certainly knew it. Ile…

… Virginia, on the unique and hitherto un- had money he bought a ticket and Stock Exchange to see his grandfather, Bernard Hart, a leading Jew years since he received the nomi- precendented phenomina of hav…

… marches and all the rest that the tag fred E. Smith's presidential as- life as a member of the banking over actual achievements. the populace was solution from us. We Jews know that when of Socialism…

… preserve prosperity, pointed to the reduction in immi- colleges, and in devoted study of Jewish sci- ago. And it, of course, hardly has particularly been interested Zionists of Michigan in discussions in be…

…- Harpo eating a telephone, the gration, achieved by his administration. Said Mr. Hoover at Cleve- ence the tormented Jew found relief and con- need even be mentioned that no —serving as a director and trus…

March 18, 1932 • Page Image 8

… forgeries but picked up by professional anti-Semites from time to time and used in their preachments against Jews. Local leaders of the Council of Jewish Women met last week at the building of the Young…

… the con- and piano. These Beethoven Son- American Jews which launched the atas are given on invitation of the colony. The celebration will also - vention th e tee of national Jewish women's: art…

… of the Jewish Centers Art School -.7:- discuss the question "The Social and winner of the first prize In -2- and Economic Crisis: What Can' oil painting at the Michigan State E.-. Women Do?" on a…

….—(J. T. A )— A newspaper campaign against the Jews was opened here by all the leading newspapers. The Jews are denounced for various reason and they are as- nailed on the allegation that they are…

… Communists. =- 2 .1 *: ' -7 CitrinwKolb Oil Co. Four Conveniet Service Stations LINWOOD LINWOOD L±.-- g. l FENKELL LIVERNOIS E—_ - JEWS IN GERMANY NOW BREATHE MORE FREELY AS VICTORY FOR HINDENBURG ON…

… SECOND BALLOT APPEARS CERTAIN Council Broadcast March 24. 110 Austrisia Jews Depart for Palestine. Nazi press from publishing boycott propaganda against the Jews. Simultaneously, however, the Boebachter…

… publishes a streamer across the page, in which it renews its boycott agitation against Jew- ish firms. German women were warned to have no relations with Jews under penalty of being branded as trait- ors to…

… their faces. On the eve of the election many Jews and non-Jews made prepara- tions to insure their safety should blood be shed. Numerous Jews and non-Jews left Germany for the week-end, to seek safety…

… German Jews to Recog- nice Definite Jewish Problem. The Hitlerite menace has achieved one thing that may prove of value to German Jewry and that is that it has focused atten- tion to the fact that there…

September 30, 1932 • Page Image 28

… East Huron Street Best Wishes for a Happy New Year eugene Jackson's Leading BEAUTICIANS Greetings to the Jewish People of Jackson County and the State of Michigan. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN

… provincial elections in Germany, prior to the balloting for President in March and April, 1932, caused a great deal of anxiety to the Jews of Germany nit only because these successes seemed to forebode the…

… Democratic-Centrist coalition gov- ernment of Bruening failed to show any wholehearted opposition to the anti-Jewish agitations of the Nazis or to take any steps to curb their arrogant tactics insofar as Jews

… are concerned. The past year, therefore, saw a great num- ber of minor clashes between Jews and Nazis, which were sometimes followed by arrests and trials; few of the latter led to an out- come which…

…. The most sensational street at- tack against Jews took place in Berlin on Rosh Ilashonah, Sep- tember, 1931, just as worshippers were leaving the synagogues. Many persons, some of them non-Jews, were…

… the retirement of Jewish officials and the dismissal of Jewish actors and singers from government- supported theaters and opera houses. Another weapon which the Nazis used for harassing the Jews was the…

… held a meeting and decided to set up a joint commit- tee for planning concerted action in combating attempts to deprive the Jews of Germany of their rights, and for negotiating with government…

… authorities to insure the honor, life and economic exis- tence of the Jewish population. In a number of cases, persons responsible for villifying the Jew- ish people were brought to trial at the request of the…

… imprisonment for insulting the Jewish religion. The material situation of the Jews of Germany did not improve during the year. There were the same symptoms of acute distress as were enumerated in our review of a…

… year ago. Added to the nat- ural economic forces which oper- ated upon non-Jews as well as Jews, was the artificial force of the anti-Jewish boycott which has resulted from the propaganda of the Nazis…

July 01, 1932 • Page Image 1


… follow that New York City, on the preparation Jabotinsky's bitter label, "Lord inception, and gave its author con. expressing it gP hm t the URGE JEWS TO UNITE IN DECIDES ON ACTION of an Arts-Crafts Manual…

… for Jew- Plastic arts one who is an anti-Zionist is Passfield of Hebron," seems to stant and valuable assistance in its either means that we therefore an anti-Semite, but have stuck. ish youth clubs…

…- anti-Semitic influence directing Palestine Workers' Bank several racial organizations of the been inextricably, though unneces- Jews who entered Germany after cured of anti-Jewish feeling, and a her…

… Social Democrats to Jews, and for people to oppose ney Webb wrote to me with re- operative banking enterprise in all Department of Labor for the pre- They feel that the secular and na- of whom are from New…

… York City. the countries of the world, Eng- vention of frauds on aliens, and tional bent of art tend to obscure and the Centrists were not fully it out of deep affection for Jews, Bard to this attack…

…-Semitism Russia, Switzerland, I nard S. Deutsch, president, and naturalization laws. gium, Japan, Mexico, India, Pales- "On the other hand, those who law prohibiting State theatres hostility to Jews as such, and…

… pre- brought against her, "my article tine. Dr. Joseph Tenenbaum, chairman Secretary Doak estimated that maintain that Judaism is both a from employing Jews. serving the utmost tolerance in in Charles…

… European of philosemitism. was acclaimed by the Jews as End an of The resolution on the world understood the deplor- Jews. Unique Consciousness, Unfortunately, while all this is appreciation and not a…

… the Jews. I have a great admire- some part in the technical side of try resulting the committee and amended by At three o'clock Saturday morn- himself in a position of authority tion for the Jewish race…

March 04, 1932 • Page Image 1


… WITH CHALLENGES To Reporthililldn arrech,8llomel 1 1 Felix Cohen Disproves Army and Navy Register Accusations, THE ONLY ANGLO•jEWISH NEWSPAPER PRINTED IN MICHIGAN DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 4…

…, 19 32 , TO DEPRIVE JEWS OF MUNICIPAL POSITIONS Says Calvin Coolidge Also Opposed Compulsory Military Training. I 1-0-4-0 Per Year $3.00; Per Copy Cents HITLERITES DECREE Death of Milford Stern…

… IVAN PAASSEN HERE JEWS' ELIMINATION Shock to American Jewry KNOWLEDGE DENIED SPeaks on Thursday Hitl er" BY ARABS OF PLAN O n "Jews and FOR LECTURE NEXT AS ELECTION PLANK President of Jewish Welfare…

… Federation Was Active in BYFORMER KHEDIVE Every Important Jewish Cause; Tributes THURSDAY EVENING Our People Threatened With Being Robbed of Their Citizenship. QUOTES WAR RECORD OF AMERICAN JEWS TELEPHONE…

… Hosp ital as a Injustice to Jews. a heart N.— (J. T. A.) — The Lecturer Has Written Nu. WASHINGTON.—(J, T. A.)— merous Important Articles The Army and Navy Register, --- attack which struck him at 3…

…:30 for The Chronicle. complete elimination of Jews from whose attacks upon the patriotism p. m. on Friday, in front of the --- LONDON.— (J, T. A.) —All participation in the life of the of the Jews has…

… of for Sunday Afternoon Putnam, next Thursday at 8:30 p. Rabbi Frani officiating. Burial was Until the documnt e containing The elimination of the Jews is the City of New York, whose the former Khedive…

…. through Samuel B. Keene at 3115 • Agency, these circles asserted that , The Jews are to be deprived of the annual minting of the member- Mr. Cohen points out that the Barium Tower, or by calling they had…

… never seen it. dr s their citizenship and receive the willp beof,th Jewis Cherry 9246. percentage of Jews in the United held in the assem bly hall og The Bthe h Leagu e, whi stat us States army and navy…

September 30, 1932 • Page Image 24

… HAYDEN STS. SAGINAW, MICHIGAN Best Wishes for a Happy New Year COOPER WALL PAPER STORES ' That the Jews of the United States spend over $6,000,000 an- nually for Jewish education was one of th…

… Saginaw, Mich. Mason, Brick, Concrete, Stone and Cement Work SAGINAW, MICHIGAN determined to expand the func- tions of an existing employment bureau for Jews so as to include an effort to deal with the…

… Levinthal, then president of the of Chicago, pointed out that Jew- Rabbinical Assembly of America, ish educational activities must be advanced in his address to a limited by the amount of money convention of…

… was compelled to publish urgent appeals for aid several times during the year. SAGINAW, MICHIGAN Greetings and Best Wishes to All Ft azee & Sons we PAUL B. DYE, Manager SAGINAW'S FOREMOST FUNERAL…

… HOME Unequalled Service at No Extra Cast PHONE 8650 1005 E. CENESEE AVE. SAGINAW, MICHIGAN Best Wishes for a Happy New Year Winkler-Lucas Ice & Fuel Co. The Jewish community was shocked when, on…

…. WASHINGTON AVE. SAGINAW, MICHIGAN Rosh Ilashonah Greetings Franklin Oil Co. , GALEN E. WILSON Distributors of SUNOCO GASOLINE and OILS Authorized SUNOCO Stations All Over Town PHONE 2.7474 BAUM and…


…. Thompkina, Gen. Mgr. CADILLAC — LaSALLE SALES and SERVICE Rosh Hashonah Greetings Saginaw, Mich. Shay's Artesian Mineral Water Co. "PURE WATER MEANS GOOD HEALTH" "Prompt Service" SAGINAW, MICHIGAN


… Lest Wishes for ■ Happy New Year Valley Cornice & Slate Co., Ltd. Rf OFING — ROOF REPAIRING METAL CEILINGS — SHEET METAL WORK 318 N. HAMILTON ST. SAGINAW, MICHIGAN PHONE 2-2525 , Rosh Ilashonah…

July 08, 1932 • Page Image 5

… idea. So everything is Jew- Forest Campaign prominent club leader, will ad- ish? Everything we have, derived on to undertake measures for the dress the Jewish Radio Forum next from Jews?" .ben Kande…

… tilaccabean he- finished... scribed the position of the Jews in gram will be dedicated to the work made at a special meeting of the he spent a year at the gold dig- More than absolutely necessary. roes. We have…

… given them to you various East European countries. of the Y. W. II. A. Jewish National Fund Council of ging.. Call the Jews of Mainz together. too. On August 25 you honor Appropriate musical selections…

… "the side. players in the sixty-piece orches- the T m he ." that you spoke the word, old Jew. medieval inquisitional Prussian tra which records for Fox Films.. rabbi shook his head. "Why Unveiling of…

… unveiling of a monument The Chord of Judea Symphony, seen . Joseph von Sternberg, he queried. . theol- East European Jews who entered in niemory of Nellie Rosenthal Orchestra announces that it has the so…

January 22, 1932 • Page Image 7

…. Waldman; topic, "The Interna- philosophy from Columbia. Mean- tional Scene of the Jew;" presid- while, for 17 years he had been ing, Judge Harry B. Keidan. the American correspondent for Wednesday, Feb. 3…

… views. Asked how she reconciled her optimistic views with the fact that the Hitler program specifically aims against the Jews, she replied: The Baroness' Optimism, "We cannot prophecy. Things do not…

… always happen as we first see them. I believe the German people recognizes the qualities for good in the Jewish people, and the contributions by Jews to Ger- many, and I do not believe that anything…

… drastic will occur to rob the Jews of their rights." The Baroness added that she is not a political person and that these are her views as an indi- vidual "Personally," she said, "I doubt whether Hitler, if…

… Hitler will come into power in March. This will not mean, however, either a wholesale exodus of the Jews or a massacre, he declared. Performance thrills you've never had in any low-priced car /Ca Only…

… Highway, at W. Grand Blvd. HIGHLAND CHEVROLET CO. 12897 Woodward Ave. C.. W. HILLS CHEVROLET SALES Northville, Michigan DOWN RIVER CHEVROLET CO. Viyandotte, Michigan HOWARD CHEVROLET CO. Trenton, Michigan

… GALLAGHER CHEVROLET CO. Mt. Clemons, Michigan i's'WO",t.'W- w'W. 4,4W , BIELMAN•TAUBE MOTOR SAW 3100 Gratiot FABER CHEVROLET INC. 11534 Dexter Blvd.. Burlingame CHEVROLET RETAIL STORE Congeal Motors Bldg…

…, Michigan WARREN CHEVROLET SALES Werra Mkh , an EASTERN CHEVROLET CO. 14800 E. Jefferson, Ashland DITTMERACINGAN CHEVROLET SALES Dearborn, Micb. JORDAN CHEVROLET, INC. Birmingham. Mi4 12 w.'"V STRENG…


…. 50.354 West Jefferson A... HOMER CHEVROLET, Inc 16640 Michigan A . NATIONAL AUTO SALES 3725 Crowd 91.9P Avenue MONK CHEVROLET CO. Selloff* Michigan 6;in'I1T.T(TIVT,;61WV.,T= LLOYD CHEVROLET SALES…

May 20, 1932 • Page Image 7

…, Bebe Daniels and Conrad Nagel are Jewish. Our genealogical research department catalogues no suspicions of Jew- ishness concerning Clark Gable or Conrad Nagel . . Bebe may look it, but she's said to be…

… Pal- India, go in search for Jews, and the Order of Eastern Star, com- estine fund-raising effort in Phil- when you find some, please send of prising a membership of 60 0. E. adelphia on May 18. me a…

…. eral piano solos by the well-known Dave felt that he was standing Purity Chapter No. 359 of East- next to a brother in far-off India. ern Star, of which Mrs. Weinbeck Mr. Shpargel. MICHIGAN AT PITCHER…

… PHONE 4131 The concert was the climax of Do you see there are Jews every- is a past matron, is one of the 50 KALAMAZOO, MICH. where, with synagogues and chapters affiliated with the Wayne the year…

… APPEARANCE PROVES TRIUMPH • Park-American Hotel 200 Rooms—Fireproof MICHIGAN BELL TELEPHONE CO. in High Schools. Urge your out-of-state Relatives and Friends t o VACATION IN MICHIGAN Tell them of the…

… ... unexcelled highways ... ideal camping spots. The millions of dollars spent each year by Michigan's thousands of visitors add to the prosperity of the state. Let us also spend our own vacations in Michigan

…11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111h7 Editor, Detroit Jewish Chronicle: We hear no many suggestions of ZIONIST CONCLAVE late in regard to cultivating good- SET FOR JULY 3-4 will between Jew and Gentile and yet not one of these has…

… presented (Continued from Page One.) the idea of making the Hebrew language accessible to the Gen- Palestine, the Jews outside of Pal- tile. I am of strong conviction estine face the common world that an…

… introduction of the He- crisi s , ha u nd bt e h ee n support y rferductehids brew lanieguage in our colleges wor k will crystallize into a sympathetic Palestine Jews are giving a good understanding and…

… appreciation of account of themselves. It remains Judaism, and Jews. for the Jews outside of Palestine We are very often confronted to fulfill their obligations as ade- with the argument that Hebrew is quately…

September 30, 1932 • Page Image 3

… millions of Jews, nearly half dwell in the so-called East-European lands,—Russia, Poland, Rumania. Soviet Russia re- mains the land nobody knows, least of all American tourists, with their considered and…

… instigating or practicing anti-Semitism. But it •s = t also true that there will be no Jews left to 'anti' if there continue for = -_ I another decade or two the present Soviet regime, which penalizes E…

… thousand years been recur- rently the victim of anti-Semitic tendencies and movements, that the ■•■ ••• ■ •• Jew today is no more than the scapegoat of Germany's intolerable .1■4, economic position, and…

… five or six hundred thousand Jews of Germany remains one of the startling and tragic disclosures of modern Jewish history. -- . May it bring to the Jewish people here and For Germany is one of the…

… psychology, the E- and contentment. 1 I fact remains that after a thousand years of continuous and bens- = .4 ficent participation in German life, German Jews find themselves insulted and harassed, attacked…

… partial Jewish Ez ancestry. There are those who, explicably turning their back upon = the misery of the Hitler experience, are come to believe that the SINCERE WISHES TO THE ENTIRE Jews must dwell in their…

… sh PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR people to each other, who hold as does the writer that wherever Jews live and labor, it is their duty, as alas it is their lot, to battle — for justice when denied to them or to…

… New Year's wish for my people Israel for 5693." By the Hias President. Abraham Herman, president of Illas, writes: "The year 5692 has indeed been a very trying period for Jews the world over. Besides…

… the economic condition which has weighed so heavily upon all peoples, Jews, particularly abroad, have had to bear the added burden of hatred, prejudice and unfair discrimina- tions. The world appears to…

… have been aflame with injustice toward the Jew. It is not a pleasant spectacle to reflect upon. "The Jewish position has been no intolerable that thousands of SAFEGUARD INSURANCE CO. our people sought…

May 06, 1932 • Page Image 1


… criterion of a succesful approach at harmony and unity was the success the Near East depends upon mutual understanding and good will with of one fund-raising campaign after another. Detroit Jews refused to…

… of Detroit will be the principal speakers at the dinner which will be presided for interpreting the hopes and as- Under such conditions, it is well that every Detroit Jew should think twice, and over…

… in - relieving the general burden'. A list of endorse- father, Baron Edmond de Roth- --- •ments and appeals appear In an schild, founder of the first Jew- is not the only duty which a people owes to…

… Schools, without which our boys and girls would them to become indepednent has volunteer workers in the drive, Non-Jews as Well as Jews Take an Interest in Drive for urging brought stability to the Near…

Jews. might have reaped a disaproportionate harvest in Jewish ranks. These schools, too, Lazaron to Address The laboratory and scientists of the have provided glory for the People of the Book, by…

… study. Jewish Radio Forum which commences this Sunday night, at the dinner at Hotel Statler. ing the obstacles in such develop- Non-Jews as well as Jews have given encouragement to the cam- ment and in…

… community." Baltimore will be the speaker assist in whatever way they may be called upon. heavens. How can Jews anywhere rest peacefully so long as the present untold miser- Dr. Wassermann's Address. Sunday…

…-raising venture, break down misunderstandings and "This • is ti r. me for uned "Permit me to extend to you and your co-workers my very parallel "We Jews have a more pressing responsibility for our lives and beliefs…

…, in its research work, pro- receiving line, you • must give. less, and the destitute are our wards; we are their keepers. It vides unlimited possibilities for the upon the Jew. It is a grave…

April 08, 1932 • Page Image 1

…, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 1932 2b,000 WATCH WITH EMOTION CLOSE OF ZION'S MACCABIAD High Commissioner, Foreign Government Represen- tatives Attend. Benesch Education Board's New Head CLEVELAND.—(J. T. A…

… Campaign for Ad- vancement of Judaism Announced. Michigan's Home Jewish Newspaper Per Year, $3.00; Per Copy, 10 Cents ANNUAL ALLIED JEWISH CAMPAIGN AGAIN TO BE LED BY AARON DE ROY; MAKES PLEA TO COMMUNITY…

… great Jew and Italian states- OF 55,000 MACCABEANS man, who was prime minister in WOMEN'S DIVISION OF CAMPAIGN ORGANIZED UNDER JOINT ON A MAMMOTH SCALE 1910 and 1911, was born March 1, LEADERSHIP OF MRS…

… Shapiro, Petach Tik- immediate remittances be made to ■ Economic Authority. sity of Michigan at Ann Arbor, this cause in order to provide for *make the personal sacrifice that vah hero. Senator Professor…

… each country and joyous with the words to the Jew who vice-minister of trade and indus- the priority of personal Interests. sound of music and song. The pro- fortunately been blessed with the try. Ile…

… who chanted ducted in Russia; Jews mercy can continue unhindered by As soon as he reached the legal the words of the Hagadah. 'Let all throngs. Watched. age for election he was returned lack of funds…

… Prise-Winners. Jews who each year repeat at the over holidays were issued to district' ing and financial agreements with member of our Jewish community * Although the principal events of Seder: 'We thank…

… seven were Cincinnatians. Women's League to Help. A close watch will be kept in or- the acquaintance of Bismarck, men's Triathalon, and the long high all Jews wherever they may be. The women's division of…

… Militant Atheists warns. the Italian Parliament were ac- tented England in the second round !stricken Jews the obligatory needs sisterhood, brotherhood or religious president. The league has prom- of the…

… ladies long high jump. The hundreds of his fellow Jews—some The national officers for this cam- Women, Mrs. Fred Ginsburg, Americans, Schneider and Adelman, o f whom just last year themselves paign are…

April 01, 1932 • Page Image 1

… man asserted that it is the duty of University of Michigan President The widow of Ben Yehuda, noted Levant Fair. and non-Zionists who united In every Jew "to envisage the plight A reception arranged by…


… dual goal; first, to counteract the matzoth campaign of observing Jews, which is charged with hindering the So- viet upbuilding enterprises; and second, to recruit thousands of new members for the…

… Russia continue unexhausted reserves for recruiting new Jewish immigrants for settlement in Bira-Bidjan and Crimea, Boris Trotski, new direc-' for of the Comzet, governmental department for settling Jews

… for Jews in So- viet Russia. No reason was given for the re- striction order. Individual par- cels may still be sent, the authori- ties state. Last Remaining Kiev Synagogue Confiscated. KIEV.--1.1. T…

…. A.)—The last synagogue in Kiev has been con. fiscated by the Soviet authorities. As a result a new problem has arisen for the Jews, the storing of about 500 Scrolls of the Law which (Turn to Page…

… here this Sunday evening, at the Phila- delphia-Byron Talmud Torah. Dr. Singalowsky will describe condi- tions in Eastern Europe and will outline efforts of the Ort to pre- pare Jews for productive…

… Reports Plight of European Jews Desperate. 300 ATTEND NATIONAL COUNCIL CONFERENCE Tributes to the Late Julius Rosenwald at Memorial Meeting. NEW YORK.—The fate of the Jews in Eastern and Central Eu- rope…

… situation among the Jews in Eastern Europe is worse today than it was following the war, it was emphasized, and a terrible calamity would befall them at this moment if the generosity of American Jewry, even…

…'rith," the organization was the first Jewish group of national dimensions. From the very begin- ning it took an interest in the wel- fare of American Jews and in the protection of the interests of Jews abroad…

July 15, 1932 • Page Image 1


… JEWISH CITIZENS Central Unon Organizes Its Own Anti-Nazi Election Campaign. CANADIAN NEWSPAPER SPREADS BLOOD LIBEL Under Caption "Jews Are Aseasins" Revives Medieval Lie. THE LEGAL CHRONICLE DETROIT…

…, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JULY 15, 1932 Call for Return of Cordova Synagogue MADRID.—(J. T. A.) A — motion was submitted to the Cortes calling for the returning to the Sephardic organization of the ancient…

…, birthplace of Moses Maimonides, was the seat of a Jewish community as early as the eighth century. The synagogue referred to was built in 1315 and confis-1 cated in 1391 during the mas- sacres against the Jews

…. JEWS' STATUS IN COLONIES BETTER THAN IN THE CITIES Revisionist Zionists Raise Issue Over Immigrant Visa Distribution in World Executive Calls OR 0 Boycott Against Zionist Funds Poland Pending Action on…

… ,Italy. The memorandum charges Great batch of immigration certificates aroused the ire of the Mizracbi i l Britain with the supression of and the middle class elements as the rights of the Jews, careless…

May 13, 1932 • Page Image 8

…'s courts of boys. Personal Service and Big I New York were 171,139. Of this I Sister work for Jewish girls were number 31,462, or 18.38% were carried on by special committees. Jews. Dr. Mailer first…

… offenses. This tendency is to increase the weights and im- not so marked in the case of Jew- prove the general health conditions Ish boys. of these underweight and malnour- Why Are Children Arraigned? (shed…

… children constitute a small- Ilealth and the Children's Fund of — er proportion of the total number Michigan. The Council obtained of arraignments than the delin- from the Children's Fund of Mich- ' quent…

…. The proportion of Jews to igan very generous financial as- the total among the neglected chil- sistance. Council Funds appropri- dren was only 13.5% (from 1924- ated for this project were $800…

…. Industrial Workshop. '30), while the proportion of Jews An Industrial Workshop was or- to the total among the delinquent children was 19.4%. This rela- ganized in January, 1932, for the tively lower rate fo…

… neglected as purpose of meeting an emergency compared with the delinquent Jew- brought about by the unemploy- ish children Dr. Mailer attributes ment in the city. This project was to the activities of the…

…. — Employment was given to five = with the neglected. The proportion of Jews among those arraigned as Jewish women, three days a week, = mental defectives is 6.29% or less making garments sold to various = than…

… half of what would be ex- social agencies of the city. The E."7 pected from the proportion of women were recommended by the ,= Jews among the total arraign- Department of Public Welfare,' the Jewish…

… Social Service Bureau, — ments. The type of delinquent offense and 'the Young Women's Hebrew with the highest proportion of Association. Temple Beth El do- Jews is that of "peddling," ac- nated their…

… sewing room, and the ' cording to Dr. Mailer's finding. To Temple Sisterhood, the use of each of the other causes of ar- their machines. The workshop was raignment Jews contribute far less open three days…

February 05, 1932 • Page Image 8

…, againa I which the Jew should havefought t fough has metier of the rabbi. Any informed Jew qualified. As a matter of fact, 1 g;"37w,:,!1".17,',1„.tr. it" ."t1°. 0 " even today the rabbi faces in this to…

… struggling between are men of Israel came up from the I "In the Heger rill. much .n New York people and wrested from the priests and Chicago, Jews h.,. been constantlY nr:ci,...storhoo•eiry r l ai, ,h ,.. bor…

…- the privilege of instructing and L000uvdai e guiding their brethern. From the the rabbi in confreTtin7 • n ew re "- Jews nor rLe iebh,v Ild Pharisees to our day this remained the primary function…

… phil.4hy and removed In their practice from Jew• respectable men who are our spiri- ink life. Members of Federation board, • rule, dine from cirri. where as• tual leaders. Are they teachers Is the…

… hardly questions will have to be answered be deninated as Jews. I know of •n in the negative. It is our duty to standing nod worker who in, b p point out that many rabbis in the osophy •nd temperrnent. an…

September 30, 1932 • Page Image 1

…. Include. 0- .4. located rfbed as (4- g sixtne ion ofNor. Harper tract bell Settles seer East, f11 lye ,ye a fee Deedo of Fists fie mor• P." (Ulf...L. send eetSa S, Manson. and DETROIT, MICHIGAN

…, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1932 XXX1V. NO. 19 MAY HAVE TO USE EARMARKED FUNDS FOR RELIEF WORK r a IN MICHIGAN Michigan's Home Jewish Newspaper THE LEGAL CHRONICLE e he Coon. Wayne he 1.1111- f. the he…

… consent of the subscribers could such funds be used for other purposes. Possibly we shall be driven to such an extremity. De- troit Jews have always taken care of their own, and a way must, and most likely…

… main (Turn to Page Five) (Turn to Page TI1110)• Simon Shetzer, chairman of the committee in charge of arrange- ments for the Michigan State Zionist Conference to be held in Detroit on Oct. 30, on…

… Jewish Life Jews Who Base Views on Gentile Opinion NEW YORK.—(J. T. A.)—Jews among Jews as a people?" he who base their judgments of what asked, "What I said in Geneva I am Jews should do on what non-Jews

…'s as many of them have perished!" Dr. Schulman'. Statement. attack upon the Geneva Jewish The most promising instrument Congress and the American Jew- ish Congress in a statement to for the expression of…

… Jewish unity the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. is today the Jewish Agency for "Those who are prepared to Palestine, according to Dr. Sam- form their judgment of what Jews uel Schulman, rabbi of Temple should…

… do on the ground of what Emanuel, in the statement to non-Jews may say and do should which Dr. Wise alluded. Dr. Schulman has recently re- get out of Jewish life, taking their base pusillanimity with…

… them and turned from Europe where he at- tended the meeting of the Admin- leaving it to Jews with courage and decent self-respect to counsel istrative Committee of the Jew- and lead in Jewish affairs…

… story of Jewish life, as it mentality for promoting the up- must be lived by more than half building of Jewish Palestine, irre- of the Jews of the world. Sorrow spective of opinion on the fnuda- for their…

September 30, 1932 • Page Image 23

… stating that as a world Jewish congress, without the co- Events affecting scattered Jew- (Continued from preceding page.) published a statement alleging, on the basis of reports of an investi- ish…

… communities in Mexico, Cuba, operation of all important groups, would be ill-advised, and inaction F ederation of Polish Jews in gation conducted at its request, Guatemala, and one or two other SEASON…

…'s Greetings ir New York City which adopted ranged cold-blooded atrocity and tracted some of the attention of consequences, the American Jew- Jewish Friends and Patrons ish Committee, the Congress, the that the…

… government had failed to American Jews. But in spite of , solutions of protest. This was r f ', 'flowed by a larger meeting make a thorough and impartial in- a genets)l eprihy re•illting from B'nai B'rith, and…

… American Jews in Committee was held in New York tion, briefly stated, was that in each congregation the members City, attended by three hundred r ents. Germany, which was greatly in- Dr. Joseph Tenenbaum…

… sessions of the which is to interest itself in a spe- . Rosh Hashonah Greetings 1 Vill between Poles and Jews in cialists in the Reichstag elections convention was made the occasion cial aspect of Jewish…

… the ing, (5) foreign relief work, (6)1 Paper and Painter's Supplies "Portable Electric Welder at i , 1 Repairing and Dyeing at rove the condition of the Jews tional Socialists against Jews, took World…

July 22, 1932 • Page Image 1

…, servants and employees, from writing, publishing, editing or distributing any journals, and any articles, in the said journals, of a calumnious, malicious and li- belous nature that are against the Jews and…

… levelled against Jews by the Goglu publi- cations. The committee, which was in- structed to co-operate with the Canadian committee, will also pro- test to the government which will be requested to take steps…

… Czechoslovakian post by President Hoover two years ago. • Michigan's Home Jewish Newspaper school is at present developed to the point where it is now and educa- tional movement utilizing as part of its daily…

…- ranged as follows: Each day the HUNGER AMONG BIDJAN Per Year, $3.00. Per Copy, 10 Cents About Jews and Jewish Problems London Editor of Jewish Telegraphic Agency Presents Interesting Views Jewish…

… not to come. In Stalinfeld, the paper reports, Jews were driven from the office of the local grain trust. Corrobor- ation of this report is offered by the representative of the Comzet, governmental…

… department for set- tling Jews on the land and in in- dustry, who now wires that new Jewish settlers are simply ridi- culed by the local authorities, and that many of them are forced to sleep in the open…

…, because official refuse them shelter. Regarding the hunger situation, t he Emes says that even when Jews are given work, they receive such small rations, it is "insufficient (Turn to Page Six) Numerous By…

… philo -Semitism that the Comzet. speaks in sugary platitudes about Jews being the ideal people, for- MOSCOW.—(J. T. A.) — The ever sinned against, and never bread shortage is driving Jewish sinning…

… clares. It explains the mass deser- of Jewish birth, and believing that tion on the ground that the ar- big banks are bad, and finding tisans are not earning enough to that certain bankers are Jews, buy…

… bread in the free market, forthwith goes on the stump call- while they are not privileged to ing for the exterminating. of all receive bread from the co-opera- Jews, as if we were each and ev- tives which…

February 19, 1932 • Page Image 8


… ..-: treasured award one could achieve, A.)—The MONTREAL.—(J. the court," said Senator Borah, S in the State of Michigan. At this province of Quebec hose again gone "and John Marshall was a candi. The finest full…

… any hesitation." H . Fur the first time in years the Jews. Th e, visit of Nahum Sokolow, The alumni sponsor a Buy Scout Give us a trial and we know you will be convinced. We , 1 4 president of the World…

…, FEB. 27 When the first group of boys left for Camp Custer in 1917, when war was declared, Mr. Miller, representing District Grand Lodge No. 6 of B'nai B'rith, traveled through Michigan at his own ex…

…- pense and established the Soldiers and Sajlors Welfare League. The first meeting took place in Battle Creek, at the Post Tavern Hotel, Sept. 11, 1917, with representa- tives from all Michigan lodges…

April 01, 1932 • Page Image 7

… to defend the Jews, of whom there are only a few in Spain, without any press of their own to defend themselves. Among these defenders are the treat Span- ish authoress Concha Espina, and the great…

…. The ides of Jews indulging in ritual murder and poisoning wells, he says, is no less barbaric than the medieval practice of burning witches. There Is undoubtedly a resur- gence of anti-Semitism in Spain…

… republic that spreads like a prairie fire. The gleeful tidings of butchery are skilfully disseminated among the Polish masses to serve as an incentive and patterns. The Jew.thirstysinasses are converg- ing…

… grumble and threaten; The Defense group, to the Po- lish guardians of law and order maintain, is illegal, has no right to carry arms. The young Jews retort that they had four years of constant warfare in…

… endless procession. They are quiet, ominous and stealthy, acting on a preconceived plan. The Jews seek shelter, hiding their pos- sessions in cellars and holes, barricading doors and windows. A stormy…

… silence is in the air. The signal is given; the mob, like a burst sack, pounces upon the houses. . . . With shouts that rend the air'and strike terror in the hearts of the concealed Jews, the mob surges and…

October 07, 1932 • Page Image 8

…1)L-ritore,/insn (ARoxicK at4 THE LEGAL CHRONICLE PAGE EIGHT 15 Local Jews in New "Who's Who"I CLASSIFIED possible exception of Fischer's work on the chemistry of proteins, Will- staetters…

… Berlin. istry ni succession to his teacher, Adolph von Bayer, a position that 2 NOTED GERMAN JEWS had previously been held by the MARK ANNIVERSARIES great Leibeg. In between he had been—in 1005—ordinary…

…, and refused to sit at the feet of a Jew. there were many delegations from Professor Willstaetter promptly aviation societies. Wreaths were resigned, in spite of the unanimous deposited at the foot of…

… London, when he took as sacrifices, aviation would not have his subject "Jews in the Modern reached its present progress. World.' Will Be Properly Preserved. Professor Sobernheim. Professor Sobernheim, who…

… councillor of lega- , tion in the German Foreign office tion, was killed while flying on Au- and rapporteur on Jewish political gust 10, 1896. matters since 1918. ries of Noted Jews. Mini Ire is the grandson…

… of City Coun- Two noted German Jews, spe- cillor Magnus, who was for many cialists in unrelated fileds, recently of ben,r unottythe celebrated their sixtieth birthdays. years of flioadjnoog iolr cmom…

… here. prominence since its stringent measures to suppress the. boycott propaganda, The Jews, who have for the a long sop- founding founding in 1926. Dr. Cronbach's new book is The action Of the…

…- has been printed separately children and callesh " -Peace StoMes the openienr of the school term. ties. The Cants Warstawska was The Jews are entitled to two for Jewish Children." Part IQ is mandates in…

… dedicated to the virehent in its attacks upon the being attached to any party, but independent platforms. National Federation cr( Temple Jews. holding : Ubt tol. b,, . S 9 IttlYAMtittlaSet*Uin t…

… Chicago, Ill. Court of this state. Jews in that directory of th e na- volumes until it reached the pres- The complete list is as follows: tion's notables. There are less ent number. RUTH WEISS A striking…

July 29, 1932 • Page Image 7

… be- set him. He told how Birnbaum had grown estranged from the mass of Jews and was unpopular with them because they are either re- ligiously indifferent or heretical or Socialistic, while he insists…

… on the acceptance of the divine will In everything. And to conservative Christians he is taboo becatuie he is a Jew. That is the tragedy of Uriel Birnbaum. (Continued from Page One.) ' ality, Captain…

… hard Jew by the name of Lukasz w ho tine he has naturally learned to struggle to obtain his daily bread. Count I olzer-Nodtz, formerly bcsaine a convert to Christiani ty. know not only Eretz Israel, th…

… in- In 1925 he went with his time he was a member of the extremists among the Jews in P al. terviewer, referring to prohibition, wife to l'alestine, and when I estine and that from the mo re told…

… the AARON DeROY aside. His faith in Zionism was , for that paper, then in its fourth Revisionists. Zionist leader whether the Jews unbounded, and his belief in year of existence. His answer to the…

… ; Young rose to assistant advertis- Christian groups In Palestine t 0 , Not even on pork." something else. "After forty ing manager and counsellor, and the Jews?" he summed up in on e Captain Miller enjoyed…

… secre- as being attacked were directl y TAX PROPOPSAL AT " w esnonsible Michigan's sandy beaches, her forest trails, the reawakening of Jewish tary." So the action was start- for what occurred i n…

February 05, 1932 • Page Image 1

… corn ngregations, comes to Detroit is st year. The administrative this address. The public is in . Henry M. Butzel of the Michigan Jews. To solemnize weddings and Jewish Centers and ' 'Y's" are vite to…

… in the state of Michigan. It is suggested that the resig- Takes wdiae n dee,,iothtle, !amities Stock." that befall the world is and the natural suspicio r often condition of the Jew. "Then," a healthy…

MICHIGAN DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1932 VOL. XXXIII. NO. 11 TELEPHONE CADILLAC 1-0-4-0 . Per Year, $3.00; Per Copy, 10 Cents URGES SYNAGOGUES!M arquis and Marchioness of Reading DETROIT…

Jews by the yield to the crisis in their responsibilities to the community. semi-annual meeting of the execu- planting of a Detroit forest in This was the keynote of the fifth annual meeting of the…

…, and Detroit Jews will be asked agreed to dissolve the Federation created the Unemployment Emergency Relief Council, which operates and the Marchioness of Reading, who accompanied her illustrious bus- t…

…. E ow Jews Devise Music li morning, Feb. 6, at the invitatio Declaring that there is no The survey of famil y welfare Sachse, chairman of the Nation "basic or comprehensive system work, made by Harry…

… America, on the Inter. Son of Mr. and Mrs. Chile takings suffer because of this du- according to Mr. Stern, Emanuel Rubenstein and Enoch the Zionist District, SR • Parzen of Michigan avenue, Be plication of…

… of Michigan, who er to the Federation of musical notes instead of alpha- create work for the Jewish pio et e 4 t2 h ,e - Minn., and Portland, Ore. wcultural he re a a t d stated, may apply equally to…

… Meanwhile there is no tune to - say debating team and has bee n Jewish thinkers reviewed the Jew- [ of suffering de rivatio , of be for the men and the other for the Chronicle, repeated his interest in Whil e…

June 17, 1932 • Page Image 6

… Indomement of the slew. expressed by the writers Sabbath Reading. of the Law. Pentateuchal portion—Num. 4.21-7:89. Prophetical portion—Judges 13:2.25. June 17, 1932 Sivan 13, 5692 Delinquency Among Jews

… children's courts of New York, 18.38 per cent were Jews. This, Dr. Mailer points out, com- pares very favorably with the fact that the percentge of Jewish children of the ages included in this study is 41…

… population. The causes of arrangement as well as the manner of disposition indicate that the Jew- ish case brought before the court repre- sents a less serious problem than the non- Jewish case. To what extent…

… these differ- ences are due to the character of the Jew- ish child and the nature of his environment, or to the untiring efforts on the part of the numerous Jewish philanthropic agencies, cannot be…

… arraingments during the last two decades, in spite of the increase in the per- centage of Jews in the city. Whether this trend downward will continue is doubtful. There is reason to believe that the Jewish…

… organizations will most probably be in the realm of edu- cation rather than that of philanthropy." A source of gratification for Michigan residents, in the discusAion of the subject of juvenile delinquency, are…

… the following fig- ures of the number of Jewish delinquents in Michigan state institutions: In Lansing there is a population which ranges from 725 to 790, and of this number only three are Jewish ; in…

… Adrian there are between 350 and 400 girls, with only one or two Jew- ish girls. While we have reason to be pleased with the revelations contained in this study, on general principles, there is on the…

… low as possible. In the first place we can't afford to have it pointed out to us that Jewish names are prominent in crime news. Besides, to be half as good as the other, non-Jewish, fel- low, the Jew

December 09, 1932 • Page Image 1


… 'LEGAL CHRONICLE Per Year, $3.00; Per Copy, 10 Cents DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1932 SPECIAL MONTH IS Perfect Plans for the Dedication of EINSTEIN GRANTED Jewish Children's Home on Dec. 25…

… alien registration bill. SUGGESTS JEWS GO TO PALESTINE AND ARABS GO TO IRAQ Possibility of Interchange Is Pointed Out in Times of India. JERUSALEM DEDICATES FISCHEL FOUNDATION! Hoover, Roosevelt…

… question "Why Did the Jews of Amsterdam Excom- municate Spinoza?" Aaron Kurland, attorney and chairman of the forum, will preaide. PICK SHAVER HEAD OF GEWERKSHAFTEN CONGRESS DEBATE WEDNESDAY NIGHT…

… Pulpits Next Week. --- On Monday afternoon, Dec. 12,' Temple Beth El will present the of at 2:30 clock, Dr. A. L. Sachar, arguments from the standpoint head of the Billet Foundation of the The Jew

… the i i Jew, ' int whether organized religion The presentation will not be in . s lost its opportunity, and I to, the form of a debate, but of • span- 1 Page Opposite Editorial) on the subject "The…

… Economic Po- sition of the Jew in Europe." The musical program featuring this meeting. which will be open to the general public, will include vocal solos by Mrs. David Kali- man, accompanied by Mrs. Ethel…

April 29, 1932 • Page Image 1


… CASH News Letter by J. T. A. Cor- respondent Tells Inter. eating Facts. THE LEGAL CHRONICLE DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 1932 Registration at Hebrew Schools This is the beginning of the new…

… continue for two weeks, through May 10. It REPORT 1,200 WORKERS ENROLLED TO CANVASS Francois Coty Renews At- will feature "Jews in Art," and Colonial Office Denies British FOR FUNDS DURING 10-DAY CAMPAIGN…

… PERIOD tacks Upon Jews in Young Philanthropist Won offer a collection of paintings, etch- Fail to Discharge Their France. ings and .sculpture, from many of Acclaim in Border Cities Duties. • the leading…

December 09, 1932 • Page Image 8

… of Michigan. in Chth• cation to be continued therein once every week made end entered on the fourteenth day Jews for the explosion had led to The police are now seeking to gas stoves and frigidaires…

… National Lwowski. Democratic man his worst or best. But listen to troit County of Wayne. Stateof Michigan organ, an musical comedy and the other an for general housework with three ar rested Jews as those re…


November 18, 1932 • Page Image 6

…PiEDLTROITJEMileiRONICLA _ and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE By- the-Way Tidbits and News 16 among the Jews on p. 596 of the Hibbert Journal for July, 1932, is not justified by By DAVID SCHWARTZ the…

… Detroit, Minh, ander the Aet of March a, 11111. The death of Solomon Reinach in Paris undoubtedly removes a follows: favorite quip is about the doctor great scholar and a great Jew, though opinion would…

… perhaps differ General Offices and Publication Building (Caparight, 1992. Jewish Telegraphic Agency. lne who cured Ed's uncle of drinking as to whether one would describe him as a "Jewish" Jew. " 'I deeply…

… exproseed by the writers problem, trying to bridge over the pictures to see where they didn't superstition. fore. As Jews we are particular- • • • Irresponsible editing which caused such ly proud of the…

…W of and his fellow Jews for genera- Jewish influence. The community's spotlight is on Pisgah and the election being settled, the jubilee or debt repudiation, the various humanitarian regulations tions…

… tendency of historians of allowing their first editions to remain a cameramen to pose with the "Mekor Chayim " or in the Latin "Ethica." About the inner de- Jews in High Political Offices. its aspirations…

… along two lines: that of edu- translation, "foss Vitae," but trophies. "Look up, and smile," final• velopment of Spinoza, particu- Michigan Jewry, for whom the last elec- larly in the early years of his…

…- • • • Chico. • • • B'nai B'rith, and particularly the local Pis tion of Jews to public office, has that great cation at the very best took an lish translation of Israel Zang- JEWS ON JEWS irregular course, Two…

…'s pantheism. Hollywood Chess Club .. . Ile's writers on great Jewish figures. Especially in the matter of religion. nificant, namely, the Jewish ing Jews have been honored with impor- sources and the influence…

… positions of importance to Jews. New against traditional Judaism was, and criticism to which Spinoza Mayer"s retirement from politics. printer and father of the single tax, Henry George. the Bible and other…

September 30, 1932 • Page Image 27

…. Michigan Ave. Office and Laboratory: 531 'IMEMMIEM QUARRY Interesting communal events in- cluded the election of four non- citizen Jews to the Central Com- mittee of the Jewish Consistory of 24 members…


… small commun- ity of 80,000 Jews. LANSING, M ICII. Greetings and Best Wishes to All LOOK FOR THE SIGN DIXIE OILS — GASOLINE The Power To Pass—That's DIXIE GAS LANSING OIL COMPANY DISTRIBUTORS…

… service—no waiting. Whether you have 10 minutes or an hour, come in . . You can dine here hur- riedly or leisurely—as you please. Reasonable prices. PHONE 5.2623 113 W. MICHIGAN AVE. "Just East of Hotel…

… photograph is of the 1932 membership of the Alpha Literary Society, first organized Jewish fraternity at Michigan State College, East Lansing, Michigan. Standing—left to right—Maynard Cohen, Alpena, president…

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