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December 04, 1953 • Page Image 27

… 1621, there was a rumor that a Jew named Elias Le- gardo had passed through Vir- 2611 W. Philadelphia Ave. ginia, and three years later a "Portuguese" Jewish woman, Detroit 6, Michigan TY. 4-4546 Rebecca…

…▪ Flashback in American Jewish History Jews Commence New Amsterdam Settlement First in Exclusive American Jewish Press Series on Jewish Tercenterary Celebration Greetings on the Hanukah Holiday…

…-three Jews from Brazil seas. Captain Jacques de la arrived here earlier this month Motte, master of the French ' vessel, has stated that he had rescued the Jews from Spanish pirates, who had robbed them…

… virtually of all their possessions. The "poo'r but healthy" Jews —as a local clergyman described them—have already written to friends in Holland for funds to from pay for their passage here. Not…

… Amsterdam, although t hey : Season's Best Wishes constitute the largest single Jewish group to set foot on - , North American soil. S o m e years ago, there- were reports of individual Jews in this area. In…

… Isaaks, lived there. Only last month, Jacob Bar- , simson came to New Amster- dam on the "Peartree' from Holland, and it was he w h o Sincere Best Wishes for greeted the twentY-three Jews from Brazil…

… whenthey landed A Happy- Hanukah here. Great interest in the Jews has. been stimulated among. the, lo- cal populace, which numbers less than one thousand and in- Florist cludes Swedes, Germans ., Ital- ians…

… to be established here. – 2429 National Bank Bldg. Personal interviews with the 23 Jews have revealed that most. of . them had lived in Recife, Brazil. Although . some. were Alarranos (secret '.Jews

…) ., tinder; Dutch rule there they were free to practise their re- Sincere Ilet Wishes for a Happy . Hanukah, Greetings THE BEAR ARCHERY SHOP OF DETROIT HENRY FORSTER - 191.79 LIVERNOIS…

…, with two syn- agogues. One of the rabbis of the - community was the renowned Isaac Aboab, who later return- Michigan Ave. ed to Holland. Most of the Jews were merchants, traders .a n d brokers. Many of…

December 04, 1953 • Page Image 40

…- acquired ideal. The group of converts came from the farming village of San Nicandro. Their leader was Donato Manduzio. These inspired men and worn- en did not know that Jews still existed. They thought they…

… Jewish Bri- gade and fought in Africa with Wavell's Eighth Army. He was wounded in battle and decorated for bravery. He traveled widely in Europe and while in Italy met San Nicandro',s new Jews, be- Coming…

…—he read the Holy Words and decided to beconle Jew. The arrival of the messenger from Chief Rabbi Prato-Cantoni —added to the revelations that unfolded for the group. The his- tory of the Jews they received…

… the wholesale circumcisions— marked an unusual event in all history. Raphaele Cantoni, who was the first Jew to make official contact with the group, post- poned a trip to America "to at- tend the…

… ceremony of conver- sion." Dr. Ascarelli was to be the Mohel. The army Chaplain commented: "There • has been nothing like it (a mass conver- sion) since the Khusaro tribe became Jews in the eighth cen- tury…

… the new Jews had gathered enough supplies to make that possible. And then came another great development: volunteers from the ranks of the new Jews for defense of the new state of Is- rael. The five…

…, celebrating Elanukah. Vocational education has brought new hope to the long- oppressed Jews in the land of Esther and Mordecai. The youth, in particular, look on the ORT schools as a promise for deliverance…

… available by the Joint Distribution Committee, a member agency of the United Jewish Appeal. 40—DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Who's the Hero? • 4. wise 11111111111 ► IIMIll plIMMIIII Ima, Friday, December 4, 1953…

….....amor. • al! MIIMI••. ■ Who's the mad king in the story, How the Jews were crowned with glory? Antiochus, Antiochus. rr . . . ■■ ■ 11•111•11 IMENIrr"." 11•1=1.41011•11.1•101•01 . • • II . How do we…

… recall the story, How the Jews were crowned with glory? Candles tell us. Candles tell us. "Who's the Hero" is one of 24 songs appearing in "Songs to Share" by Rose B. Goldstein, piano settings by Reuven…

December 04, 1953 • Page Image 34

… first unconvinced by Greetings on the Holiday Season's Greetings the Harrison Report, adhered to the directive. Dr. Nadich calls JOHN CHRISTY DELTA DETROIT Eisenhower's order that Jews be cared for in…

…- Britain Snubs Jerusalem Eisenhower and the Jews: Book About the DPs and Their Camps LONDON, (JTA)—The British. government has no intention , at this time of transferring its em- bassy from Tel…

… THE CHEF" in which they were not molested 7400 PURITAN at Prairie by non-Jews among whom there were many Nazi sympathizers PIZZA PIES who could have continued to Known for Quality and Service make life…

… Dwight D. UN. 2-9589 Eisenhower, Dr. Nadich has Ribs WA. 3-9874 written the record of his ex- periences and has labeled the book "Eisenhower and the Jews." Twayne Publishers (34 E. 23rd St., NY10) have…

… Times" ..:7... 12310 Morang at Duchess 1= -- states. The Harrison Report :-.. - . - EL.' Detroit 24, Michigan _ After reviewing these well 3530 CASS AVE. pro…

…- 51111111111111111111111111111111111111141111111111111111111111111a. dent Truman, who issued a di- al.111111 11 111111 1 111111 11 111111 1 111111 11 111111 1 111111 1 1111111 1 111111 1 1 .5 rective for amelioration of Jew- ish sufferings. General Eisen- hower, at…

… E. McNICHOLS = = saving the remnant snatched E Detroit 12, Mich. g. 13950 MEYERS = from the fire" by both Eisen-. E hower and Truman, Dr. Nadich's TE. 4-4488 E FOrest 6-3900 book has merit. But it is…

… not in , - - 511inviitilltilintililmillItliliiiiitninilifillillinit- - its entirety a book on "Eisen- hower and the Jews"—as the :asammummoramommh. book is erroneously entitled. There is a good chapter…

December 04, 1953 • Page Image 26

…26—DETROIT JEWISH NEWS McCarthy Isn't Anti-Semitic, Says Confidential Magazine An American Jewish Press Feature "Is Senator Joe McCarthy Anti-Semitic?" asks Confidential Magazine in its current…

… Senator McCarthy." Also quoted are prominent Jews, both .pro and anti-McCar- thy, who have defended the Senator against charges of anti- Semitism. Rabbi S. A. Fineberg, Community service director of the…

… and John R) Detroit 3, Michigan Season's Greetings DETROIT LEGAL NEWS CO. 610 West Congress Friday, December 4, 1953 Holiday Greetings tacks of bigots like Smith against his able assistants, Cohn…

… and Schine. McCarthy has m a ri y Jew- ish friends and I resent the nec- essity of defending him against completely unfounded accusa- tions of anti-Semitism." In his article Ford pointed out that Mc…

… New Facts About Lincoln and His Jewish Fiiends'--- JENSEN AND KEOUGH ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS 15875 James Couzens Hwy. UN. 2-3505 Detroit 21, Michigan • Sincerest Holiday Greetings MEREDITH…

… author of two recently pub- : 1338 Dime Bank Bldg. WO. 1-00061 lished papers on the subject of Abraham Lincoln and the Jews. "Lincoln, Benjamin Jonas and geireeme•••••••••osomeem000mmososesoessoeese, the…

…. Jonas, the son of Detroit's Fastest Growing Electrical Contractor ti Lincoln's • friend and political supporter, Abraham Jonas, who 671 W. MILWAUKEE, DETROIT 2, MICH. assisted Lincoln in Shelby's re…

December 04, 1953 • Page Image 4

…THE JEWISH NEWS To Israel from American Jewry Incorporating the Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with issue of July 20. 1951 Siernber American Association of English-Jewish Newspapars, Michigan…

… Press Association. Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17100 West Seven Mile Road, Detroit 35, Mich., VF... 8-9304 Subscription $4. a year, foreign $5. Entered as second class matter…

… in that struggle knew that a defeat for Juda- ism also meant a defeat for Jews—that the crushing of the Jewish faith also meant the destruction of the adherents to that faith. They thus fought for…

… not alone a struggle against ex- ternal oppressors, but also a fight for the cleansing of - Israel's own. hothe, for the puri- fication of an atmosphere • which was pol- luted- by Jews who were only…

December 04, 1953 • Page Image 32

…across the border in Israel." ( Jews In Israel, Mrs. Cannon saw trees • Non,J.eivis Picture of Arab Refugees Upholds 'Prejudiced' Jewish, Claims An AJP "I went to Jordan steeped in o Arab exiled…

… least freshly understanding it," she said, 1VIrs.Cannon, who is not Jew- ish, writes of seeing thousands of Arab men, in camps created Feature to shelter them in Jericho, who sat smoking and talking and…

… the camp, was done by women, complained Mrs. Cannon. "They have refused any of- fered solution of their 'problem save a return to Palestine whefe, under the hated Jews, they were better off than they…

… the Arab refugees must recognize the magnitude of the righting of the great wrong to the. Jews through the centuries which is taking place on that narrow strip of land along the east- ern Mediterranean…

… them the care and opportunity which their own kin refuse them? Would we be so stupid as to ask the Jews to burden the magnificent work they are doing for the Jewish refugees of the centuries in or- der…

… testing at the Haifa distilleries> 32—DETROIT JEWISH NEWS roidAksr,. December 4, 1953 Holiday Greetings greetings on the Holiday being planted, swamps being To All Our Customers drained and cultivated…

… by the Jews at a good wage, and all Dr, Stuart A. Karmann are accepted as equal citizens of OPTOMETRIST the country. It is easy to see that the relation between individual Jews and Arabs is one of…

… SMITHERMAN 8624-12th Street TR. -2-9654 Holiday Greetings Detroit 6, Mich. Holiday Good Cheer GREENE'S HAMBURGERS PETERSON LETTER SHOP Specializing in Carry-Out Service Phone UN 1-6229 Open 24 Hours…

December 04, 1953 • Page Image 15

… and Detroit's own Harvey Stone. But while everyone went away satis- fied with a thoroughly enjoyable evening, they were talking about the means and methods that could be used to better serve Orthodox…

… Judaism. The shot in the arm was pro- tided by Dr. H. Raphael Gold, guest speaker at the banquet, who emphasized to his audience the importance of institutions like Detroit's Yeshivath Beth Yehudah where a…

… added, develop our own teachers right here in the United States, and prepare them to serve as teachers for future generations of American Jews. He urged a return to the fam- ily circle, which he said did…

…- nity Council, 10 to 10:30 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 6, on Radio Sta- tion WJR. This dramatic script DETROIT JEWISH NEWS-1 5 Friday, December 4, 1953 is entitled 'The Words Will Not Nutritious Delicious Along…

… number of new songs at h i s appearance, here. Tickets for the concert, are available at Niesenson the Temple. OUR FIRST DECEMBER was not enough to learn to be a Jew. David J. Cohen, president of the…

… Yeshivah, who served as toastmaster, compared the Beth Yehudah Schools to business, "whose end product is the pro- duction of Jews." Stating that the Yeshivah an- nex, which has been used to accommodate an…

… ever-increasing now is near '750), has been con- demned as unfit by the City of Detroit, Cohen said, "like a busi- ness whose plant has become obsolete, we must now replace that plant." He showed an…

December 04, 1953 • Page Image 33

… Textiles Tack Rags Rewash Service TO. 8-1870 13065 RIOPELLE Greetings on Hanukah Detroit Post Printing Corporation High Grade Printing of All Types "Once a Custorrier—Always a Friend" 1442 Brush…

Detroit 26, Mich. (At the Music Hall) WOodward 1-9833 Holiday Greetings to All RELIANCE FOUNDRY CO. Office: 2040 Lamed .LO. 8-1076 Foundry: 1933 Macomb WO. 5-6630 Season's Best. Wishes Detroit

… settlement of the Jews in the United States may end in a dream. This information is contained in a letter from Albert J. Rob- ertson, Assistant U. S. Post- master General, to Philip Slomovitz, president of the…

… Medicine - Cosmetics Soda Fountain - Grill 16801 Livernois UN. 1-9813 PRIME GRILL 15138 Grand River Detroit 27, Mich. VErmont 8-9758 Holiday Greetings Mitchell Syrup & Preserving Co. RUBY-BE E fa…

… gareri';IESERVES • 1951 E. FERRY DETROIT 11, MICH. est Wishes for a Happy Hanukah DEMOTT'S DRUGS k E. DeMott, Pharmacist 13003 W. 7 Mile Rd. UN. 3-2332 Season's Most Cordial Greetings CLARK…

… PACKING CO. "Best Maid" Brand 1120 Springwells Ave. Detroit 9, Mich. Phone: VI newood 2-3500 Happy Holiday Greetings ELIA TRUCKING COMPANY • Direct Service Fort Wayne - Anderson Indianapolis…

…-4768 HOUSE OF STAPLETON Hanukah Greetings Picnic and Party Committees For Bingo Supplies—Party Favors Bazaar Equipment—Millionaire's Parties Teddy Bears—Canes—Hats Call WO. 5-7380 2236 Michigan DETROIT

… JEWISH$NEWS7-33 Friday, Decem-Jer 4, 1954_ 1 Detroit 13 B I ADY TRUCK PAINTING & LETTERING CO. Truck Painting and Lettering Body Bumping and Repairs One Truck or a Fleet 1.. ABRAMSON, Proprietor…

December 04, 1953 • Page Image 2

… offered by the Council of Granted, as Lilientthal and his associates aver, that we, the Jenny Horowitz, with co-chair- retary-General Dag Hammarsk- Landsmanshaften of Detroit in Jews of America, as well as…

…-,—,40411101WIWW- Purely Commentary 2 — DETROIT JEWISH . NEWS Friday, Dece: -"her 4, 1953 David Safran to Head Bond Steering Group By PHILIP SLOMONAITZ Hysteria and Fright: Panic Among…

Detroit Israel bond drive. among kinsmen. Mrs. Theodore The communist threat is serious enough without our losin g Bargman, chair- our heads and our creating fear and suspicions in our own mids t. man of…

… future planning investigators to take a lesson from the Hanukah story, in order to of functions in Detroit. temper their angers and ap-P-Ty their vigilance where it will accom- plish greatest good without…

… government groups. always tell who is in the You'll find them among the people, among all faiths. wrong by inviting the protag- In our ranks you'll find them in a council that calls itself Jew- Special Hanukah…

… have insisted on these talks for a wholesale massacre of Jews by their war-threatening neigh- Culture Club will give a special bors. dinner at the Twelfth Street street wondered aloud why those I now had…

…'s responsi- an Israeli film and Hebrew and the UN authority all these years Landsmanshaften Plan bility. American Jews who want to share in that responsibility Yiddish songs by folk singer were suddenly cast…

… in the light of international martyrs. The New Program Service will have to do so in Israel, that is, become Israeli Jews." Malke Shaw. But Israel's survival—note the term used by Lilienthal—is not The…

… our fellow-Jews in other lands, are, men Mesdames Grace Krolik, jold, demanding that Jordan be conjunction with the Jewish alone. Jews, being so by religion; and that Israel has no right to Dexter…

… fantaStic Judaism Council claim that they are not New Study Club; Martha Bern- structive move, had taken the as well as to strengthen such Jews. Lilienthal et al would, indeed, abandon their kinsmen to…

December 04, 1953 • Page Image 9

… for hospitalized veteran's Fruits, nuts, apricot mallows, programs. Jews and Protestants. nougats, caramels, and many other JWV's Sholom.tPost, Robert His Creative Efforts Ratelson Post, Detroit Post…

… receive reservations for all DETROIT JEWISH NEWS-9 Sabbaths four years hence. Friday, December 4, 1953 'A Dedicated Soul' Rabbi Adler nevertheless finds time to exercise his trenchant Custom Built by -11…

… in or out of the congregation, fellow-man. brocatelles, patterned damasks and today he belongs, indeed, to and plain or brocaded satins. Two Jews Win Judgeships the entire community. Preacher Open…

… well as of those who gress, has been by Gov. John S. Fine. 5550 CHICAGO BLVD. WEST agree, Jews and non-Jews alike. appointed gen- TEXAS 4.4700 Maurice W. Sporkin, a former • MN ?WIN• eral chairman All…

December 04, 1953 • Page Image 13

…• ntits t7n DETROIT JEWISH NEWS—I3 Friday, December 4, 1953 tri;4? Grant Gestapo Leaders New Trial in Cologne MADE EASY Hebrew As It Is Spoken in Israel Today By SHUSHANNAH SPECTOR and Rabbi…

… last summer for shipping Jews of this city to Eastern death camps, will be tried for a second time because of a Su- preme Court ruling upholding their appeal. The court of Assizes must once more…

… determine whether Franz Sprint and Kurt Matschke were guilty of "negligence" in deport- ing 13,000 Jews, of whom only 300 survived. A Dortmund court has acquit- ted former NaZi leader Fried- rich Hesseldieck…

… .inmates, .many of them Jews, against or- ders of his superiors. The court ruled that since the murders were committed while • he was drunk and the statute of limi tations on drunkenness extends only five…

December 04, 1953 • Page Image 6

…, David I. Rosin, local attorney, will speak on bo and the calling of Jim Shul- "The McCarran Act with Respect to Jews and Jewish Immi- theis will be the evening's high- gration." Saturday services at 9 a…

… series, "Caval- cade of Jewish Thought," which meets every Monday evening un- der the sponsorship of the col- lege of Jewish studies of the Suburban Temple of Greater Detroit. At 8 p. m. Rabbi Frank Rosen…

… classes are open to the public at no charge. Our Want Ads Get Results. 6 DETROIT JEWISH NEWS — Friday, December 4, 1953 You Are Invited to Join in the Reception in honor of Mr. Leon Gellman Chairman…

… Happy Hanukah! RABBI HAYIM 8 o'Clock At Young Israel Center Mr. Gellman Dexter and Fullerton Arranged by Mizrachi Organiaztion of Detroit NO ADMISSION CHARGE NO SOLICITATION OF FUNDS . Donin…

… BETTER Hearty Hanukah Greetings to See It... Drive It... - All! at CHARLIE'S 9045 LIVERNOIS Hordes naoh 3 Blocks South Of Grand River DETROIT'S OLDEST — DETROIT'S LARGEST NASH DEALER 40…

…' Insurance Agency 17616 Wyoming UN. 3-2900 PFEIFFER BREWING COMPANY . DETROIT and FLINT, MICHIGAN …

December 04, 1953 • Page Image 7

… resigned from the United attend the first American Zion- Monday morning's Assembly Hebrew Charities of New York tion of 300,000. And the density the guest of Detroit Jewry ist Assembly, De 5-7 at _Hotel Inow…

… philanthropies of the Jew- and bizarre diet and atmosphere Wednesday, Dec. 9, 8:30 p.m., in interest in community organiza- tion and problems; and Rabbi ish community of New York of the "Ghetto," artists as a City…

… "The I was associated with the conducted by Mrs. Samuel W. more. It was the spiritual pow- United Hebrew Charities for ten UN. 4-7100 years or more. First for over a er house of the immigrant Jew- Days…

… of the United PENOBSCOT BUILDING—GRISWOLD AND FORT STS. under the management of Lee and even radiated to the out- DETROIT 26 K. Frankel was the pioneer numbered cities and towns Jewish High School will…

… HIGHWAY scape was still wild and pictur- incredulous colleagues when I Aleichem Institute, and Samuel DETROIT 19 HAZEL PARK esque. Those who strayed into pointed out that the number of Sigel in the name of…

… only one half of 4900.EAST MeN1CHOLS ROAD 24865 GRAND RIVER AVENUE Primarily, the United Hebrew the number registered in 1900 The Committee which i s DETROIT 12 DETROIT 19 Charities was interested in , j…

… predominantly Protestant as are Jewish labor organizations as the public utilities, the railroads, earitay well as employers. We dealt the shipping industry and trac- tion interests. True, the Jews with the…

… the new environment. lem." 13.50 Open Monday Evenings SHIRT FOR MEN In 1900 Yiddish life was crys- tallized, so to speak, in the low- DETROIT JEWISH NEWS— er East Side. Twenty-five years Friday…

December 04, 1953 • Page Image 31

… Construction Co. 1,1. General Builders and Industrial Door Division Constructions Glenn H. L. 20515 HOOVER RD. • Detroit 5, Michigan Glenn LA. 7-2414 Jet /t9oR kah season, but the encouraging factor in…

… of the Anglo-Jewish Associa- tion, by a substantial majority, defeated a proposal that the AJA rejoin the Board of Depu- ties of British Jews. The opposition to rejoining I the board was led by AJA…

… of '6he AJA's mem- bers were already on the Board there would be an unnecessary duplication for the AJA itself to be represented on the Board. DETROIT JEWISH NEWS---31 Friday, December 4, 1953 H. P…

…. HOLMES, INC Realtors Real Estate Counselors Soles and Management of Income Properties Hammond Building, Detroit H. P. Holmes, President J. WO. 1-7101 Theda French, Secretory S. Spencer, Treasurer…

December 04, 1953 • Page Image 23

… affiliated with the Detroit Federation of Women's Clubs, new council af- filiates and the League of Jew ish Women and its member groups, stated Mrs. Daniel Krouse, who will preside over the day's activities…

…`Individuals Incor Orated' Is Theme Of. Women's Council Annual Event Observing an annual custom, Mrs. Samuel A. Caplan, "The Detroit Section, National Couri- Right to Employment and Eco- cil of…

… Kauf- man, speaking on "The Right to Assistance in Rehabilitation," FOR CHANUKAH I DETROIT JEWISH NEWS-23 Friday, December 4, 1953 A donor victory party will be held by the Department of Michigan…

… Ladies Auxiliary, Jew- I Anita Baker Wed ish War Veterans, Thursday, at To Maurice Rosen the Davison Jewish Center. Ac- cording to Edith Hbffinan, de- In a candlelight ceremony partment president, the…

… LIGHT bereavement. Detroit 26, Miichigan Time: 12:30 p. m., Sunday, Dec. 6 Station : WWJ Feature: "A Bass Viol for Heaven" is the intriguing title of this folk fantasy about a simple villager named…

December 04, 1953 • Page Image 8

…Lowdermilk to Report on Israel Conditions at Technion Dinner; Other Leaders to Speak Monday 8—DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, December 4, 1953 Bloch BB Groups Schedule Children's Holiday Party Ivan S…

… Buena Vista agency aiding great movements of -history, of WE. 3-2700 destiny and of prophesy." distressed Jews abroad, on Thursday even- ing, Dec. 10, in the Waldorf- Astoria Hotel, New York, it was…

… Dealer . . . Ask Your Decorator for large-scale relief, recovery and rehabilitation programs in 1954 in behalf of needy Jews in Eur- 5454 CASS • TE. 2-5800 ope, North Africa and Israel. Funds for JDC…

… operations in be- half of more than 165,000 Jews overseas are derived from the United Jewish Appeal. Something NEW in Gies Johnson & Johnson DELUXE Baby GIFT SET BABY GIFT SET $1.50 COME IN...MEET IRV…

December 04, 1953 • Page Image 25

… people's rescue of 6,000 Jews from certain death at the hands of the Nazis in 1943. DETROIT JEWISH NEWS-25 Friday, December 4, 1953 UN. 3-9924 -A ilappy ._liantihah .7o -.411 Fruited Dressing for Duck…

… All Our Many Friends and Customers Vinnie's Pizzeria- & Restaurant This Pizzeria and Restaurant is by far the finest, most modern in Northwest Detroit. today, bring the family. See for…

December 04, 1953 • Page Image 11

…, which was corded by members of the sponsored by the Detroit Round Michigan State Temple Youth Table of Catholics, Jews and who attended the recent con- Protestants. Participating stu- clave in Flint…

…. Almost 200 kids dents had a chance to discuss from all over the state partici- 1 the topic and hear speeches pated. Buses were chartered by from prominent Detroit figures. Temples Beth El and Israel to The…

…. ISTANBUL, (JTA) Young Zionist Group Slates Hanukah Latke Social Event Celebrate Chanukah DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 9 Men, 4 Women Arrested as 'Zionists' sing the Socialist "Internationale" by voting to pro…

… Corporation for Israel 11 Friday, December 4, 1953 STATE-Of ISRAEL BONDS 2200 David Stott Bldg. Detroit 26, Miichigan JOIN GUARDIAN SAVINGS CLUB FLASH REMINDER Choose There is Still Time to Make…

December 04, 1953 • Page Image 17

… meet in New three constituent agent, American Jews will be called on York Dec. 11, 12 and 13, for United Israel Appeal, Joint Dis- to make available to the United the annual national conference…

…, Israel, the welfare and rehabili- general chairman. will submit a detailed statement The three-day annual Confer-• of its budgetary requirements tation of distressed Jews in = European a n d Moslem lands…

… sought from , achievements during 1953. = will be assessed and fixed by America's Jewish communities I more. than 1,200 delegates repre- on the basis of the financial ' DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 17 Friday…

… handicap . . . When Sammy Non Member $1.00 committee, consisting of Esther the elbows . . . Many were the Solop comes to Detroit soon, as Members 75c Silver, Ruth Feingold, Kay Topor times when Sammy was so…

… used to spend a lot of time around Detroit . . . He doesn't have those hands anymore . . . the ones he used while studying to be a commercial artist before World War II not only disrupt- ed his chosen…

December 04, 1953 • Page Image 39

Detroit and Mrs. Rob- Israel Bond Organization. ert Dorman- of Washington, D. Declaring that "the present C.; two grandchildren. « * * disorder and friction on the bor- ESTHER STERN, 1930 W. ders of Israel…

… are deeply regret- table," Mr. Truman said : "Jews, Philadelphia, died Nov. 24. Serv- Arabs and the nations of the ices were at the Hebrew Memori- West will benefit only if peace al Chapel. She is…

…. '14. in Austria, Mrs. , Schlussel came A former ;Detroiter,. he is sur- to Detroit many years agO. She vived by his wife, Ella; a son, had included among her activi- Harold, of. Los Angeles, Calif…

….; ties membership in Cong. .Beth two daughters, Mrs. Arnold Le- She was, treasurer_ of Vine, of CofumbuS, and Mith, of the' Ladies' of Yeshivath Beth Detroit. Services_ and burial were „ yehUdah. in…

… Columbus. . Besides Irving, she ieaye.s two other SOS," Albert and Dr. Mop- DETROIT JEWISH NEWS--39 and three grandchildren,. prilay,.peeena.)er: 41953 •. Beth Abraham Sisterhood will 1 SOL PERLMAN, 17566…

…, SCHLANGER, former Detroiter, i place died in Tucson, Ariz., Saturday. in Lachar's. Rabbi Israel I. Hal- Funeral services were held in 1 pern will be installing officer. Heading the new administra- Tucson…

… sister, Mrs. Casper blau, J. Ringler and I. Sparer, sick and visiting chairmen; and C. Cutler of Detroit. ▪ • • Joseph Schloff, flower fund ROSE BENNETT SOLOVICH, chairman. 18255 Warrington - died Nov. 29…

… and Rebecca Lightstone. Cemetery thmoriais -.DETROIT MONUMENT WORKS PARIS, (JTA)—Funeral serv- ices were held here Nov. 29 for Henri Bernstein, one of France's most popular playwrights, who died…

… AZC Broadcast - Dec. 5 "The Ninth Candle" is the title of a special Hanukah br °Ade as t of the American Zionist Council, to be placed on the air in Detroit Saturday night, Dec. 5, 7:30 p.m., by Sta…

December 04, 1953 • Page Image 14

…, they decided to serve meat and to abolish whatever there 1317 Gratiot Best Wishes for a Joyous Hanukah MILLER BROS. POULTRY 14 — DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, December 4, 1953 Best Wishes to the…

…'os Hitim Fund, Round Table of Christians - - and Jews, Wayne Cultural Fund and cancer drive. Beth Abraham Talmud Study Group to Elect Officers Chevra Mishnayoi Society— the Talmud study group—of Cong…

December 04, 1953 • Page Image 1

…Hysteria and Fright: Panic Among Our THE JEWISH NEWS A Weekly Review Kinsmen Commentary, Page 2 of Jewish Events Michigan's Only English-Jewish Newspaper—Incorporating The Detroit. Jewish…

… Chronicle 17100 W. 7 Mile Rd.—VE. 8-9364—Detroit 35, Mich., December 4, 1953 .441zIki.7 VOLUME 24—No. 13 A Happy Hanukah to the Entire Jewish Community • $4.00 Per Year: Single Copy, 15c Maximum…

…- cently disbursements by the German treasury for these pur- poses were almost nil. What was accomplished in the field of restitution is almost entirely due to the return of real estate and business to Jews

December 04, 1953 • Page Image 3

…,Sentenees Auti:Semite For Threatening . Jewish • Firm DETROIT JEWISH NEWS-3 Friday, December 4, 193 LONDON, (JTA) . Hugh Wil- son Cowie, 35, who was court- martialled in 1945 for having I voluntarily aided the…

… • proved that Cowie . had told Bernard Green- HENRI GOLDBERG, Conductor field. he was investigating JeW- iSh businesses for the "Aryan Proudly Presents the • League" but would drop his in- vestigation of…

…, JOSEPH SPITZER - HILLEL ABRAMS, PROPS. will interpret the second Kinsey report. The public is invited. JEWISH FOLK CHORUS . JACK MARKOWITZ TSVEI BRIDER DETROIT HEBREW BOOK SHOPS Take Advantage of…

December 04, 1953 • Page Image 38

… early selection is advised. Klipfel & Co. LI. 5-2400 Bloomfield Westwood Village JUST A FEW MINUTES TO J. L. HUDSON'S NORTH- LAND SHOPPING CENTER. A SHORT PLEASANT DRIVE TO DETROIT. LO- CATED ON THE…

…. CLARK 38-DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, December 4, 1953 17D-LOTS FOR SALE to build your home, l have it in the most exclusive part of Oak Park. Buy now The demand is greater than the supply. All lots…

… Holiday Broadcast A special broadcast will be beamed here by the United Jew- ish Appeal in commemoration of Hanukah. Featuring a dramatic story of Israel, called "The Road," the program will high- light as…

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