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November 01, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 30) • Page Image 1

…' 00 Ali 4 I guni r JI IDAY AND N SERn ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER' 1, 19199.PRICE T MILLION MEN GO ON STR 1 xr r5 r . w nr.....rr r rrr rr s-nr r . rir.rr +rri r'r Wrar .n.rriire i r+ rrwrr+. w r I LIKE DNDAY or :er A rchs To Design War Memorials Student designs for campus war me- morials are forming part of the prob- lem course in the Architectural col- lege commencing the Week of\Nov. 3. Twelve hours of work( ...…

November 01, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 30) • Page Image 2

…ing except Monday during the Univer- Control of Student Pub litations. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS is exclusively entitled to the use for lispatches credited to it or not otherwise i the lccal news published therein. ffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second hard street. not to exceed Soo words, if signed, the sig.' , to appear in print, but as an evidence of events will be published in The Daily at the tor, if left at or mailed to The Daily office. ...…

November 01, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 30) • Page Image 3

… COMEBACK 7i . ._ ._._ I!! lY zr~r S~nl 1 wE HOW THEY COMPARE IN THE PROBABLE LINEUP UICHIGAN I NORTHWESTERN No. Weight Player Position 1 22 185 Dunne......... L.E. 1 185 Goetz, (Capt.) . .... r5 7 198 F~ortune ........ L.G.., 36 190 Culver......... C.... 2 215 Dunn.......... R.G.. 24 190 Czsyz.......R. T.. l 12 180 Magrath....... R.R.. E , 5. 158 Sparks..........Q. 11 150 Weston... ..H.;. -~ 3 160. Cruse .......... R.HI.. 19 180 Vick....…

November 01, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 30) • Page Image 4

… UiN Lt'.L n ? fruits of the earth; and gives to the D e weak, who should not have anything, except, perhaps, the rind. Why? BeL "DE TScause they are weal,-thus fool." TREADfk At the Union sity who it have No tipping at the Union! This strictly applies to all departments of in bricks s. Aso the Union, including the barber shop. s. Also Many students have tried to tip the quite a barbers and porter in the barber shop U of M" during the past we...…

November 01, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 30) • Page Image 5

…C J-idz I I , r I' Y FIR r a fl C I . Demand Ann Arbor Dairy Company 's Pasteurized Milk, the standardI of p'rfec- / tion and cleanliness. t No Substitutes The only creamery in Ann Arbor that as all incoming and outgoing milk tested aily for bacteria by an expert chemist and acteriologist and~can absolutely guarantee. 11 its milk perfectly pasteurized under his. ispection. C r; k r 1X r: w' . r r. q % r YU; r: rr " r W r ...…

November 01, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 30) • Page Image 6

…useful as igh congress may make us our clocks, hunger, and thej i are beyond government con-i r nous Woman Poet Dies Ella Wheeler Wilcox died y, Oct. 30, at her home in 1, Conn. Her death came at of a nine months' illness, the f a collapse due to overwork he soldiers in England. ecovered in July enough to o Amgerica, and has since been residence the "Bungalow." th was not unexpected. The to be cremated, and her ashes tear those of her husband...…

November 01, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 30) • Page Image 7

…I h Stage rIu IU Im Rhode's Brothers Orchestras "The Orchestra With Pep" Phone 283-R Irlo 'a Co. '! OMM" I I , of and I r of Who5 view The MAJESTIC LAST TIMES TODAY Charles Ray in "Hay Foot--Straw Foot" ARCADE Shows at 300 700; 8:30 Phones: Theatre, 296-M Mgr'i Res., 2316-M LAST TIMES TODAY MAY ALLISON IN "Fair And Warmer" howing a two-reel lackton production with a news and =mI. Try Our Red Hots and, Oyster Stew W1ITER UBlgES...…

November 01, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 30) • Page Image 8

…UNIRSIT L S ( COAL I FflR PAWONi flIf TflIK i lam.: tion and protecting the consumer both ing governme in price and in certainty of supply.-- The dealers, however, did not benefit, Michigan Dr by federal control, as they wete oft- one recognize en forced to sell coal at a loss to student trade. y advertising means of r4 GO-D M Ij. L. Chapm 113 South M 'I D Eve- !. ILL r(usiC ' off with "The " Victors," band will play eight selec- Band ...…

November 02, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 31) • Page Image 1

…r ' h sof I man I 1 F DAYA LN s/ ~1 1. ANN ARBOR, 1CHIGAN, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1919. PRICE LE FALLS TO MICHIGAN, I Union Miners Remain At Work MICHIG'i ITWO T[I f ANS~ ,he s: st pus; it I N RHODES GOMMITThE ETII e SELECTS SCHOLARSTfBE ur~ IVR Two candidates for the Rhodes scholarship were selected by the com- met in Wnn Arbor Saturday. Owing ^---- to the fact that the names of the sue- 1920 Michganensan of University, E...…

November 02, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 31) • Page Image 2

…i cient ' scarcely tenal )IY he Univer- one~. is ; exclusively entitled to the use for Isatches credited to it or not otherwise the local news published therein. :e at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second or mail, $3.50. ess building, Maynard street. Editorial, 2414. exceed 300 words, if signed, the sig- ppear in print, but as an evidence of will be published in The Daily at the left at or mailed to Th> Daily office. ill ,receive no consideratio...…

November 02, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 31) • Page Image 3

… 11 ARSITY DEFEATS PURPLE, 16O TO 13 (Continued from Page One) First Quarter. Weston received Northwestern's kick of and returned the pigskin to the 25 yard line. An attempt to advanpe it further met with failure when the fast little. half back hit an opposing tackle too hard, and had the ball knocked from his arms. He recover- ed, however, giving Sparks an oppor- tunity to punt the ball down the field. It was a high long one, with suffici-...…

November 02, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 31) • Page Image 4

…dents in company witn women and I they were on the first floor. In years N past such a thing was never permit- ATTITUDE ted. The second balcony has always been reservel for women and the iiE writer believes that no true Michigan woman desires to break Michigan tra- ditions. A real Michigan man should Ly : go to the game and root for the tea. f a student Perhaps the time when the spirit i and an em- really shown is when the team 'is ost of that...…

November 02, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 31) • Page Image 5

…'I FOR THIRTY-FIVE YEARS to you? ;NERGINE .are absolutely odor- Has been the Standardf Good Ice Cream it. 'the no equal ill I .,'i- ! REPAIRING Calkins Drug Co. Aspirin, Bromo-quinine and all the other drugs that are used for colds can best be bought here. For tight coughs we recommend our. 4 COUCH BALSAM. It is always a safe thing to use. n e' 324 South State Street E. and S. University, 324 South State St; Office hours of...…

November 02, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 31) • Page Image 6

…Katherine Kilpatrick, '19-'21L, 1309 Washtenaw avenue. Miss Freeby is now successfully practicing general law in Washington, D. C., and formerly U instructed in law at National Park seminary. FIR TO Tian lyric ng recital from Eur- or Brock, prano, in he Extra Thursday ulnUwI LU LU teAmer- blic, having appeared seven years ago in er returnedstogItaly e war he devoted his patriotic purposes. A. the time he sang in here he had two sons rmy, th...…

November 02, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 31) • Page Image 7

…The conflict of the real with the un- -rea is the themne upon which "For the SDefense," l.pner R. Rice's nevi play, which will be produced at the Whitney tomorrow evening, is based. Amn*g th~e members of the cst are: ~Rcard Bennet, who plays the lead- ing role; Adrienne Morrison~ John Sairipolis, Angela Ogden,1 Charles Coghlan, Willam A. Orimmons, Louise Clossei Hale, Winifred Lennihan, and ~Geoirge Riddel. tj- - au will1 4J i1 7 uthtor of ...…

November 02, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 31) • Page Image 8

…WUAT Q f nN .ANNOUNCING OUR AGENCY FOR Conn Saxophones , 4 N RWE HAVE just received our first shipment of these fine instruments, and they are at our store subject to your inspection. See our window display. <w.; r . ,} " 301-605ueltn iltliiir l 7ATC ( 'ml u1 SJNDAY 6:30-Miss Louise Brown addresses Wesleyan Guild of the Methodist church on "Fine Art Of Ap fleca- tion." 7:30-Union reingious meeting in Hill auditorium, Bishop Theo...…

November 04, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 32) • Page Image 1

…' Li 000 -r tgan ' DAY A D NG SERVIC ANN ARBOR, MICHIGANl, TUESDAY, ,NOVE1*IBER 4, 1919. 'PRICE . _ , S EN STELAR No Block m"At finnesota Game; N lakes Crowds Difficult To Handle In explanation. of their decision to the reason, and would blame us for do away withh the block 'M," P. G. favoritism. B, ttdt Athletics Not Circuses Put On ~ uuuI~u~rI~uoI~ni~ Bartelme, director ofd outdoor lathiet-I"hntow arpuigont- ics stats that the cro...…

November 04, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 32) • Page Image 2

…D PR'ESS - tled to the use for o it or not otherwise bdished therein. Michigan, as second nard street. , if signed, the sig- it' as an evidence of in The Daily at they to The Daily office . sideration. No man. closes postage. the sentiments ex-- 'work of - the assembly room downstairs as in the stone-work of the tower. He further stated that, -f this practice continued, .access to the tower- would' be barred except on special occasid'ns or in...…

November 04, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 32) • Page Image 3

…''I 1-; mnvf m~lI Ii but i$ is t because of n uniform yester- stood that it was injury. W Three .lore Feet Added To Squad Clarence, "demon trainer" of Mich-, igan athletes, is the m'an responsible for Northwestern's last minute stag- ger and fall *n Saturday. Further- mare. thiis PinblP bbh~ of a]]tirad "' ', t 3' ; p, against the s fit. A few esses are the alts from last ,i ¢;' 1 '; '9 ,iv \A1i reIaV e rU 0er o at tL re Yostmen h...…

November 04, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 32) • Page Image 4

…All members of Masques are asked to meet on Tuesday at 4 o'clock in Barbour gymnasium. The third meeting of the Girls' re- serve leaders training course will be held at 7 o'clock Tuesday evening at Newberry hall. This, meeting will be dismissed early so that girls may go to the Band Bounce. Girls who have not learned how' to open their gymasium lockers will be given instruction from 2 to 5 o'clock on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs- day afternoon...…

November 04, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 32) • Page Image 5

…Commun 1U Vi r,5,JI Today Only A Returned Engagement Douglas Fairbanks THE WHITNEY '. I ax The Knickerbocker Buearoo TRE in "The Shows at3:00:7:00: 8:30 In "Tea for Three," which will be given at the Whitney tomorrow\ eve- ning, Roi Cooper Megrue, the author, has succeeded in standing apart from triangle .entanglements. He has writ- ten as one on the outside who views the triangle as a whole in a decidedly humorous manner.- f "Tea for...…

November 04, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 32) • Page Image 6

…stands on i payment the year- year only lume byl be assur- its paying ,me stamped in' lower, right- respective cop- sion has been grant- Arbor Savings and chanics banks in that four-and-a-half-dollar written in payment ian subscriptions. zoo. - A table d' hote meal will be serv- ed on this train for $1.25. The Athletic association reports a large sale of student tickets for the Chicago game, approximately 400 hav- ing been disposed of alrea...…

November 05, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 33) • Page Image 1

…"I v )A hiv au :i .l DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE I,, ANN ARBOR, 1MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1919. PRICE f Traditional Block "W" Displayed First A t 1907Pen nsylvania Game u E XTRA PLANNED HIT; TRA With 5; The origin of the block "M," the formation of which has become a tra- dition at the most important of Mich- igan's home games, dates as far back as 1907. A thorough examination of The Daily files throws much light on its...…

November 05, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 33) • Page Image 2

… Monday during the Univer- fStudent Publications. 30CIATED PRESS ively.entitled to the use for credited to it or not otherwise news published therein. n Arbor, Michigan, as second $3.50. ing, Maynard street. al, 2414. 300 words, if signed, the sig- print, but as an evidence of published in The Daily at the or mailed to The Daily office. 'e no consideration. No man- writer incloses postage. yendorse the sentiments ex- A can nas been issued by ...…

November 05, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 33) • Page Image 3

…Place by Reason o tory in Big week ago. With a'crippled team gen- erally considered as out of the run- ning, Zuppke came back Saturday with a game that bested Stagg and shoved the strong Maroon-,team out of championship aspirations. All Dope Upset NSIDERED CONTENDER Won ..1 3 ..2 ..1 ..1 ... ......... 0 ern . .. . .. . .. 0 Lost 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 Petg.f 1.000 .750 .666 .666 .666 .500 .500 .000 .000 .000 Wisconsin who administered an o...…

November 05, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 33) • Page Image 4

…111EA~ ,7 terest to University Women Ps 11 ANN ARBOR WOMEN ATTEND MEETING College Notes made yesterday s in a series to before the Wom- 21 "Joint Own- presented. This dice Brown who four years ago . drama. It was . great success r in Chicago. ill be a Christ- >lis," by Louise mg. It is a real a manuscript. It by the Chicago t was strikingly repeated many of plays of which these are to furnish the mem- lues with opportuIity for ory work...…

November 05, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 33) • Page Image 5

…an 'ild and -SAT. W OMORROW n Is Wives d Western hbum the Gods WUERTH THEATRE Tues-Wed. 4-5--William Russell in "The Sacred Silence," with a monkey comedy and kinogram weekly. -VAUDEVILLE- Thurs-Fri. 6-7-Theda Bara in "LaBelle Ruse" and comedy, "Dainty Damsels and Bogus Counts." -VAUDEVILLE- Sat. 8-All star cast, "Wits Win," with a screen magazine and comedy, "Meet the Wife."f Sun-Mlon. 9-1l0"-A. Harold Bell Wright story, "The Eyes of the Wo...…

November 05, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 33) • Page Image 6

…OF BLOCK "3r th£ (Continued from Page One) e "The N' is not a means of cheap e advertising, but it is just as much a representation of MIiichigan feeling as d is the student body's rising and sing- 1ing the Maize and Blue."' 1 Carl E~. Johnson, president of the -Student council, also feels that the 'f"M" should be retained. He said, "I Ycan see the justice in the stand taken e by the Athletic association, but I e can't believe it is cheap ad...…

November 06, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 34) • Page Image 1

…-1I T mean al1 ASS( F bAY AN!I O 'D i X ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1919. i. P ,..... , ,.. T .s t - SEE THE TEAM OFF TOMORROW! Council To Take Up milk Question TIP BIKE S Tb WITH-. AGAINST The Wolverines leave at 8 o'clock Friday morning from the Mich- igan Central station for one of the strongest and most important games of their schedule. The Michigan band will be with them. Several hundred stu- dents fi...…

November 06, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 34) • Page Image 2

…Univer- use for therwise in, ssecond le sig- nce of at the' office. >man- Is ex- ...Managing Editor ... Business Manager ......News Editor .City Editor .Sports Editor .... Women's Editor . ....Telegraph Editor Os8iuts, Jr., ings. But there was a certain moderation in this specialization which permitted of an almost uuiver-' sally prevailing "classical education" among our col- leges and universities. Was the world, at that time, a sadder o...…

November 06, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 34) • Page Image 3

…C Y 1 11 tinguished himself .as one of the in- dividual stars of the game. His ag- gressiveness on, offense and defense formed a main asset in the law vic-1 tory. Freeman at left tackle and Kendall at the same right position; furthered the protection of the plung- s up :iar! Hands of Fresh Plays In ,. . KICKING ONE OF AFTERNOON ,With but a single practice session left before th'e Chicago battle, 'Coaph Yost again gave his varsity footb...…

November 06, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 34) • Page Image 4

…Tells of Experiences With all arrangements completed in as did some members of the S. A. T. C. London, the University expedition for By the way, Professor Kelsey says the exploration of the battlefields of there are 15,000 people here in Eng-' Ceasar, composed of Professor and land bound for India. Part of these, Mrs. F. W. Kelsey and son, Easton, of course, are returning troops. and Mr. George R. Swain of the Latin "Last night Easton and I w...…

November 06, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 34) • Page Image 5

…NY,.. 5 Mr. E. T. Clark, of Detroit, an- WORTHNE nounces a prize of $25.00 for the best OR'T1F Hnew and original Round for three or four voices, the compositions to be submitted before December 1, 1919. The rules for the competition are niversity that the text is to be selected by the worth- competitor, and the name of the writer ist aside is not to appear on the composition but le extra to accompany it. The competitors will en by P. themsel...…

November 06, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 34) • Page Image 6

…rest to University Women PRESS WILSON MALES APPEAL FOR RED CROSS 9 II VEI campaignl tic asso- ay. Girls s on the tions 'and ciation which not only strengthens comradeship among University women, Ibut also aims to raise the standard of hygienic living," said Phyllis Wiley, '21, vice-president of the association and manager of the campaign, in speaking of the drive. GIRL RESERVES LEXRN ABOUT GAMES AND STORY TELLING n1o abet inm nouses 'an...…

November 06, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 34) • Page Image 7

…[S THAT FIl SENT TO ( I r 'he Mikhigan Daily: who know anything about the football squad realize the y are in assisting to shape up ty. This year they have prac- ken the place of the scrubs the hammering of the Var- in, and day out, without hope it recognition. Under Confer- ings an All-fresh team may outside schedule. Those who at h long season means can nid the hard, giuelling work a 7 puts in during his first year. ight, under Conference...…

November 06, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 34) • Page Image 8

… Appoint- Wednes- in r~oom )rs, grad- ho desire N - -N Although the majority of; romi high schools, 163 of ails received since Janu- from colleges and univer- 4 from normal schools. Appointment committee is primarily to assist those teach, it is also willing rs if possible. Each year ests come for secretaries, etc. on at the time of the 'reg- nent is free but a fee of 'ed for late registrati~n. .I Wft r 4R , , t ../ 1 " I w ,TIS ING...…

November 07, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 35) • Page Image 1

…00 f1 IPA I' ;: . AO' -I 'SE ( f" ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1919. I ----A 5, itiallssue Of Michigan Chies Brings Various Opinions To Light' (Brewster P. Campbell) If the first issue of the Mic1igan Chimes .may be taken as a criterion of what is to follow, the publication bids fair to live up to its avowed purpose, that of expressing campus opinion, and to all appearances, opin-, ions which have lain dormant ...…

November 07, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 35) • Page Image 2

…:ross. t car :it not u ort he There yet rer e to bring them u: if the need to health and home. FMICHIGAN ng except Monday during the Univer. ontrol of Student Puhlications. 'HE ASSOCIATED PRESS is, exclusively entitled to the use for spatches credited to it or not otherwise the local news published therein. ce at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second ig, Maynard street. S2414. oo words, if signed, thq sig- print, but as an evidence of ublished ...…

November 07, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 35) • Page Image 3

…ICTORIOUS OVER Ii ITau TrnlonN lines usually are, an( vp a good scrap. gas the Midway as ready to' put I I'l ',1 JUNEIUfl L IL STELLAR WORK OF MAIN FEATURE %0ONTEST AVI, U i RICHARDSI OF R f Coach Yost and Var- Leland Schofield, 30 te Varsity football team pecial train at 8 o'clock igan Central this morn- far Chicago. With the ssistant coaches, cheer- arsity band, and Clar- ion trainer." The train . the Windy City at 2 :ernoon and the ...…

November 07, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 35) • Page Image 4

…r rr ELAINE HAMMERSTEIN Starring in 0 "The Country Cousin" Arcade Theatre,2Days,Nov. 7&8 Story by BOOTH TARKINGTON and JULIAN STREET, and was praised by two Presidents of the United States I/ Your Idea--for one of the below prizes f FIRST PRIZE-Beautiful Gold Framed Picture, 24x16 of Elaine Hammerstein; SECOND PRIZE-Season pass to the Arcade; THIRD PRIZE-Four passes to the Arcade. WHAT YOU ARE TO DO: Write a letter giving your id...…

November 07, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 35) • Page Image 5

…gue will hold a party in asium at 4 o'clock to- The board of representatives will meet in Barbour gymnasium at 9 o'clock Saturday morning. Iota Sigma Pi, national honorary" chemical sorority, will initiate the fol- lowing girls Tuesday afternoon in the Chemistry building: Esther Hollands, Monica Allen, and Marcella Forster. crIbe to the Michigan Daily. ic r Navel the souls of a girl hot melting pot of the fetters and id whipped their hly h...…

November 07, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 35) • Page Image 6

…[ A i U 11 ...,, 1 I Al I ELLSWORTH IN "SUITE- T11" A'1' 'rri vvtalr. iNJ J'RDAY, NOVEMBER 8. & i r Y r rn t r i N MIE 'RlOCRAM 'U dull[U peal whi place as led from Page One) s. She has an 'appealing 'dssesses a note of ap- romises to assure her a of the coming American ignor Bonci has a - pretentious or voice and a cordial stage pres- e that immediately wins his audi- e. He is a fine exponent of bel to singing and his...…

November 08, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 36) • Page Image 1

…DAY AND N ST RV . . { ANN ARBOR, -MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1919. F I Plans Completed For Song Service President Harry B. Hutchins has announced , the program for the pa- triotic song service in celebration of Armistice day, at 4:30 oclock next Tuesday afternoon in Hill auditor- ium. Col. Victor C. Vaughan will pre- side and Dr. Albert A. Stanley wil be musical director. The program is as follows: SI wwaawlr 'ar n curia rnrwr.+w ...…

November 08, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 36) • Page Image 2

… Univer- 1. cond events ,and careers. But the man who pauses to analyze the course of his conduct and has experi- enced its inevitable results, knows that much of the great Tomorrow is determined by Today, and that the subtle knowledge of how to make a choice is at the heart of success. And it is one big satisfaction to realize that college does strengthen those men-. tal faculties which go to make up decision. Painful as may be the process...…

November 08, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 36) • Page Image 3

…berth for the Chicagoans, I Y Mentor in J' Weig 185 185 198 175 / 180 210 1V I In .n.J.I. LLS4 2UZ l: I V 'n L... .V. J1 ;ht Name Potiton - Name Dunne ...............LE............... Halladay Goetz (Capt.) ..........L.T............... Jackson Fortune ...............L.G...............Stegeman Hamilton ..................................... Reber W ilson ................R.G............ .... Swenson Dunn "........... ......R.T.......Higgins...…

November 08, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 36) • Page Image 4

…- MISS M 1~PHYS RIE BROWN JOINS EDUCATIdN FACULTY rest to University Women We now have on display a fine line of STEVENS, & PER 618 PACKARD Near State +{ A new teacher, Miss Marjorie Brown of Boston, has been added to the women's physical education -fac- ulty. There are now four instruct- ors in this department and it has been greatly enlarged this year be- cause of the increased attendance of freshman and sophomore women. .. E 1028-'V ...…

November 08, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 36) • Page Image 5

…Team SuPPorters rrittrrfl r[I IIrrrrirrir Walk, li- To Chi. New Shipment Of - Ladies Heather lop T OD CHI .V.i,... . her. 0 h Arcade 11 Sufficient funds have been raised by the members of the inter-fraternity conference to send the All-fresh foot- ball team to Chicago. At a meeting of the conference last Tuesday night a committee was ap- pointed to find means of raising enough money to enable the team to take the trip. Each of the 28...…

November 08, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 36) • Page Image 6

…inA WHAT'S GOING ON SATURDAY 8:00 A. M.-Elininations for debating tenor squad to be held in room 302, Ma- phony son hall. of the 1:15-Iota Sigma Pi meets in room 303 after- Chemistry building. 6:45-Master Masons desiring to try to at- out for Craftsman club double quar- they tet report at Masonic temple. they 7:30-Student Volunteers meet in Lane 'clock hall. g the ____. ers. SUNDAY is as :30-University Symphony orchestra in Hill auditorium. Mr...…

November 08, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 36) • Page Image 7

…tr :4.3 a ) L.EXTRA ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1919 I / I I I! _ .. TEAM COUNTS VICTE SCORE EINES MICHIGAN - 0 STRIPE CHICAGO - AYY Ir ...: bu y IY BY QUARTERS 0 1st 0 7 2nd 0 3rd 0 4th 0. FINAL 0 13 0 6 f' WOLVERlI EDGE0O WINS8 YOSTMEN SC AGAINST SIXTEENTI CHKCAGO f , ... M ES le TES lea MESSAGE chigan Daily, Ann Arbor, Mich.: Vajority of the men on the team will ve Chicago at 12:05.a. m. Will a...…

November 08, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 36) • Page Image 8

…L that destinies are not within ourselves, t&at a sort of mechanism of fatalism hangs over us controlling events and careers. But the man who pauses to analyze the course of his conduct and has experi- ver- enced its inevitable results, know, that much of the - great Tomorrow is determined by'Today, and that for the subtle knowledge of how to make a choice is at wise the heart of success. And it is one big satisfaction to realize that college ...…

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