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November 02, 1919 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1919-11-02

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dents in company witn women and I
they were on the first floor. In years
N past such a thing was never permit-
ATTITUDE ted. The second balcony has always
been reservel for women and the
iiE writer believes that no true Michigan
woman desires to break Michigan tra-
ditions. A real Michigan man should
Ly : go to the game and root for the tea.
f a student Perhaps the time when the spirit i
and an em- really shown is when the team 'is
ost of that ahead, but it takes a genuine Michi-
f in. a posi- gan man to "stick" in the face of de-
higan spirit feat. Let Michigan men' and women
r a few sug- remember this tradition and "stick"
they Student regardless of the outcome in the fu-
tions on the ture games.
The writer believes that Michigan
t'the Michi- should revive the class games next
mant. It is spring, and beginning in the fall of
ping. If he 1920 the fall games should be revived.
e Michigan A.course of meetings for the new stu-.
ld not write dents should be held in which meet-
ocurrted t ing the yearlings should be informed
ng of Michi- as to the meaning of Michigan and her
ught of the traditions. The addresses formerly
The alumni given by Prof R. M. Wenley to fresh-
y express it men should re-establish, for the
imencemenk *rite'r And many other Michigan men
rue grip of were given their first Michigan lesson
k in terms at that time. It would be just as pro-
lege days. fitable to the present yearlings. " The
world one Warthin lectures'shoul be revived fo'
.d the name first year men. Various college and
niling faces. school smokers should be established
i the Michi- principally to promote harmony and
ery' campus. goodfellowship. Cap night should be
r regarding the big event of the spring session
i Michigan and every .Mich.igan man and woman
those ideals -should understand.the true significance
their home of the event.
:an campus A code of Michigan traditions should
nosphere of be compiled and edited which leads
ons are the us to the second pat, the means of
ideals are reyiving -the tradition and dties of
ditions are existing campus institutions in re-
ign practi- lation to them. The campus activities
rhese tradi- are controlled by the body known as
f the skull the Student council. . This body should
e -togttes by arran e a program for the re-estab-
Frosh-Soph lishment of traditions, and the writer
spring con- believes that with the co-operation of
ses, the list the Michigan Union, Y. M. C. A., The
arlings, the Michigan Daily, Gargoyle, Michigan
big games, Chimes and various fraternal organis
,n men, and zatious on the campus the efforts of
are ambag the Student Council would be a huge
Straditions. success. This reconstruction program
he believes needs the support of every Michigan
dormant at man and institution. It is a big prob-
cause gf ig-.;em but surely the revival of Michigan
reat bpxdy of is worth the effort. Let us all work
r attending for the good of Michigan.
come dur- The Writer urges upoh The Michigan
chigan was Daily ,trong editorials for the tradi-
finds many tions at Michigai. Let there be ap-
f the genu- pointed some editor of "Michigan
it,. indeed, Spirit and History" and from time to
e Michigan time various articles concerning the
whys and wherefores of different in-
w to kn owstitutions should be printed.' There Is
bie revived,' truly .great beauty back of Michigan'
remainder and her ideals.
s; first, the There is plenty of room for the acti-
e revived;. vities of the Y. M. C. A. under true
iving them leadership. In days of Blanchard the
instiutions "Y" tas one of he great dissemina-.
ons." tors ws of M+ichigan Spirit. "Y
. traditions' meetings formerly were held every
The one Sunday night and the meetings were
me is that always well attended. Let the "Y" see
d be in his the proper visibn.
$e Michigan And now in closing a word to' the in-
)ne Friday dustrious student who wishes to in-
male stu- form himself as to the great Michigan.

A very great history of the University Al Taylor's talks on billiards, drew
yas written by one of the members of a large crowd of students to the bill-
the faculty.. Hinsdale's "History of lard room Friday afternoon. Hewill
the University of Michigan" is the give these talks from 4 to 4:30 o'clock!
volume and is authentic. It will be every Monday, Wednesday and Friday
found in the University library. afternoons.
W. C. Palmer. '22L.
_ _ _All the tile and stone has been laid}

I i

ruttle 's


for the women's entrance from the
Work on setting the tile in the lobby first to the third floors. It makes
has been completed and all that re- this section of the building, complete
mains to be done is to put the black except for some marble base work and
border around what is now laid: the wainscoating.

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i- ,.


Thea tre

Whitney Theatre

One Night Monday, Nov. 3,
Particular attention is called tQ the re-
markable castOappearingin.suPort of


Wednesday, Nov. 5


I "I




and Greatest Comedy, direct from
More than a Year's Run in New



York at the Maxine Elliott



Richard Bennett
to a new play by the author of
"On Trial"
"For The Defense"






- with -

The supporting cast includes Adri-

enne Morrison, John 'Saihpolis,


Charlotte Walker
rnest Lawpford

Clair Hales,


Riddell, Louise


Hale, Win. Crimmins, Chas.

Coghlan, Angela Ogden, and Winni-
fred Lennihan.

A Comedy with a new Angle on t
Triangle, and a Sure Cure for the Bk
and Jealous Husbands.


PRICES: 75c TO $2.00

PRICES'75c, $1.00, $1.30, $2.

. .



eandTo Chicago?

Tuesday, Nov. 4, 1919, Hill Auditorium



Phil Diamond's Orchestra


Darling's Quartette

M anuel Wolner

:: Vwolinist

Archie McDonald

:: Monologist


Pinkey Roderick & Company



Added Attraction Jack Edwards,X
Don Rhodes Xylophonists


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