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November 01, 1919 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1919-11-01

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A rchs To Design
War Memorials
Student designs for campus war me-
morials are forming part of the prob-
lem course in the Architectural col-
lege commencing the Week of\Nov. 3.
Twelve hours of work( are being re-
quired this week from architects from
the sophomore class on up.
Originality of motif and treatment
are the 'important factors taken into
consideration in the grading of the
drawings submitted. A week has been
allowed the students in which to study
and plan their designs.
With the material submitted, it is
expected thart many new ideas for
suitable war memorials will take
shape. It is possible that The Daily
will publish .cuts made from the most
satisfactor'y of the drawings in order
to acquaint more fully the campus
with suggested memorials.
All-A Men Have
Plysterious Rival

Factories, Schools, and Fraternities
in no Danger of Short-
With the one exception of the Uni-
versity, Ann Arbor seems to be fairly
well prepared for the coal shortage
expected to result from the walkout
of miners this morning. The Univer-
sity has only enough coal to last for
a few weeks, and according to E. C.
Pardon, superintendent of buildings
and grounds, the officials are very
mucif disturbed over the situation.
"Withih a month or so," said Mr.
Pardon, "the University will be very
much up against it for fuel if the gov-
ernment does not get control of the
situation. We have been notified by
the Michigan Central that any ship-,

Health Service Advocates Boiling
Dishes; Restaurants Found Clean


"Use more hot w.ater on dishes."
That is the slogan advocated by Dr.
Warren E. Forsythe, of the Univer-
sity health service for adoption by
restaurants, boarding and fraternity
.houses, if they wish to eliminate most
of the contagious diseases common to
Scrubbing eating utensils in cold,
water will do everything but get rid
of the germs, according to the Health
service physician. To be properly
sterilized, all dishes, knives a'nd forks
should' be placed in boiling water, or
water almost on the boiling point, for
at least one minute.
Dr. Forsythe stated that colds, in-
fluenza, tonsilitis, measles, scarlet
fever, and diphtheri4 are spread by
mouth discharges. Consequently dish-
water is rich in bacteria when cold or
luke warm."
Experiments by Dr. James G. Cum-
mings, formerly connected with the
University, on cold dishwater in the
army proved that dishwater, from a
disease producing point of view, was
worse than ordinary. seiage,
There are many instances where a
seeming epidemic of colds in any eat-,
ing house, fraternity or otherwise, has

been traced directly to improper ster-
ilization of eating utensils and dish-
ware, according to Health service au-
thorities. With the coming of cold
weather and the subsequent increased
risk of contagion from colds, every
precaution is necessary to insure
safety from contamination on this
score, the Health service believes.
Investigations made by a Daily re-
porter into the sanitary conditions of
the kitchens in four of the best eat-
ing houses and restaurants on State
street revealed none but the cleanest
conditions existing. All; four propri-
etors expressed the belief that co-
operation was not lackingbetween the
University authorities and restaurant
proprietors of the better class in
maintaining the highest sanitary con-
ditions possible.
None of the proprietors interviewed
offered objections to Dr. Forsythe's
plan of regular but unexpected in-
spections., Doubt was expressed,
however, concerning the feasibility of
having the inspections made by Health
service men, it being generally be-
lieved that this matter rested with the
city health officer. All expressed,
willingness to have their 'places in-
spected at any time.

lated Press)
. 31.-The big news
situation today was
s order forbidding
was followed by a


nts and open
in the miners
ction with de
ion of consti
rations that i
the men with
er and with


" ,

J. issue over
ae American
hi Vice-Pres-
y Morrison
to Attorney
the govern-

"What in the tworld is it?" queried
h the freshman, removing his little grey
h cap to scratch his head.
And for once the sophisticated soph
didn't have a ready reply. Even the
sagacious senior was puzzled. . group
s Hof sweet sorority sisters suddenly-
stopped their chat to exclaim, "Oh
n lok"
Some of the more dignified campus-
'ites feigned indifference ,and kept on
t their way without parsing. One or
. two of the passers-by smiled a know-
t ing smile, but, for the most part they
were all guessing.
The object of all the attention was
r a dummy more or less in the shape
bf a sea-monster, perched jauntily
above the diagonal walk. Attached to
his hide was a sign, but this threw
little light on the situation. "The cam-
pus shark,", it said, "he made Phi
Beta Kappa."
From his perch on high, the. big
fish gazed impudently down on the
- passing throng. His fins were set at
a rakish angle, and his .murd'erous1
mouth was wide open in a saucy
sneer at the stupid students below
who couldn't guess who put him' up
there, or why.
Late bulletin:
Yesterday evening, quite a crowd of
freshmen gathered at the base of the
tree, arguing among themselves as\
to who could climb up and retrieve
"the campus shark." While they were
disputing, one litle fellow walkel up,
took in the situation, and climbed the
tree without saying a word. He cut
(the fishy one down, descended, and
Athen made off with his prize before
his surprisdd watchers could stop

Cents or coai coming in to
will be held by governmen
we cannot hope for any
University's Needs C
"The University uses
amount of coal. Even d
present moderate weathe
sumption reaches 70 tons
during about four month
weather each winter, thel
burns 100 tons a day, an
15, and another 5, making
120 tons a day."
The heating of the enti
from the centralized pla
,makes all buildings depen
general supply. If fuel cc
secured, the closing of Hill
and cancelling of all ente
as well as the closing of
facilities, would result, in
the dismissal of classes. H
ficials are hopeful that
action will make the situ
favorable before winter set
Ml. J. tKappler, freight ag
Michigan Central says tha
cutting off all coal shipme
out the. country ,was sent to
at 6 o'clock Thursday nigh
office of the Regional Ra
rector, Washington, D. C.
suit, the agent said, ever
in the country is standing
Every agent was ordered
Friday night at 6 o'clock t
of coal cars held up in his
yet no cars have been held
Arbor, but the University
fled at once that the order
into effect. It is not known
further action the govern
(Continued on Page E

ay broth-
the At-
med that

.1 Palmer emphasiz-
ader's that the gov-
n was no infringe-
nen's right to strike
a lawful process
'eneral declined to
d be done with the
I to heed -the 'fed-
pointing out that
vitiates means to
vho disregard its


Ann Arr
t order, so liNTY nnivEJU "RISE riTiNifHUSESnrr rv Ni
immediate iiUi i T U RIU L til U J|UUU U ALLII
a great "" "
luring the With the beginning of the drive for As well as can be ascertained at t)le
.r ur con-. thewWl astennaw UnitetaiCommtunht
a day, andthe Washtenaw United Community present time, the following are the
it day, and Service fund bit three days sway, Mr. only student eating houses not 'using
gs of Cold Wiliam Goodyear, general manager of pasteurized milk: Sheldon's, the Col-
lare plant the Ann Arbor campaign, and his as- lege Inn, Hurfbut's, Chubb's, the Ar-
.other plant sistants are completing their plans for cadia, Freeman's, and Armstrong's.
a total of the raising of the $40,066.37 which is Mr. Morrow, of the Arcadia stated
the city's quota. '4 that he was not using the milk of the
Ire campus In this amount are included the con- city dairies and would not until forc-
dnt syse tributions to the charitable organiza- ed. He said that he had tried to
dent on ,the :tions, the, Red Cross, the Y. M. C. A.,gesoeithpatndwsotbl
uld not be tns W Ara th avtoget some Inthe past and was not able
udt the Y. W. . A., and the Salvation to, but would not get It there now if
auditorium Army..hecud
rtainments, - Ask Two Days' Salary he could. s. B
the Union According to the plan, the people Mr. Freeman, of Freematn's boarding
addition to of Ann Arbor will, be called upon to house, said that'he believed his supply
owever, of- contribute a sum equivalent to twoy
governmentdto be superior to the milk of Ithe city
~overmentdays' salary, and in addition to renew dairies but tat it was not pateurized.
ation more their subscription to the American Haid that bi as,
ts in. Red Cross. The students of the Uni- He said that, beleving this, he would
Rent fors hesudnthe h Ui
ent for ,the versity will not be called ,upon to sub- change if the. people eating at "his
t the order sit . thot bedgll, ut sub- house desired to be served the pas-
attrog-scribe to this budget, but will b~ teurized product.
nt through- urged to renew their annual subscrip- Mr. Fraci. .
all agents tion to the Red Cross. The Ann Ar- /Mr. Freeman is member of the city
lionto he Rd. ross Th AnnAr-council and stated tha If it became the
t, from the bor budget is considrably lower than
ilway ihi- many budgets in cities of its size but general opinion of the people of the,
As a re- is made so by the efficient manner in city that pasteurization was the prop-
y coal car which the money is handled, er thing, he would favor a municipal
still today. No Mne Money Qalls , pasteurization plant rather than buy-
stl toa.N oeMnyClsingofteAn rbrDiycma.
to Areport At the meeting last night, the aity Mr. of tSheldon,n Arbor Sheldon'airy cboarding
:he number was divided into -districts. Active
yards. As cmpaign work will begin Mdy house, said that he was getting his
s yads.As ampign orkwil bein onday, nilk 'from :a farmer to whom he paid
up in Ann Nov. 3. It is thought by those back- ct per galln i contrast o the
was noti- ing the movement that the amount will 52 cents required by the city dairies.
r had gone be raised easily and, if such proves5Hens.:requ d bythe cdres.'
here what to be the case; they promise the pub- He .said: tI would either be compell-
nment in- lic that no more calls will be sent out ed to raise the price of boar'd to the
Eih) for aid this coming year. students or cut the amount of milk
ight) t m yg.ven to them if compelled to pay the
52 cents per gallon.
Compete For Cup In Wilng to Change
ss "Mr Merrifeld, of the Colee Inn,
wits Number O Judge stated that he was getting his milk
direct from a farmer but that if he
was convinced at any time that it was
blish the decided on this basis. All accepted the proper thing to get it from the city
anking col- contributions, no matter how small, dairies, he would do so.
he country will carry the name of the author or Mr. Chubb, of the Cubb House, said:
rough the artist, his college and his class. "If the city authorities tell me that I
Vits" num- Asid'e from the prizes offered all ac- must use the pasteurized milk I will
blished, ac- cepted material will be paid for at the do so." He also stated that he. be-
nt by Reed regular rate. Material for the num- lieved that his milkt was as good as
tor. ber will become the property of Judge, could be obtained. He said that the.
which ob- and will be originally run in this spec- world had' been going along for sev-
on in this ial issue, but rights will be released for eral thousands of years without pas-
ver trophy republication in college periodicals. teurization and that he couldn't see
ar, and to Contest judges will be picked from the need 'of it, all at once.
until won distinguished authors and artists, and Mr. Armstrong stated for his board-
es, when it their names will soon be annpunced. ing house that he was getting his milk
rty of that Discussing the contest, Bachman from "a good, clean, farmer," whom
s are offer- said, "At present the Gargoyle ranks he believed was capable of supplying
cups, these among the leading college humor pa- him with milk sufficently good.
bit of text pers of the country. Its art staff can- Dairy Profiteering
amusing) not be equalled by any other college Mr. Hurlbut, of the Hurlbut board-
e "College paper. It should be a matter of cam- ing house, said that she was getting
prizes are pus pride to make it possible for the milk from a farmer who was clean
y the win- Gargoyle to win this contest for it is and who, she -was sure, was giving
an hbnor for Michigan as well as for her as good as could be secured. Her
he contest the paper itself. chief obections to getting the pasteur-
g' so many Contributions should be addressed ized poduct was the fact that it was
rawing, so to Bachman care of. the Gargoyle, available only from the Ann Arbor
ese grades Press building, and must be in by Dairy and the 17 cents difference in
ning paper Dec. 1. (Cd tinue . on Page Eight)

Michigan Black Diamond Sapp]
Off, is Report; Gompers
Airs Views
(By Associated Press)
Indianapolis, Oct. 3.-The sti
bituminous coal miners went in
feet tonight with' national-head
ers here of the United Mine W
of America silenced by a restr
order issued today y JudgeA
derson of the federal district
No "last word" or other mess
the members of the union was
by the executives of the unlo:
they only smiled when this fa
brought to their' attentio.
. While the strike order was eg
at midight most of the men
were following it quit work wi'
ending of the day's shift. Thle pi
by the government upon whic
order was based said that the
men were -conspiring to limit t
ilitibs for the production of co
to restrict the supply and diE
tion of the fuel.
The writ accordingly comm
then; to refrain from continuin
alleged conspiracy.
Michigan Miners Out
Bay .City, Oct./31.- Operatic
practically all Michigan mines
suspended for , the duration o
strike when the day shifts left
this' evening, there being few
in the state working night I
William Stevenson, presIdent (
district 24 announced toight.
"The 2,400 miners in the distil
unanimously supporting the stri
der," Stevenson declared after
ing the day visiting all the wo:
and interviewing the men. "The
stick to the finish," he added.
Warn illinois Men
Springfield, Ill., Oct. 30.-Al
imately 80,000 soft coal miners I
nois had obeyed the strike ort
the officials by 5 o'clock this afte
acording to an announcement a
state miners headquarters.
The miners were encouraged b
culars prepared tonight by Fran]
rington, district president, to p
attention to threats that troops
be used. The men were warn
be on their guard against radical
might take advantage of the str
preach their "isms."
, 6Gompers Criticizes
Washington, Oct. 31.-Samuel
pers tonight, for organized lac
dlared that the injunction issued1
federal court can only result in
tng new and more disturbing
which may not be confined sol
the mines."
"The injunction," Mr. Gomte
clared, "bodes for ill. It will no
vent the strike; it will not i
empty stomachs of the miners; I
restrain sane leadership, but wil
added strength to unwise .counc
increase bitterness and friction.
Work Started on Cosmo Club
Work has already been start
the plans for the Cosmopolitan
:anual plays to be given. Jan.\9.

ng the government con-
ily taking measures to
he practical as well as
;al phase of the crisis.
Wilson by executive order
aximum prices of soft
d Order Restored
iietrator Garfield restored
der which will give' the
ministration power' to
tran'sit and divert it to
in accordance with a.
t arranged with the idea
e greatest good for the

More men to compose music for
the 'opera turned out at a meeting
held at 4:30o'clock Friday afternoon
in room 308 of the Union, Theywere
given lyrics for which they are to.
write the music.
.Students, who write both ragtime
and classical music, are wanted as
the opera will probably demand both
types. -.One song was turned in to
Earl V. Moore six houbs after the
lyric'was given out, and he states that
the other composers wV11 have to 'go
some to write better ones, -
Mr. Moore will be in his office at
the Union Wednesday and Friday aft-
ernoons to consult with any of the
men, concerning the music which they
are writing. Efforts are being made
to have all the pieces written and
chosen by Dec. 1, because with the
painting trouble, it will be difficult to,

gan arr ini
striets read)
order' art
who wishes
show its te-


Gargoyle To
- An opportunity to esta
Michigan Gargoyle as the ra
lege humor publication of t
is offered the fcampus th
medium of the "College W
ber of Judge, soon to be pub
cording to an announcemen
Bachman, '20, Gargoyle edi
That college periodical
tains the best representati
number will receive a sil'
cup, to be held for one ye
be competed for annually,
by one magazine three time
becomes the personal prope
magazine. Two other prizes
ied in the form of smallerc
to be awarded for the best
and for the best (most
drawing contributed to th
Wits" number. The latter
to be permanently owned b,
A scoring system for t
has been devised ,awarding
points for each full-page d
many for a poem, etc. Th
will lie titaled, and the win

get the music out in time for the
Ifopera even then,
_ Mfen whb submit good compositions
d will probably compose the small
- group, which will write the; more dif-
ficult piece of the opera.
American LegJqn Reaches Alaska
e Anchorage, Alaska, Oct. 31. - An-
a chorage Post, "the farthest north"
v branch of the American Legion, was

Every former Ferris Instit
student who will be ,able to
tend the informal party g
en for Mr. Masselink at 8 o'cl
this evening at the Union, is
quested to do so. Those w
wish to be one of the num
attending the game with I
should meet in front of the 1
ion at 1:45 o'clock.



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