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November 05, 1919 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1919-11-05

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Monday during the Univer-
fStudent Publications.
ively.entitled to the use for
credited to it or not otherwise
news published therein.
n Arbor, Michigan, as second
ing, Maynard street.
al, 2414.
300 words, if signed, the sig-
print, but as an evidence of
published in The Daily at the
or mailed to The Daily office.
'e no consideration. No man-
writer incloses postage.
yendorse the sentiments ex-

A can nas been issued by the management for
tryouts for the Glee club. Many turned out yes-
yesterday to have their voices tested. Another op-
portunity will be given men to try out tonight. Men
who have been on the campus one year are eligible.
It is the duty of every Michigan man who can
sing to offer the Glee club his services. The or-
ganization is considered one of the most important
on the campus, and it is certainly worthy of the
support of the entire University.
Rep. E. J. Kinig recently made a statement in
congress to the effect that a sandwich which he
purchased for 35 cents could be seen with the
naked eye. Of course we never like -to question the
veracity of anyone but why will people exaggerate ?
And now from Nebraska comes the story that
wild geese hovered over a new pavement, thinking
it a lake, for a whole day while hunters pumped
lead into them. -We've heard stories and stories,.
but oh my!-
"U. S. Dry Law Dismays French," reads a head-
line. Rather an unfortunate word-that "dis-
mays." It leaves nothing with which{ to express
the sentiments of the Americans towards it.

y :. . .


rey ..........................Managing Editor
Phone 2414 or ioi6
ette, Jr. .. .......... ....Business Manager
*Phone 966 or 2738
'ert ..............................News Editor.
tell ................................. City Editor
.....Sports Editor
lark ..........................omen's Editor
rnstein ..........................Telegraph Lditor
kman Charles R. Osius, Jr.
H. Hardy Heth
Gaines, Jr. ................... Adverti'sing Manager
ll ..............................Issue Manager
ig...............Office Manager
s .... .......................Publication Manager
eider .......................Circulation Manager
. ....................Subscription Manager
ball ..............................Guillotine Editor
. Literary Editor
...d.o..........................xchang Editor
.k............................. Campaign Editor
ood ..............................Efficiency Editor

The spirit of '76 must be rampant
school where woman's inalienable
abridged. The school board refused
high school girls to use rouge.

in the N. Y.
rights were
to allow the

ent Jr. Thomas II. Adams
George Brophy

Brewster Campbell
John I. Dakin

ruff william H. Riley Robert C. Angell
Katrina Schermerhorn Robert D. Sage
Thomas J. Whinery

Isabelle Farnum
Agnes Holmquist

D. P. Joyce
Robt. Somerville
Arthur L. Glazer

Night Editor-Thornton W. Sargent, Jr.
igan is to have no block "M" for the Min-
game this year, according to the decision of;
hletic association. And the season of 1919:
rdly be claimed to be a war year. -,
association claims that an "M" would neces-
much additional work. Yet, "M's" have
uch in evidence for many years, years when
rds have been just as crowded as they will
y be this year. The Athletic association has
i out "M's" many times before. It hardly
:hat it would require much additional work
w the same plan that has been followed in
itions at Michigan have always been adheredt
as strictly as is possible, True, many were
the boards during war years, but this year
a a revival of the old customs. Michigan has
"MI" at its big games for many years. This
: return to the old customs and traditions
see another "M" in the cheering section.
an does not need "cheap advertising" nor
believe in adhering to "sweet-water college
s," but it can hardly be said that the display
emblem of the University on our own field
called either.
not too late to have an "M." Alumni will
y look for it; too many of the traditions
,hts they were used to have passed away.
chigan men take heed that one of its time-
I traditions be not included in those cus-
legated to the scrap heap.

Representative Fess of Ohio declared the other
day that the people of this country shall not freeze.
No, but it may come to a place where "Many are
cold, but few are frozen."
L. T~~ Gullotinec
The Daily Cub
(Dedicated with apologies to the Illinois Siren)
When the day of reporting is ended
And all of the copy is in;
When the typewriter's clatter is blended
With the linotype's rattle and din;
When they send out the very last stoonr
You whistle and feel pretty gay
For the forms will be locked and Oh Glory--
One-thirty, the end of your day.
You've haunted the campus and bustled
With nary a moment of rest.
You've tramped to the Union and hustled
In giving the paper your best,
You've penciled the proof till you're dizzy'
And batted out copy galore
So you know what it is to be busy
With "Shorty" still yelling for more.
Then comes his most welcome grumble,
"We'll call it a day now I guess."
In back there's a roar and a rumble
Which tells you the sheet's gone to press;
Then you hike without any delaying,
You're weary and sleepy but then--
Tomorrow once more you'll be saying,
"Praise Be-it's one-thirty again."
The Senior Engineer asked us today if the Sher-
man Act was Marching through Georgia.
Wheezes of Yester-yeadr
(You usually find this one in a High Schol annual)
To Let-Single room suitable for yqung lady with
two folding doors.

(Oct. 26, 1919)
Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson
(Eastern Standard Time)
Detroit Limited and Express Cars-6:io a.
m.. and hourly to 9:io p. n.
Jackson Limited and Express Cara-8:48
a. m., and every hour to 9:48 p. m. (ex-
presses make local stops west of Ann Arbor.)
Local Cars East Bound-6:o5 a. mn., g:o5 a.
m.' and every two hours.to 9:05 p. m., Io:5o
.' m. To Ypsilanti only, 11:45, p. m., 1:10
a. n... and to Saline, change at Ypsilanti.
LocalnCars West Bound-7:48 a. m. and
r2:2o a. m.
Student complaints concerning their
rooms will be received by George Hur-
ley, general secretary of the Union,
who has been handling this matter,
only to the end of this week. After
that time the students will have to
take their claims to some one .else.
With the mailing out of about 15 let-
ters to students, who have complained,
Hurley will have disposed of all the
cases, which he has received so far.
Altogether more than 100 complaints
have been handled and settled without
any difficulty.
In the majority of cases he found
that the students were in the right, al-
though there were some instances
where difficulty was caused by the fail-
ure of students to get along with their
landladies, and some times the land-
lady was clearly in the right.
After the work of the housing com-
mission is completed this week, it will
start to work after Thanksgiving on
the problems of next year. A com-
plete canvass of the city for rooms will
be made, and a tabulated list of all the
rooms and the prices asked for them
will also be made. The commission will
consider methods by which the situa-
tion may be handled next fall.
President Harry B. Hutchins will
represent the University of Michigan
at the annual meeting of thte National
Association of State Universities, to be
held at Chicago Nov. 10 and 11. Pres-
ient Hutchins will deliver an address
before the meeting Monday, Nov. 10,
on "The American University Union
in Europe."
Xinnesota Forms Legion Chapter
An American Legion has been form-
ed among the students at the Univer-
sity of Minnesota who were in the
service during the war. A drive for
1,000 members is to be started at
once. Plans for a celebration on Nov.
11 are being made. A11 members will
turn out then for a parade.

'tt11tt11ttlmt lllltl lit tll'ltltll ll tllttlll llill
Shirt-.Pants-shoes and
7 l ll1 t llll il ltttt ltg J ilill11t1tIll11111 1'II



Supporter all for


-via --

United States Railroad Administration

10:30 p. m., Friday, November 7

First-class coaches and sleeping cars. Secure tickets and sleep-
ing car reservations before Friday noon, in order that ample
accommodations may be provided.
_ HINltllll 1111ll11111 11t1ti i111111 1111111111111Ji111111fHiieiiiim elllllll11111111
~ W hae jst r eived a
W hpente from England of

Ayres and Smith


'he centennial of Walt Whitman, concerning
>se literary abilities there has been so much con-
rersy, occurs this year.
Vhitman was the originator of that style of writ-
kno'&n as free verse, and which is grossly mis-
I by many insincere imitators today. Whether
itman can be really called a poet has been, since
appearance of his first work, "Leaves of Grass,"
855, a disputed question among literary men and
cs and remains so today.
[owever this question may be decided, the in-
sting thing for every American about Walt
itman is that he tried in the majority of his
ks to portray the spirit of democracy in this
ntry. It was his theory that the United States,
ch had originated a type of government unprac-
I before on such an extensive scale, should also
e a literary style of her own making and not be'
endent on the Continent for her forms of ex-
'he result of his belief was are abandonment of
old poetical forms and the adoption of some-
g new which he employed to express his main
ne, the virtues of democracy as particularly de-
ped in this country.
espite Whitman's gritics, the large body of his

I warble of the ocean,
Its mysteries puzzle me
But with such a choppy motion
How can the Baltic Sea?

Wadhams &.Co.

Or after trying one of those Detroit moonlits
you wonder how can Put-in Bay. A Puget Sound
as it were.
Dear Louis:-
Last week I went to a dance with a very clever
man and during the progress of the dance I saw
a wonderful shimmier over in the corner and all
enthusiastic-like I said, "Isn't that girl over there
a wonderful dancer?" And then he comes back and
says, "Yep, she's been put off the floor seven times
this year." What do you think of that?
-Charlotte Corday.
Our Daily Novelette
First Hard Ciderite-"Ish that the moon or the
sun up there?"
Second Hard Ciderite-"Don't ask me, I'm a
shtranger here myself."

The Michigan Daly, the only morn-
ing paper in ,Ann Arbor, contains all
the latest campus, city, and world

State Street at the Arcade

S- The renowned Italian Operatic Tenor wi
Scent return to this country after six years in his na
== in the trenches and in other patriotic capacities -th
He has just appeared in opera in tour with t
and has received an ovation. From Ann Arbor h
9 he will give his first concert in that city since hi
-At Ann Arbor he will be assisted by ELE
smnger of the South whose artistic triumphs have b
TUCCI, Pianist.
Tickets $1.00, $1.50, $2.00; for the cours
Music Society, Mischa Levitski, Caroline Lazz
- $2.50, $3.00, $3.50), on sale at The Universit
- 1111rI11111111m 11111II1111I11

ers him a force that
an literature.

has to

Blankety-Blank Verse
Detroit has
A very dense population
And that is why'
Every year it sends
So many students
Out here to Michigan
For culture and enlightenment.
We thank you.

ll give his first American song recital since his re-
ative country, where during the entire war he sang
Le entire proceeds being devoted to Italian p,,triotic
the Chicago Opera Association under Campanini
.e will go direct to New York where on November
is return.
ANOR BROCK the distinguished Coloratura
een phenomenal, and UMBERTO MAR-
e (5 concerts including New York Chamber
ari, and the Trio de Lutece, flute, harp and 'cello,
ty School of Music.

rsity Glee and Mandolin club is again
rfor the year, the sixty-first of its exist-
plans are being made for a trip to Cali-
ing the Christmas vacation, and the mem-=
to be increased from ioQ to about 175,
ioo of whom will be in the Glee club.

Famous Closing Lines
"Eavesdropping," said Adam as his wife tum-
bled out of the fig tree. Louis XVI.

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