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April 08, 1927 (vol. 37, iss. 139) • Page Image 1


April 08, 1927 (vol. 37, iss. 139) • Page Image 2

…P'AGED TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY EIl 1)AY, A PRIT , .1927 MANYOlN WILL SIVOY! Latest Report By enat Committ~ fliDMfV I ~vRecommends NecwUniversity Clee . . ..... i ,i..[L iii V w L miI I I I 1 (Continued from lPage 01)e) mil Traice Connection Of Sy'stezia Middle Ages To 'Movement Under Fascist Regimie, TO PREPARE MONOGRAPH Opportunity for travel and study ;ini Italy through a fellowship of the So-I cial Scence, Research council has bee...…

April 08, 1927 (vol. 37, iss. 139) • Page Image 3

…TH -IHTA D. .A. AAU V5.A TA.J P ADP TH T........4T ANT f ..T sir, h 'ViTWtiU... .., ctsuir" 4nsti ar OIFT AKESPOSSIBILE SCIENTIFIC__RESEARCH A tn Crh'a ii C V,0-fC:,1ion Donates umFor 1i;3t',igling Use Of V,~ J'Al:"(Of Steel WILL HAVSSPECIALIST Intensive research in the use of gas for steel treating to be carried on by the department of engineering research has betn made possible by a gilt of $10,00(0 irom the American Gas' Asocation, a(c...…

April 08, 1927 (vol. 37, iss. 139) • Page Image 4

…/ PAG~E YOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY rTtTT5AY; ArTITT. R, lg27 r U Published every morning edcept Monday during the University year by the Board inn Control of Student Publications.y Members of Western Conference EditorialC Association.. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the us ,for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwisei credited in this paper and the local news pub- lised therein.I Entered at th...…

April 08, 1927 (vol. 37, iss. 139) • Page Image 5

…rnf lAV, hPIIT28, 1621 THE MTCHT AN DATLY Marl rl _, THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAG! FlY! MUA7A - t TIV UT PAGEANT HEADS AREBook ContributionsATHLETES TO ATTEND Are Requested Fori A5SflND 'OMIJITSComing League Sale1P'~J Inurin '1~ The delegates will be entertained in the senior women's dormitory, while M ajor Glee Club To attending the conference. A very - in teresting program has been arranged Entertain Freshmen for them, and several soc...…

April 08, 1927 (vol. 37, iss. 139) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, APRIL ,. 192 ' ___ VI I ,,,,,,® e...a-- . 4 . ._ .... , a EAM LEAVES UN TRAII11riG TI 'TODAY FSHER NES TEAM Weismuller Beatenj By N. Y._Schoolboy George Kojac, New York high school aquatic ace, swam the 150 yard back Fifteen Men To Leave Tis Afternoon stroke in the sensational time ofI for Lexington Ky.; FIrst 1:39 1-5 seconds to break the world's Gorie There 'omorrow record of 1:42 held by Johnny W...…

April 08, 1927 (vol. 37, iss. 139) • Page Image 7

… THE MICHIGAN DAILY __,,,....,_- PAGE SEVEN Horn sh Wvon't Seil WOLVERINES ENTRAIN 'Barton, Moore, And Stephens Remain ' ((ontinued from Page Si )InAn Arbor Fo~rEtr Tennis NAYorL THIS ATHIFS cldhfind is batting ",y on hie A n xtaCOLUMN La i i CLUM Our rapid turnuor insure,,s rreeb I (By Asoicd Press) tFi). Ilexil oHoubt1O'Jl t z li, r Fee of Mic higau's six: highest have (daily workouts with Coach I lut- NEIKtArl 7 Ro s i~* - [ r t e...…

April 08, 1927 (vol. 37, iss. 139) • Page Image 8

…4 PAGE EIGHT "" WTWU ''f q TIHE 1' IC1-TTAN V)ATTV FRIDAY, APRIL ,, 192 A A " f t DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN 0 MODERN PROSPEC TORS THRONG TRAIL TO WEE PAH, NEV. Ottoway Announces LESEARC lul l ILI__Board Appointments NDUSTRY &A NH Jttoad' .94.midnt of the iN5 A S FIN TE _ 1 a 1UiI ul. I~~. o Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until 3:30 p...…

April 08, 1926 (vol. 36, iss. 144) • Page Image 1


April 08, 1926 (vol. 36, iss. 144) • Page Image 2

…t. .. ; : .. .. Ti-r. MICAN DAILY THUllRSDAY, APRIL 8, x92G Claims Life Cell Secr'et His While (' Scientists Scoff 'German May Attend University ' As First Of Exchange S tudents'' Dr. Ernest Deissmnan of Perlin will! and is specializing at present in inl- attend the0 University next year as an ternational lawr.I 'STEAMSHIPAENY All Tor I d a<CruiasTis n ed ~O1 E~ Hur n tiAmnArbor $,i ^8 r'1!, Bonde'd and $Auitlorized F '1 ItPW>C~t ugall ...…

April 08, 1926 (vol. 36, iss. 144) • Page Image 3

…*r]IrURSDAY, APRIL 8, 192G rT IM7 AATt,'lLJTf-' A XT n A-TT V 1TLr7 Ctfi ,t' kif A ?': ..T \'FT '. PAGTHTRE LAWI SCKOOL CASE51 SOMPETITIOPN HELD10 Prize Is 1Divided Between Both T'eans; Winners Are (!oider, )IkeSell, 0'llanlon And Sal~zmn , [ CfAMPBELL FUND USED Final arguments in the Law school case contests were held yesterday at 4 o'clock in the lounge room of the ;Lawyers' club. One' hundred fifty dol- lars in prizes was divided betwe...…

April 08, 1926 (vol. 36, iss. 144) • Page Image 4

…~1 PACE F 5ZR l. THE MICHIGAN DAILY . "" 3URSDAY. APRIL 8, '.19'4 TH~ MICT-IU~AM DAILY TTTi~ThA'V ATPTT, ~ -F- " 1 Ll l.7 16x.7.ilri 1 } a a..l 141yt f7'a 5. !« U I Published every morning except Monday during the Universit year by the Board in Control: bf Student publications. Members of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en. titled to the uae for republication of all news dispatches credited...…

April 08, 1926 (vol. 36, iss. 144) • Page Image 5

…THURSDAY, AkPRIL S, 1W THE MICHICAN DAILY 1P9 r VW - - -- -- .-I t ( TVA VVv M m M s ;. WILL HOLD ELECTIONS TODAY FOR LEAGUE, W.A., Y. W. C. A Women May Vote In Annual Elections! At Women's League Booth In University Hall GIVE VOTING RULES .,. ,.;:.:. v V A.7 V 1 1L\\I \ V ..P Attention of all women on campus is called to the fact that today is the day of the annual elections of the Wo- men's league, W. A. A. and Y. W. C. A. Th...…

April 08, 1926 (vol. 36, iss. 144) • Page Image 6

…FACE SIX, THE MICHIGAN- DAILY TIURSDAY, APRIL4 8, 1926 FAGS SIX THE MICHIGAN~ DAILY [gj i ft"N , -t MEE[TS FOR 5EA11SO0Nii Team Will Play Six Conference Teams And Four Practice Games Before chaminionships PLAY OHIJO IN MAY At the first meeting of the Michigan golf squad on Tuesday night the schedule for the coming year was re- leased by Coach Carlton Wells. Six Conference meets and .four practice encounters will be played in prepa...…

April 08, 1926 (vol. 36, iss. 144) • Page Image 7

…THURSDAY, AT TUT, 8, 1926 ThURSDAY, APRIL 8, 1926THE MICHIGAN DIAILY G1i.TVFT PAGE t LrV N .! .. Ii -e_ mom I i-.. ,. WMA F ii COLTEGIATE, CLOTHES SHOP t t AIN " CY r i / 4 / 6 I P f D.A.&S. CO. I SUITS and TO PCOATS for lr~aJ' l'i er u 5 s t klA it t 2 t t Q+ii tt , OSL"Green Sehaefiti rfountain en FOUTAI IN PENV IN A"iS a _ r t r iy u nc ~ _ _ _ _ _ ' "ith ejirave i iitils A. J. L. 4 1f. IOU are a telephone subscriber call...…

April 08, 1926 (vol. 36, iss. 144) • Page Image 8

…I*.AQIM NIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 11)2( VAQU U!~T THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 192 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Outline Construction Plans For Two Dirigibles 1 Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of .he University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until 3 R 3 p. mn. (11:30 a. mn. Saturdays). volume vi THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 19206'Number 144 .Iniversity Lecture: Professor Charles H. Sisson o...…

April 08, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 143) • Page Image 1

…DEDICATED t TO JUSTICE C1,00f It6 i~atiluj MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XXXV. No. 143 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8, 1925 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS ___ f I r "d Y EIGHT MICHIANpIProposed LevyOn F MN WI N PIncrease Present Not only would it be unwise policy for the French government to adopt the proposed levy on capital, but its IN OE HO'ITadoption would further increase the present financial and poli...…

April 08, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 143) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY WI~i PIK1DY, APRIL 8, 1925 c v Hr l ca ,F 4 )fe ' o °S c ;, : x Fi ckr PLAN STUDY IN CLINIC Is Stearns Another Colonel House? In ordelo ; I i h~v a Ia 'ge r ii1)onbei' of undi~er ra,61inat.(2 }) c((),,},I ', )( xe- cquired vWork, 1 Ocouirses ii olistet- .::..... < f ries andi ;uyt',ecly will be oftered t-t.. in the Med :ie" school during t he tn in- ":::.:.." 1m1er ses ionfal. Under the dir'ectioni of Doc...…

April 08, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 143) • Page Image 3

…WEDNESDAY, APRIL S, 1"5 THE, MICHIGAN D AILJY WEDNSDA, ARIL , 125 HE ICI-IGA DALYPAGE ':IP.E __... Y L The Campus TIoday's questioni : Should an at- tenipt be made to bring a good stockI company here at least once a week? W1here asked: University hail. 1"he answers: It. A. Hoffman, '26E,j --"T think good plays should bed booked at least occasionally, as they .form a means of dramatic instruc- tion and appreciation." Geraldine Schube...…

April 08, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 143) • Page Image 4

…PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY t Published every morning except Monday during the Universit year by the Board in Control of Student publications. Members of Western Conference Editorial Association. The A'sociated Press is exclusively en- titied to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lishied therein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, ...…

April 08, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 143) • Page Image 5

…W I1TNES'rAY, APRIL S, 1925i THES MICHIGAN DATLY PAOE lF'VN _._-__.._, . .... _ ...._,_.r,.,. _._.. ,___.___ I 5 5 ILTAVA WWI -~Athena will hold its regular meet- Ca p sElcin ing at 7 :15 o'clock in the Athena room. To Be Held Today Lawrence, Tauns., April 7.-Kansas university's Dramatic club is under- taking the production of: its most ex- N1v )TICES . WAISA SENDS DELEGATESALUMNAE CLUBS KELP TO URBANACONFERENCE: ILAGUE CAMP9iG...…

April 08, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 143) • Page Image 6

…PAGE SIX TIDE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY. APRIL R. 1925 ...... a a vaTHE MfCH ItAN D ATT L L W1fT'..1 MlAV kVAJ14.0, 1Q9 t,.t . a a* *S' If HWI~u~IU___________ ,, .. t r F .._. wMO"Mm% - --- TRACMEN LACEYost Believes THW R College Games IN 9 A Are Improving Leschinsky, Northrop, and Weeks, 1 "There is much ado about 'profes- First Places in Detroit sionalisux' in college athletics and Catrival princially football," stated Director ...…

April 08, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 143) • Page Image 7

…i f)1I+: T, A f 1, Tl 8, 1925 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SEVEN WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3, 1925 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SEVEN THIS COLUMN""IFIECLM CLOSES CLOSES AT3P.b ADVERTISING AT 3 PlM oruroy and wmn Yellow only; cordroycollar with leather strap; newes t square pockets. Slickers are first duality, made to retail at $10. Selling direct eliminates excess prof- its. Send one dollar with. size or chest 1.eawsure. Balance C. 0. ID. STOICI[,TIGH1T RAI...…

April 08, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 143) • Page Image 8

…PAG FEIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY __ WETDNESDAY, APRIL, 8, 1925 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice tv all miemberB of the University. Copy received btbte A* htA;nt to this ''eeid~ent until 3:30 p. nm. (11:30 a. mi. SaturdaY4 Volume 6 '4 EDfiESI)AY, AP11iL 8, 19,25 N1 iiiwr 113 Head 0once Wounded" (lBach) ; Prayer (Ravenello) ; Gethisemane (Mailing); Chor al and Fugue ( Scuata 1') (Cuilmnant ) ; In Parad...…

April 08, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 142) • Page Image 1


April 08, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 142) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIG,: DAiL A' T IR01T 1P Am gThe tRSOW A og hAIOCTE CHAPEL, Musicians --lv (It is always perilous for an amateur Corner Stone For 'eeligioiis c.rchestra to present modern music, j Iinstitia ioas was the case in the program ofr the University Symphony orchestras B UIL D1Nf.G WILL BTSunday afternoon. It is possible to i 0 ,ETf ED LATE \1EXT FAT,,make mistakes in a classical piece K~WLETI) ATENIX FAl.without any grievous results, but in ...…

April 08, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 142) • Page Image 3

…______ THE MICHIGAN DAILY .. .. . s I i FAVA Read The Daily "Classified" Columns II First Time Anywhere At These ,.. F 1~~ I WOMEN TO CHOOSE1 LEADERS TOMQNORU' Women's League, Y. IV. C. A., a IV. A. A. Present List of Candidates VOTING WILL TAKE PLACE AT LEAGUE BOOTH IN U-HAL Annual elections for all offices the Women's League, in the Y. W.t A., and the Women's Athletic assoc tion will take place from 8 to1 o'clock and from...…

April 08, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 142) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY .... ...... . . _ _ LL NEWSPAPER OF THE VERSITY OF MICHIGAN , d every morning except Monday LJniversity year by the Board in Student Pub ications. of Western Conference EditorialE n. sociated Press is exclusively eu- le use for republication of all news credited to it or not otherwise this paper and the local news pub- -ein. at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, as second class matter. Special rate sgranted by Third Assistan...…

April 08, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 142) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY i[ LNB GIVE[S Scene From 'Just Married' 1'relbleiii 31 lay Be so)IV4d 1 /r B3 Cooperaltionl l 1 jColum)i :, Ohio, April 7.-Eivlit dis- ~~O [~LA1U YI!'1 in Mirror Lk od lovbyille Vigilan'ce, J ~ ~5 < ;:;1iitrte for not wear ingthir Crosh T ... .MCI LOOK! ) i Ife iv 11ide B, h ('01l;, ol 41111 TELEP!IONE 1100k. STATES VIEWS ON QUESTIONS AJl$IY4G 11031WORLI) WAR S Contending tlhat the MOutonof 11w present-day race pr'obl...…

April 08, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 142) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ..rr" ~ev ...NW. I q , U i A IOII/Or i \ Mile Relay Team To Run In Ohio Relays; Hattendorf, Freyherg, Reinke, Certain Entries rR FRESILIAN RUNNERS WIN STATE TITLES AT DETROIT ith a week of rest behind it ligan's Varsity track team yester- afternoon entered training for outdoor season. his week end the two mile relay d will put the finishing touches n the indoor season when it will Ohio State, Notre Dame, and s, at...…

April 08, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 142) • Page Image 7

… THIS WEZRTISING AT 3 P.M. LOST CHAIN KEY RING with seven on it Saturday afternoon. Hayes, 849-W. THE MICHIGAN DAILY keys Call k". ............ Food tastes better when the menu ........... ....... Call GOLD EVERSHARP pencil night. Finder phone 363-J.. Friday Valued planned for you by somoene else- - - WATEDS DIRTY RUGS to clean. Every rug cleaned with Ivory Soap by the shampoo me'Thod. Phone 1911 for our truck to call. Rugs will b...…

April 08, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 142) • Page Image 8

…________ THE MICHIGAN DAILY YOFFICIAL' BULLETIN in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all miemibers of ity. Copy received by the Assistanit to thie'President untii (11:30 a. nn' Saturday). I EsDAY, APRIL, ', 19:01 Numiber 142 Infantry Drill: All members Companies IE and F, Infantry. Uniforms wvill be worn. Band Practice at Morris Hall. Officers, noncommissioned Officers, Seniors and Juniors, not included Tin the above formations' will a...…

April 08, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 133) • Page Image 1

…I ) COLDER )AY Ahr ol att A PRESS PAY AND NIGHT II SERVICE 133. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 1921. PRICE FIVE C PREMI BRINGS HOPE TO ENGLISH BOR SITUATION LLOYD GEORGE GVES RENEWED PROSPECT OF AVERTING CRISIS PLAN EXPEC TED TO BE MEANS OF SETTLEMENT Labor Party Urges Members to Stand by Miners Against Power of Organized Capital (By Associated Press) London, April 7. - Another day of tense alternation of hope and fear end- ed wi...…

April 08, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 133) • Page Image 2

…AI r-M JV1I- re t Mir-41--alt Dattll FFICIAL NEWSPAPERF 0T HE UNIVERSITY 0OF MICHIGAN blished every morning except Monday during the Univer- r by the Board in Control of Student Publications. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS e Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for -ation of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise 3 in this paper. and the local news published therein. tered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan...…

April 08, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 133) • Page Image 3

… n OR , ° ,: . .. . , ... ,' J . '.1 U. .+ ... . . .i+ -"-- r STS GIVEMICHIGAN FIGHTING CE WITH" CALIFORNM 9TOMORROW' ichigan Favored in Broad Jump and Weights; Calif. in Three , rE:lents PPOSING REAY -SQUADSf ARE FASTEST IN COUNTRYI With but one more day of practice efore this year's premier dual track eet, the University of Michigan track lam and the California cinder stars e primed for the big contest which kes place inthe Californ...…

April 08, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 133) • Page Image 4

…l .'., 1111%a.'-A AA as ' 5 Oi(-1 .LS n Arbor Savings Bank Incorporated 1869 I and Surplus, $625,000.00 rces .........$5,000,000.00 North University Ave west Cor. Main & Huron What's in a Name? ever try TUTTLE'S when you wanted a nice lunch? Convanintly located just one- half block south of the "Mai" EMIN ENT SOLOISTS W1ILL PARTICIPATE' IN MAY FESTIVALI ~ UALITY. 10 00 rTINEYS K YEAR OLD FAVORITES AND SINGERS NEW TO ANN ARBOR ON PROGRAM ...…

April 08, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 133) • Page Image 5

…IRISH WOMEN IIIl I by 'Phis 3(Dela.yed) -W-1 ation and the sus- the Irish Natonal ell recognized throughout ni by British, government se task of subduing Sin s and restoring peace has en-fold more difficult by *Wherever one goes in hie hears extolled the e w;omen.", Ad Irish Army telter, feed and bind up of" the "flying columns" or publican army. They col- or the Daili Eireann, they se and do a hundred other all to women in war tie. f them...…

April 08, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 133) • Page Image 6

…III bor SANS FORW UCREASE bar Ta.CnAdKSFBOCARTE DANCE NOW UNDER WAY Requet oIa.l apter ofS°a Festival iley's Twenty-Eighth d Last Festival BORI Soprano F b I 1 CANOE Preparations for the annual all-Law Crease dance given by the senior law class, which will start at 9 o'clock1 Friday night, April 29, at the Union,7 are underway. Tickets for the affair, which include the "Subpoena" invita-, tion for the women, will cost $2.00 and are...…

April 08, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 133) • Page Image 7

…Pear on the program for the Satur- day afternoon performance. Local artists at the festival will be Grace Johnson-Konold, soprano, and! Marian Struble, violin, of the School of Music faculty, and Robert McCand- liss of the voice department. Miss Struble and Mr. McCandliss recently won first prizes in the state contest' of musicians held here. Chase Sikes,! a former student of the University School of Music will also take part. Choral Union Pre...…

April 08, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 133) • Page Image 8

… men T ENUS PENCILS Wtome J T )ARD HOP city Avenue w OR the student or prf., tehe superb VENUS out rivals all for p erfect pencil work. 1 Tblack degrees and. 3 copying. American Lead Pencil Co. 2o FifthNeyork lazYgst *4e113 1 in she world° " Mjmlpl - I' 9 10 FINANCIAL. HURON VALLEY BLDG. & SAVINGS ASSOCIATION is the BEST & SAFEST plate to put ARCADE your earnings. Your money is at your service on denand. Never paid less than "6 pr. ...…

April 08, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 133) • Page Image 9

…Screen{ Basil Kings story, und." Universal com- Pathe News.C "Bunty Pulls the Comedy, "Fresh from a," and Kinograms. "Dead Men Tell no Snub Pollard comedy .e Review. nnett's "Love, ve." Christie rnational Re- THS WJEK (Continued from Page Two) I had a rotten period in athletics when professionals were matriculated, fre- quently with the knowledge of the faculty, to win contests. Students were enticed from small colleges to, universities and...…

April 08, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 133) • Page Image 10

… "r- Y OFFICIAL BULLETIN e I FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 1921. Number 133. President and Mrs. Burton will not be "at- home" next Wednesday, il 13. ate Council: wing to the Spring Recess, 'the April meeting of the Senate Council will, held at 4:15 on Monday, April 18, instead of April 11. This meeting is ed at the request of the President. R. W. BUNTING. ulty, College of Literature, Science and the Arts: Reports on all students whose work is unsatisf...…

April 08, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 138) • Page Image 1

…I. TED r iAfr iOa til COLD TODAY raaw+.w u .c A Ja . PRESS DAY AND)NIGHT NS SERVICE X No. 138. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 1920. PRICE THREE t, -E ARRESTE PLOT AGAINST EXI CAN STAT The Play 's the Thing" Quite w Applicable to "George Did It GRAND JURY INVESTIGATES WIDE REVOLUTIONARY PLOT 6 CHARGES VIOLATION OF NEUTRALITY LAWS United States Army Authorities Play Large Part in Discovering Villistas' Plans (By Associate...…

April 08, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 138) • Page Image 2

…rlI? GAN DAILY t Y £tr1J1au Daitli IFFICIAL NEWSPAPER O GTHE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN blished every morning except Monday during the Univer- ar by the Board in Control of Student Publications. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS e Associated Press is exclusivelyentitled to the use for cation of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise I in this paper and the local news published therein.' tered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michig...…

April 08, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 138) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILI. PAGE T: ,r } Ys^# 1 4!* " A Y " " " ' G I' r South;) on e so inter- ren's plans unless there no .one ex- et a chance ach and his ir invasion the battery short drill. warmed up rms in con- ntion of the Var- five moundsmen result there has m among the ing staff. It is nber of pitchers rn on the mound i commences but Coach Lundgren and every mem- chan'ce to show g. the opposing action sity who are be- idleness by the unde...…

April 08, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 138) • Page Image 4

…11" IJ V. 'HIGAN DAILY "pot" be forced to wear it when he UNIVERSITY RIFLE CLUB RECEIVES has more than the required number of' hours to make him a sophomore? ' OFFICIAL FAC ULTY AUTHORIZATION ., SOLDIER STUDENTS ON BONUS RANK HIGHEST AT WISCONSIN Condition Believed Due to Greater Age of Men and More Serious Attitude Pump InfN( I PHASE ERSEAS tily agree with Roy John- he stated that the overseas have no. desire to throw y upon the 'sym...…

April 08, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 138) • Page Image 5

…VERI? kr Ins & Hall ts Telegraph Delivery 1002 S. UnAv i EAGERLY AWAITED, Trades in Major League Squads Will Change Fighting Front of Few Clubs :W EL TION LAWS Instituting of Part-Time Schools Causes System Extension Many teachers with special training 1it ....- . . .. IVU.1...... industrial history, shop wo'rk, and home economies are especially need- edl. 1 of Education "-President Burton. tive mind from one naturally somewhat slow ...…

April 08, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 138) • Page Image 6

…es in the weather are to be expected. The Health service also offers a word of warning that students learn to recognize the poison ivy plant so as to avoid it in walks or hikes on the boulevard. 'Snowfall Reveals e T opSecrets e Exclamations of joy burst forth from n the lips of many J-Hop girls at the re- I . v 1 Rea te Dil aderiseens. he Grunewald Origiinal Creole Pral'ines1 Campus news, ea will lead you to the best of Ann Ar- of New Orle...…

April 08, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 138) • Page Image 7

… Tuttle's - : - - . \ J .f \T ' r o THE SAME COMPANY THAT PLAYED _.- II la II Lunches Nunnally's Candy and f Maynard St. £ I Courrtous and atisfactor, VREATM ENT to every custom- *vr whether the am.ount be large or small The Ann Arbor Savings Bank tucorporated 1869 Capital and Surplus, ,$t0,000.00 wsa rrPP ........ l.lt4a i. rea I Ii I I I "The i,} I Vortbwest Cor. Main & Huron 707 North Uuiversity Avo r ttrri C ktttttt...…

April 08, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 138) • Page Image 8

…rHE MICHIGAN DAIl. R1 IWHAT'S GOING ON I I (Continued from Page Seven) n hadn't goipe to war, they would w be regular sophomores or juniors. ice they did go and fight for their{ antry, thereby earning military dit, it is only right th'at Lney should exempt from wearing a freshman ue or pot after one semester. This one way we can show our appre- tion of what those who went 'over re' did for us." S. A. T. C. Gets Combined Credit But l...…

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