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April 08, 1924 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-04-08

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Registrar Hall Explains New "E" Rul-
ings Will Not Taike Effect
Until February, 195
Graduation requirements for the
literary college were made mere
stringent yesterday when the faculty
of that college decided at their month-
ly meeting that "the marking system
be amended that each hour of E grade
shall give no credit and a negative
point." By this is meant that an honor
point shall be taken away for each E
grade received.
Included in this special order which
was passed by the faculty group was
the statement that "it is understood
that E grades shall include lapsed in-
completes and absences from examin-
ation as well as courses dropped with-
out legal permission."
Another special order was passed
to the effect that "students whose
work is notably unsatisfactory be
asked to withdraw without preliminary
warning." Registrar Arthur G. Hall'
when questioned concerning the. signi-'
ficance of this action explained that in
the past the students whose work has
been unsatisfactory must have re-
ceived warnings or been placed on
probation before being asked to with-
draw from the University, and with
the new rule persons who have poor
scholarship records will not necessar-
ily have to receive these preliminary
warnings before they are asked to
withdraw. This rule will go into ef-

Gargoyle "Old Timers" Number
Features -Bygone College Days
Doings of the cailpus back in 1398, drawing by Jack CLarke, '25, repiroduc-
and even before that, are featured by es important events from the past, and
Gargoyle in its April "Old Timers sheds light on the customs of lectur-
Number" which appears today. Both ing, transportation, and debating when
art and words are employed to present wood-cuts were used for printing.
the student "as was" to the student Latest styles of the nineteenth cen-
"as is." tury are pictured in several cartoons,
The four color cover design, by with accompanying verse. Gargoyle
Walker Everett, '26, typifies the issue, claims that the girl of old has chang-
showing the student of the class of ed but little, and sets forth its ar-
'98 making a call upon his lady friend. guments in rhyme.
Variations in styles in the Universityi "The Old Gray Boulevard She Ain't
from 1894 to 1924 are shown pictorial- What She Used To Be", "Clippings
ly by Albert T. Peck, '25, in the from an old 'Ensian, ' " "The First
frontispiece. Campus Pet," and a full page of draw-
Excerpts from the files show what ings by Marion Van Every, '24, are
the professors were doing 25 years some of the larger draw.'ngs that
ago, and Gargoyle gives several inti- catch the eye. Long written features
mate glimpses into the past life of are scarce in this issue, and short
the faculty in this issue. A full page articles are predominant. G.W.D.


You are urgently requested to
order both Caps and Gowns and
canes this week. Cane day will
jbe the first Sunday after vaca-
tion, April 27. Orders placed
this week can be filled be-


Senate Investigates Prohibition Fraud
In Chicago; Indian Laud
Thefts Claimed

Will Deliver Sidelights On Peace
Conference At University

AT 9:30
Ford And Ferris Ruck Close Race In
Seemw Affair On Democrats
Primary Vote
Detroit, April 7.-(By AP)--With
one third of the state represented in
scattering returns tabulated at 9:30
o'clock Calvin Coolidge had more than
a two to one lead over Hiram W. John-
son in todays state wide presidential
f primary election.
The tabulation did not include re-
turns from Wayne county (Detroit)
which gave Johnson a majority over
a field of 6 candidates in the 1920.
primaries which he won.
The vote with 345, of tIre state's
2,890 precincts reported, showed:
Coolidge 24,648: Johnson 11,218;
Willis G. Simpson, Detroit civil engin-
eer received 1,014 votes





Cthauges Enacted In Brokers Fee And
Minor Improvements Made For


fore the official Cane Day.
You may order your canes by
paying $1.75 now and the bal-
ance later.
Less than half of the graduates
have ordered Caps and Gowns.
Mr. Moe is anxious to have all
the orders in this week so that
(listribution can be completed
before Swing Out, May 6. No
one wants to 1te left out of the
Swing Out, but unless your or-
der is placed now, your gown
will not be delivered in time.

Dr. Hall pointed out that this rule
is intended to reach those students whoI
make almnost total failures and whoI
perhaps before have escaped being
wartwed, or put on probation. "When
students are admitted to the Univer-
sity, there shall- be printed on their
admission certificates the statement
that if their work is notably unsatis-
factory they -may be asked to leave'
without preliminary warning," said1
Dr. Hall. "In this way they will be
informed of the new system on en-
trance to the University."
In commenting upon the new rule
with regard to grades of E, Dr. Hall?
said that as before an hour of A will
count three honor points, B two honor
points, C one point, D none, and with
the new system an honor point will
be substfacted 'with each hour of
E. This rule will go into effect in l
February, 1925.
Last December a rule was passed to'
the effect that the same number of
honor points as hours shall be re-
quired to graduate and it is thought1
that with these two changes in the
marking system the requirements to
graduate will be more strict.
Ruth Draper Wins
Praise Of Critic
By Mlurchinson Mabie
We, Murchinson Mabie, utterly fail
to see the sense in reviewing an eve-
ning's entertainment by Miss Ruth
Draper. It has been done so well al-
ready by the dramatic critics who re-
side in New York and the other me-
tropoli. All that we can do is to add
our weak little word of praise to thn
mighty uproar of approval which fol-
lows this exceptional artist wherever
she goes.
But, since we must praise her.
The amazing thiing about Miss

WahMington, April 7.-(Gy AP)- William Morris Hughes, until re- Although the Democratic vote was
Prohibition enforcement conditions cently prime minister of Austrailia, exceptionally small throughout the
in Chicago, 'and Indian land fraud will deliver a regular University lee- state the contest for the presidential
nomination looms as a seesew affair.
prosecutions in Oklahoma occupied ture at 8 o'clock tomorrow night in he advantage moves to firstHenry
the attention of the senate Daugher- Hill auditorium. His subject will be Ford and then to Senator Woodbridge
ty investigating committee today. the same as that on which he spoke N. Ferris. Returns from 342 precincts
Bright F. Armstrong a Chicago pro- in New York Sunday night, "Side- gave Ford a lead of 639, the vote be-.
hibition agent, testified that eight lights on The Peace Conference." ing: Ford 4,002, Ferris, 3,433.
breweries were allowed to run in the Regarded by many as one of the James E. Davidson, bpnker andi
city under "protection" in the manu- greatest statesmen of the time, Mr. shipbuilder, had a two to one lead ov-
facture of "high powered beer". Go- Hughes is, in addition, one of the er Paul A. Martin, former state coin-
ing into this charge the committee greatest, if not the greatest, labor mander of the American Legion, in
also sought reasons for a two year leader that the world has today. For j the contest for the single place on the
halt in the institution of legal pro- years he has wielded a large amount i Republican national committee. Frank
ceedings to recover from Miller Bro- of power, both in Australia, and in the A. Rasch, Detroit, was runnig a poor
thers, of Oklahoma some ten thous- British Empire as a whole. third. William Comstock was run-.
and acres of the "101 ranch" which! Lloyd George said of him: "No ning ahead of his women opponents
were envolved in transactions where speeches of modern times have had in the contest for two places in thel
fraud against Indians was chared. such a deep iipression as those de-I Democratic committee with Etta C.}
Armstrong, the continuation of livered by Mr. Hughes during and Boltwood and Evelyn Mershon run-
whose story is promised for tomor- since the war. Many men in public ning a close race.
row, said "local politicans" held up life, it is true, have trained them-
the federal government's move to selves to speak well, but how nany 'fSHOW
stop the brewing. Eve n in the face of are there who can interest, persuade, LOC K ULD ALSOitnivV
repeated violations of the .law by and move miultitfldes? No living man
bve'eries, he declared, federal injun- has accomplished what Mr. Hughes
etion proceedings were not successful h'as done in making himself a leaderM
because of official influence and in of democracy, or has finer gifts of MYR
this connection he mentioned C. C. courage, persistency, foresight, and
Middlekauf, assistant attorney gen- idealism, in addition to the power of Meagre reports fron, the presiden-
eral in charge of prohibition enforce- 1 direct, forcible speech." tial primary election held yesterday in
ment legal work in Chicago, as one of It has been said of Mr. Hughes that connection with the city'election. in-
those names reported to him he has lone more for the Australian dicated that Calvin Coolidge would
as envolved in agreements. Testify- working classes than any other man. be the favorite republican aspirant in
ing as "to Protection" money Arm- Having found labor in a chaotic con- Ann Arbor by a huge majority. Hiram
strong said he had been offered $5 per dition, he organized it with such sue- Johnson was running a bad secdnd.
barrel of seven breweries if he would cess that it became a great political At a late hour last night the first
just stay away while they worked. force. ' ward was the only one that had the
From the beginning of his career complete count of the vote. Coolidge
r aasr'a leader of the labor party, how- received 136 votes. Thirty-three went
ERRE NLr E CT URESever, he has taken a firm stand against to Johnson, while G. Simpson got 4.
radicalism. It was the general re- I"It looks like Coolidge," said a prom-
cognition of his sound qualities as a inent city official last night when the
(national leader and statesman which reunIaei. Tefrtwr
led to his selection as prime minister ets the pace in every election, and
in 1915. His career as prime minis-t set the ci y ually fas
Prof. Paul Ehrenfest of the Univer- te, which the rest of the city usually falls in
sity of Leyden delivered two lectures ago, lasined t until twoyer i w it."
ag w as filled with mnany noteworthy
here yesterday on modern problems I achievements. His aid inmonopohiz. Woodbridge N. Ferris led in theI
in physics. The first was given in the ing the Australian forces and sup-- vote in the democratic primary bal-
afternoon before the physics staff on plies during the war has been espec- lot. He was a favorite over Henry
the subject previously announced for i tally commended by the British gov- Ford, the only other opponent, by a
the University lecture in the eve- ernient. vote of 27 to 13.
ning "Problems in Quantum Statis-
tics." In the evening he gave a more i td ns-iIw,, !gt~~,,~
popular lecture on the preset s Business Students Modern Magellans
of the laws of physics. To Leave Names Start Second Lapj
The lecturer brought out that the
most rigid of the laws in physics were Students who hope to enter the new 4 Prince Rupert, British Columbia.
the result of the most chaotic motion School of Business Administration in April 7.-Three United States army
possible, the motion of the molecules the fall are requested to leave their , airplanes which arrived yesterday on
of a substance. These laws are all names with the secretary of the econ- a trip around the world will leave
losing a certain amount of their rigid- omics department or with Professor tomorrow for Sitka, Alaska, in com-
ity in the face of modern investiga- Edmund E. Day, dean of the new miand of Lieut. L. II. Smith, it was an-
tion and research and are assuming a school, before May . This will be a nounced today. The planes came here
positionbofoextreme1.robasilitl rather
Sposition of extreme probabilityratherpurely informal registration, 'accord- yesterday in command of Major Fred-
than one of rigid enforcement, he said. ing to Professor Day, and will not be erick L. Martin, flying a sport mach-
take, as constituting registration in inc.
A s_1- - - - I t, iMajor Martin, whose machine wasJ

P~OLLING }30'1'1

Voting to be Held from 8 to
Under Auspices of L
Republican Club

Washington, April 7.-(By AP)
Finishing touches were put on t
revenue bill today by the senate fi
aance committee before reporting it
the senate where it will be takenZ
probably next week.
The committee decided to exem
from the broker's tax of $50 all pr
duce and merchandise brokers anda
so voted several minor changes in t
administration sections of the bill.
Most of the amendments placed
the bill on the floor of the house ha
been knocked out by the senate cot
mittee in favor of the treasury dra
sent to congress by Secretary Mello
Among the important changes ma
in the house, and disagreed to by t
committee, were the Longworth i
come tax compromise rates; the i
crease in estate taxes; and impositi
of the gift tax.
The Mellon income rates we:
adopted by the committee in place.
the Longworth compromise. Th
provide for a reduction in the prese
normal taxes of 4 percent' in incoi
of $4.000 and ' under and 8 perce
above that to 3 and 6 percent, re
pectively. The Mellon sur-tax rat
start at 1 percent on $10,000 gradua
ing up to a maximum of 25 perce
at a $100,000, whereas the present su
taxes start at 1 percent on $6,000 a
increase to a maximum of 50 perce
at $200,000..
The Longworth compromise adopt
by the house would. have cut nor
al rates to 2 percent on incomes
$4,000 and under, 5 percent on incom
between $4,000 and $8,000 and 6 pe
cent above that. It would have uma
a. straight cut of 25 percent in ti
present sur-tax rates making the ma
imum 37 1-2 percent at $200,000.
The only new taxes carried in t
bill were voted in by the senate con
mittee and provide, for levies of
percent each on radio and mah-Jong
sets. Several miscellaneous and e
cise rates reduced or repealedl y'tl
house were restored. The taxesc
telephone and telegraph messag
were among those restored.



- f Walter K. Scherer, Seven voting booths will be
he . Senior Class President. Ion the campus today for the r
in- tisian straw ballot being co
to by the Republican club here y
up purpose of interesting student
SPA I 0 AL O Icoming presidential eeto
ptnes of Calvin Coolidge, Cli
ot- Hughes, Hiram Johnson, Rob
- Follette, republicans; and 0.
he erwood, Al Smith, W. G. Mc
~W. Davis, democrats, will ap
in -r United Stts A y the ballot
ye orer Saes Armyl Voting will be from 8 to 4
- . Speak on "Worldand is open to all students of I
aft versity, irrespective, of party
n. VIES OF PULITZER RACE age. The club wishes also t
de OVI LL ILLUSTRATE LkECTEclear the fact that women c
;e IAand has plaed a special be
in- M p r c nthis purpose in University hall.
In Moving pictures, accompanied by a Booths will be located at the
on lecture by Major Carl Spatz, com- ing places: tat the State str
mandant of the firstapursuit group of trance to Nickel's arcade, at ti
ire the United States air service, upon
of I "Aviation," will be presented at 8 street end of the diagonal, In
ey o'clock tonight in Natunal Science au- sity ha1, at Alumn Memorial
nt ditorium under the auspices of the thi Engineering arch, at Barbo
es Aeronautical society. nasiui, and in fr ont of the lib
nt Major Spatz has been in the air ser- dRegistation of students,
s- vice, of the United States army since democrat or republican, so t
0es its inception and will deal with the handling of absentee ballots
at- present around the world flight' being national and state elections in
nt attenmpted yth goen nt In c an 'be facilitated, is also .urget
,at!atesttdby- the government Iin'a
r- non-technical manner. He will also club. If this is done at this ti
d cover the ary' d to cm I ballots, which are handled by I
nt aviation and what aviation means to for students, will be supplied
the average American'today a notary charge.
ed . w The club also advises that al
o cwThe film which will be shown In who are attending school reg
II connection with ,te lecture will havethihmeitsdrngete
esviews of Aerial Bombing tests, theto u hoevctisorngthe
eBaring bomber, the Internatioa n or sumpmer vaation so they
Pr-2 eligible to vote at the electio
de f tall. Stips will be given ou
he spectively and the engineering activ- for those who wish to Join .tl
- ities of the air service. 'This will be free of charge
In order to .defray the expense of Thlis straw ballot here 'toda
he other activities being undertaken b' o
ii- the club a charge of 35 cents will be of the many that ar being
10 made at the door. most of the larger universit
ggI colleges of the country under 1
x- T Topices of the various
he lap Room T0 cub.
es Pep Up With
Stunts, Songs
Yes, the tap room in the Union is
crowded in the evenings, but "Where Berkeley, Cal. April 7.-F
Oh, Where" is the spirit of loyalty 1 rified human skeletons, belie'4
that used to reign; the spirit that in 25,000 yars old, have been un
ng the old days of Union history prompt- so far, at a depth of 23 feel
ed ed talented students to entertain the excavation for a sewer in t'hi
on fellows "au gratis" has slipped into west part of Los Angeles.
of ,oblivion. 'The old timers among the New excavations will be mad
in "student body well remember the even- al feet deper than where th
a- ings when Knight Merriles, Sandy were found in the hope of unt
tly Wilson, Rans Sherman. used to enter- relics and implements w'hi
ng tain with their musical numbers. give some clue as to the era I
to There was a spontaniety and gaiety the aborigines lived. In di
to then prevading the smoke laden air. the find, Dr. Chester Stock
Several years ago frequent enter paeontology department said
i tainments were in vogue; students frthar research=fnally eot
[-'who were musically inclined, would the fact that these abrigines
give a song or two on the spur of the td to the ancient glacial pe
by moment.,' spite their moden charater
ds. In an effort to stimulate interest and I will tend to substantiate a the
to revive the old spirit in the tap room by some scientists that Amer
he a quartette from the Glee club gave: the home of a race well' adv
his a short program Friday night. Dif- physical development long be!
al ferent organizations on the campus opean contemporaries had pa
ns. Ihave promised to provide entertain- primitive stage.,
n- ment in the future.
M. At 8 o'clock tomorrow night a spec- i
in tal program will be given in the tapIiuHoy -111111
a.. ~room under the direction of Roy Span- IiLlhiUlLUU
in- agel, '25E, chairman of the entertair'- l Tlhf
chj ment committee. A fencing match Lu
I has been arranged and an or-
a I chestra will play for the occasion.
m Other features include the freshmen Programs and 'booth' asi
glee club and miscellaneous stunts for the Military Ball will 1
to be put on by students. The Union; out at the Union desk fro
wants everyone to be there and help o'clock tomorrow and Thur
pep up the tap room. ternoons. - At this time one
sign for a booth for a group
T ~get the programs for the sevec
1 ~tz' yt l Spea bers of the group- by presen'i
SuBurton To Speak *tthethgrru >yhresn
at To Alumni Bodies the program stubs an the
To Alum i Bodie 'Thetstubs aenecessary 'to
program. Only one program
the President Marion L. Burton left ! given for each stub. At tb
ats, yesterday afternoon for the East " time from 15 to 20 tickets w
et- where he will address Michigan alum. ably be put on sale to the pul
on ni in three large cities. There will be 24 Booths ii
na- Tonight in Boston, the President man gymnasium and each. b4

on will meet with the alumni and later he named after some famon
to his address will be broadcasted by in which.the United States h
is radio. Tomorrow he will attend the cipated. Barboum gymnasiun
ion annual banquet of the New York City used for the luncheon.
rks Michigan alumni. ' Thursday he will

" 3

The Michigan in India club, meeti
Sunday afternoon in Lane Hall, vot
to raise $1,000 among its members
the campus to aid in the founding;
an agricultural school for natives
India. Mr. Daniel Swanidoss, a n
tive Indian who spoke here recent
during a tour of America, is foundi'
the school, the purpose of which is
'teach modern agricultural methods
the natives in India.
Mr. Swamidoss has succeeded,
certain parts of his 'country, in I
creasing the crop yield four fold
introducing modern farming methot
The school which he now plans
start will be along the lines of t
Tuskegee institute for negroes in ti
country, ;a sort of agricutural norm
school run by and for native Indiar
The club also decided to raise I
mediately $50 as a loan to. Nur
Malak, an Indian medical student
the University. This is in continu
tion of the club's policy of maintal
ing a permanent loan fund from whi
Indian students here may borr
money without interest for the co
pletion of their college work.

BQ na NeelS tS

Draper is her versatility. vv mtuFBounce
ing but a table, two chairs, a shawl' F Springah w r i e be
and her own. personality,. she is able --- -
to give the audience a German gover- All students wishing to try out for
ness, a languid southern miss intent acts in the spring band concert which
on making a social success of herself. will be held in Hill auditorium on
a Dalmatian peasant, a telephone girl, May 1 and in Kalamazoo the follow-
an instructressin Greek poise, a ing day are asked to report at tme as-
Scotch immnigrant, an English ina- sembly hall of the Union at 7 o'clock
tron, and-well, we gathered the in- tonight. More acts are being plan-
pression that she could be a Senegan- ned for this year than previously and
bian dentist or an East Indian totem dances, solos, skits and quartettes are
pole if she tried real hard. desired.
The accepted critics, as we said, ' An orchestra will also be meded to
have already exhausted their vocabul- play for the dance to be given in Kal-
aries in her praise. So why should amazoo following.the program. Those
we try? .wishing to' try out for any of thesel
positions should call A. M. White,
Fire that started at. 4:15 o'clock4 2826.

the school
This request is made at this time,
according to Professor Day, in order
that the administration may be able
to make some estiimate of the possible
number of students that can be ex-I
pected to enroll in the new school;
next September. This does not mean
that students who leave their nanmes
must enter the school,or thatnthose,
who do not leave their names may notj

badly damaged when lie alighted in
Seal Cove last night, said that he
might have a new set of wings made
E Kara nr ha im' ih hnvaQnmaV tU g t

hero or ne ngn nave some senr
from Seattle. He said that in any ;
event repairs would require much i
fOld Man Winter BE SENT TO'EN6A
Vies With Spring
1 An iiinn has hLL1'JL d a iU



I Will Give
Concert In May

Petmission has been given the Var-
sity band to give a concert May 27 in
Hill auditorium, it;was announced yes-
terday by Dean Joseph A. Bursley.
Permission was also given to a group

In spring attire they started to their5
8 o'clock's yesterday morning, but at
9 o'clock they were wishing that they+
had resorted to the recently discard
dress of the winter season. At 8:30
o'clock it was snowing furiously, and
by 10 o'clock it looked like an honest
to goodness blizzard. And stick!
The campus was covered with walk-4
ing snowmen-and snowwomnen with

An invitation nas Keen recelvec
the College of Architecture from t
Royal Institute of British Arhitec
of England, to send some of the b
ter student workmanship to Lond
next fall for exhibition and exami
tion at the First International C
gress on Architectural Education,
be held there ,at that time. This
tthe first time that such an exhibiti
has ever been attempted. The wor

yesterday morning in the basement of;
Delta Zeta sorority house, 407 Huron I


, I.-



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