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April 08, 1927 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-04-08

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VOL. XXXVII. No. 139





Russian Consul Says Diplomatic Corps
May Move From Peking'o Seat
Of Cantonese Government
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, April 7.-Official re-
ports confirming the violation of
Russian diplomatic immunity in Pek-
ing by police and soldiers vied for;
attention with disclosure that a fleet
of 21 foreign warships has mobilized
at Hankow, Nationalist political capi-
tal at a time when demands for re-
parations for the Nanking outrages
are being drafted for presentation at
Minister MacMurray cabled that the
Russian embassy raid had followed
the granting of permission to the
Chinese authorities by the senior dip-
lomat of the Boxer protocol powers,
the Dutch minister, for a search of
the privately owned Dahlbank and the!
building of the Chinese Eastern rail-
way, adjacent to the embassy com-
pound, for evidence of "subversive So-
viet agitation."
Criticizes Chinese
He added that the Chinese had evi-
dently exceeded this authority to
search Russian private owned and oc-
cupied property and invaded the bar-
racks in the old Russian legation com-
pound occupied by the Russian lega-
tion guard before the Moscow govern-
ment waived its special right under
the Boxer protocol.
State department officials said per-
mission to search the privately owned
property in the diplomatic quarter
constituted no infringement of diplo-
matic rights but that the protocol
diplomats had not and could not au-.
thorize any forcible entry into actual
legation or embassy structures. A
protest by the Dutch minister to theJ
Peking government because of this!
circumstance is anticipated.
Of far greater moment as it affects
the whole Chinese situation, howeyer,
is the course the Moscow government
may take as a result of the incident.
Undoubtedly it would afford ground
for vigorous action which might add
to the already complicated problem
of protecting Americans and other
foreigners in China from violation.
Fleet Mobilizes
The fleet mobilization at Hankow
was reported by Consul General Lock-
hart. His dispatch, as made public,
did not indicate that the concentra-
tion of war vessels had any other sig-
Afificance than as reflecting tension
over the status of foreigners still pre-
vailing at Hankow.}
Four Japanese destroyers reached
the city within 48 hours after the riot-
ing of April in the Japanese conces-
sion, in which Japanese and Chinese
were killed, Lockhart said. In all
there are eight Japanese naval craft,
four American, six British, two
French and one Italian now at han-
The exodus of tapanese and for-
eignerls is proceeding steadily. Al
halfday strike in Iotest against firing
on Chinese during the rit in a Japan-
eseiconcession added to foreign ap-
prehension asdid the conigregating of
large crowds in the former German
concession adjoining that of the Japan-
"All precautions have been taken
to insure evacuation of all remaining
Americans should an acute emer-

gency arrive," Lockhart said.
May Move To Peking
SHANGHAI, April 7.-The possibil-
ity of the removal, of the Soviet em-
bassy at Peking to Hankow, the seat
of the Cantonese, or Nationalist gov-
ernment, was suggested today by Wil-
helm F. Linde, Soviet consul here, asl
a result of yesterday's raid by North-
ern soldiers on buildings attached to
the Russian embassy.1
Mr. Linde said that such a removal
was not impossible in 'discussing the
incident with newspapermen after he
had called on the Norwegian consul
general, dean. of the diplomatic corps
in Shanghai, who announced that he
would hold the consular body respon-
sible if the Soviet consulate here were
raided also.
The Soviet consul general also de-
clared -that if the Peking raid was
carried out with the approval of the
diplomatic corps, it would set a pre-
cedent that would endanger the foun-
dations of diplomatic prerogatives.

In accordanceteTOcsPENmCONVENTIONEU Word was received yesterday from STGATINGROU P
established last year, the Lawyers' ITafl the War department at Washington ANT I"PW R
cl b wil cee rae F un e 's D y,11 W IT H T At K B Y L IT T LE uh rn g h uli g f a n w a TO M 41A N T AIN P OW ER S R
Apil 29, in honor of the donor of the diosttin er foLteuuros o
club, William W. Cook, '82L, of the maintaining communication with the
New York bar. The purpose- for c e a Nt n p t oiC R DIDE
ing to Mr. Cook's wishes, was to pro- AD SOUTH O MEETProf. William . Hobbs, of the ge- SUPREME COURT DECISION
in to Mr.tCook'r wies, as toy pro- A A)RIi i, 1 , F E e ology department, this summer. The IN HIS ASSERTION
vide a center for legal study and re-,1l i'ii station is to be built and operated by
search of the superior type which is( the signal corps unit of the R. 0TC
at present being demanded by the WILL PRESENT EXHIBITS The new station, which should no eAPPOINTS SENATOR FESS
profession. confused with the radio station now
The feature of the day will be the Collection Will Include Display From in existence here, is to be a 250 watt Republican From Ohio Named To
argument of the finals of the junior Library Of Former Tur- Plant and will operate on a 40 meter Succeed Goff Of West Virginia
law case clubs. Carl Riddering and kl h O ultr wave length. Who Resigned Recentlys
Lowell Birrell will represent the ki Sultan waelegh
Official news of the progress of thea
Holmes club and William C. Dixon epdto ilb etfo iet B soitdPes
and Leon Jones as the Marshall club The Classical Association of the expedition will be sent from time to (By Associated Press)
team will be their opponents. Three Middle West and South will holds its time by Professor hobbs and his as- CHICAGO, April 7.-Vice-President
sistants. It has further been decided Dawes, guided by supreme court de-
state supreme court judges have been 23rd annual meeting at Ann Arbor, to keep in touch with the two men cision, today held that the Senate cam- C
invited to sit as judges for the trial. April 14, 15, 16. The program will k
At the Founder's Day dinner which contain speeches by some of the fore- who will be left in Greenland during paign funds investigating committee
the first part of the next school year retains its powers, although Congress
will be held that evening, Dean Henry most scholars of the world and( there to observe the changes in conditions has adjourned, and appointed gen.
M. Bates, of the Law school, will act will be many exhibits of art work. there .I Simeonnssourn, Republican, Ohio, to
as toastmaster. Justice W. S. Burch, Prof. Francis Kelsey who has been Thereid Sen. F yss , Republican,,to
ofteSpeecuto asswl on eerhadecvto ok There is a probability that newst succeed Sen. Guy D. Goff, Repubican
of the Supreme court of Kansas will s koing research andexcavation work I fro the station here will be sent to West Virginia, resigned.r
deliver the principal address of the in the old world will speak on Friday, ithe various newspapers in the country The Vice-President followed ther
evening. April 1'5, on the subject, "New Light through a newspaper syndicate. This opinion of the high court in the recent
From GraPco-Roman Egypt. PrO- plan will help materially in the main- case against Mal Daugherty whose Frederick L. Brack, busines mata--
fessor Kelsey is on his way back to tenance of the station, if carried out testimony was wanted by a Senate ger of the "Dearborn Independent,"1
this country at the present time, after as suggested. committee. which, with Henry Ford, is a d-
N. a leave of absence, and this lectureThe filibuster in the expiring hours fendent in Aaron Sapiro's $1,000,00
AIR PIYE RTY # IL B T will be the first to embody the re- prevailing in Greenland during the of the Senate of the 69th Congress, libel suit being heard in Detroitt-
A PO A T I fhis trip. regular winter months, it is expected and the failure of the resolution oft
President Little Will Speak that there will be some very interest- Sen. James A. Reed, chairman, Mis- n1r
At the first evening session of the ling development of scientific value souri, Democrat, to continue the com- BAND W IL LEAVE u
Four Faculty ~weees And Musical Association, President Clarence Cook resulting from the observations made mittee and the resignation of Senator U.L
Numbers To Comprise Mic1ig'an Little will address the body. On the by the two men who will be left in Goff, left the decision on the questionI
Night Radio Program 'same eveniing Prof. R. S. Conway, of Green land for that purgose. Since to the Vice-President.
the University of Manchester, Eng- there is no darkness during the win- Senators Goff, Borah, Republican,
- land, one of the foremost scholars of ter nights, it will be a matter of in..1 Idaho, and Walsh, Democrat, Mn- a
C. W. EDMUNDS TO TALK England, will deliver a lecture on the terest to see what results will be tana, all expressed opinions that the
subject, "The Chivalry of Vergil." obtained from the efforts. All news committee continued legally to exist. Vacation Tour Will Include Concert
Broadcasting of the 12th Michigan The exhibits will be placed in the concerning any discoveries of interest Senator Keyes Objects Programs To Be Presented In
Night Radio program, comprising four various buildings of the University made there by the men will be forth- Senator Keyes, Republican, New Six Northern Ciies
and will be composed of various vali- coming through the new radio station. Hampshire ,chairman of the commit-
talks by faculty members interspersed able portions of the rich collections of tee on audit and control of the con- FIFTY TO MAKE TRIP
with musical selections, will take archaeological materials which is the; tingent fund of the Senate, held that FT MRI
place at 7 o'clock tonight from Uni- property of the University of Michigan. DATES ANNOUNCEDl[OR the committee was dead and that he ,
versity hall, according to an ar- Among the exhibits will be a display Ishould not approve further expendi- With Sault Ste. Marie as their des-
nouncement by Waldo Abbot of the of selected inscriptions from the De I tures from the fund by the commit- tination, 50 members of the Varsitya
Criscio collection of more than 300 NILTIPLAV-By f M M[S tee- band will leave Ann Arbor SundayF
rhetoric department, program man- Greek and Latin inscriptions; a dis-II Vice-President D/awes returned hereat
ager. This, as preceding programs. play of Oriental manuscripts from the yesterday from a vacation trip to afternoon for a concert tour of the
will be sent through the Detroit News, library of the formeit Sultan Abduli Panama, and late today advised Sena- Ula will include
station WWJ. Hamid; a display of Latin and Greek Eugene O'Neill's "Anna Christie" tor Fess of his selection to the Goff the presentation of programs at six f
A discussion of the research work manuscripts, partly from the collec- ,Chosen; Will Be Presented Tihurs- vacancy on the committee. At the cities before their return to the Ui- I.
which is being conducted by the phar- tion of Baroness Burdett-Coutts; day After Easter Vacation same time the Vice-President made I versity April 18. Following the a-
macology department will be given by Greek documentary, epistolary, andPublic his action and the basis for it e.y
Dr. Charles W. Edmunds, professor of magical papyri from the University's WOMEN TO HAVE PARTS in sta±nent as folows will visit Marquette, Ironwood, Iront
materia-medica and therapeutics. collection of more than 4,500 items; aIIn connection with the matter of Mountain, Menominee, and Escanabar
Prof. Irving D. Scott, of the geology panel from the famous copy, recently "Anna Christie," Mimes next play, the resignation of Senator Goffmfro for concert programs.
p "nn Criti,"'Mme nxtplythe senatorial investigating coforconcer
department, who has written a book completed by the Italian artist, Signo- open Thursday, Apri 21 instead tee, appointed under Senate i'esolu- Amni associations in the Upper ,
concerning the lakes of this state and rin Barosso, of the wall paintings in -ii{' 2, tI on te uthrCSngres ad hePeninsula are sponsoring the appear-
who is reputed to be the most emin- the Villa dei Misteri near Pompeii, of Tuesday, April 19, it was announc- tion 195 of the 69th Congress and thanes of the Varsity band i the var-
cu ~' te b' il ea!repr'oductions of the North African ed etrdy teo appointment by me of a successor toaneofteVriybdint v-
ent authority on the subject, will dealsNedyesterday by the officers of Mimes. i ious cities, and after each concertan
with the topic "The Lakes of Mich-. mosaics from the Bardo Museum in The reason for the change is the fact ments pro and con have been sub- ialumni dance will be given, music be-
igan" in the second of the series of Tunis; objects, of various kinds found met rIn o hv ensb
iga" i th seondof he eris o Tme;objctsof arius ind fondthat Tuesday is the day of the opening Imtted to mhe involving the question as ing supplied by a donee orchestra n
brief talks. at Karnis, in Lower Egypt; by the a Tsday is teedyeo the oemmittev e qstion as which the band will carry. Robert A.
The relation of the average citizen University of Michigan Near East Re- of school. to whether the committee is still in Campbell, treasurer of the Uversity
to the surveyor and the debt that he search Expedition, and photographs of The cast, which will be the first of possession of the powers which it ha will accompany the hand as taculty ad-
owes to this man will be the theme of the work of the University of Michigan any Mimes show to include women before the adjournment of Congress., nm
a talk by Professor Clarence T. John-' expeditions at Antioch of Pisida, Kar- students, has been chosen. Charles court of the United States in the case ree the band in all appearances. Two
ston, of the geodesy and surveying anis, and Carthade. Livingstone, '28L, who has taken the couf he Uni , Sepit ase Pullman cars and a aggage coacho
department. The members of the Association leading parts in every Mimes show of John G. McG rain, deputy sergent have been reserved for the agecoacm-I
The series of talks will be closed by come from 43 states in the United this year, will again play the male t-arms of the United States Senate, d
a discussion of some phase of art by States and from many parts of Canada. lead. Addison Pelletier, '28, and Vir appellant, versus Mal F. Daugherty, j dation of the bad during the entiret
Jean Paul Slusser, of the departmentA special feature of the meeting is ginia Bullock, '30, will take the fe- rendered san. 17, 1h27, conclusivelytriB.L
of drawing and painting in the archi- that on Thursday afternoon, April 14, male parts. Miss Pelletier taking the disposes of the question in the affinma- B. Lorain Norton, '27, baritone who ~
tectural college. Mr. Slusser has at- there will be special guides provided part ot Anna Christie and MisssBil- yve. The Supreme court was passing appeared with the band in their pro-
upnthe powers of a senatorial or- grams in Hill auditorium Wednesdayt
tained an international reputation for by the Association for the purpose of; lock the role of Marthy. Miss Peale- ityn night, will make the trip, and will
his wate colors aving ha them e- con~luting thoe peoplewho arei~ tier played a leading part in'the an-: mittee authorized by a resolution tonihwlmaeterpnd il
is water colors having had them ex- conducting those people who are in ual Juior Girls' play sit and perform its duties at such share honors as soloist with Marshall
hibited in some of th femost gal- terested to .the various exhibits The play itself is the best known of times or places as may be deemed ad-i Byrne, Grad., who is cornet soloist.
eries.(explaining them and their sigficance all of Eugene o'Neill's productions. visable or necessary- by such com- Much publicity has been given to
Dr. Robert Dieterle, '24M, who yas in classical research and as Iaks of Scenery has been specially designed mittee. the appearance of the Michigan band
a soloist in several of the Michigan I art, in the Mimes theater workshop by "It held that this language of the in the Upper Peninsula, by northern p
Union operas during his residence at Fte Mes ate workshp byresolution extended the powers of the papers, and fromn all indications thei
the University, will sing "When NightFy Otto Schiller, who painted the sets ro iee beyond the Congress which Varsity organizaion will be enthus-
Falls Dear,", "College otheDays", number A in-ULYON for the Opera. Costumes will be se- passed the creating resolution." iastically received.
elude "Zaza, the Little Gypsy", "The I ' cured from the VanHron Costume
Spirit Flower", Sanderson's "Until", I With this issue The Daily sus- company of Philadelphia.y Stimson, .As Coolidge's Special Peace
and "Di Provenza i nar la Traviata". j pends publication until afterII This will be the last play given by ToFo
Marshall Bryn, known as the "Golden sping vacation. The next issue I Mimes this yearthough the State Representative Sail Nicaragua
I Trumpeter", and who has been heard will be published Tuesday morn- vaudetiohe iid te Mes
Ion other Michigan Night programs ig,'April 19. 1(advlewl e rsne.t h
g gTickets for all three of the per-)(Special to The Daily) Ier consideation for more tiantenn
will play cornet solos. formances, which will be given Thurs- WASHINGirON, April 7-Personal days. Ie was in conference at thet
day, Friday, and Saturday, April 21, efforts by President Coolidge with a state department last week with those
*T enis!22, and 23 are on sale now, though no view of restoring peace in Nicaragua diplomats and the department's Latin
SDream f Television Reaized As Image telephone orders will be accepted. were foreshadowed today with the an-American experts, but no inkling of

Of Hoover Is Transmitted B Telephone Money order, mail applications willbe nouncement that Henry L. Stimson, jithe significance of his visit was ob-
( O H ove z . 1 an mi ~t y filled in order of their receipt. The former war secretary, would sail from 'tainable.
theater box office will be open Tues- ( New York Saturday for Nicaragua as i Whether the New Yorker is carry
NEW YORK, April 7-Television, a some time to come they said, but the j day, April 19, when the seats go on special representative of the president.I ing a.personal appeal from President'
sngeneral sale. The admission charge The announcement followed a con- Coolidge to leaders of the rival pout-
i s s e r tt lfbeingr 75 cents. ference with the President attended ical factions for peaceful settlement
phone was invented half a century complishied and indications are that --j by Secretary Kellogg, assistant Secre- of their wrangle for power is not
ago, became an actuality today when "it is likely to have a real place in the MC LAIN A TTACKS tary Olds, in direct charge of Latin known nor would Secretary Kellogg
Secretary of Commerce Herbert Hoo- world's work of distant communica- American affairs, and Mr. Stimson. A I say whether Stimson was expected to
ver spoke over the telephone in Wash- tion." 1 PRESIDENT LITTLE brief official announcement at the state confer with Dr. Sacasa, liberal claim-
I ington and was seen as well as heard The images of today's speakers in department said the New Yorker was ant to the presidency, and Diaz, rec- I
{ in the Bell telephone laboratories Washington and Whittany were' (By Associated Press) going at Secretary Kellogg's sugges- ognized by the United States as con-~
here. thrown on both small and large LANSING, April 7-President Clar- tion to take up 'with Minister Eber- stitutional head of the government, as1
Not only were Secretary Hoover and screens. On the screen designed for ence Cook Little was criticized in hart and Rear Admiral Julian Lati- well as with Eberhart and Latimer. I
( a score of others in Washington seen the telephoners use solely, the pic- vigorous terms by Rep. Richard W. mer, naval commander in Nicaragua,
in New York by telephone wire' but tures were exceedingly clear, easily McLain, of Branch county, on the floor "certain views of the administration DENSMORE NAMES
a radio program was broadcast over recognizable as likenesses of the per- of the house today. Representative Mc- which cannot conveniently be taken DSRA
the laboratory's experimental station son at the other end of communica- Lain rose to a point of personal priv- up by core'spondence." DATE FORG DEBA TE
3XN at Whittany, N. J., and moving tion. . ilege. I Eberhart and Latimer have con-
Ilikenesses of the performers as well On the large' screen, about one and From a newspaper he read a report curred in the suggestion, it was add- Ending the high school debating
as the sound of their voices were put one-half by three feet the results were of a speech in which President Little ed, the statement concluding with an season the final sttechampionship
Ion the air and transferred to a screen not so clear. Especially was this no- was quoted as describing taxpayers expression deploring continued civil s
in this city. ticealle when Secretary Hoover's who oppose providing adequate funds war in Nicaragua and of the "very debate of the Michigan High School
Officials of the American Telephone image was transferred from the small ; for education as "tax squealers and ( great" necessity for protecting Amer- Debating league will be held May 11.
and Telegraph company announced screen, on which it showed clearly j "bolsheviks". ican private and public interestsin in Hill auditorium, according to an
that today's demonstration marked the while he talked with President Wal- "I wish to call your attention to the that country. announcement by G. E. Densmore of
result of years of research and ex- ter S. Gifford, of the telephone com- report of this address of the president Secretary Kellogg refused to throw the public speaking department. Last

Original System Has Become Inade.
quale With Growth And Social
Change Latest Survey Finds
A University College, to include all
students of less than junior standing
in the present schools and colleges
of the Universtly'was recommended
yesterday in the report of the Senate
Committee on Undergraduate studies
which was created by action of the
Senate committee several months ago
to investigate the undergraduate
years 'of the present University cur-
The report, made by apyroval of 21
of the 2' members of the committee,
presided over by President Clarence
Gook Little as chairman and Dean
Alfred Lloyd as vice chairman, was
made in respone to a resolution by
the Board of Regents requesting that
a study be made of the undergraduate
years of the University.
The committee, according to the re-
port, found that in recent years there
has been a general tendency among
the universities of the nation to ex-
amine anew the aims and methods of
instruction as well as the form and
nature of the University organization,
n order to deal more effectively with
he problems of undergraduate life.
"There has been a widespred feel-
ig," the report; states, "that the
methods and organizations which
proved their value in the smaller col-
legiate communities of a generation
ago, have become inadequate with the
growth of numbers and changes in
the social order."
Numerous Problems Faced
The problems which the committee
faced are briefly: affording the first
year students an opportunity to be-
come intimately acquainted with at
Least one or more faculty members,
o eliminate certain students who
meet with mediocre success in class
work but who fail to exhibit the qual-
ities which a University should de-
mand of its students. to eliminate the
students who are forced by social
pressure into college against their
own better judgment, to take account
of the differences in preparation and
qualifications of the vaarious first year
students, to stress more fully subjects
of mental and physical hygiene, to
discover the student' of superior abil-
ity, and to make the first year stu-
dent feel that he is an integral part
of the University.
The committee examined reports on
the subject from a number of other
universities and colleges, and de-
cided that the purpose of the recom-
mendations would be to make the first
two years of the Univers ty cur-
riculum of greater value to the in-
vidual" student. To do this the plan
would distinguish early between the
superior and the mediocre students,
would provide more adequate means
for dealing with the student as an
individual, and would create an, inter-
est in University affairs that will tend
to make students intelligent and help-
ful alumni.
New College Is Solution
The effective solution of the prob-
hem which the committee recommends
is the "Univesity College," to take
all students of less than junior stand-
ing in any of the present schools.or
colleges of the University which now
admit students (directly from high
schools. The students will be mem-
hers of the college for te first two

years, accordin o the plan, orni
such time as th qualify for admis
sion to one of 'he other schools or
colleges of the University.
It is the belief of the committee
that the transfer of the students from
the University College to the other
schools on colleges on the campus
should be allowed as -soon as the stu-
dent meets the requirements of these
other units. Such transfers may take
place in some instances as early as
the&lose of one semester. In view of
the existing conditions, the commit-
tee considers it at present impratic-
able to include in the University Col-
lege students of the College of
Pharmacy, the three year course in
nursing, and the one year course in
oral hygiene.
In recommending the organization
of the University College the commit-
tee recommended that a dean should
be appointed and that certain stand-
ing committees be appointed. The
College would b _under the direction
of a faculty composed of those mem-
hers of the other faculties of the Uni-

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