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April 08, 1927 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-04-08

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FSHER NES TEAM Weismuller Beatenj
By N. Y._Schoolboy
George Kojac, New York high school
aquatic ace, swam the 150 yard back
Fifteen Men To Leave Tis Afternoon stroke in the sensational time ofI
for Lexington Ky.; FIrst 1:39 1-5 seconds to break the world's
Gorie There 'omorrow record of 1:42 held by Johnny Weis-
smuller. Kojac, who is only seventeen
years old was swimring in the Na-!
EIGHT 'CONTESTS CARDED tional A. A. U. championships held
in the Chicago A. A. 60 foot pool, Wed-
With 15 men selected to make the j nesday night. He was competing fog
southern training trip, - Coach Ray the New York l3oy;' Club. George I
Fisher's baseball squad will depart Fissler of the New York A. C. was
this afternoon for Lexington, where second in the race, while Johnny Weis-
the team will open the season agtinst smuller, Illinois Athletic Club star
Kentucky-tomorrow. took third.
Five pitchers, two catchers, three In his prelminary heat, Kojac swami
outfielders, four infielders, and a iftil- the distance in 1:40, two seconds un-
ity man compose the list of men chos- der the record, to beat Weissmuller
en. Miller, Nebelung, Ruetz, Asbeck, the former record holder. He set his
and Gilmartin make up the pitching new mark in the finals. Kojac is a stu-
st~f; Davis and Reichman will do the dent in DeWitt Clinton high school,
catching; Oosterbaan, Kubicek, Loos New York City.
Morse, and Weintraub will be used in In this, the second day of the meet,
the infield; and Corriden, Capt. Puck- two other National senior A. A. U.
elwartz, and Gilbert complete the list, events were held. Walter Spence of
in the outfield, the Brooklyn Y. M. C. A. successfully
Coach Fisher has announced the defended his title as 220 yard breast
line-up that will face the Kentucky stroke champion. He swam the dis-
nine. Loos or Morse, one of whom will tance in 2:47 3-5 seconds to defeat
be selected as shortstop, will be the Brainard of the C. A. A. Peterson, c
lead-off man. Weintraub, hard hitting freshman at Northwestern university)
third baseman, will bat second. Puck- who competed for the I. A. C. took
elwartz, center fielder, holds the third third place.I
position, while Oosterbaan, first base- The Chicago Athletic Association
man will be used as the slugging quartet captured the 440 yard relay
cleanup man. Corriden, stellar left championship in the- time of 3:40 2-5
fielder, will bat fifth, with Kubicek, seconds. The New York Athletic club
second baseman, sixth, Gilbert, right finished second, and the Brooklyn Y.
fielder, seventh, Davis, catcher, eighth, f.nisA.dwsecondB
-hhM. C. A. was third.,


[NIE S M N I AL BUT [IE LEY R[L YS CHlICAGO, April 7-Otto Reiseln of
Philadelphia has won back the world's
three-cushion championship held for
seven weeks by Augie Kieckhefer
Concurrent with the announcement considered as having even an outside of Chicago. Reiselt last night finished
that the full Michigan strength will chance of winning a place wil' been a five block match of 300 points1
be thrown to th Ohio Relays Apriltered. Ilowever, to make the trip tlhe against Kiechhefer with a lead of 60
3 while none of the Wolverines will following weekend, a an must shoV points over th-e Chicagoan. Only oneI
snt to ansas games Coachreal calibre at Ohio which Coach + ar- 60 point block went to Keickhefer,
Stephen J. Farrell designated 21 menI rell is using as a testing ground for while in two of them he was beaten
who will return to training Wednes-ilater meets. 60-29 and 60-37.
day morning to be in the best of shape Oine of the features of the Ohio meet In the first two blocks, Keickhefer
for the relay meet. is the triathlon, an all-around test for managed to stay within 11 points of
Practices will be held twice daily, star weightmen. Four events are in- Reiselt but in the third the Phil-
the morni g session beginning at eluded i this, the hammer, discus,
the morning session begnning at andl j avelin throw;, andl each con- __________________________
10 :30 and the afternoon workout at shotland :n it owsan y tac icon
3:30 o'clock. A training table will be testant in it may compete in any thi ee
maintained at the U'nion beginning 1of the four events listed. It is more
Wednesday and continuing through tiap likely that Jack Lovett vill be
the next Monday. The weight men, en~cred in this with a fair chance of
however will not be asked to return ;howing well up towards the .o . Due THE W OLVI
to this fact there are no individual:
early and are beingr permitted to take t ens lsted, h ne m an
the necessary implements home with weight events listed. but inicasea man
I nesonly one of these hie sliall hel
I them, including shots, discuses, ham-
mers and javelins.Itreated as if not in the competition
avls.alwill receive a medal,
A complete list of the men to come ar a a
bi kfl A Wl dsd was made ot . at Other Michigan men will without

adelphian's safety play broke into his
counting streak and his play began to
fall off. In the final block last night,
Reiselt's leaves for his opponent were
particularly difficult while the new
champion counted steadily toward the
lgoal. In a ten-player tournament here
I in February, Keickhefer defeated Rei-
selt in the closing match at 50 points
and took the title.

Syracuse University has decided
abandon its junior vars'ity crew.



DOCK We~le[ y Id~ U, CI
yesterday afternoon following a trialI
half mile race to determine the fourth
member of the two mile relay quartet;
who will make the trip to Ohio. Hunt
was victorious in this race, winning
over a big field. Besides Hunt, the l
men asked to report early are Captain
Northrop and Prout, vaulters; Cooper,
Jones, Tarbill, and MacDonald, hurd-
lers; Hester and Lasser, sprintmen;
Mueller, Ohlheiser, Leonard, and Mun-
ger, quarter milers; Lomont, Beais,1
and Pfluke, half milers; Waldo, highl
jump; and Hornberger, Monroe, Is-
kenderian, and Wuerfel, distance men.
Since none will be sent to Kansas,
Coach Farrell has expressed the in-
tention of taking more than 25 ath-I
letes to Ohio State. Upon the show-I
ings made there, the division of the
squad for the Drake and Penn Relays
the following week will be decided.
Men will be entered in every event
at Ohio with the exception of the
medley relays, and every man wh- iw

Sdoubt be entered individually in the
weights. Northorp is sure to toss theI
javelin and Schravesand the discus. j
Ketz, sophomore, is a likely looking
prospect in the hammer and also the:
discus. Chapman is a probable ham-
mer entry.
Another novel feature of the Ohio
relays will be the mile team race in
place of the four mile relay. Each
school will have four men entered
in the special mile race and points
will be counted as in regular cross
country competition. The trophy will
be awarded on this basis. Michigan's
quartet will be composed of Monroe,
IHornberger, Iskenderian and Wuer-
fel and should finish well up al-
though Ohio is conceded the edge'
with such stars as Wikoff and Ken-
LOS ANGELES-Tommy Cello of
San Francisco was defeated by Jimmy
McLarnin of Vancouver, B. C.

Always serving good food at prices that are modest.
Special dinners at 65c, lunches at 50c, and an a la carte
menu from which you can choose your favorite dish at all

hours with the assurance that it will be all you
for. Your check yill be surprisingly small.

could ask

DES 1VOINES, April 7-A record-;
breaking entry list of nearly 3,000 ath-f
letes for the Drake relays to be held
here April 29 and 30, was forecast
today by Ossie Solem, Drake athletic1
director. The list includes the lead-
ing university, college, and high
school cinder path performers in the
middle-west, south, and west.
Many of the leading track and field
stars of the country will be on hanQ'
for the classic.

X29 South Main St.

Across from the Wuerth Theatre

George Gerkin
Followers of the Cleveland baseball
team predict that the vacancy left in
the Indian outfield by tire sale of the
veteran T'ris Speaker to the Washing-
ton Senators will be filled during the
coming season by George Gerkin, who
was purchased from Decatur.

11 ! Ii



Popular Actress

oenior m-tCanes
for delivery by Cane Day
cJor f1en mnce 14

of the American Stage

".being looked upon as a
sort of female Ponce de
Leon., I. have to guard not
only my appearance e
against oncoming years,
but all those other things
that cruel Father Time
preys upon-especially the
voice. W hen women ask
me which cigarette will
not gge the voice, or irritate
the throat, I open my little
cigarette case and show
them the one I smoke-
'The Lucky Strike."'.
W~r~Z ~3/Tht


You, too, will find that Lucky
Strikes are mild and mellow-the
finest cigarettes you ever smoked,
made of the finest Turkish and do-
inestic tobaccos, properly aged and


blended with great skill, and there
is an extra process-"It's toasted"-
no harshness, not a bit of bite.

The most stylish and practical rainy day
innmnfc nr r £nI i n nan n d wominn 1



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