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April 08, 1925 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-04-08

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VOL. XXXV. No. 143





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MN WI N PIncrease Present
Not only would it be unwise policy
for the French government to adopt
the proposed levy on capital, but its
IN OE HO'ITadoption would further increase the
present financial and political dilem-
ma in France is the opinion of Prof.
WOLVERINES WIN THREE PLACES ' John V. Van Sickle, of the economics1
IN DASH AS HUBBARD TIES department. The proposed capital'
IN S IIEBAlD evy measure for the reliefs o the
WORLJy'S RECORID desperate financial conditions of the
French government would levy a 10
RITOLA, NURMI RUN per cent tax on capital, payable over
10 years with an expected yield of
100,000,000,000 francs.
Ivan Reley, l. A. C., Sets New arki In my opinion, said Prof. Van
Inligh Hurdles; Brookeir Is Sickle, "a capital levy in France would
Second in Vault only make matters worse. Current
deficits are eloquent proof that the ex-
Detroit, April 7.-(By A. P.)-De- isting' tax machine is overburdened.
Hart Hubbard, negro athlete from the The new task of collecting a capital
University of Michigan tied the levy would complete the breakdown.
world's record of 5 and 1-5 seconds Arrears of taxes, already serious,
for the 50 yard dash, and Ivan Reiley would accumulate alarmingly. Mean-
made what local officials claim is a time, there would be a concerted effort
new record for the 50 yard indoor on the part of capitalists, large and
high hurdles in the opening events of small, to get their savings out of the
the second night's meet of the A. A.|country. The demand for foreign cur-
U here rencies would send the dollar, pound,
Search of the record books failed to -sterling, Swiss franc, etc, skyrocket-
reproduce a record mark for the 50 ing.
yard high hurdles over four hurdles "The prices of foreign raw material
indoor on a dirt track which Reiley and all other necessary imports would!
made here tonight in 6 and 5-1-0 sec- rise proportionately in terms of the
onds. depreciated French franc. Domestic
University of Michigan won second prices and domestic wages would fol-
place in both of the above races, as low in the order named. Arrears in
well as a slam in the 50 yard dash. taxes would then be paid in francs
Willie Ritola, noted Finnish runner, I having only a fraction of the purchas-
also took part in the meet, winning in ing power of those in which they were
the 5,000 metre run. levied. The current deficit would in-,
Summaries crease, and the capital levy with its
50 yard dash-Won by Hubbard,
Michigan; second, Wittman; third,
Hester. Time, 51-5 seconds. Ties
world's record.
50 yard high hurdles-Won by Ivan'
Riler; I. A. C. second, Voelker, Mich- F
igan; third, Spence, Detroit City Col-L
lege. Time 6 5-10 seconds.(oe )- N E P R H9T
50 yard high hurdles (college)-
Won by Peel, Michigan State Normal; Contributions Now Being Received to
second, Snyder, Michigan; third, Walk, Increase Fund Started by
Michigan. Time 6 4-5 seconds. I Detroit Club
880 yard run. Won by Dodge I. A. I___
C.; second, Reinke, Michigan; third, DDVQ[:NT GIFT IN JUNE '
Hill, Detroit City College. Time 2 RE
minutes 8 5-10 seconds. ~
High Jump-Won by Doughtery, De- Contributions are now being receiv-
troit City College; second, Jones I. ed on the campus to complete the
A. C.; third, tie betweentGentile, and fund necessary for the purchase of
Bloomfield, Detroit City. College. ! h1 otato ro.Rbr qWn
Height 5 feet 9 inches.the portrait of Prof. Robert M.Wen-
225 yard dash-Won by Coaffee, I. ley of the philosophy department,
A. C.; second, Doughtery, Detroit City which was painted several years ago
College; third,2Lapman, Detroit City by Percy Ives. The plan of this gift
College, Time 27 4-10. to Professor Wenley was started some

Bench Money Would
t Financial Dilemma
payments spread over ten years would
be reduced to a farce. In Austria,
where the rate rose to 65 per cent on
large fortunes, receipts ultimately
covered the direct cost of administra-
tion. This can hardly be called a suc-
A capital levy is not only ds-
astrous but unnecessary. Drastic
economics and a strong tax policy can
solve France's domestic finances. After
all, these huge debt sums are owed to
her own people. The problem is that
of transferring wealth from one groupi
to another through the machinery of1
taxation. This is a difficult task, but
not insoluable. France's foreign debt
situation, however, is a horse of an-
other color. My own conviction is
that only through a reduction in the
luxury schedules of our tariff, for
France's exports to us are primarily
of this type,' and a considerable re-
duction of her debt to us will she be
able to make payments at all
"We could couple such a reduction'
of debt with French disarmament.
This would help France and us. Our
duty and our interests are at one in
this respect. The present time seems
Iextraordinarly favorable for such a
move on our part. Negotiations be-
tween prance, England, and Germany
looking to a guarantee of the western
frontier of Germany are pending. If
put through, French disarmament is,
feasible. France's financial situation
makes disarmament necessary. A
proposition from the United States to
reduce France's debt might well re-
ceive a favorable response."
Fill Give Yearlings Last Opportunity
to Gather Before Spring
To provide for the last opportilnityI
freshmen will have to assemble c3 a
class before the spring games May 7
and 8, the underclass department of
the Union in cooporatio'n with the
yearling class has arranged a banquetI
to be held in the main assembly hall!
of the Union Thursday, April 30. The

Believe Legislators Will Criticise
Government For Failure to
Consult Parliament
Paris, April 7.-(By A. P.)-The po-
litical crisis brought on by the ex-
treme measures proposed by the
French government to relieve the em-
barrassment of its treasury is now be-
fore parliament and debate will begin
tomorrow with about even chances
that Premier Herriot's cabinet will
succumb at the end of it.
The concensus of opinion in the lob-
by of the chamber of deputies this
evening after the intrdouction of bills
for a forced loan and for an increase !
of 4,000,000,000 francs in paper money
was that the latter measure would
pass, because the limit of issue fixed
by law already has been exceeded,
but that favorable action by the cham-I
ber on the proposal for a forced loan
was doubtful.
The chamber was reported non-
plussed by the announcement today
that the increase in the issue of bankf
notes was to "regularize an existing
situation." This was the first public
disclosure of the fact that the author-
ized limit of 41,000,000,000 francs in
paper money had been exceeded, al-
though rumors to that effect have beenI
current on the Bourse for severalj
weeks. The French parliament was.
placed in the face of an accomplished
fact. The money is in circulation to
an amount of about 2,000,000,000 more
than authorized by law, and the sit-
uation must be made regular.
Both the senate and the chamber
are expected to pass the bill author-
izing a 4,000,000,000 increase, but with
sharp criticism of the government for
resorting to such an expedient without
consulting parliament. Senator Henry
Berenger, head of the finance commit-I
tee of the senate, this afternoon said
that the proposed issue in excess of
the legal limit was not for commercial
purposes but for the ease of the treas

Decide Fate Of
University Bill
By Visit Today
1iansing, April 7.-(By A. P.)-In
an attempt to come to a final decision
on the amount of money to be ap-
propriated for the University of Mich-
igan, the senate committees on finance
and appropriations will pay a visit to
the state University tomorrow. An-
nouncement to this effect was made
today by Senator Brower of Jackson,
administration floor leanler.
1Action on the bill will not be taken
until after the committee reportskon
its trip to the University.
By prolonging its session this after-
noon beyond the customary period for
adjournment, the Senate succeeded in
speeding up consideration of the long
line of bills now on the floor. Two
score or more of bills were disposed
of on the third readings and in the
committee of the whole.
This action clears the calendar of a
large share of the measures and
makes room for consideration of ap-
propriation measures now the subject
of controversy between the two
Orchestra hall Appearance April
20, and Ypsilanti Tonight,
Close Season
Appearing in their final concert for
the year, the Michigan Glee Club will
sing on Monday, April 20, the last day
of the spring vacation, at Orchestra
hall in Detroit. Except for this, and
the concert tomorrow evening in Yp-
silanti, the Glee Club will give no
more exhibitions until next fall. After
presenting a program similar to that
given last month in Hill auditorium.
the club will attend a reception dance
in the main ball room of tne Book-
Cadillac hotel where three orchest-
ras, of which two record for Victor,
will play during the remainder of the
eventing.. The members of the concert
audience may attend this dance, and
will be admitted on their tickets forI


Given 'Oil Can'

Lee White, Detroit Editor, Tells Cubs'
Experiences; Watzel, '25L,

5000 metre run-Won by Ritola, Fin- bWte Vit ofMiV --- --
land; second, Morecraft, Millet A. C.; time ago by the University of Michi- banquet' will be similar to the one H arding First the concert.
third Flaherty, Y. M. O. Time 15 gan club of Detroit, $700 having al- sponsored by the undercla s depart- The whole Glee Club will appear at
mInutes 24 3-5 econds ready been raised by the club, but rent a short time before the gauces Hn n T F Detroit, gathering for one rehearsal at
minuesVa43-W nbysPae onss Iit is now intended that the portrait be last fall. More than 4W freshmen atFly 2:00 o'clock on the day of the con-
A. C - second, Brooker, Michigan. presented to Professor Wenley in tended this meeting which was held A cert. At 8:15 o'clock the regular pro-
Height 12 feet 3 inches. ! June, as lie is ging abroad i the at noon, and an all treshman pro- o gram will begin; during all the num
fall.-gram was arranged. ;bers the club will be conducted b'
le second,Michiganby ott r-y A total of $1,500 has already been The object of the banquet, accord- Although ,hire has t)eei1 somewhat IMr. Theodore Harrison of the Musi
contributed,-$700 by the Detroit club,'ing to William Diener, '26, chairman ASchool, \hile Dwight Stere, '26, will
8al; third, Michigan. Time 3 s.intes$ 500 by Percy Ives, and $300 by the of the Union unde:class department,;of a mutual agreemeit among the sixplay the accompaniments.
48 seconds. class of 1924,-and $1,000 of the re- is to give the fir year men an I so-called "Magelans of the a"hoI The Varsity Quartette and the Mid-
nmaining $3,500 necessary to complete portunity to become bett2r acquainted, first succeeded in circunnavigatmgn night Sons Quartette, which featured
flflflhllfithe fund for the purchase of the por- to choose their leaders, and to per- ithe globe via the air route, that all popular songs at the concert here, will
traif te will be raised in Ann ArbO-e tir organization for the spring six of the completed the first aeial appear in similar fashion, while
Contributions will be received by'Ro~ games. To this end only freshmen ight of the world at precisely the Barre Hill, '26, and William Wilcox,
ert A. Campbell, treasurer of the Uni will be present, the toasuiaster amI same moIent, there has been consid- 26, will again carry the solo work
all the speakers being memberI of thesin the Toreador song from Carmen
care of the Michigan Daily. No so- class. the fliers actually was the first to and the Omnipotence by Schubert.
All plans for the spring trip of the liciting campaign will be carried on. Because the class has had a longer circle the earth. Considerable emphasis will be plac-
Cosmopolitan club group of more than time in which to heome acquainmed 'While "Smiling Jack" Harding was e on Michigan songs, for in addition
20 foreign students, including the an- heI organized, it is expected that not the first tler to steparsity, the Victors, and the
SHE SOOPSTO CONYellow oandiBluee thes clubcwillthsing
nouncement of the complete itinerary, more will attend this spring banquet j aeroplane when the fliers landed on to the arsity, the ctos an
of theecompetenitBneraythe club will sing~
were arranged last night at a meeting than were nrisent at that held in the the west coast at the conclusion of Landes Atque Carmina and a group
of the group in University hall. A fall. The underclass department hopes the memorable tri, It is a fact thati of four brisk songs, including the Bum
short program, to be presented on to have at least 500 men turn out. he through overlooked I y.
several occasions during the trip Immediately after the end of spring cidence, the first man to complete an Practically this same program wil,
which will be taken next week, was yOiver Goldsmith's- "She Soops to vacation, freshmen will be given tick- aerial tour of the world. A few be presented tomorrow night at
practicedJ.Aonqer" wilbe prese ,tonight ets to sell. These may also be pro- years ago adng made a trans-con Pease auditorium in Ypsilanti. Bu
Prof. J. A. Hildner of t le German Conquer' will be presented tonight cured at the main desk in the Union tinental flight from New York to Cal- besides this, the same trio, composed
department, and Carlton F. Wells of in the auditorium of Umiversity hall at that time. The price of the tickets ifornia; consequently, when he landed of Philip La Rowe, '25, Robert Ber--
the retoric department, will acco-so r s r will be $.75. in New York city on the return voy man, '26M, and Herman Wise, '25,
y hionsthe tp. on c esThe cstrhshPla beenui age with the World Fliers, lie hapi which played in Hill auditorium last
Eight foreign countries will be repre- ; n s . cs h hs eactually circled the globe by air. month will furnish piano and violin
sented in the group. The itinerary chosen includes Geraldine Knight as Inlander Essay The son of an inventor and electri- music, while G. W. Westcott, '26, will
,consists of a five lay tour of the state Miss lardcastle, Norman Johnson as bI cal engineer, "arding was discovered
visiting industrial plants and other Marlowe, George Bishop as Hastings, Contest um eto have similar leanings toward , perform on his dipper and musical
i and Mildred Boyce as Mrs. Hlardeastle. sw
chanisfcshepodcin a b pp a s'r a ickets for the Detroit concert will
phases of American life. The group Tn ildrdByea r.Hrcsl.A p a ST d y caisa neryaewihisi ckets for the productionnmaytbeiI I
will leave Ann Arbor Monday morn- T s rt prda two-year course in engineering in
ing had at the door, price fifty cents. ' Vanderbilt university, andb suplemen- :e on sale at the Union desk fromr-
The effect of Goldsmith humor will be Inlander's April issue, devotedo tary study at the university of Ten- 1:00 o'clock until 5:00 o'clock toor-
Hickory is the toughest wood for l measurably heightened by the cos-': essays of the recent contest, will be nessee. Upon the completion of hisrow; first floor seats will sell for
furniture followed by cork, elm, yel- tumes which have been especially de- placed on sale today. "esee. course he enlisted in 'the air service$ s.50$$2.00, while balcony seats
low and sweet birch, oak, and black signed for the piece. The curtain The essay"Dangeroo," written by as a buck private, and trained at the tcket sale will also be conducted in
walnut. {rises promptly at 8 o'clock. Miss Mary Cooley, '26, was selected jMechanic's school at St. Paul. icklc
__by Christopher Morley as the best sub- A Detroit by Grinnell Bros.
ittedl in tihe contest. Among others! At Wilbur Wright field, Dayton, Thi ocr a rv ob
Brussels, April 7 -4Seven foreign I Ilad, CarpenterI included in the issue, r h sas Ohio, Harding won his flying d is cncilertare to e
counries, Aresntre i "purs," and was rated as masters- is c e 26ceaccong o
the Gordon Bennett cup race which e"ll Engineers' "Shop Windows in Rain,",'written by nal electricia and aviation me Carl Schoonmacher, '26 omnagrof
wilsatJn .Marguerite Vestal, '26; "Angling" by the club, as many well known people
" nician. At this time he made one of'
Peace, W ar Duty Ann Pedgrift; "Bathtub Literature" te first Atlantic-Pacific fights which Ahave al interad been
by Ruthvo Bach Scherer '26; and A secial interurban has been char-
INTRODUCINGbyeRuth von Bach se2M6ia" bynDor- has caused his admirers to request tered to carry the club to Ypsilanti
Addresses by Major William T. Car- The Blessedness o yop that Harding be recognized as the tomorrow evening. Tickets for this
AUNT AMY penter and Prof. William Hoad fea- othy Tyler, '26. mb llb . first world circumnavigator by aero- concert are not on sale in Ann Arbor,
Now folks, as you might sus- tured the first regular meeting of the An all-poetry numbe i be i- plane. "Smiling Jack," however, mod- but may be purchased at the box of
Michigan section of the Society of sued by naner in . estly refuses to consider the handicap, fice in Ypsilanti.
met, Ant AmI is my Seet- American Military Engineers held last scripts are now being received. and when questioned concerning his
mie, Aunt Amy is my Sweet- night at the Union. Major Carpenter, prior voyage states: "That trip didn't
heart. Amy and I have been mar- who is head of the university R. 0. T. count." Palm er Christian
rned four score and nineteen years C., spoke on the "Duties of an En- ! Oufr e 3eatherMan In collaboration with Lieutenant u na Toda
flow, and we still love one anoth- I gineer in Times of Peace and War," j ._ - =Harding, Lowell Thomas, well-knownayTa

Prof. 0. J. Campbell s
At the third annual Gridiron
Knights banquet held at the Union s
last night, Prof. Oscar J. Campbell of 0
the English department was presented h
with the "oil can," trophy of the y
Knights. The presentation was made 0
by Prof. Thomas H. Reed of the polit-
ical science department, second hold- w
er of the oil can.
Many Distinguished Churchmen Will 0
Be at the Conference Which Opens
.iere Tomorrow w
Dr. Ralph W. Owens, field director ' T
of the university department of the w
Presbyterian board of Christian edu- o
cation, arrived in Ann Arbor last I\
night to make final preparations for g
the recention of more than 300 stu-
dent delegates, representing 75 col- P
leges and universities, and 60,000 Pres-
byterian students, who will come to
Ann Arbor tomorow to attend the n
first national Presbyterian student I
Many distinguished churchmen will a
be present at the conference, whichh
opens tomorrow to be continued until
Sunday, but the speeches of these men'
are not being featured by those in
charge of the conference. Chief em-c
phasis is being placed upon the dis-
cussions which the studentswill con- v
duct themselves. No announcementa
of any of the speakers was made until
last night when Dr. Owens mentionedti
that Dr. William -C. Covert, general I
secretary of the Presbyterian board
of Christian education, Dr. M. Williard
Lampe, general director of the univer-
sity department of the board, and Dr.
Louis B. Hilhs, general director of the 1
recruiting department of the board,
will be present at the sessions of the1
conference here.
The purpose of the convention is tot
discuss how the Presbyterian churchE
can be most effective in carrying out
its Christian program. The meeting
here also calls for discussion of such
questions as aboliton of war-relation
of men and women, denominational-
ism, and Christianizing campus life.
The conference is a national meet-
ing and colleges in all parts of the
country will be represented. Bernard
E. Meland of McCormick Theological
Seminary, Chicago, Lewis A. Westphal
I of Carroll college, Waukesha, Wiscon-
sin, and Katherine Wilson of Purdue
university, West Lafayette, Indiana,
are in charge of the convention.
All delegates arriving for the con-
vention will be met by automobiles
' furnished by the Chamber of Com-
1 merce and the various luncheon clubs
of the city. A reception will be held
I for the delegates at 8:30 o'clock to-
morrow evening in the Union. The
program for the reception will in-
elude several numbers sung by the

)ignified professors, prominent
vspaper men, energetic politicians,
others of the more sedate class
fered severe razing at the third an-
al Michigan Gridiron Knight's ban-
t in the Union last night. Climb-
upon their chairs, campus ,per-
ages, who are never seen in such
undignified position by many of the
dents, read epitaphs especially pre-
ed for them concerning their traits
i shortcomings.
toars of laughter greeted each un-
tunate as his identity was reveal-
and in terms more or less compli-
ntary he read matters concerning
character. Several of those who
d epitaphs gave their own impres-
ns of the razzing.
)ean Joseph A. Bursley, dean of
dents, was awarded the only fav-
ble epitaph of the evening. This
ior is accorded to one man each
-r who is deemed to be most worthy
not being razzed at the banquet.
an Bursley was cited as being one
is constantly striving for the in-
ests of the students, and as one
o is respected and admired by the
ole University. Paul Watzel, '25L
oacted as toastmaster for the ban-
It, mead this epitaph.
'he program was opened by the
Inight Sons quartet, which sang
eral numbers. After this, E, S.
ejoy, of the state forestry commis
n, gave "A Preliminary Report of
Research into the Life and Letters
Paul Bunyon
1 skit was then presented, which
s a take-off of the report of Rob-
Angell of the sociology depart-
nt, concerning the conditions of the
ellectuai activity on the campus.
is report, which received nation-
le publicity, deplored the stress
ich is placed upon athletics instead
scholarship at this University.
mbers of the Mimes of the Michi-
a Union comprised the cast.
'he Gridiron speciality, which was
sented by David M. Bramble, '25,
s in the form of a selection of the
rst story which has appeared in
wspapers In this section of the
ntry. An article was read from the
trait Free Press which was chosen
the most fallacious account which
s appeared in any newspaper.
Describing the many humorous and
comfortable trials which a :"cub"
on a newspaper experiences, Lee A.
ite, editor of the Detroit News, told
many incidents which happened
en he was first- starting his journ-
stic career. He also related many
ecdotes concerning happenings
ien he was connected with campus
blications at this Univeristy.
Bringing the evening's "razz fest"
a grand climax, Prof. Thomas H.
ed of the political science depart-
snt, last years holder of the famous
graved "Oil Can," made a presenta-
n of that symbolic trophy to Prof.
car J. Campbell of the English de-
rtment. Professor Reed expounded
on the great honor which is accord-
by the awarding of the "Oil Can,"
d of the qualities which are requi-
te for the holder of the distinction.
his come-back Professor Campbell
versed the direction of the razzing
om himself to his predecessor.
'tart Ticket Sale
For Military Ball
Tickets for the 1925 Military Ball,
be held April 24, will be on sale
is afternoon from one to five o'clock
i the Union. The cost of each ticket
i ve dollars. It Is estimated by the
ommittee in charge that 650 tickets
ill be sold at this time.
Booths in Waterman gymnasium for
be dance will be available for as-
ignment to organizations on Wednes-
ay, April 22. Any organization wish-
ig to contract for the use of a booth
or the ball may do so free of charge
n the above date by signing for space


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