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April 08, 1926 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-04-08

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A an










Bullet Passes Through Nostrils, But
Dictator Has Wound Dressed 3
And Returns To Capitol
(By Associated Press)
ROME, April 7.-Benito Mussolini,
strong man of Italy, was near death
today. -He had just emerged from the
congress of surgeons, and had raised
his arm in salute to the plaudits of
the multitude, when a woman pressed
a revolver into his face, and fired.
At that very moment, Mussolini, as
is his habit, threw back his head; the
bullet passed through his nostrils and
with a quick step backward, the
Fascist premier put his hand to his
face, and drew it away covered with
His assailant, believed to be an
Irish woman, the Honorable Violet
Albina Gibson, the 50-year-old sister
of Baron Ashbourne, a resident of
Compiegne, France, was seized by a
caribinero and dragged to a place of
safety, for in an instant, the thou-
sands who had gathered to acclaim
the premier were in a frenzy of ex-
citement and rage.
With Mussolini at the time, were
Prof. Roberto Alesandri, and the noted
surgeon, Raffaele Bastianeli, and they
hastened to his aid. It was Bastianelli
who dressed the wound, and later he
issued a statement, saying "the pre-
minr was wounded by a firearm, the
bullet perforating both nostrils, but
without grave result."
Notwithstanding his injury, Musso-
lini desired to enter his automobile,
but he was induced to return to the
capitol. He was perfectly tranquil,
seemingly not thinking of himself, and
was only anxious that no grave conse-
quences among the people should
arise from the attempt.
Shortly afterwwrd he reappeared
before the crowds, who cheered him
and would have carried him shoulder
high. Mussolini smiled and again gave
the Roman salute, and then drove
away with Alesandri and Bastianelli
The Honorable Violet Gibson was in "
a state of prostration after her arrest;
she almost collapsed on realizing that
she had been saved from the infuriated
Acknowledging the name of Violet
'Albina Gibson, she declined to make]
any statement. The revolver which
she used was of French make. Only
one shot was fired. The weapon was
fastened to her wrist with a handker-
chief. She had in her possession a
bottle containing iodine, mixed with
some other liquid. The authorities
are of the opinion that she intended
to drink the mixture after her at-
tempt against Mussolini, but either
changed her mind or was unable to
carry out her intenion owing to her
overwrought condition.
Tickets for the spring tour of "Great
Cgtherine may be reserved through
the office of the Alumni council in the
Alumni Memorial hall for any per-
The itinerary is as follows: Thurs-
day, April 8, Scott high school, To-
ledo; Friday and Saturday, April 9, 10.
Players club, Detroit; Monday, April
12, Dearborn high school, Dearborn,
Tuesday, April 13, Pease auditorium,
Ypsilanti; Wednesday, April 14, Cen-
tral high school, Flint; Thursday,
April 15, Central high school, Bay
City; Friday, April 16, Junior high
school, Saginaw; Saturday, April 17,
Central high school, Kalamazoo; Mon-
day, April 19, matinee and evening,
Central high school, Grand Rapids.
(By Associated Press)
BOISE. Idaho, April 7.-Franklin

Rose, missing air mail aviator, is safe
and uninjured, according to a long
distance message to the Statesman to-
night from Jordan valley.
SOur Weatherl an J


Journalists Of 22 Countries RABI IS
Hold Pan-American Congress oP1oLI orF
(By Associated Press) I people of your respective countries
WASHINGTON, April 7.--Newspa- that they are best serving their own
permen from 22 American republics interests by contributing to the pros-
tonight opened the first Pan-American perity of their neighbors."
congress of journalists here, and were Reference to the Tacna-Arica dis- F R H ''
counselled by Secretary Kellogg to pute between Peru and Chile, but not
exercise their influence in the "cause by name, was made by the secretary SAYS YOUNG PEOPLE
of peace and international under- with the prediction that progress in BE READY TO SAC
standing." recent years in settlement of inter- EVERYTRING
Welcoming the visitors in behalf of American controversies might well
the Pan-American Union, under whose lead in the not distant future "to a FL Y MUSS
auspices the congress is meeting, Sec- situation unparalleled in the history F
retary Kellogg said: of the world-a situation in which
"To you is entrusted the high mis- every major dispute had been settled States World Has Learn
sion to interpret the nations of the by the orderly processes of mediation - Way Of Internati(
Americas to one another: to disclose i and arbitration." Relationships
to each and every one of them how The secretary now is conducting 1
intimately their interests are related diplomatic negotiations with the am- "Youth should revolt, b
and how closely the progress of each bassadors of Chile and Peru for set- revolt for things worth
is dependent on the prosperity of all. tlement of the Tacna-Arica contro- just for the sake of disagr
It is your privilege to impress on the versy. for the ends of life that a
fo ointi to bfay et"

Iuu[ I;


ed Little


(By Associated Press)
BERLIN, April 7.--The blame for
Ihe deterioration of the famous Col-
ogne Cathedral has been placed on the
vibration and concussions of the earth
caused by modern industry. It is esti-
mated that millions of marks will have
to be spent to conserve this unique
monument of Gothic architecture.
The, cathedral, built of soft sand-
stone, was considered so solid that it
would last for centuries. With Col-
ogne's development as an industrial
center and the completion of the huge
railroad bridge spanning the Rhine
near the cathedral, experts said, the
crumbling of foundations and walls of
the structure began."
Most of the damage, it is believed,
was done during the war when army
trains passed incessantly over the
bridge to and from the west front.
While normally 400 trains cross the
bridge daily, an average of 1,000
rumbled across during the war. A
popular subscription is being taken upj
for the restoration of the edifice and'
the Prussian government has voted
500,000 marks for this purpose.

Premier Escapes


ut it should
reement, but
will not suf-r
sid R bbhi


Will Announce Program And Speak-
ers After Spring Vacation;
Yost May Talk
Between 3,500 and 4,000 letters were
mailed this week by the Fathers' day
committee of the Union to fathers of
men students in the University resid-
ing in 13 states near Michigan. Prac-
tically all fathers within easy travel-
ing distance of Ann Arbor were in-
vited to take part in the program over
the week-end of May 15, although
any student's father will be welcomed
to participate.
Preparations are being made by the
Union to provide a program for the
largest number of fathers in the his-'
tory of the observance here. Paul
Starrett, '27A, is chairman.
The speakers and complete pro-
gram will be announced directly fol-
Slowing spring vacation. Coach Field-
ing 11..Yost, director of intercollegiate
athletics, will probably give an ad-
dress. All fathers will be expected in
the city Friday night for Cap Night
ceremonies, and after the Saturday
program and banquet that evening,
efforts will be made to have them re-
main until Sunday for the convocation
in hill auditorium.
Mrs. Alexander P. Strauss, arrest-
ed on a charge of larceny in connec-
tion with the robbery of the Majestic
theater of $4,300 on March 8, was re-
leased from the county jail yesterday
morning on a bond of $4,000. Her
husband, who was arrested on a sim-
ilar charge, was set at liberty on
bail last Monday.
The police department were asked
if they would consent to the bond for
Mrs. Strauss being reduced to $2,000,
but the request was not granted and.
she was released upon the same bail
as that of her husband. McHenry,
I charged with embezzlement, is being
I held for a bond of $5,000.
Unless the trio wish to go before
Judge George W. Sample and make a
I plea of guilty, their case cannot be
heard before April 13, according to
court officials.
ATHENS. - Gen. Theodorus Pan-
galos received about 90 per cent of
the votes cast in the 12 electoral dis-
ticts for president.
Radio Programs
Of Distant Sta
"A prophet is without honor in his
own country" is a proverb true of the
prophets of the University who have

Speaker Lays Cause Of )Iodern Uls
To Tendency To Forget.
God's Paternity
Calling on all Christians to demou-
strate the practicability of Jesus'
kingdom of love and faith, Prof. Sam-
uel Dickey of the school of religion
at the University of Chicago, delivered
his lecture, "Jesus' Program and Why
It Was Rejected," yesterday afternoon
in Natural Science auditorium.
"Most Christian peoples," he said,
"fail to realize Jesus' ideal, or they
despise it as fantastic and impractical.+
However, the late wa,,r has proved the
futility of selfish fear, while sociology
and psychology both prove that Jesus' I
program of love is the only plan that
will maintain a beneficial and moral-
ly purposeful world."
Professor Dickey maintaisen th'<t
Jesus sought to replace legal right-
eousness with spontaneous tad fres
obedience to the moral ohgation t
love God and neighbor. Thismilis
freedom, he said. pointing oua that
Jesus was the freest individual that
ever lived. This he attributed to thea
fact that Jesus experienced the, pa-
ternity of God, and because of this ie- '
lationship felt the love and kinship,
and submitted himself to the authority
of the Father. In this way Jesus ap-
preciated man's unity with God's will
and purposely accepted God's way as
his own, according to Professor
"All of the ills of modern lfe are
caused by man's failure to grasp this .
paternal conception of God," he added.
"We fail to appreciate that as the sons
of God we are members of, nay broth-
ers in, a common family. We arel
not God's creatures but his children
and the ends of his beneficient pa-
ternity. In such a family selfish lust
and greed are illusions, and love the
only reality of life. And it is only by
universal love that our lives can be
made real."
Prof. E. Blythe Stason of the Law
school will be called to Washington
April 25 as a member of the commit-
tee on a uniform publictservice act of
the national conference of commis-
sioners on uniform state laws. This!
body draws up uniform state lawsj
which are presented to state legisla-
tures, many having been adopted by

uyV I, i-.V VETcilnr, sa Pnima0 a
Stephen S. Wse of the Free syna-
gogue of New York, who spoke yester-j
day afternoon in the Natural Science
auditorium on the subject of "The Re-
volt of Youth-Against What?"l
"Youth should revolt, but it should
accept the responsibilities of revolt.;
Revolt should not be just a spasm,
but it should have a. goal. It should
be potentially sacrificial - youth
should stand ready to sacrifice power,
possessions, life itself, for the things'
for which it is revolting. For that is
the real test of revolt."




nRy im HrAflimpi.gil

- _.

I lRU I AAL I D 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 U u
iiiersion Of Industrial Alcohol Nets
j Rabi Stephlen S. Visa in an Infet Liquor Trafic
interiew yesterday expressed $36,000,0(iQ
himself as "deeply interested"
in the new regime at the Uni- ANDREWS IS PRAISED
versity. He said:
j arny of us are deeply inter- Associated Press)
ested and most hopeful, touching }WASHINGTON April 7.-Diversion
the new leadership which has s
can' to the University 1y virtue of industrial alcohol alone frnish s
of the assut'piioit of the presi- an announced illicit liquor traffic in
dcncy by Dr. Little. The for- this country totalling $3,600,000,000 in
+ wvae'r looking groups throughout sales, Emery . Buckner, Unite'l
the country think of him as a States district attorney at New York
kindred spirit, possessed of city, estimated today before the Sen-
vision and bound 0toleave his ate committee inquiring into condi-
u ress::: upmi the life of the na- lions under statutory prohibition.
t.This estimate startled the commit-
I tee and brought a gasp from the crowd
which packed the hearing room on
"'Ther is a ermain amount of re- the third day of the inquiry, arranged
volt in ie world 0 oday,"- aid Dr. to give niodificationists an opportunityj
Wise, "hut there is not enough of it. to develop their case this week, with
There should be more healthy, whole- drys allotted next week.
some revolt, in a spiritual, intellectn a gtMr. Bucknert id not stop there,
and moral sense, in Ameice. We adding $5,600,000 to the total as the
should revolt against this country value of the "cut" -whiskey which
paying the bills for Mussolini, who "bootleg druggists" in New York alone
has abolished self government in put on the market.
Italy, making worthless the efforts of I The district attorney arrived at his
Garibaldi and the other Italian liber- estimate by figuring a total diversion
ators. We should revolt against what of industrial alcohol to the bootleg
is being done to the American Indian ( trade at 60,000,000 gallons a year.
today; they are being charged a Bootleggers "cut" this three ways, he
royalty of 37 :'er cent on the oil from explained, producing a total of 720,-
their lands, while to all others the 000,000quarts of illicit liquor.
royalty is but two per cent. "Placing the price, at $5 a quart-
Wmants Chage In Churftetes and that is conservative-this makes
"Youth is in revolt against the a total of $3,600,000,000," he said.
strife and dissension in the churches I "We pay $10 a quart out in my coun-
today," continued Dr. Wise. "It is try," remarked Senator Reed, Demo-
working to make the spirit of the crat, Missouri, the one avowed wet on
church to be felt again. Some say i the committee of five.
that youth doesn't want the church, ! "You ought to know," interjected
but it is not true; it wants the church Chairman Means, as the crowd roared.I
a living vessel, with reality. If the j "I do," shot back Senator Reed and
church would make itself a mighty in- another shout went up.
sttrfment, a living breathing faith, the Called as a witness by the "wets,"
church would sweep the youth ofw who continued the presentation of
America off its feet." their case at both morning and night
Dr. Wise said that youth is in re- sessions, Mr. Buckner pictured an im-
volt against the fact that the world ' provement in enforcement conditions.E
has learned so little in regard to in- He paid tribute to Assistant Secretary
ternational relationships. He said there Andrews, of the treasury, who has
is not a. nation today against which charge of prohibition enforcement, de-
America has occasion to think of in caring:
terms of war, yet within ten years "General Andrews is the best thing
some group of Americans will be try- ! that ever happened for prohibition."
ing to devise some excuse for going Alcohol diversion has decreased, he
to war with Mexico or Japan. A war said, since "Andrews took that situa-
with Mexico would be a massacre, he tion by the throat," last September.
chained, and the only excuse for war Taking the alcohol distilleries around
with Japan would be this country's New York alone, he estimated that
desire to control the Pacific. "But," General Andrews' alcohol squad had
said Dr. Wise. "if we get into a war, reduced diversion to the point whereI
with Ja an, the time of dragooning the bootleg traffic had been lessened
young men for a causeless, needless in the sum total of $216,000,000,000 in
war is gone forever." potential sales.-
Youth Represents The Futuref
"Some parents think that every time t
youth and age get into conflict, it is '''
eaDseIyoth is revolting,"saidLDrL FAOS
wise. "But yret represents one
thing, and parents another' The for E
mer represent all that has been, the l"
latter all that is to be and ought to
le. Things that have been, not neces- ]Favors for the sixth annual Mili-
sarily ought to be now. Youth is tary ball, to be held Friday, April 21,
pessing forward with insistance upon, will be white leather combination
the future; age is insisting upon the card cases and change purses, an-
things that have been. And youth nounced George C. Weitzel, '26, gen-
will not surrender this right to press eral chairman, yesterday. The dance-
forward to goals that beckon; it i program will be inside the favor
should only be careful that it is not which is designed in keeping with the
revolting for the sake of revolt, but military character of the affair.
for a summons from within." Weitzel stated that in addition to
"Older people seem to think that the specialties put on by Ray Miller's
youth is responsible for all the 11-piece Brunswick recording orches-
changes that hare occurred during tra and McKinney's Syncopators, a 9-
the last half century," continued Dr. piece band from Toledo, the military
Wise, "but youth is the victim of the units of the University would perform

Premier Mussolini1
Benito Mussolini, italian premier,j
narrowly escaped serious injury yes-
terday, when an attempt on his life
failed. His assailant, a titled womaa,
fired noint blank at him with a revol-
ver as the dictator was leaving the
session of the Congress of Interna-f
tional Surgery in the Place di Cap-
itole to enter his automobile.

Prcsen ation Of Shakespeare's PLays
In Indiain Playhouses To Be
Charles Sisson, professor of English
literature at the University college,
London, will deliver a University lec-
ture on "Shakespeare in Native India"
at 4:15 o'clock today in Natural Sci-
I ence auditorium.
The lecture, which was scheduled
for March 15 and was postponed be-
t cause of Professor Sisson's illness,
will be illustrated by lantern slides,.
They willuepict the presentation of
Shakespeare's dramas in Indian play-
houses, showing the theaters, stage
settings andi costumes in use.
Professor Sisson was formerly pres-
ident of Elphinston college, University
of Bombay, India. He is the author
of two books, "Shakespeare and His
Age," published in 1910, and "Shakes-
peare in India" which appeared last
His lecture tour in this country in-
cludes Harvard university, Brown uni-
versity, Swarthmore college and the
University of Pennsylvania.
Tragedian Will
Give Hamlet In
Modern Dress
Robert B. Mantell, America's fore-
i most tragedian, will appear for three
evenings beginning at 8:15 o'clock to-
night in the Whitney theater with the
f performance of Hamlet in modern
dress .
Mr. Mantell's career is approaching
the half century mark. His Shake-
spearean repertoire is nsive. Mr.
Mantell recalled at a fecent dinner
given in New York in his honor that
he has played nearly every Shake-
spearean character of importance, anti
has performed the roles of Hamlet,
Macbeth, and Shylock, each nearly
1,000 times. During this time he has
played in nearly every city in thE
IUnited States, and in 1912 made a tour
of European capitals with Miss Gene-
vieve Hamper and Charles King.
This is Mr. Mantell's farewell ap-
pearance to middle western audiences,
as he will not venture on the road
next season.
Other plays to be presented here
are "Richelieu,"Friday evening, and
"The Merchant of Venice," Saturday
Sevening.Associated with Mr. Mantel
I is Genevieve Hamper.
1 Will Immortalize
I U- - of n F1 y 711C.

Presidents Of Subordinate Groups To
Be Added To iPersonnel Of
Student Council
Passing in a modified form the pro-
posed new constitution for the student
government of the University, the Stu-
dent council last night authorized the
establishment of college councils in
the literary, engineering, law, medical,
and dental colleges. The measure
provides for the retention of the pres-
ent Student council, but with the ad-
dition of the presidents of these five
subordinate organizations, who will,
however, have no vote.
The constitution as originally pro-
posed, which abolished the present
Student council entirely, and .formed
a new All-University council . com-
posed entirely of the presidents of
college councils in every college, was
rejected because it was believed that
I the change was too radical. The com-
1promise measure passed will provide
a combination of the old system and
the new, and will offer an opportunity
next year to test the validity of the
theory that college councils are prac-
ticable. If, next spring, the five col-
lege councils introduced have func-
tioned; successfully, the system will
probably be extended to every college
in the University and the All-Univer-
sity council, composed only of college
council presidents, will supercede the
present student governing body.
Plan College Councils
A committee has been appointed to
draw up a constitution for the college
councils, delegating to them some of
the duties that have heretofore been
handled by the Student council. This
committee will also settle upon th-
time and method of nomination of can-
didates for these five councils. It is
probable that eaeh council will be
composed of three seniors, two jun-
iors, and one sophomore, in addition
to the presidents of the four classes
in the college. These men will be
elected at the regular all-campus elec-
tion, which has been set this year for
May 12.
The new regime, which will go into
office after these elections, will there-
fore consist of five college councils of
ten men each, the presidents of which
will be added as ex-ofilcio members
of the Student council, which will re-
main the supreme governing body.
Will Re-Present Petitions
The two petitions sent by the Stu-
-dent council to -the Senate Committee
on Student Affairs several months ago,
requesting voting power for the three
students on the Senate committee and
for the three students on the University
discipline committee, and which were
rejected at that time, will be re-pre-
sented when the Senate committee
meets tomorrow. Council members
believe that the altered personnel of
the student government will affect the
action taken by the Senate committee
at this time.
At the meeting last night a commit-
tee was also appointed to investigate
the question of an all-campus com-
munity ifund. Its purpose will be to
ascertain the sums required by cam-
pus organizations for their annual ex-
penditures, and to prepare a compos-
ite budget, with the idea of eliminating
many of the various financial drives
now conducted on the campus.
Want More Courses
The council will also in the near
future petition the faculty of the lit-
erary college to introduce several new
courses in the language curriculum
of the University next fall. The na-
ture of these new courses will not be
divulged until the petition is presented
to the University officials.
Harry Hawking, '26E, and Joseph
Gandy, '26, who have been appointed
f members of the council to fill vacan-
cies caused by mid-term ineligiblities,
were last night appointed chairmen of
the annual Spring games and of Cap
night, respectively.

those assemblies.
Direct Interest
tes To University
I Ingersoll Rand company, Painted Post
N. Y- o
sThe popularity of the "Maize and

spoken over the radio on the "Michi- Blue" was evidenced by the fact that
gan Night" programs, for less than 25 requests came asking that the song
of the 1,962 communications received be put on every program. The ma-
to date have been from Ann Arbor. Ijority of these requests came fromI
Of these, Waldo Abbot, of the rhetoric people who have never attended the
department and program director, ! University. One man writes: "Give us
states that the majority have comei more college. music, also give us a i
from the children's ward of the Uni- stadium so Michigan can see her sonsj
versity hospital. play football." I
Letters have come from several That the educational value of the
parts of the United States and Canada. 3University programs is appreciated is I
These letters, according to Mr. Abbot, I evidenced by the fact that many coin-
show the increasing demand for edu- munications commented on the educa-
cational material on radio programs. tional benefit of the speeches. A rain-
Requests for the booklet containing I ister, from Blenheim, Ont., writes "you
the text of all the speeches given on are rendering a distinct service to a
the University program, have been re- very large constituency and your ef-
ceived from teachers in various fort should be a decided contribution}
schools and colleges. Delta Phi, an to a wiser and higher type of cot'--
I nl +; I N -_+ n+ -, 1.. - - ''.A ..'.....x3 .,--.

(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, April 7. - Dr.
Y ( Nicholas Murray Butler, presi-
dent of Columbia university and
an outspoken opponent of the
Eighteenth amendment and the
J Volstead act, is being boomed for
the Republican gubernatorial




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