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December 05, 1971 (vol. 82, iss. 71) • Page Image 1

…SUNDAY DAILY See Editorial Page L17 Sr inau ~Iait6F OKAY High-38 Low-30 Cloudy and mild Vol. LXXXII, No. 71 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, December 5, 197 Ten Cents Twelve Pages U' budget priorities: Seeking more By MARK DILLEN second of two parts Vice' President for Academic Affairs Allan Smith is sitting back in his cushioned swivel chair, thinking about the problems he has been having with the most precious of University com- modities:...…

December 05, 1971 (vol. 82, iss. 71) • Page Image 2

…Page Two THE WICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, December 5, 1971 Page Two THE 'MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, December 5, 1971 Doe3 'human, By JIM IRWIN The first time I ever heard Doc and Merle Watson perform in person was two years ago in Canterbury House. It was one of those performances you never dreamed could exist-entirely unique and unforgettable. Lydia Mendelssohn Theater last night was not the old Can- terbury House with its hots cider and intimacy,...…

December 05, 1971 (vol. 82, iss. 71) • Page Image 3

… Center for South and Southeast Asian Studies presents: HUYNH KIM KHANH Asst. Prof. of Political Science, Univ. of Western Ontario NIXON AND CHINA! Is There Anything in the Wind on Vietnam? TUESDAY, Dec. 7,8- P.M. East Lec. Rom.-3rd Floor Rackham 1' NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 BUSINESS PHONE: 764-0554 (17 4 Sfrtitan a- at'lu page three Ann Arbor, Michigan Sunday, December 5, 1971 I n briefs n e -w-s-By The Associated Press IRABR . YTh...…

December 05, 1971 (vol. 82, iss. 71) • Page Image 4

…a, special feature the Sunday daily by the committee on brazil Number 54 Night Editor: Pat Bauer Sunday, December 5, 1971 Persecution and repression in Medici's rB AEMNINk azil The University Committee on Brazil is a group of individuals who have researched conditions in Brazil. They are planning a forum this week to coincide with a visit by the head of Brazil's military govdrnnment to Washington on Tuesday. Brazil is huge Brazil'...…

December 05, 1971 (vol. 82, iss. 71) • Page Image 5

…Sunday, December 5, 191 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five g gtthe job don 3 ..... v.,.??: h:"X ::..,":±s.:.:<nrre. d::".; ;S~wr' i FOR RENT SUBLET - large modern 1 bedroom;' free furniture, $165. 663-7966. 56C75 LARGE 4-man apt. on campus avail. thru Aug. 769-1629. $276.00. 50072 ONE LARGE bedroom for two people in 4-man apartment. Jan, through April or August. $80.00 per month apiece. 663-4583. 51C73 LOVELY 3 bedroom apt. avail. 763- 6632. 4...…

December 05, 1971 (vol. 82, iss. 71) • Page Image 6

…Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday. December S. 1971 TH IHGNDAL inlvD ~hr~17 .,,r \.t! 4W ' vG4Vi!!tl rl 1 / r 1 I Financial (Continued from Page 1) financial plight, has been part- ly responsible for this, reflected in the funding given the Uni- versity in recena years, and in- directly in nflationary pres- sures on everything from sala- ries to books. Over the past three years, as University colleges and depart- ments received a small...…

December 05, 1971 (vol. 82, iss. 71) • Page Image 7

…Sunday, December 5, 1971 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven Sunday, December 5, 1971 THE MICHiGAN DAILY TV Center s goals limited by By PHILLIP DEISCH Instead of writing a t e r m paper could you imagine doing a term film? Such an alterna- tive may become a reality if the University Television Center is succesful in implementing i t s long range goal making tele- vision an alternative means of expression for all subject mat- ter. At pres...…

December 05, 1971 (vol. 82, iss. 71) • Page Image 8

…Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, December S, 1971 Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, December 5, 197 I 'U' RECRUITMENT Admissions reps tour schools Artistic Beauty and Acoustical Excellence 1 I a Need By KAREN TINKLENBERG and cuirriculum changes, as well asi Every fall and spring of t h e to answer students' questions. t academic year, representatives Uit from the admissions office extend Usually Erickson wi e the alread...…

December 05, 1971 (vol. 82, iss. 71) • Page Image 9

…Sunday, December 5, 1971 THE MICHIGAN DAILY page-,Nine Sunday, December 5, 1971 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page. Nine HI-FlSTUDIO SALES--SERVICE--RENTAL Dual, Shure, Sony, Zenith, Yamaha,. Voice of Music, Superex, Teac, Kenwood, AGS, Pilot, Jansen, Ampex, KLK, Dumont, JVC, Fisher, Sherwood, Marantz, Toshiba, Koss, Clark, Concord. Volunteers edge Nittany Lions; Matmen down rugged Pitt Hapless Jets crushed by Dallas, By The Associated Press the L...…

December 05, 1971 (vol. 82, iss. 71) • Page Image 10

…Wage Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, December S, 1971 Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, December 5, 1971 p Ii "Complete THE FLIK'R FACTORY 1741 Plymouth Road (in North Campus Plaza behind Lum's) 761-8406 candle-making supplies" Ru cks, Jab bar ni~p Bauts, 08AM105 .1 rrrrwnni i m n MILWAUKEE-Kareem Jabbar, Chet Walker led the Bulls with: eight points and were in command after a one-day bout with the flu, 28 points, including 21 t...…

December 05, 1971 (vol. 82, iss. 71) • Page Image 11

…Sund©y December 5, '1971 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Eleven Sunday, December 5, 1971 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Eleven Cagers paste Broncos In home opener Against Roses are nice ... but don't, forget Henry By JOHN PAPANEK SN'T IT FUNNY how smetimes when you're enjoying your- self doing something, you kind of forget that doing some- thing else might be just as good, or even better? Like, you're frolicking on the Cyclone at Coney Island and ...…

December 05, 1971 (vol. 82, iss. 71) • Page Image 12

… Page Twelve THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, December 5, 1971 PageTwele TH MICIGANDAIL .,_ _ __ FIGHTING ESCALATES: India thrusts intoE.Pakistan (Continued from Page 1) legalize the disputed 1970 elections in East Pakistan, in which the out- lawed Awami League scored a ma- jor victory, and to guarantee the safe return of refugees from India as a means of ending the conflict. Other fighting occurred along the cease-fire line in Kashmir, where ...…

December 05, 1971 (vol. 82, iss. 71) • Page Image 13

…fi IRWiq , , 4.. " w .. -AIM1Yk.... - " 141 .0 D ' 0 0 0l m F, S) I z. I -v z H ;ono ON( o _. < c - iP U ^o' o3~ . 0-0 mOC N UJ- N N) (J)t -.0 U JO Ua 00- 0 a' 0 Wt NJL C- <0m -I- C' U-) 44 LU O Q co Q W r O g' N) r r-- C7 no N 0D 0 "Kv O Z0 -nE 0 \0oW 0 0 0 0 tot cn U N) . 0- (Jiu PUR < M J -Q1 O' 0 0 U.) 00 NJ- vim v- !D1 ON %MM 0 0 ~0 N O -I-t O\'0 Ul 00 N " to0 c w C-D us J~ 0 N O o~ yN L? a~ 0. K 0 cr %0 et P ...…

December 05, 1971 (vol. 82, iss. 71) • Page Image 14

…tau i mlh - __ . L - --al., NMI _. -_ Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY - ROSE BOWL SUPPLEMENT Sunday, December 5, 1971 Sunday, December 5, 1971 THE 7 GAN DAY - ROSE I Dazzling-stats By JOEL GREER as the Wolverines ran up 1300 Until two years ago Michigan yards in total offense. had never suffered defeat in the But the most important win oc- Rose Bowl. But a rash of untimely curred at Columbus where Michi-k injuries and Bo Schembechler's ...…

December 05, 1971 (vol. 82, iss. 71) • Page Image 15

… -T )- Page Twenty-two THE MICHIGAN DAILY - ROSE BOWL SUPPLEMENT Sunday, December 5, 1971 Sunday, December 5, 1971 THE MICHIGAN DAILY - ROSE BOWL SUPPLEMENT OL' ERI E DEFE SE fl t] i Re EXPECT INDIAN AERIAL ATTACK Wolverines seek Rose There is almost nothing that is as consistently good as the Michigan defense. The unit racked up some of the highest accolades in the nation. The Wolverines were tops against the rush in the U...…

December 05, 1971 (vol. 82, iss. 71) • Page Image 16

…lwwmqmm 1. - - - -RW- - t -ok m -JL I Page Four THE MICHIGAN DAILY - ROSE BOWL SUPPLEMENT Sunday, December 5, 1971 Sunday, December 5, 1971 THE MICHIGAN DAILY - ROSE BOWL SUPPLEMENT Bunce-led By JIM EPSTEIN Jim Plunkett is gone but the Thunder Chickens remain alive and clucking. Their baallkks are heard all over the Pacific Eight confer- ence, in fact. And, for the second year in succession, the Thunder Chickens, and - the rest of t...…

December 05, 1971 (vol. 82, iss. 71) • Page Image 17

…Page Twenty ,qw THE MICHIGAN DAILY - ROSE BOWL SUPPLEMENT Sunday, December 5, 1971 Sunday, December 5, 1971 THE MICHIGAN DAILY - ROSE BOWL SUPPLEMENT Defens( (Continued from Page 7) While Michigan's rushers con- tinued to move at will the pass- ing inefficiency was beginning to cause worries. Schembechler experimented with Casey, Tom Slade, and Larry Cipa against the Midshipmen and Slade was the most impresive, hiting on four of se...…

December 05, 1971 (vol. 82, iss. 71) • Page Image 18

…'Vf v . . ....,., fv N. , .................................... w . X.:.> ... ..,.. ., ......,.. .. ^ d'... ;y....>,,.... ~ t +4 C ;i al}: . 5 '.: 4 .w'. .; i.'. .,......,... w,........... .. . . . ... s isl:\t} s ~ ^ ....: <o . a... .. . .... ,. $ , . >,., ".,.,' .; ;,. # { i ' . W, :, > ." .'> 4 ? ^ f ,',., N ; w v. Y' SKI _ ;.. _.. .,=i s 7 _" n w .. ,,, . < .cw~ .w. ltJ r"J ,. , ,... s ...._ , y 4: h- + r.. : 4 w A S L O~ h m< \Vi 3)...…

December 05, 1971 (vol. 82, iss. 71) • Page Image 19

…. - - w F- 1 ' 11 , P ° j Page Eighteen THE MICHIGAN DAILY - ROSE BOWL SUPPLEMENT Sunday, December 5, 1971 Sunday. December 5, 1971 THE MICHIGAN DAILY -- ROSE BOWL SUPPLEMENT ..... .....-f t . . i - x Poise By TERRI FOUCHEY After thi comeback victory over Purdue, Michigan assistant coach George Mans, during a radio interview, was asked how he thought the Wolverines pulled it out. He gave several reasons, but the one he seemed to ...…

December 05, 1971 (vol. 82, iss. 71) • Page Image 20

….0mmommosomma --Mdmmmmlwmmh . - llmmmmmb - _ Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY - ROSE BOWL SUPPLEMENT -A. ---- THE MICHIGAN DAILY - ROSE BOWL SUPPLEM I Sunday, December 5, 1971 Sunday, Decembr 5, 1971 THE MICHIGAN DAILY - ROSE BOWL SUPPLEM Big Ten race fails to blossom Academia, alters Pacific I eyes of Ohio State 24-10 and to Big with Illinois for 11 fumbles in But the Wishbone offense with By FRANK LONGO Ten champions Mic...…

December 05, 1971 (vol. 82, iss. 71) • Page Image 21

…Page Sixteen mmw m dMIMONLEMN.. --.dmww - THE MICHIGAN DAILY - ROSE BOWL SUPPLEMENT Sunday, December 5, 1971 Sunday, December 5, 1971- THE MICHIGAN DAILY - ROSE BOWL SUPPLEMENT I. J J fI I CAPITOL GIFT SUGGESTIONS (ON SALE THROUGH TUESDAY, DEC. 7) /! I I PINK FLOYD "Meddle" 359 JOHN. LENNON "Imagine" 359 As selected by the Official Student-Faculty Rose Bowl Committe NO HIDDEN CHARGES EVERYTHING AS ADVEI COMPARE THE BAND "C...…

December 05, 1971 (vol. 82, iss. 71) • Page Image 22

…k~ 1 , ;:. ;, $115 plus $14 administrative charges: DET. L.A. DET. ROUND TRIP JET TRANSPORTATION, COMPLIMENTARY MEALS AND OPEN BAR SERVICE DURING THE FLIGHT SPONSORED BY: B.A.T.A. & B.S.U. NINE FLIGHTS: Aboard Universal and Continental 747 (303 pox) & Super DC-8 (250 pax) Departures: 18, 28th thru 30th from Det., N.Y., or Chi., to L.A. or San Francisco Returns: the 2nd thru 10th from L.A. or San Francisco to Det., N.Y., or Chicago S...…

December 05, 1971 (vol. 82, iss. 71) • Page Image 23

…h. Ak4N r p X r -T P- w I- Page Fourteen THE MICHIGAN DAILY - ROSE BOWL SUPPLEMENT Sunday, December 5, 1971 Sunday. December 5, 1971 THE MICHIGAN DAILY - ROSE BOWL SUPPLEMENT A funny thing happened on the way to Pasadena National gridiron crown By BILL ALTERMAN In 1901 a couple of the boys in California got together and decided1 their New Year's celebration needed good wholesome violence. So they invited Leland Stanford Jr. ...…

December 05, 1971 (vol. 82, iss. 71) • Page Image 24

…lw M --.dMMMWMMmd - Ammwwdmmftmmm - --.mMMWmMlMff 1100mommommdONN - . --AMME - Mmmm=i . _ - .. Iquw"qk -.I Page Twelve THE MICHIGAN DAILY -ROSE BOWL SUPPLEMENT . Sunday, December 5, 1971' Sunday, December 5, 1971 THE MICHIGAN DAILY - ROSE BOWL SUPPLEMENT WHY PAY MORE? COMPARE & SAVE! WORLD WIDE CHARTER serves the University of Michigan students, faculty, and staff ALL YEAR ROUND. They have provided this campus with absolutely...…

November 05, 1971 (vol. 82, iss. 49) • Page Image 1

…GARBAGE GRIPES Trash collection troubles city By ROSE SUE BERSTEIN As students trickled back to Ann Arbor this fall, they brought with them an ex- pected burden to the Department of Public Works (DPW)-30,000 person's worth of additional garbage. But this fall some Ann Arbor residents found themselves awakening not to the oh- so-dreary clatter of sanitation engineers making their rounds, but instead to the buzzing of flies hovering about thei...…

November 05, 1971 (vol. 82, iss. 49) • Page Image 2

…Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Fridoy, November 5, 1 9? 1 Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAiLY Friday, November 5, 1971 'Butler: Shades r a sex-craved psychotic pat- nt and decides to have her >mmitted. Enter the bellboy from the otel where Mrs. Prentice was ped. He has some 8 by 10 lossies of the Dr's. wife in a lost undignified.position. These hotgraphic studies can, of >urse, be purchased. Enter Police Inspector Match. e is looking for a Miss Ge...…

November 05, 1971 (vol. 82, iss. 49) • Page Image 3

… TONIHT Dial 8-6416 BUSINESS PHONE: 64-554 £iti~i!an ~aitll page three Ann Arbor, Michigan Friday, November 5, 1971 HELLSTROM CHRONICLEI TO A LL ST UDENTS W HO PAR T ICIlPAT ED I N GRAD D' I Computerized Job Opportunity Matching Program Your printout results are now available. Please pick them up at: CAREER PLANNING & PLACEMENT 3rd Floor-Student Activities Bldg. 764-7460 A second GRAD Il computer run will be made in late December or...…

November 05, 1971 (vol. 82, iss. 49) • Page Image 4

… Eighty-one years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Freaking out in Morocco 9 I 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints: FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1971 NIGHT EDITOR: ARTHUR LERNER Busing and the Governor OV. WILLIAM MILLIKEN'S announce-...…

November 05, 1971 (vol. 82, iss. 49) • Page Image 5

…Friddy, November 5, 1 X71 THE MICHIGAN TQAIILY vage Hve I______ ______ _____-- - ------------., I 7777M7U ------ - ------ 77.71,, I. I I -'OVA,, I I ILA i e PF ol get the job lOe _-Milk . . r FOR DIRECT CLASSIFIED SERVICE CALL 764-0557-10 A.M.-4 P.M. MONDAY-FRIDAY FOR RENT MOD.1 BDRM. APT. 1 blk. from Frieze. Take over lease Jan. 1. 763-6155. 94C51 8PACIOUS one bdrm., furnished, be- hind Rackham, grad, only. $155/mo, 761...…

November 05, 1971 (vol. 82, iss. 49) • Page Image 6

…Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, November 5, 197 1 Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY 1-riday, November 5, 191 1 HI-FlSTUDIO SALES-SERVICE-RENTAL Dual, Shure, Sony, Zenith, Yamaha, Voice of Music, Superex, Teac, Kenwood, AGS, Pilot, Jansen, Ampex, KLH, Dumont, JVC, Fisher, Sherwood, Marantz, Toshiba SONY 6065 JENSEN 6 TEAC 7010 Concertone, Dynaco, Stanton, Research, Lansing, LWE, Pickering, Scott, Motorola, Acoustic, Viking, Norelco, Garrard,...…

November 05, 1971 (vol. 82, iss. 49) • Page Image 7

…Friday, November S, 1971 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven Friday, November 5, 1971 THE MICHIGAN DAILY I I images . Federal school aid advised WASHINGTON (R - A $2 million study released yester- day urges more school con- solidations and much heavier federal and state spending to equalize public education and taxation. The five-volume report by the National Educational Finance Pro- ject recommends that prqperty taxes pay for only 10-15 per ...…

November 05, 1971 (vol. 82, iss. 49) • Page Image 8

…Page. Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, November 5, 1971 Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY t.-. .<: .? ' { ' . { <.,N;: dO fy:. N . fk t v " is i ....:. ..,::i48t::::: J!kvi k .. DENVER, TECH LOOK TOUGH: WCH By JOEL GREER Even though the regular sea- son has yet to begin, the new Western Collegiate Hockey As- sociation playoff format has stirred excitement throughout the league. The failure of Michigan Tech to reach the NCAA champion- ships ...…

November 05, 1971 (vol. 82, iss. 49) • Page Image 9

…Friday, November 5, 1971 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Nine Wings tie, 4-4; OUTLOOK BLEAK: Brurns breeze By The Associated Press vecchio and Nick Libett picked off DETROIT - The Buffalo Sabres Buffalo's passes in the Sabres zone I rallied from a four-goal deficit to and beat Crozier. tie the Detroit Red Wings 4-4 last ** * night and stay two points ahead of Bruins 6, Blues 1 the last-place Detroiters in the Naional Hockey League East Divi- B...…

November 05, 1971 (vol. 82, iss. 49) • Page Image 10

…Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, November S, 1971 Page Ten THE MiCHIGAN DAILY Friday, November 5, ~ 971 GRAND RAPIDS CITED: NAACP segregation suit hits Milliken, Kelley, school area House rejects ban on sex bias in college admissions policies GRAND RAPIDS (P)-The State' Board of Education, Gov. William Milliken, Atty. Gen. Frank Kelley and the Kent County Intermediate School District were made de- fendants by court order yesterday in...…

October 05, 1971 (vol. 82, iss. 22) • Page Image 1

…CHILE: CONFLICT OVER COPPER See Editorial Page --TWW Irv I (t4 r Sir igani 4bp 43att PERPLEXING High--65 Low-45 Cloudy, chance of showers Vol. LXXXI., No. 22 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, October 5, 1971 Ten Cents Eight Pages SE, ATE SSE BLY E DORSES PL TO E D OST (Li SSIFIED RESEARCH T U II ERSITY Viet vote I 7 I I -Associated Press Woodcock endorses busing Leonard Woodcock, president of the United Auto Workers says ...…

October 05, 1971 (vol. 82, iss. 22) • Page Image 2

…-Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, 'October 5, 1971 Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, October 5, 1971 'Ur Musical Society and the man. who runs it By DONALD SOSIN The 93rd Choral Union Series of the University Musical So- ciety opened in Hill Auditorium last night with a recital by cellist Zara Nelsova and her husband, pianist Grant Johannesen. It was an evening of unabash- ed and unrelieved romanticism, the program comprisi...…

October 05, 1971 (vol. 82, iss. 22) • Page Image 3

…Wednesday & Thursday-October 6 & 7 Department of Speech Student Laboratory Theatre presents Motherlove by August Strindberg AND The Man in the Bowler Hat by A.A. MILNE ARENA THEATRE, Frieze Building Promptly at 4:10 P.M. or earlier if theatre is filled ADMISSION FREE Senate votes ceiling to limit U.S. spending in Laos WASHINGTON (') - The Senate yesterday voted to set the first congres- sional limit on U.S. spending in Laos, approving a ceil...…

October 05, 1971 (vol. 82, iss. 22) • Page Image 4

…I Z I acr iaft ath Eighty-one years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students ct the University of Michigan futures past Good astronauts do not good heroes make by d avc chudwin I 420 Maynard 'St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1971 NIGHT EDITOR: ALAN LENHOF...…

October 05, 1971 (vol. 82, iss. 22) • Page Image 5

…Tuesday, October 5, 1971 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five For Direct Classified Service, Phone 764-0 Monday through Friday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. 557 FOR REN7 ROOM FOR RENT, 808 E. Kingsley. 7,69-1837. 54027 AVAILABLE: large 2-man, 2-bdrm. apt. Close to campus. $240/mo. 665-0154. cC25 NEED 2 GIRLS to share; on campus, $50/mo. begin Oct. 11. 769-5135. dC22 2 Bedroom bi-level apartments A/C, dishwasher, garbage disposal Available Immediately Carriage ...…

October 05, 1971 (vol. 82, iss. 22) • Page Image 6

…I Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, October 5, 1971 Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY }'''." A :: \ : By MARC FELDMAN Except for Minnesota's shock- ing 38-20 conquest of Kansas most games involving Big Ten teams went according to plan last Sat- urday. Overall, the Big Ten came out with three victories in half- a-dozen non-conference g a m e s while Northwestern and Purdue earned their first Big Ten vic- tories of the season. Northwestern w...…

October 05, 1971 (vol. 82, iss. 22) • Page Image 7

…Tuesday, October 5, 1971 FHE MICHIGAN ONLY Page Seven Tuesday, October 5, 1971 VHE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven Orioles blast. Hunter; Ellis blasts irates Powell's blasts lead Baltimore to second playoff victory, 5-1 Dock: Pirate management cheap; 'They don't deserve the pennant' BALTIMORE (N) - Hulking of playoff triumphs to eight over first baseman Boog Powell, "who three seasons, was so worried looks like 900 pounds up there," abo...…

October 05, 1971 (vol. 82, iss. 22) • Page Image 8

… Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, October 5 1971 BLACK CANDIDATES IN '72: Rep., seeks black unit 1 . T ATES1 U. of M. Payroll Ch By GEOFFREY JACQUES cashed here Rep. John Conyers (D-Mi.) yes- terday said that only a black poli- tical candidate running on the Democratic party ticket can raise the voter consciousness of black Americans in the 1972 presidential election. Speaking at the Law School be- O R -6M N fore some 200 people, the ...…

August 05, 1971 (vol. 81, iss. 61) • Page Image 1

…P tt g'Ifrl Vol. LXXXI, No. 61-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, August 5, 1971 Ten Cents Eight Pages Pilans forPOW release reported SUPPORTERS of the striking Buhr workers circle two lawyers of General Motors, the company which has purchased the ma- * chinery from the Buhr plant that truck drivers tried to pick up yesterday. Trucks turned back at Bulir. By ZACHARY SCHILLER For the second time in less than a week, trucks directed to pick ...…

August 05, 1971 (vol. 81, iss. 61) • Page Image 2

…rages Iwo Thursday August 5, 1971I Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, August 5, 1971, isp^E Le etc e .ssi MteN tsirnso!r:e ..crc's sa'itance Orues t MIke "SICho,JMAcNicmolson, Candice Bergen, Arthur Garfunkel, K Inn-MargreiandiJules Feinerr. BUSING OPPOSITION: Nixon position hurts school bill. t a c d a z r a d C5 4 c Caral Knwlge iI was sorry to see 'CARNAL KNOWLEDGE' end." Vincent Canby, New York Times a m a .o tc F i SHOWS AT...…

August 05, 1971 (vol. 81, iss. 61) • Page Image 3

…page three 911Sit1ir at EUPHORIC High-78 Low-48 Warmer, no chance of rain a ~iursday, August 5, 1971 Ann Arbor, Michigan News Phone: 764-0552 City officials fight billboard restraint order By ALAN LENHOFF City officials yesterday were unsuccessful in their bid to nullify a court ruling which temporarily restrains the city from enforcing its four-day old billboard ordinance. Livingston County Circuit Court Judge Paul Mahinske issued the r...…

August 05, 1971 (vol. 81, iss. 61) • Page Image 4

…The great Groucho: On everything By JIM IRWIN NO SOONER had he trudged into his plush Beverly Hills suite and col- lapsed in the nearest armchair than the phone began to ring. "Hello, Groucho Marx? This is the San Francisco Examiner. Is it true you told the Berkeley Barb that 'the only hope this country has is Nixon's assassi- nation'?" A buzzy voice. Will Hearst Jr. maybe? "I deny making it," Groucho answered hotly. "I don't remember - it wa...…

August 05, 1971 (vol. 81, iss. 61) • Page Image 5

…Thursday, August S, 1971 THE MICHIGAN DAILY y Page Five arts Ghost Dancers': Black and white By GAYNELLE CLEMENT and CASSANDRA MEDLEY Phillip Hayes Dean is a black playwright and director whose trilogy of short plays "G h o s t Dancers" is a fascinating por- trayal of the problems of black and white America. If you feel that experienc- ing an intense, perceptive a n d artistic analysis of America is imperative for developing a per- A sona...…

August 05, 1971 (vol. 81, iss. 61) • Page Image 6

…Pag Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, August 5, 197-1 Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, August 5, 1971 Daily Classifeds Drivers stop at Buhr picket line (Continued from Page 7) PERSONAL DON'T MISS The Pawnbroker coming Aug. 13-14 at 9 p.m at the Newman Center basement, donation $1. 27F68 BUMPER STICKERS custom printed wnile-U-wait! $2. Utnusual printing jobs our specialty. MBL Press, 1217 Prospect, Ann Arbor 761-0942. e te GOODNIGHT,...…

August 05, 1971 (vol. 81, iss. 61) • Page Image 7

…Thursday, August 5, 1971 Daily Clas~ifieds FOR RENT FOR RENT ANTI-SMOKERS--Live where the fresh GREATEST APARTMENTS aris "at.' Kitchen uoe for tudious in Ann Arbior mcen. Telephone 662-1514 after 7.30 1111 S. State pom. 4C63 '156 Packoard 2 Sdr ccc Aie-rood., well furnieshed ROOMMATE NEEDED for 4-girl opt. Excellent Locations s Deer 21 preferred. Cloae to camipics Call atter 5, 662-1802 or 1-064-3852 and Medical Centr. Modern, A C.I CCtc Call ...…

August 05, 1971 (vol. 81, iss. 61) • Page Image 8

…roge Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, August. 5, 1971 Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, August 5, ~97l L olc es BIG TEN COMMISSIONER: I-j1l0chstrikes out1 l-A g !,At " as Tigers DETROIT - Mickey Lolich Cubs, struck out 14 and scattered sev- en hits, leading the Detroit Tig- CHIC ers to a 2-1 triumph over the double Washington Senators last night. backed Lolich, 17-8, was locked in a pas an pitching duel with Dick Bosman, to a 3 9...…

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