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November 05, 1971 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1971-11-05

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Trash collection troubles city

As students trickled back to Ann Arbor
this fall, they brought with them an ex-
pected burden to the Department of Public
Works (DPW)-30,000 person's worth of
additional garbage.
But this fall some Ann Arbor residents
found themselves awakening not to the oh-
so-dreary clatter of sanitation engineers
making their rounds, but instead to the
buzzing of flies hovering about their un-
collected rubbish.
At a September City Council meeting,
spectators roared with laughter as irate
citizens detailed their sluggish rubbish
collections. The problem seemed particu-
larly acute in student neighborhoods, where
it was reportedly frequent for a person to
see the same garbage sitting in the same
spot day after day.

Yet despite the laughter of the unin-
volved, garbage accumulation is a serious
matter. Although garbage collection now
follows a regular schedule, according to
Superintendent of Public Works F r e d
Mammel, local residents say there were
weeks this fall during which no garbage
was picked up in many areas.
The main problem impeding orderly gar-
bage collection is the city's austerity bud-
get. This year's appropriation for garbage
collection is $1,014,589, up from $896,668
last year. However, this includes a nine
per cent contracted pay increase to all
employes and assumption of all fringe
benefits, making it a real decrease, ex-
plains Bud Greelick of DPW.
Another reason for the tight garbage
collection is that the department is in the
process of being reorganized. Hence, it will
operate on an interim basis for approxi-

mately the next 18 monthhs, after which
it will presumably undergo complete re-
vision and modernization.
In the meantime, however, the lack of
proper funding has led to curtailed service.
"The funding prior to July 1 was insuf-
ficient," Mammel states. To maintain a
regular schedule City Council late in Sep-
tember allocated a $50,000 emergency sub-
sidy from the city's general fund.
This sum will keep the collections con-
stant for the six weeks following the allo-
cation. During this time DPW awaits
receipt of newer trucks - termed "Shoe-
pack" by the manufacturer-which require,
fewer employes than the trucks presently
in use. Mammel predicts that the first
shipment of these trucks should arrive
within the next few weeks and that the
balance should arrive by March 1.
See AREA, Page 6

-Daily-Tom Gottlieb
One of the city's finest,. .

-Daily-Tom Gottlieb
. . . and the kitchen sink

See Editorial Page



4:3 a i149

chance of showers

Vol. LXXXII, No. 49 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, November 5, 1971 Ten Cents

Ten Pages


H ouse




on bomb test'
WASHINGTON UP-The White House turned aside mount-
ing protests against a planned underground nuclear test off
the Alaskan coast yesterday as opponents prepared a last
ditch appeal to the Supreme Court.
The explosion is scheduled for Saturday at 5 p.m. EST
on Amchitka Island to test the five megaton hydrogen bomb
warhead for the Spartan antiballistic missile.
Asked about White House reaction to continuing protests
and petitions, press secretary Ronald L. Ziegler said "a most
careful study was given to ,all aspects including potential en-
vironmental risk."
It was decided to proceed with the test, he said, becausej
of overriding interests of national defense and security.
Seven environmental groups op-

p reven
House of Representatives voted
late last night to clamp harsh
restrictions on the government
and the federal courts in an
effort to prevent forced busing
of school children to overcome



SGC acts
to expand
bail fund
Indigent persons detained in the
Washtenaw County Jail on mis-
demeanor charges will be bailed
out daily by the Student Govern-
ment Council Bail Fund as a re-
sult of an amendment to Council
operating procedures approved
last night.
As previously set up, the SGC
Bail Fund was designed primarily
to bail out students who had been
jailed during mass a r r e s t s.
Amendments to the procedure
last night empower SGC to pro-
vide bail money from the fund to
anyone who cannot pay his own
Council also designated last
night a committee to draft a poli-
cy statement on SGC appoint-
ments to University advisory
Previous SGC administrations
have refused to appoint student
members to University committees
which have only advisory powers,
claiming that such appointments
would legitimize token student
representation in decision-making.
However, a related issue is whe-
ther the University committees will
recognize SGC as the only legiti-
mate body qualified to appoint
students. Many Senate Assembly
committees now specify that gra-
uate students be appointed by
Graduate Assembly, which may
soon be replaced by the new
Graduate Federation.
SGC maintains that it and it
alone should make all appoint-
ments, including graduate stu-
dents to the University commit-

posing the explosion prepared their
appeal to the Supreme Court, ask- fi::s.".":. ,<a ." iiii :::.
ing for an injunction against the
blast. .: .:"::.> .::::::::".. . .. ..:.:.. .....::: ..:::::: .::::.::::.:
Sen. Democratic leader M i k e
Mansfield of Montana told report- .:;::...>
ers he hopes the court stops it,
calling it "dangerous and an out
Sens. George McGovern (D-SD),
and Mark O. Hatfield (R-Ore.),
also joined in protests.
Lawyers for the environmental ,}
groups contended there is evidence) .
the AEC violated the National En-z
vironmental Policy Act of 1969 by:
refusing to include adverse com- X.
ment on the test in its environ-...
mental impact statement.
They pointed to formerly secret .7 i
documents that showed President
Nixon's chief environmental ad-X
viser Russell Train concluded al- f
most a year ago that the test <
could trigger a large natural earth-
quake and release radiation into
the sea.
According to a memo written by Jimmy Caras, five times world pockett
Train, the chairman of the Coun- Michigan Union yesterday afternoon.
cil on Environmental Quality, such ---
a blast could trigger a chain of
earthquakes w h o s e combination SENATE UNIT ACTS:
could amount to a major quake.
While this, in itself, would not.
cause serious damage in the re-' !
mote, and sparsely populated Aleu- e a
present an unknown risk of gen-
erating a tsunami, or tidal wave,
that could sweep across the Pacific 0 0
Ocean bringing destruction to dist-
ant shores.
The Train memo also warnedl
that radioactivity from the blast
could move upward through brok- WASHINGTON ()-The Senate ago re
en rock and find its way to the Foreign Relations Committee chop- to 27.
sea in only a year or two, instead ped the defeated foreign aid bill Con
of the 145 years predicted by the into separate economic and mili- ures i
Atomic Energy Commission. tary aid sections yesterday, while nextw
Although the outcome of Satur- the House began work on a resolu- either
day's blast is as yet unknown, U.S. tion that would revive temporarily man J
scientists in Palmer, Alaska will be the current program. answe
the first to measure its effects. The Senate panel, in a, series of The1
Minutes after the underground close votes, slashed the funds for had on
explosion of the five m e g a ton t 9 ., aid pr
ThtcetssatPlehilb adt

Acting in what Rep. Emanuel
Celler (D-N.Y.) called "haste, ex-
citement and hysteria," the House
adopted a series of potentially far-
See related story on the High-
er Education Bill, Page 10.
reaching amendments that could
sharply slow the pace of deseg-
One amendment would prevent
expenditure of any federal funds
for busing. Another would prohibit
the federal government from re-
quiring a state to spend state or
local funds for busing.
Still another would delay a
court-ordered busing plan until all
possible appeals have been ex-
hausted, which could mean two or
three years.
All the amendments were added
to a massive, $21.7 billion higher
education bill, which was headed
toward passage early this morn-
acWarnings that the House was
acting irresponsibly and in viola-
tion of the Constitution w e r e
brushed aside at the late night
session as members rushed enthus-
iastically to get on record against
Southerners clapped and cheered
as Northerners with a long history
of opposing antibusing amend-
ments when only the South was
affected by them trooped down
the aisle to vote for the amend-

-Daily-Jim Wallace
The Champ
billiards champion, demonstrates his prize winning form at the

*Taylor strikes back
SGC member Brad Taylor posts a bill on a trash container urging
the defeat of a proposition on the upcoming SGC referendum ask-
ing his removal from office. The recall campaign was initiated last
summer after Taylor testified about local anti-war activities before
the House Internal Security Committee.
House unit supports
retroactive pay hikes

sure split


bomb, they will begin checking to retail
see if the blast had indeed trig-
gered a tidal wave. prov

The SGC is expected to draft
a statement asking that Senate
Assemblyerecognize Council as the
onlybody empowered to appoint
students and stipulating that
Council will appoint no students
unless such recognition is given.
The draft statement will be
acted on at the next Council
According to Joel Silverstein,
the member-at-large who spon-
sored the bail fund amendm-nt,
"there are 10 to 15 people in the
Countyajail at all times who
{ cannot afford ten dollars bail."
The Bail Fund Board, which
administers the SGC bail money,
was expanded last night to include


The scientists at Palmer will be admi
See NIXON, Page 10 ure1
omen plat
conference t
The founding conference of the ach
Michigan Women's Political Cau- abl;
cus (MWPC)" will be held to- me
morrow at Michigan State Uni- won
versity. poli
The state branch of the Na- cre
tional Women's Political Caucus ing
plans to back feminist-humanist sys

aa measures To $2.2 bilion int
ned an array of restrictive $34 4
isions opposed by the Nixon was u
inistration and sent the meas- In t
to the Senate which six days mittee
tip11a tions f
of Coll
m~rr OwIt e
omorrow ata1l
til the
anizing across party lines to regula
ieve feminist goals will prob- House
y have a profound and im- sharp]
diate effect. MWPC will offer Ant
men a place, or home in the seekin
tical system. It may also in- for ye
ase the trend of women leav- arated
the traditional two-party sectio.
tem." vote a

ecnoi help
ejected a $2.9 billion bill 41 aid," House Appropriations Chair-
man George Mahon (D-Tex.),
sideration of the two meas- said, "and I believe there will be a
s expected to begin early vast reduction."
week. Asked if he thought Mahon nevertheless hopes to
could win approval chair- push through a bill that would
. William Fullbright (D-Ark.) continue funds for foreign aid,
red, "I think it's marginal." defense and the anti-poverty pro-
Nixon administration, which grams past their present expira-
riginally sought a $3.5 billion tion date to the end of the year's
ogram, said before the ac-I congressional session.
hat anything less than the House action is expected next
billion voted in the House Tuesday but the interim continu-
racceptable. ing resolution faces heavy opposi-
the House, the rules com- tion in the Senate.
cleared for floor action next ----.
a resolution to provide funds.
d Nov. 15 for programs which
't received their appropria-
for the current fiscal year-
e, anti-poverty, the District
umbia and foreign aid n grte s t
rovides foreign aidfundingj
evel of about $2.8 billion un-
e end of the congressional
n, pending action on the By MARCIA ZOSL
r appropriations bill which Sen. George McGovern (D-S.D.
leaders said would be cut Hart (D-Mich.) will be among
i-war senators have been Detroit's broadly-based anti-war<
i-wa seatos hve een morrow.
g split foreign aid proposals
ars. A foreign aid bill sep- The Detroit demonstration w
into military and economic national chain of anti-war demo
ns would allow senators to uled for 16 regional centers. The
gainst military assistance to sponsored nationally by the Natio

WASHINGTON (R) - The House Banking Committee yes-
The amendment barring the use-
of any federal funds for busing, terday angered President Nixon and delighted organized labor
offered by Rep. John Ashbrook by approving retroactive payment of most previously nego-
(R-Ohio), was adopted 233 to 124. tiated wage increases stymied by the wage freeze.
The one delaying the effective The provision would require payment of all but "grossly
date of court-ordered busing plans, disproportionate" pay raises negotiated before Aug. 15. The
by Rep. William Broomfield (R-c-
Mich), was approved 235 to 125 committee also added a number of other drastic revisions o
Rep. Edith Green (D-Ore.) of- the President's proposed Phase 2 economic legislation. .
fered an amendment to prevent Organized labor, which reportedly has been fighting up-
the federal government from re- hill for refunds of "frozen" raises, saw the committee action
quiring the expenditure of state as a victory. "It's a whole new ball game," an AFL-CIO
and local funds, which was adopt-
ed 231 to 126. spokesman said.




.) and Sen. Philip
the speakers at
demonstration to-
ill be part of a
nstrations sched-
protests are co-
nal Peace Action

County Jail and on to Kennedy Square for speeches.
Featured speakers will include McGovern, Hart,
Tom Turner of the AFL-CIO, Pete Kelley of the
United Auto Workers, State Rep. Jackie Vaughn
(D-Detroit) of the Angela Davis Defense Commit-
tee, and Janet Wingo of the Welfare Rights Or-
A wide variety of groups, ranging from labor
unions to the Michigan Federation of Teachers,

-" Nixon reacted sharply in a
statement read to reporters at the
White House. "The Committee's
action is clearly inconsistent with
the purposes of the economic sta-
bilization program," he said. "It
would provide for a piecemeal ap-
proach to the development of the
program," he said, and "limit the
flexibility" of the Pay Board and
the Price Commission.,
The AFL-CIO said of the White
House reaction, "It is obvious that
Congress has more regard for the
validity of contracts than does the
White House."
The committee's decision came
in the form of a proposed amend-
ment to legislation aimed at ex-
tending Nixon's power to take
maa~rc nb~-oilizP the economyf~l.

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