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October 05, 1971 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1971-10-05

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See Editorial Page

--TWW Irv
(t4 r

Sir igani


Cloudy, chance
of showers

Vol. LXXXI., No. 22 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, October 5, 1971 Ten Cents

Eight Pages



















Viet vote


-Associated Press
Woodcock endorses busing
Leonard Woodcock, president of the United Auto Workers says in
a Detroit news conference yesterday he believes busing children
"within reasonable limits" is the only means of achieving school
integration. (See related story on this page.)
OS S s ub*mits
day c.-arve lan i
A proposal recommending that the University provide a
$250,000 loan for the establishment of a parent-controlled
child care corporation was released Sunday by Vice President
Robert Knauss through the Office of Student Services
According to Knauss, the proposal has been released in
order "to spark discussion and comment throughout the
community." It will be submitted formally to the executive
officers when all available information has been assembled.
-- The proposal, przpared by
4 Laura Taub, OSS assistant for

said to bea
a fraud
SAIGON (M - As President
Nguyen Van Thieu yesterday
claimed h i s overwhelming
majority in re-election was a
defeat for communism in
South Vietnam and a victory
for democracy, charges of
fraud mounted swiftly as re-
sults were posted in Sunday's
uncontested balloting.
Vice President Nguyen Cao Ky
and Duong Van Minh, who at first
challenged Thieu but withdrew,l
remained silent. They had charg-
ed that the election was rigged
from the start of the campaign,
As the final results were tabu-
lated from 44 provinces, 11 cities
and among soldiers in Cambodia,E
minor anti - government dem-
onstrations occurred in Saigon
and Qui Nhon, but were nothing
comparable to the outbursts in Da
Nang, where atnleast 3 persons
were killed and nearly 60 wound-
ed over the weekend.
Opponents of Thieu and inde-
pendent observers raised questions
about the proprietysof the vot-
ing and there were some outright
charges that the balloting was
One of these came from Ngo
Cong Duc, publisher of an anti-
Thieu newspaper and former Na-
tional Assembly deputy. He ac-
cused the government of having
distributed 3 million blank vot-
ing cards "to be used in case of a
low voter turnout."
Covering the election in Long
An Province south of Saigon, an
American television crew said it
filmed a voter casting two ballots.
The voter said the second one was
for his wife, who couldn't come
to the polling place.
In Saigon, anelection official
said all polling places were or-
dered in advance to replace in-
valid, meaning anti Thieu. ballots
with valid ones and to call police
if newsmen tried to visit the polls.
He said more than 400 ballots
were replaced at his polling sta-
The Vietnamese National Elec-
tion Center gave Thieu 91.5 per
cent of the ballots cast. His press
secretary estimated the vote
against Thieu at 5.5 per cent. No
accounting was given for the oth-
er 3 per cent.

University faculty representatives overwhelmingly en-
dorsed late last night a proposed policy banning most classi-
fied research from the University.
Senate Assembly, the faculty representative body, asked
an end to all secret research except "in cases where the pro-
posed research is likely to contribute so significantly to the
advancement of knowledge as to justify infringement of the
freedom to publish openly."
This addition marked the only significant change from
the original proposal of sociology Prof. Howard Schuman,
submitted to Assembly last ------ ---
Monday.Pi o
fine the language of the Schuman ,s1rj
proposal as amended last night
and bring it back to Assembly at ine
its Oct. 18 meeting. e a l d i
Last night's decision will become
official University policy only af-
ter approval by the Regents.r .Y
Schuman had originally asked NI Y T i m j
that the criteria for exemption be*"im
"exceptional positive v a 1 u e to
mankind." While the precise ef- A friendly football practice be-
fect of. the change in wording re- tween two prison inmates at the
mains in doubt, Assembly resolved Attica Correctional Facility set
several major points concerning the opening scene for the bloody

-Daily-Julie Wittes
FACULTY REPRESENTATIVES LISTEN last night to proposed amendments seeking to alter the
Schuman proposal which calls for an end to most classified research at the University.


800J inmates
riot in Dallfas
DALLAS (/P) - More than 800
Dallas County jail prisoners staged
a mattress - burning melee last
night, sheriff's officers reported.
They said one prisoner died of
unknown causes, two were injured
and a guard suffered a heart at-
tack during the two-hour distur-
A sheriff's department sonokes-
man said prisoner Lawrence Jack-
son, 36, was pronounced dead on;
arrival at Parkland Hospital. The
only injury seen on Jackson was
a cut on his left hand, he said,
and the reason for his death was
not apparent.
Jailer Willie R. Romans, 50.'
was hospitalized at Parkland with
what the spokesman said was a
heart attack.
Two prisoners received minor
injuries and were also taken to
the hospital. They were Benja-
min Howell Jr., 34, and James
E. Clayton, 25, both of Dallas.
The trouble began when a fire
was reported on the downtown
jail's 11th floor. A sheriff's de-
partment spokesman said the dis-
turbances quickly spread to the
12th floor where other inmates
began setting mattress fires.

program -.development, recom-
mends the formation of a non-
profit corporation of a number of
small day care centers for use by
students, faculty. staff, and com-
munity. It suggests that the ini-
tial staff, facilities and office
space be funded by the Univer-j
In addition. the proposal recom-
mends that the University provide
the existing Child Care Action
C-nter with a Termanent site and
facilities and assume rent, main-
tenance and other services for two
years. After this time, the center
wou'd assume its own 0xoenses.
Citing a lack of funds and fa-
cilties, the Regents last year re-
jecteda child care proposal which
called for a joint University-city
funded children's center. The Re-
gent's veto followed a year of ef-
forts by women's groups to start
a center at the University.
The University has provided fa-j
cilities and some services to theI
Center in the past, but the fa-
cilities have always been suppliedj
on a temporary basis. The cen-
ter has been forced to relocate
four times in the last 15 months.
Coordinators of the center have
"fully endorsed" the OSS propos-
al. saying that they are "encour-
aged" by its release.
According to Knauss, the plan;
will not make mjor chanes in
the University's dealing with the
See OSS, Page 8

a o
THE "HIPPO", formerly the
emblem of the Radical Inde-
pendent Party, will be used to
signify HRP if they appear on
Michigan ballots.

rbmits petitions
By SARA FITZGERALD R a d i c a 1 Independent Par
The state - wide Human (HR-RIP) at a meeting in A
Rights Party (HRP) yesterday Arbor Sunday.
moved a step closer to assur- In presenting the petition
ing itself a place on the state Howard Jones, acting HI
election ballot by filing 21,000 chairman said, "We believe th
petition signatures with the the Human Rights Party ca
State Elections Office in Lan- offer an opportunity to esta
sing. lish priorities that will put b
The alternative party filed sic human needsahead of t
6.000 signatures more than the special privileges too long grar
number required by state law ed to the Pentagon, Genen
for a ballot position. This lee- Motors, Standard Oil and the
way, party officials say, should corporate allies."
compensate for any invalid sig- Jones also charged existi
By flgt petparties with supporting a "fo
By filing the petitions six eign policy based on the inevi
months before the April Ann ability of war with its ugly b
Arbor primary election, the products of human tragedy.
party if its petitions are vali- The party, which has abc
dated, will be eligible to run 1.000 members, is based prima
candidates in that contest. ily in Ann Arbor, Detroit, Fli
The party also designated the Lansing-East Lansing and Oal
hippopotamus as its ballot vig- land County. However, the
nette, adopting the trademark tins containe the
of thelocal Human Rights- titions contained the signatu
---of people from 75 counti


the operation of a 12 - member
committee to review requests for
exemptions from the policy.
Primary among those decisions
were ones specifying the commit-
tee's composition. As approved, the
proposal calls for two members
of the committee to be "philo-
sophically opposed" to classified
In addition the committee would
include two members engaged in
classified research at the time of
their appointment to the com-
The-remaining eight would be
"broadly- representative of the
University' community," although
f u t u r e interpretation of this
p h r a s e was not clear at last
night's meeting.
The 12-member board is also
to include three students. Assem-
bly will determine the selection
procedure for the student mem-
bers at a later date.
All classified research would
continue to be administered under
a slightly altered guideline pro-
hibiting research "the specific
purpose or clearly foreseeable re-
sult of which is to destroy human
life or to incapacitate human be-
This guideline would apply to
research that is classified "for
access only" as well as research on
which there are limitations on the
publication of results.
W h e n projects are classified
"for access only" all the results
of the project are open but the
researcher requires a s e c u r i t y
clearance for using secret infor-
mation, equipment or facilities in
preparing the project.
"Access only" projects would be
the one remaining area of classi-
fied research generally permitted
by the Schuman proposal.
Last night, as in previous As-
sembly debate it was the academic
arguments against secrecy in the
University community, andnot
the military nature of much of
present University classified re-
search, that provided the impetus
for change.
Meanwhile, the fate of the pres-
ent clearing-house for secret re-
search, the Classified Research
Committee (CRC), remains un-
clear. Schuman emphasized last
night that CRC not be "done away
with" but rather that the faculty-
student committee be reorganized
to conform with the new changes.

four-dak revolt at the maximum
security prison three weeks ago,
The New York Times reported
In, a detailed, hour-by-hour ac-
count of the prison insurrection,
the Times relates how a "chance
misunderstanding" in the prison
yard climaxed with the loss of 41
The incident in the prison yard
occurred as a white inmate-said
said to be a defensive coach for a
prison football team-showed a
young black inmate some line-
men's moves and feints.
A prison officer coming into the
yard thought the two prisoners
were fighting and-approaching
the men from the rear-placed his
hand on the black man's shoulder.
"Acting apparently on in-
stinct, (the inmate) spun around
and struck the guard" -a stun-
ning breach of prison order, the
Times reported.
Later that evening when the
two inmates were summoned for
questioning, a rumor circulated
among the prisoners that the two
men had been beaten.
Next morning on their way to
breakfast a group- of prisoners
"burst into rebellion" and the re-
volt was on.
Piecing together the ensuing
story through interviews with leg-
islators, lawyers, doctors and ne-
gotiators and by examining tapes,
films, letters and notebooks from
inside the prison, the Times re-
cords the following tension-filled
days from both inside and out-
side the prison yard.
Although the new Commissioner
of Correction Russell Oswald ini-
tially agreed to negotiate with the
prisoners on their demands as the
days ticked away with no settle-
ment made, Oswald felt pressured
to take further action.
At this time rumors of atroci-
ties by the rebels were spreading
among prison and state officials
and two days later troops of state
police stormed the prison, squash-
ing the revolt.
"There was virtually no resist-
ance from the prisoners" the
Times reported, though over 40
fatalities occurred.
After the riotwas quelled pri-
soners were forced- to crawl on
their elbows and knees into the
cell block with their faces in the
dirt, the Times reports.

Chishoim announces candidacy
By GAYLE POLLARD Democratic primaries, she w a s boyant congresswoman, over 61,
special To The Daily more specific Sunday evening. She organizations throughout t h e
CHICAGO - Rep. Shirley Chis- will enter Wisconsin, California, country and abroad are doing
holm (D-N.Y.) announced Sun- Oregon. North Carolina, and per- fund-raising activities for her up-
day she will seek the highest elec- haps Florida primaries and will coming campaign.
tive office in the country, capping formally announce her candidacy Outlining her campaign plan,
the final day of the Southern Jan. 1. Chisholm said, "We're going to
Christian Leadership Conference's! "In my own way, if I can be an form a coalition of all kinds of
(SCLC) Black Cultural and Busi- instrument to help black folks people - women, Chicanos.
ness Exposition. and other folks have input into Puerto Ricans blacks and stu-
"Yes, it's true that I dare to who is going to be chief execu- dents.
have the nerve, the guts and the tive then I am ready to put my-
audacity" she told an enthusias- self on the line and be expend- These people do not have a
tic crowd at the Women's Day/ able if necessary," Chisholm said, part of the structure which has
been determining their destiny,"
Politics of 1972 Workshop. "I am Chisholm said she had been she added.
going to run for president." asked by several minority groups
Although Chisholm had indicat- to consider running for the of- Stressing her position as both
ed earlier she would enter several fice and according to the flam- black and a woman, Chishom
classed herself as belonging to the
- ~. -. r, 'majority-minority.''


across the state.
Ann Arbor's Radical Indepen-
dent Party .(RIP) collected
about 9,000 signatures - 6,000
of which wire picked up in the
last three weeks.
At its meeting Sunday, HRP
also decided to set up an eight-
member steering committee,
made up equally of men and
women. The party will event-
ually set up platform commit-
tees as well.
Meanwhile, RIP has requested
representation on the city's
ward boundary commission.
The commission will soon begin
redistricting the city's wards
in accordance with 1970 census
However, according to Steve
N i s s e n, steering committee
member, Mayor Robert Harris
has turned down the request.
Harris was unavailable for
comment last night.

7l M "T _S' T°t 7 T 74k 1


bU' braces for budget cutback

University officials confirmed last night
they are prepaying for an impending cut-
back in the University's recently approved
$78.1 million appropriation for fiscal 1971-72.
Allan Smith, vice president for academic
affairs, said last night that he received a
letter from Lansing officials yesterday
"which nurnorts that the anponrition will

powered to cut appropriations up to three
per cent. Lansing officials would not specu-
late last night whether Milliken would seek
the full three per cent cut, however.
A University official said last night that
while it was distasteful, the cutback did not
catch the University by surprise.
Smith and Vice President and Chief Fi-
nancial Officer Wilbur Pierpont will be

In a directive to men she said:
"To my brothers, it is very im-
portant that you stop 'misunder-
standing Shirley Chisholm. I am
not here to compete with you-
brothers please get off my back."j
The plea seemed a response to
criticism that perhaps Chisholm
is becoming too involved w ith
Women's Liberation.
Although Chisholm alluded to
Women's Liberation throughout
her speech, her remarks were in
the context of the minority group
coalition, rather than focusing on
the group.
During the workshop, Chisholm
i was received enthusiasticallv by

Judge presents timeable for
Detroit school. integration plans

DETROIT (/P)-U.S. Dist. Judge Stephen Roth,
who last week found the Detroit School Board
and the Michigan Board of Education guilty of
de jure segregation, yesterday set up a time-
table for submitting plans to integrate the De-
troit school system.
In addition, a court clerk announced that the
judge has been submitted an integration plan by
Alex Richev ttornev for a citizen's groun seek-

-Within 12 days the Michigan Board of Edu-
cation must submit a plan to integrate suburban
Detroit schools-the extent of which will be de-
termined at a later date by Roth.
In addition, Roth's plan allows a 30-day per-
iod after each deadline to allow for filing ob-
jections to each plan or presenting alternative
Yesterday's hearing was devoted to a presenta-

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