Page Twelve
Sunday, December 5, 1971
.,_ _ __
India thrusts intoE.Pakistan
(Continued from Page 1)
legalize the disputed 1970 elections
in East Pakistan, in which the out-
lawed Awami League scored a ma-
jor victory, and to guarantee the
safe return of refugees from India
as a means of ending the conflict.
Other fighting occurred along the
cease-fire line in Kashmir, where
Indian and West Pakistani forces
fought a brief but bloody war in
According to Pakistani officials,
the cease-fire rules in Kashmir re-
quire that when an incident has
occurred the commanders of op-
posing Indian and Pakistani ranger
forces immediately consult.
This time, the spokesman said,
when the Pakistani commanders
went to talk with the Indians, they
were met by regular Indian troops
who fired on them. The Indian at-
tacks were said to have been sup-
ported by artillery and fighter
In the first 12 hours of fighting
in East Pakistan, at least 150 Pak-
istani troops were killed, an Indian
military spokesman in Calcutta
claimed. He did not disclose Indian
Most of the casualties were in-
flicted at Darsana, a road and rail
center close to the border on the
road to the major Pakistani gar-
rison town of Jessore, he added.
He said 100 Pakistani soldiers were
killed there and large quantaties of
arms and ammunition were cap-
On the other hand, Radio Paki-
stan reported that Indian forces all
along the East Pakistani border
were "being effectively met." It
reported severe fighting in the Jes-
sore district.
Indian planes spearheaded the
advance into East Pakistan and the
Defense Ministry reported the ad-
vance was rapid, but Defense Min-
For the student body:
Sizes 34to 50
State Street at Liberty
ister Jagjivan Ram listed only four
border towns captured, in a state-
ment to Parliament.
There was no confirmation from
West Pakistan but Radio Pakistan
claimed 36 Indian aircraft were
destroyed in two days' fighting.
India asserted 33 Pakistani planes
were destroyed, while it lost 11.
Ram told Parliament that some
ground had been lost around Fer-
ozepore, an Indian border city 200
miles northwest of New Delhi but
did not say how much.
Navy planes from India's only
aircraft carrier attacked East Pak-
istan's main port of Chittagong.
The Defense Ministry claimed two
gunboats, fuel dumps, hangars and
other strategic targets were de-
The commander of the East Pak-
istani operation, Lt. Gen. Jagjit
Singh Aurora, said in Calcutta:
"My aim is to make the Pakistani
forces surrender, and I should like
to carry on until then."
The general reported his forces'
had advanced up to three miles
into East Pakistan from the west,
and said there had been sharp
fighting, with the Pakistanis fight-
ing well. He thought the Pakistani
army "will fight to the bitter end.
They know that if they don't they
are finished anyway."
The day began dramatically with
Prime Minister Indira Gandhi tell-
ing Parliament that "this morning
the government of West Pakistan
declared war upon us.
Foreign Secretary T. N. Kaul
told a news conference in New
Delhi: "We are going to assert our
right to self-defenses and we shall
take every appropriate action to
safeguard the integrity and the
sovereignty." '
"India has no intention of an-
nexing any territory of Pakistan,'
Ram said. "What we want is that
Pakistan should live as a friendly
neighbor and cherish values of de-
mocracy and secularism which in
modern times is regarded as good,
and human values."
But, he assured the solemn house,
"Pakistan will be taught such a
lesson that they will remember it
for all times to come."
Youth attend workshops
at new voter conference
(Continued from Page 1) Indochina, and stop the reelection
of Nixon.
Rep. Paul McCloskey (R-Cal.) f
When denied further chance to Students at the conference ex-
speak, the blacks and Chicanos press many diverse reasons for
walked out amid boos from the their attendance. Some say theyl
crowd. cameto learn methods forchange,
others say they want to promote
Last night's session followed a a specific presidential aspirant,
day of well-attended workshops and still others say they have ab-
on various means for achieving solutely no faith in the electoral
change from within the system. process and came to see what was1
After the workshops, the stu- going on.
dents divided into. state caucuses Meetings and workshops will
early yesterday evening which be- continue today in order to estab-
gan to define of the conferences lish a permanent steering commit-
goals. tee for New York City, which or-
Various states' delegates argued ganizers say will work towards in-
that the conference should take creasing voter registration across
stands on specific issues such as the country, gaining youth dele-
abortion reform and amnesty for
draft resisters. gates to the national convention
and lobbying for youth goals be-
Conference organizers however fore the legislature.
insisted that the group organize
around broad issues to foster its
Speaking to these broad goals, Sun. 10-6 p.m. Dec. 5
McCloskey, Allard Lowenstein and 1314 Marlborough
a message from Charles Evers all (off Packard, past Stadium)
urged the students to press for a! 971-2455
change in the present political RITA DIBERT MESSENGER
system in order to end the war in GEORGETTE ZIRBES STULL
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